OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of MMR proteins on clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC). METHOD: The solid pattern of ACC showed lower expression for MSH2 (p = 0.039). Significant imbalance in MSH2/MSH6 immunostaining was observed in all histological patterns (p < 0.001), and imbalance in PMS2/MLH1 immunostaining was observed in the cribriform pattern (p = 0.011). The presence of capsule was associated with high expression of MSH6 (p = 0.019), MLH1 (p = 0.045) and PMS2 (p = 0.009). The absence of cribriform pattern (p = 0.002) and capsule pattern (p = 0.025), as well as low expression for MSH6 (p = 0.006) and PMS2 (p = 0.037) were associated with lower overall survival. In multivariate analysis, loss of MSH2 (p = 0.039) and MLH1 (p = 0.017) were significantly associated with worse overall survival. RESULTS: Twenty-four ACC were clinical-pathologically evaluated and we perform immunohistochemistry for MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 and MLH1. Percentage counting of positive cells was performed in 10 fields of each histological pattern (cribriform, tubular and solid) and the averages of the 30 fields were considered for evaluation with other clinical-pathological variables (Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn, Friedman/Dunn, chi-square, Log-Rank Mantel-Cox tests and Cox regression; SPSS v20.0, p < 0.05). DISCUSSION: Salivary glands' ACC shows imbalance of the MMR complex and loss of expression of its components is associated with the overall survival of these patients.
This study evaluated photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) for treatment of trismus in patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck cancer (HNC). Sixteen patients, 10 men and 6 women, who had a mouth opening < 35 mm and underwent RT were included. The patients were evaluated daily before and after the PBMT application, measuring mouth opening and performing pain scores for the masticatory muscles using the visual analog scale (VAS). We used the infrared laser (~ 808 nm) extraorally, 0.1 W power, 3 J energy, 30 s (107 J/cm2) per point, applied to temporalis anterior, masseter muscles, and temporomandibular joints (TMJ). An intraoral point was made in the trigonoretromolar region towards the medial pterygoid muscle. The mean mouth opening of the patients increased by more than 7 mm throughout the treatment. The pain scores on the initial days showed an immediate reduction after PBMT on the ipsilateral side in the muscles and TMJ. Throughout PBMT applications, there was a significant reduction in pain scores in all muscles and the TMJ. The radiation dose of all patients was above 40 Gy, which is the threshold dose for the risk of developing trismus. SPSS software was used and adopted a confidence of 95%. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, Wilcoxon test, and Spearman correlation were performed. PBMT controls muscular pain and reduced mouth opening limitation in HNC during radiotherapy. Further studies are needed to evaluate the preventive capacity of PBMT protocols for RT trismus-related HNC.