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R Soc Open Sci ; 11(6): 231734, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100174


Tight-binding model (TBM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations were employed. Both simulations have demonstrated that the electrical conductance for eight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be modulated by varying the number of aromatic rings (NAR) within the aromatic derivatives. TBM simulations reveal three distinct conductance states: low, medium and high for the studied PAH derivatives. The three distinct conductance states suggested by TBM are supported by DFT transmission curves, where the low conductance evidenced by T(E) = 0, for benzene, naphthalene, pyrene and anthracene. While azulene and anthanthrene exhibit a medium conductance as T(E) = 1, and tetracene and dibenzocoronene possess a high conductance with T(E) = 2. Low, medium and high values were elucidated according to the energy gap E g and E g gaps are strongly dependent on the NAR in the PAH derivatives. This study also suggests that any PAH molecules are a conductor if E g < 0.20 eV. A linear relationship between the conductance and NAR (G ∝ NAR) was found and conductance follows the order G (benzene, 1 NAR) < G (anthanthrene, 4 NAR) < G (dibenzocoronene, 9 NAR). The proposed study suggests a relevant step towards the practical application of molecular electronics and future device application.

ACS Omega ; 9(27): 29537-29543, 2024 Jul 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39005829


The orientational effect concept in a molecular-scale junction is established for asymmetric junctions, which requires the fulfillment of two conditions: (1) design of an asymmetric molecule with strong distinct terminal end groups and (2) construction of a doubly asymmetric junction by placing an asymmetric molecule in an asymmetric junction to form a multicomponent system such as Au/Zn-TPP+M/Au. Here, we demonstrate that molecular-scale junctions that satisfy the conditions of these effects can manifest Seebeck coefficients whose sign fluctuates depending on the orientation of the molecule within the asymmetric junction in a complete theoretical investigation. Three anthracene-based compounds are investigated in three different scenarios, one of which displays a bithermoelectric behavior due to the presence of strong anchor groups, including pyridyl and thioacetate. This bithermoelectricity demonstration implies that if molecules with alternating orientations can be placed between an asymmetric source and drain, they can be potentially utilized for increasing the thermovoltage in molecular-scale thermoelectric energy generators (TEGs).

J Mol Model ; 30(8): 243, 2024 Jul 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38955842


CONTEXT: This study investigates the impact of arsenic doping on the optical characteristics and electronic structure of zigzag (8, 0) and armchair (4, 4) gallium phosphide nanotubes using first-principles calculations based on the GaP1-xAsx system, where x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1. The electronic calculations showed that doping more arsenic atoms reduces the energy band gap for zigzag and armchair GaPAs nanotubes. PDOS analysis indicates that Ga-4p and P-3p orbitals play a significant role in determining the electronic properties of the GaP nanotube. The dominance of Ga-4p and P-3p orbitals in both the valence and conduction bands indicates their importance across the energy spectrum of the material. The complex dielectric function and absorption coefficient of zigzag and armchair GaP1-xAsx nanotubes are calculated for incident radiation with energies ranging from 1 to 6.2 eV. Optical results revealed that both zigzag and armchair GaPNTs exhibit strong absorption in the UV-visible regions due to electronic transitions between different Van Hove singularities. Also, due to quantum confinement effects, pure zigzag gallium phosphide nanotube exhibited two absorption edges at wavelengths (273 and 375 nm). These edges stand from the energy level's quantization in the nanotube construction, affecting the absorption characteristics. Substitutional doping by arsenic atoms changes the absorption edge to the long wavelengths due to decreased bandgap energy. Investigating electronic structures and optical properties of nanotubes proposes several advantages, such as understanding the doping effects on the nanotube structure and contributing to the direction of the experimental studies. These computational studies play a key role in developing the applications of nanomaterials. METHODS: Calculations of density functional theory (DFT) are achieved via the SIESTA package. SIESTA is a powerful and effective tool for executing DFT calculations on a large system of atoms. It generates numerous output files covering detailed information about the electronic structure, optical properties, total energy, optimized geometry, and other computed properties. The generalized gradient approximation GGA with Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof PBE functional was used. A vacuum region of 10 A0 was applied to avoid the interactions of adjacent nanotubes.

R Soc Open Sci ; 11(4): 231533, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38577212


The manuscript combines rational density functional theory simulations and experimental data to investigate the electrical properties of eight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The optimized geometries reveal a preference for one-row, two-row and three-row ring distributions. Band structure plots demonstrate an inverse correlation between the number of aromatic rings and band gap size, with a specific order observed across the PAHs. Gas phase simulations support these findings, though differences in values are noted compared to the literature. Introducing a two-row ring distribution concept resolves discrepancies, particularly in azulene. The B3LYP function successfully bridges theoretical and experimental gaps, particularly in large PAHs. The manuscript highlights the potential for designing electronic devices based on different-sized PAHs, emphasizing a multi-ring distribution approach and opening new avenues for practical applications.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 127(15): 7484-7491, 2023 Apr 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37113454


We report on the single-molecule electronic and thermoelectric properties of strategically chosen anthracene-based molecules with anchor groups capable of binding to noble metal substrates, such as gold and platinum. Specifically, we study the effect of different anchor groups, as well as quantum interference, on the electric conductance and the thermopower of gold/single-molecule/gold junctions and generally find good agreement between theory and experiments. All molecular junctions display transport characteristics consistent with coherent transport and a Fermi alignment approximately in the middle of the highest occupied molecular orbital/lowest unoccupied molecular orbital gap. Single-molecule results are in agreement with previously reported thin-film data, further supporting the notion that molecular design considerations may be translated from the single- to many-molecule devices. For combinations of anchor groups where one binds significantly more strongly to the electrodes than the other, the stronger anchor group appears to dominate the thermoelectric behavior of the molecular junction. For other combinations, the choice of electrode material can determine the sign and magnitude of the thermopower. This finding has important implications for the design of thermoelectric generator devices, where both n- and p-type conductors are required for thermoelectric current generation.

Acc Chem Res ; 56(3): 322-331, 2023 Feb 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36693627


ConspectusDuring the past decade or so, research groups around the globe have sought to answer the question: "How does electricity flow through single molecules?" In seeking the answer to this question, a series of joint theory and experimental studies have demonstrated that electrons passing through single-molecule junctions exhibit exquisite quantum interference (QI) effects, which have no classical analogues in conventional circuits. These signatures of QI appear even at room temperature and can be described by simple quantum circuit rules and a rather intuitive magic ratio theory. The latter describes the effect of varying the connectivity of electrodes to a molecular core and how electrical conductance can be controlled by the addition of heteroatoms to molecular cores. The former describes how individual moieties contribute to the overall conductance of a molecule and how the overall conductance can change when the connectivities between different moieties are varied. Related circuit rules have been derived and demonstrated, which describe the effects of connectivity on Seebeck coefficients of organic molecules. This simplicity arises because when a molecule is placed between two electrodes, charge transfer between the molecule and electrodes causes the molecular energy levels to adjust, such that the Fermi energy (EF) of the electrodes lies within the energy gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital. Consequently, when electrons of energy EF pass through a molecule, their phase is protected and transport takes place via phase-coherent tunneling. Remarkably, these effects have been scaled up to self-assembled monolayers of molecules, thereby creating two-dimensional materials, whose room temperature transport properties are controlled by QI. This leads to new molecular design strategies for increasing the on/off conductance ratio of molecular switches and to improving the performance of organic thermoelectric materials. In particular, destructive quantum interference has been shown to improve the Seebeck coefficient of organic molecules and increase their on/off ratio under the influence of electrochemical gating. The aim of this Account is to introduce the novice reader to these signatures of QI in molecules, many of which have been identified in joint studies involving our theory group in Lancaster University and experimental group in Bern University.

Nanoscale Adv ; 4(21): 4635-4638, 2022 Oct 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36341305


Through a comprehensive theoretical study, we demonstrate that single-molecule junctions formed from asymmetric molecules with different terminal groups can exhibit Seebeck coefficients, whose sign depends on the orientation of the molecule within the junction. Three anthracene-based molecules are studied, one of which exhibits this bi-thermoelectric behaviour, due to the presence of a thioacetate terminal group at one end and a pyridyl terminal group at the other. A pre-requisite for obtaining this behaviour is the use of junction electrodes formed from different materials. In our case, we use gold as the bottom electrode and graphene-coated gold as the top electrode. This demonstration of bi-thermoelecricity means that if molecules with alternating orientations can be deposited on a substrate, then they form a basis for boosting the thermovoltage in molecular-scale thermoelectric energy generators (TEGs).

Nanoscale Horiz ; 7(10): 1201-1209, 2022 Sep 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35913108


Understanding and controlling the orbital alignment of molecules placed between electrodes is essential in the design of practically-applicable molecular and nanoscale electronic devices. The orbital alignment is highly determined by the molecule-electrode interface. Dependence of orbital alignment on the molecular anchor group for single molecular junctions has been intensively studied; however, when scaling-up single molecules to large parallel molecular arrays (like self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)), two challenges need to be addressed: 1. Most desired anchor groups do not form high quality SAMs. 2. It is much harder to tune the frontier molecular orbitals via a gate voltage in SAM junctions than in single molecular junctions. In this work, we studied the effect of the molecule-electrode interface in SAMs with a micro-pore device, using a recently developed tetrapodal anchor to overcome challenge 1, and the combination of a single layered graphene top electrode with an ionic liquid gate to solve challenge 2. The zero-bias orbital alignment of different molecules was signalled by a shift in conductance minimum vs. gate voltage for molecules with different anchoring groups. Molecules with the same backbone, but a different molecule-electrode interface, were shown experimentally to have conductances that differ by a factor of 5 near zero bias. Theoretical calculations using density functional theory support the trends observed in the experimental data. This work sheds light on how to control electron transport within the HOMO-LUMO energy gap in molecular junctions and will be applicable in scaling up molecular electronic systems for future device applications.

Nanoscale Horiz ; 7(6): 616-625, 2022 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35439804


For the purpose of creating single-molecule junctions, which can convert a temperature difference ΔT into a voltage ΔV via the Seebeck effect, it is of interest to screen molecules for their potential to deliver high values of the Seebeck coefficient S = -ΔV/ΔT. Here we demonstrate that insight into molecular-scale thermoelectricity can be obtained by examining the widths and extreme values of Seebeck histograms. Using a combination of experimental scanning-tunnelling-microscopy-based transport measurements and density-functional-theory-based transport calculations, we study the electrical conductance and Seebeck coefficient of three endohedral metallofullerenes (EMFs) Sc3N@C80, Sc3C2@C80, and Er3N@C80, which based on their structures, are selected to exhibit different degrees of charge inhomogeneity and geometrical disorder within a junction. We demonstrate that standard deviations in the Seebeck coefficient σS of EMF-based junctions are correlated with the geometric standard deviation σ and the charge inhomogeneity σq. We benchmark these molecules against C60 and demonstrate that both σq, σS are the largest for Sc3C2@C80, both are the smallest for C60 and for the other EMFs, they follow the order Sc3C2@C80 > Sc3N@C80 > Er3N@C80 > C60. A large value of σS is a sign that a molecule can exhibit a wide range of Seebeck coefficients, which means that if orientations corresponding to high values can be selected and controlled, then the molecule has the potential to exhibit high-performance thermoelectricity. For the EMFs studied here, large values of σS are associated with distributions of Seebeck coefficients containing both positive and negative signs, which reveals that all these EMFs are bi-thermoelectric materials.

Chem Sci ; 12(14): 5230-5235, 2021 Mar 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34163759


A major potential advantage of creating thermoelectric devices using self-assembled molecular layers is their mechanical flexibility. Previous reports have discussed the advantage of this flexibility from the perspective of facile skin attachment and the ability to avoid mechanical deformation. In this work, we demonstrate that the thermoelectric properties of such molecular devices can be controlled by taking advantage of their mechanical flexibility. The thermoelectric properties of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) fabricated from thiol terminated molecules were measured with a modified AFM system, and the conformation of the SAMs was controlled by regulating the loading force between the organic thin film and the probe, which changes the tilt angle at the metal-molecule interface. We tracked the thermopower shift vs. the tilt angle of the SAM and showed that changes in both the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient combine to optimize the power factor at a specific angle. This optimization of thermoelectric performance via applied pressure is confirmed through the use of theoretical calculations and is expected to be a general method for optimising the power factor of SAMs.

Nanoscale Adv ; 2(11): 5329-5334, 2020 Nov 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36132050


If the Seebeck coefficient of single molecules or self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) could be predicted from measurements of their conductance-voltage (G-V) characteristics alone, then the experimentally more difficult task of creating a set-up to measure their thermoelectric properties could be avoided. This article highlights a novel strategy for predicting an upper bound to the Seebeck coefficient of single molecules or SAMs, from measurements of their G-V characteristics. The theory begins by making a fit to measured G-V curves using three fitting parameters, denoted a, b, c. This 'ABC' theory then predicts a maximum value for the magnitude of the corresponding Seebeck coefficient. This is a useful material parameter, because if the predicted upper bound is large, then the material would warrant further investigation using a full Seebeck-measurement setup. On the other hand, if the upper bound is small, then the material would not be promising and this much more technically demanding set of measurements would be avoided. Histograms of predicted Seebeck coefficients are compared with histograms of measured Seebeck coefficients for six different SAMs, formed from anthracene-based molecules with different anchor groups and are shown to be in excellent agreement.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 122(48): 27198-27204, 2018 Dec 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31080539


A series of 2,7-dipyridylfluorene derivatives have been synthesized with different substituents (2H, 2Me, 2OMe, 2CF3, and O) at the C(9) position. Experimental measurements on gold|single-molecule|gold junctions, using a modified scanning tunneling microscope-break-junction technique, show that the C(9) substituent has little effect on the conductance, although there is a more significant influence on the thermopower, with the Seebeck coefficient varying by a factor of 1.65 within the series. The combined experimental and computational study, using density functional theory calculations, provides insights into the interplay of conductance and thermopower in single-molecule junctions and is a guide for new strategies for thermopower modulation in single-molecule junctions.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 1794, 2017 05 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28496118


Is there a correlation between the (hetero)aromaticity of the core of a molecule and its conductance in a single molecular junction? To address this question, which is of fundamental interest in molecular electronics, oligo(arylene-ethynylene) (OAE) molecular wires have been synthesized with core units comprising dibenzothiophene, carbazole, dibenzofuran and fluorene. The biphenyl core has been studied for comparison. Two isomeric series have been obtained with 4-ethynylpyridine units linked to the core either at para-para positions (para series 1-5) or meta-meta positions (meta series 6-10). A combined experimental and computational study, using mechanically controlled break junction measurements and density functional theory calculations, demonstrates consistently higher conductance in the para series compared to the meta series: this is in agreement with increased conjugation of the π-system in the para series. Within the para series conductance increases in the order of decreasing heteroaromaticity (dibenzothiophene < carbazole < dibenzofuran). However, the sequence is very different in the meta series, where dibenzothiophene ≈ dibenzofuran < carbazole. Excellent agreement between theoretical and experimental conductance values is obtained. Our study establishes that both quantum interference and heteroaromaticity in the molecular core units play important and inter-related roles in determining the conductance of single molecular junctions.

J Chem Phys ; 146(6): 064704, 2017 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28201900


Crown-ether molecules are well known to selectively bind alkali atoms, so by incorporating these within wires, any change in electrical conductance of the wire upon binding leads to discriminating sensing. Using a density functional theory-based approach to quantum transport, we investigate the potential sensing capabilities of single-molecule junctions formed from crown ethers attached to anthraquinone units, which are in turn attached to gold electrodes via alkyl chains. We calculate the change in electrical conductance for binding of three different alkali ions (lithium, sodium, and potassium). Depending on the nature of the ionic analyte, the conductance is enhanced by different amounts. This change in electrical conductance is due to charge transfer from the ion to molecular wire causing the molecular resonances to shift closer to the electrode Fermi energy.