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Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 74(2): e768, May.-Aug. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408905


Introducción: La coinfección del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y la tuberculosis ha alterado su presentación histológica, esto es particularmente frecuente en las linfadenitis. Objetivos: Realizar la caracterización etiológica de linfadenopatías producidas por el género Mycobacterium, destacar la importancia del diagnóstico precoz de esta enfermedad para evitar diseminación de la infección, tanto en pacientes inmunocompetentes como inmunodeficientes, específicamente con VIH/sida. Método: Se realizó estudio descriptivo-prospectivo entre enero de 2017 y enero de 2019. Durante este período se recibieron 5640 muestras, de estas 81 obtenidas a partir de tejido ganglionar; la toma de muestra mayoritariamente fue quirúrgica 74 (91,35 por ciento) y 7 (8,64 por ciento) por biopsia aspirativa (BAAF). Del total de muestras, 60 (74,07 por ciento) procedían de pacientes con VIH/sida, las muestras se descontaminaron por el método de ácido sulfúrico al 4 por ciento, se cultivaron en medio sólido Löwenstein-Jensen e incubaron a 37°C. Se realizaron lecturas semanalmente. Para identificar Mycobacterium tuberculosis se realizó la prueba rápida comercial inmunocromatográfica SD TB AgMPT64. Resultados: De 81 muestras analizadas se obtuvieron 22 (27,16 por ciento) aislamientos, 16 (72,72 por ciento) de Mycobacterium tuberculosis, y 6 (27,27 por ciento) de especies no tuberculosas. De estas, 18 (81,81 por ciento) procedían de pacientes con VIH/sida. Conclusión: Por todo lo antes expuesto es importante la vigilancia diagnóstica en este tipo de infección extrapulmonar, tanto para M. tuberculosis como para otras especies no tuberculosas y poder comenzar tempranamente el tratamiento específico evitando la diseminación de la infección, pues esta puede tener consecuencias fatales, sobre todo en pacientes con algún tipo de inmunosupresión, como aquellos con VHI/sida. Si un paciente mantiene fiebre prolongada, con linfadenopatías, sin síntomas respiratorios y no responde a los tratamientos con antibióticos, es necesario pensar en este tipo de infección(AU)

Introduction: The coinfection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis has altered its histological presentation; this is particularly frequent in lymphadenitis. Objective: To carry out the etiological characterization of lymphadenopathies produced by the genus Mycobacterium, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis of this disease to avoid dissemination of the infection, both in immunocompetent and immunodeficient patients, specifically HIV / AIDS. Methods: A descriptive-prospective study was carried out between January 2017 - January 2019. During this period, 5640 samples were received, of these 81 obtained from lymph node tissue, the sample collection was mostly surgical 74 (91.35 percent) and 7 (8.64 percent) by aspiration biopsy (BAAF). Of the total samples, 60 (74.07 percent) were from HIV / AIDS patients, the samples were decontaminated by the 4 percent sulfuric acid method and cultured in solid Löwenstein-Jensen medium and incubated at 370C, the readings were made weekly. For the identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the commercial SD TB AgMPT64 immunochromatographic rapid test was performed. Results: Of 81 samples analyzed, 22 (27.16 percent) isolates were obtained, 16 (72.72 percent) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), and 6 (27.27 percent) of non-tuberculous species, of these 18 (81.81%) were from HIV / AIDS patients. Conclusion: For all the above, diagnostic surveillance is important in this type of extrapulmonary infection, both for M tuberculosis and for other non-tuberculous species and to be able to start specific treatment early, avoiding the spread of the infection, since it can have fatal consequences on all in patients with some type of immunosuppression, such as HIV/AIDS. If a patient maintains a prolonged fever, with lymphadenopathy, without respiratory symptoms and does not respond to antibiotic treatment, it is necessary to consider this type of infection(AU)

Humans , Early Diagnosis , Lymphadenopathy/diagnosis , Lymphadenitis/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408677


Introducción: La infección por VIH es actualmente una pandemia que afecta millones de personas, que provoca complicaciones y la muerte a muchos pacientes. Objetivo: Caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a los pacientes con VIH/sida, pertenecientes al municipio de Guanabacoa, La Habana. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo en el municipio de Guanabacoa, La Habana, en el periodo comprendido entre enero 1986 y diciembre 2019. El universo de estudio quedó conformado por 647 pacientes con diagnóstico de VIH/sida. Las principales variables a medir fueron: edad, sexo, orientación sexual, color de la piel, estado civil y nivel escolar. Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino sobre el femenino (538 v/s 109), el grupo de edad de 20 -29 años, la homosexualidad (404 pacientes, para un 62,44 por ciento) y el color de piel blanca (51,93 por ciento) y valor p < 0,0001, los solteros (526 pacientes) y los pacientes con nivel escolar de secundaria básica (292 pacientes). Conclusiones: Predominó el sexo masculino, la homosexualidad, el color de piel blanca, los solteros y el nivel escolar de secundaria básica(AU)

Introduction: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is currently a pandemic affecting millions of people, causing complications and death to many patients. Objective: To characterize, clinically and epidemiologically, patients with HIV or AIDS in Guanabacoa Municipality, Havana. Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out in Guanabacoa Municipality, Havana, between January 1986 and December 2019. The study universe consisted of 647 patients diagnosed with HIV or AIDS. The main variables to be measured were age, sex, sexual orientation, skin color, marital status, and school level. Results: There was a predominance of the male sex over the female (538 versus 109), together with the age group 20-29 years, homosexuality (404 patients, 62.44 percent), and the white skin color (51.93 percent); P-value was under 0.0001. There was also a predominance of single patients (526) and patients with junior high school level (292). Conclusions: The male sex, homosexuality, white skin color, single as marriage status, and junior high school level predominated(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/mortality , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies
Rev. salud pública ; Rev. salud pública;24(1): e200, ene.-feb. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377213


RESUMEN Objetivo Determinar el conocimiento y las actitudes de un grupo de 53 jóvenes de la Cruz Roja de la Juventud en la Seccional Valle del Cauca sobre el fenómeno social del VIH/SIDA y sus portadores. Método El diseño de la investigación se basó en la línea de desarrollo humano y construcción de ciudadanía, bajo el método cuantitativo de orden descriptivo. Para la recolección de la información, se empleó un formato de encuesta de tipo descriptivo con preguntas cerradas o de alternativa fija, compuesto por un cuestionario de 39 preguntas. Resultados Entre el 69% y 72% de los jóvenes refieren conocimiento sobre sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos; sin embargo, un porcentaje bajo, entre 26% y 39%, afirma haber recibido asesoría sobre la realización de la prueba del VIH, un porcentaje menor se la ha realizado. Conclusiones Es claro el bajo nivel de reconocimiento que tienen las instituciones y los medios de comunicación como difusores de temas relacionados con la salud sexual y reproductiva y el VIH/SIDA. Por otro lado, a pesar del reconocimiento de sus derechos, perviven en los jóvenes mitos sobre la forma de contagio, la actitud de distanciamiento con los portadores y las conductas de riesgo en las prácticas sexuales.

ABSTRACT Objective Determine the knowledge and attitudes of a group of 53 young people of the Red Cross of Youth in the Valle del Cauca Sectional about the social phenomenon of HIV/AIDS and its bearers. Method The design of the research was based on the line of human development and construction of citizenship, under the quantitative method of descriptive order. For the collection of information, a descriptive survey format with closed questions or a fixed alternative was used, consisting of a questionnaire of 39 questions. Results Between 69% and 72% of young people report knowledge about their sexual and reproductive rights, however, a low percentage between 26% and 39% say they have received counseling about the HIV test and a smaller percentage have accomplished. Conclusions It is clear the low levels that institutions and media have in the dissemination of the topic of sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. Despite the recognition of their rights, myths persist about the form of contagion, the attitude of distancing with carriers and risk behaviors in sexual practices.

Más Vita ; 2(3,Extraord): 19-29, dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1373022


La adherencia al tratamiento constituye actualmente una de las principales preocupaciones en relación al control del VIH/sida, asociándose fuertemente al éxito o fracaso terapéutico. Este estudio muestra la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral identificando diversos factores que podrían ser facilitadores u obstáculos por medio de la aplicación de los instrumentos cuantitativo y cualitativo. Objetivo: Validación los instrumentos cuantitativo y cualitativo para determinar los factores que influyen en la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral y analizar la percepción del paciente sobre el seguimiento que recibe en el Servicio de Farmacia Integral. Métodos: La investigación es mixta, de corte transversal y de tipo exploratorio, descriptivo. El diseño es no experimental. La validación de los instrumentos se realizará mediante juicio de expertos, se utilizó una prueba piloto para el cuantitativo con 15 pacientes, seleccionados de forma no aleatoria, no probabilística. Para el instrumento cualitativo se utiliza un paciente. Resultados: 98.8% de confiabilidad de los instrumentos cualitativos y 85% cuantitativo. De las conductas o comportamiento individual de los pacientes depende exclusivamente la adherencia terapéutica. La percepción del usuario es buena sobre el desempeño profesional al realizar el seguimiento terapéutico, pero todavía se demuestra que deben incrementarse las acciones para que se logre una verdadera descentralización de la atención. Conclusiones: El instrumento es apto para aplicar a los usuarios, los factores sociodemográficos, comportamiento individual y conductas frente al tratamiento influyen en la adherencia terapéutica(AU)

Adherence to treatment is currently one of the main concerns in relation to the control of HIV / AIDS, strongly associated with therapeutic success or failure. This study shows adherence to antiretroviral treatment by identifying various factors that could be facilitators or obstacles through the application of quantitative and qualitative instruments. Objective: Validation of the quantitative and qualitative instruments to determine the factors that influence adherence to antiretroviral treatment and analyze the patient's perception of the follow-up they receive at the Comprehensive Pharmacy Service. Methods: The research is mixed, cross-sectional and exploratory, descriptive. The design is non-experimental. The validation of the instruments was carried out through expert judgment; a pilot test was used for the quantitative with 15 patients, selected in a non-random, non-probabilistic way. One patient selected for the qualitative instrument. Results: 98.8% reliability of the qualitative instruments and 85% quantitative. The conduct or individual behavior of the patients depends exclusively on therapeutic adherence. The user's perception is good on the professional performance when carrying out the therapeutic follow-up, but it is showing yet, that the actions must be increase so that achieve a true decentralization of care. Conclusions: The instrument is suitable to apply to users, sociodemographic factors, individual behavior and behaviors towards treatment influence therapeutic adherence(AU)

HIV/drug effects , Anti-Retroviral Agents/therapeutic use , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Alcohol Drinking , Epidemiology , Communicable Diseases , Life Style
Univ. salud ; 22(2): 120-126, mayo-ago. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1115961


Introducción: La atención odontológica oportuna e inclusiva tiene un papel importante en las personas con VIH/SIDA, por cuanto permite prevenir y dar tratamiento a las múltiples lesiones orales que acompañan a esta patología, mejorando la calidad de vida de esta población. Objetivo: Determinar la percepción y experiencia de pacientes con VIH/SIDA sobre la consulta odontológica en una Institución Prestadora de Salud (IPS) de Santa Marta, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo cuantitativo donde participaron 64 pacientes con VIH/SIDA de una IPS de la ciudad de Santa Marta, quienes se les aplicó un instrumento de recolección de datos. Resultados: El 65,6% expresó nunca percibir rechazo por parte del odontólogo, el 25% refiere haber experimentado algún rechazo por lo menos una vez y un 9,4% siempre se siente rechazado. Conclusiones: Existe la necesidad de abordar esta enfermedad no sólo desde el aspecto clínico, sino también desde lo social, para educar tanto al profesional de la salud como a la comunidad, sobre avances científicos, el estudio de esta patología y los riesgos reales de contraerla, para desmitificar esta afección y erradicar la discriminación hacia los pacientes.

Introduction: Timely and comprehensive dental care is important for HIV/AIDS patients as it facilitates prevention and treatment of the multiple oral lesions that accompany this pathology, and consequently, improves their quality of life. Objective: To determine the perception and experience of the dental care service provided by a Health Provider Institution (HPI) to HIV/AIDS patients from the city of Santa Marta (Colombia). Materials and methods: A descriptive quantitative study was carried out with 64 HIV/AIDS patients treated in the HPI, to whom a data collection instrument was applied. Results: 65.6% of the HIV/AIDS patients did not perceive any rejection from the dentist, whereas 25% and 9.4% of these patients reported being discriminated at least once and always, respectively. Conclusions: There is a need to approach this disease not only from a clinical standpoint but also from a social perspective in order to educate both health professionals and communities about: scientific advances; how to study this pathology; and the risks of contracting HIV/AIDS. It is also necessary to demystify some misconceptions and eradicate discrimination against these patients.

Humans , Dental Care , HIV , Perception , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Gac. méd. espirit ; 17(3): 20-29, dic. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-769335


Fundamento: El sida es una de principales causas de muerte en pacientes jóvenes y en la provincia esta enfermedad ha tenido un aumento. Objetivo: Caracterizar la mortalidad por VIH/sida en Sancti Spíritus del 1986 al 2011. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, con análisis de información retrospectiva, que incluyó 90 fallecidos por esta causa, las variables incluyeron edad, sexo, años vividos con diagnóstico de VIH/sida, municipio de residencia, causa del fallecimiento, uso de tratamiento antirretroviral y grado de inmunodepresión. Resultados: Cabaiguán y Sancti Spíritus aportaron el mayor número de fallecidos, el sexo masculino y las edades de 21-40 fueron los más frecuentes, en los periodos de 1996-2000 y 2006-2010; la tendencia fue siempre ascendente. Alrededor de 70 de ellos tenían pocos años de infección por VIH y no utilizaron tratamiento, para un 77.8 %, fallecieron 26 antes de recibir Tratamiento Antirretroviral de Gran Actividad en 1996. Las causas de muerte fundamentales fueron: síndrome de desgaste, neumonía por Pneumocisty jeroveci, neurotoxoplasmosis y cryptosporidiasis Conclusiones: En el período se manifestó tendencia ascendente de la mortalidad en la provincia. El estado de inmunodepresión marcada y alto porcentaje de no uso de Tratamiento Antirretroviral de Gran Actividad que favoreció la aparición de enfermedades oportunistas causantes de las defunciones.

Background: The AIDS is one of main causes of death in young patients and in this county where this illness has had an increase. Objective: To characterize the mortality by HIV/AIDS in Sancti Spíritus from 1986 to 2011. Methodology: It was carried out a descriptive study, with retrospective analysis of the information that included 90 deaths by this cause, the variables included age, sex, lived years with the HIV/AIDS diagnose, residence municipality, causes of the death, use of antiretroviral treatment and immunodepression grade. Results: Cabaiguán and Sancti Spíritus contributed to the biggest number of deceases, the masculine sex and the ages from 21-40 were the most frequent, in the period from 1996-2000 and 2006-2010; the tendency was always upward. Around 70 of them had few years of infection for HIV and they didn't use treatment, from a 77.8%, 26 died before receiving Antiretroviral Treatment of Great Activity in 1996. The fundamental causes of death were: waste syndrome, pneumonia for Pneumocystis jeroveci, neurotoxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis. Conclusions: In the period it showed an upward tendency of the mortality in the county. The state of marked immunodepression and high percentage of no use of the Antiretroviral Treatment of Great Activity favored the appearance of opportunist illnesses causing the deceases.

Humans , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/mortality , HIV Infections , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active/mortality
Acta odontol. venez ; 52(1)2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-777810


Se presenta caso clínico de paciente con lesiones blanquecinas en bordes laterales de lengua de 1 año de evolución aproximadamente; clínicamente asintomático, sin hábitos tóxicos ni antecedentes médicos de importancia. Actualmente bajo tratamiento ortodóntico, en donde el especialista lo alerta sobre la importancia de interconsultar con el Patólogo Bucal. Luego de una exhaustiva historia clínica, se toma muestra de la lesión y el examen histopatológico arrojó: hiperplasia epitelial exofítica, paraqueratosis excesiva y células superficiales en forma de globo con típica fragmentación nuclear, indicativo de inclusión viral (Cuerpos de Cowdry). Con estos hallazgos, la correlación con las características clínicas de la lesión y los exámenes serológicos (positivo para VIH), se llega a un diagnóstico conclusivo de Leucoplasia Pilosa Bucal (LPB). Se remitió el paciente al Instituto Anzoatiguense de la Salud (SALUDANZ), entidad encargada de problemas de Salud Pública en el Edo. Anzoátegui. La Leucoplasia Pilosa Bucal (LPB) se presenta comúnmente en pacientes VIH+ y representa un factor informativo y predictivo para el odontólogo, estomatólogo y cualquier especialista de la rama de la salud, en cuanto al tratamiento, diagnóstico y pronóstico bucal y sistémico del paciente.

We report the clinical case of a patient with whitish lesions on lateral tongue edges with 1 year of evolution approximately, clinically asymptomatic, without toxic habits or important medical history. The patient was in orthodontic treatment, when the specialist warns the importance of Bucal Pathologist review. After a thorough medical history, biopsy was taken and histopathological examination showed: exophytic epithelial hyperplasia, excessive parakeratosis and superficial balloon cells with typical nuclear fragmentation, indicative of viral inclusion (Cowdry Body´s). With these findings and correlation with lesion clinical features and serological tests (HIV positive), the final diagnosis was Bucal Hairy leukoplakia (OHL). The patient was referred Anzoatiguense Health Institute (Saludanz), entity responsible of public health problems in the Anzoátegui State, Venezuela. The Bucal Hairy Leukoplakia (OHL) occurs commonly in HIV patients and represents an informative and predictive factor for the dentist, stomatologist and any health branch specialist for treatment, diagnosis and prognosis of the patient.

Humans , Male , Adult , Mouth Diseases/complications , Mouth Diseases/etiology , Leukoplakia, Oral/pathology , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/pathology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Oral Medicine , Pathology, Oral
Rev. chil. nutr ; 40(3): 303-308, set. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-695761


Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 is a probiotic strain that has received considerable attention from the scientific community. It has tolerance to higher temperatures and lower, acidic pH than other bacteria. When administered for 12 months to infants and children together with S. thermophilus this was associated with lower incidences of acute diarrhea. Studies in different countries and with different experimental designs confirmed these results. It was also shown that its administration did not interfere the growth or the normal weight gain of the children. Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 was associated with decreases of the fecal excretion of rotavirus during episodes of diarrhea, a fact that represents an epidemiological benefit. Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 exerts positive effects on manifestations of atopy/eczema, with decreases of the parameters of inflammation such as CD4 in blood serum and eosinophil protein X in urine. This was associated with changes in the extension and severity of the skin lesions. No modifications of the normal growth parameters were observed when Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis CNCM I-3446 was given. Administration of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 is associated with higher levels of fecal sIgA and calprotectin, which are considered parameters of immune responses and ofthe capacity to launch inflammatory responses. The statements made by some groups that infants under 4 months of age who are not breastfed should not receive probiotics have weak support if it is considered that maternal milk contains a large number and variety of strains of bacteria which may be considered as probiotics. These may not only protect from acute diarrhea but also from upper respiratory infections. Although cases of septicemia due to probiotic have been reported these represent an infinitely small proportion of the total numbers of consumers. No outbreaks have been reported that would point to invasive properties in a strain. It is not advisable to administer any living bacteria to individuals in shock or with innate or severe defects of immunity. However, carriers of HIV or patients with AIDS benefit from probiotic agents. A study carried out in Chile showed that although without evident clinical benefits L. rhamnosus HN001, significantly increased fecal sIgA as a manifestation of improved mucosal defense in the digestive tract.

Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 es una de las cepaBifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 es una de las cepas probióticas más estudiadas. Posee ventajas que la hacen útil para el uso industrial: tolerancia a ambientes ácidos y a temperaturas superiores a las de los demás probióticos. En un estudio de 12 meses Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 fue administrada por un año asociada con S. thermophilus y se observó que los niños experimentaron menos episodios de diarrea aguda. Estudios con seguimientos de distinta duración y diseño refrendaron estos resultados y su administración no ejercía influencias negativas en el crecimiento. Esta bifido-bacteria inducía disminuciones de la excreción de rotavirus durante episodios de diarrea, lo que disminuye la posibilidad de contagios. Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 ejerce efectos positivos sobre las manifestaciones de atopia como el eccema con el descenso de marcadores de inflamación tales como CD4 en el suero y de la proteína X de los eosinófilos en la orina; y mejorías de las alteraciones de la permeabilidad. Estudios con Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis CNCM I-3446 administrada con ARA y DHA mostraron alteraciones de los parámetros de crecimiento y bioquímicos en lactantes y preescolares en seguimientos entre 14 y 119 días. La administración de Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 junto con inmunizaciones se asociaba con niveles más elevados de sIgA específica anti-poliovirus y de calprotectina, cuyos niveles estarían asociados con los de esta inmunoglobulina. Se ha sostenido que no existe justificación para administrar probióticos a menores de 4-6 meses no amamantados, el hecho que la leche materna los proporciona en cantidad y variedad apoya las posibles ventajas de su administración. Los probióticos protegerían no sólo de infecciones del tracto gastrointestinal sino también de las respiratorias altas. Hay casos aislados de sepsis en individuos con diversas afecciones, pero la proporción de afectados es mínima. No se han comunicado brotes epidémicos que indicarían cepas probióticas con capacidades invasoras. Probablemente no es aconsejable administrarlos a sujetos en shock o con defectos de la función de barrera intestinal. Los portadores de VIH y los pacientes con SIDA experimentan mejorías al recibir probióticos. En un estudio en Chile se demostró que aunque sin efectos clínicamente evidentes, administrar L. rhamnosus HN001 produjo aumentos del la IgA secretoria fecal, que representa un aumento de las defensas del tubo digestivo.

Humans , Immunoglobulin A , Health , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , HIV , Probiotics , Dysentery , Bifidobacterium animalis
Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol ; 48(3): 242-252, sep.-dic. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-615272


En Venezuela, la tasa de incidencia anual de la infección por VHI/SIDA es de 2 por cada millón de habitantes en adolescentes. Los estados con tasa superior al promedio nacional son Distrito Federal, Bolívar y Mérida; la incidencia es más temprana en varones de 15 a 19 años y de 20 a 24 años, con el 3,03 por ciento y 11,24 por ciento, respectivamente. En julio de 2007 se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, con la finalidad de identificar actitudes frente al VHS/SIDA en estudiantes de la Escuela Técnica Industrial "Simón Rodríguez". La recopilación de los datos estuvo a cargo de los investigadores mediante un cuestionario realizado al efecto. Los resultados reflejaron que el 84 por ciento comenzó las relaciones sexuales antes de los 15 años de edad, el 64,1 por ciento mantuvieron inestabilidad con su pareja sexual y utilizaron poco el condón como medio de protección en las relaciones sexuales. Se puede concluir que las actitudes que más atención demandan son la inestabilidad de la pareja sexual y el poco uso del condón, lo que pudiera estar indicando que es necesario crear programas educativos que aborden estas temáticas en el centro educacional.

In Venezuela, the annual rate of HIV/AIDS infection is of two by each million of inhabitants in adolescents. The states with the higher rate to national average are the following: Federal District, Bolivar and Merida, the incidence is earlier in males aged 15-19 and 20-24 is of 3,03 percent and 12,24 percent, respectively. In July, 2007 a descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted to identify the attitudes towards HIV/AIDS in students of the "Simón Rodríguez"Industrial Technique School. Researchers performed the data collection by a questionnaire applied to that end. The results showed that the 84 percent started the sexual intercourses before the 15 years old, the 64,1 percent maintained instability with its partner and not much use of condom as a protection mean in sexual intercourses. It is possible to conclude that the attitudes with more attention are the instability of sexual partner and the not much use of condom being necessary to create educational programs approaching these subject matters in the educational institution.

Arch. venez. farmacol. ter ; 29(2): 35-38, jun. 2010. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-630375


Las meningoencefalitis por gérmenes oportunistas ocupan un lugar importante dentro de la patología neurológica del paciente sida, Treponema pallidum y Mycobacterium tuberculosis dentro de las bacterias, Cryptococcus neoformans dentro de los hongos, Toxoplasma gondii dentro de los protozoos y el Papovirus JC dentro de los virus, son de los gérmenes mas frecuentes dentro de cada grupo. También en los pacientes inmunodeprimidos en general y en particular en el paciente sida, se han encontrado con cierta frecuencia infecciones mixtas, precisamente por el gran deterioro en su barrera inmunológica. La meningitis tuberculosa (MTB) es la forma mas grave en que se manifiesta la tuberculosis extrapulmonar, pues la inespecificidad de sus síntomas, la lentitud en el diagnóstico etiológico y las severas secuelas neurológicas que puede producir sobre todo en este tipo de paciente, hacen de esta enfermedad un importante problema de salud, tanto en países desarrollados como en los que están en vías de desarrollo. En este estudio se describe el ¨primer caso¨ meningitis e infección diseminada por Mycobacterium tuberculosis en paciente cubano infectado por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana

Meningoencephalitis due to opportunistic germs has an important place among the neurological diseases in AIDS patient. Treponema pallidum and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (bacteria), Cryptococcus neoformans (fungi), Toxoplasma gondii (protozoa), and Papovirus JC (virus) are the most frequently germs found in each group. Likewise, in immunodepressed patients in general and in HIV/AIDS patients in particular, mixed infections have been frequently found, basically as a consequence of the patient’s deteriorated immunological barrier. Tuberculosis meningitis (TBM) is the most severe form of presentation of the extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Its unspecific symptoms, the delay in the etiological diagnosis, and the severe neurological sequelae that can appear in this specific type of patient make of this disease an important health problem, in both developed and developing countries. This study describes the "first case" of meningitis and disseminated infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a Cuban patient infected by the human immunodeficiency virus

Humans , Male , Adult , Antitubercular Agents , HIV , Tuberculosis, Meningeal/complications , Tuberculosis, Meningeal/etiology , Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Rev. gerenc. políticas salud ; 8(17): 106-122, dic. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-586274


Se presenta una perspectiva de género para el análisis de la situación en salud, así como la articulación de las categorías género y salud para entender las diferencias de la salud de la mujer con respecto a la del varón, y también las especificidades que poseen las identidades de género no normativas, tales como las de personas transgeneristas. La información epidemiológica enmascara una gran parte de los problemas de mayor prevalencia e incidencia en cada sexo. Se recomienda prestar atención específica a aquellos procesos que subyacen a los problemas de salud de hombres y mujeres, y que trascienden el individualismo biomédico, así como estudiar las fuerzas sociales e históricas que por razones de género resultan en desventaja para el disfrute de la salud, y pasar del ámbito individual al colectivo.

This article gives a gender perspective of the analysis of the health situation, as well as the articulation between the categories of gender and health, in order to understand the differencesbetween women’s and men’s health and also the specificities that not normative gender identity has, such as the transgender people have. The epidemiological information masks a high proportion of problems with a greater prevalence and incidence on one of the sexes. The recommendationsare, to lend special attention to the disparate processes underlying the unhealthy lives of women and men, to transcend biomedical individualism, as well as to study the socialand historical forces which generate gender-related health disadvantages, and to pass from the individual to the collective level.

Apresenta-se una perspectiva de gênero para a analise da situação em saúde, bem como a articulação das categorias gênero e saúde para entender as diferenças da saúde da mulher comrespeito à do homem, e também as especificidades que possuem as identidades de gênero não normativas, tais como as de pessoas transgeneristas. A informação epidemiológica mascara uma grande parte dos problemas de maior prevalência e incidência em cada sexo. Recomenda-se prestar atendimento específico aos processos que subjazem aos problemas de saúde de homens emulheres, e que transcendam o individualismo biomédico, assim como estudar as forças sociais e históricas que por razões de gênero de sejam desvantagens para o desfrute da saúde e passar do âmbito individual ao coletivo.

Gender Identity , Women's Health , HIV , Men's Health
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 60(2)mayo-ago. 2008. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-506349


Objetivo: identificar la prevalencia de la infección por los virus de la hepatitis B (VHB) y C (VHC) en individuos infectados por VIH en la provincia de Cienfuegos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de corte transversal hasta el mes del abril de 2005 y se analizaron variables clínicas y el recuento de linfocitos TCD4+ (LTCD4+). Resultados: la prevalencia de la infección por el VHB resultó 14,4 por ciento y por el VHC 20 por ciento. La frecuencia del SIDA fue superior en los pacientes con hepatitis B (77,8 por ciento) respecto a los infectados por el VHC (28,6 por ciento). El porcentaje de casos con menos de 500 LTCD4+ resultó superior en los coinfectados por el VHC (57,4 por ciento); 4 enfermos (14,8 por ciento) tenían realizado estudio histológico hepático. Conclusión: la coinfección de los VHB/VHC y el VIH es un problema frecuente en la provincia, sin embargo, se desconocen aspectos clínicos y epidemiológicos que ameritan nuevos estudios.

Objective: To identify the prevalence of hepatitis B and C virus infections (HVB) and (HVC) in individuals infected by HIV in Cienfuegos province. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed till April 2005 in which clinical variables and TCD4+ lymphocyte count were analyzed. Results: the prevalence of HVB infection was 14,4 percent and of HVC was 20 percent. AIDS frequency was higher in patients suffering from hepatitis B (77,8 percent) than in those with hepatitis C (28,6 percent). Percentage of cases under 500 TCD4+ count was higher in patients coinfested with HVC (57,4 percent); also 4 patients (14,8 percent) had been performed a hepatic histological study. Conclusion: HVB/HVC co-infection and HIV is a common problem in the province; however, clinical and epidemiological aspects that are yet unknown call for new studies.

Humans , Hepatitis B/epidemiology , Hepatitis C/epidemiology , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Salud ment ; Salud ment;28(5): 40-49, sep.-oct. 2005.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-985915


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Summary Introduction. HIV infection is a chronic-character illness which implies a high level of uncertainty for patients. Indeed, HIV infection involves confronting an illness surrounded by social stigma and refusal. There following are some of the situations that suppose big emotional repercussions: When an individual does not know whether he/she is infected, when he/she receives HIV diagnosis, or when he/she must say to other people that he/ she is HIV positive. The emotional effects are depression, anxiety, and anger, which are frecuent emotional reactions among HIV infected patients. These reactions disappear when the patient adapts to his/her condition of HIV infected. Likewise, the uncertainty that produces HIV infection is related both to high levels of anxiety and depression because patients do not know how their infection will evolve. Anger and depression constitute other emotional factors related to a faster evolution of HIV infection. In addition to that, depression has effects over the fullfillment of the HIV infection treatment guidelines. Considering the importance of emotional aspects in HIV infection, this research's aims were to verify the differences in the sample of patients with HIV that has been evaluated regarding characteristics of depression, state of anxiety, state of anger, trait of anger, and expression of anger according to gender, stage of HIV infection, CD4 cells, viral load, transmission way, and the presence of lipodystrophy. Another aim was to verify if there were any differences between the sample of persons with HIV/AIDS that has been evaluated and the normative group in symptoms of depression, state of anxiety, state of anger, trait of anger, and expression of anger. Method. In the present research paticipated 100 HIV/AIDS-infected patients; 37 of them were women and 63 were men. The patients attended medical visits in different hospitals of Andalusia (Spain). The age rank of these patients was between 18 and 70 years. The average age was 39.55 years and the standard deviation was 7.49. The instruments used for the assessment were the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the subscale of state of anxiety of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI-2). The data were collected in three hospitals of the Andalusian region by the same investigator and the confidentiality of the data was guaranteed. Another information collected were clinical data of the patients from the case histories. The statistic program SPSS 11.0 was used for the analysis of the data. This study has an ex post facto retrospective design. Results. The results showed statistically significant differences in state of anxiety according to the viral load and lipodystrophy, with higher levels of state of anxiety in the group that had a halfway point in viral load and in the group that did not show lypodistrophy. On the other hand, there were statistically significant differences in the state of anger according to the stage of HIV infection, with higher levels of anger in the group that was in the symptomatic stage of HIV infection. In this study it has been found that most men with HIV/AIDS showed symptoms of depression that were between slight, moderate, and severe depression. In contrast, a big part of the group of women did not show characteristics of depression. With regard to anxiety, an important proportion of men showed a state of anxiety, while women did not show it in most cases. Most men and women presented a low level of state of anger. In the variable trait of anger, it has been found that approximately half of the men was in the normal rank. In the group of women, the majority was in the normal rank of trait of anger too. Finally, with regard to expression of anger, more of a third of the men and women with HIV/AIDS did not express anger. Discussion. The stage of the HIV infection could be a factor that explains the high presence of characteristics of depression in men. Women could have better ways to confront the illness than men. The high levels of depression symptoms and anxiety in the group of men could be explained by the ignorance about how the infection will evolve. Other results indicated that patients infected by heterosexual relationships showed higher anxiety than patients infected by the intravenous use of drugs. This fact could be explained by a higher presence of cognitions related to the evolution of the HIV infection or risk behaviors in people who were infected by heterosexual intercourse. Patients with a halfway point in viral load showed higher levels of state of anxiety and state of anger than patients with low viral load, because people with halfway point in viral load were more aware of the deterioration produced by the HIV infection and they did not assume it. The stage of HIV infection could be a factor that explains the higher levels of state of anger in patients in the symptomatic stage. The presence of lipodystrophy implies a deterioration of corporal image in patients that suffer this syndrome. It has been found that patients who did not have lipodystrophy showed higher levels of state of anxiety than the patients with lipodystrophy. This result is incongruent with other studies that have been made. It is suggested that this is an effect of a small sample. However, two explanations can be advanced about this result. On the one hand, lipodystrophy has nowadays a subjective diagnosis, and it could be the case that many patients' lipodystrophy has not being diagnosed, when they actually have the syndrome. On the other, it has been observed that there are delays when the data related to lipodystrophy must be gathered in case histories and thus it is not known if a patient endures lipodystrophy exactly. It could be the case that a patient suffers lipodystrophy and this fact does not appear in the case history. Considering that depression and anxiety are frequent disorders in patients with HIV/AIDS and that these factors influence the immune system, the results obtained could be used for the design of intervention programs whose aims would be the assessment and the intervention of depression and anxiety. Some aspects which would be important to assess in future researches with HIV/AIDS patients are social support, levels of perceived stigma, and the perception of health control.

San Salvador; s.n; 2003. 80 p. Tab.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1253349


La presente investigación ha sido realizada con el objetivo de establecer cuáles son las lesiones orales que afectan más frecuentemente a los niños que son atendidos en el Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom y que padecen de infección por VIH/SIDA. La infección por el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) en niños, se presenta de igual forma que en adultos, es una enfermedad progresiva con un desarrollo clínico que va desde una infección asintomática hasta una profunda inmunosupresión, con un resultado fatal. Desde que el virus penetra en el organismo hasta el momento en que se presentan los signos y síntomas del síndrome pueden transcurrir varios años denominándose a este tiempo período de ventana, en el cual las personas son portadores del virus siendo capaces de transmitirlo por lo que los trabajadores de la salud deben estar alerta y usar barreras de protección para evitar la contaminación. La gran ventaja y al mismo tiempo la responsabilidad que tienen los odontólogos, es que el primer signo de la infección se puede presentar en la cavidad oral. Siendo esta la oportunidad de detectar tempranamente al paciente infectado y por ende ofrecer un manejo apropiado en su tratamiento y lo más importante, brindar un adecuado control de la infección. Esta investigación consta de tres fases: I- Determinación de los elementos del diagnóstico. II- Marco de referencia. III- Metodología. Además se presentan como anexos los instrumentos que se aplicaron a las unidades de análisis.

This research has been carried out with the objective of establishing which are the oral lesions that most frequently affect children who are cared for at the Benjamin Bloom National Children's Hospital and who suffer from HIV / AIDS infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection in children presents in the same way as in adults, it is a progressive disease with a clinical development that ranges from an asymptomatic infection to profound immunosuppression, with a fatal outcome. From the moment the virus enters the body until the moment when the signs and symptoms of the syndrome appear, several years may elapse, this time being called the window period, in which people are carriers of the virus and are capable of transmitting it, so the Healthcare workers must be alert and use protective barriers to avoid contamination. The great advantage and at the same time the responsibility that dentists have, is that the first sign of infection can appear in the oral cavity. This being the opportunity to detect the infected patient early and therefore offer appropriate management in their treatment and, most importantly, provide adequate control of the infection. This investigation consists of three phases: I- Determination of the elements of the diagnosis. II- Frame of reference. III- Methodology. In addition, the instruments that were applied to the units of analysis are presented as annexes.

HIV Infections , Oral Manifestations , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Mouth Diseases