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Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being ; 19(1): 2399432, 2024 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39229970


PURPOSE: This study aimed to examine how young people living with Home Mechanical Ventilation experience the transition from childhood to young adulthood in relation to everyday life, perceived health and transition into adult professional healthcare. METHODS: Nine young adults (three females and six males aged 18-31) were interviewed, and data was primary analysed using phenomenological hermeneutics. In the actual study, data was reworked using secondary analysis as described by Beck. Two interviewees were ventilated invasively and six non-invasively, and one was treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). RESULTS: The results are presented in two main categories. First; moving towards adulthood; and second, To handle changes in health and healthcare contacts. The study highlights the importance of ongoing social relations and being part of a socializing and physically active community. The transfer from paediatric to adult healthcare was solid and worked out well but was a process in which the participants struggled to find their own voice. CONCLUSIONS: The transition into adulthood is a sensitive and challenging time for young people with HMV, but stable, close relationships and a well-organized transfer can enable this group to feel safe and able to find and use their own voice.

Respiration, Artificial , Transition to Adult Care , Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Qualitative Research , Hermeneutics , Home Care Services , Continuous Positive Airway Pressure , Child
J Nurs Educ ; 63(7): 460-469, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38979737


BACKGROUND: Supporting resilience for nursing student success is critical to future health care. This study explored the meaning and process of resilience among Generation Z traditional baccalaureate nursing students. METHOD: Using a qualitative hermeneutical phenomenology approach, 13 Generation Z nursing students with the lived experience of resilience were surveyed and interviewed. Results were analyzed interpretively. RESULTS: Themes of resilience among Generation Z nursing students were identified relative to study questions. Identified themes included "Maneuvering the Murky Water" and "This Can Either Ruin Me or I Can Keep Moving With It," as well as a resilience process within the context of nursing education. Open-response data provided further reflective insights on resilience and recommendations for resilience in nursing education programs. CONCLUSION: Supporting resilience begins with understanding students' individual and generational perspective. Future nursing education research should include innovative interventions wherein the perspectives of Generation Z students are central to design. [J Nurs Educ. 2024;63(7):460-469.].

Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate , Resilience, Psychological , Students, Nursing , Humans , Students, Nursing/psychology , Students, Nursing/statistics & numerical data , Female , Qualitative Research , Male , Hermeneutics , Adult , Young Adult , Nursing Education Research
Cien Saude Colet ; 29(6): e11512023, 2024 Jun.
Article in Portuguese, English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38896679


This article deals with the interest of the scientific field in systematizing the co-management investigative praxis, in a health emergency scenario, based on the analysis of a research with a multicentric qualitative approach, using the framework of the Support Research and the analysis of critical hermeneutics. As a result, it was identified that the creation of a map guide contributed as a guiding document, aiming at organizing different techniques for the organization and formation of field researchers, as well as an instrument of data analysis. The training of researchers for the theoretical framework of Support Research, as well as their co-management and involvement in the different stages of research, proved to be a differential for the production of subjects and collectives with investigative praxis, allowing a dialogic exchange between coordinators and researchers and regular sharing of the results. It is concluded that the way in which the methodology was proposed, allowed the expansion of the reflective capacity and understanding of reality, contributing to the formation of researchers as active and critical subjects in the process of data collection, analysis and discussion, encouraging sensitive and attentive actions while seeking to identify the particularities of each context.

O artigo trata do interesse do campo científico em sistematizar a práxis investigativa cogestora em cenário de emergência sanitária a partir da análise de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa multicêntrica, valendo-se do referencial da pesquisa-apoio e da análise da hermenêutica critica. Como resultados, identificou-se que a elaboração de um guia-mapa contribuiu como documento norteador, com o objetivo de organizar diferentes técnicas para a preparação e formação dos pesquisadores de campo, também como instrumento de análise dos dados. A formação de pesquisadores para o referencial teórico da pesquisa-apoio, assim como a cogestão e a implicação deles nas diferentes etapas da pesquisa, mostrou-se como diferencial para produção de sujeitos e coletivos com a práxis investigativa, permitindo a troca dialógica dentre coordenadores e pesquisadores e o compartilhamento regular dos resultados. Conclui-se que a forma como a metodologia foi proposta possibilitou a ampliação da capacidade reflexiva e de compreensão sobre a realidade, contribuindo para a formação de pesquisadores como sujeitos ativos e críticos no processo de coleta, análise e discussão dos dados, incentivando a atuação sensível e atenta ao mesmo tempo em que buscou identificar as particularidades de cada contexto.

Qualitative Research , Humans , Research Personnel , Hermeneutics , Emergencies , Data Collection/methods
J Nurs Educ ; 63(6): 373-379, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38900269


BACKGROUND: This study examined the phenomenon of prelicensure nursing students caring for culturally diverse patients. METHOD: Individual interviews were conducted with undergraduate nursing students using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Qualitative research experts conducted the interviews, transcribed the data, and followed van Manen's methodology for analysis. RESULTS: Eleven nursing students participated in the study. Data were collected from April to August 2022. The average length of the student interviews was 32 minutes. Four themes were identified: (1) communication issues; (2) access to care; (3) nurse background; and (4) trust and respect. CONCLUSION: This study highlights the importance of caring for culturally diverse patients. Policymakers and health care leaders can use the findings to support legislative proposals for enhancing culturally diverse patient safety and health equity. Based on these findings, nurse educators and preceptors can adapt their clinical teaching approaches accordingly, and nurse managers can benefit from the results when hiring new graduate nurses. [J Nurs Educ. 2024;63(6):373-379.].

Cultural Diversity , Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate , Hermeneutics , Qualitative Research , Students, Nursing , Humans , Students, Nursing/psychology , Students, Nursing/statistics & numerical data , Female , Male , Adult , Nurse-Patient Relations , Attitude of Health Personnel , Young Adult
Physiotherapy ; 124: 40-50, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38870621


AIM: To explore the experiences of UK-based private physiotherapists when running and progressing a physiotherapy business. DESIGN: A hermeneutic phenomenological approach. PARTICIPANTS: Six UK-based private physiotherapy practice owners were recruited via purposive and snowball sampling. METHODS: In-depth, semi-structured video interviews (2 per participant), audio-recorded and transcribed. Field notes, respondent validation and a reflexive diary were used. Data underwent line-by-line analysis, identifying codes and themes. Constant comparison of data, codes and themes occurred throughout. Peer review was utilised, small sections of data and all emerging codes were independently reviewed. RESULTS: Three interconnecting themes. Working for myself: participants highlighted the freedom, flexibility and independence of business ownership, whilst acknowledging the additional pressures/challenges associated with this. Evolution of a practice: business growth was slow, requiring income supplementation initially. Successful growth often utilised luck and unexpected opportunities. Working with others: participants faced decisions regarding solo or joint ownership, when/what additional staff were required, whether staff should be employed or self-employed, and how to appropriately manage/support staff. CONCLUSIONS: Private practice ownership brings an array of benefits and challenges. Areas for future research include exploring the stresses of private roles and business ownership, the evolution of private physiotherapy practices, small-scale business partnerships, and employment vs self-employment. CONTRIBUTION OF THE PAPER.

Physical Therapists , Humans , United Kingdom , Physical Therapists/psychology , Female , Private Practice , Hermeneutics , Male , Adult , Qualitative Research , Ownership
Cult. cuid ; 28(68): 75-90, Abr 10, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-232314


Introducción: Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisiblesvan en aumento, ocasionando discapacidad y dependenciaen quien la padece, así como la necesidad de un cuidador.La cronicidad es un concepto que se ha analizado desde lamirada de la persona que la padece, dejando un vacío en lacomprensión del significado para el cuidador.Objetivo: Comprender el significado de la cronicidad paralas personas con Enfermedades crónicas no transmisiblesy sus cuidadores informales.Materiales y métodos: Investigación cualitativa fenomenológica-hermenéutica según la propuesta de Van Manen, muestreocasual orientado por criterio, participaron 10 personasenfermas y 9 cuidadores. Los criterios de rigor de credibilidad yconfirmabilidad, confiabilidad y la transferibilidad, garantizaronla calidad del estudio.Resultados: emergieron los siguientes temas: brindar y recibircuidado como un acto de amor; unión de la familia; enfrentarsea la dureza; recibir, brindar y buscar apoyo; estar pendiente;cambio de vida; proceso de aprendizaje; una compañía paratoda la vida; imponer restricciones, limitaciones y pérdidas.Conclusiones: el significado de la cronicidad para loscuidadores y las personas enfermas es complejo, dinámicoy multidimensional; por lo tanto, es necesario realizarintervenciones que ayuden a mitigar el impacto que estaproduce en la vida de este binomio.(AU)

Introduction: Noncommunicable chronic diseasesare rising, causing disability and dependence in theones who suffer from them, as well as the necessityof a caregiver. Chronicity is a concept which has beenanalyzed from the perspective of the ill, leaving a voidin the comprehension of the meaning for the caregiver.Aim: To understand the meaning of chronicity forpeople with non transmissible chronic diseases andtheir informal caregivers.Materials and methods: Qualitative phenomenological-hermeneutic investigation according to the Van Manenproposal, casual sampling orientated by criteria withthe participation of 10 sick people and 9 caregivers.The rigor criteria of credibility and confirmability,reliability, and transferability guaranteed the qualityof the study.Results: The next topics emerged: to offer and receivecare as a love act, family union, facing the hardness,receiving, giving, and looking support, being aware,change of life, learning process, a company for wholelife, imposing restrictions, limitations, and loss.Conclusions: The meaning of chronicity for caregivers andsick people is complex, dynamic, and multidimensionalwhich is why it is important to realize interventionsthat help mitigate the impact in the life of the binomial.(AU)

Introdução: As doenças crônicas não transmissíveisestão aumentando, causando incapacidade e dependênciaem quem as sofre, bem como a necessidade de umcuidador. A cronicidade é um conceito que vem sendoanalisado na perspetiva da pessoa que a sofre, deixandouma lacuna na compreensão de seu significado parao cuidador.Objetivo: compreender o significado da cronicidadepara pessoas com doenças crônicas não transmissíveise seus cuidadores informais.Materiais e métodos: Pesquisa qualitativa fenomenológico-hermenêutica segundo a proposta de Van Manen,amostragem casual orientada por critérios, participaram10 doentes e 9 cuidadores. Os rigorosos critérios decredibilidade e confirmabilidade, confiabilidade etransferibilidade garantiram a qualidade do estudo.Resultados: emergiram os seguintes temas: dar ereceber cuidado como ato de amor; união familiar;enfrentar aspereza; receber, fornecer e buscar apoio;estar pendente; mudança de vida; processo deaprendizagem; uma empresa para a vida; imponharestrições, limitações e perdas.Conclusões: o significado da cronicidade paracuidadores e pessoas doentes é complexo, dinâmicoe multidimensional; portanto, é necessário realizarintervenções que ajudem a mitigar o impacto queisso produz na vida desse binômio.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Caregivers , Noncommunicable Diseases , Hermeneutics , Qualitative Research
Cult. cuid ; 28(68): 189-200, Abr 10, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-232322


El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer el papelque cumplió el Protomedicato en la salud publica en elvirreinato del Perú. La metodología utilizada fue la narraciónhistórica siguiendo el método heurístico y hermenéutico,utilizando fuentes primarias documentales de archivoshistóricos peruanos y españoles. El resultado obtenido fueconfirmar que el Protomedicato veló por la salud de losvecinos y que tenía carácter administrativo judicial y susfunciones principales fueron regularizar la labor de los queejercieran cualquier tipo de atención sanitaria, otorgandolicencias, fijando aranceles y vigilando el trabajo realizadoen las boticas y la calidad de los medicamentos, a través devisitas periódicas. La conclusión determina que hubo mejorassanitarias como consecuencia de la gestión del Protomedicatoen el virreinato del Perú, proponiendo medidas salubrese, incluso, disponía la movilización de personal médico através del virreinato y participaba ante cualquier consultade otras entidades coloniales, como el cabildo, referentes asalud pública, como eliminación de acequias, declaraciónde pestes, y otros.(AU)

The objective of this research is to know the role that theProtomedicato played in public health in the viceroyaltyof Peru. The methodology used was historical narrationfollowing the heuristic and hermeneutic method, usingprimary documentary sources from Peruvian and Spanishhistorical archives. The result obtained was to confirm thatthe Protomedicato looked after the health of the neighborsand that it had a judicial administrative nature and its main functions were to regularize the work of those whocarried out any type of health care, granting licenses, settingtariffs and monitoring the work carried out in pharmaciesand the quality of medicines, through periodic visits. Theconclusion determines that there were health improvementsas a consequence of the management of the Protomedicato inthe viceroyalty of Peru, proposing health measures and evenordered the mobilization of medical personnel throughoutthe viceroyalty and participated in any consultation fromother colonial entities, such as the council, referring to publichealth, such as elimination of ditches, declaration of pests,and others.(AU)

O objetivo desta pesquisa é conhecer o papel que o Protomedicatodesempenhou na saúde pública no vice-reinado do Peru. Ametodologia utilizada foi a narração histórica seguindo o métodoheurístico e hermenêutico, utilizando fontes documentaisprimárias de arquivos históricos peruanos e espanhóis. Oresultado obtido foi confirmar que o Protomedicato zelava pelasaúde dos vizinhos e que tinha caráter administrativo judiciale suas principais funções eram regularizar o trabalho de quemrealizava qualquer tipo de assistência à saúde, concedendolicenças, fixando tarifas e acompanhamento do trabalhorealizado nas farmácias e da qualidade dos medicamentos,através de visitas periódicas. A conclusão determina quehouve melhorias na saúde como consequência da gestão doProtomedicato no vice-reinado do Peru, propondo medidassanitárias e ainda ordenou a mobilização de pessoal médicoem todo o vice-reinado e participou de qualquer consultade outras entidades coloniais, como o conselho. , referentesà saúde pública, como eliminação de valas, declaração depragas, entre outros.(AU)

Humans , History, 16th Century , Public Health/history , Heuristics , Hermeneutics , Physicians , Peru
J Med Internet Res ; 26: e47278, 2024 Apr 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38602748


BACKGROUND: The digitalization of public and health sectors worldwide is fundamentally changing health systems. With the implementation of digital health services in health institutions, a focus on digital health literacy and the use of digital health services have become more evident. In Denmark, public institutions use digital tools for different purposes, aiming to create a universal public digital sector for everyone. However, this digitalization risks reducing equity in health and further marginalizing citizens who are disadvantaged. Therefore, more knowledge is needed regarding patients' digital practices and experiences with digital health services. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine digital practices and experiences with public digital health services and digital tools from the perspective of patients in the neurology field and address the following research questions: (1) How do patients use digital services and digital tools? (2) How do they experience them? METHODS: We used a qualitative design with a hermeneutic approach. We conducted 31 semistructured interviews with patients who were hospitalized or formerly hospitalized at the department of neurology in a hospital in Denmark. The interviews were audio recorded and subsequently transcribed. The text from each transcribed interview was analyzed using manifest content analysis. RESULTS: The analysis provided insights into 4 different categories regarding digital practices and experiences of using digital tools and services in health care systems: social resources as a digital lifeline, possessing the necessary capabilities, big feelings as facilitators or barriers, and life without digital tools. Our findings show that digital tools were experienced differently, and specific conditions were important for the possibility of engaging in digital practices, including having access to social resources; possessing physical, cognitive, and communicative capabilities; and feeling motivated, secure, and comfortable. These prerequisites were necessary for participants to have positive experiences using digital tools in the health care system. Those who did not have these prerequisites experienced challenges and, in some cases, felt left out. CONCLUSIONS: Experiences with digital practices and digital health services are complex and multifaceted. Engagement in digital practices for the examined population requires access to continuous assistance from their social network. If patients do not meet requirements, digital health services can be experienced as exclusionary and a source of concern. Physical, cognitive, and communicative difficulties might make it impossible to use digital tools or create more challenges. To ensure that digitalization does not create inequities in health, it is necessary for developers and institutions to be aware of the differences in digital health literacy, focus on simplifying communication with patients and next of kin, and find flexible solutions for citizens who are disadvantaged.

Awareness , Digital Health , Humans , Qualitative Research , Hermeneutics , Communication
Issues Ment Health Nurs ; 45(5): 453-467, 2024 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38588663


The purpose of this study was to describe the lived experience and meaning of being a 'sex offender' for the individual who is reintegrating into society, considering issues associated with self-perception, perception of others, stigma and humanization. Fourteen male adults were invited to participate in this hermeneutic phenomenological study. Data analysis was completed using an iterative process as described by van Manen. Five major themes were identified: exposed secret leads to humiliation; being considered a sex offender is living in fear of the unknown; stigma and shame consume the identity of the individual charged with a sexual offense; reframing and "leveling" of the crime are coping strategies; and the path toward healing and forgiveness is complex. Contextualizing individuals' experiences and examining barriers and motivators post-charge are essential to minimize stigma and risk factors linked to recidivism, as well as to facilitate recovery and healing.

Hermeneutics , Sex Offenses , Social Stigma , Humans , Male , Adult , Sex Offenses/psychology , Middle Aged , Adaptation, Psychological , Self Concept , Shame , Young Adult , Criminals/psychology
Scand J Caring Sci ; 38(3): 767-781, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38666453


INTRODUCTION: The demand for advanced clinical care in nursing homes (NHs) is increasing. Evidence-based practices and knowledge translation (KT) initiatives are growing to bridge the gap between what is known and what is done. However, research on contextual influence on KT has primarily focused on hospital settings. AIM: To expand our understanding of contextual influences on KT capacity in a NH organisation. DESIGN AND METHODS: Lindseth and Norberg's phenomenological hermeneutical method was used to explore and describe practice development nurses' experiences, perspectives and practices regarding how contextual factors influence KT capacity in NHs. Focus group interviews, participant observations, in-depth interviews and non-participant observations provided the data. RESULTS: Two main themes and four subthemes were identified. (1) Continuous limited resources are a cultural condition that inhibits KT readiness; prioritising keeping the NH machinery running at all costs and having contrasting care philosophies undermines KT. (2) Organisational prioritisations leave KT as a missing cogwheel in the machinery; retaining a system of fragmented KT strategies and lacking a structure for collective KT effort. CONCLUSION: The study showed that KT held a minor role in the fast-paced NH machinery. Contradicting values characterise the NH organisation, resulting in a lack of a common vision and priorities. Building a sustainable KT capacity and providing evidence-based practice necessitates explicit responsibilities, dedicated resources and robust organisational support. Management has a critical role in strengthening the position of KT. Incorporating KT in daily NH practice can help staff become adaptable and confident, capable of meeting the increasing challenges of advanced care that alleviates suffering and promote the health and well-being of NH patients.

Nursing Homes , Translational Research, Biomedical , Nursing Homes/organization & administration , Humans , Hermeneutics , Female , Male
Res Social Adm Pharm ; 20(7): 665-669, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38575497


Credibility refers to the trustworthiness, genuineness, and plausibility of the research findings and has always been a contentious issue in qualitative research, particularly for those conducting studies on the hermeneutic phenomenology paradigm. The relationship between credibility and high qualitative research is noted by many qualitative scholars. Member checking, also known as participant or respondent validation, is a technique for exploring the credibility of results where data or results are returned to participants to check for accuracy and resonance with their experiences. Although member-checking has long been accepted as the gold standard in quantitative research, research shows that it is not the pinnacle for expressing rigor in Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenology because it contradicts many of the underpinning philosophies. Within this article the author explores how member checking has been used in published research and presents a brief overview of the various discourses on member checking in qualitative research. The author discusses the importance of evaluating whether the method fits with the theoretical position of a study and the importance to consider how member checking was undertaken and for what purpose. It is essential that researchers are transparent about what they hope to achieve with the method and how their claims about credibility and validity fit with their epistemological stance.

Hermeneutics , Qualitative Research , Humans , Research Design , Trust , Reproducibility of Results
Issues Ment Health Nurs ; 45(6): 597-606, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38640493


Severe dissociative states involving the experience of being in parts, typically associated with diagnosis such as dissociative identity disorder and other specified dissociative disorders, continue to be a controversial and rarely studied area of research. However, because persons with severe dissociative states are at risk of being harmed instead of helped within psychiatric care, their experiences of living with such states warrant further examination, while innovative ways to include them in research remain necessary. Against that background, this study aimed to illuminate the meanings of living with severe dissociative states involving the experience of being in parts. This is a phenomenological hermeneutic study with data collected from three social media sources, one personal blog and two Instagram accounts, in February and March 2023. The results were illuminated in light of four themes; Striving to remain in the world, Balancing exposure and trust, Balancing belonging and loneliness and Owning oneselves. The interpretation of the themes suggests that living with severe dissociative states means being a human under inhuman conditions, striving for coherence and meaning in a world that is often unsupportive. This calls for a trauma-informed care to better support recovery for persons with severe dissociative states.

Dissociative Disorders , Humans , Dissociative Disorders/psychology , Adult , Female , Male , Hermeneutics , Social Media , Loneliness/psychology
Med Health Care Philos ; 27(2): 165-179, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38453732


Phronesis is often described as a 'practical wisdom' adapted to the matters of everyday human life. Phronesis enables one to judge what is at stake in a situation and what means are required to bring about a good outcome. In medicine, phronesis tends to be called upon to deal with ethical issues and to offer a critique of clinical practice as a straightforward instrumental application of scientific knowledge. There is, however, a paucity of empirical studies of phronesis, including in medicine. Using a hermeneutic and phenomenological approach, this inquiry explores how phronesis is manifest in the stories of clinical practice of eleven exemplary physicians. The findings highlight five overarching themes: ethos (or character) of the physician, clinical habitus revealed in physician know-how, encountering the patient with attentiveness, modes of reasoning amidst complexity, and embodied perceptions (such as intuitions or gut feeling). The findings open a discussion about the contingent nature of clinical situations, a hermeneutic mode of clinical thinking, tacit dimensions of being and doing in clinical practice, the centrality of caring relations with patients, and the elusive quality of some aspects of practice. This study deepens understandings of the nature of phronesis within clinical settings and proposes 'Clinical phronesis' as a descriptor for its appearance and role in the daily practice of (exemplary) physicians.

Hermeneutics , Philosophy, Medical , Physician-Patient Relations , Humans , Physician-Patient Relations/ethics , Physicians/psychology , Physicians/ethics , Empathy
Nurs Sci Q ; 37(2): 109-110, 2024 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38491891


Hermeneutics is an important philosophical mode of inquiry where discipline-specific theories and methodologies provide important windows of understanding human experiences. The author discusses the embedded truths of ethics found in the formal inquiry where human living quality phenomena are highlighted. The valuable insights and the importance to the future of the discipline of nursing focus on ideas for suggested further study.

Hermeneutics , Humans
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth ; 24(1): 212, 2024 Mar 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38509466


BACKGROUND: Women having experienced infertility over a period usually decide on an option for an invitro fertilisation treatment (IVF). However, in the quest to seek help and to be part of motherhood, they sometimes become unsuccessful in their fertility journey. The researchers aimed to explore the meanings and emotions attached to infertility and unsuccessful invitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment among Ghanaian women, as this area of inquiry is less explored in Africa and specifically in the Ghanaian context. METHODS: The study followed a qualitative approach and drew inspiration from the Heideggerian phenomenological philosophy and design. Six (6) women, aged between 29 and 40 years, who had experienced at least one unsuccessful IVF cycle, were purposefully selected from a private specialist fertility hospital in Kumasi, Ghana. One-on-one interviews were conducted with the participants, and the interviews were transcribed verbatim. The collected data was analyzed using Van Manen six-step framework, which helped to uncover the existential meanings and interpretations these women ascribed to their experiences. RESULTS: The results of the study revealed four main themes that were deemed essential aspects of meaning for the participants. These themes were: (1) Experiencing an Existential Faith and Hope. The participants described their journey through infertility and invitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment as a profound test of their existential faith and hope finding strength in maintaining a positive outlook despite the challenges and setbacks they faced., (2) Facing up to the Angst: This theme highlights the participants' courage in confronting the emotional dimensions of their struggles. The women acknowledged and confronted their anxieties, fears, and emotional distress associated with their infertility and unsuccessful IVF treatment., (3). Non-disclosedness: This theme refers to the participants' experiences of keeping their struggles with IVF treatment private, often due to societal and cultural factors. (4). Endured feelings of inadequacy of being-in-the-world-of-motherless: Participants expressed feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and a sense of being incomplete due to their inability to conceive and fulfill the societal role of motherhood. Their narratives revealed the profound impact of societal expectations on their self-perception and identity. CONCLUSION: The study's findings reveal insights into the experiences and interpretations of infertility and unsuccessful IVF treatment among Ghanaian women. Employing Heideggerian hermeneutics, the research elucidates the diverse existential, emotional, and societal aspects inherent in the struggles of infertility. The multifaceted nature of these women's journeys underscores the significance of a comprehensive approach to infertility care that recognizes the cultural, social, emotional, and existential dimensions of the IVF process. Additionally, the study emphasizes the necessity for culturally sensitive support systems and interventions to address the unique challenges faced by this population.

Fertilization in Vitro , Infertility , Humans , Female , Adult , Ghana , Hermeneutics , Fertilization in Vitro/psychology , Infertility/therapy , Fertilization
Nurs Sci Q ; 37(2): 173-180, 2024 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38491880


It is important to explore the ways that the working lives of persons provides meaning in personal, professional, and organizational ways. In this paper, the author utilized the processes of Parse's (2021a) humanbecoming hermeneutic sciencing (discoursing with penetrating engaging, interpreting with quiescent beholding, and understanding with inspiring envisaging) and the leading-following model to further understanding of the meaning of "working" through Stephen Schwarz's Broadway show, Working, the Musical (Browning & Schwartz, 1982/2002). Although not a formal sciencing project, this interpretive reflection provided a way to "see" how work is "lived out" uniquely.

Music , Humans , Humanism , Hermeneutics , Nursing Theory
Nurs Sci Q ; 37(2): 103-104, 2024 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38491884


The author explores humanbecoming hermeneutic sciencing and provides exemplars of paradoxes that are used by scholars in this mode of inquiry.

Humanism , Humans , Hermeneutics
Nurs Sci Q ; 37(2): 105-108, 2024 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38491879


The identification and interpretation of metaphor is useful to hermeneutic research. Metaphor is a way of conceiving one concept in terms of another and serves as a function of understanding. The author explores the rise of hermeneutics research and its relevance to nurse artsciencing. Metaphors are a creative strategy hermeneutic researchers can use to analyze and interpret data, and serve as a powerful strategy to represent complex realities, illuminate unnoticed aspects of a phenomenon, and provide depth of meaning to the understanding of human experiences.

Metaphor , Humans , Hermeneutics
Prev Med ; 180: 107880, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38301908


BACKGROUND: Regular engagement over time in hypertension care, or retention, is a crucial but understudied step in optimizing patient outcomes. This systematic review leverages a hermeneutic methodology to identify, evaluate, and quantify the effects of interventions and contextual factors for improving retention for patients with hypertension. METHODS: We searched for articles that were published between 2000 and 2022 from multiple electronic databases, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials,, and WHO International Trials Registry. We followed the latest version of the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guideline to report the findings for this review. We also synthesized the findings using a hermeneutic methodology for systematic reviews, which used an iterative process to review, integrate, analyze, and interpret evidence. RESULTS: From 4686 screened titles and abstracts, 18 unique studies from 9 countries were identified, including 10 (56%) randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 3 (17%) cluster RCTs, and 5 (28%) non-RCT studies. The number of participants ranged from 76 to 1562. The overall mean age range was 41-67 years, and the proportion of female participants ranged from 0% to 100%. Most (n = 17, 94%) studies used non-physician personnel to implement the proposed interventions. Fourteen studies (78%) implemented multilevel combinations of interventions. Education and training, team-based care, consultation, and Short Message Service reminders were the most common interventions tested. CONCLUSIONS: This review presents the most comprehensive findings on retention in hypertension care to date and fills the gaps in the literature, including the effectiveness of interventions, their components, and contextual factors. Adaptation of and implementing HIV care models, such differentiated service delivery, may be more effective and merit further study. REGISTRATION: CRD42021291368. PROTOCOL REGISTRATION: PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021291368. Available at:

Hypertension , Primary Health Care , Humans , Hypertension/therapy , Retention in Care , Hermeneutics
J Eval Clin Pract ; 30(5): 848-854, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38375925


When one is seriously ill, the diagnosis given can generate questions about what it means and how to make sense of it. This is particularly the case for psychiatric diagnoses which can convey a biomedical narrative of the sufferer's condition. Making sense of one's diagnosis in such cases can involve changing one's self-narrative in such a way as to incorporate the belief that one has developed a disease with an unknown cause. To demonstrate the importance of self-narratives, I outline key themes in narrative theory which have been explored in various ways by philosophers and some psychologists. These theorists emphasise the importance of self-narratives in creating meaning for their authors. The biomedical narrative associated with a psychiatric diagnosis may conflict with the recipient's previous self-narratives. This may reduce the recipient's sense of self-efficacy and induce feelings of hopelessness about recovery. I argue that those receiving a psychiatric diagnosis may consequently be vulnerable to epistemic injustice. In particular, this includes hermeneutical injustice, where individuals lack the ability to understand or articulate their experiences in ways that make sense to them, due to their hermeneutical resources being marginalised by the dominant narrative in a medicalized environment. I consider two possible objections to my claim and offer answers to these.

Hermeneutics , Mental Disorders , Humans , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Mental Disorders/psychology , Narration , Self Efficacy , Social Justice/psychology