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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(67): 197-212, mai-ago.2025. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1577008


Os defeitos de esmalte são alterações qualitativas ou quantitativas na estrutura dentária, que originam-se de fatores sistêmicos, locais ou genéticos. A hipoplasia de Turner é um defeito na espessura do esmalte localizado cuja etiologia decorre de um traumatismo ou infecção periapical presente no dente decíduo predecessor, afetando o desenvolvimento do dente permanente. O objetivo do presente estudo foi apresentar um caso clínico de paciente infantil com dente hipoplásico de Turner em pré-molar, que tornou-se não vital sem que houvesse lesão de cárie ou trauma adicional. Em razão das características clínicas e radiográficas do dente afetado, bem como do risco de cárie e do comportamento cooperador da paciente, optou-se pela reabilitação do elemento afetado por meio de tratamento endodôntico e de restauração semidireta em resina composta. Torna-se de fundamental importância o conhecimento da etiologia e a realização de um exame clínico e radiográfico minucioso visando ao diagnóstico precoce e à elaboração de um plano de tratamento adequado para todos os defeitos de desenvolvimento do esmalte, incluindo-se a hipoplasia de Turner, cujo tratamento dependerá da severidade da alteração, do comportamento do paciente e do risco de cárie. Sugere-se a realização de estudos que associem a microestrutura do esmalte hipoplásico com a ausência de vitalidade pulpar.

Enamel defects are qualitative or quantitative changes in the tooth structure originating from systemic, local, or genetic factors. Turner's hypoplasia is a defect in the thickness of the localized enamel whose etiology arises from trauma or periapical infection in the predecessor deciduous tooth, affecting the permanent tooth's development. The objective of the present study was to present a clinical case of a child patient with a hypoplastic Turner premolar tooth, which became non-vital without the occurrence of caries, or additional trauma. Due to the affected tooth's clinical and radiographic characteristics, the risk of cavities, and the patient's cooperative behavior, it was decided to rehabilitate the affected element through endodontic treatment and semidirect restoration in composite resin. It is of fundamental importance to know the etiology and carry out a thorough clinical and radiographic examination aiming at early diagnosis and the development of an adequate treatment plan for all enamel developmental defects, including Turner's hypoplasia, whose treatment will depend on the severity of the change, the patient's behavior and the risk of caries. Studies are suggested to be carried out that associate the microstructure of hypoplastic enamel with the absence of pulp vitality.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 144-154, jan-abr.2025. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1570750


O avanço da tecnologia de digitalização de imagens e desenvolvimento de dispositivos de fresagem possibilitaram a otimização de diversos processos na Odontologia. O emprego do escaneamento intraoral e do sistema CAD-CAM (CAD - Computer Aided Design; CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing) aprimorou a realização de reabilitações protéticas, permitindo a obtenção de peças de alta qualidade em tempo reduzido. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de reabilitação de um incisivo central inferior a partir de escaneamento intraoral, com scanner Omnicam (DentsplySirona Charlotte, NC, EUA) e aplicação do sistema CAD-CAM.

The advancement of image digitization technology and the development of milling devices have made it possible to optimize various processes in Dentistry. The use of intraoral scanning and the CAD-CAM system (CAD - Computer Aided Design; CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing) has improved the performance of prosthetic rehabilitations, allowing the obtaining of high quality parts in a reduced time. The objective of this work is to report a case of rehabilitation of a lower central incisor using intraoral scanning, with an Omnicam scanner (Dentsply Sirona) and application of the CAD-CAM system.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Rehabilitation , Computer-Aided Design , Dentistry , Models, Anatomic
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 40-52, jan-abr.2025. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1570475


A atenção primária em saúde (APS) é o primeiro nível de atenção em saúde, sendo um elo entre a população e o setor de saúde. Tem-se buscado a humanização dos atendimentos, e essa mudança, refletida pelas mudanças da sociedade, trouxe a implementação da Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PNPIC) no SUS. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma análise da tendência da quantidade das práticas integrativas e complementares realizadas nas regionais de saúde de Sergipe de 2017 a 2023, associando com a cobertura da atenção primária. Foi realizada análise de dados secundários através do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS), como forma de organização no período de junho/2015 a junho/2023 por regional de saúde de Sergipe. As análises dos dados foram descritivas e de correlação e por meio de análise de série temporal. A regional de saúde de Lagarto foi a que mais executou as práticas integrativas e complementares no período analisado e algumas regionais não tiveram continuidade na realização destas práticas. A regional de saúde com maior cobertura de APS foi Itabaiana. Não foi possível observar associação entre o número de práticas e a cobertura de atenção primária. Com o intuito de que o atendimento aos indivíduos seja cada vez mais humanizado, e em virtude da realização das práticas integrativas ter baixo índice ou descontinuidade em algumas regiões de Saúde de Sergipe, é relevante que os profissionais de saúde busquem conhecimentos sobre essas práticas, como também, os gestores em saúde incentivem esta ação.

Primary health care (PHC) is the first level of health care, being a link between the population and the health sector. The aim has been to humanize care, and this change, reflected by changes in society, has led to the implementation of the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC) in the SUS. The objective of this work was to carry out an analysis of the trend in the number of integrative and complementary practices carried out in the health regions of Sergipe from 2017 to 2023, associating it with primary care coverage. Secondary data analysis was carried out through the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), as a form of organization from June/2015 to June/2023 by health region in Sergipe. Data analyzes were descriptive and correlational and through time series analysis. The Lagarto health region was the one that carried out the most integrative and complementary practices in the period analyzed and some regions did not continue to carry out these practices. The health region with the highest PHC coverage was Itabaiana. Observing an association between the number of practices and primary care coverage was impossible. With the aim that care for individuals is increasingly humanized, and because the implementation of integrative practices has a low rate or discontinuity in some Health regions of Sergipe, health professionals must seek knowledge about these practices as well as health managers encourage this action.

Primary Health Care , Complementary Therapies/trends , Oral Health , Secondary Data Analysis
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575865


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe cases of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children diagnosed with COVID-19, associated risk factors, clinical aspects and outcome of cases. Methods: Retrospective study, carried out in a pediatric hospital between March 2020 and September 2021, with patients with COVID-19 who were diagnosed with AKI, studying information present in medical records such as comorbidities, age, gender and use of nephrotoxic medications. Results: We studied 40 cases, and male individuals were significantly more affected (62.5%; p=0.025). AKI was a severe complication of COVID-19 infection, with 100% of the sample requiring admission to the Intensive Care Unit and 22.5% dying. The most prevalent comorbidities analyzed in this study were epilepsy, cerebral palsy and heart disease. Most patients were classified according to Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria as KDIGO 1 (42.5%), and required orotracheal intubation (67.5%). The frequency of use of nephrotoxic medications and need for dialysis was low, with percentages of 35 and 17.5%, respectively. Among the children who died, 70.4% had some comorbidity and 88.8% received invasive ventilation. Conclusions: AKI in children with COVID-19 infection is associated with severe conditions. Despite the severity, most patients were discharged alive from the hospital.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever casos de lesão renal aguda (LRA) em crianças diagnosticadas com COVID-19, associando fatores de risco, aspectos clínicos e evolução dos casos. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, realizado em hospital pediátrico entre março de 2020 e setembro de 2021, com pacientes com COVID-19 diagnosticados com LRA, que examinou informações presentes em prontuários como comorbidades, idade, sexo e uso de medicações nefrotóxicas. Resultados: Foram estudados 40 casos, sendo o sexo masculino significativamente mais acometido (62,5%; p=0,025). A LRA foi uma complicação grave da infecção por COVID-19, com 100% da amostra necessitando de internação na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e 22,5% indo a óbito. As comorbidades mais prevalentes analisadas neste estudo foram epilepsia, paralisia cerebral e cardiopatia. A maioria dos pacientes foi classificada pelos critérios Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) como KDIGO 1 (42,5%) e necessitou de intubação orotraqueal (67,5%). A frequência de uso de medicamentos nefrotóxicos e necessidade de diálise foi baixa, com percentuais de 35 e 17,5%, respectivamente. Entre as crianças que faleceram, 70,4% apresentavam alguma comorbidade e 88,8% receberam ventilação invasiva. Conclusões: A LRA em crianças com infecção por COVID-19 está associada a quadros graves, apesar de a maior parte dos pacientes ter recebido alta hospitalar.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;88(1): e2023, 2025. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568850


ABSTRACT A patient presented with corneoscleral thinning five months after the treatment of suspected ocular squamous surface neoplasia with mitomycin-C and interferon. For tectonic and aesthetic purposes, we decided to perform lamellar corneoscleral transplantation. The approach used established new tectonic support and corneal homeostasis. This technique might be an option in similar cases.

Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 183-198, jul./dez. 2024. ilus; tab.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554828


O câncer, frequentemente relacionado ao envelhecimento, impulsiona pacientes a buscarem tratamento hospitalar ou métodos alternativos, como plantas medicinais. Este estudo visou avaliar os perfis sociodemográfico e clínico e o consumo de plantas para fins medicinais entre pacientes idosos em tratamento oncológico no Hospital Araújo Jorge (HAJ). Dados de 55 pacientes foram analisados, abrangendo informações sociodemográficas, tipos de câncer, tratamento, a utilização de plantas medicinais, o objetivo de uso, as fontes de informações sobre plantas e se notaram alguma reação adversa após o consumo. A faixa etária mais encontrada foi 61 a 70 anos (67,27%), a maioria dos pacientes eram homens (63,64%), com ensino fundamental incompleto (32,73%), casados (56,36%) e que moram no interior de Goiás (43,64%). Quanto ao tratamento, a maioria realizava quimioterapia (40,00%) e o câncer gástrico foi mais relatado (14,54%). Sobre o uso de plantas medicinais, a maioria relatou simpatizar com o consumo (58,18%), e acredita em sua segurança devido à origem natural (59,37%). Informações sobre o uso de plantas medicinais eram obtidas com amigos, vizinhos e familiares (21,81%). Ao relatar sobre o consumo de plantas medicinais durante a quimioterapia, a maioria não percebeu nenhum efeito (40,63%). Foram citadas 17 plantas, que eram utilizadas no tratamento anticâncer (29,00%) e preparadas como infusões (18,75%) pelo uso das folhas frescas (60,00%), principalmente para uso interno (46,87%). Diante disso, a atenção farmacêutica se mostra vital para guiar pacientes nas práticas seguras e eficazes de consumo. Isso inclui direcionar sobre doses adequadas, efeitos colaterais e interações, garantindo bem-estar e prevenindo riscos à saúde.

Cancer, which is often related to ageing, drives patients to seek hospital treatment or alternative methods such as medicinal plants. This study aimed to evaluate the sociodemographic and clinical profile and the consumption of plants for medicinal purposes among elderly patients undergoing cancer treatment at the Araújo Jorge Hospital (AJH). Data from 55 patients was analyzed, covering sociodemographic information, types of cancer, treatment, the use of medicinal plants, the purpose of use, the source of information about plants and whether they noticed any adverse reactions after consumption. The most common age group was 61 to 70 years (67.27%), the majority of patients were men (63.64%), had incomplete primary education (32.73%), were married (56.36%) and lived in the interior of Goiás (43.63%). With regard to treatment, the majority were undergoing chemotherapy (40,00%) and gastric cancer was the most frequently reported (14.54%). With regard to the use of medicinal plants, the majority were sympathetic to their consumption (58.18%) and believed them to be safe due to their natural origin (59.37%). Information on the use of medicinal plants was obtained from friends, neighbors and family members (21.81%). When reporting on the consumption of medicinal plants during chemotherapy, the majority did not notice any effect (40.63%). Seventeen plants were mentioned, which were used for anticancer treatment (29,00%) and prepared as infusions (18.75%) with fresh leaves (60,00%), mainly for internal use (46.87%). In view of this, pharmaceutical care is vital to guide patients in safe and effective consumption practices. This includes guidance on appropriate doses, side effects and interactions, ensuring well-being and preventing health risks.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over
Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e76680, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554448


Objetivo: conhecer as dificuldades elencadas pelos profissionais de saúde na assistência pré-natal às usuárias de substâncias psicoativas. Método: estudo qualitativo, exploratório-descritivo, realizado nas mídias sociais, com profissionais da área da saúde que realizam atendimento pré-natal. A coleta de dados ocorreu de novembro de 2022 a janeiro de 2023 por meio de questionário eletrônico. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise temática. Protocolo aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultados: os profissionais destacam o déficit de conhecimento para abordar este público em específico. A abordagem superficial e condenatória do uso de substâncias pelas políticas públicas corrobora para que os profissionais se sintam preparados em parte para atender essas gestantes. Considerações finais: a capacitação dos profissionais é necessária para superar práticas condenatórias e retrógradas de cuidado que focam unicamente a abstinência; como também, o investimento na capacitação acerca da rede de atenção à saúde, buscando ampliar sua visibilidade e utilização.

Objective: understanding the difficulties listed by health professionals in prenatal care for users of psychoactive substances. Method: this is a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study carried out on social media with health professionals who provide prenatal care. Data was collected from November 2022 to January 2023 using an electronic questionnaire. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis. Protocol approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Results: the professionals highlight the lack of knowledge to deal with this specific public. The superficial and condemnatory approach to substance use by public policies contributes to making professionals feel partly prepared to deal with these pregnant women. Final considerations: the training of professionals is necessary to overcome condemnatory and retrograde care practices that focus solely on abstinence; and investment in training about the health care network, seeking to increase its visibility and use.

Objetivo: conocer las dificultades mencionadas por los profesionales de la salud en la atención prenatal de las consumidoras de sustancias psicoactivas. Método: estudio cualitativo, exploratorio-descriptivo, realizado en redes sociales, con profesionales de la salud que brindan atención prenatal. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo de noviembre de 2022 a enero de 2023 a través de un cuestionario electrónico. Los datos se analizaron mediante análisis temático. El protocolo fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación. Resultados: los profesionales destacan que les falta el conocimiento para atender a este público específico. El abordaje superficial y condenatorio del consumo de sustancias por parte de las políticas públicas contribuye a que los profesionales se sientan parcialmente preparados para atender a esas gestantes. Consideraciones finales: es necesario capacitar a los profesionales para superar las prácticas asistenciales condenatorias y retrógradas que se centran únicamente en evitar el consumo; e invertir en capacitación sobre la red de atención de salud, para ampliar su visibilidad y uso.

Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e75859, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554745


Objetivo: identificar características clínicas das paradas cardiopulmonares e reanimações cardiopulmonares ocorridas em ambiente intra-hospitalar. Método: estudo quantitativo, prospectivo e observacional, a partir de informações de prontuários de pacientes submetidos a manobras de reanimação devido à parada cardiopulmonar entre janeiro e dezembro de 2021. Utilizou-se um instrumento baseado nas variáveis do modelo de registro Utstein. Resultados: em 12 meses foram registradas 37 paradas cardiopulmonares. A maioria ocorreu na unidade de terapia intensiva respiratória, com causa clínica mais prevalente hipóxia. 65% dos pacientes foram intubados no atendimento e 57% apresentaram ritmo atividade elétrica sem pulso. A duração da reanimação variou entre menos de cinco a mais de 20 minutos. Como desfecho imediato, 57% sobreviveram. Conclusão: dentre os registros analisados, a maior ocorrência de paradas cardiopulmonares foi na unidade de terapia intensiva respiratória, relacionada à Covid-19. Foram encontrados registros incompletos e ausência de padronização nas condutas.

Objective: identify the clinical characteristics of cardiopulmonary arrests and cardiopulmonary resuscitations in the in-hospital environment. Method: this is a quantitative, prospective and observational study based on information from the medical records of patients who underwent resuscitation maneuvers due to cardiopulmonary arrest between January and December 2021. An instrument based on the variables of the Utstein registration protocol was used. Results: thirty-seven cardiopulmonary arrests were recorded in 12 months. The majority occurred in a respiratory intensive care unit, with hypoxia being the most prevalent clinical cause. Sixty-five percent of the patients were intubated and 57% had pulseless electrical activity. The duration of resuscitation ranged from less than five to more than 20 min. As for the immediate outcome, 57% survived. Conclusion: among the records analyzed, the highest occurrence of cardiopulmonary arrests was in respiratory intensive care units, and they were related to Covid-19. Moreover, incomplete records and a lack of standardization in cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures were found.

Objetivo: Identificar las características clínicas de paros cardiopulmonares y reanimaciones cardiopulmonares que ocurren en un ambiente hospitalario. Método: estudio cuantitativo, prospectivo y observacional, realizado a partir de información presente en historias clínicas de pacientes sometidos a maniobras de reanimación por paro cardiorrespiratorio entre enero y diciembre de 2021. Se utilizó un instrumento basado en las variables del modelo de registro Utstein. Resultados: en 12 meses se registraron 37 paros cardiopulmonares. La mayoría ocurrió en la unidad de cuidados intensivos respiratorios, la causa clínica más prevalente fue la hipoxia. El 65% de los pacientes fue intubado durante la atención y el 57% presentaba un ritmo de actividad eléctrica sin pulso. La duración de la reanimación varió entre menos de cinco y más de 20 minutos. Como resultado inmediato, el 57% sobrevivió. Conclusión: entre los registros analizados, la mayor cantidad de paros cardiopulmonares se dio en la unidad de cuidados intensivos respiratorios, relacionada con Covid-19. Se encontraron registros incompletos y falta de estandarización en el procedimiento.

Am J Trop Med Hyg ; 2024 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39353413


Chronic mastitis varies in etiology between its lactational and nonlactational forms and can be challenging to diagnose. This study aimed to assess the epidemiological profile and diverse etiologies of nonlactational mastitis in Amazonas, Brazil, focusing on distinguishing between tuberculous mastitis (TM) and idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM). This is a retrospective and prospective study that was carried out at the mastitis outpatient clinic of Fundação de Medicina Tropical Doutor Heitor Vieira Dourado from 2013 to 2021 and evaluated epidemiological data, imaging, and laboratory tests. Descriptive statistics were performed. In this retrospective and prospective analysis, 124 medical records were initially considered, with 12 excluded for various reasons. The remaining 112 cases underwent thorough evaluation through epidemiological data, imaging, and laboratory tests, by employing descriptive statistics for analysis. The pathology revealed a predominant prevalence of IGM (64.3%), followed by various forms of mastitis, including confirmed TM (4.5%), presumable TM (8.9%), and others. Our findings indicate that IGM, though a rare cause of breast masses and abscesses, accounts for a significant portion of mastitis cases. Histopathological studies were essential for diagnosis, with ultrasound being the primary imaging tool. This study is one of the largest Brazilian series on nonlactational mastitis, highlighting the condition's complexity and diverse manifestations in the Amazon region.

Genet Mol Biol ; 47(3): e20240007, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39356132


Neuroblastoma (NB) is a solid tumor that accounts for 15% of all pediatric oncological deaths, and much is due to the low response to therapy in relapsed tumors. High-risk NB may present deletions in chromosome 11q, which may be associated with other chromosomal alterations and a poor response to therapy, but this association is still poorly understood. Using a systems biology network approach, we studied three patients with high-risk NB with deleted 11q stage 4 to highlight the connections between treatment resistance and copy number alterations in distinct cases. We built different protein-protein interaction networks for each patient based on protein-coding genes mapped at the cytobands pre- and post-chemotherapy from distinct copy number alterations data. In the post-chemotherapy networks, we identified five common regulatory nodes corresponding to the gained region located in ch17q:BIRC5, BRCA1, PRKCA, SUMO2, andGPS1. A crosslink between DNA damage and chromatin remodeling proteins was also found - a connection still poorly understood in NB. We identified a potential connection between XPB gain and chemoresistance of NB. The findings help elucidate the molecular profiles of high-risk NB with 11q deletion in pre- and post-chemotherapy tumor samples, which may reflect unique profiles in poor response to treatment.

Int J Biol Macromol ; 281(Pt 1): 136261, 2024 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39366607


Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by the dimorphic fungus within the genus Paracoccidioides, particularly Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The traditional approach to treating this pulmonary infection involves prolonged therapy periods, ranging from weeks to years, often resulting in a notable frequency of disease relapse. Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising avenue for developing novel antifungal therapies and effective vaccines. This is attributed to its capability to facilitate targeted drug and antigen delivery, thereby mitigating toxicity and treatment expenses. This study investigates the synergistic properties of the CHO-rPb27 vaccine nanoformulation against experimental PCM. The therapeutic efficacy of CHO-rPb27 treatment is juxtaposed with the prophylactic protocol. Our findings demonstrate that both protocols effectively control P. brasiliensis pulmonary infection by eliciting a robust cellular and humoral immune response. This response attenuates chronic tissue damage and mitigates pulmonary mechanical dysfunction in mice.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(19)2024 Oct 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39409808


Food allergy triggers an immune response to dietary proteins, resulting in food rejection and dermatological and gastrointestinal manifestations. The preferred therapies include diets with hydrolyzed proteins or unusual single-source proteins, with insect protein emerging as a promising option, with no reported allergic reactions in dogs with a food allergy. In this case study, the effects of including black soldier fly larva (BSFL) meal were observed in a 5-year-old spayed beagle previously diagnosed with a food allergy. The objective was to assess the potential of BSFL meal as an adjunct in treating a food allergy. As part of the protocol, two nutritionally very similar diets were used, differing only in the protein source: the control diet, with poultry by-product meal; and the BSFL diet, which completely replaced the poultry by-product meal. After a 12-day adaptation period to the BSFL diet, the dog showed no gastrointestinal changes, maintaining an adequate fecal score and no clinical signs of the disease. A challenge test with the control diet resulted in episodic gastrointestinal symptoms, which were reversed within two days by reintroducing the BSFL diet. The BSFL protein-based diet was effective in controlling the dog's clinical signs.

Foods ; 13(19)2024 Sep 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39410163


(1) Background: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of an extruded whole-grain sorghum beverage containing L. paracasei on body composition, lipid profiles, and intestinal health in overweight and obese adults. (2) Methods: A chronic, single-blind randomized controlled pilot study was conducted with 30 volunteers allocated to three groups (n = 10/group): extruded sorghum beverage (ESB), extruded sorghum beverage with L. paracasei (ESPB), and control beverage (CB) (waxy maize starch). The chemical composition of the beverages was analyzed. Volunteers consumed the beverages for ten weeks at breakfast, along with individual dietary prescriptions. Body composition, biochemical markers, gastrointestinal symptoms, stool consistency, intestinal permeability, short-chain fatty acids, fecal pH, and stool L. paracasei DNA concentration were analyzed at the beginning and end of the intervention period. (3) Results: The ESB showed better composition than the CB, particularly in terms of resistant starch content, total phenolic compounds, condensed tannins, and antioxidant capacity. Both the ESB and the ESPB had an effect on body composition (estimated total visceral fat and waist volume), biochemical markers (Castelli index I), and intestinal health (Bristol scale, diarrhea score, valeric acid, and L. paracasei DNA concentration). No changes were observed in the CB group after the intervention. (4) Conclusions: Whole-grain sorghum beverages demonstrated good nutritional value, and consumption of these beverages, with or without L. paracasei, provided health benefits, including improvements in body composition, Castelli index I scores, and intestinal health, in overweight and obese adults.

Cells ; 13(19)2024 Oct 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39404410


Though the mechanisms are not fully understood, tryptophan (Trp) and physical exercise seem to regulate mechanical hypersensitivity in fibromyalgia. Here, we tested the impact of Trp supplementation and continuous low-intensity aerobic exercise on the modulation of mechanical hypersensitivity in a fibromyalgia-like model induced by acid saline in female rats. Twelve-month-old female Wistar rats were randomly divided into groups: [control (n = 6); acid saline (n = 6); acid saline + exercise (n = 6); acid saline + Trp (n = 6); and acid saline + exercise + Trp (n = 6)]. Hypersensitivity was caused using two intramuscular jabs of acid saline (20 µL; pH 4.0; right gastrocnemius), 3 days apart. The tryptophan-supplemented diet contained 7.6 g/hg of Trp. The three-week exercise consisted of progressive (30-45 min) treadmill running at 50 to 60% intensity, five times (Monday to Friday) per week. We found that acid saline induced contralateral mechanical hypersensitivity without changing the levels of Trp, serotonin (5-HT), and kynurenine (KYN) in the brain. Hypersensitivity was reduced by exercise (~150%), Trp (~67%), and its combination (~160%). The Trp supplementation increased the levels of Trp and KYN in the brain, and the activity of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), and decreased the ratio 5-HT:KYN. Exercise did not impact the assessed metabolites. Combining the treatments reduced neither hypersensitivity nor the levels of serotonin and Trp in the brain. In conclusion, mechanical hypersensitivity induced by acid saline in a fibromyalgia-like model in female rats is modulated by Trp supplementation, which increases IDO activity and leads to improved Trp metabolism via the KYN pathway. In contrast, physical exercise does not affect mechanical hypersensitivity through brain Trp metabolism via either the KYN or serotonin pathways. Because this is a short study, generalizing its findings warrants caution.

Disease Models, Animal , Fibromyalgia , Physical Conditioning, Animal , Rats, Wistar , Serotonin , Tryptophan , Animals , Tryptophan/metabolism , Tryptophan/pharmacology , Fibromyalgia/metabolism , Female , Rats , Serotonin/metabolism , Kynurenine/metabolism , Indoleamine-Pyrrole 2,3,-Dioxygenase/metabolism , Hyperalgesia/metabolism , Brain/metabolism , Brain/drug effects , Brain/pathology , Dietary Supplements
J Bras Nefrol ; 46(4): e20220059, 2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39404444


INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is related to high morbidity and mortality and loss of quality of life. Likewise, hyperparathyroidism is associated to progressive loss of renal function, with increased phosphate and decrease calcium levels, which induce the secretion of parathyroid hormone. OBJECTIVES: To translate into Portuguese (Brazil), culturally adapt and validate the questionnaire Parathyroid Symptoms Assessment (PAS), following reliability and validity criteria in patients with chronic kidney disease and hyperparathyroidism. METHODS: Methodological and cross-sectional study, carried out at São Lucas Hospital/PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil. The PAS questionnaire validation process followed protocols from previous studies. After translating into Portuguese, it was applied to 100 patients with secondary (SHPT) and tertiary or persistent (THPT) hyperparathyroidism. For PAS validation data, patients responded to the Short Form Health 36 (SF-36) questionnaire. Reliability criteria were evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Cronbach's alpha (α-C). Validity was assessed by Spearman's correlation coefficient between PAS and SF-36 values. RESULTS: Participant's mean age was 55.6 ± 15.6 years, 61% was male, and 68% was diagnosed with SHPT. Among 100 patients, 53% performed a PAS retest (ICC = 0.83). The internal reliability by α-C was 0.86. Negative correlations were observed between PAS questions and SF-36 physical and mental domains, which ranged from 0.3 to 0.7. CONCLUSION: The Brazilian version of the PAS questionnaire was found to be valid and reliable. The PAS questionnaire can be used to evaluate quality of life in Brazilian patients with hyperparathyroidism who speak Portuguese.

Hyperparathyroidism , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Translations , Humans , Male , Female , Cross-Sectional Studies , Middle Aged , Brazil/epidemiology , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/complications , Hyperparathyroidism/complications , Adult , Cultural Characteristics , Symptom Assessment , Reproducibility of Results , Aged , Surveys and Questionnaires , Quality of Life
Surg Radiol Anat ; 2024 Oct 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39387879


OBJECTIVE: The present study describes a rare anatomical variation of the anterior jugular vein (AJV) and discusses its clinical relevance. METHODS: A head and neck specimen fixed in 10% formaldehyde from a 42-year-old female cadaver was submitted to angio technique with pre-vulcanized latex and water-soluble ink. During a routine dissection for the discipline of topographic anatomy, the presence of an arcuate AJV was detected in the anterior triangle of the neck. RESULTS: An arcuate AJV was formed by the confluence of the submental and facial veins in the left submandibular region, which presented a complex network of anastomoses superficially to the left submandibular gland. After its origin, this vessel curved to the right at the level of the laryngeal prominence and followed the medial border of the right sternohyoid muscle to flow into the right AJV. In this topography, the arcuate AJV was located between the sternocleidomastoid muscle's anterior margin and the thyroid gland's right lobe. The presence of anastomoses between the two AJVs communicating the submandibular triangles was not detected. CONCLUSION: The arcuate AJV is a relevant anatomical variant in the superficial venous drainage of the neck that should be known by head and neck surgeons and radiologists to avoid surgical iatrogenic events.

Eur J Oral Sci ; : e13023, 2024 Oct 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39390713


Water treeing and water droplets are observed within adhesive layers and on the hybridized surface after bonding sound dentin using single-bottle etch-and-rinse adhesives, indicating permeability of the hybrid layer to water. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of dentin sealing by adhesives containing propolis by quantifying the area of water transudation from dentinal tubules after dentin hybridization. Brazilian red propolis was added to experimental adhesive and Single Bond (3M/ESPE) adhesive; experimental adhesive and Single Bond without propolis were used as controls. Under simulated pulp pressure, two layers of adhesive were applied to etched human dentin discs. Three minutes after light-curing, the hybridized dentin surface was replicated, and epoxy resin replicas were created to obtain scanning electron microscope images. Data were evaluated using ANOVA and Tukey's test. Single Bond containing propolis significantly decreased water permeation through the hybrid layer compared with the control group. Three minutes after polymerization, the experimental adhesive without propolis had formed a permeable hybrid layer. The addition of Brazilian red propolis significantly reduced surface water on hybridized dentin in a concentration-dependent manner. Two-step etch-and-rinse adhesives containing propolis were effective in reducing water permeation through the hybridized dentin surface.

Chin Clin Oncol ; 2024 Sep 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39390916


BACKGROUND: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC), traditionally used for locally advanced disease, is now applied for operable disease, particularly to treat aggressive breast cancer (BC). This study aimed to characterize the pathological complete response (pCR) and its relationship with overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) among BC patients receiving NAC in a Brazilian public reference center, as well as the association between pCR and BC subtypes. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study used a comprehensive BC database from a Brazilian women's health reference center, including patients diagnosed between 2011 and 2020 who underwent NAC. We collected demographic, cancer-specific, and treatment-related data, analyzing OS and DFS based on pCR status using the semiparametric Kaplan-Meier method, with the date of BC diagnosis as the starting point. RESULTS: The study included 1,601 patients, with an average age of 49 years and a majority presenting stage IIIa disease (35%). Most had invasive nonspecial type (NST) BC (94%), and a significant portion (86.7%) exhibited a Ki-67 index <14. The overall pCR rate was 22.7%, with higher frequencies observed in the triple negative and luminal B subtypes. Patients who achieved pCR had significantly higher survival rates (89% alive vs. 61%, P<0.001) and better DFS (90% vs. 66%, P<0.001), except in the luminal A subtype, where pCR did not correlate with improved OS or DFS. CONCLUSIONS: These updated real-world data (RWD) from BC patients who underwent NAC in Brazil revealed a pCR rate of 22.7% in all cancer subtypes and stages. pCR was not associated with better outcomes in patients with luminal A, contrasting with other subtypes.

Biometals ; 2024 Oct 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39392553


Some studies have demonstrated the involvement of high concentrations of copper in the manifestation of insulin resistance in individuals with obesity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the copper nutritional status and its relationship with parameters of glycemic control in women with obesity. An observational case-control clinical study involving 203 women aged between 20 and 50 years, divided into two groups: obese (n = 84) and eutrophic (n = 119). Body weight, height and waist, hip and neck circumferences, dietary copper intake, copper biomarkers, determine ceruloplasmin activity and glycemic control parameters were measured. It was observed that women with obesity had higher copper concentrations in plasma and lower concentrations in erythrocytes when compared to the control group. Analysis of glycemic control parameters revealed a statistically significant difference in fasting blood glucose (p < 0.05) between groups. The study identified a significant positive correlation between plasma copper and fasting insulin values and the Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) index (p < 0.05). The results of this study demonstrate that obese women have high copper concentrations in plasma and lower concentrations in erythrocytes. Furthermore, the significant positive correlation between plasma copper and fasting insulin and HOMA-IR index suggests the influence of this mineral on glycemic control parameters in obese women.