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Psychother Res ; 34(3): 261-275, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37149897


Objective: The aim of this review is to systematize and interpret results produced over one decade of Psychotherapy Process Research (2009-2019) in eight journals. Method: It is a Mixed Studies Review of quantitative as well as qualitative primary studies. The analysis of the results of these studies included a descriptive quantitative part and a qualitative part that followed the logic of Qualitative Meta Analysis, categorizing the main results of both types of studies in a bottom-up procedure that generates specific content categories that are synthesized in further steps of a higher level of abstraction, leading to an "interpretive synthesis" presented in a narrative way. Results: The review shows that psychotherapy process research uses a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods, often creating new procedures. Furthermore, the review indicates that the most commonly assessed macroprocess variables are ongoing change, therapeutic relationship (predominantly therapeutic alliance), and therapeutic intervention; while the most extensively studied microprocess variables are change events, difficult episodes (mainly ruptures), and therapeutic intervention. Macrolevel results reveal that the main contents of ongoing change are the building of new meanings and progressive psychological integration; underscore the association of the therapeutic alliance with ongoing change and outcome; and show the complexity of associating intervention with outcome, because different phases of therapy (and problems) need different assessments. Microlevel results indicate that change events impact on ongoing change and outcome; that for ruptures the key fact is their repair; and that therapist communication has an immediate influence on patient communication. Conclusion: Our knowledge regarding relevant aspects of psychotherapy is very fragmented; robust and replicated results are still scarce. Only a few variables have been found to consistently predict outcome across most therapies. Only in the field of alliance research it has been possible to perform meta-analyses that clearly demonstrate the impact of this factor on final outcomes. Despite these limitations, psychotherapy process research is a powerful tool for uncovering change mechanisms and is at present widely implemented. Our conclusion is that, in order to generate useful future knowledge, change mechanisms need to be linked to ongoing change; this, in turn, requires models of change, hopefully of a transtheoretical nature.

Psychotherapeutic Processes , Therapeutic Alliance , Humans , Psychotherapy , Communication , Knowledge
J Clin Psychol ; 80(1): 207-222, 2024 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37837638


OBJECTIVES: The therapeutic alliance (TA) has been shown to be a predictor of psychotherapy treatment success. In the case of psychotherapy with children, there is a dearth of information on TA's role. The aims of the paper are: (1) To estimate the therapist effects on children TA; (2) to investigate if therapists' TA predicts children's TA; (3) to analyze if children's age and sex predict children's TA; (4) to evaluate if the therapist's characteristics predict children's TA. METHODS: The sample consisted of 77 children undergoing psychotherapy in Argentina, and the therapists (N = 29) providing services to those children. The assessment tools utilized for the study included the Therapy Alliance Scale for Children and the Personal Style of the Therapist Questionnaire (PST-Q). RESULTS: Findings indicated that 2% of the children's TA was explained by the therapists (ICC = 0.02), while 17% of the therapists' TA was explained by the therapists (ICC = 0.17). Therapists' TA predicted children's TA. Children's age and sex did not have an effect on their own TA. Moreover, therapists with more experience achieved higher scores of children's TA. Finally, the Operative dimension of the PST had a negative effect on children's TA (i.e., therapists who prefer more spontaneous interventions over structured ones may experience higher levels of therapeutic alliance with child patients). CONCLUSION: We found a positive effect of the therapist's TA on children's TA, especially in the preference for using more spontaneous intervention techniques. We discuss the implications of the findings on the training of psychotherapists who provide services to children.

Therapeutic Alliance , Child , Humans , Professional-Patient Relations , Psychotherapists , Psychotherapy/methods , Treatment Outcome , Male , Female
Article in Spanish | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-57406


[RESUMEN]. En este artículo se describe la importancia de las alianzas públicas y las alianzas privadas (APP) y de la articulación público-privada para hacer frente a la resistencia antimicrobiana (RAM) mediante el enfoque Una Salud. Estas alianzas se tejen entre actores gubernamentales, empresas privadas y organizaciones sociales para la construcción de agendas, la toma de decisiones y la gestión de proyectos de interés común. Se presenta un estudio de caso de Colombia, en el que se describen ejemplos del sector público ante la alerta de resistencia a la colistina que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) informó en el 2016, los sectores productores de proteína animal bajo una alianza intergremial para el uso racional de los antimicrobianos y, por último, una alianza público-privada del sector porcícola con instituciones gubernamentales y cooperación internacional para lograr la implementación de acciones que mitiguen el riesgo de RAM. En Colombia, el establecimiento de alianzas con las organizaciones que representan a los sectores de productores agropecuarios ha generado acciones de impacto, como estrechar canales de comunicación permanente entre el sector público y el privado, caracterizar las condiciones de la cadena de producción agropecuaria, establecer mecanismos de consulta y validación de las políticas de salud en RAM, obtener una línea base de patógenos indicado- res e identificación de los posibles flujos de propagación de RAM y, por último, lograr la transferencia de conocimiento y construcción de capacidades con expertos nacionales e internacionales, con acciones de concienciación de la problemática y su impacto en la salud pública. El modelo estratégico desarrollado en Colombia en colaboración público-privada puede inspirar a otros países de bajos y medianos ingresos para obtener resultados, con la optimización de recursos, que contribuyan al plan nacional de mitigación de la RAM.

[ABSTRACT]. This article describes the importance of public-private partnerships (PPPs) and public-private coordination to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the One Health approach. These partnerships are developed between governmental actors, private companies, and social organizations to build agendas, decision- making, and the management of projects of common interest. A case study from Colombia is presented. It describes examples of response from the public sector when the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a colistin resistance alert in 2016; from the animal protein production sector under an industry partnership for the rational use of antimicrobials; and, finally, from a public-private partnership in the swine sector, with governmental institutions and international cooperation, to take action to mitigate the risk of AMR. In Colombia, the establishment of partnerships with organizations representing agricultural producers has generated impactful actions such as strengthening ongoing communication channels between the public and private sectors; characterizing the conditions of the agricultural production chain; establishing mechanisms for consultation and validation of health policies related to AMR; obtaining a baseline of indicator pathogens and identification of possible flows of AMR spread; and, finally, achieving knowledge transfer and capacity- building with national and international experts, with actions to raise awareness about the problem of AMR and its impact on public health. The strategic model developed in Colombia through public-private collaboration can inspire other low- and middle-income countries to optimize their use of resources to obtain results that contribute to the national AMR mitigation plan.

[RESUMO]. Este artigo descreve a importância das parcerias públicas e das parcerias privadas (PPP) e da articulação público-privada no enfrentamento da resistência a antimicrobianos (RAM) utilizando a abordagem de Saúde Única. Essas parcerias são formadas entre atores governamentais, empresas privadas e organizações sociais para elaborar agendas, tomar decisões e gerir projetos de interesse comum. Este artigo apresenta um estudo de caso da Colômbia, no qual são apresentados exemplos do setor público diante do alerta de resistência à colistina emitido pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) em 2016, a formação de uma aliança intersetorial pelos setores de produção de proteína animal para promover o uso racional de antimicrobianos e, por último, a formação de uma parceria público-privada composta pelo setor suinícola e por instituições governamentais e cooperação internacional para que a implementação de medidas de mitigação do risco de RAM. Na Colômbia, a criação de parcerias com organizações representantes dos setores de produção agropecuária geraram ações de impacto, como o fortalecimento de canais permanentes de comunicação entre os setores público e privado, a caracterização das condições da cadeia de produção agropecuária, o estabelecimento de mecanismos de consulta e validação das políticas de saúde voltadas para a RAM, a obtenção de uma linha de base de patógenos indicadores e identificação de possíveis fluxos de propagação de RAM e, por fim, a transferência de conhecimentos e capacitação envolvendo especialistas nacionais e internacionais, com ações de conscientização sobre o problema e seu impacto na saúde pública. O modelo estratégico desenvolvido na Colômbia por meio da colaboração público-privada pode inspirar outros países de baixa e média renda a obter resultados, pela otimização de recursos, que contribuam para o plano nacional de mitigação da RAM.

Drug Resistance , Therapeutic Alliance , Non-Medical Public and Private Facilities , Intersectoral Collaboration , Public-Private Sector Partnerships , Health Policy , Colombia , Drug Resistance , Public-Private Sector Partnerships , Health Policy , Drug Resistance , Public-Private Sector Partnerships , Health Policy , Colombia
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440513


Introducción: La prejubilación se define como una etapa de la vida donde convergen factores biológicos, psicológicos, sociales, culturales, espirituales y ambientales que preparan al individuo para un cambio global y profundo. Objetivo: Precisar mediante el tratamiento psicológico inclusivo los cambios ocurridos en el proceso cognoscitivo del pensamiento y las modificaciones obtenidas en la esfera emocional en el grupo intervenido. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental en el Policlínico Docente «Marta Abreu», de Santa Clara, Villa Clara, en el período de enero de 2017 a febrero de 2019. Se emplearon procedimientos, métodos y técnicas con la aplicación de esta modalidad terapéutica en un grupo estudio de 200 personas prejubilables, de 55 a 65 años de edad. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos-matemáticos. Se aplicaron técnicas psicológicas antes del tratamiento psicológico inclusivo, y después de este, en el grupo estudio y en el grupo control. Resultados: Fueron muy reveladores en el grupo estudio, y se registraron cambios muy significativos en los procesos intelectuales, en el pensamiento lógico verbal, práctico constructivo y rumiativo; además estados emocionales ansioso bajo y depresivo leve, autoestima alta, y notable mejoría en la vulnerabilidad al estrés. En el grupo control no se reflejaron cambios favorables. Conclusiones: El tratamiento psicológico inclusivo resultó efectivo por el logro de cambios positivos en el estado cognitivo-emocional-conductual en personas prejubilables del grupo estudio. La aplicación de las estrategias de desactivación fisiológica, cognitivas, reflexivo vivenciales, informativas, así como las habilidades de conductas de afrontamiento, las acciones de mantenimiento y generalización y las ayudas paliativas y moderadoras de estrés en la atención a personas prejubilables, constituyó un novedoso recurso terapéutico.

Introduction: pre-retirement is defined as a stage of life where biological, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and environmental factors converge to prepare the individual for a global and profound change. Objective: to determine, through the inclusive psychological treatment, the changes occurred in the cognitive process of thinking and the modifications obtained in the emotional sphere in the intervened group. Methods: a quasi-experimental study was carried out at "Marta Abreu" Teaching Polyclinic in Santa Clara, Villa Clara from January 2017 to February 2019. Procedures, methods and techniques were used with the application of this therapeutic modality in a study group of 200 pre-retired people aged 55 to 65 years old. Theoretical, empirical, statistical and mathematical methods were used. Psychological techniques were applied before and after the inclusive psychological treatment in the study and control groups. Results: they very revealing in the study group, and very significant changes were registered in intellectual processes as well as in verbal-logical, practical-constructive and ruminative thinking; also low anxious and mild depressive emotional states, high self-esteem, and notable improvement in vulnerability to stress. No favorable changes were reflected in the control group. Conclusions: the inclusive psychological treatment was effective in achieving positive changes in the cognitive, emotional and behavioural state in pre-retired people from the study group. The application of physiological deactivation, cognitive, experiential, reflective, and informative strategies, as well as coping behavioural skills, maintenance and generalization actions and palliative and moderating stress aids in the care of pre-retired people constituted a novel therapeutic resource.

Wechsler Memory Scale , Therapeutic Alliance
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e250311, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1422425


Este artigo é um relato de experiência cujo objetivo é refletir sobre a atuação de uma psicóloga no contexto da urgência e emergência no hospital a partir da psicologia jungiana. Utilizou-se como método o recurso da sistematização da experiência, que consiste em sua interpretação crítica, cujo foco é o ordenamento e a reconstrução das experiências para explicitar a lógica do processo vivido. Por meio da reflexão de situações clínicas foi possível proporcionar um lugar para a subjetividade diante do disruptivo e da objetividade institucional do hospital. Teoricamente, o texto descreve as experiências de atendimento hospitalar, espaço em que urge o inesperado e o desconhecido. Aposta-se no simbolismo como movimento da psique para lidar com aquilo que o sujeito ainda não pode nomear, significar, incluindo a vulnerabilidade, as perdas e a questão da morte e do luto, este entendido como a ruptura de um vínculo. Dessa forma, a psicologia analítica se volta para como a entrada no hospital e a fugacidade do contexto de urgência e emergência afetam a psique dos sujeitos atendidos e de que forma esse psiquismo reage às vivências disruptivas e inesperadas.(AU)

This work is an experience report whose objective is to reflect on the role of a psychologist in the context of urgency and emergency in the hospital from the perspective of Jungian psychology. The resource of systematization of the experience was used as method, which consists of a critical interpretation, whose focus is the ordering and reconstruction of experiences to explain the logic of the process experienced. With the reflection of clinical situations, it was possible to provide a place for subjectivity in the face of the disruptive and the institutional objectivity of the hospital. Theoretically, the text describes the experience of entry in a hospital, a place in which the unexpected and the unknown are faced. We believe on symbolism as a movement of the psyche to deal with what the patient cannot yet name or give a meaning, including vulnerability, losses, and the issue of death and grief, this last one understood as the rupture of a link. Thus, analytical psychology will focus on how the entry in a hospital and the fleetingness of the emergency context affect the psyche of the patients and how this psyche reacts to the disruptive and unexpected experiences.(AU)

Este reporte de experiencia pretende reflejar sobre el papel de una psicóloga en el contexto de urgencia y emergencia en el hospital desde la perspectiva de la psicología junguiana. El método utilizado fue el recurso de sistematización de la experiencia, que consiste en una interpretación crítica, cuyo enfoque es el ordenamiento y reconstrucción de experiencias para explicar la lógica del proceso vivido. A partir del reflejo de situaciones clínicas se logró dar lugar a la subjetividad frente a la objetividad institucional del hospital. Teóricamente se describen las vivencias en la atención hospitalaria, un espacio donde se encuentra lo inesperado y lo desconocido. Se considera el simbolismo como un movimiento de la psique para lidiar con lo que el sujeto aún no puede nombrar, incluidas la vulnerabilidad, las pérdidas y el tema de la muerte y el dolor, este último comprendido como un quiebre del vínculo. De esta manera, la psicología analítica se centrará en cómo la admisión al hospital y la fugacidad del contexto de emergencia afectan la psique de los sujetos atendidos y cómo esta psique reacciona a estas experiencias disruptivas e inesperadas.(AU)

Humans , Psychology , Psychology, Medical , Emergencies , Anxiety , Anxiety Disorders , Patient Admission , Patient Discharge , Patients , Psychophysiology , Psychotherapy, Brief , Quality of Life , Self Concept , Social Problems , Sociology , Suicide, Attempted , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Violence , Wounds and Injuries , Behavioral Sciences , Burns , Bereavement , Radiography , Family , Oxygenation , Individual Diseases , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Ultrasonography , Caregivers , Psychotherapeutic Processes , Crisis Intervention , Personal Autonomy , Death , Interdisciplinary Communication , Diagnosis , Electrocardiography , Emergency Medical Services , Empathy , User Embracement , Fractures, Bone , Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services , Resilience, Psychological , Vital Signs , Interactive Ventilatory Support , Ambulatory Care , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Clinical Observation Units , Posttraumatic Growth, Psychological , Therapeutic Alliance , Sadness , Patient Care , Psychosocial Intervention , Cognitive Psychology , Psychological Well-Being , Happiness , Health Promotion , Health Services , Amputation, Surgical , Hospitalization , Abdominal Injuries , Individuation , Intensive Care Units , Length of Stay
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411977


La alianza terapéutica en pacientes con Anorexia Nerviosa constituye un desafío debido a la gravedad de muchos de estos pacientes, a la falta de conciencia de enfermedad que poseen y a la resistencia al cambio, tanto del paciente como de sus familias. Frecuentemente, existe un desconocimiento por parte de los equipos médicos, de dicha patología y de su manejo. Diversos autores han aportado elementos necesarios para una adecuada alianza terapéutica y proponen estrategias que faciliten la construcción de esta alianza. En este artículo se lleva a cabo una revisión de las observaciones ofrecidas por varios autores, desde donde se reflexiona acerca de la importancia de la alianza terapéutica en pacientes con Anorexia Nerviosa y sus familias.

The therapeutic alliance in patients with Anorexia Nervosa constitutes a challenge due to several factors such as the severity of the illness that most of these patients suffer, their lack of awareness of disease, and the resistance to change in the patient and their family. Medical teams are frequently ignorant of this pathology and its treatment. Various authors have contributed in terms of the necessary elements for an adequate therapeutic alliance and in terms of delivering strategies to facilitate this alliance. In this article we will review several authors and reflect on the importance of the therapeutic alliance in patients with Anorexia Nervosa and their families.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Anorexia Nervosa/therapy , Family Therapy/methods , Therapeutic Alliance , Anorexia Nervosa/psychology , Father-Child Relations
Medwave ; 21(3): e8160, 2021 Apr 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33956775


BACKGROUND: Previous evidence has shown that seniors physical therapists applying electrotherapy and an enhanced therapeutic alliance in their sessions can positively influence the levels of analgesia of patients with chronic low back pain. It is currently unknown if these effects can be achieved in people with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis when receiving treatment focused on therapeutic exercise. AIM: To determine the effects of different therapeutic alliance levels during the application of a therapeutic exercise program on pain intensity and pressure pain threshold in patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. METHOD: This will be a randomized, parallel, two-arm, clinical trial. An intervention of three sessions of therapeutic exercise will be applied for one week. Patients aged 45 to 65 years old with a clinical and radiographic diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis will participate. Also, patients with a pain intensity of at least three months duration and 3 to 8 points in a numerical rating scale will be included. Patients will be randomly assigned to a therapeutic exercise experimental group with an enhanced therapeutic alliance (e.g., active listening, personalized conversation, empathy) or limited therapeutic alliance (e.g., one-way verbalization, brief interaction). Physical therapists will be trained in delivering these two levels of the therapeutic alliance. The pressure pain thresholds at the symptomatic knee and the pain intensity will be measured before and after the intervention. DISCUSSION: The results of this research will determine the impact of the therapeutic alliance as a nonspecific relevant factor during the application of a therapeutic exercise program in the treatment of patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04390932.

ANTECEDENTES: Evidencia previa ha demostrado que los fisioterapeutas expertos que aplican electroterapia junto con una alianza terapéutica mejorada pueden influir positivamente en los niveles de analgesia de los pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico. Actualmente se desconoce si estos efectos se pueden lograr en personas con artrosis de rodilla sintomática cuando reciben un tratamiento basado en ejercicio terapéutico. OBJETIVO: Determinar los efectos de diferentes niveles de alianza terapéutica durante la aplicación de un programa de ejercicio terapéutico sobre la intensidad del dolor y el umbral del dolor a la presión en pacientes con artrosis de rodilla sintomática. MÉTODO: Este será un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, paralelo, de dos brazos. Se aplicará una intervención de tres sesiones de ejercicio terapéutico durante una semana. Participarán personas de 45 a 65 años con diagnóstico clínico y radiográfico de artrosis de rodilla sintomática, con intensidad del dolor entre 4-7 puntos en la escala numérica del dolor con al menos 3 meses de duración. Los participantes serán asignados al azar a un grupo experimental de ejercicio terapéutico con una alianza terapéutica mejorada (por ejemplo, escucha activa, conversación personalizada, empatía) o alianza terapéutica limitada (por ejemplo, verbalización unidireccional, breve interacción). Se capacitará a los fisioterapeutas para brindar estos dos niveles de alianza terapéutica. Los umbrales del dolor a la presión en la rodilla sintomática y la intensidad del dolor se medirán antes y después de la intervención. DISCUSIÓN: Los resultados de esta investigación determinarán el impacto de la alianza terapéutica como factor inespecífico durante la aplicación de un programa de ejercicio terapéutico en el tratamiento de pacientes con artrosis de rodilla sintomática. NÚMERO DE REGISTRO DE ENSAYOS CLÍNICOS: NCT04390932.

Exercise Therapy/methods , Exercise , Osteoarthritis, Knee/therapy , Therapeutic Alliance , Aged , Humans , Middle Aged , Pain Measurement , Professional-Family Relations , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Treatment Outcome
SMAD, Rev. eletrônica saúde mental alcool drog ; 17(1): 17-25, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals, LILACS | ID: biblio-1280636


OBJETIVO: analisar a percepção do membro familiar sobre as facilidades de adesão da família ao tratamento do dependente químico em acompanhamento no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial - álcool e drogas. MÉTODO: estudo qualitativo, realizado de abril a setembro de 2016, com 10 familiares de usuários de drogas, participantes de grupos de família. Realizou-se entrevista semiestruturada e os dados foram analisados pela técnica de análise de conteúdo temática. RESULTADOS: as famílias reconheceram que criar alianças terapêuticas, ter esperança na recuperação de seu parente e valorizar seus papéis participativos no tratamento familiar facilitam a adesão terapêutica. CONCLUSÃO: o estudo contribui para a reflexão dos profissionais de saúde quanto às possíveis áreas estratégicas para o cuidado às famílias, de modo a ajudá-las na adesão terapêutica.

OBJECTIVE: to analyze family members' perception of the facilities of family adherence to the treatment of their chemically-dependent relative being cared for at the Psychosocial Care Center - alcohol and drugs. METHOD: qualitative study, conducted from April to September 2016, including 10 family members of drug users participating in family groups. A semi-structured interview was conducted and data were analyzed using the thematic content analysis technique. RESULTS: families recognized that creating therapeutic alliances, hoping for their relatives' recovery and valuing their participatory roles in family treatment facilitate therapeutic adherence. CONCLUSION: the study contributes to health professionals' reflection regarding the possible strategic areas to care for families in order to help them with therapeutic adherence.

OBJETIVO: analizar una percepción del membro familiar sobre las facilidades de adhésion de la familia, en nel tratamiento del dependiente químico en el Centro de Atención Psicosocial de alcohol y drogas. MÉTODO: estudio cualitativo, realizado de abril a septiembre de 2016, con 10 familiares de usuarios de drogas, participantes de grupos de familia. Se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada y los datos fueron analizados por la técnica de análisis de contenido temático. RESULTADOS: las familias reconocieron que crear alianzas terapéuticas, tener esperanza en la recuperación de su pariente y valorar sus papeles participativos en el tratamiento familiar facilitan la adhesión terapéutica. CONCLUSIÓN: el estudio contribuye a la reflexión de los profesionales de la salud en cuanto a las posibles áreas estratégicas para el cuidado a las familias, para ayudarlas en la adhesión terapéutica.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy , Empathy , Drug Users , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Therapeutic Alliance , Mental Health Services , Family Relations
Subj. procesos cogn ; 24(2): 198-211, 2021-02.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1281418


El objetivo del presente trabajo es explorar la perspectiva de pacientes en telepsicología, que antes consultaban de manera presencial, y analizar si hay relación entre sus percepciones de telepsicología, con la alianza terapéutica. Para ello se trabajó con 143 pacientes de Argentina, que venían de un proceso terapéutico presencial, y ahora continúan de manera remota. Se aplicó una encuesta ad hoc y el Cuestionario de Alianza de Ayuda Revisado. Como resultado se observó mayores niveles de alianza terapéutica en quienes no percibían diferencias entre psicoterapia presencial y no presencial, en los pacientes que continuarían en telepsicología después de la pandemia, y en quienes manifestaron mayor grado de satisfacción. Se discute la importancia de evaluar alianza terapéutica durante la adaptación a un nuevo formato de pscioterapia, y la importancia de la actitud hacia las nuevas tecnologías(AU)

The aim of this paper is to explore patient´s perspective of telepsychology experience, and to explore the relation between client´s perception and therapeutic Alliance. The sample is composed for 143 Argentinian patients, that was attending to psychotherapy in face-to-face format, and after the pandemic declaration, start with telepsychology. An ad hoc survey and the Revised Helping Alliance Questionnaire were applied. As a result, we find higher levels of therapeutic Alliance in those clients that: didn´t note differences between telepsychology and face-to-face psychotherapy, will continue with telepsychology after the pandemic is over, and are more satisfied with telepsychology. We discuss the importance of assess therapeutic alliance when the patient changes to a different setting of psychotherapy, and the importance of new technology of communication´s attitudes(AU)

Humans , Therapeutic Alliance , Mental Health Teletherapy , Argentina , Psychotherapy , Pandemics , COVID-19
Trends Psychiatry Psychother ; 42(3): 256-261, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33084803


INTRODUCTION: Alliance is an essential component of all psychotherapies and a consistent predictor of its outcomes. The Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) is a widely used and psychometrically sound measure of alliance. It assesses three key aspects of the construct: a) agreement on the tasks of therapy; b) agreement on the therapeutic goals; and c) development of an affective bond. OBJECTIVE: To preliminarily analyze the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of both the original, 36-item WAI, and of the short form revised, 16-item version (WAI-SR). METHODS: The sample comprised 201 psychodynamic psychotherapy patients. Alliance assessments were made after the 4th treatment session. RESULTS: The inventory adapted to Brazilian Portuguese, in both the original and short forms, appears to be reliable and valid to measure alliance and its dimensions by clients in psychotherapy. Further studies are needed to replicate and expand the findings.

Process Assessment, Health Care , Psychometrics/instrumentation , Psychometrics/standards , Therapeutic Alliance , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Brazil , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic , Young Adult
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 42(3): 256-261, July-Sept. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139829


Abstract Introduction Alliance is an essential component of all psychotherapies and a consistent predictor of its outcomes. The Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) is a widely used and psychometrically sound measure of alliance. It assesses three key aspects of the construct: a) agreement on the tasks of therapy; b) agreement on the therapeutic goals; and c) development of an affective bond. Objective To preliminarily analyze the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of both the original, 36-item WAI, and of the short form revised, 16-item version (WAI-SR). Methods The sample comprised 201 psychodynamic psychotherapy patients. Alliance assessments were made after the 4th treatment session. Results The inventory adapted to Brazilian Portuguese, in both the original and short forms, appears to be reliable and valid to measure alliance and its dimensions by clients in psychotherapy. Further studies are needed to replicate and expand the findings.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Psychometrics/instrumentation , Psychometrics/standards , Process Assessment, Health Care , Therapeutic Alliance , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Brazil , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic
Cuestiones infanc ; 21(2): 34-48, 2020.
Article in Spanish | BINACIS, UNISALUD, LILACS | ID: biblio-1117414


El presente trabajo expone el caso clínico de Martín y su abordaje desde un dispositivo de acompañamiento terapéutico escolar. El objetivo radica en presentar de qué manera la intervención del acompañante en el ámbito escolar dio lugar a importantes progresos en la constitución subjetiva de este niño y, por tanto, en su relación con el mundo y sus pares, impensados previo a la puesta en marcha del dispositivo. Asimismo se intentará demostrar que el acontecimiento en psicoanálisis nada tiene que ver con una cuestión pedagógica, adaptativa o de sugestión. En el recorrido clínico, se podrá ubicar un primer momento, en el cual Martín oscila entre episodios de desorganización psicomotriz y otros caracterizados por la desconexión. A partir de las intervenciones, se irá señalando cómo el cuerpo de este niño empieza a delimitar sus bordes, permitiendo modificar su relación con los otros y entrar en escena distintos objetos y palabras(AU)

Le présent travail expose le cas clinique de Martín et son approche d'un dispositif de soutien thérapeutique scolaire. L'objectif est de présenter comment l'intervention du compagnon dans l'environnement scolaire a permis des progrès significatifs dans la constitution subjective de cet enfant et donc dans ses relations avec le monde et ses pairs, impensable avant la mise en œuvre. de l'appareil. Il tentera également de montrer que l'événement en psychanalyse n'a rien à voir avec un problème pédagogique, adaptatif ou suggestif. En clinique, on peut situer un premier moment dans lequel Martin oscille entre des épisodes de désorganisation psychomotrice et d'autres caractérisés par une déconnexion. Les interventions montrent comment le corps de cet enfant commence à délimiter ses contours, ce qui permet de modifier ses relations avec les autres et de faire entrer dans la scène différents objets et mots(AU)

The present work exposes the clinical case of Martín and his approach from a school therapeutic support device. The objective is to present how the intervention of the companion in the school environment resulted in significant progress in the subjective constitution of this child and, therefore, in his relationship with the world and his peers, unthinkable prior to the implementation Of the device. It will also try to show that the event in psychoanalysis has nothing to do with a pedagogical, adaptive or suggestive issue. In the clinical course, a first moment can be located, in which Martin oscillates between episodes of psychomotor disorganization and others characterized by disconnection. From the interventions, it will be pointed out how the body of this child begins to delimit its edges, allowing to modify its relationship with the others and enter the scene different objects and words(AU)

O presente trabalho expõe o caso clínico de Martín e sua abordagem a partir de um dispositivo de acompanhamento terapêutico. O objetivo é apresentar de que maneira a intervenção do acompanhante no ambiente escolar levou a importantes avanços na constituição subjetiva dessa criança e, portanto, em seu relacionamento com o mundo e seus pares, impensáveis antes do início da partida do dispositivo. Também será feita uma tentativa de demonstrar que o evento da psicanálise não tem nada a ver com uma questão pedagógica, adaptativa ou sugestiva. Na jornada clínica, pode-se localizar um primeiro momento, no qual Martín oscila entre episódios de desorganização psicomotora e outros caracterizados por desconexão. A partir das intervenções, será apontado como o corpo dessa criança começa a delimitar suas arestas, permitindo que seu relacionamento com outras pessoas seja modificado e objetos e palavras diferentes entrem em cena(AU)

Psychoanalytic Therapy , Therapeutic Alliance , Child , Environment
Rev. Bras. Psicoter. (Online) ; 22(2): 29-37, ago. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1224592


O processo de troca de psicoterapeuta durante o tratamento em psicoterapia de orientação analítica, em geral, caracteriza-se por ser prejudicial e até mesmo traumático em boa parte dos casos. Porém, trata-se da realidade assistencial em hospitais universitários, em virtude da necessidade de rodízio de atendimentos pelos médicos residentes em formação psiquiátrica durante seu treinamento em psicoterapia e de psiquiatras realizando especialização em psicoterapia. Este trabalho visa revisar este tema pouco abordado na literatura através da proposição de possíveis cenários de como a troca de terapeuta pode ser encarada pelo paciente, ilustrando com algumas vinhetas clínicas. Concluímos que o tema precisa ser expandido para avaliar o melhor encaminhamento para esse contexto clínico, institucional e socioeconômico, visto não haver consenso teórico e técnico que norteiem a abordagem mais adequada e menos traumática para o paciente.(AU)

The process of changing psychotherapist during treatment in analytically oriented psychotherapy is often harmful and even traumatic in most cases. However, this is the reality of care in university hospitals, due to the need for rotation of care by medical residents in training during their qualification in psychotherapy and psychiatrists performing specialization in psychotherapy. This paper aims to review this little addressed theme in the literature by proposing possible scenarios of how the therapist change can be viewed by the patient, illustrating with some clinical vignettes. We conclude that the theme needs to be expanded to evaluate the best referral to this clinical, institutional and socioeconomic context, since there is no theoretical and technical consensus that guides the most appropriate and least traumatic approach for the patient.(AU)

El proceso de cambio de terapeuta durante el tratamiento en psicoterapia de orientación analítica, en general, se caracteriza por ser perjudicial e, incluso, traumático en gran parte de los casos. Sin embargo, se trata de la realidad asistencial en hospitales universitarios, en virtud de la necesidad de rotación en la atención por parte de los residentes en formación en psicoterapia y psiquiatras que realizan especialización en psicoterapia. Este trabajo busca revisar este tema poco analizado en la literatura a través de la proposición de posibles escenarios de cómo el cambio de terapeuta puede ser tomado por el paciente, ilustrando algunos casos clínicos. Concluimos que el asunto necesita ser ampliado para evaluar cuál sería el mejor camino para este contexto clínico, institucional y socioeconómico, una vez que no hay consenso teórico y técnico que orienten hacia un abordaje más adecuado y menos traumático para el paciente.(AU)

Psychotherapy , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Therapeutic Alliance
Rev. bras. orientac. prof ; 20(2): 95-105, jul.-dez. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals, LILACS | ID: biblio-1101622


A aliança de trabalho tem sido amplamente investigada em psicoterapia, sendo associada a resultados positivos do tratamento. Contudo, são poucas as pesquisas na área de aconselhamento de carreira. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre a aliança e o desfecho (conclusão ou abandono), satisfação com o atendimento e a percepção da eficácia da intervenção. Participaram 37 ex-clientes de um serviço de aconselhamento de carreira universitário. Os participantes responderam, de maneira retrospectiva, instrumentos referentes ao atendimento recebido. Os resultados mostraram que a aliança esteve associada ao desfecho de conclusão, à satisfação e a uma maior percepção de eficácia da intervenção. Esses achados reforçam a importância de considerar os aspectos relacionais do processo para a efetividade do aconselhamento de carreira.

The working alliance has been widely investigated in psychotherapy, being associated with positive treatment outcomes. However, there is little research on career counseling. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the alliance and outcome (completion or abandonment), satisfaction with care and the perceived effectiveness of the intervention. The participants were 37 former clients of a university career counseling service who responded retrospectively to instruments regarding the care received. The results showed that the alliance was associated with the conclusion outcome, satisfaction and a greater perception of intervention effectiveness. These findings reinforce the importance of considering the relational aspects of the process for the effectiveness of career counseling.

La alianza terapéutica ha sido ampliamente investigada en psicoterapia, asociándose a resultados positivos del tratamiento. Sin embargo, son pocas las investigaciones en el área de asesoramiento de carrera. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la alianza terapéutica y el desenlace (conclusión o abandono), satisfacción con la atención y la percepción de la eficacia de la intervención. Participaron 37 ex-clientes de un servicio de asesoramiento de carrera universitaria. Los participantes respondieron, de manera retrospectiva, instrumentos referentes a la atención recibida. Los resultados mostraron que la alianza terapéutica estuvo asociada al desenlace del proceso, a la satisfacción y a una mayor percepción de eficacia de la intervención. Estos hallazgos refuerzan la importancia de considerar los aspectos relacionales del proceso para la efectividad del asesoramiento de carrera.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Perception , Personal Satisfaction , Vocational Guidance , Work , Evaluation of Results of Therapeutic Interventions , Therapeutic Alliance
Trends Psychiatry Psychother ; 41(2): 128-135, 2019 Jul 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31291411


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify and analyze the interaction structures (ISs) (patterns of reciprocal interaction between the patient-therapist dyad) that characterize the process of a successful long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (28 months) of a patient with chronic diseases (lupus and fibromyalgia) and somatic symptoms. METHODS: The 113 sessions were videotaped and analyzed alternately (n = 60) by independent judges using the Psychotherapy Process Q-Set. Inter-rater reliability ranged from 0.60 to 0.90, with a mean of r = 0.71 (Pearson's correlation). Through a principal component exploratory factor analysis, four ISs were identified. RESULT: The patterns of interaction between patient and therapist showed clinical validity (i.e., they were easily interpretable in the context of the case under study). The ISs were non-linear and more or less prominent across different treatment sessions and stages. Some ISs were similar to those in other studies, and others were probably unique to the present process. In addition, some ISs were independent, whereas others were interrelated over time. CONCLUSION: Process studies, such as the present one, seek to address questions about the characteristics of the interaction between patient and therapist as well as to identify particular patterns of interaction that are most prominent with a specific patient at a specific condition or time. Therefore, these studies can provide some support in establishing knowledge for clinical practice, assisting in the training of therapists, as well as in the elaboration of general guidelines for the technical management of patients with specific characteristics.

Fibromyalgia/psychology , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/psychology , Professional-Patient Relations , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic , Therapeutic Alliance , Aged , Emotions , Female , Humans
Trends Psychiatry Psychother ; 41(2): 112-120, 2019 May 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31166563


INTRODUCTION: Different instruments and methods for measuring factors related to the progress and effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy (PDT) have been widely discussed in the literature. However, there are no established guidelines on the most appropriate time to perform these measurements. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to problematize what is the appropriate time to measure the initial outcomes (symptoms, interpersonal relationships, quality, and social role) and process factors (alliance) in the early stages of PDT. METHODS: A naturalistic cohort study was conducted, following 304 patients during the first six months of psychotherapy. The therapeutic alliance was evaluated after four sessions; symptoms, interpersonal relationships, and social role were evaluated at intake and after 12 and 24 sessions. RESULTS: Our results indicate that four sessions were sufficient to measure the bond dimension of the therapeutic alliance, while more time is probably needed to adequately measure other aspects of the therapeutic alliance, such as tasks and goals. However, 12 sessions of treatment proved sufficient to detect improvements in all dimensions of the outcome instruments with moderate effect sizes, and those gains were stable at the 24th session. CONCLUSION: According to our findings, 12 sessions seem to be sufficient to assess initial gains in PDT, although more studies are needed to evaluate the appropriate time to assess all aspects of the therapeutic alliance. Further studies are also required to evaluate the appropriate time to assess intermediate and long-term progress with regard to symptoms, interpersonal relations, social role and personality reorganization.

Mental Disorders/therapy , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic , Therapeutic Alliance , Adult , Female , Humans , Interpersonal Relations , Longitudinal Studies , Male , Mental Disorders/psychology , Personality , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome , Young Adult
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 41(2): 112-120, Apr.-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014732


Abstract Introduction Different instruments and methods for measuring factors related to the progress and effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy (PDT) have been widely discussed in the literature. However, there are no established guidelines on the most appropriate time to perform these measurements. Objectives The aim of this study is to problematize what is the appropriate time to measure the initial outcomes (symptoms, interpersonal relationships, quality, and social role) and process factors (alliance) in the early stages of PDT. Methods A naturalistic cohort study was conducted, following 304 patients during the first six months of psychotherapy. The therapeutic alliance was evaluated after four sessions; symptoms, interpersonal relationships, and social role were evaluated at intake and after 12 and 24 sessions. Results Our results indicate that four sessions were sufficient to measure the bond dimension of the therapeutic alliance, while more time is probably needed to adequately measure other aspects of the therapeutic alliance, such as tasks and goals. However, 12 sessions of treatment proved sufficient to detect improvements in all dimensions of the outcome instruments with moderate effect sizes, and those gains were stable at the 24th session. Conclusion According to our findings, 12 sessions seem to be sufficient to assess initial gains in PDT, although more studies are needed to evaluate the appropriate time to assess all aspects of the therapeutic alliance. Further studies are also required to evaluate the appropriate time to assess intermediate and long-term progress with regard to symptoms, interpersonal relations, social role and personality reorganization.

Resumo Introdução Diferentes instrumentos e formas de medir fatores relacionados ao progresso e à efetividade da psicoterapia psicodinâmica (PDT) têm sido amplamente discutidos na literatura. No entanto, não há diretrizes estabelecidas sobre o tempo apropriado para que essas medidas sejam realizadas. Objetivos O objetivo deste estudo é problematizar qual o momento apropriado para medir resultados iniciais (sintomas, relações interpessoais e papel social) e fatores de processo (aliança) nos estágios iniciais da PDT. Métodos Realizou-se estudo de coorte naturalista que acompanhou 304 pacientes durante os primeiros seis meses de psicoterapia. A aliança terapêutica foi avaliada após quatro sessões; sintomas, relações interpessoais e papel social foram avaliados na entrevista de entrada e após 12 e 24 sessões. Resultados Nossos resultados indicam que quatro sessões foram suficientes para medir a dimensão do vínculo da aliança terapêutica, enquanto que é necessário mais tempo para medir adequadamente outros aspectos da aliança terapêutica, como tarefas e objetivos. No entanto, 12 sessões de tratamento revelaram-se suficientes para detectar melhora em todas as dimensões dos instrumentos de resultados com tamanhos de efeito moderados, e esses ganhos se mostraram estáveis na 24ª sessão. Conclusão De acordo com nossos achados, 12 sessões parecem ser suficientes para acessar os ganhos iniciais na PDT, porém mais estudos são necessários para avaliar o tempo apropriado de medir todos os aspectos da aliança terapêutica. São necessários mais estudos para avaliar o tempo apropriado para avaliar os ganhos intermediários e de longo prazo em relação a sintomas, função interpessoal e função social.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic , Therapeutic Alliance , Mental Disorders/therapy , Personality , Time Factors , Longitudinal Studies , Treatment Outcome , Interpersonal Relations , Mental Disorders/psychology
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 41(2): 128-135, Apr.-June 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014736


Abstract Objective This study aimed to identify and analyze the interaction structures (ISs) (patterns of reciprocal interaction between the patient-therapist dyad) that characterize the process of a successful long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (28 months) of a patient with chronic diseases (lupus and fibromyalgia) and somatic symptoms. Methods The 113 sessions were videotaped and analyzed alternately (n = 60) by independent judges using the Psychotherapy Process Q-Set. Inter-rater reliability ranged from 0.60 to 0.90, with a mean of r = 0.71 (Pearson's correlation). Through a principal component exploratory factor analysis, four ISs were identified. Result The patterns of interaction between patient and therapist showed clinical validity (i.e., they were easily interpretable in the context of the case under study). The ISs were non-linear and more or less prominent across different treatment sessions and stages. Some ISs were similar to those in other studies, and others were probably unique to the present process. In addition, some ISs were independent, whereas others were interrelated over time. Conclusion Process studies, such as the present one, seek to address questions about the characteristics of the interaction between patient and therapist as well as to identify particular patterns of interaction that are most prominent with a specific patient at a specific condition or time. Therefore, these studies can provide some support in establishing knowledge for clinical practice, assisting in the training of therapists, as well as in the elaboration of general guidelines for the technical management of patients with specific characteristics.

Resumo Objetivo Este estudo objetivou identificar e analisar as estruturas de interação (interaction structures [ISs]) (padrões de interação recíproca entre a dupla paciente-terapeuta) que caracterizam o processo de uma psicoterapia psicodinâmica de longa duração (28 meses) de uma paciente com doenças crônicas (lúpus e fibromialgia) e sintomas somáticos. Métodos As 113 sessões foram filmadas e analisadas alternadamente (n = 60) por juízes independentes usando o Psychotherapy Process Q-Set. A confiabilidade entre avaliadores variou de 0.60 a 0.90, com média de r = 0.71 (correlação de Pearson). Por meio de uma análise fatorial exploratória do componente principal, foram identificadas quatro ISs. Resultados Os padrões de interação entre paciente e terapeuta mostraram validade clínica (ou seja, foram facilmente interpretáveis no contexto do caso em estudo). As ISs foram não lineares e mais ou menos proeminentes em diferentes sessões e etapas do tratamento. Algumas ISs foram semelhantes às de outros estudos, e outras provavelmente foram exclusivas do presente processo. Além disso, algumas ISs eram independentes, enquanto outras estavam inter-relacionadas ao longo do tempo. Conclusão Estudos de processo como o presente procuram abordar questões sobre as características da interação entre paciente e terapeuta, bem como identificar padrões particulares de interação que são mais proeminentes com um determinado paciente em condições ou momentos específicos. Portanto, esses estudos podem fornecer suporte ao estabelecimento de conhecimentos para a prática clínica, auxiliando na formação de terapeutas, bem como na elaboração de diretrizes gerais para o manejo técnico de pacientes com características específicas.

Humans , Female , Aged , Professional-Patient Relations , Fibromyalgia/psychology , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic , Therapeutic Alliance , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic , Emotions
Rev. Bras. Psicoter. (Online) ; 21(2): 1-20, ago. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1222815


Este estudio contribuye a avanzar la incipiente investigaciónsobre la supervisión en Guatemala y tiene como objetivoevaluar elmodelo utilizado en un programa de maestría en Consejería Psicológica y Salud Mental de una universidad privada del país. Es un estudio cualitativo en el que cuatro supervisoras entrevistaron a 14 mujeres profesionales egresadas o estudiantes de este programa.La entrevistaincluyópreguntas sobre el significado y propósito, beneficios e importancia, impacto en el cliente, las habilidades personales y la alianza de supervisión. Las respuestas se codificaron, agruparon y analizaron por temas de las cuales surgieron: (a) la definición de supervisión como un proceso de aprendizaje y evaluación a través del acompañamiento y realimentación; (b) la confirmación que la supervisión tiene un impacto en el cliente; (c) la necesidad de definir el modelo, guía y estandarización del formato y práctica y (d) las características relevantes de la persona quien supervisa en la relación de supervisión. Las características encontradas más relevantes son: respeto, apoyo, orientación, escucha, confianza, habilidades de comunicación, responsabilidad, empatía, apertura, respeto a la diversidad, realimentación, aprendizaje y orden.Este trabajo abre la oportunidad para continuar investigaciones similares en ambientes académicos, comunitarios, profesionales y de formación que trasciendan los límites de este programa y se apliquen a otros contextos latinoamericanos.(AU)

Este estudo contribui para o avanço da pesquisa incipiente sobre supervisão na Guatemala e visa avaliar o modelo utilizado em um programa de mestrado em Aconselhamento Psicológico e Saúde Mental de uma universidade privada do país. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, no qual quatro orientadores entrevistaram 14 profissionais graduadas e alunas desse programa. A entrevista incluiu perguntas sobre o significado e propósito, benefícios e importância, impacto no cliente, habilidades pessoais e a aliança de supervisão. As respostas foram codificadas, agrupadas e analisadas por tópicos dos quais emergiram: (a) a definição de supervisão como processo de aprendizagem e avaliação por meio de acompanhamento e feedback, (b) confirmação de que a supervisão tem impacto no cliente, (c) a necessidade de definir o modelo orientador e a padronização do formato e da prática e (d) as características relevantes da pessoa que supervisiona a relação de supervisão. As características mais relevantes encontradas são: respeito, apoio, orientação, escuta, confiança, habilidades de comunicação, responsabilidade, empatia, abertura, respeito à diversidade, feedback, aprendizado e ordem. Este trabalho abre a oportunidade de continuar pesquisas semelhantes em ambientes acadêmicos, comunitários, profissionais e de treinamento que transcendem os limites deste programa e se aplicam a outros contextos latino-americanos.(AU)

This research is part of a series of pioneering studies on supervision in Guatemala and aims to evaluate the model used in a psychological counseling and mental healthmaster program of a private Guatemalan University. It is a qualitative study where 14 professionals, women graduated or students from this program were interviewed. The interview included questions about the meaning and purpose of supervision, benefits and importance of the process, impact on the client and personal skills, and the supervision alliance.Answers were coded, grouped, and analyzed by themes offering: a) the definition of supervision as a learning and assessment process with companionship and feedback; b) confirmation that supervision has an impact in client, c) the need of defining a model, guidelines, and format standardization for practicum; and d) the most relevant supervisor´s characteristics in the supervision relationship. In this study, the main characteristics of the supervision relationship are: respect, support, guidance, active listening, safe space, communication abilities, responsibility, empathy, openness, respect for cultural diversity, feedback, learning and structure. This research is an opportunity to pursue similar research in academic, community, professional environments, and training that transcend the geographic borders of this program and are applicable to other LatinAmerican contexts.(AU)

Therapeutic Alliance , Psychotherapy , Professional Training
Physiother Theory Pract ; 34(12): 901-915, 2018 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29400593


The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the role of therapeutic alliance in pain relief in patients with musculoskeletal disorders treated by physiotherapy. Manual and database searches (Medline, Embase, ISI Web of Knowledge, CINAHL, PEDro, Lilacs, Cochrane Library, and PsycINFO) were performed with no restrictions of language and publication date. We included prospective studies with samples of patients undergoing physiotherapy for musculoskeletal conditions, with one measure of therapeutic alliance and the outcome pain. Methodological quality was assessed by the Methodological Index for Nonrandomized Studies and the Cochrane tool for risk of bias. Six articles from four studies were included out of the 936 manuscripts identified. All studies used samples composed of patients with chronic low back pain. Two studies applied therapeutic alliance incentive measures during treatment and reported significant improvement in pain. The remaining studies, without alliance incentives, showed divergence regarding the relationship between the therapeutic alliance and pain. Methodological quality analysis determined low risk of bias of the studies. A lack of studies on the therapeutic alliance regarding musculoskeletal physiotherapy was verified. Existing studies fail to provide evidence of a strong relationship between the therapeutic alliance and pain relief.

Musculoskeletal Diseases/therapy , Pain Management , Therapeutic Alliance , Humans