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Foods ; 13(10)2024 May 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38790802


This study investigated the meat quality, expression of myosin heavy chain (MyHC) and metabolism-related genes, ribonucleotides and fatty acids in Longissimus thoracis of Thai native pigs (TNPs) from different geographical regions (GR). Forty-one 9-10-month-old castrated TNPs (BW 60 kg), consisting of 18, 11 and 12 pigs from Northern (NT), Southern (ST) and Northeastern (NE) regions, respectively, were slaughtered. GR did not affect (p > 0.05) the expression of MyHC, phosphoglycerate mutase 1, cytosolic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, triosephosphate isomerase 1 and adipocyte fatty acid binding protein genes. The trend of MyHC was MyHC IIx > MyHC IIb > MyHC IIa > MyHC I. The NT loin had higher (p < 0.05) glycogen, C18:2n6, C20:4n6 and cooking loss, lower inosine, inosine monophosphate and hypoxanthine and a shorter sarcomere length than the ST and NE loins. The ST loin had a lower (p < 0.05) a* compared to other loins. Principal component analysis established significant relationships between the TNP and specific meat quality traits. This finding suggests that GR affected the meat quality, ribonucleotides and selected fatty acids in TNPs. These results provide relevant information that can be used to optimize the use of Thai native pork.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(4)2023 Feb 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36830412


Thai indigenous pigs (TIPs) are important genetic resources. Crosses with exotic pig breeds and wild boars may cause genetic losses. To date, the physical characteristics of TIPs have been inconsistent. The classification of TIPs by genetic information is needed to pursue an appropriate conservation program. In this study, the genetic diversity, cluster analysis, and phylogenetic relationship of TIPs were investigated using twenty-nine pig microsatellite markers. Blood samples were collected from TIPs from three regions of Thailand: north (NT, n = 118), northeast (NE, n = 61), and south (ST, n = 75). The mean total number of distinct alleles and the effective number of alleles per locus were 11.851 and 5.497, respectively. The mean observed heterozygosity (Ho) and mean expected heterozygosity (He) were 0.562 and 0.837, respectively. The F values of the microsatellite loci were positive under Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium at p < 0.001, with overall mean values of Fis, Fit, and Fst of 0.247, 0.281, and 0.046, respectively. A total of 5, 5, and 17 private alleles were found at frequencies greater than 0.050 in the NT, NE, and ST pigs, respectively. Three optimal clusters (K = 3) were proposed within the TIP populations. Pigs from the NT and NE regions were mixed in two clusters, while members of the ST region were clearly separated. The phylogenetic tree confirmed that the pigs from NT and NE were each divided into two subgroups, while the pigs from ST were clustered into one group. A microsatellite analysis revealed the high genetic diversity of the TIP populations and confirmed the genetic divergence of the TIPs from the European and Chinese breeds. A genetic admixture of the TIP with the local wild boars was detected.

Asian-Australas J Anim Sci ; 32(4): 585-591, 2019 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30208699


OBJECTIVE: This study investigated carcass characteristics and meat quality of purebred Pakchong 5, crossbred pigs sired by Pakchong 5, and crossbred pigs sired by Duroc. METHODS: Forty-eight pigs (average body weight of 22.25 kg) were composed of three groups as purebred Pakchong 5 (PP), Large White×Landrace pigs sired by Pakchong 5 (LWLRP), and Large White×Landrace pigs sired by Duroc (LWLRD). Each group consisted of eight gilts and eight barrows. At 109-day-raising period, pigs were slaughtered, and carcass characteristics were evaluated. Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscles from left side of carcasses were evaluated for meat quality and chemical composition. Data were analyzed using general linear model procedure, where group, sex, and their interaction were included in the model. RESULTS: The PP had greater carcass, total lean, and ham percentages than crossbred pigs (p< 0.05). LWLRP had thicker backfat and more carcass fat percentage than LWLRD (p<0.05). There were no differences (p>0.05) on cutting percentages from tender loin, loin, boston butt, and picnic shoulder among groups. The PP and LWLRP had larger loin eye area (LEA) than LWLRD (p<0.05). Gilts had more loin percentage and lower L* value than barrows (p<0.05). No meat color parameters (L*, a*, and b*) were affected by groups (p>0.05). PP and LWLRP had larger muscle fiber diameters than LWLRD (p<0.05). However, water holding capacity, Warner-Bratzler shear force values, and chemical composition of LT were not affected by group or sex (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: Pakchong 5 purebred has good carcass and lean percentages. Compared to Duroc crossbred pigs, Pakchong 5 crossbreds have similar carcass and lean percentages, larger LEA, and slightly more carcass fat, with comparable meat quality and chemical composition. Pakchong 5 boars are more affordable for very small- to medium-scale pig producers.