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Rev. bras. ortop ; 57(1): 23-32, Jan.-Feb. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365752


Abstract Supracondylar humeral fracture represents ~ 3 to 15% of all fractures in children. It is the fracture that most requires surgical treatment in the pediatric population. Advances in treatment and care have contributed to a reduction in the most dramatic complication: Volkmann ischemic contracture. Nevertheless, the risks inherent to the fracture remain. Absence of palpable pulse in type-III fractures is reported in up to 20% of the cases. Careful sensory, motor, and vascular evaluation of the affected limb is crucial in determining the urgency of treatment. Older children, male patients, floating elbow, and neurovascular injury are risk factors for compartment syndrome. Medial comminution can lead to varus malunion, even in apparently innocent cases. The recommended treatment of displaced fractures is closed reduction and percutaneous pinning. Technical errors in pin placement are the main cause of loss of reduction. There is enough evidence for the addition of a third lateral or medial Kirschner wire in unstable fractures (types III and IV). Medial comminution may lead to cubitus varus even in mild displaced fractures. Based on current concepts, a flowchart for the treatment of supracondylar humeral fracture in children is suggested by the authors.

Resumo A fratura supracondiliana do úmero representa cerca de 3 a 15% de todas as fraturas na criança, sendo a que mais requer tratamento cirúrgico na população pediátrica. Apesar de os avanços no tratamento e na assistência terem contribuído para uma redução drástica da complicação mais temida, a contratura isquêmica de Volkmann, os riscos inerentes à fratura permanecem. Ausência de pulso palpável em fraturas tipo III é reportada em até 20% dos casos. Uma cuidadosa avaliação sensitiva, motora e vascular do membro acometido é fundamental na determinação da urgência do tratamento. Crianças mais velhas, sexo masculino, cotovelo flutuante, e lesão neurovascular são fatores de risco para a síndrome de compartimento. A cominuição medial pode levar à consolidação em varo, mesmo nos casos aparentemente inocentes. O método de escolha para o tratamento da fratura desviada é a redução fechada e fixação percutânea. Os erros na fixação e posicionamento inadequado dos implantes são as principais causas de perda de redução. Já existem evidências suficientes para a utilização de um terceiro fio de Kirschner, lateral ou medial, nas fraturas instáveis (tipo III e IV). Baseado nos conceitos atuais, um fluxograma para o tratamento da fratura supracondiliana do úmero na criança é sugerido pelos autores.

Humans , Child , Elbow/injuries , Fracture Fixation , Humeral Fractures/classification , Humeral Fractures/complications , Humeral Fractures/therapy
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(5): 518-522, July-Sept. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288619


ABSTRACT Objective: There were many constraints produced by training time and joint injury to analyze the influence of the training intensity on the elbow and knee joints of athletes during the training process. Methods: An improved algorithm-based master component analysis (PCA) modeling method is proposed .1 4 4 athletes were selected in xxx and compared in three groups. Results: The improved PCA models for injury prediction were applied to athletes from group A, the traditional injury models for prediction were adopted for athletes from group B, and athletes from group C received the hospital physical examinations. The results showed that the accuracy of elbow injury in group A due to excessive exercise was 66.86%, the accuracy of hospital physical examination in group C was 67%, and the accuracy of the traditional algorithm in group B was 50%, finding that the accuracy of group A was obviously different from group B (P < 0.05). Compared with other injuries caused by excessive friction, the detection accuracy of knee injuries caused by excessive friction in group A was 62%, that in group B was 44%, and that in group C was 63%. There was a statistically marked difference between groups A and B (P < 0.05). Conclusions: A PCA - based model of athletes' overtraining injury has high accuracy and adaptability, predicting elbow injury. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

RESUMO Objetivo: Houve uma grande quantidade de restrições produzidas pelo tempo de treinamento e lesão articular a fim de analisar a influência da intensidade do treinamento nas articulações do cotovelo e joelho dos atletas durante o processo de treinamento. Métodos: É proposto um método de modelagem aprimorado de análise de componentes mestre (PCA) baseado em algoritmo .1 4 4 atletas foram selecionados em xxx e comparados em três grupos. Resultados: Os modelos aprimorados de PCA para previsão de lesões foram aplicados a atletas do grupo A, os modelos tradicionais de lesões para previsão foram adotados para atletas do grupo B e os atletas do grupo C receberam os exames físicos hospitalares. Os resultados mostraram que a acurácia da lesão de cotovelo no grupo A devido ao exercício excessivo foi de 66,86%, a acurácia do exame físico hospitalar no grupo C foi de 67% e a acurácia do algoritmo tradicional no grupo B foi de 50%, achando que a acurácia do grupo A era obviamente diferente do grupo B (P <0,05). Em comparação com outras lesões causadas por atrito excessivo, a precisão de detecção de lesões no joelho causadas por atrito excessivo no grupo A foi de 62%, no grupo B foi de 44% e no grupo C foi de 63%. Houve uma diferença estatisticamente marcada entre os grupos A e B (P <0,05). Conclusões: Um modelo baseado na PCA de lesão por overtraining em atletas tem alta precisão e adaptabilidade, o que pode prever lesões de cotovelo. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos- investigação dos resultados do tratamento.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Hubo una gran cantidad de restricciones producidas por el tiempo de entrenamiento y la lesión articular para analizar la influencia de la intensidad del entrenamiento en las articulaciones del codo y la rodilla de los atletas durante el proceso de entrenamiento. Métodos: Se propone un método mejorado de modelado de análisis de componentes maestros (PCA) basado en algoritmos .1 4 Se seleccionaron 4 atletas en xxx y se compararon en tres grupos. Resultados: Los modelos mejorados de PCA para la predicción de lesiones se aplicaron a los atletas del grupo A, los modelos tradicionales de predicción de lesiones se adoptaron para los atletas del grupo B y los atletas del grupo C recibieron los exámenes físicos hospitalarios. Los resultados mostraron que la precisión de la lesión del codo en el grupo A por ejercicio excesivo fue del 66,86%, la precisión del examen físico hospitalario en el grupo C fue del 67% y la precisión del algoritmo tradicional en el grupo B fue del 50%, encontrando que la precisión del grupo A fue obviamente diferente del grupo B (P <0.05). En comparación con otras lesiones causadas por fricción excesiva, la precisión de detección de las lesiones de rodilla causadas por fricción excesiva en el grupo A fue del 62%, en el grupo B del 44% y en el grupo C del 63%. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente marcada entre el grupo A y B (P <0.05). Conclusiones: Un modelo basado en PCA de la lesión por sobreentrenamiento de los atletas tiene una alta precisión y adaptabilidad, lo que puede predecir la lesión del codo. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos- investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Athletic Injuries/diagnosis , Exercise , Elbow/injuries , Knee Injuries/diagnosis , Algorithms , Principal Component Analysis , Forecasting
Cir. plást. ibero-latinoam ; 46(3): 335-341, jul.-sept. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-196923


INTRODUCCIÓN Y OBJETIVO: Los colgajos de perforantes son una técnica de la Cirugía Reconstructiva que utiliza una porción de piel y/o grasa subcutánea vascularizada por uno o varios vasos que perforan un plano profundo (músculo, fascia o tabique), tomada de una zona distante o adyacente, para cerrar y restaurar un área de defecto corporal. Permiten realizar reconstrucciones utilizando estructuras adecuadas sin desvitalizar las áreas donantes. El objetivo de este artículo es describir la experiencia en el cierre y la reconstrucción de heridas traumáticas de antebrazo y mano mediante el uso de colgajos pediculados de vasos perforantes intercostales, específicamente de arterias laterales, dorsolaterales y/o anteriores, como una opción reconstructiva accesible, funcional y estéticamente viable, en países con ingresos medios y bajos en los que se cuenta con un acceso limitado al uso de la Microcirugía en casos de emergencia. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Presentamos 3 casos clínicos representativos que ejemplifican el uso de distintos tipos de colgajos de perforantes intercostales como alternativa a la amputación quirúrgica en lesiones extensas de miembro superior, que por su complejidad, comprometen la viabilidad del mismo. Los 3 casos fueron atendidos en uno de los 3 hospitales de referencia de adultos de la Seguridad Social de un país de ingresos medios, Costa Rica, donde no se dispone de acesso habitual a la Microcirugía. RESULTADOS: Los 3 pacientes son varones. Caso 1: de 19 años de edad; fractura expuesta y lesión en antebrazo con compromiso de piel y tejidos blandos a consecuencia de accidente automovilístico; reconstrucción con colgajo LICAP de 32 X 12 cm. Caso 2: de 21 años de edad; trauma importante en codo y mano a consecuencia de accidente de tránsito; reconstrucción con colgajo AICAP izquierdo de 8 X 10 cm y LICAP derecho de 20 X 12 cm. Caso 3: de 32 años de edad; pérdida de la cara anterior del antebrazo derecho por accidente con cristal; intervención vascular y después colgajo LICAP de 30 X 10 cm. En todos los casos se utilizaron colgajos con 2 perforantes y la autonomización se realizó a las 3 semanas de la intervención. Cierre adecuado de las heridas y evolución de los colgajos sin complicaciones con recuperación de funcionalidad. CONCLUSIONES: En realidades donde los recursos sanitarios son limitados y no siempre están disponibles alternativas terapéuticas novedosas, nuestra experiencia, apoyada en los 3 casos descritos, muestra como los colgajos de perforantes intercostales son una alternativa viable en la reconstrucción postraumática de miembros superiores

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Perforator flaps are a reconstructive surgery technique that uses a portion of skin and/or subcutaneous fat tissue vascularized by one or more vessels that perforate a deep plane (muscle, fascia or septum), which is removed from a distant or adjacent part to close and restore the excised section. This procedure allows reconstruction using appropriate structures without devitalizing the donor area. The aim of this report is to describe the experience in the closure and reconstruction of traumatic forearm and hand wounds using pedicled flaps of perforating intercostal arteries from lateral, dorsolateral and/or anterior vessels, as an accessible, functional and aesthetically viable option, in low- and middle-income countries where other alternatives such as Microsurgery are not frequently accessible. METHODS: We describe 3 procedures to exemplify reconstruction by using different types of intercostal perforator flaps as an alternative to surgical amputation of extensive traumatic upper limb injuries that, due to complexity, compromise their viability. The selection of cases corresponds to patients attended in one of the 3 referral hospitals of Social Security of a middle-income country, Costa Rica, where Microsurgery is not usually available. RESULTS: All cases corresponded to male patients. Case 1: 19-year-old patient who, after a car accident, presented an exposed fracture and an extensive forearm injury that compromised skin and soft tissue; reconstruction with a 32 X 12 cm LICAP flap. Case 2: 21-year-old patient who, after a traffic accident, presented significant trauma to the elbow and hand; reconstruction with a left 8 X 10 cm AICAP flap and a right 20 X 12 cm LICAP flap. Case 3: 32-year-old patient presenting loss of the anterior aspect of the right forearm after an accident with a glass window; he required prior vascular intervention and was subsequently treated with a 30 X 10 cm LICAP flap. In all cases, flaps with 2 perforators were used and autonomization was performed 3 weeks after the intervention. Likewise, adequate wound closure, flap evolution without complications, and recovery of functionality were recorded. CONCLUSIONS: In scenarios where healthcare resources are limited and the newest therapeutic alternatives are not always available, our experience, supported by the 3 cases described, shows how the use of intercostal perforating flaps constitutes a viable alternative in the reconstruction of upper limbs after trauma, especially in low- and middle-income countries

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Adult , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Upper Extremity/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Surgical Flaps/economics , Plastic Surgery Procedures/economics , Upper Extremity/injuries , Arm Injuries/surgery , Elbow/injuries , Elbow/surgery , Hand Injuries/surgery , Arm Injuries/surgery
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 70(4): 429-433, July-Aug. 2020. graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137200


Abstract Background and objectives: In patients with elbow fractures, when there is suspected injury to underlying nerves, it is imperative for surgeons to elicit the function in the immediate postoperative period. Brachial plexus blocks like interscalene, supraclavicular and infraclavicular approaches can be a hurdle in such situations. The block planned should allow assessment of integrity of the nerves immediately in the postoperative period. Case report: We describe two cases in which we administered a block not yet described in literature. We blocked the cutaneous and articular branches innervating the elbow under ultrasound guidance. General anesthesia was administered in both cases. The block provided stable intraoperative hemodynamics, good postoperative analgesia and also allowed surgeons to test the viability of the nerve. Conclusion: In situations where nerves are injured during elbow fractures, selective articular cutaneous block at elbow can be used as it provides good perioperative analgesia, besides allowing evaluation of motor and sensory components in the postoperative period.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: Quando há suspeita de lesão nos nervos subjacentes em pacientes com fratura de cotovelo, é imperativo que o cirurgião estimule a função dos nervos no pós-operatório imediato. Bloqueios do plexo braquial com as técnicas interescalênica, supraclavicular e infraclavicular pode ser um obstáculo nessas situações. O bloqueio deve ser planejado de modo a permitir a avaliação da integridade dos nervos no pós-operatório imediato. Relato de caso: Descrevemos dois casos em que realizamos uma técnica de bloqueio ainda não descrito na literatura. Realizamos o bloqueio dos ramos cutâneo e articular de nervos que inervam o cotovelo com auxílio de ultrassonografia. Anestesia geral foi realizada nos dois casos. O bloqueio proporcionou estabilidade hemodinâmica intraoperatória, boa analgesia pós-operatória e também permitiu que os cirurgiões testassem a viabilidade do nervo. Conclusão: Em fraturas do cotovelo associadas à lesão de nervos, o bloqueio seletivo articular cutâneo do cotovelo pode ser utilizado, pois proporciona boa analgesia perioperatória, além de permitir a avaliação dos componentes motores e sensoriais no pós-operatório.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Elbow/surgery , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Nerve Block/methods , Elbow/injuries , Anesthesia, General/methods
Sanid. mil ; 75(2): 113-115, abr.-jun. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-183714


Descripción de la presentación clínica y la evolución de un caso de osteocondrosis del capitellum humeral (enfermedad de Panner) presentado en nuestro medio

Description of the clinical presentation and evolution of a case of osteochondrosis of the humeral capitellum (Panner's disease) presented in our environment

Humans , Male , Child , Hospitals, Military , Elbow/diagnostic imaging , Elbow/injuries , Osteochondrosis/diagnostic imaging , Osteochondrosis/therapy , Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease/diagnostic imaging , Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease/therapy , Arthroscopy/instrumentation , Arthroscopy/methods
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1048473


Se presenta el reporte de un caso de un paciente que consulta por dolor e inestabilidad de codo izquierdo tras un traumatismo directo realizando práctica deportiva. En el examen físico se constata bostezo medial de más de 4 mm tras maniobras de stress. Los estudios por imágenes informan avulsión del complejo ligamentario interno y desprendimiento de la masa muscular flexopronadora. Se realizó la reparación directa de las estructuras dañadas, se utilizó el DASH score (00.0), el score de la Clínica Mayo (100.0) para la evaluación y seguimiento del paciente

We present the case report of a patient who consulted for pain and instability of the left elbow after a direct trauma doing sports practice. In the physical examination, a medial opening of more than 4mm was observed after stress maneuvers. Imaging studies report avulsion of the internal ligament complex and detachment of flexopronator muscle mass. Direct repair of the damagedstructures was performed, the DASH score (00.0), the Mayo Clinic score(100.0) was used for the evaluation and follow-up of the patient

Middle Aged , Elbow/injuries , Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction , Ligaments, Articular/surgery , Ligaments, Articular/injuries , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome
Rev. bras. ortop ; 53(5): 651-655, Sept.-Oct. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-977893


ABSTRACT Distal ruptures of the biceps are rare when compared to proximal ruptures, with a different epidemiology and mechanism of trauma. There is no exact pathophysiology, though the hypovascular distal insertion and the mechanical impact during movement should be considered important factors. The surgical treatment of chronic cases presents worse prognosis due to muscle shortening with tendon retraction, making anatomical repair of the injury difficult, requiring the use of grafts for its reconstruction. This is a prospective study involving four patients with chronic distal biceps injury. The tendons were reconstructed with an autologous graft from the semitendinosus tendon from the ipsilateral knee and secured to the radial tuberositywith the help of two anchors. The surgical technique proved to be a simple and viable procedure for the reconstruction of chronic ruptures of the distal biceps.

RESUMO As rupturas distais do bíceps são raras quando comparadas com as rupturas proximais, têm epidemiologia e mecanismo de trauma diferentes. Não apresentam uma fisiopatologia exata; entretanto, a zona hipovascular na inserção distal e o impacto mecânico durante o movimento devem ser considerados fatores importantes. O tratamento cirúrgico dos casos crônicos apresenta pior prognóstico pelo encurtamento muscular com retração do tendão, dificulta a reparação anatômica da lesão, deve ser considerado o uso de enxertos para sua reconstrução. Este é um estudo prospectivo, envolve quatro pacientes com lesão crônica do bíceps distal. Os tendões foram reconstruídos com enxerto autólogo do tendão semitendíneo do joelho ipsilateral e fixado na tuberosidade do rádio com auxilio de duas âncoras. A técnica cirúrgica mostrou-se um procedimento simples e viável para reconstrução das rupturas crônicas do bíceps distal.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Rupture , Treatment Outcome , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Elbow/injuries
Rev. bras. ortop ; 53(4): 460-466, July-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-959171


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aims at analyzing retrospectively the clinical-functional and radiographic results of surgical treatment of the terrible elbow triad, with at least 12 months of postoperative follow-up evaluating elbow function. Methods: A group of patients for retrospective analysis from 2004 to 2015 was defined, in which 12 patients were studied. They underwent surgery due to fracture of the radial head, coronoid fracture, and elbow dislocation; they were evaluated by the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) score, the degree of patient satisfaction, the degree of trauma energy, radiographic images, range of motion, and complications. Results: There was a higher incidence of Regan and Morrey type II coronoid process fractures; in relation to the injuries, nine patients had deinsertion of the brachialis. Half of the patients suffered a fall from their own height as the mechanism of trauma. The extent of elbow flexion and extension averaged 126.6 and 24.1 degrees, respectively; the averages for pronation and supination were 64.1 and 62.0 degrees, respectively. All patients presented muscle strength of grade IV or V. The mean DASH score was 14.3, the mean pain score was 2.5, and a majority of the patients were satisfied with the treatment. Conclusion: Despite the total loss of range of motion of the elbow, especially in extension, the treatment was satisfactory for most patients.

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar, retrospectivamente, os resultados clínico- funcionais e radiográficos do tratamento cirúrgico da tríade terrível do cotovelo, com no mínimo doze meses de acompanhamento pós-operatório, avaliando a função do cotovelo. Métodos: Definimos um grupo de pacientes para avaliação retrospectiva no período de 2004 a 2015, no qual foram estudados 12 pacientes, submetidos a procedimento cirúrgico devido a fratura da cabeça do rádio, fratura do processo coronoide e luxação do cotovelo; sendo avaliados pelo escore Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH), grau de satisfação do paciente, grau de energia do trauma, radiografias, arco de movimento e complicações. Resultados: Observou-se maior incidência de fraturas do processo coronoide do tipo II de Regan e Morrey; em relação às lesões, nove pacientes apresentaram desinserção do músculo braquial. Metade dos pacientes apresentou queda da própria altura como mecanismo de trauma. Os graus de flexão e extensão do cotovelo tiveram respectivamente as médias: 126,6 e 24,1 graus; e as médias em graus de pronação e supinação foram respectivamente: 64,1 e 62,0 graus. Todos os pacientes apresentaram grau de força muscular IV ou V. Obtivemos escore DASH médio de 14,3, a escala de dor teve média de 2,5, e a maioria dos pacientes se disse satisfeita com o tratamento. Conclusão: Apesar da perda de amplitude total de movimento do cotovelo, principalmente em extensão, o tratamento mostrou-se satisfatório para a maioria dos pacientes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Orthopedics , Joint Dislocations , Elbow/injuries , Elbow Joint
Rev. méd. Urug ; 34(1): 56-62, mar. 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-879958


Introducción: la fractura de epicóndilo medial representa 12% a 20% de las fracturas del codo pediátrico. Existe controversia en la indicación del tratamiento para las fracturas con un desplazamiento mayor de 2 mm. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar la indicación y los resultados de los diferentes tratamientos realizados en las fracturas de epicóndilo medial desplazadas más allá de 2 mm. Material y método: se utilizaron las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed y Bireme. La búsqueda arrojó un total de 313 artículos de los cuales nueve cumplían con los criterios de inclusión propuestos al iniciar la búsqueda. Discusión: se analizaron y compararon los métodos de diagnóstico por imagen utilizados y su rendimiento, los diferentes tipos de tratamiento y las complicaciones. Conclusión: no debe ser el desplazamiento de la fractura lo que guíe el tratamiento sino la energía traumática y la estabilidad en valgo del codo. Se han reportado excelentes resultados tanto con tratamiento conservador como quirúrgico de las fracturas desplazadas de epicóndilo medial. Faltan estudios comparativos con seguimiento a largo plazo de buen nivel de evidencia para recomendar uno u otro tratamiento en las fracturas desplazadas de epicóndilo medial.

Introduction: fractures of medial epicondyle represent 12 to 20% of pediatric elbow fractures. Treating fractures with greater than 2 mm of displacement is a matter of debate. The study aims to review indications and results of the different treatments indicated for fractures of medial epicondyle with greater than 2 mm of displacement. Method: the PubMed and Bireme electronic data bases were used. Search revealed 313 articles, 9 of which met the inclusion criteria set upon initiation of the study. Discussion: imaging techniques used and their diagnostic yield were compared, as well as the different of treatments and complications. Conclusion: treatment should not be defined based on the fracture's displacement, but rather on the trauma energy and the valgus stability of the elbow. Excellent results were reported both with a conservative treatment and with a surgical approach to displaced fractures of medial epicondyle. Comparative studies need to be done with long term follow-up that is well recorded to recommend the right treatment for displaced fractures of medial epicondyle.

Introdução: a fratura de epicôndilo medial representa 12 a 20 % das fraturas do cotovelo em crianças. Existe controvérsia na indicação do tratamento para fraturas com deslocamento superior a 2 mm. O objetivo deste trabalho é revisar a indicação e os resultados dos diferentes tratamentos realizados nos casos de fraturas de epicôndilo medial com deslocamento de mais de 2 mm. Materiais e métodos: foram utilizadas as bases de dados electrónicas PubMed e de Bireme. A pesquisa bibliográfica recuperou 313 artículos sendo que 9 cumpriam com os critérios de inclusão propostos no inicio do trabalho. Discussão: foram analisados e comparados os métodos de diagnóstico por imagem utilizada e seu rendimento, os diferentes tipos de tratamento e as complicações. Conclusão: o deslocamento da fratura não deve ser o determinante do tratamento, mas sim a energia traumática e a estabilidade em valgo do cotovelo. Foram informados resultados excelentes tanto com tratamento conservador como cirúrgico das fraturas com deslocamento de epicôndilo medial. Faltam estudos comparativos com seguimento em longo prazo com evidencias de alta qualidade para recomendar o tipo de tratamento nos casos de fraturas com deslocamento de epicôndilo medial.

Child , Elbow/injuries , Elbow Joint/injuries , Fractures, Bone/therapy , Humeral Fractures
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 33(1): 139-142, jan.-mar. 2018. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-883654


Introdução: No presente trabalho, relatamos um caso de reconstrução do terço proximal do úmero direito e reanimação do cotovelo de um paciente masculino, de 20 anos, vítima de acidente automobilístico, com necrose óssea de 5 cm no terço proximal do úmero e avulsão do bíceps braquial. Métodos: Utilizamos o retalho ósseo da escápula, associado ao retalho miocutâneo do grande dorsal, tendo como pedículo os vasos subescapulares. Resultados: O paciente teve excelente evolução no pós-operatório, apresentando-se, no pós-operatório de 2 meses, com consolidação óssea e iniciando a flexão do cotovelo. Conclusões: Perante a utilização do retalho descrito, concluímos que esta modalidade de retalho se insere no arsenal dos retalhos ósseos de maior segurança nas reconstruções ósseas em geral.

Introduction: We report a case of reconstruction of the proximal third of the right humerus and rehabilitation of the elbow in a 20-year-old male patient who was injured in an automobile accident and developed bone necrosis of 5 cm at the proximal third of the humerus and avulsion of the brachial biceps. Methods: A scapular bone flap was used, together with a latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap, using subscapular vessels for the pedicle. Results: The patient had excellent postoperative course, presenting in the 2-month postoperative period with bone consolidation and initiation of elbow flexion. Conclusions: This flap modality is a safe and useful option for bone reconstruction.

Humans , Male , Adult , History, 21st Century , Osteonecrosis , Retrospective Studies , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Elbow , Superficial Back Muscles , Superficial Back Muscles/injuries , Myocutaneous Flap , Humerus , Osteonecrosis/surgery , Osteonecrosis/therapy , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Elbow/surgery , Elbow/injuries , Superficial Back Muscles/surgery , Myocutaneous Flap/surgery , Humerus/surgery
Rev. Esp. Cir. Ortop. Traumatol. (Ed. Impr.) ; 62(1): 1-7, ene.-feb. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-170342


Antecedentes. Evaluamos los resultados radiográficos y funcionales clínicos de la fijación del alambre K en el tratamiento del desplazamiento de fracturas de cóndilo lateral del húmero. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó en nuestro hospital un estudio prospectivo longitudinal durante el periodo diciembre 2010-diciembre 2014, incluyendo a un total de 85 niños (18 niñas y 67 niños) con una edad media de 7,76 años y un rango de 2-13 años con desplazamiento (>2mm) del cóndilo lateral del húmero. Se trató a todos los pacientes con reducción cerrada y fijación interna mediante 2 alambres K durante 3 semanas. Las fracturas se clasificaron con arreglo a los criterios de Milch y Badelon, y se evaluaron los resultados funcionales conforme a los criterios de Hardacre et al. El periodo de seguimiento medio fue de 24 meses (rango: 20-28 meses). Resultados. Se logró la unión en todos los niños en un tiempo medio de 3 semanas (rango: 2,5-6 semanas). Los resultados funcionales fueron excelentes en el 91,75% de los niños, y buenos en el 7,05% de ellos. Se logró el rango completo del movimiento del codo en todos los pacientes. Ninguno de los pacientes reflejó inestabilidad postoperatoria. A nivel postoperatorio, el 5,88% de los niños padeció infección del tracto del clavo, de manera superficial, que se resolvió tras la extracción del mismo y la administración de antibióticos orales. Conclusión. La fijación percutánea del alambre K constituye un tratamiento efectivo para el desplazamiento de las fracturas de cóndilo lateral del húmero en niños. En casos en que el desplazamiento de la fractura tras reducción cerrada excediera de 2mm, se recomienda reducción abierta y fijación interna (AU)

Background. We evaluated the radiographic and clinical functional results of K-wire fixation in the treatment of displaced lateral condyle fractures of the humerus. Materials and methods. A prospective longitudinal study was undertaken in our hospital during the period December 2010-December 2014. A total number of 85 children (18 girls and 67 boys) mean age 7.76 years; range 2-13 years with displaced (>2mm) lateral condyle fractures of the humerus. All the patients were treated by close reduction and internal fixation with two K-wires for three weeks. The fractures were classified according to the criteria by Milch and Badelon and functional results were evaluated according to the criteria by Hardacre et al. The mean follow-up period was 24 months (range: 20-28 months). Results. All children achieved union in a mean time of 3 weeks (range: 2.5-6 weeks). Functional results were excellent in 91.75% children and good in 7.05% children. Full range of elbow motion was achieved in all the patients. None of the patients had instability postoperatively. Post-operatively, 5.88% children got pin tract infection, which was superficial and healed after removing pins and oral antibiotic administration. Conclusion. Percutaneous K-wire fixation is an effective treatment for unstable displaced lateral condylar fractures of the humerus in children. If fracture displacement after closed reduction exceeds 2mm, open reduction and internal fixation is recommended (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Bone Wires , Fracture Fixation/methods , Humeral Fractures/surgery , Prospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Elbow/injuries
Rev. Esp. Cir. Ortop. Traumatol. (Ed. Impr.) ; 61(3): 146-153, mayo-jun. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-162851


La luxación de codo asociada a fractura ipsilateral del radio distal y lesión de la arteria braquial constituye una patología traumática infrecuente. Las 2 referencias de esta asociación de lesiones aparecieron en 2015, aunque en ambas, los autores no advirtieron que constituían los 2 primeros casos publicados en la literatura médica; incluso en el título de sus artículos, no se hizo mención de la fractura del extremo distal del radio, pero sí en sus textos. El objeto de este trabajo es dar a conocer 3 casos con esta nueva entidad patológica traumática, explicar su posible mecanismo patogénico, el tratamiento utilizado y los resultados obtenidos (AU)

Elbow dislocation associated with ipsilateral fracture of the distal radius and a brachial artery injury is an uncommon traumatic entity. The two references of this injury combination appeared in 2015, although both authors did not realise that they were the first two cases published in the medical literature. Although mentioned in the text of the articles, no mention was made of the fracture of the distal radius in the titles. The purpose of this paper is to present three cases with this new traumatic pathological entity, explaining its pathogenetic mechanism, the treatment used, and the results obtained (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Elbow/injuries , Elbow/surgery , Elbow , Brachial Artery/injuries , Brachial Artery , Radius Fractures/surgery , Radius Fractures , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Ischemia/complications
Rev. Esp. Cir. Ortop. Traumatol. (Ed. Impr.) ; 61(3): 176-184, mayo-jun. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-162855


Objetivo. Las fracturas que afectan al capitellum pueden ser tratadas quirúrgicamente mediante escisión del fragmento, o mediante reducción y fijación interna con tornillos con o sin cabeza. El abordaje lateral de Kocher es el más usado para la reducción abierta. Creemos que el abordaje anterior limitado del codo podría ser una opción válida para tratar este tipo de fracturas, ya que no implica la desinserción de ningún grupo muscular ni de ningún ligamento y facilita la colocación anteroposterior de los tornillos, que ha demostrado ser biomecánicamente superior. Material y método. Describimos la técnica quirúrgica y evaluamos los resultados en 2casos clínicos con una fractura de tipo 1 de Bryan y Morrey (tipo 1A de Dubberley) mediante evolución clínica y radiológica. Dos cuestionarios diferentes sobre calidad de vida fueron realizados por teléfono: el EuroQol Five Dimensions Questionnaire (EQ-5D) y la porción contestada por el paciente del Liverpool Elbow Score (PAQ-LES). Resultados. Los 2pacientes presentaron una evolución clínica favorable a los 36 y 24 meses, respectivamente con un arco de movimiento de extensión/flexión de −5°/145° y −10°/145°, así como una pronosupinación de 85°/80° y de 90°/90°. Los 2pacientes presentaron consolidación radiológica sin signos de osteonecrosis, con el EQ-5D de 0,857 y 0,910 (rango: 0,36-1) y el PAQ-LES de 35 y 35 (rango: 17-36), respectivamente. Conclusiones. Creemos que el abordaje anterior limitado del codo es una opción técnica que tener en cuenta en caso de decidirse un tratamiento quirúrgico abierto de una fractura de capitellum, si bien necesitamos de estudios posteriores que demuestren su superioridad y seguridad clínica con respecto al abordaje clásico lateral de Kocher (AU)

Objective. Fractures involving the capitellum can be treated surgically by excision of the fragment, or by reduction and internal fixation with screws, with or without heads. The lateral Kocher approach is the most common approach for open reduction. We believe that the limited anterior approach of the elbow, could be a valid technique for treating these fractures, as it does not involve the detachment of any muscle group or ligament, facilitating the recovery process. Material and method. A description is presented of the surgical technique, as well as of 2cases with a Bryan-Morrey type 1 fracture (Dubberley type 1A). Two different final quality of life evaluation questionnaires were completed by telephone: the EuroQol Five Dimensions Questionnaire (EQ-5D), and the patient part of the Liverpool Elbow Score (PAQ-LES) questionnaire. Results. The 2patients showed favourable clinical progress at 36 and 24 months, respectively, with an extension/flexion movement arc of −5°/145° and −10°/145°, as well as a pronosupination of 85°/80° and 90°/90°. The 2patients showed radiological consolidation with no signs of osteonecrosis. The EQ-5D score was 0.857 and 0.910 (range: 0.36-1), and a PAQ-SLE of 35 and 35 (range: 17-36), respectively. Conclusions. We believe that the limited anterior approach of the elbow is a technical option to consider for the open surgical treatment of a capitellum fracture, although further studies are needed to demonstrate its superiority and clinical safety compared to the classical lateral Kocher approach (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Elbow/injuries , Elbow/surgery , Fluoroscopy , Elbow Joint/injuries , Elbow Joint/surgery , Radial Nerve/surgery , Radial Nerve/injuries , Surveys and Questionnaires , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Orthopedic Procedures , Quality of Life , Elbow , Postoperative Care/trends
Rehabilitación (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 51(1): 65-69, ene.-mar. 2017. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-160489


La artroplastia de la cabeza radial es un tipo de intervención quirúrgica poco frecuente, indicada en las fracturas de la cabeza radial de tipo III y tipo IV de Mason, en las que se requiere la exéresis completa de la cabeza radial y su sustitución por un componente protésico. Habitualmente provocan una alteración importante en la funcionalidad del codo, que precisa de un inicio precoz de tratamiento rehabilitador para evitar posibles complicaciones tales como rigidez articular, pérdida de balance muscular o inestabilidad de la articulación. Presentamos un caso clínico de una paciente de 56 años a la que se le realizó una artroplastia tras fractura de la cabeza radial y que presentó de forma espontánea una rotura del vástago protésico al cabo de 5 años, que precisó una segunda intervención para la exéresis de la cúpula radial. Queremos resaltar con la presentación de este caso clínico la importancia de la aplicación de forma temprana de la rehabilitación, así como la excepcionalidad del caso (AU)

Arthroplasty of the radial head is an uncommon type of surgery, indicated in Mason type-III and type-IV radial head fractures, which require complete excision of the radial head and its replacement with a prosthetic component. This usually causes a significant alteration in the functionality of the elbow joint, requiring early initiation of rehabilitation treatment to avoid complications such as joint stiffness, loss of muscle tone and strength, or joint instability. We report the case of a 56-year-old woman who underwent an arthroplasty of the radial head after radial head fractures and developed spontaneous rupture of the prosthetic stem 5 years later, requiring a second operation for removal of the radial dome (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Radius/injuries , Radius , Radius Fractures/rehabilitation , Radius Fractures , Arthroplasty/instrumentation , Arthroplasty/methods , Elbow/injuries , Elbow Joint/physiopathology , Elbow , Occupational Therapy/instrumentation , Occupational Therapy/methods , Physical Therapy Modalities/instrumentation , Physical Therapy Modalities
Rev. bras. ortop ; 52(2): 148-153, Mar.-Apr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-844114


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: Clinical and functional assessment of the surgical treatment for acute injury of the distal insertion of the biceps brachial performed with a surgical technique using a single incision in proximal forearm and fixation with suture anchors in the radial tuberosity. METHODS: This study reviewed the medical records of patients who underwent surgical treatment of distal biceps injury during the period between January 2008 and July 2014. In a mean follow-up of 12 months, 22 patients with complete and acute injury, diagnosed through physical examination and imaging studies, were functionally assessed in the postoperative period regarding the range of motion (degrees of flexion-extension and pronation-supination), the presence of pain (VAS), the Andrews Carson-score, and the Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS). RESULTS: During the postoperative follow-up assessment, no patient reported pain by VAS scale; all were satisfied with the esthetic appearance of the surgery. The range of articular movement remained unchanged at 95.4% of patients, with the loss of 8° of supination in one patient. No changes in muscle strength were observed. The results of the Andrews-Carson score were good in 4.6% and excellent in 95.4% of cases; the MEPS presented 100% of excellent results. The rate of complications was 27.2%, similar to the literature. CONCLUSION: Surgical repair of acute injury of the distal biceps trough a single incision in the proximal forearm and fixation with two suture anchors in the radial tuberosity is an effective and safe therapeutic option, allowing early motion and good functional results.

RESUMO OBJETIVO: Avaliação clínica e funcional do tratamento cirúrgico da lesão aguda da inserção distal do bíceps braquial pela técnica cirúrgica por via de acesso única no antebraço proximal e fixação com âncoras de sutura na tuberosidade radial. MÉTODO: Estudo feito por meio da revisão dos prontuários de pacientes submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico de lesão da inserção distal do bíceps braquial entre janeiro de 2008 e julho de 2014. Em um seguimento médio de 12 meses, 22 pacientes com lesão completa e aguda, diagnosticados por exame físico e exames de imagem, foram avaliados funcionalmente no pós-operatório por meio da mensuração da amplitude de movimentos (graus de flexoextensão e pronossupinação), pela presença de dor (EVA) e pelas escores de Andrews-Carson e Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS). RESULTADOS: Durante a avaliação dos pacientes no seguimento pós-operatório, nenhum paciente referia dor pela escala EVA e todos estavam satisfeitos com a aparência estética da cirurgia. A amplitude de movimento articular encontrava-se inalterada em 95,4% dos pacientes, com a perda de 8o de supinação em um paciente. Os resultados segundo o escore de Andrews-Carson foram bons em 4,6% e excelentes em 95,4% dos casos; no MEPS, observaram-se 100% de resultados excelentes. A taxa de complicações foi de 27,2%, valor semelhante aos dados da literatura. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento cirúrgico das lesões agudas do bíceps distal por via única com fixação com o uso de duas âncoras de sutura mostrou-se uma opção terapêutica segura e eficaz, permitiu movimentação precoce e bons resultados clínicos e funcionais.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Elbow/injuries , Treatment Outcome , Elbow/surgery
Rev electron ; 42(1)Ene-Feb. 2017.
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-75526


El codo es la segunda articulación del miembro superior que con más frecuencia se luxa; más de un 25 por ciento de estas lesiones están asociadas a fracturas articulares. Las fracturas luxaciones complejas del codo son complicadas para su atención; el tratamiento inapropiado podría acarrear inestabilidad crónica, osteoartritis residual, rigidez severa y dolor persistente con daño a la ergonomía de la extremidad. Se realizó una revisión bibliográficacon el objetivo de profundizar enlos conocimientos sobre la inestabilidad compleja aguda de codo y destacar los progresos recientes en el estudio y manejo terapéutico de las fracturas de la apófisis coronoides, la cabeza radial, el olécranon, la extremidad distal del húmero y sus asociaciones. Se emplearon los recursos disponibles en la red Infomed: PubMed, Hinari, The Cochrane Library y SciELO; a través de estos se accedió a las bases de datos MEDLINE, MedicLatina y Scopus. Se recopilaron artículos científicos, donde se hace referencia a las lesiones que con más frecuencia se incluyen en la inestabilidad. Se detallan los aspectos relacionados con la biomecánica articular, el mecanismo de producción, las clasificaciones y su tratamiento individualizado. Se abordan las ventajas de la reparación ligamentosa, la fijación interna y el remplazo protésico de la cabeza radial. Existen controversias en el manejo y los resultados obtenidos con diversos procederes no tienen uniformidad inter-observadores, pero se es unánime en prestar especial atención a la interpretación de los mecanismos fundamentales de la inestabilidad y la identificación precisa de los componentes de esta lesión, para realizar una reparación secuencial de estas estructuras (AU)

The elbow joint is the second most commonly dislocated joint of the upper limb; more than 25 percent of such lesions are associated with articular fractures. The complex fractures and luxations of the elbow are difficult to attend to, and an inappropriate treatment could lead to chronic instability, residual osteoarthritis, severe stiffness and permanent pain with limb ergonomic damages. A review paper was carried out with the aim of deepening on the knowledge on acute elbow complex instability and emphasizing the current progress on the study and therapeutic management of the coronoid process, the caput radii, the olecranon, the distal part of the humerus and its associations. To conduct the study several resources available in Infomed were used: EBSCOhost, PubMed, Hinari, The Cochrane Library and SciELO; by means of them the following databases were accessed: MEDLINE, MedicLatina and Scopus. Information from several scientific articles referring to the frequency of the lesions included in the instability was collected. Different aspects related to articular biomechanics, injury mechanism, classifications and individualized treatment are described in detail. The advantages of ligamentous repair, internal fixation and prosthetic replacement of the radial head are also covered. There are controversies on the management and the results obtained by different surgical procedures which do not achieve inter-observers uniformity, although there is unanimity in paying special attention to the interpretation of the main mechanisms of the instability and the exact identification of the lesion components in order to perform a sequential repair of these structures (AU)

Humans , Elbow Joint , Fracture Healing , Joint Dislocations/surgery , Elbow/injuries
Rev. Soc. Andal. Traumatol. Ortop. (Ed. impr.) ; 33(4): 27-32, oct.-dic. 2016.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-160047


Cada vez son más frecuentes la aparición en la bibliografía de artículos relacionados con problemas en edad pediátrica. Con el objetivo de actualizar información hemos realizado una revisión de la bibliografía publicada en las principales revistas relacionadas con la ortopedia y traumatología infantil durante el año 2015 seleccionando aquellos que trataban sobre traumatismos en edad pediátrica. El artículo ha sido divido en bloques por región anatómica y se resume la información más destacada de las publicaciones

Increasingly frequent occurrence in the literature related problems in childhood items. In order to update information we have conducted a review of the literature published in leading journals related to orthopedics and traumatology child during 2015 selecting those that dealt with trauma age pediatric. The article has been divided into blocks by anatomical region and the most important information is summarized publications

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Wounds and Injuries/pathology , Femoral Fractures/physiopathology , Elbow/injuries , Shoulder Fractures/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Forearm Injuries/pathology , Pediatrics/methods , Orthopedics/classification , Wounds and Injuries/complications , Femoral Fractures/diagnosis , Elbow/physiology , Shoulder Fractures/complications , Forearm Injuries/complications , Pediatrics/standards , Orthopedics/standards
Rev. electron ; 40(5)may 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-65798


La luxación del codo, asociada a la fractura del proceso coronoideo y a la fractura de la cabeza radial, es denominada tríada terrible del codo, debido a la complejidad al abordar el tratamiento correcto y lo desalentador de los resultados que se obtienen con el mismo. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, donde se recogen los resultados postoperatorios, obtenidos en cuatro pacientes con inestabilidad traumática aguda del codo, tratados entre enero de 2012 y mayo de 2013, que acudieron inicialmente al cuerpo de guardia del Hospital General Docente Dr. Ernesto Guevara de La Serna y tuvieron un seguimiento medio de ocho meses. El proceder consistió en reparación de la coronoides, del ligamento lateral externo, reparación de la cúpula radial, cupulectomía y colocación de pin endomedular; la técnica operatoria a emplear se definió por los estudios radiográficos realizados y los hallazgos en el transcurso del proceder. Los pacientes, tres hombres y una mujer, tuvieron cinco codos lesionados y un promedio de edad de 34 años. Como resultado del tratamiento la flexión fue normal entre 130-135° en 4 codos y limitada en uno a 110°, la extensión se encontró limitada de 8 a 21° en todos los pacientes, la pronosupinación se mantuvo limitada en todos los casos entre 5 y 22°. La intervención quirúrgica mediante fijación y reparación de los estabilizadores del codo proporcionó a corto plazo una funcionabilidad del codo cercana a la normalidad, los pacientes evolucionaron positivamente. Las complicaciones fueron: reluxación, infección local y aflojamiento de la osteosíntesis (AU)

The dislocation of the elbow, associated to the coronoid process fracture and radial head fracture is known as terrible triad of the elbow because of the complexity of the correct treatment application and its discouraging results. A prospective study was carried out to collect the postoperative results obtained from four patients with acute traumatic instability of the elbow, who initially came to the emergency department of Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna Teaching General Hospital, were treated there from January, 2012 to May, 2013, and had an average follow-up of eight months. The procedure consisted of repairing the coronoid, the external lateral ligament and the radial cupula, cupulectomy and placing the endo-medullar pin. The surgical technique was determined by the radiographic studies and findings during the procedure. The patients were three men and a woman who had five injured elbows and an average age of 34 years old. As a result of the treatment, flexion was normal between 130º - 135º in 4 elbows and limited in one at 110º; extension was limited at 8° to 21° in all the patients, and prone supination was limited between 5° y 22° in all them, too. The surgical interventions by means of fixation and repair of the stabilizers of the elbow provided the elbow with an almost normal functionality; the patients evolved positively. Complications were: re-dislocation, surgical wound infection, and loosening of the osteosynthesis (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Elbow/injuries
Radiología (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 58(supl.2): 119-128, mayo 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-153298


El maltrato infantil o trauma no accidental es un problema de primer orden a nivel internacional que se calcula afecta a cerca de 12.000 niños/año en España. La existencia de lesiones específicas, así como de hallazgos no congruentes con el trauma referido, hacen que en muchas ocasiones sea el radiólogo el facultativo responsable de dar la voz de alarma sobre el abuso. La tríada formada por hematoma subdural, fracturas metafisarias y fracturas costales posteriores se ha demostrado como muy característica del síndrome del «niño zarandeado». La detección de lesiones agudas y crónicas, o en diferentes estadios de curación, en un mismo paciente es altamente específica de trauma no accidental. Fracturas de huesos largos en pacientes que aún no deambulan también son lesiones de alarma en el diagnóstico del maltrato. Lesiones con alta especificidad para maltrato, como las lesiones metafisarias clásicas o las fracturas costales posteriores, pueden ser difíciles de demostrar radiográficamente y son, de forma habitual, clínicamente ocultas. De acuerdo con los protocolos de la American College of Radiology (ACR), se recomienda que cada extremidad, superior e inferior, sea valorada en tres radiografías distintas. Es importante utilizar sistemas radiográficos de alta resolución con bajo kilovoltaje (50-70 kvp) y miliamperaje adecuado. El estudio mediante seriada esquelética se recomienda en todos los niños menores de 2 años con sospecha de maltrato. La seriada esquelética de seguimiento, en torno a las 2 semanas del estudio inicial, es útil para la detección de nuevas fracturas y para valorar la consolidación de otras, lo que facilita la datación de las lesiones. La lesión craneoencefálica es la principal causa de muerte en el niño maltratado. Pese a que la tomografía computarizada suele ser la primera técnica de neuroimagen en el trauma no accidental, la resonancia magnética craneal aporta una mejor caracterización de los hallazgos presentes en la tomografía así como una mejor estimación de la cronología de la lesiones (AU)

Child abuse or nonaccidental trauma is a major problem worldwide; in Spain, there are about 12,000 victims per year. The detection of specific lesions or findings that are incongruent with the reported mechanism of trauma mean that radiologists are often the physician responsible for sounding the alarm in cases of abuse. The triad consisting of subdural hematoma, metaphyseal fracture, and posterior rib fractures is very characteristic of the battered child syndrome. The finding of acute and chronic lesions in the same patient is highly specific for nonaccidental trauma. Fractures of long bones in patients who have yet begun to walk should also alert to possible child abuse. Lesions that are highly specific for abuse, such as classic metaphyseal fractures or posterior rib fractures, can be difficult to demonstrate radiographically and are usually clinically occult. The American College of Radiology (ACR) protocols recommend obtaining three separate X-rays of each upper and lower limb. It is important to use X-ray systems that give high resolution images with low kilovoltage (50-70 kvp) and appropriate milliamperage. A skeletal survey consisting of a series of images collimated to each body region is recommended for all children under the age of two years in whom abuse is suspected. A follow-up skeletal survey about two weeks after the initial survey is useful for detecting new fractures and for assessing the consolidation of others, which helps in dating the lesions. Head injuries are the leading cause of death in abused children. Although computed tomography is the first neuroimaging technique in nonaccidental trauma, magnetic resonance imaging of the head can better characterize the lesions seen on computed tomography and can help to estimate the age of the lesions (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Radiology , Radiology/methods , Physician's Role/psychology , Professional Role/psychology , Child Abuse/psychology , Wounds and Injuries , Hematoma, Subdural , Skeleton , Elbow/injuries , Elbow , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Tomography, Emission-Computed/methods , Skull , Child Care/ethics , Psychology, Child/methods , Radiography, Thoracic