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Int J Psychoanal ; 105(3): 327-348, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39008050


Using the example of the military regime in Argentina (1976-1983) and relevant archival materials, this article demonstrates the prerequisite of exalted language in constructing an enemy and how a discursive 'machine of the same' was put into operation. The author argues that what made this operation unique is its structure of repetition that stimulated "the tendency to merge" what is "foreigner-to-the-ego", and the "enemy outside" into a single concept in the Argentinian national psyche.As a theoretical lens, the author examines the military regime's language through Freud's understanding of groups and civilization and Laplanche's proposition that cultural narratives in the form of mytho-symbolic explanations help us translate the sexual drive and offer a "solution" to the helplessness of the infant-adult.The author further claims that at other times a cultural narration functions as an anti-translation device when set against the emergence of a new net of significations. The nation's founding narrative of an Occidental-Spanish-Catholic "being" that first effaced its indigenous origins and then its Arabic and Jewish inheritance was brought back by the military regime as a mytho-symbolic narration that formed a shield against the repressed remnants of the enigmatic message pressing for a new translation.

Culture , Humans , Argentina , Military Personnel/psychology , Freudian Theory , Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Psychoanalytic Theory
Int J Psychoanal ; 105(3): 413-419, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39008049


The author reflects on the extension of the psychoanalytic clinic, showing how ideas, studies and discussions built up over several years have led various Latin American groups to put their thinking into action, by allowing themselves to be penetrated by issues of the city and directly relate to diverse territories. These studies have shown how psychoanalytic actions can take place in various types of encounter between subjectivities, highlighting their challenges as well as their effectiveness and power.

Psychoanalytic Therapy , Humans , Psychoanalytic Therapy/methods , Psychoanalysis , Latin America , Psychoanalytic Theory
Int J Psychoanal ; 105(2): 242-255, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38655647


The author addresses the theme of frame and setting in psychoanalysis, suggesting that they are "functions" of the psychoanalytic process. Frame is defined as the external components of the context that enable the development of a process, and setting as the primarily psychoanalytic elements within the analyst's mind, necessary for establishing an analysing situation where a process should take place. The author emphasizes that the characteristics of both also define the outline of the process, while discussing attributes that would aid in its development. The author proposes the creation of an imaginary model regarding possible invariants in psychoanalytic theories and theories of technique with the intention of deepening the understanding of the relationship between frame, setting and process. The author concludes with a reflection on the effect of implicit theories on the construction of frame and setting.

Psychoanalytic Theory , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Humans , Psychoanalytic Therapy/methods
Am J Psychoanal ; 84(1): 79-93, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38454112


This paper presents and discusses two sets of theories concerning trauma. The first involves a contemporary social theory of "cultural trauma" and the second refers to psychoanalytic theories on psychic trauma. We argue that these two groups of theories have some relevant elements in common, despite social theorists' critique of psychoanalytic understanding on the matter. In our view, the most important meeting points between these groups of theories concern (a) the possibility to think that trauma is not welded to events but has a formation process, one of attribution of meaning, (b) that this process has a temporality of its own, and (c) that the environment (the objects, actors, and agents that compose it) has a fundamental and determinant role in trauma formation. Further, we suggest that trauma is still an open concept in psychoanalysis.

Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Humans , Psychoanalytic Theory
Psicol. USP ; 35: e220074, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1558736


Resumo Este artigo reflete sobre a noção antropológica de animatismo, um estádio pré-animista da humanidade, à qual Freud recorreu em Totem e tabu. Com ela, ampliou seu objetivo de revelar a origem da religião e da moralidade, estendendo-o à origem e ao destino da humanidade. Objetivo que também perseguiu em interlocução com as teorias psiquiátricas da hereditariedade e da degeneração dos séculos XVIII e XIX. Teorias concebidas por Tissot, Pinel, Lucas, Morel, Esquirol, Magnan, Legrain, Charcot, entre outros, sumariamente apresentadas neste artigo. Por fim, este artigo também apresenta e põe em discussão algumas obras de Freud, nas quais as teorias da hereditariedade e da degeneração foram ressignificadas sob as de fixação e regressão, ampliando os fundamentos do que seria sua filosofia psicanalítica declinista da história, reveladora de um novo sentido e direção tanto para a origem, quanto para o destino da humanidade.

Abstract This article reflects on the anthropological notion of animatism, a pre-animist stage of humanity, to which Freud resorted in Totem and Taboo. With it he broadened his aim of revealing the origin of religion and morality, extending it to the origin and destiny of humanity. An objective that he also pursued in dialogue with the psychiatric theories of heredity and degeneration of the 18th and 19th centuries. Theories conceived by Tissot, Pinel, Lucas, Morel, Esquirol, Magnan, Legrain, Charcot, among others, are briefly presented in this article. Finally, this article also presents and discusses some works by Freud, in which the theories of heredity and degeneration were resignified under those of fixation and regression, expanding the foundations of what would be his declinist psychoanalytic philosophy of history, revealing a new meaning and direction for both the origin and the destiny of humanity.

Resumen Este artículo reflexiona sobre la noción antropológica de animatismo, etapa preanimista de la humanidad, a la que recurrió Freud en Tótem y tabú. Con ella amplió su objetivo de revelar el origen de la religión y la moral, extendiéndolo al origen y destino de la humanidad. Un objetivo que también persiguió en diálogo con las teorías psiquiátricas de la herencia y la degeneración de los siglos XVIII y XIX. En este artículo se presentan brevemente las teorías concebidas por Tissot, Pinel, Lucas, Morel, Esquirol, Magnan, Legrain, Charcot, entre otros. Finalmente, este artículo también presenta y discute algunos trabajos de Freud, en los que las teorías de la herencia y la degeneración fueron resignificadas bajo las de la fijación y la regresión, ampliando los fundamentos de lo que sería su filosofía psicoanalítica declinista de la historia, revelando un nuevo sentido y dirección tanto para el origen como para el destino de la humanidad.

Résumé Cet article reflète sur la notion anthropologique d'animatisme, un stade préanimiste de l'humanité auquel Freud a fait recours dans son texte Totem et Tabu. Avec cette notion, il amplifie son objectif de révéler l'origine de la religion et de la moralité afin d'aussi aborder l'origine et le destin de l'humanité. Cet objectif a été poursuivi dans un dialogue constant avec les théories psychiatriques de l'hérédité et de la dégénérescence du XVIIIe et du XIXe siècle. Les théories conçues par Tissot, Pine, Lucas, Morel, Esquirol, Magnan, Legrain, Charcot, entre autres, seront brièvement présentées dans cet article. Enfin, cet article propose aussi de présenter et mettre en débat quelques travaux de Freud, où les théories de l'hérédité et de la dégénération ont été resignifiées pour ce qui est des concepts de fixation et de régression, élargissant ainsi les fondements de ce qu'on pourrait appeler sa philosophie psychanalytique décliniste de l'histoire, une philosophie révélatrice d'un nouveau sens et d'une nouvelle direction concernant l'origine et le destin de l'humanité.

Philosophy/history , Psychoanalysis/history , Psychoanalytic Theory , Heredity , Regression, Psychology , Imprinting, Psychological
Psicol. USP ; 35: e220019, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1558729


Resumo A psicologia do ego é reconhecida como uma releitura norte-americana da psicanálise, e teve Ernst Kris - que foi próximo de Freud - como um de seus fundadores. Apesar deste autor utilizar-se de textos freudianos para firmar os fundamentos de sua teoria, sustenta-se que a psicologia do ego mais se distancia do que se aproxima da obra de Freud. Este estudo visa demonstrar de que forma isso ocorre. Para isso, situa-se brevemente quem foi Ernst Kris e quais são as críticas já existentes à psicologia do ego. Num segundo momento, analisa-se o artigo "Ego Psychology and Interpretation in Psychoanalytic Therapy", de Kris, em confronto com a teoria de Freud. Por último, expõe-se a crítica de Lacan. Destaca-se que a crítica lacaniana remete a questões referentes à ética da psicanálise e ao lugar do analista na direção do tratamento.

Abstract Ego Psychology is a North-American re-reading of psychoanalysis and had Ernst Kris - a man who was close to Freud - as one of its founders. Despite using Freudian texts to establish its foundations, Ego Psychology distances itself from Freud's psychoanalysis. This study demonstrates how this occurs by briefly discussing who Ernst Kris was and the existing criticisms of Ego Psychology. Secondly, it analyzes Ernst Kris's article "Ego Psychology and Interpretation in Psychoanalytic Therapy" against Freud's theory, to finally present Lacan's critique, which refers to issues related to the ethics of psychoanalysis and the analyst's role in directing treatment.

Resumen La Psicología del Yo se considera como una relectura estadounidense del psicoanálisis y tuvo a Ernst Kris -quien era cercano a Freud- como uno de sus fundadores. A pesar de que Ernst Kris utiliza textos freudianos para establecer los fundamentos de su teoría, se sostiene que la Psicología del Yo se aleja más de la obra de Freud que se acerca a ella. Este estudio tiene como objetivo demostrar cómo ocurre esto. Para ello, se sitúa brevemente quién es Ernst Kris y cuáles son las críticas ya existentes a la Psicología del Yo. En segundo lugar, se analiza el artículo "Ego Psychology and interpretation in psychoanalytic therapy", de Ernst Kris, en confrontación con la teoría de Freud. Y, por último, se expone la crítica de Lacan. Se destaca que la crítica lacaniana remite a cuestiones relacionadas con la ética del psicoanálisis y el lugar del analista en la dirección del tratamiento.

Résumé La psychologie de l'égo est une relecture nord-américaine de la psychanalyse dont Ernst Kris, un homme proche de Freud, est l'un des fondateurs. Bien qu'elle utilise des textes freudiens pour établir ses fondements, la psychologie de l'égo s'éloigne de la pensée freudienne. Pour démontrer cet écart, cette étude aborde la figure de Ernst Kris et des critiques existantes à l'égard de la psychologie de l'égo. Ensuite, elle analyse l'article « Ego Psychology and interpretation in psychoanalytic therapy ¼ par rapport à la théorie de Freud, pour enfin présenter la critique de Lacan, qui se réfère à des questions liées à l'éthique de la psychanalyse et au rôle de l'analyste dans la direction du traitement.

Psychoanalytic Theory , Psychoanalysis/history , Psychoanalytic Therapy
Psicol. USP ; 352024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1538366


A arte e a literatura estão presentes de maneira significativa, tanto em Freud quanto em Lacan, entretanto elas se inscrevem de diferentes formas nas duas teorias, isso pode ser melhor observado quando os autores se debruçam sobre uma mesma obra, como Hamlet de William Shakespeare. Além desta, Macbeth é outro drama shakespeariano que interessará a Freud por conta da personagem de Lady Macbeth. Diante disso, o artigo analisou as interpretações de Freud acerca dessas duas tragédias shakespearianas, assim como as de Lacan sobre Hamlet, investigando algumas particularidades acerca de relações com a arte e com a literatura. Embora impliquem em interpretações diversas, essas obras reúnem elementos importantes e por vezes com um valor de exemplo paradigmático para reflexões no campo da psicanálise

Both Freud and in Lacan make extensive, albeit different, use of art and literature in their theories. This can be better observed when they focus on the same work, such as Hamlet and, in Freud's case, Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Thus, this article analysed Freud's readings of these two Shakespearean tragedies, as well as Lacan's analysis of Hamlet, investigating some particularities about their relations with art and literature. Despite differences in interpretation, these works bring together important elements valuable as a paradigmatic example of psychoanalytic reflections

Freud et Lacan font tout deux un usage intensive, mais différent, de l'art et la littérature dans leurs théories. Cela peut être mieux lorsque les auteurs se concentrent sur la même œuvre, comme Hamlet et, dans le cas de Freud, Macbeth de William Shakespeare. Cet article donc analyse la lecture de Freud de ces deux tragédies shakespeariennes, ainsi que l'analyse de Lacan sur Hamlet, en étudiant certaines particularités de leurs relations avec l'art et la littérature. Bien qu'ils impliquent des interprétations différentes, ces travaux rassemblent des éléments importants et ont parfois valeur d'exemple paradigmatique pour les réflexions psychanalytiques

El arte y la literatura están presentes de manera significativa, tanto en Freud como en Lacan, sin embargo se inscriben de diferentes formas en ambas teorías, esto se puede observar mejor cuando los autores se enfocan en una misma obra, como Hamlet de William Shakespeare. Además de esto, Macbeth es otro drama de Shakespeare que a Freud le interesará por el personaje de Lady Macbeth. Por tanto, el artículo analizó las interpretaciones de Freud sobre estas dos tragedias de Shakespeare, así como las interpretaciones de Lacan sobre Hamlet, investigando algunas particularidades sobre sus relaciones con el arte y la literatura. Aunque implican diferentes interpretaciones, estas obras reúnen elementos importantes y, en ocasiones, con el valor de un ejemplo paradigmático para las reflexiones en el campo del psicoanálisis

Art , Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Psychoanalytic Theory , Literature
Estilos clín ; 29(2)2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1571022


O presente artigo busca explorar a incidência da feminilidade (Weiblichkeit), a elaboração da sexualidade feminina (Weiblichsexualität) e a ambivalência afetiva nas relações primárias relação mãe e filha. Para tal, lançará mão das teorizações freudianas a partir da teoria da clínica psicanalítica e de uma interlocução com um romance da escritora italiana Elena Ferrante. Primeiramente, será trabalhada a lógica do inconsciente, assim como a pertinência da clínica e de possíveis incursões na literatura para apreensão de conceitos fundamentais da teoria psicanalítica. Em seguida, serão abordados marcadores mais precisos da constituição feminina, enfatizando a configuração afetiva que caracteriza o funcionamento pré-edípico. Ao longo destes desdobramentos, serão apresentados fragmentos da literatura mencionada que podem lançar luz sobre os impasses da relação mãe e filha, destacando o valor de aplicação clínica das passagens

Este artículo busca explorar la incidencia de la feminidad (Weiblichkeit), la elaboración de la sexualidad femenina (Weiblichsexualität) y la ambivalencia afectiva en las relaciones primarias madre-hija. Para ello, hará uso de teorías freudianas desde la teoría de la clínica psicoanalítica y una interlocución con un romance de la escritora italiana Elena Ferrante. Primero, se trabajará lalógica del inconsciente, así como la pertinencia de la clínica y de posibles incursiones en la literatura para la aprehensión de conceptos fundamentales de la teoría psicoanalítica. A continuación, se abordarán marcadores más precisos de la constitución femenina, enfatizando la configuración afectiva que caracteriza el funcionamiento preedípico. A lo largo de estos desarrollos, se presentarán fragmentos de la literatura mencionada que pueden arrojar luz sobre los impasses en la relación madre-hija, destacando el valor de aplicación clínica de los passajes

This article aims to explore the incidence of femininity (Weiblichkeit), the development of female sexuality (Weiblichsexualität), and the affective ambivalence in primary mother-daughter relationships. To do so, it will draw upon Freudian theories from the field of psychoanalytic clinical theory and engage with a novel by Italian writer Elena Ferrante. At first, the logic of the unconscious will be examined, as well as the relevance of clinical practice and possible forays into literature for grasping fundamental concepts of psychoanalytic theory. Subsequently, more precise markers of feminine constitution will be addressed, with emphasis on the affective configuration characterizing pre-Oedipal functioning. Throughout these unfoldings, literary fragments will be presented to shed light on the impasses within the mother-daughter relationship, highlighting the clinical application value of the passages

Cet article cherche à explorer l'incidence de la féminité (Weiblichkeit), l'élaboration de la sexualité féminine (Weiblichsexualität) et l'ambivalence affective dans les relations primaires mère-fille. À cette fin, il utilisera les théories freudiennes de la théorie de la clinique psychanalytique et une interlocution avec un roman de l'écrivaine italienne Elena Ferrante. Dans un premier temps, la logique de l'inconscient sera travaillée, ainsi que la pertinence de la clinique et de possibles incursions dans la littérature pour l'appréhension des concepts fondamentaux de la théorie psychanalytique. Ensuite, des marqueurs plus précis de la constitution féminine seront abordés, en insistant sur la configuration affective qui caractérise le fonctionnement pré-oedipien. Tout au long de ces développements, seront présentés des fragments de la littérature précitée pouvant éclairer les impasses de la relation mère-fille, mettre en évidence la valeur d'application clinique des passages

Psychoanalytic Theory , Sexuality , Femininity , Mother-Child Relations , Affect , Sexual Development , Literature
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(4): 1577-1596, dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1538286


O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar os movimentos de massa contemporâneos presentes no cenário político brasileiro nos anos de 2013 e 2015, assim como seus efeitos no laço social, a partir das contribuições da psicanálise, valendo-se, em especial, dos textos clássicos de Freud que tratam sobre as massas e o mal-estar na cultura e das elaborações lacanianas sobre os discursos que sustentam o laço social. Com isso, busca-se levantar algumas hipóteses e refletir acerca do fenômeno de formação de massas na atualidade, onde se destaca a mais potente ferramenta de mobilização política contemporânea: as redes sociais. Atualmente, avolumam-se os exemplos no Brasil e no mundo de manifestações convocadas pelas redes sociais, com seu poder de propagação e disseminação de informação e desinformação. Nos últimos dez anos, o que colhemos é a intensificação e complexificação desses processos, conforme avança o "poder" das redes sociais e a forma como ela vem se estabelecendo em nossas sociedades. Na copulação entre ciência e capitalismo observada nas redes, os algoritmos respondem e operam de acordo com os interesses do mercado, manipulando as subjetividades.

This article aims to analyze the contemporary mass movements present on the Brazilian political scenario in the years 2013 and 2015, as well as their effects on the social bond, based on the contributions of psychoanalysis, using, in particular, Freud's classic texts that deal with the masses, civilization and its discontents and the lacanian elaborations on the discourses that sustain the social bond. With this, we seek to raise some hypotheses and reflect on the phenomenon of mass formation today, where the most powerful tool of contemporary political mobilization stands out: the social networks. Currently, examples in Brazil and around the world of demonstrations convened by social networks, with their power to propagate and disseminate information and misinformation, are growing. In the last ten years, what we have seen is the intensification and complexity of these processes, as the "power" of social networks advances and the way in which it has been establishing itself in our societies. In the copulation between science and capitalism observed in the networks, the algorithms respond and operate according to the interests of the market, manipulating subjectivities.

Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los movimientos de masas contemporáneos presentes en el escenario político brasileño en los años 2013 y 2015, así como sus efectos en el lazo social, a partir de las contribuciones del psicoanálisis, utilizando, en particular, de los textos clásicos de Freud que tratan sobre las masas y el malestar en la cultura y las elaboraciones lacanianas sobre los discursos que sustentan el lazo social. Con ello, buscamos plantear algunas hipótesis y reflexionar sobre el fenómeno de la formación de masas en la actualidad, donde se destaca la herramienta más poderosa de la movilización política contemporánea: las redes sociales. Actualmente, crecen los ejemplos en Brasil y en el mundo de manifestaciones convocadas por las redes sociales, con su poder de propagar y difundir información y desinformación. En los últimos diez años lo que hemos visto es la intensificación y complejidad de estos procesos, a medida que avanza el "poder" de las redes sociales y la forma en que se ha ido instalando en nuestras sociedades. En la cópula entre ciencia y capitalismo observada en las redes, los algoritmos responden y operan de acuerdo a los intereses del mercado, manipulando subjetividades.

Humans , Politics , Psychoanalytic Theory , Information Dissemination , Social Networking , Political Activism , Disinformation , Brazil , Mass Behavior
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(4): 1486-1505, dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1538191


O algoritmo digital permitiu o manejo de dados dos usuários da web pelos conglomerados informacionais. De forma discreta e personalizada, a nova forma de governamentalidade coleta, organiza, permuta e devolve os dados ao próprio indivíduo na forma de mais informações. Cada vez mais, esbarra na dimensão singular, tocando o campo do gozo via proliferação de objetos a que, na teoria lacaniana dos discursos, assume a dupla função de perda e de incessante tentativa de suplementação de gozo. Com o incremento informacional, o objeto chega ao ápice social e o digital alcança patamar discursivo. Inserindo-se no mesmo nicho do saber, a informação digital se aproveita da divisão subjetiva, deixando pouco espaço para que o sujeito possa lidar com a entropia de seu gozo via desejo. Se a neguentropia é o atributo do saber que limita a dispersão de gozo, na informação tratada e retornada algoritmicamente tal processo sofre uma aceleração, agindo diretamente sobre a economia dos afetos. Com prejuízo para o sujeito, resta uma experiência de gozo cada vez mais direta, crua, menos mediatizada pelo saber e pelo Outro.

The digital algorithm has allowed the management of data from web users by informational conglomerates. In a discreet and personalized way, the new form of governmentality collects, organizes, exchanges and returns data to the individual in the form of more information. More and more, it comes up against the singular dimension, touching the field of jouissance via the proliferation of objects a which, in the Lacanian theory of discourses, assumes the double function of loss and an incessant attempt to supplement jouissance. With the increase in information, the object reaches the social apex and the digital reaches a discursive level. Inserting itself in the same niche of know [savoir], digital information takes advantage of the subjective division, leaving little space for the subject to deal with the entropy of his jouissance via desire. If negentropy is the attribute of savoir that limits the dispersion of jouissance, in the information processed and returned algorithmically this process is accelerated, acting directly on the economy of affections. To the detriment of the subject, what remains is an experience of jouissance that is increasingly direct, raw, less mediated by savoir and the Other.

El algoritmo digital permitió la gestión de datos de los usuarios de la web por parte de conglomerados informativos. De forma discreta y personalizada, la nueva forma de gubernamentalidad recolecta, organiza, intercambia y devuelve datos al individuo en forma de más información. Cada vez más, choca con la dimensión singular, tocando el campo del goce a través de la proliferación de objetos a que, en la teoría lacaniana de los discursos, asume la doble función de pérdida y de intento incesante de complementar el goce. Con el aumento de la información, el objeto alcanza el ápice social y lo digital alcanza un nivel discursivo. Insertándose en el mismo nicho del conocimiento, la información digital aprovecha la división subjetiva, dejando poco espacio para que el sujeto gestione la entropía de su goce vía deseo. Si la negentropía es el atributo del saber que limita la dispersión del goce, en la información procesada y devuelta algorítmicamente, este proceso se acelera, actuando directamente sobre la economía de los afectos. En detrimento del sujeto, lo que queda es una experiencia de goce cada vez más directa, cruda, menos mediatizada por el saber y el Otro.

Psychoanalytic Theory , Information Dissemination , Pleasure , Internet Access
Cuestiones infanc ; 24(2): 29-77, nov 2, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561895


A partir del recorte longitudinal del caso clínico de un niño, se analiza el despliegue de la función materna y paterna en el devenir de su constitución psíquica, las implicancias en su desarrollo y cómo va evolucionando a partir de un cambio en el posicionamiento de ambos padres. Las manifestaciones del juego del niño, la expresión de su lenguaje, y la organización del yo desde un enfoque metapsicológico, son las fuentes para analizar el desarrollo psíquico. A su vez, se contempla el impacto de la llegada del diagnóstico de TEA, enlazado al de discapacidad, y las implicancias aparejadas AU

À partir de la coupe longitudinale d'un cas clinique d'un enfant, le déploiement de la fonction maternelle et paternelle dans le développement de leur constitution psychique est analysé, les implications sur son développement et comment il évolue à partir d'un changement de positionnement des deux parents. Les manifestations du jeu de l'enfant, l'expression de leur langage, et l'organisation de soi à partir d'une approche métapsychologique, sont les sources pour analyser le développement psychique. Parallèlement, l'impact de l'arrivée du diagnostic de autisme est envisagé, liés au invalidité, et aux implications qui y sont associées AU

From the longitudinal section of the clinical case of a child, the deployment of the maternal and paternal function in the development of their psychic constitution is analyzed, including the implications for its development and how it evolves from a change in the positioning of both parents. The manifestations of the child's play, the expression of his language, and the organization of the self from a metapsychological approach, are the sources to analyze psychic development. At the same time, the impact of the arrival of the diagnosis of autism, linked to that of disability, and the associated implications are considered AU

Resumo Do corte longitudinal de um caso clínico de uma criança, analisa-se o desdobramento da função materna e paterna no desenvolvimento de sua constituição psíquica, as implicações para o seu desenvolvimento e como ele evolui a partir de uma mudança no posicionamento de ambos os pais. As manifestações da brincadeira infantil, a expressão da sua língua, e a organização do eu a partir de uma abordagem metapsicológica, eles são as fontes para analisar o desenvolvimento psíquico. Ao mesmo tempo, contempla-se o impacto da chegada do diagnóstico de autismo, ligada à deficiência, e as implicações decorrentes AU

Humans , Male , Child , Psychoanalytic Theory , Father-Child Relations , Autism Spectrum Disorder/psychology , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Play Therapy , Child Language , Child Rearing/psychology , Ego
Psicol. rev ; 32(1): 11-35, 17/10/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1518184


Buscamos neste ensaio apresentar algumas das principais transformações pelas quais passou a psicanálise no seu desenvolvimento histórico. Nesse movi-mento, os chamados paradigmas pulsional e objetal foram se estabelecendo como principais referências ao campo psicanalítico. Nossa intenção principal foi conhecer como a relação de objeto está presente na teoria pulsional de Freud, sobretudo na primeira tópica. Ademais, saber como a dinâmica pulsional e o objeto se apresentam no pensamento de um dos principais psicanalistas da primeira geração, Karl Abraham. Como desdobramento deste estudo, apre-sentamos alguns dos efeitos de como a noção de objeto, presente nas teorias desses paradigmas, pode fundamentar diferentes noções de desenvolvimento, de psicopatologia e de manejo clínico em nossa contemporaneidade. (AU)

In this essay, we aim to present some of the key transformations that psycho-analysis has undergone in its historical development. In this movement, the concepts of drive and object paradigms were established as main references to the psychoanalytic field. Our primary objective was to explore the presence of object relations in Freud's drive theory, especially in the first topography. Moreover, we seek to know how the dynamic of drives and the object are present in the thinking of one of the leading psychoanalysts of the first genera-tion, Karl Abraham. As an extension to this study, we point out some of the effects of how the notion of object, included in the theories of these paradigms, can underpin various concepts of development, psychopathology, and clinical practice in contemporary psychoanalysis. (AU)

En este ensayo buscamos presentar algunas de las principales transfor-maciones que ha sufrido el psicoanálisis en su desarrollo histórico. En este movimiento, los denominados paradigmas pulsionales y objetal se estable-cieron como referencias principales al campo psicoanalítico. Nuestra inten-ción principal era saber cómo está presente la relación de objeto en la teoría pulsional de Freud, especialmente en la primera tópica. Además, saber cómo la dinámica pulsional y el objeto se presentan en el pensamiento de uno de los principales psicoanalistas de la primera generación, Karl Abraham. Como consecuencia de este estudio, presentamos algunos de los efectos de cómo la noción de objeto, presente en las teorías de estos paradigmas, puede soportar diferentes nociones de desarrollo, psicopatología y manejo clínico en nuestros tiempos contemporáneos.

Humans , Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Object Attachment , Psychoanalysis/history , Psychoanalytic Theory , Sexuality
Int J Psychoanal ; 104(4): 737-754, 2023 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37722914


This paper examines the characteristics and clinical utility of the psychoanalytic field theory proposed by M. and W. Baranger, with particular emphasis on the issues of the transferential-counter transferential relationship and the 'second look'. The role of central key metaphors embodied in the experience of both patient and analyst is illustrated through the author's personal experience and participation in Three Level Model (3LM) work groups. The risk of moments of intense communication between patient and analyst has the possibility for the analyst to lose distance, making it necessary to go beyond moments of emotional resonance and reverie and to take a "second look" to understand the analyst's involvement in the interactional process in order to prevent the constitution of bastions of the field. The 3LM work groups extend the temporal context to include longer periods of time and a "third group look" that triangulates perspectives through group discussions, allowing for the exploration of transformations that have occurred in the analysis. The field perspective contributes to a deeper understanding of the transference-countertransference relationship. The "second" and the "third look" broadens the analyst's insights and enriches the understanding of the psychoanalytic process and its multifaceted dynamics.

Countertransference , Psychoanalysis , Humans , Communication , Emotions , Psychoanalytic Theory
Int J Psychoanal ; 104(2): 356-372, 2023 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37139729


This article highlights elements of Peirce's philosophy used by four well-known psychoanalytic authors, Ricardo Steiner, André Green, Bjorn Salomonsson and Dominique Scarfone, showing how contributions from Peirce's ideas could clarify psychoanalytic matters. The subject of Steiner's paper is how Peirce's semiotic could help to fulfill a conceptual gap mainly in Kleinian tradition in relation to phenomena that occur between what are called "symbolic equations" (representations lived as facts, by psychotic patients) and symbolization. Green's writings question Lacan's conception that the unconscious is structured like a language, suggesting that Peirce's signs, particularly the icons and indices, would be more appropriate to think about the unconscious than the linguistics used by Lacan. One of the Salomonsson's papers gives a good example of how Peirce's philosophic notions can be enlightening in the clinical area, as they are used to answer the criticism that words could not be understood by a baby in a "mother-infant" treatment; the other uses Peirce's conceptions to give interesting suggestions about Bion's beta-elements. The last paper, from Scarfone, broadly address the constitution of significations in psychoanalysis, but we will limit ourselves to consider how Peirce's concepts are used in the model proposed by Scarfone.

Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Humans , Philosophy , Language , Psychoanalytic Theory
Am J Psychoanal ; 83(2): 231-249, 2023 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37217671


This theoretical paper discusses three variations on the death drive, developed by Sándor Ferenczi. We present a brief history of the use of the term death drive among the first psychoanalysts and argue that, as early as 1913, the notion is used by Ferenczi and serves as a conceptual background for his thinking. During the 1920s, Ferenczi revisits part of this concept, focusing on what he identifies as a primacy of self-destruction. The destructive drive gains an adaptive character responsible for the mortification of parts of the individual, in exchange for the survival of the whole. In this variation, the tendency to regress also arises as the self-destruction drive and the acceptance of unpleasure involves a psychic "reckoning-machine." In the final variation, left unfinished, the death drive at times receives new names, like drive for "conciliation," and at others, the very idea of the death drive is criticized.

Psychoanalysis , Male , Humans , History, 20th Century , Psychoanalytic Theory , Drive
aSEPHallus ; 28(36): 82-95, maio-out.2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512296


O presente artigo visa abordar o fenômeno contemporâneo do consumo de manipulações corporais do tipo estético a partir da teoria e da clínica psicanalíticas. Nossa hipótese de pesquisa é que a menor potência do ideal do eu em sua vertente de interdito afeta a consistência da imagem corporal, culminando em um sofrimento psíquico provocado pelo desregramento pulsional. Indagamos se a intervenção no corpo poderia apaziguar a relação imaginária através de uma idealização do corpo vendida como mercadoria

Cet article vise à aborder le phénomène contemporain de consommation de manipulations corporelles de type esthétique en s'appuyant sur la théorie et la clinique psychanalytiques. Notre hypothèse de recherche est que la puissance inférieure de l'Idéal du Moi dans son aspect d'interdit affecte la cohérence de l'imagecorporelle, culminant dans la souffrance psychique causée par le trouble instinctif. Nous nous sommes demandé si l'intervention sur le corps pouvait apaiser la relation imaginaire par une idéalisation du corps vendu comme une marchandise

This article aims to address the contemporary phenomenon of consumption of body manipulations of the aesthetic type based on psychoanalytic theory and clinics. Our research hypothesis is that the lower power of the ego ideal in its interdict aspect affects the consistency of the body image, culminating in psychic suffering caused by instinctual disorder. We asked whether intervention in the body could appease the imaginary relationship through an idealization of the body sold as a merchandise.

Psychoanalytic Theory , Physical Appearance, Body
Am J Psychoanal ; 83(1): 12-21, 2023 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36750630


The paper analyzes Ferenczi's contributions to contemporary debates on gender. It does not strictly adhere to what he wrote about masculinity and femininity, where he reveals himself as a man of his time, with the some of the prejudices of his time. Instead, the paper highlights the utraquistic method and the pluralist monism of Ferenczi, whereby he appears as an analyst who remains in synch with current problems. Against the purity of dualisms, Ferenczi embraced multiplicity, mixtures, and the transit between different spaces, beyond divisive frontiers. In terms of method, it resonates with Judith Butler's proposals, with the ideas defended by Paul Preciado and by Queer theory.

Psychoanalysis , Male , Female , Humans , History, 20th Century , Psychoanalytic Theory , Masculinity , Femininity
Int J Psychoanal ; 104(1): 174-177, 2023 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36799636


While pluralism allows for the recognition of different psychoanalytic models, it still remains a challenge to build processes and arguments strong enough to resolve basic disagreements. The Three-Level Model constitutes a valuable tool to an open critical discussion among analysts of different theoretical orientations regarding a clinical material, by providing sources of evidence about patient transformations in an analytic process.

Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Humans , Psychoanalytic Theory , Latin America , Dissent and Disputes
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e47288, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1406374


RESUMO Fenômenos associados à compulsão à repetição apresentam-se na clínica psicanalítica como reveladores de uma dor da qual o paciente nada sabe dizer, mas que se impõe como um destino implacável. Partilhando da opinião de alguns psicanalistas sobre as potencialidades terapêuticas inscritas na compulsão à repetição e cientes das dificuldades que envolvem a sua justificação teórica, este artigo busca aclarar a trama conceitual da metapsicologia que pode vir a embasar tal compreensão. Desse modo, partindo de uma pesquisa conceitual, objetivamos explicitar os fenômenos metapsicológicos que estão inscritos na repetição, propiciando uma releitura de aspectos importantes da obra freudiana. Assim, o artigo desenvolve a ideia de que as energias disruptivas presentes na compulsão à repetição, ao serem submetidas ao trabalho de ligação realizado pelo 'Eu', um processo secundário por excelência, articulado às noções de fusão e desfusão pulsionais, presentes em textos da etapa madura das reflexões de Freud, permite lançar alguma luz sobre processos obscuros subjacentes aos fenômenos em tela.

RESUMEN Fenómenos asociados a la compulsión a la repetición se presentan en la clínica psicoanalítica como reveladores de un dolor del cual el paciente nada sabe decir, pero que se impone como un destino implacable. Compartiendo la opinión de algunos psicoanalistas en las potencialidades terapéuticas inscritas en la repetición y conscientes de las dificultades que envuelven su justificación teórica, este artículo busca explicitar la trama conceptual metapsicológica que puede venir a embasar su comprensión. Así, empiezando desde una búsqueda conceptual, tenemos como objetivo demuenstrar a los fenómenos metapsicológicos que se encuentran inscritos en la repetición, proporcionando una reinterpretación de importantes aspectos de la obra de Freud. Por lo tanto, este articulo desarrolla la idea de energías disruptivas encuentradas en la compulsión hacia la repetición cuando se las envían al trabajo de ligación realizado por el 'Yo', un procedimiento secundario por excelencia, enlazados a la comprensión de fusión y desfusion pulsionales, que están presentes en textos de la etapa madura de las relfexiones de Freud, permitiendo tirar alguna luz sobre procesos oscuros subyacentes a los fenómenos en discusión.

ABSTRACT Phenomena associated with repetition compulsion appear in the psychoanalytic clinic revealing a pain the patient knows nothing about, but which imposes as a relentless fate. Sharing the opinion of some psychoanalysts about therapeutic potentialities inscribed in the compulsion repetition and aware of the difficulties involved in their theoretical justification, this article sought to explain the conceptual framework necessary to understand the process underlying such phenomena. Thus, starting from a conceptual research, we aimed to explain the metapsychological phenomena inscribed in repetition, providing a new understanding of important aspects of the Freudian work. Therefore, the article develops the idea that disruptive energies present in repetition compulsion when subjected to connection carried out by the 'Self', a secondary process par excellence, articulated to the notions of drive fusion and defusion, available in texts from the mature stage of Freud's reflections, allows to shed light on obscure processes underlying the phenomena in question.

Therapeutics/psychology , Compulsive Behavior/psychology , Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Theory , Psychology , Drive , Freudian Theory