La transición de la atención pediátrica a la de adultos, en adolescentes y jóvenes con condiciones crónicas de salud, es un proceso necesario y difícil. El proceso de transición de estos pacientes contará con diferentes matices según la condición de salud, las características del sistema sanitario, los equipos de salud involucrados y los factores contextuales del joven y su familia. El objetivo central es que a través de una autonomía progresiva el joven llegue a ser un adulto competente en cuanto a asumir y manejar sus necesidades de salud, relaciones sociales y laborales que su enfermedad crónica le permita. Pero estos objetivos se ven interferidos cuando hablamos de jóvenes con condiciones crónicas que involucran el neurodesarrollo y es más complejo aún cuando nos referimos a jóvenes que no serán autónomos. Para las familias y cuidadores de estos jóvenes los centros pediátricos son un entorno más protegido que cuesta dejar. Por todo esto es que, si bien hay lineamientos generales a tener en cuenta, cada equipo debe revisar sus resultados para poder avanzar. Aún no se logró consenso acerca de cuál es el momento óptimo, la edad y las mejores estrategias, aunque es reconocida la dificultad para implementar un programa adecuado y más aún evaluar los resultados de los programas que se utilizan en la transición; se llevan adelante programas "genéricos" utilizados para diferentes enfermedades crónicas, o específicos para una enfermedad, otros programas combinan ambas estrategias. Basados en lo anterior hay jóvenes y familias que requieren un armado "artesanal y a medida" (AU)
The transition from pediatric to adult care for adolescents and young people with chronic health conditions is a necessary yet challenging process. This transition will vary depending on the health condition, the characteristics of the health system, the health teams involved, and the contextual factors of the youth and their family. The central objective is for the youth to achieve progressive autonomy, becoming a competent adult capable of managing their health needs, social, and work relationships, as allowed by their chronic disease. However, these objectives become more complicated when dealing with young people with chronic conditions involving neurodevelopment, and even more so for those who will never achieve autonomy. For the families and caregivers of these youths, pediatric centers offer a more protected environment that is difficult to leave. For all these reasons, while general guidelines should be considered, each team must review its results to move forward. Consensus has not yet been reached on the optimal time, age, and best strategies for transition. It is recognized that implementing an adequate program is challenging, and evaluating the results of these programs is even more difficult. There are "generic" programs used for various chronic diseases, as well as disease-specific programs, and some programs combine both strategies. Given these complexities, some young people and their families require a "handcrafted and tailor-made" approach (AU)
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Patient Care Team , Continuity of Patient Care , Transition to Adult Care/organization & administration , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/therapy , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Family , Chronic DiseaseABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical technique used to manage aggression in patients who do not improve despite the use of appropriate drug treatment. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to assess the impact of DBS on aggressive behavior refractory to the pharmacological and behavioral treatment of patients with Intellectual Disabilities (ID). METHODS: A follow-up was conducted on a cohort of 12 patients with severe ID, undergoing DBS in posteromedial hypothalamic nuclei; evaluated with the Overt Aggression Scale (OAS), before the intervention, at 6, 12, and 18 months of medical follow-up. RESULTS: After the surgical procedure, there was a significant reduction in the aggressiveness of patients in the follow-up medical evaluation at 6 months (t = 10.14; p < 0.01), 12 months (t = 14.06; p < 0.01), and 18 months (t = 15.34; p < 0.01), respect to the initial measurement; with a very large effect size (6 months: d = 2.71; 12 months: d = 3.75; 18 months: d = 4.10). From 12 months onward, emotional control stabilized and is sustained at 18 months (t = 1.24; p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: DBS in posteromedial hypothalamic nuclei may be an effective treatment for the management of aggression in patients with ID refractory to pharmacological treatment.
Deep Brain Stimulation , Intellectual Disability , Humans , Child , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Deep Brain Stimulation/methods , Hypothalamus , Treatment Outcome , Aggression/physiology , Aggression/psychologyABSTRACT
CONTEXTO: Los trastornos del neurodesarrollo son un grupo heterogéneo de afecciones que afectan diversos aspectos del funcionamiento diario, principalmente: el comportamiento, la memoria y capacidad de aprendizaje. Se estima que aproximadamente, al menos el 30% de estos trastornos tienen base genética. Entre estos trastornos se encuentran la discapacidad intelectual (DI) y el trastorno de espectro autista (TEA). La Academia Americana de Pediatría (AAP, de sus siglas en inglés American Academy of Pediatrics) define a la DI, como la discapacidad caracterizada por limitaciones tanto en el funcionamento intelectual como en el comportamiento expresado en habilidades conceptuales, sociales y prácticas adaptativas. La discapacidad del desarrollo se presenta antes de los 18 años y suele aparecer en la infancia o en los primeros años de vida, aunque en algunos casos no se puede diagnosticar hasta la edad de más de cinco años, cuando las medidas estandarizadas del desarrollo mental son más fiables y válidas. El retraso global del desarrollo (GDD, de sus siglas en inglés Global Develomental Delay) es el término que se suele reservar para pacientes menores de 5 años y se define por un retraso en dos o más de los siguientes dominios de desarrollo: motricidad gruesa o fina, habla/ lenguaje, desarrollo cognitivo, desarrollo social/personal y alteraciones en las actividades diarias. Mientras que el termino DI, se aplica usualmente en niños mayores de cinco años, en los que se puede realizar test de coeficiente intelectual (CI) más confiables. Se estima que la prevalencia de GDD/DI es de entre el 1%-3% a nivel global. TECNOLOGÍA: La secuenciación de exoma completo (WES, de sus siglas en inglés whole exome sequencing) pertenecen a un grupo de tecnologías denominado secuenciación de nueva generación (NGS, de sus siglas en inglés next generation sequencing) o secuenciación masiva en paralelo. Se trata de estudios diagnósticos que permiten una rápida secuenciación de grandes cantidades de segmentos de ADN, incluyendo genomas completos. El exoma es el componente del genoma que codifica la producción de proteínas, aunque también puede incluir exones no codificantes. Comprende aproximadamente el 1% del genoma y es, hasta el momento, el componente que más probablemente incluya mutaciones interpretables que derivan en fenotipos clínicos. La secuenciación de exoma completo es una alternativa de menor costo que la secuenciación completa de genoma (WSG, de sus siglas en inglés whole genome sequencing). OBJETIVO: El objetivo del presente informe es evaluar la evidencia disponible acerca del desempeño diagnóstico, eficacia, seguridad y aspectos relacionados a las políticas de cobertura del uso de la secuenciación de exoma completo (WES) para pacientes con discapacidad intelectual o transtornos del espectro autista. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una búsqueda en las principales bases de datos bibliográficas, en buscadores genéricos de internet, y financiadores de salud. Se priorizó la inclusión de revisiones sistemáticas (RS), ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados (ECAs), evaluaciones de tecnologías sanitarias (ETS), evaluaciones económicas, guías de práctica clínica (GPC) y políticas de cobertura de diferentes sistemas de salud. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron, tres RS, tres GPC, dos evaluaciones económicas, y ocho informes de políticas de cobertura del uso de secuenciación de exoma completo para el diagnostico de pacientes con discapacidad intelectual y trastorno del espectro autista. CONCLUSIONES: Evidencia de baja calidad sugiere que el uso de secuenciación de exoma completo (WES, por sus siglas en inglés whole exome sequencing) en pacientes con discapacidad intelectual y/o trastornos del espectro autista podría presentar un mayor rendimiento diagnóstico en comparación con las pruebas genéticas estándares. Esto permitiría introducir cambios en el tratamiento y/o manejo clínico del paciente. Sin embargo, el impacto en salud a corto y lago plazo, luego de realizado el diagnóstico es, hasta el momento, desconocido por lo que su beneficio clínico se estima como incierto. A su vez, su uso en la práctica clínica diaria presenta, potenciales efectos negativos, no evaluados hasta el momento, y dilemas éticos relacionados a hallazgos incidentales en el análisis del material genético de los pacientes. Las guías de práctica clínica relevadas, no mencionan el empleo de secuenciación de exoma completo como parte del algoritmo diagnóstico en estas patologías. Ninguno de los agentes financiadores de salud relevados la incluyen en su listado de tecnologías con cobertura; con excepción de Brasil que sugiere el uso de WES en el algoritmo diagnóstico, aunque solo de los pacientes con discapacidad intelectual. En Argentina, esta tecnología no se encuentra incluida en el Programa Médico Obligatorio. Las evaluaciones económicas relevadas, muestran que el uso de esta tecnología podría significar um ahorro en el costo de estudios diagnósticos innecesarios. A pesar de los resultados, se debe considerar que estos trabajos se realizaron con población pequeña, asumiendo escenarios hipotéticos, por lo que su costo-efectividad para la Argentina se podría definir como incierta.
Humans , Autism Spectrum Disorder/therapy , Exome Sequencing/instrumentation , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Health Evaluation/economics , Cost-Benefit Analysis/economicsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) may be especially vulnerable to changes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic given an increased likelihood of health concerns, low socioeconomic status, and difficulty accessing services. AIMS: The purpose of this study was to explore mental health problems and services in individuals with IDD during the pandemic. We explored whether number of mental health problems differed by disability, age, gender, living situation, physical health, and access to services. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: An online survey about experiences during the pandemic was administered to adults with IDD and their caregivers in the United States and in Chile. OUTCOMES AND RESULTS: In both Chile and the United States, few people endorsed increased health problems. Half of the sample in Chile and 41 % of the sample in the United States endorsed increased mental health problems. Approximately 15 % of the sample in the US reported no longer receiving state developmental disability services. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Healthcare and disability-specific agencies should consider strategies to tailor supports to improve mental health functioning and access to community.
COVID-19 , Developmental Disabilities , Intellectual Disability , Mental Health , Adult , Chile , Developmental Disabilities/epidemiology , Developmental Disabilities/therapy , Health Services Accessibility , Humans , Intellectual Disability/epidemiology , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Pandemics , United States/epidemiologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To use medical claims data to determine patterns of healthcare utilization in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including frequency of service utilization, conditions that require hospital care, and costs. STUDY DESIGN: Medicaid administrative claims from 4 states (Iowa, Massachusetts, New York, and South Carolina) from years 2008-2013 were analyzed, including 108 789 children (75 417 male; 33 372 female) under age 18 years with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Diagnoses included cerebral palsy, autism, fetal alcohol syndrome, Down syndrome/trisomy/autosomal deletions, other genetic conditions, and intellectual disability. Utilization of emergency department (ED) and inpatient hospital services were analyzed for 2012. RESULTS: Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities used both inpatient and ED care at 1.8 times that of the general population. Epilepsy/convulsions was the most frequent reason for hospitalization at 20 times the relative risk of the general population. Other frequent diagnoses requiring hospitalization were mood disorders, pneumonia, paralysis, and asthma. Annual per capita expenses for hospitalization and ED care were 100% higher for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, compared with the general population ($153 348 562 and $76 654 361, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities utilize significantly more ED and inpatient care than other children, which results in higher annual costs. Recognizing chronic conditions that increase risk for hospital care can provide guidance for developing outpatient care strategies that anticipate common clinical problems in intellectual and developmental disabilities and ensure responsive management before hospital care is needed.
Developmental Disabilities/economics , Emergency Service, Hospital/economics , Emergency Service, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Facilities and Services Utilization/economics , Facilities and Services Utilization/statistics & numerical data , Health Care Costs , Hospitalization/economics , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Intellectual Disability/economics , Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Developmental Disabilities/therapy , Female , Humans , Infant , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Iowa , Male , Massachusetts , New York , South CarolinaABSTRACT
Objetivo: Descrever os efeitos da realização de um grupo terapêutico transdisciplinar, en-volvendo a Psicologia e a Fonoaudiologia, destinada a uma criança com deficiência in-telectual e sua família, bem como apresentar os aspectos burocráticos para a execução desse projeto de pesquisa em uma faculdade de pequeno porte.Método: foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, com o relato de experiência do processo de tramitação do projeto até a execução dos grupos terapêuticos com uma criança com diagnóstico de deficiência intelectual e sua família, envolvendo profissionais e acadêmicas da Psicologia e da Fonoaudiologia. Resultados: Muitos desafios foram encontrados nesse percurso desde a elaboração do projeto até a captação dos participantes, entre eles o pouco engajamento da maioria das acadêmicas envolvidas e a interrupção do projeto devido à pandemia da COVID-19. Mesmo assim, alguns avanços foram percebidos na família, como busca por terapeuta ocupacional para auxiliar no caso e esforço para dar mais independência à crian-ça. Considerações finais: Conclui-se que a pesquisa ainda é pouco valorizada no Brasil em diferentes instâncias e que a realização de grupos terapêuticos transdisciplinares parece ser uma estratégia promissora na melhora da dinâmica familiar, na comunicação e na indepen-dência das pessoas com deficiência intelectual.
Aim:The aim was to describe the effects of a transdisciplinary therapeutic group, inclu-ding Psychology and Speech Pathology, with a child with an intellectual disability and her family. We also aimed to present the bureaucratic aspects faced to carry out this research in a small college. Method:Qualitative and descriptive research was conducted, with an experimental report on the whole project process and the implementation of therapeutic groups with a preteen diagnosed with intellectual disability and her family. The therapists were Psychology and Speech Therapy professionals and students. Results: Many challen-ges occurred in the process, such as: attracting participants, little engagement of students, and a project interruption due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, we were able to verify some progress; the family hired an occupational therapist to help them, for instance. They were also more engaged in promoting independence for the child.Conclusion: Re-search is underrated in Brazil, considering different places and situations. Implementing transdisciplinary groups can be a promising strategy for improving family relationships, communication, and independence of people with intellectual disabilities.
Intellectual Disability/therapy , Therapeutics/psychology , Therapeutics/trendsABSTRACT
Resumen El síndrome de Cotard, descrito en la historia por presentar diferentes tipos de delirios siendo el principal el nihilista o de negación, ha sido reportado en diversos trastornos neuropsiquiátricos; sin embargo, existe poca literatura que lo refiera en el contexto de retraso mental, por lo que el objetivo del trabajo es examinar las características del Síndrome de Cotard a propósito de un reporte de caso. Presentamos a un paciente de 19 años que cumple con los criterios para Retraso mental y Síndrome de Cortad. Se revisó la literatura, hallando sucinta data en que se presente cuadros similares. Sería muy recomendable continuar evaluando con mayor profundidad la asociación entre retraso mental y síndrome de Cotard e investigar la respuesta al tratamiento, dado que no existen protocolos en nuestra región.
Cotard syndrome, described in the history for presenting different types of delusions being the principal as the nihilistic delusion or delusion of negation, was reported on neuropsychiatric disorders. However, there is little literature that refers to it in the context of mental retardation. The aim of this report case is to explore the characteristics of Cotard syndrome. We present a 19 year-old boy who complete criteria for intellectual disability and Cotard syndorme. The literature was reviewed, finding succinct data associated to cases like this. We recommend to evaluate deeply the association between intellectual disability and Cotard syndrome and to research the treatment, given that there are no protocols in our region.
Humans , Male , Adult , Psychotic Disorders/complications , Psychotic Disorders/therapy , Delirium/complications , Delirium/therapy , Intellectual Disability/complications , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Syndrome , HypochondriasisABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Poor eye contact and joint attention are early signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and important prerequisites for developing other socio-communicative skills. Teaching parents evidence-based techniques to improve these skills can impact the overall functioning of children with ASD. We aimed to analyse the impact of conducting a group parent-training intervention with video modelling to improve the intelligent quotient (IQ), social and communication functioning and to minimise symptoms in children with ASD and intellectual disability (ID). METHODS: Study design: A multicentre, single-blinded, randomised clinical pilot trial of parent training using video modelling was conducted. SAMPLE: Sixty-seven parents of children with ASD, aged between 3 and 6 years and with IQs between 50 and 70, were randomised: 34 to the intervention group and 33 to the control group. Intervention program: The intervention group received parent training over 22 sessions, and the control group received the standard community treatment. INSTRUMENTS: Pre-evaluation and post-evaluation (week 28), the following were used: Autism Diagnostic Interview, Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale I, Snijders-Oomen Nonverbal Intelligence Test, Autism Behaviour Checklist and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. DATA ANALYSIS: Intention to treat and complier-average causal effect (CACE) were used to estimate the effects of the intervention. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant improvement in the Vineland standardized communication scores in CACE (Cohen's d = 0.260). There was a non-statistically significant decrease in autism symptomatology (Autism Behaviour Checklist total scores) and a significant increase in the non-verbal IQ in the intervention group. After the false discovery rate correction was applied, IQ remained statistically significant under both paradigms. The effect size for this adjusted outcome under the intention-to-treat paradigm was close to 0.4, and when considering adherence (CACE), the effect sizes were more robust (IQ's Cohen's d = 0.433). CONCLUSIONS: Parent training delivered by video modelling can be a useful technique for improving the care given to children with ASD and ID, particularly in countries that lack specialists.
Autism Spectrum Disorder/therapy , Education, Nonprofessional , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Parents , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Education, Nonprofessional/methods , Female , Humans , Male , Pilot Projects , Single-Blind Method , Video RecordingABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To examine the frequency of hospital admissions before and after gastrostomy insertion in children with severe intellectual disability. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a retrospective cohort study using linked health administrative and disability data from Western Australia (WA) and New South Wales (NSW). Children born between 1983 and 2009 in WA and 2002 and 2010 in NSW who had a gastrostomy insertion performed (n = 673 [WA, n = 325; NSW, n = 348]) by the end of 2014 (WA) and 2015 (NSW) were included. Conditional Poisson regression models were used to evaluate the age-adjusted effect of gastrostomy insertion on acute hospitalizations for all-cause, acute lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), and epilepsy admissions. RESULTS: The incidence of all-cause hospitalizations declined at 5 years after procedure (WA cohort 1983-2009: incidence rate ratio, 0.70 [95% CI, 0.60-0.80]; WA and NSW cohort 2002-2010: incidence rate ratio, 0.63 [95% CI, 0.45-0.86]). Admissions for acute LRTI increased in the WA cohort and remained similar in the combined cohort. Admissions for epilepsy decreased 4 years after gastrostomy in the WA cohort and were generally lower in the combined cohort. Fundoplication seemed to decrease the relative incidence of acute LRTI admissions in the combined cohort. CONCLUSIONS: Gastrostomy was associated with health benefits including reduced all-cause and epilepsy hospitalizations, but was not protective against acute LRTI. These decreases in hospitalizations may reflect improved delivery of nutrition and medications.
Gastrostomy/methods , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Infant , Intellectual Disability/epidemiology , Male , Morbidity/trends , New South Wales/epidemiology , Postoperative Period , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Time Factors , Western Australia/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Equine-assisted therapy uses the horse in rehabilitation and/or education of people, such as Down syndrome(SD), cerebral palsy(PC)and intellectual disability(DI). In context, the rehabilitation program and horse riding equipment should be usedaccording to the specific characteristics of each individual, becoming an ally in the quest for excellence in equine-assisted therapy programs. The aim was to evaluate the effect of riding equipment used in equine-assisted therapy on the muscular activityof trunk and lower limb of individuals with SD, PC and DI. The study included 15 individuals equally assigned to each group: SD, PC and DIwith a mean age of 16.2 (±1.10), 16 (±1.22)e 16 (±0) years,respectively. The analysis of muscle activity was performed through surface electromyography, using four variations of horse riding equipment: saddle with and without feet supported on the stirrups and blanket with and without feet supported on the stirrups. Sigma Stat 3.5®software was used for statistical analysis.The Shapiro Wilk's test was used for normality of the data, the Bartlett test for homogeneity of the variances and the Kruskal-Wallis test for repeated measures with no normal distribution.Statistically significant differences were observed forp<0.05.The SDgroup presented a greater muscular activity of trunk and lower limbs with blanket equipment without the feet supported in the stirrups (H = 15.078, p = 0.002), as in the DI group (H=8.302, p = 0.040), while inPCgroup was the saddle with feet supported in the stirrups (H=11.137,p = 0.011). The choice of riding equipment used in equine-assisted therapy interferes differently in the pattern of muscular activation of the trunk and the lower limbs, according to the pathological processes of the practitioners. It should be an important aspect to consider when planninga treatment.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Lower Extremity/pathology , Equine-Assisted Therapy/instrumentation , Torso/pathology , Musculoskeletal Abnormalities/therapy , Software/supply & distribution , Brain Damage, Chronic/therapy , Cerebral Palsy/therapy , Adolescent , Down Syndrome/therapy , Electromyography/instrumentation , Intellectual Disability/therapyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: la discapacidad mental, íntimamente relacionada con el incremento de la expectativa de vida, se considera uno de los problemas más graves que hay que enfrentar en la centuria recién iniciada. Esto trae consigo el aumento de la prescripción de agentes anti psicóticos, como la tioridazina, lo que tiende a convertirse en un problema de salud al causar arritmias y en ocasiones fatales. Aún no se conoce en qué grado estas alteraciones son responsables de algunas muertes súbitas ocurridas en personas que tomaban estos medicamentos. Objetivo: identificar cuáles son las alteraciones clínicas y electrocardiográficas en los pacientes que usan la tioridazina, como droga de elección en los trastornos psiquiátricos. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, a los ancianos atendidos en el Servicio de Geriatría que ingieran tioridazina, en cualquier dosis. Durante al período de marzo del año 2017 hasta marzo del 2018. Resultados: predominaron los ancianos del sexo femenino y comprendido en las edades 60 y 74 años, con nivel de escolaridad secundario, lo que se correlacionó con la doble función de la mujer en la sociedad actual, y el elevado nivel de escolaridad de la ciudadanía cubana. Predominaron antecedentes de hipertensión arterial y diabetes, al igual las palpitaciones en relación a un aumento de los bloqueos del has de his, observados en los electrocardiogramas. No se presentaron fallecidos. Conclusiones: deben utilizarse dosis bajas del medicamento, por corto tiempo y bajo supervisión electrocardiográfica (AU).
ABSTRACT Introduction: mental incapacity, tightly related to the life expectancy increase, is considered one of the most serious problems to afford in the current century. It brings about the increase of the prescription of anti-psychotic agents, like thioridazine, tending to become a health problem because of causing arrhythmias that are occasionally life-threatening. It is still unknown in what level these alterations are responsible for several sudden deaths in persons who took these drugs. Objective: to identify which are the clinical and electrocardiographic alterations in patients using thioridazine as drug of choice in psychiatric disorders. Materials and methods: a descriptive study was carried out in all patients who attended the Geriatric Service taking thioridazine in any doses during the period from March 2017 to March 2018. Results: female elder people aged 60-74 years predominated, with secondary school scholarship, finding a relationship with the double function of women in the current society, and the high level of scholarship among Cuban citizen. Arterial hypertension and diabetes antecedents predominated, and also palpitations related to the increase of His bundle blockade observed in electrocardiograms. There were no deaths. Conclusions: low doses of the drug should be used for a short time and under electrocardiographic supervision (AU).
Humans , Aged , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/diagnosis , Thioridazine/therapeutic use , Cardiovascular Diseases/diagnosis , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/chemically induced , Cardiovascular Diseases/chemically induced , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal Studies , Mentally Ill Persons , Dementia/diagnosis , Dementia/therapy , Electrocardiography/methods , Intellectual Disability/diagnosis , Intellectual Disability/therapySubject(s)
Craniosynostoses/diagnosis , Exophthalmos/diagnosis , Intellectual Disability/diagnosis , Port-Wine Stain/diagnosis , Craniosynostoses/pathology , Craniosynostoses/therapy , Diagnosis, Differential , Exophthalmos/pathology , Exophthalmos/therapy , Fatal Outcome , Female , Forehead , Hand , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Intellectual Disability/pathology , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Port-Wine Stain/pathology , Port-Wine Stain/therapyABSTRACT
Problem and aim. Deviant behavior is not only an alarming phenomenon but also a multitude of social, pedagogic and psychological problems that threaten the society and that became particularly relevant for the young adolescents with intellectual disability. Therefore, the aim of the present article is to reveal the specifics of correctional and developmental work with such children that would provide appropriate interpersonal interaction in the adolescence and the further positive socialization. Methods. The presented study was conducted in three stages (exploratory-preparatory, experimental and control-generalizing stages) with the use of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory. Results and discussion. The results showed that the predominant from of the deviant behavior was hostility and violence, as well as a tendency for addictive behavior. Diagnostics of the dominant indices of hostility and aggressiveness demonstrated that the aggressiveness index dominated in the majority of adolescents. The majority of adolescents had a very high or high level of indirect hostility and assault, along with suspicion. The correctional program provides correctional effect for the adolescents with low and medium level of proneness to the deviant behavior
Humans , Adolescent , Remedial Teaching/trends , Adaptation, Psychological , Aggression/psychology , Hostility , Interpersonal Relations , Intellectual Disability/psychology , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Evaluation of Results of Therapeutic Interventions/methodsABSTRACT
No medication has been proven effective in treating core characteristics of intellectual disability or autism. Psychotropic medications are frequently used to target psychiatric symptoms in children, adolescents and adults with developmental conditions, despite the little evidence for their efficacy. This article aimed to summarize current evidence on efficacy of pharmacological interventions for the most frequent symptoms and disorders associated to autism and to intellectual disability. And also, novel molecules being studied for core symptoms of these conditions. Electronic databases were searched and supplemented with a hand search. Data were described narratively prioritizing meta-analysis and randomized controlled trials but considering also open label trials and preliminary studies. The main conclusions were that only few drugs showed efficacy for reducing psychiatric symptoms associated to these developmental conditions, mainly risperidone and aripiprazole to treat irritability and methylphenidate and atomoxetine for hyperactivity and attention deficit. Evidence is inconclusive regarding the effectiveness of other drug groups. Novel therapeutic agents showed mixed results and quality of evidence is low; some of these agents aim at biologically targeted pharmacotherapy, which may lead to successful individualized treatment options in the future. To this day, clinicians should use pharmacotherapy with caution, carefully weighing risks and benefits, and as a part of a comprehensive personalized approach.
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Autistic Disorder , Intellectual Disability , Methylphenidate , Adolescent , Adult , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/complications , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/therapy , Autistic Disorder/complications , Autistic Disorder/therapy , Child , Humans , Intellectual Disability/complications , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Methylphenidate/therapeutic use , Psychotropic Drugs , Randomized Controlled Trials as TopicABSTRACT
Caso Clínico: Mujer, 23 años. Discapacidad intelectual. Asiste a colegio especial (no lee ni escribe). Institucionalizada. Motivo de ingreso: Paciente ingresa en octubre del 2017 traída por carabineros por ser encontrada en la calle bajo el efecto de múltiples sustancias, con ideación suicida. Días antes fue expulsada del hogar por agresión a cuidadoras. Diagnósticos de ingreso: Discapacidad intelectual moderado. Síndrome suicidal, Trastorno por dependencia a drogas. ¿Esquizofrenia hebefrénica? Evolución: Mantiene desajustes conductuales severos fluctuantes, con serias dificultades para manejar la rabia, lo que la lleva a tener conductas hetero y autoagresivas. Plan de tratamiento: Farmacológico (clozapina), Psicológico (TCC), Social (dispositivo adecuado post-alta). Clozapina para trastornos psicóticos en adultos con discapacidad intelectual. El principal riesgo de atribuir alguno de estos comportamientos a una supuesta "psicosis", es el de "medicalizar" y tratar de forma poco acertada. Es importante descartar factores ambientales y del aprendizaje (hábitos y conductas aprendidas, institucionalización, reacciones ante el estrés agudo.) La prevalencia de abuso y dependencia de sustancias en población con DI va desde el 0,5% al 2,6%. Lo cual es menor que la población general. Pacientes con DI y dependencia a drogas se asocia a otras enfermedades psiquiátricas (42-54%). Se ha informado que las personas con discapacidad intelectual en América Latina a menudo están institucionalizadas y escondidas de la sociedad en instalaciones deficientes y superpobladas.
Clinical Case: Female, 23 years old. Intellectual disability. He attends a special school (she does not read or write). Institutionalized. Reason for admission: Patient enters in October 2017 brought by police officers to be found in the street under the effect of multiple substances, with suicidal ideation. Days before she was expelled from the home because of assaulting caregivers. Admission diagnoses: Moderate intellectual disability. Suicidal syndrome, Disorder due to drug dependence. Hebephrenic schizophrenia? Evolution: Maintains fluctuating severe behavioral imbalances, with serious difficulties in managing rage, which leads to hetero and self-aggressive behaviors. Treatment plan: pharmacological (clozapine), Psychological (CBT), Social (adequate post-hospitalization discharge device). Clozapine for psychotic disorders in adults with intellectual disabilities. The main risk of attributing some of these behaviors to a supposed "psychosis" is that of "medicalizing" and dealing inappropriately. It is important to rule out environmental and learning factors (habits and behaviors learned, institutionalization, reactions to acute stress. The prevalence of substance abuse and dependence in the population with ID ranges from 0.5% to 2.6%. Which is less than the general population. Patients with ID and drug dependence are associated with other psychiatric illnesses (42-54%). It is reported that people with intellectual disabilty in Latin America are often institutionalized and hidden from society in poor and overcrowded facilities.
Humans , Female , Young Adult , Substance-Related Disorders/diagnosis , Intellectual Disability/diagnosis , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Psychotherapy , Psychotic Disorders , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Clozapine/therapeutic use , Substance-Related Disorders/complications , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy , Suicidal Ideation , Intellectual Disability/classification , Intellectual Disability/complications , Intellectual Disability/etiologySubject(s)
Comprehension , Disabled Children/rehabilitation , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Parent-Child Relations , Parents/education , Adult , Caregivers/education , Caregivers/psychology , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , History, 20th Century , Humans , Intellectual Disability/history , Intellectual Disability/physiopathology , Male , Needs Assessment , Pediatrics/history , Periodicals as Topic/history , United StatesABSTRACT
Persons with an intellectual disability (ID) who interact with the Quebec health and social services system are faced with major decisions regarding the care they are offered. As consent to care derives from the fundamental right of all persons to personal inviolability and to autonomous decision making, they therefore have the right to accept or refuse any and all health and psychosocial care proposed. However, as free and informed consent to care must be given by an able person, the situation becomes somewhat more complicated whereas persons with ID are concerned. This article presents reflections on the challenges and issues relative to these persons' consent to health and psychosocial care.
Informed Consent , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Mental Competency , Persons with Mental Disabilities , Decision Making , Human Rights , Humans , Intellectual Disability/epidemiology , Intellectual Disability/psychology , Intellectual Disability/rehabilitation , Patient-Centered Care , Psychiatric Rehabilitation , Quebec/epidemiology , Third-Party Consent , Vulnerable PopulationsABSTRACT
En el planeta hay 100 millones de personas con alguna discapacidad yen México es el 6.2 por ciento de la población total. Estas personas son altamente vulnerables porque el entorno donde se desenvuelven no ofrece las condiciones para favorecer su integración y participación social, como el acceso a servicios médicos. De acuerdo con la Organización Mundialde la Salud, las personas con discapacidad son las menos atendidas en los Servicios Odontológicos, principalmente por inexperiencia del profesionista sobre el trato a estas personas, o bien por desconocimiento de los familiares-cuidadores de la importancia de mantener una boca sana. Las personas con discapacidad intelectual (PDI) constituyen un retopara el odontólogo, quien tiene que capacitarse para diseñar estrategiaspara su atención, ya que los tratamientos para este tipo de pacientes son específicos y poco convencionales. Adicionalmente conviene tomar precauciones en su atención dental, debido a que los PDI consumen diversos medicamentos, por lo que el odontólogo debe asegurarsecon otros especialistas para su manejo. Un punto medular sobre las características de la atención odontológica es que ésta tiene que generar confianza y enfrentar con paciencia y destreza a un PDI que cumpla con las expectativas del usuario, trato digno, calidez y confianza centrada en la prevención como principal criterio en la intervención odontológica, sobre todo en la supervisión de la higiene por parte de los familiares. Actualmente se habla de la relación médico-paciente participativa donde se define lo que corresponde a cada persona involucrada en el cuidado de la PDI, sin olvidar que esta atención conviene que sea en equipo. Así, ante este contexto, los odontólogos tendrían que formarseen el cuidado de la salud de las PDI quienes son sujetos de derecho,por tanto tienen que ser atendidos, respetados y tratados con dignidad.
On the planet, there are 100 million people with some disability andin Mexico; it is 6.2% of the total population. These people are highly vulnerable because the environment where they operate does not offer the conditions to favor their integration and social participation, such as access to medical services. According to the World Health Organization, people with disabilities are the least attended in the dental services, mainly because of the inexperience of the professional about the treatment of these people, or because the family/caregivers do notknow about the importance of maintaining a healthy mouth. People with intellectual disabilities (PIDs) are a challenge for the dentist,who has to be trained to design strategies for their care since the treatments for these types of patients are specific and unconventional.In addition, precautions should be taken in dental care, because PIDsconsume different medications, so the dentist must be sure with other specialists to handle them. A central point about the characteristicsof dental care is that it has to generate trust and face with patience and dexterity a PDIs that meets user expectations, dignified treatment, warmth, and confidence focused on prevention as the main criterion inthe intervention dental care, especially in the supervision of the hygieneby the relatives. At the moment we are talking about the participative doctor-patient relationship where it is defined that corresponds to eachperson involved in the care of the PDIs, without forgetting that this careshould be in a team. Thus in this context dentists should be trained inthe health care of the IDPs who are subjects of law, therefore have tobe attended, respected and treated with dignity.
Humans , Dental Care for Disabled/legislation & jurisprudence , Dental Care for Disabled/methods , Intellectual Disability/epidemiology , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Mexico , Socioeconomic Factors , Patient Rights , Comprehensive Dental Care/methodsABSTRACT
Services available for people with disabilities in Bolivia tend to be fragmented and costly. Children and adults with intellectual disabilities are more likely to have a related communication disability and are thus both literally and metaphorically excluded from having a voice. The following research aimed to explore the experiences of accessing services by people with communication disabilities in Bolivia through semi-structured interviews and one focus group carried out with family members, professionals, service providers, educators and policymakers. It aimed to establish the nature of current services in Bolivia where knowledge, information and resources are scarce. Findings indicated the need to consider an alternative to a medical model approach through a focus on empowering other stakeholders to participate more fully in meeting communication support needs. Conclusions plot ideas for future service delivery and emphasize the central power of sharing practical and expert knowledge.