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Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 29: 1-6, abr. 2024. fig
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561364


O objetivo do estudo foi desenvolver o modelo lógico do projeto Ruas de Lazer na cidade de Pelotas em 2022, assim como descrever os processos de planejamento, pactuação e execução. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, que utilizou a técnica de observação participante e o emprego de modelo lógico. O projeto possui características de gestão compartilhada que demarcam potencial relevante na criação de vínculo entre universidade, gestão pública e população local. Em 2022, sete eventos foram realizados com proposição de atividades culturais com música e dança, atividades físicas e esportivas e de educação em saúde. O projeto está em permanente construção e evolução, apostando na ampliação de investimentos para atingir os objetivos imediatos de oferta de atividades de lazer e de ampliação da democratização de acesso aos espaços públicos para o uso da população.

The aim of this study was to develop a logical model of the Ruas de Lazer project in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2022, as well as to describe the processes of planning, agreement, and execution. This is a qualitative study that employed the technique of participant observation and the use of a logical model. The project has characteristics of shared management that mark a relevant potential in creating a bond between the university, public management, and the local population. In 2022, seven events were held, proposing cultural activities with music and dance, physical and sports activities, and health education. The project is in permanent construction and evolution, betting on the expansion of investments to achieve the immediate objectives of offering leisure activities and expanding the democratization of access to public spaces for the use of the population.

Public Policy , Leisure Activities , Organization and Administration , Culture
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 26: e98244, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559375


Abstract This study aimed to examine the relative age effect on muscle power in a large sample of Brazilian children and adolescents. The sample consisted of 87,766 girls and boys aged 7-16 years, data collected in repeated cross-sectional surveillance carried out since 1999. The participants were grouped into four age subgroups within each chronological age based on birthdates. Upper and lower limbs muscle power were assessed using the 2-Kg medicine ball throw and horizontal jump tests, respectively. The normative distribution of physical fitness components was used for classification. The results showed a significant association between relative age and normative classification of muscle power. Among boys, there was a sequential increase in the frequency of individuals classified as "very good/excellent" as the relative age increased. A similar trend was observed among girls. The findings provided evidence of a relative age effect on muscle power in Brazilian children and adolescents. These findings have implications for the organization of structured physical activities and sports, as early-born individuals may have an advantage in performance. Further research is needed to explore the underlying mechanisms and potential interventions to mitigate the relative age effect and promote equal opportunities for all youth in physical activities and sports.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo examinar o efeito da idade relativa na potência muscular em crianças e adolescentes brasileiros. A amostra foi composta por 87.766 meninas e meninos com idades entre 7 e 16 anos. Os participantes foram agrupados em quatro subgrupos etários dentro de cada idade cronológica tendo como base as datas de nascimento e da coleta dos dados. A potência muscular dos membros superiores e inferiores foi avaliada por meio dos testes de arremesso de medicine ball de 2 kg, e salto horizontal, respectivamente. A distribuição normativa (fraco; razoável; bom; muito bom; excelente) dos dois testes de potência foi utilizada para a classificação. Os resultados mostraram associação significativa entre os subgrupos etários e a classificação normativa da potência muscular. Entre os meninos, houve aumento na frequência de indivíduos classificados como "muito bom/excelente" à medida que a idade relativa aumentava. Uma tendência semelhante foi observada entre as meninas. Os achados forneceram evidências do efeito de idade relativa na potência muscular de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros. Esses resultados têm implicações práticas na organização de atividades físicas estruturadas e esportes em diferentes contextos, pois indivíduos nascidos mais cedo podem ter vantagem no desempenho em tarefas que exijam potência muscular. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para explorar os mecanismos subjacentes e intervenções que possam mitigar o efeito de idade relativa e promover oportunidades iguais para todas as crianças e adolescentes nas atividades físicas e esportes.

Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 29(3): [1-12], jul.-set. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366680


O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os efeitos de macrociclo de treinamento sobre variáveis de aptidão física em atletas semiprofissionais de futsal feminino. Foram avaliadas quatorze atletas (21,1 ± 4,8 anos) semiprofissionais durante 27 semanas de treinamento, correspondentes a: período pré-competitivo e período competitivo. Foram realizadas avaliações antropométricas (massa corporal, estatura e percentual de gordura corporal), testes de potência de membros inferiores (salto vertical e salto horizontal) e membros superiores (arremesso de medicine ball), de força de membros inferiores (1RM de agachamento e legpress) e de membros superiores (supino) e de velocidade (linear e com troca de direção) antes e após o período pré-competitivo e após a primeira fase do período competitivo. ANOVA para medidas repetidas foi utilizada para comparação das variáveis entre os três momentos de avaliação com post hoc de Bonferroni (α = 0,05). Potência de membros inferiores, velocidade linear e força de membros inferiores e superiores (1RM legpress e supino) apresentaram melhora no desempenho nos três momentos (p < 0,001). Percentual de gordura corporal, potência de membros superiores, força de membros inferiores (1RM agachamento) (p < 0,001) e velocidade com troca de direção (p = 0,002) melhoraram o desempenho do momento pré para o momento pós período pré-competitivo e mantiveram este desempenho no momento pós período competitivo. A massa corporal não apresentou diferença significativa entre os momentos. Conclui-se que, os resultados encontrados indicam que as atletas responderam positivamente quanto às variáveis de aptidão física, comprovando a eficácia do treinamento. Ainda, destaca-se a importância do planejamento dos treinos para o sucesso da equipe. (AU)

The aim of the present study was to analyze the macrocycle training effects on physical fitness variables in semiprofessional female futsal athletes. Fourteen semiprofessional athletes (21.1 ± 4.8 years) were measured during 27 weeks of training, corresponding to: precompetitive period and competitive period. The anthropometric variables (body mass, height and body fat percentage), lower limb (vertical and horizontal jump) and upper limb (medicine ball throw) muscle power, lower limb (1RM squat and legpress) and upper limb (1RM bench press) strength and speed (linear and with change of direction) tests were performed pre and post the pre-competitive period and post the first phase of the competitive period. ANOVA for repeated measures plus Bonferroni post hoc were used to compare the variables between the three evaluation moments (α = 0.05). Performance of the lower limb muscle power, linear speed and lower and upper limbs strength (1RM legpress and bench press) were improved at the three moments (p < 0.001). Body fat percentage, upper limb muscle power, lower limb strength (1RM squat) (p <0.001) and speed with change of direction (p = 0.002) improved the performance from pre to post pre-competitive period moment and kept this performance in the post competitive period. Body mass presented no significant difference between the moments. We concluded that the athletes improved physical fitness variables, proving the effectiveness of the training. Still, it is highlighted the importance of the training planning for the team success. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Sports , Physical Fitness , Efficiency , Physical Conditioning, Human , Physical Education and Training , Weights and Measures , Potency , Adipose Tissue , Efficacy , Lower Extremity , Upper Extremity , Athletes , Muscles
Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) ; 56(2): 175-180, 2021 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33935313


Objective To evaluate knee alignment in the frontal plane and pelvic balance during the step-down test in female and male soccer players. Methods Cross-sectional study carried out with male and female soccer players from under-15 and under-17 teams of a professional club in Southern Brazil. The step-down test was performed, filmed with a video camera, and evaluated according to the angular measurements obtained during movement using the Kinovea software (open source), version 0.8.24. Results The sample consisted of 38 individuals, 19 males and 19 females. Female athletes had a greater varus angle (9.42° ± 1.65°) compared to male athletes (3.91° ± 2.0°; p = 0.04). There was no difference regarding the unilateral pelvic drop between the groups. In addition, the association between the hip-related pelvic drop and the projection angle on the frontal plane of the knee was weak in both genders. Conclusion Even though the pelvic drop was observed in both genders, young female athletes had greater varus knee angles on the step-down test, which require greater attention to minimize the risk of injury.

Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 56(2): 175-180, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251344


Abstract Objective To evaluate knee alignment in the frontal plane and pelvic balance during the step-down test in female and male soccer players. Methods Cross-sectional study carried out with male and female soccer players from under-15 and under-17 teams of a professional club in Southern Brazil. The step-down test was performed, filmed with a video camera, and evaluated according to the angular measurements obtained during movement using the Kinovea software (open source), version 0.8.24. Results The sample consisted of 38 individuals, 19 males and 19 females. Female athletes had a greater varus angle (9.42º ± 1.65º) compared to male athletes (3.91º ± 2.0º; p = 0.04). There was no difference regarding the unilateral pelvic drop between the groups. In addition, the association between the hip-related pelvic drop and the projection angle on the frontal plane of the knee was weak in both genders. Conclusion Even though the pelvic drop was observed in both genders, young female athletes had greater varus knee angles on the step-down test, which require greater attention to minimize the risk of injury.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o alinhamento do joelho no plano frontal e o equilíbrio pélvico durante a descida de um degrau comparando atletas de futebol feminino e masculino. Métodos Estudo transversal, realizado com atletas de futebol das categorias sub-15 e sub-17, de ambos os sexos, de um clube profissional do Sul do Brasil. Foi realizado o teste de descida de um degrau, o qual foi filmado por uma câmera de vídeo, e, em sua avaliação, traçaram-se as medidas angulares durante o movimento por meio do software Kinovea (código aberto), versão 0.8.24. Resultados A amostra foi composta por 38 indivíduos, 19 do sexo masculino e 19 do sexo feminino. As atletas do sexo feminino apresentaram maior ângulo em varo (9,42º ± 1,65º) quando comparadas com os atletas masculinos (3,91º ± 2,0º; p = 0,04). Não houve diferença em relação à queda unilateral da pelve (drop pélvico) entre os grupos, e a associação entre o drop pélvico do quadril e o ângulo de projeção no plano frontal do joelho foi fraca em ambos os sexos. Conclusão Apesar de ambos os sexos terem apresentado queda pélvica, as atletas de base do sexo feminino apresentaram maior angulação do joelho em varo no teste de descida do degrau, e necessitam maior atenção para minimizar o risco de lesão.

Humans , Male , Female , Pelvis , Soccer , Weights and Measures , Genu Varum , Athletes , Hip , Knee
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 26: 1-9, mar. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1344341


Prevention and treatment of overweight among children have been a global challenge. A better un-derstanding of different interventions to improve overweight children's health is needed. This paper describes the methodological approach of Sport and Health for Overweight children (SHOW ) study, which investigated the effects of a multicomponent intervention on health markers of over-weight children. The SHOW study is a non-randomized clinical trial performed during 16 weeks enrolling 72 overweight children aged eight to 12 years in an intervention (IG = 35) and control group (CG = 37). It is a multicomponent intervention program including generalized sport initia-tion, health education, and weekly communication between parents and researchers. Besides char-acterizing the participants', several health outcomes were analyzed in the SHOW study. Primary outcomes were accelerometer based physical activity and anthropometric indicators of overweight and obesity. Secondary outcomes were made up of cardiometabolic, fitness, behavioral, and psycho-logical health indicators. We hypothesize that the SHOW study improves health outcomes and can be replicated in other settings as well as implemented by public policies

A prevenção e o tratamento do excesso de peso em crianças tem sido um desafio global. O melhor entendimento sobre diferentes propostas de intervenções que objetivem a melhoria do perfil de saúde de crianças com excesso de peso é necessário. O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever os procedimentos metodológicos do estudo Sport and Health for Overweight children (SHOW ) que teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos de uma intervenção multicomponente sobre marcadores de saúde de crianças com sobrepeso. O estudo SHOW é um ensaio clínico não randomizado realizado durante 16 sema-nas envolvendo 72 crianças com sobrepeso de oito a 12 anos de idade alocadas em grupo intervenção (GI = 35) e controle (GC = 37). Trata-se de um programa de intervenção multicomponente compos-to por iniciação esportiva generalizada, educação em saúde e comunicação semanal entre pais e pes-quisadores. Além da caracterização dos participantes vários desfechos em saúde foram analisados . Os desfechos primários foram atividade física medida por acelerometria e indicadores antropométricos de sobrepeso e obesidade. Os desfechos secundários foram compostos por indicadores cardiometa-bólicos, de aptidão física, comportamentais e psicológicos. Nossa hipótese é que a proposta de inter-venção do SHOW melhorará os desfechos em saúde podendo ser replicada em outros ambientes e implementada por políticas públicas

Exercise , Child , Health Education , Clinical Trial , Obesity
Motriz (Online) ; 27: e1021012920, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154885


Abstract Aim: The purpose of this study is to verify the association between sprint, lower limb power, and change of direction speed in schoolchildren. Method: This is a cross-sectional school-based study with a probabilistic sample (n=1455) of adolescents aged 10-17 years. The variables were: sex, chronological age, body mass, height, skinfold sum, maturity offset, lower limb power, change of direction speed, and sprint. For the data analyses, we used a t-test for independent samples, Pearson correlation, and multiple linear regression. A statistical significance level of 5% was considered for all analyses. Results: The three variables of physical fitness presented moderate and significant correlations between them (r = {0.39-0.61}). Three models were tested with sprint (model 1), change of direction sprint (model 2) and lower limb power (model 3) as an outcome. Predictors tested explain 47% of model 1, 49% of model 2, and 54% of model 3. The individual predictor's contribution in both models varied between 0.1% to 38%. Conclusions: The evidence suggests that change of direction speed and sprint, together with sex, body mass, and skinfold sum account for approximately 54% of the variance of lower limb power in adolescents aged 10-17 years.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Psychomotor Performance , Physical Fitness , Linear Models , Cross-Sectional Studies/instrumentation
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 28(3): 318-323, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350772


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o limiar de dor à pressão (LDP) e flexibilidade pré e pós-protocolo de ventosaterapia em toda cadeia muscular posterior do membro inferior de atletas de futebol masculino. O estudo é de intervenção de múltiplos casos, com um grupo submetido a um protocolo de ventosaterapia em região posterior de membro inferior nos trilhos anatômicos, mensurando-se a flexibilidade de flexão de quadril (FQ), extensão de joelho (EJ) e dorsiflexão de tornozelo (DT) e o LDP nos pontos gatilhos miofasciais de toda a cadeia posterior, pré e pós-intervenção no primeiro e quarto dia de coleta. A amostra foi composta por 20 atletas, sendo quatro recusas e duas perdas no decorrer do estudo, finalizando o estudo com 16 atletas no momento agudo imediato (n=32) e 14 atletas no momento agudo tardio (n=28). Para análise estatística utilizou-se o teste t-student para amostras pareadas e o nível de significância de p<0,05. Houve diferença estatística significativa no momento agudo tardio no pré e pós-intervenção para as variáveis EJ e DT, demonstrando aumento da flexibilidade após o protocolo. Conclui-se que a intervenção sobre os trilhos anatômicos em região posterior de membro inferior é capaz de aumentar a flexibilidade, porém não diminui LDP.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el umbral de dolor por presión (UDP) y la flexibilidad antes y después de la terapia de ventosas en toda la cadena muscular posterior del miembro inferior de jugadores de fútbol masculino. Esta es una intervención de múltiples casos que sometió a un grupo a un protocolo de terapia de ventosas en la región posterior del miembro inferior sobre los raíles anatómicos, midiendo la flexibilidad de flexión de cadera (FC), la extensión de rodilla (ER) y la dorsiflexión de tobillo (DT) y UDP en los puntos gatillo miofasciales de toda la cadena posterior, antes y después de la intervención en el primer y cuarto día de recolección. La muestra estuvo formada inicialmente por 20 deportistas, pero hubo cuatro rechazos y dos bajas durante el estudio, lo que finalizó el estudio con 16 deportistas en el momento agudo inmediato (n=32) y 14 deportistas en el momento agudo tardío (n=28). Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba t student en muestras pareadas y el nivel de significancia de p<0,05. Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el momento agudo tardío antes y después de la intervención para las variables ER y DT, demostrando una mayor flexibilidad después del protocolo. Se concluye que la intervención sobre los raíles anatómicos en la región posterior del miembro inferior es capaz de aumentar la flexibilidad, pero no de disminuir el UDP.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the pressure pain threshold (PPT) and flexibility before and after cupping therapy in the entire posterior muscle chain of the lower limb of soccer players. This study is a multiple-case intervention, with a group submitted to the posterior lower limb cupping therapy protocol on the anatomical trains, measuring the flexibility of hip flexion (HF), knee extension (KE), and ankle dorsiflexion (AD) and PPT at the myofascial trigger points, pre- and post-intervention on the first and fourth day of collection. The initial sample consisted of 20 athletes, four refusals and two losses during the study, ending with 16 athletes in the immediate acute moment (n=32) and 14 athletes in the late acute (n=28). Statistical analysis was performed using Student's t-test and significance level, p <0.05. There was a statistically significant difference in late acute pre- and post-intervention for KE and AD variables, demonstrating increased flexibility after the protocol. We concluded that the intervention on the anatomical trains in the posterior lower limb increases the flexibility, but does not decrease PPT.

Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 28(3): 291-298, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350775


RESUMO O objetivo desta revisão busca compreender o uso da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) para identificar sua relação com a ocorrência de lesões esportivas que não envolvem contato, além de indicar padrões da VFC após concussões para orientar o retorno seguro ao esporte. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática nas bases de dados Pubmed, EMBASE e PEDRo, incluindo artigos até dezembro de 2020, utilizando os seguintes termos: ((((athletes OR players) AND (Heart Hate Variability OR HRV)) AND (sport OR sports OR exercises OR physical activity)) AND (injuries OR injury)). Os princípios de elegibilidade de PICOS foram: P (population): atletas, I (intervention): o uso da VFC, C (control): atletas não lesionados, O (outcomes): índices de VFC e suas relações com lesões esportivas, e S (study): estudos em seres humanos. De 62 artigos identificados na busca, 12 foram incluídos na revisão, sendo 6 mostrando que a diminuição da VFC e o desequilíbrio simpatovagal estão relacionados à fadiga, overtraining e overreaching; e 6 artigos relacionados com a avaliação da VFC pós-concussão, onde identificaram alteração de modulação autonômica nos atletas concussionados que vão além da ausência dos sintomas. Em conclusão, a VFC pode ser uma ferramenta utilizada no âmbito esportivo para identificar maior risco de lesões esportivas sem contato, identificando situações de fadiga, overtraining e overreaching, como também auxiliar no processo de retorno ao esporte pós-concussão cerebral pela avaliação do balanço autonômico.

RESUMEN El objetivo de esta revisión fue estimar el uso de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca (VFC) para identificar su relación con la ocurrencia de lesiones deportivas sin contacto, así como indicar patrones de VFC después de concusiones para auxiliar en el regreso seguro al deporte. Se realizó una revisión sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed, EMBASE y PEDRo de artículos publicados hasta diciembre de 2020 utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: ((((athletes OR players) AND (Heart Hate Variability OR HRV)) AND (sport OR sports OR exercises OR physical activity)) AND (injuries OR injury)). Los principios de elegibilidad de PICOS fueron: P (population): atletas, I (intervention): el uso de VFC, C (control): deportistas sin lesión, O (outcomes): índices de VFC y su relación con las lesiones deportivas, y S (study): estudios en humanos. De 62 artículos encontrados, se incluyeron 12 en la revisión, de los cuales 6 muestran que la disminución de la VFC y el desequilibrio simpatovagal están relacionados con la fatiga, overtraining y overreaching; y 6 artículos, con la evaluación de la VFC posconcusión, que identificaron cambios en la modulación autonómica en deportistas con conmoción que van más allá de la ausencia de síntomas. Se concluye que la VFC puede ser una herramienta útil para identificar un mayor riesgo de lesiones deportivas sin contacto como las situaciones de fatiga, overtraining y overreaching, así como para ayudar en el proceso de regreso al deporte después de una concusión cerebral mediante la evaluación del balance autonómico.

ABSTRACT The objective of this review was to understand the use of heart rate variability (HRV) to identify its relationship with the occurrence of no contact sports injuries, in addition to indicating patterns of HRV after concussions and to the guidance in the process of returning to sport. A systematic review was carried out on the Pubmed, EMBASE, and PEDRo databases from its origin until December 2020, using the following terms: (((((athletes OR players) AND (Heart Hate Variability OR HRV)) AND (sport OR sports OR exercises OR physical activity)) AND (injuries OR injury)). The PICOS eligibility principles were: P (population): athletes, I (intervention): the use of HRV, C (control): uninjured athletes, O (outcomes): HRV indices and their relationship with sports injuries, and S (study): studies in humans. Of the 62 papers identified in the search, 12 were included in the review, 6 showing that decreased HRV and sympathetic-vagal imbalance are related to fatigue, overtraining, and overreaching; and 6 articles related to the assessment of HRV after a concussion, which identified changes in autonomic modulation in concussion athletes. In conclusion, the HRV may be a tool used in sports to identify a greater risk of no contact sports injuries, identifying situations of fatigue, overtraining, and overreaching, as well as assisting in the process of returning to sport after a cerebral concussion by assessing the autonomic balance.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 43: e013420, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347171


ABSTRACT This study aims to verify the effect of the restriction of the ventilatory flow on HR, RPE, and power during HIT-test performed by healthy women. The participants (n=8) underwent HIT-test without and with ventilatory flow restriction. HR, power, and RPE was measured. HRpost showed no significant difference between conditions (p=0,053). The average power presented higher values in the condition without the restriction of ventilatory flow (619,51±144,33W; 565,99±108,43W; p=0,001), but without differences in the fatigue index (p=0,383). In both conditions, increases in RPE were observed during the efforts (p<0,001). It is concluded that HR and RPE did not suffer acute effects from the restriction of ventilatory flow; however, the average power is decreased during HIT-test.

RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o efeito da restrição do fluxo ventilatório na FC, PSE e potência durante o HIT-teste realizado por mulheres saudáveis. As participantes (n = 8) foram submetidos ao teste HIT sem e com restrição do fluxo ventilatório. HR, potência e PSE foram medidos. FCpos não apresentou diferença significativa entre as condições (p=0,053). A potência média mostrou valores maiores na condição sem restrição do fluxo ventilatório (619,51 ± 144,33W; 565,99 ± 108,43W; p=0,001), mas sem diferenças no índice de fadiga (p=0,383). Em ambas as condições, foram observados aumentos da PSE durante os esforços (p <0,001). Conclui-se que a FC e a PSE não sofreram efeitos agudos da restrição do fluxo ventilatório; no entanto, a potência média diminui durante o HIT-teste.

RESUMEN El objetivo del estudio fue verificar el efecto de la restricción del flujo ventilatorio sobre la FC, PSE y potencia durante la prueba HIT realizada por mujeres sanas. Las participantes (n=8) se sometieron a la prueba HIT sin y con flujo de ventilación restringido. Se midieron la FC, la potencia y la PSE. FCpos no mostró diferencias entre las condiciones (p=0,053). La potencia promedio mostró valores más altos sin restricción de flujo ventilatorio (619,51±144,33W; 565,9±108,43W; p=0,001), pero no en el índice de fatiga (p=0,383). En ambas condiciones, se observaron aumentos de PSE durante los esfuerzos (p<0,001). Se concluye que la FC y la PSE no sufrieron efectos agudos de la restricción del flujo ventilatorio; sin embargo, la potencia media disminuye en la prueba HIT.

J. Phys. Educ. ; 32: e3250, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356404


ABSTRACT The school is an important environment for the development of physical and sports activities. Thus, to deconstruct the polarization of school sport, rugby emerges as an alternative to Physical Education (PE) classes. This article aimed to describe the process of introducing rugby in the school environment in the city of Pelotas/RS. This case study originates from an extension project developed to introduce rugby in the Pelotas-RS schools. Between 2015 and 2017, 102 teachers participated in the project, reaching around 9,600 students in PE classes and 995 students in the festivals. In addition, most teachers showed an interest in the modality as an alternative of content and wanted to learn and reproduce it. Finally, rugby was introduced into the teaching plans and viewed positively as an alternative to PE classes.

RESUMO A escola é um importante ambiente para o desenvolvimento da prática de atividade física e esportiva. Assim, com o intuito de desconstruir a polarização do esporte escolar, o rugby emerge como alternativa para aulas de Educação Física (EF). Diante do exposto, o objetivo do presente artigo foi descrever o processo de inserção do rugby no âmbito escolar na cidade de Pelotas/RS. Este estudo de caso tem origem em um projeto de extensão desenvolvido para difundir o rugby nas escolas de Pelotas-RS. Entre os anos de 2015 e 2017, com a participação de 102 professores no projeto, aproximadamente 9.600 alunos tiveram contato com o rugby durante as aulas de EF e 995 alunos, em festivais. Ademais, a maioria dos professores buscou a modalidade como uma nova alternativa de conteúdo e esperava conseguir aprendê-lo e inseri-lo nas aulas. Por fim, o rugby, além de ser inserido nos planos de ensino dos professores, passou a ser considerado como uma alternativa viável e positiva às aulas de EF.

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 25: 1-7, set. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146290


The aim of this study was to describe the perception of parents of overweight children about the effects of the period of social distancing due to COVID-19 on body weight (BW ), level of physical activity (PA), time spent in sedentary behavior (SB) and their children's eating habits and sleep. Parents of 47 overweight children (11.1 ± 1.33 years) were interviewed by telephone. Questions about the perception regarding BW and the four behaviors related to the health of their children during the period of social distancing were asked. The increase in BW was perceived by 61.7% of children and for almost all of them (93.6%) reductions in PA levels were reported, with 72.4% reducing participation in vigorous PA. An increase in time using smartphones, tablets, and microcomputers was observed in 65.9% of children. Favorable changes were noted in relation to quality (34.1%) and daily sleep time (51.1%). Favorable changes in the consumption of fruits (36.2%) and soft drinks (21.2%) and unfavorable changes in the consumption of vegetables (19.1%) and sweets and snacks (26.2%) were also reported. Four and a half months after the start of the social distancing measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, overweight children increased the BW and changed the levels of PA and SB in an unfavorable way according to their parents. On the other hand, they started sleeping more and with higher quality and consuming more fruits and less soft drinks

O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a percepção de pais de crianças com excesso de peso sobre os efeitos do período de distanciamento social devido à COVID-19 na massa corporal (MC) no nível de atividade física (AF), no tempo em comportamento sedentário (CS) e nos hábitos alimentares e de sono de seus filhos/as. Pais de 47 crianças (11,1 ± 1,33 anos) com excesso de peso foram entrevistados por ligação telefônica. Questões sobre a percepção em relação à MC e aos quatro comportamentos relacionados à saúde de seus filhos/as durante o período de distanciamento social foram realizadas. O aumento de MC foi percebido para 61,7% das crianças e para quase todas elas (93,6%) reduções nos níveis de AF foram relatadas, tendo 72,4% reduzido a participação em AF vigorosas. Aumento no tempo utilizando smartphone, tablet e microcomputador foram percebidos em 65,9% das crianças. Modificações favoráveis foram percebidas em relação à qualidade (34,1%) e ao tempo diário (51,1%) de sono. Modificações favoráveis relativas ao consumo de frutas (36,2%) e de refrigerantes (21,2%) e desfavoráveis para o consumo de verduras e legumes (19,1%) e de doces e salgadinhos (26,2%) também foram relatadas. Após quatro meses e meio do início das medidas de distanciamento social devido à pandemia da COVID-19, de acordo com a percepção de seus pais, crianças com excesso de peso aumentaram a MC e modificaram de forma desfavorável os níveis de AF e CS. Por outro lado, passaram a dormir mais e com maior qualidade e a consumir mais frutas e menos refrigerantes

Child , Health , Biobehavioral Sciences , Obesity
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 25: 1-8, set. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140114


The aim of this study was to identify barriers to use Outdoor Gyms (OGs) for physical activity (PA) practice and to examine their association with leisure-time PA, demographic and socioeconomic var-iables in adults and elderly. This cross-sectional population-based study enrolled 431 adults and elderly (66.8% women) aged 18 to 87 years living in the surroundings (up to 500 meters) of four OGs. Information about using OGs for PA practice, barriers to use OGs, leisure-time PA, demographic and socioeconomic variables were collected by domiciliary interview. Associations between barriers to use OGs with other included variables were analyzed using Chi-Square test. None barriers was re-ported for 29.2% (95%CI: 24.9-33.5) of the participants, being almost of then OGs' users. The most reported barriers to use OGs were lack of time (21.6%; 95%CI: 17.7-25.5), lack of interest (16.5%; 95%CI: 13.0-20.0) and laziness (10.7%; 95%CI: 7.8-13.6). Intrapersonal barriers were more often among men, interpersonal among women and environmental among those with less educational level (p < 0.05). In conclusion, OGs' users perceived fewer barriers than non-users, and most barriers to the use of OGs were intrapersonal with lack of time being the most prevalent

O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as barreiras para o uso de Academias ao Ar Livre (AAL) para a prática de Atividade Física (AF) e examinar sua associação com a AF no lazer, variáveis demográficas e socioeconômicas em adultos e idosos. Este estudo transversal de base populacional incluiu 431 adultos e idosos (66,8% mulheres) com idades entre 18 e 87 anos moradores do entorno (até 500 metros) de quatro AAL. Informações sobre o uso da AAL para prática de AF, barreiras para o uso de AAL, AF de lazer, variáveis demográficas e socioeconômicas foram coletadas por entrevista domiciliar. As associações entre barreiras para o uso de AAL com as demais variáveis foram analisadas pelo teste do Qui-quadrado. Não perceber barreiras foi relatada por 29,2% (IC95%: 24,9-33,5) dos participantes, sendo praticamente todos os usuários de AAL. As barreiras mais relatadas para o uso de AAL foram falta de tempo (21,6%; IC95%: 17,7-25,5), falta de interesse (16,5%; IC95%: 13,0-20,0) e preguiça (10,7%; IC95%: 7,8-13,6). As barreiras intrapessoais foram mais frequentes entre os homens, as interpessoais entre as mulheres e as ambientais entre aqueles com menor nível educacional (p <0,05). Em conclusão, os usuários de AAL perceberam menos barreiras do que os não usuários, e a maioria das barreiras para o uso de AAL é intrapessoal, sendo a falta de tempo a mais prevalente

Cross-Sectional Studies , Fitness Centers , Barriers to Access of Health Services , Motor Activity
BMC Public Health ; 19(1): 657, 2019 May 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31142294


BACKGROUND: Hypertension is a clinical condition highly prevalent in the elderly, imposing great risks to cardiovascular diseases and loss of quality of life. Current guidelines emphasize the importance of nonpharmacological strategies as a first-line approach to lower blood pressure. Exercise is an efficient lifestyle tool that can benefit a myriad of health-related outcomes, including blood pressure control, in older adults. We herein report the protocol of the HAEL Study, which aims to evaluate the efficacy of a pragmatic combined exercise training compared with a health education program on ambulatory blood pressure and other health-related outcomes in older individuals. METHODS: Randomized, single-blinded, multicenter, two-arm, parallel, superiority trial. A total of 184 subjects (92/center), ≥60 years of age, with no recent history of cardiovascular events, will be randomized on a 1:1 ratio to 12-week interventions consisting either of a combined exercise (aerobic and strength) training, three times per week, or an active-control group receiving health education intervention, once a week. Ambulatory (primary outcome) and office blood pressures, cardiorespiratory fitness and endothelial function, together with quality of life, functional fitness and autonomic control will be measured in before and after intervention. DISCUSSION: Our conceptual hypothesis is that combined training intervention will reduce ambulatory blood pressure in comparison with health education group. Using a superiority framework, analysis plan prespecifies an intention-to-treat approach, per protocol criteria, subgroups analysis, and handling of missing data. The trial is recruiting since September 2017. Finally, this study was designed to adhere to data sharing practices. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03264443 . Registered on 29 August, 2017.

Health Promotion/methods , Hypertension/prevention & control , Life Style , Aged , Clinical Protocols , Humans , Middle Aged
PLoS One ; 14(5): e0216202, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31071114


BACKGROUND: The literature on the relationship between lifestyle behaviors and inflammatory markers is scarce. METHODS: A birth cohort was followed since birth up to 22 years in Southern Brazil. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP) and adiponectin were measured in nonfasting blood samples drawn at 18 and 22 years of age. Exposures including smoking, alcohol intake, physical inactivity and obesity, were collected at 15, 18 and 22 years. Cross sectional analyses were based on the number of follow-up visits with these exposures and the association with IL-6, CRP and adiponectin at 22 years old. We also carried out a longitudinal Generalized Least Squares (GLS) random-effects analysis with outcomes at 18 and at 22 years old. All analyses were adjusted for several covariates. RESULTS: The sample comprised 3,479 cohort members at 22 years. The presence of obesity at ≥ 2 follow-ups showed the highest mean values (SE) for IL-6 [2.45 (1.05)] and CRP [3.74 (1.11)] and the lowest mean value for adiponectin [8.60 (0.37)] (adjusted analyses, females) compared with other exposures; the highest mean of IL-6 [1.65 (1.05)] and CRP [1.78 (1.11)] and the lowest mean of adiponectin [9.98 (0.38)] were for the number of follow-ups with ≥2 exposures compared to those with no exposures at any follow-up (adjusted analyses, females). The longitudinal analysis showed an increase in obesity associated with IL-6 and CRP in both sexes and an inverse association with adiponectin in females; smoking (in males) was associated with IL-6 and CRP, harmful alcohol intake was associated with CRP in males, and increased in physical activity was inversely associated with CRP in men. CONCLUSION: We concluded that obesity is the main exposure positively associated with IL-6 and CRP and inversely associated with adiponectin (mainly in females). Smoking is also associated with these markers in the longitudinal analysis (in males).

Adiponectin/blood , Biomarkers/blood , C-Reactive Protein/metabolism , Interleukin-6/blood , Adolescent , Adult , Brazil , Cohort Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Inflammation/blood , Inflammation/metabolism , Life Style , Longitudinal Studies , Male , Risk Factors , Young Adult
BMC Musculoskelet Disord ; 19(1): 427, 2018 Nov 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30501623


BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that cytokines play a role in bone remodeling. METHODS: In 1993, all hospital births occurred in Pelotas (Brazil) were identified and a total of 5249 newborns were included in the present cohort. Sub-samples of this cohort were visited during childhood and all members were traced at 11, 15, 18 and 22 years old. At 18 and 22 years the following biomarkers were measured: IL-6, CRP and adiponectin (the last one in a sub-sample) and bone mineral density (BMD-mg/cm2) was evaluated at 22 years. Crude regression analysis as well as adjusted for confounders (birth weight, pregnancy maternal smoking, gestational age, skin color, schooling, income, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, medical diagnosis of asthma, diabetes and hypertension, BMI, height, calcium intake, corticosteroid use, age at menarche, insulin and testosterone) were performed between the three biomarkers and the whole-body, lumbar spine and femoral BMD. RESULTS: No statistical significant association was found between IL-6 and CRP with BMD, in males. Significant inverse association in the adjusted analysis, among females, was found for the highest tertiles of CRP at 22 y (beta - 15.2 mg/cm2; 95% CI: -25.4; - 4.9; p = 004), of CRP and IL-6 at 22 years (beta - 20.0 mg/cm2; 95% CI: -31.7; - 8.3; p = 0.003), and of IL-6 and CRP at both ages (beta - 20.3 mg/cm2; 95% CI: -38.0; - 2.5; p = 0.001) with total body BMD. Significant association, among males, was also found between the highest tertile of adiponectin at 22 y (beta - 23.3 mg/cm2; 95% CI: -35.5; - 11.1; p = < 001; beta - 22.5 mg/cm2; 95% CI: -42.9; - 2.2; p = 0.03; and beta - 31.8 mg/cm2; 95% CI: -55.5; - 9.1; p = 0.006) and total body, lumbar spine and femur neck BMD, respectively; and, among females, - 17.8 mg/cm2; 95% CI: -34.9; - 0.9; p = 0.033, with lumbar spine BMD. CONCLUSION: CRP at 22 years, in females, seems to be a marker for total body BMD; adiponectin at 22 years is also a marker for BMD at the three sites, in males, and for lumbar spine BMD, in females.

Adiponectin/blood , Bone Density , C-Reactive Protein/analysis , Interleukin-6/blood , Adolescent , Anthropometry , Biomarkers/blood , Child , Confounding Factors, Epidemiologic , Female , Femur Neck/physiology , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , Lumbar Vertebrae/physiology , Male , Sex Factors , Socioeconomic Factors , Young Adult
J Comorb ; 8(1): 2235042X18806986, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30364915


BACKGROUND: Multimorbidity is the co-occurrence of two or more diseases in the same individual. One method to identify this condition at an early stage is the use of specific markers for various combinations of morbidities. Nonetheless, evidence related to physiological markers in multimorbidity is limited. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to perform a systematic review to identify physiological markers associated with multimorbidity. DESIGN: Articles available on PubMed, Register of Controlled Trials, Academic Search Premier, CINAHL, Scopus, SocINDEX, Web of Science, LILACS, and SciELO, from their inception to May 2018, were systematically searched and reviewed. The project was registered in PROSPERO under the number CRD42017055522. RESULTS: The systematic search identified 922 papers. After evaluation, 18 articles were included in the full review reporting at least one physiological marker in coexisting diseases or which are strongly associated with the presence of multimorbidity in the future. Only five of these studies examined multimorbidity in general, identifying five physiological markers associated with multimorbidity, namely, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), interleukin 6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP), lipoprotein (Lp), and cystatin C (Cyst-C). CONCLUSIONS: There is a paucity of studies related to physiological markers in multimorbidity. DHEAS, IL-6, CRP, Lp, and Cyst-C could be the initial focus for further investigation of physiological markers related to multimorbidity.

Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 26(4): 108-114, out.- dez. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-996508


É evidente que o comportamento sedentário esta relacionado com a ocorrência de diversas doenças e aumento do risco de morte. Especificamente na população jovem, estudos mostram que os níveis de atividade física e a aptidão física de crianças e adolescentes são cada vez menores. Informações sobre o desempenho e a qualidade de ações motoras de crianças e adolescentes são necessárias para a elaboração de programas de educação física, de esporte e de atividades físicas em geral. Para tanto, existem diferentes ferramentas de avaliação que visam observar as características do comportamento motor, entre elas o Functional Movement Screen e a bateria de testes do Projeto Esporte Brasil. Este estudo buscou verificar a associação entre o escore do Functional Movement Screen e as variáveis de aptidão física da bateria de testes do Projeto Esporte Brasil em escolares. Participaram do estudo 24 escolares (15 meninos) de 12 anos de idade. Os dados foram descritos utilizando-se média, desvio padrão (variáveis com distribuição normal), mediana e diferença interquartis (variáveis sem distribuição normal). Para a associação entre o escore do Functional Movement Screen e as variáveis de aptidão física foram utilizados os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson (variáveis com distribuição normal) e Spearman (variáveis sem distribuição normal). Foram encontradas associações moderadas e significativas entre o Functional Movement Screen e o teste de flexibilidade (r= 0,69 p=0,004), força explosiva de membros superiores (r=0,679 p=0,005) e teste de velocidade de 20 metros (r= -0,57 p=0,025) apenas entre os meninos. Evidencia-se com estes dados uma capacidade limitada do Functional Movement Screen estar relacionado com a aptidão física de escolares...(AU)

It is evident that sedentary behavior is related to the occurrence of several diseases and increased risk of death. Specifically in the young population, studies show that the levels of physical activity and physical fitness of children and adolescents are decreasing. Information about the performance and quality of the motor actions in children and adolescents are necessary to physical education, sports and general physical activities programs elaboration. Therefore, there are different tools of evaluation that aim to observing the motor behavior characteristic, among then, the Function Movement Screen and the Projeto Esporte Brasil battery of tests. This study aimed to verifying the association between Functional Movement Screen score and the physical fitness variables of the Projeto Esporte Brasil battery of tests in schoolchildren. Participants were 24 schoolchildren (15 boys) of 12 years old. Data were described using mean, standard deviation (parametric variables), median and interquartile difference (non-parametric variables). For the association between Functional Movement Screen score and physical fitness variables were used Pearson's coefficient correlations (parametric variables) and Sperman's coefficient correlation (non-parametric variables). Significant and moderate associations were found between Functional Movement Screen score and flexibility (r=.69; p=.004), lower limb power (r=.68; =.005) and sprint test (r=-.57; p=.025) only in boys. These results evidence a limited capacity of the Functional Movement Screen to be associated to physical fitness in schoolchildren...(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Physical Education and Training , Physical Fitness , Adolescent