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Laryngorhinootologie ; 103(9): 643-645, 2024 Sep.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39013431


Working during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a special situation for both the employee and the employer/supervisor. The amended version of the Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG), which came into force on January 1st, 2018, protects the health of women and their children while working, training or studying during pregnancy, after giving birth and while breastfeeding. Women should be able to continue their employment or related activities during this time without jeopardising their health or that of their child. This law was furthermore reformed to prevent discrimination against the working mother during this time. In order to create the best and safest possible framework conditions for employment during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the DGHNO-KHC and the BVHNO would like to present a "general positive list" and a "positive list for surgical activities" as part of this statement, which should serve as a guideline for all relevant parties. This agreed positive list is intended to enable pregnant and breastfeeding doctors to carry out patient-related activities as well as head and neck surgeries in accordance with the MuSchG of 2018. Hereby, affected colleagues should have the opportunity to continue working self-determined.

Breast Feeding , Otolaryngology , Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Germany , Otolaryngology/legislation & jurisprudence , Societies, Medical , Employment/legislation & jurisprudence , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence
Multimedia | Multimedia Resources | ID: multimedia-12259


Edição especial Agosto Dourado com o podcast da revista Residência Pediátrica (RP) da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria, apresenta o tema "Qual a importância de ser uma Empresa Cidadã?". A Doutora Rossiclei Pinheiro, presidente do Departamento Científico de Aleitamento Materno da SBP, responde.

Breast Feeding , Return to Work , Health Promotion , Working Conditions , Parental Leave/legislation & jurisprudence , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Webcast , National Health Programs , Brazil
Multimedia | Multimedia Resources | ID: multimedia-12261


Com o tema "Como apoiar a amamentação na volta ao trabalho?”, o podcast RP Convida da revista Residência Pediátrica (RP) apresenta o episódio especial em alusão ao Agosto Dourado. Nesta edição, a convidada é a dra. Simone Silva Ramos, do Departamento Científico de Aleitamento Materno da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (SBP).

Breast Feeding , Return to Work/legislation & jurisprudence , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Health Promotion , Maternal and Child Health , Working Conditions , Breast Milk Expression/methods , Webcast
Psicol. rev ; 32(1): 123-149, 17/10/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1518220


A Psicologia Social do Trabalho tem contribuído para a visibilidade e ampliação da compreensão do trabalho em seus diferentes formatos e contextos de atividade, alertando para a necessidade de se olhar para os trabalhos não regulamentados, como é o caso da atleta profissional. Nesse contexto, ainda mais fragilizada é a relação de trabalho da mulher atleta, principalmente, quando ela decide ser mãe e a precariedade no trabalho se acentua. Este artigo examina a trajetória de uma atleta de rendimento da seleção brasileira de vôlei, Tandara Caixeta, por meio do que tem sido veiculado nas mídias eletrônicas, especialmente os sites esportivos, sobre sua relação trabalhista com um clube. Foram analisadas 31 reportagens em sites que relacionavam com a gravidez e sua busca na justiça por seus direitos trabalhistas. A partir dos materiais coletados foi possível compreender que a problemática em questão versou sobre dois principais pontos: a relação contratual e a desproteção das atletas por ocasião da maternidade. Conclui-se que o apoio social, familiar e da equipe é fundamental para um retorno saudável da atleta ao seu rendimento, mas o apoio financeiro é fundamental para a manutenção do bem-estar e satisfação laboral. (AU)

Social Work Psychology has contributed to enhancing the visibility and understanding of work across its various formats and activity contexts, emphasizing the importance of considering unregulated forms of labor, as seen in the case of professional female athletes. Within this context, the working relationship of female athletes becomes even more fragile, particularly when they decide to become mothers, amplifying the challenges within their working arrangements. This article examines the journey of a high-performance athlete from the Brazilian volleyball team, Tandara Caixeta, based on her electronic media coverage, particularly on sports websites, regarding her employment relationship with a club. Thirty-one reports related to pregnancy and her pursuit of labor rights through legal action were analyzed. The collected materials enabled us to discern two primary issues: the contractual relationship and the lack of protection for athletes during maternity. The study concludes that social, family, and team support are crucial for a healthy return of the athlete to her performance, but financial support is essential for maintaining overall well-being and job satisfaction. (AU)

La Psicología del Trabajo Social ha contribuido para la visibilidad y amplia-ción de la comprensión del trabajo en sus diferentes formatos y contextos de actividad, alertando sobre la necesidad de mirar el trabajo no regulado, como es el caso del deportista profesional. En este contexto, la relación laboral de la deportista es aún más frágil, especialmente cuando decide ser madre y se acentúa la precariedad del trabajo. Este artículo propone seguir la trayectoria de una deportista de élite de la selección brasileña de voleibol, Tandara Caixeta, a través de lo publicado en medios electrónicos, especialmente sitios web depor-tivos, sobre su relación laboral con su club. Se analizaron 31 denúncias en sitios web relacionados con el embarazo, que reclamaron sus derechos laborales en los tribunales. A partir de los materiales recolectados se pudo entender que el tema en cuestión trataba sobre dos puntos principales: la relación contractual y la desprotección de los deportistas durante la maternidad. Se concluye que el apoyo social, familiar y de equipo es fundamental para un retorno saludable de la deportista a su desempeño, pero el apoyo económico es fundamental para mantener el bienestar y la satisfacción laboral. (AU)

Humans , Female , Women, Working/psychology , Working Conditions/legislation & jurisprudence , Mothers/psychology , Sports , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Document Analysis
Lima; ILOSTAT; 2023.
Non-conventional in English, Spanish | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1436771


En mayo se celebra el Día Internacional de la Matrona y el Día Internacional de la Enfermera, dos grupos de trabajadores que desempeñan funciones esenciales en cualquier sistema sanitario. Sin embargo, ambas profesiones -dominadas por mujeres- se caracterizan por largas jornadas laborales y bajos salarios. ¿Qué se puede hacer para mejorar las condiciones de trabajo y ayudar a enfermeras y matronas a prestar a los pacientes unos cuidados de la máxima calidad?(AU)

Humans , Female , Occupational Health , Gender-Inclusive Policies , Working Conditions , Nurses/economics , Occupational Health Services/legislation & jurisprudence , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Job Satisfaction
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 25(1): e20200054, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | BDENF - Nursing, LILACS | ID: biblio-1114765


RESUMEN OBJETIVO Analizar la influencia de cambios socio-políticos, educativos y feministas de España en el mantenimiento de lactancia materna. MÉTODO Revisión histórico-descriptiva de documentación en bases de datos, Boletines Oficiales del Estado, del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo y Bienestar Social. RESULTADOS La lactancia materna es un fenómeno complejo influenciado por factores demográficos, biológicos, sociales y psicológicos. Ha cambiado a lo largo de la historia y, evolucionado con los movimientos feministas. La incorporación de la mujer al mercado laboral (s.XIX), produjo una modificación en el rol familiar y pareja. La sociedad del siglo XXI reclama a los poderes públicos la conciliación personal y laboral para la crianza de sus hijos. CONCLUSIONES E IMPLICACIÓN PARA LA PRÁCTICA Han sido múltiples los factores y procesos evolutivos para la situación socio-cultural de la mujer en la lactancia materna. Actualmente sigue siendo complicado compaginar gestación y crianza con el empleo, las redes formales e informales permiten avances en políticas sanitarias.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar a influência das mudanças sócio-políticas, educativas e feministas em Espanha na manutenção do aleitamento materno. MÉTODO Revisão histórico-descritiva da documentação em bases de dados, Boletins Oficiais do Estado, do Ministério da Saúde e do Consumo e da Previdência Social. RESULTADOS O aleitamento materno é um fenómeno complexo influenciado por factores demográficos, biológicos, sociais e psicológicos. Ela mudou ao longo da história e evoluiu com os movimentos feministas. A incorporação das mulheres ao mercado de trabalho (século XIX), produziu uma modificação no papel da família e do casal. A sociedade do século XXI exige do poder público a conciliação pessoal e laboral para a educação dos seus filhos. CONCLUSÕES E IMPLICAÇÕES PARA A PRÁTICA Tem havido múltiplos factores e processos evolutivos para a situação sociocultural das mulheres em aleitamento materno. Hoje em dia, ainda é complicado combinar gravidez e educação com emprego, e as redes formais e informais permitem avanços nas políticas de saúde.

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the influence of socio-political, educational and feminist changes in Spain on the maintenance of breastfeeding. METHOD Historical-descriptive review of documentation in databases, Official State Bulletins, of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare. RESULTS Breastfeeding is a complex phenomenon influenced by demographic, biological, social and psychological factors. It has changed throughout history and evolved with the feminist movements. The incorporation of women to the labor market (19th century), produced a modification in the family and couple role. The society of the 21st century demands from the public authorities the personal and labor conciliation for the upbringing of their children. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATION FOR PRACTICE There have been multiple factors and evolutionary processes for the socio-cultural situation of women in breastfeeding. Nowadays, it is still complicated to combine pregnancy and upbringing with employment, and formal and informal networks allow advances in health policies.

Humans , Female , Breast Feeding , Feminism/history , Spain/ethnology , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Women's Rights/history , Parenting
Med. infant ; 26(4): 346-350, dic. 2019. ilus, Tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047043


Introducción: La incorporación de las mujeres a la fuerza laboral, así como las contradicciones existentes entre las recomendaciones de salud y el marco legal que ampara a las madres trabajadoras, hacen que no se logre cumplir las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) sobre la práctica de la lactancia materna exclusiva durante seis meses y el mantenimiento hasta los dos años o más, y la introducción de alimentos apropiados para la edad y seguros desde los seis meses. Objetivo: Conocer las características demográficas de la población de estudio; la percepción de las madres sobre las barreras y facilitadores de la LM durante la jornada laboral en el hospital y elaborar estrategias que permitan facilitar la LM a los niños menores de tres años cuyas madres trabajen en el hospital. Material y métodos: estudio transversal, participaron de la investigación las mujeres que trabajaron en el Hospital Garrahan durante los meses de julio 2017 a marzo 2018, cuyos hijos de 0 a 3 años asistieron al jardín maternal del hospital. Resultados: de los 162 niños, hijos de las trabajadoras, que participaron de la investigación, 79 recibieron LM al momento de la encuesta (48,8%). El 53% de los niños menores de 6 meses recibieron lactancia materna exclusiva; el 65% de los niños de 6 a 12 meses y el 24% de los niños de 1 a 3 años recibieron lactancia materna continuada. Además, la mitad de las madres encuestadas manifestaron haber tenido problemas en relación a la LM. Conclusión: Se esperaba contar con mejores índices de lactancia materna dada la población estudiada, ya que la mayoría son mujeres profesionales y que han recibido educación en LM. Se elaboraron estrategias para mejorar los índices de lactancia en el hospital.(AU)

Introduction: The incorporation of women in the workforce as well as the current contradictions among health recommendations and the legal framework that protects working mothers lead to difficulties to meet the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) on exclusive breastfeeding practices during the first six months of life and maintenance up to two years or more, and the introduction of adequate and safe food according to age after six months. Objective: To identify the demographic features of the study population; the perception of mothers about the barriers and facilitators of breastfeeding during the working day at the hospital and to develop strategies to facilitate breastfeeding for children younger than three years whose mothers work at the hospital. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study evaluating mothers who worked at Garrahan Hospital between July 2017 and March 2018, with children between 0 and 3 years of life who attended the day care center of the hospital. Results: of 162 children of wokers of the hospital that participated in the study, 79 were breastfed during the study period (48.8%). Overall, 53% of the infants younger than 6 months of life were exclusively breatsfed; 65% of the children between 6 and 12 months, and 24% of the children aged between 1 and 3 years received additional breastfeeding. Half of the mothers that were surveyed manifested having problems with breastfeeding. Conclusion: Higher rates of breastfeeding were expected in the study population as the majority of the women were professionals who had information on maternal breastfeeding. Strategies will be developed to improve the breastfeeding rate at the hospital (AU)

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Schools, Nursery , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Breast Feeding/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. bioét. derecho ; (44): 41-56, nov. 2018.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-176788


Este artículo pretende contribuir al debate respecto el progresivo reconocimiento por parte de los Tribunales de derechos laborales para aquellas personas que su maternidad o paternidad es fruto de un convenio de gestación por sustitución o gestación subrogada. Para ello introduzco en el análisis, de una parte, cómo se ha construido el relato de la mercantilización de la maternidad y, de otra, el papel que ha jugado la maternidad biológica en la edificación de los derechos laborales de las mujeres en el trabajo remunerado

This article intends to contribute to the debate regarding the progressive recognition by the Courts of a part of the labor rights to those persons whose maternity or paternity is the result of a gestation agreement by substitution or surrogacy. To this aim, I introduce in this analysis, by one hand, how the story of the commodification of motherhood has been constructed and, by another, the role played by biological motherhood in the construction of women's labor rights in paid work

Aquest article pretén contribuir al debat respecte el progressiu reconeixement per part dels Tribunals dels drets laborals d’ aquelles persones la maternitat o la paternitat de les quals és fruit d'un conveni de gestació per substitució o gestació subrogada. Per això introdueixo en l'anàlisi, d'una part, com s'ha construït el relat de la mercantilització de la maternitat i, d'una altra, el paper que ha jugat la maternitat biològica en l'edificació dels drets laborals de les dones en el treball remunerat

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Parenting , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Pregnant Women , Legislation, Labor , Parental Leave/ethics , Parental Leave/legislation & jurisprudence , Delivery of Health Care/ethics , Pregnancy/ethics , Jurisprudence , Supreme Court Decisions
J Occup Health ; 59(4): 361-363, 2017 Jul 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28592711


Brazilian women are still a recurring target of discrimination in the workplace, facing violence related to gender relations and moral harassment, especially when they are pregnant. When the worker perceives discriminatory acts and attitudes or any violation of the rights guaranteed by law, she may appeal to the Labor Court to initiate legal action. This in turn exposes the worker to a number of issues, such as workplace persecution and future dismissal. The rights of pregnant women to temporary stability, free time for medical examinations, change of duties and maternity leave contrast with the usurpation of the administration's workforce. The rights of pregnant women to temporary stability, free time for medical examinations, change of duties and maternity leave contrast with the growing power of labor administration.

Pregnant Women , Prejudice , Women's Rights , Women, Working , Brazil , Employment , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Prejudice/legislation & jurisprudence , Violence , Women's Rights/legislation & jurisprudence , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Women, Working/psychology , Workplace
Rev Gaucha Enferm ; 37(spe): e201600446, 2017 Jun 05.
Article in Portuguese, English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28640333


OBJECTIVE: To know how managers of public and private companies view lactation support rooms and their implantation. METHOD: This is study is based on qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive research. Twenty managers from Greater Florianópolis participated in the research, in 2015. Data were collected by means of semi-structured/projective interviews, and subjected to content analysis associated with Atlas.ti software. RESULTS: Data analysis led to the following two categories: difficulties and facilities of establishing a lactation room, with a predominance of financial difficulties and the lack of physical space. Dialectically, the subjects also recognised the low cost involved, which facilitates establishment. CONCLUSION: Financial, cultural, and political aspects make it difficult to set up lactation rooms, but the importance of this measure was acknowledged. Although the success of breastfeeding partly depends on these support rooms, it also requires multiple actions, especially the effective participation of nurses and other health workers.

Administrative Personnel/psychology , Breast Feeding , Facility Design and Construction , Privacy , Private Facilities , Public Facilities , Women, Working , Adult , Brazil , Facility Design and Construction/economics , Facility Design and Construction/legislation & jurisprudence , Female , Humans , Interviews as Topic , Male , Middle Aged , Private Facilities/economics , Private Facilities/legislation & jurisprudence , Private Sector/organization & administration , Public Facilities/economics , Public Facilities/legislation & jurisprudence , Public Sector/organization & administration , Qualitative Research , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence
J Pak Med Assoc ; 67(1): 37-41, 2017 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28065952


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy and impact of Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2010 in the public health sector in its socio-legal perspective. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted from July to December 2014 in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and comprised subjects selected from 53 basic health units managed by the government. SPSS 20 was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Of the 450 questionnaires, 430(96.6%) were returned duly filled. Overall, 40% male (120 respondents) and 26% female (34 respondents) knew about the Act. Besides, 39% males (117 respondents) and 63% females (82 respondents) appeared unsatisfied with the complaint mechanism prescribed in the Act; all the respondents established that no case had been registered after the introduction of the Act. Overall, 31% males (93 respondents) and 57% females (74 respondents) thought that without the health governance commitment and social support structure the Act could not work. CONCLUSIONS: The Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2010 was considered ineffective by the respondents who were concerned about the lack of social support system for the Act.

Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Public Sector/legislation & jurisprudence , Sexual Harassment , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Workplace/legislation & jurisprudence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Pakistan , Public Health Administration/legislation & jurisprudence , Sexual Harassment/legislation & jurisprudence , Sexual Harassment/prevention & control
Glob Public Health ; 12(1): 98-115, 2017 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26315455


A growing body of evidence indicates that excessive sugar consumption is driving epidemics of obesity and related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) around the world. South Africa (SA), a major consumer of sugar, is also the third most obese country in Africa, and 40% of all deaths in the country result from NCDs. A number of fiscal, regulatory, and legislative levers could reduce sugar consumption in SA. This paper focuses on a sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) tax. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the challenges that government might anticipate. Policies cannot be enacted in a vacuum and discussion is focused on the industrial, economic, and societal context. The affected industry actors have been part of the SA economy for over a century and remain influential. To deflect attention, the sugar industry can be expected either to advocate for self-regulation or to promote public-private partnerships. This paper cautions against both approaches as evidence suggests that they will be ineffective in curbing the negative health impacts caused by excessive sugar consumption. In summary, policy needs to be introduced with a political strategy sensitive to the various interests at stake. In particular, the sugar industry can be expected to be resistant to the introduction of any type of tax on SSBs.

Beverages/adverse effects , Dietary Sucrose/adverse effects , Food Industry/economics , Health Policy/economics , Noncommunicable Diseases/epidemiology , Obesity/epidemiology , Women, Working/education , Attitude to Health , Beverages/economics , Beverages/statistics & numerical data , Dietary Sucrose/economics , Dietary Sucrose/supply & distribution , Food Industry/legislation & jurisprudence , Food Industry/standards , Government Regulation , Health Policy/legislation & jurisprudence , Humans , Noncommunicable Diseases/economics , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Obesity/economics , Obesity/etiology , Obesity/prevention & control , Power, Psychological , Prevalence , Public-Private Sector Partnerships/economics , Public-Private Sector Partnerships/organization & administration , South Africa/epidemiology , Taxes , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Women, Working/statistics & numerical data
Ribeirão preto; s.n; 2017. 148 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1434240


Introdução: O trabalho materno tem sido apontado como um dos fatores que influenciam o início, a duração e a intensidade do aleitamento e vários são os fatores relacionados ao trabalho que podem influenciar a prática do aleitamento materno. Entretanto, percebemos que a grande dificuldade para alcançar melhores padrões desta prática, entre as trabalhadoras, não se encontra na falta de conhecimento materno sobre a importância de amamentar, tampouco na inexistência de programas e leis que promovam, protejam e incentivem o aleitamento. A dificuldade está também, na falta de adesão por parte das empresas/gestores em implementar as ações vigentes de forma apropriada para as funcionárias que retornam da licença maternidade, ou ainda daquelas que retornam precocemente ao trabalho por não terem um vínculo trabalhista formal. Objetivo: Compreender a experiência de mulheres trabalhadoras e gestores/empresários em relação ao aleitamento materno e o retorno ao trabalho. Método: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, que teve como cenário uma empresa do ramo de agronegócio da região de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil que adota políticas de promoção, proteção e incentivo ao aleitamento materno, tais como: licença maternidade, licença paternidade, sala de amamentação, horários flexíveis, creches, entre outros. Os participantes deste estudo foram mulheres que passaram pelo processo da amamentação nos anos de 2014, 2015 e 2016, e funcionários/gestores que trabalham no mesmo setor. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de entrevista semiestruturada gravada após a assinatura do TCLE. Para analise dos dados foi utilizado o Método de Interpretação de Sentidos à luz do Materialismo Histórico Dialético, dos conceitos de gênero e das políticas de apoio à maternidade. Resultados: 16 sujeitos participaram de nosso estudo, sendo eles 10 mulheres, cinco funcionários e um gestor. Três categorias temáticas foram identificadas: A maternidade e os programas de apoio no trabalho, Fragmentação de pensamentos: entre as necessidades maternas, sobrecargas diárias e posturas profissionais e O aleitamento materno sob o prisma empresarial. Conclusão: Identifica-se que muitos são os dilemas sofridos pelo desejo de manter a prática do aleitamento materno e sentir-se segura em suas profissões e longe de olhares preconceituosos e incriminadores. Para que a mulher concilie de forma harmoniosa suas funções maternas e a sua responsabilidade profissional, além de uma rede de apoio que agregue familiares, profissionais de saúde capacitados, a mulher necessita desejar e se resignar. Destacamos no que diz respeito à empresa que a simples existência de programas de apoio dentro das empresas não representa o legítimo apoio dos funcionários/gestores demonstrando que não somente são necessários tais programas, mas também a compreensão e sensibilização destes em relação aos vários papeis sociais que a mulher representa hoje na sociedade contemporânea

Introduction: A mother"s job has been appointed as one of the factors that influence the beginning, the duration and the intensity of breastfeeding and many aspects related to her work can affect this practice. However, we realized that a great difficulty to achieve better standards of breastfeeding among working mothers is not found in the lack of knowledge about the importance of breastfeeding, let alone in the inexistence of programs and laws that promote, protect and encourage it. It is therefore found in the lack of adhesion of the companies that implement appropriate current actions for its employees who return from maternity leave, or even those who go back to work earlier than expected due to not having a formal labor relationship. Objective: To understand the relationship of working mothers and companies regarding breastfeeding and the return to their jobs. Method: A qualitative study which takes place in an agribusiness company in the region of Ribeirao Preto, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, which adopts promotion policies, protection and encouragement to breastfeeding, such as: maternity leave, paternity leave, breastfeeding room, flexible hours and daycare, among others. The participants of this study were women who went through the process of breastfeeding in the years of 2014, 2015 and 2016, and other employers who worked in the same sectors. The data was collected through semi structured interviews recorded after signing the WICF. The method used to analyze this data was the Interpretation of Senses in light of Dialectic Historical Materialism, of the concept of gender and the policies supporting motherhood. Results: 16 subjects took part in our study being 10 women, 5 employers and 1 manager. Three themed categories were identified: Maternity and Supportive Programs in the Workplace, Fragmentation of Thought: the maternal needs, daily overloads and professional postures and Breastfeeding under the Business Prism. Conclusion: Many are the identified dilemmas which mothers suffer when they have the desire of maintaining the practice of breastfeeding and feeling safe in their professions and far from prejudicial and incriminating looks. In order for the woman to deal with her maternal functions and her professional responsibilities in a consonant way, aside from a supporting network of family members and capable health professional, the woman needs to desire and relinquish herself. We highlight that regarding the company, the simple existence of supportive programs in the workplace doesn"t represent the legitimate support of employers. It also demonstrates that these programs are not only necessary, but that the understanding and awareness of the employers towards the many social roles of the woman in modern society are also needed

Humans , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Breast Feeding , Parental Leave
Demography ; 53(2): 393-418, 2016 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26912351


While the labor market woes of low-skilled male workers in the United States over the past several decades have been well documented, the academic literature identifying causal factors leading to declines in labor force participation (LFP) by young, low-skilled males remains scant. To address this gap, I use the timing and characteristics of welfare-reform policies implemented during the 1990s and fixed-effects, instrumental variable regression modeling to show that policies seeking to increase LFP rates for low-skilled single mothers inadvertently led to labor force exit by young, low-skilled single males. Using data from the Current Population Survey and a bundle of work inducements enacted by states throughout the 1990s as exogenous variation in a quasi-experimental design, I find that the roughly 10 percentage point increase in LFP for low-skilled single mothers facilitated by welfare reform resulted in a statistically significant 2.8 percentage point decline in LFP for young, low-skilled single males. After conducting a series of robustness checks, I conclude that this result is driven entirely by white males, who responded to welfare-reform policies with a 3.7 percentage point decline in labor supply. Young black males, as well as other groups of potentially affected workers, appear to be uninfluenced by the labor supply response of less-educated single mothers to welfare reform. Impacts on young, single white males are large and economically significant, suggesting that nearly 150,000 males departed the formal labor market in response to directed welfare-reform policies.

Employment/legislation & jurisprudence , Mothers/legislation & jurisprudence , Public Policy/legislation & jurisprudence , Single Parent/legislation & jurisprudence , Social Welfare/legislation & jurisprudence , Working Poor/legislation & jurisprudence , Adolescent , Adult , Employment/classification , Employment/economics , Employment/trends , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Mothers/statistics & numerical data , Public Policy/economics , Public Policy/trends , Regression Analysis , Social Welfare/economics , Social Welfare/trends , Socioeconomic Factors , Unemployment/trends , United States , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Women, Working/statistics & numerical data , Working Poor/economics , Working Poor/trends , Young Adult
Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 37(spe): e201600446, 2016. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-845190


RESUMO Objetivo Conhecer a visão de gestores de empresas públicas e privadas acerca das salas de apoio à amamentação, com vistas à sua implantação. Método Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória descritiva, realizada em 2015, da qual participaram 20 gestores da Grande Florianópolis. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas/projetivas e, para a análise, a Análise de Conteúdo, associada aos recursos do software Atlas.ti. Resultados Emergiram duas categorias, a saber, dificuldades e facilidades na implantação de sala de apoio à amamentação, com predomínio de aspectos dificultadores, especialmente financeiros, envolvidos na disponibilização de espaço físico. Dialeticamente, também houve reconhecimento do baixo custo envolvido, o que facilitaria sua implantação. Conclusões Aspectos financeiros, culturais e políticos dificultam a implantação de salas de apoio à amamentação, mas há o reconhecimento da importância da medida. Para o sucesso da amamentação, a implantação de salas de apoio é importante, porém, não suficiente, sendo necessárias múltiplas ações e, principalmente, uma atuação mais efetiva da enfermagem e dos demais profissionais de saúde.

RESUMEN Objetivo Conocer la visión de los gestores de la empresa pública y privada sobre las habitaciones de apoyo a la lactancia, con vistas a su puesta en práctica. Método La investigación fue cualitativa, exploratoria y descriptiva. Participaron 20 gerentes en Florianópolis en 2015. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas/proyectiva y para análisis, Análisis de Contenido asociado a los recursos del software Atlas.ti. Resultados Surgieron dos categorías, las dificultades y las facilidades en la implantación de sala de apoyo a la lactancia, donde predominan los aspectos que obstaculizan, especialmente los financieros, involucrados en el espacio físico. Dialécticamente, también hubo reconocimiento del bajo costo involucrado, lo que facilitaría su aplicación. Conclusión Los aspectos financieros, culturales y políticos dificultan la implantación de salas de lactancia materna,es importsnte implantar salas de apoyo, sin embargo, no es suficiente, requiere múltiples acciones y, sobre todo, un funcionamiento más eficaz de la enfermería y otros profesionales de la salud.

ABSTRACT Objective To know how managers of public and private companies view lactation support rooms and their implantation. Method This is study is based on qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive research. Twenty managers from Greater Florianópolis participated in the research, in 2015. Data were collected by means of semi-structured/projective interviews, and subjected to content analysis associated with Atlas.ti software. Results Data analysis led to the following two categories: difficulties and facilities of establishing a lactation room, with a predominance of financial difficulties and the lack of physical space. Dialectically, the subjects also recognised the low cost involved, which facilitates establishment. Conclusion Financial, cultural, and political aspects make it difficult to set up lactation rooms, but the importance of this measure was acknowledged. Although the success of breastfeeding partly depends on these support rooms, it also requires multiple actions, especially the effective participation of nurses and other health workers.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Breast Feeding , Administrative Personnel/psychology , Privacy , Women, Working/legislation & jurisprudence , Public Facilities/economics , Public Facilities/legislation & jurisprudence , Brazil , Interviews as Topic , Public Sector/organization & administration , Private Sector/organization & administration , Qualitative Research , Facility Design and Construction/economics , Facility Design and Construction/legislation & jurisprudence , Private Facilities/economics , Private Facilities/legislation & jurisprudence , Middle Aged