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Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 43-47, maio-ago. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1553294


Sabe-se que para uma restauração ser considerada um sucesso clínico é preciso que haja uma concomitância saudável entre a estrutura dentária, o material restaurador e as estruturas biológicas periodontais. As restaurações transcirúrgicas caracterizam-se como procedimentos alternativos para possibilitar a restauração de dentes com cárie dentária extensa, restaurações subgengivais desadaptadas e fraturas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar um relato de caso de um procedimento cirúrgico-restaurador, através de uma técnica de restauração transcirúrgica. Este estudo tem como justificativa relatar um caso clínico, colaborando com maiores informações sobre a escolha da técnica a ser empregada, mostrando em quais situações devemos escolher uma restauração transcirúrgica e quais seus benefícios. Também, salientar se devemos fazer a recuperação do espaço biológico do periodonto ou não(AU)

It is known that for a restoration to be considered a clinical success, there must be a healthy concomitance between the tooth structure, the restorative material and the periodontal biological structures. Transsurgical restorations are characterized as alternative procedures to enable the restoration of teeth with extensive dental caries, maladapted subgingival restorations and fractures. The present study aims to carry out a case report of a surgical-restorative procedure, using a transsurgical restoration technique. This study is justified by reporting a clinical case, providing more information on the choice of technique to be used, showing in which situations we should choose a transsurgical restoration and what its benefits are. Also, highlight whether we should recover the biological space of the periodontium or not(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Oral Surgical Procedures , Dental Restoration, Permanent
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 9-14, maio-ago. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1553271


Restaurações diretas em resina composta são amplamente utilizadas em odontologia para restaurar dentes posteriores. Todavia, quando há grande destruição coronária, onde a distância do istmo excede dois terços da distância intercuspídea, as restaurações indiretas em resina composta são indicadas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo relatar a análise de um prontuário de um paciente que recebeu uma restauração indireta em resina composta em dente posterior amplamente destruído. Através da análise de prontuários de pacientes atendidos nas disciplinas de Estágios Supervisionados do Curso de Odontologia da FSG Centro Universitário no ano de 2023, foi selecionado um prontuário de um paciente que compareceu a clínica odontológica da FSG com uma restauração em amálgama fraturada com reparo em resina composta que apresentou sintomatologia dolorosa. O procedimento diagnóstico ocorreu através de exame clínico e radiográfico, que constatou a indicação de substituição da restauração insatisfatória e realização de uma restauração indireta em resina composta. Os resultados estéticos e funcionais apresentados demostraram a viabilidade da técnica restauradora indireta em resina composta para reabilitar dentes posteriores com ampla destruição coronária(AU)

Direct composite resin restoration are widely used in dentistry to restore posterior teeth. However, when there is large coronary destruction, that the distance from the isthmus exceeds two- thirds of the intercuspal distance, indirect composite resin restorations are indicated. This study aimed to report the analysis of a dental record of a patient who received an indirect restoration in composite resin in a badly destroyed posterior tooth. Through the analysis of dental records of patients seen in the disciplines of Supervised Internship of the Dentistry Course at FSG Centro Universitário in the year 2023, the dental record of a patient who attended the FSG dental clinic with fractured amalgam restoration with composite resin repair was selected who had painful symptoms. The diagnostic procedure took place through clinical and radiographic examination, which revealed the indication of replacing the unsatisfactory restoration and carrying out an indirect restoration in composite resin.The aesthetic and functional results presented demonstrated the viability of the indirect composite resin restoration technique for rehabilitating posterior teeth with extensive coronal destruction(AU)

Composite Resins , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Dental Restoration Repair , Dental Care
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 42(3): 25-31, set.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1284114


Os pilares personalizados são usados em reabilitações protéticas sobre implantes quando há exigências de angulação, perfil de emergência e margem gengival, em que os pilares convencionais não conseguem reabilitar de forma correta os conceitos de forma, função e estética. Através de um relato de caso clínico, onde houve a reabilitação dos elementos 21 e 22, com o uso de implante e próteses, usando o pilar personalizado em zircônia sobre o implante do 22, confeccionado com a tecnologia CAD/CAM. Esse sistema de pilares personalizados oferecem o desenho mais próximo do ideal e o ajuste mais perfeito em relação ao implante e ao tecido gengival, além de considerar as vantagens e desvantagen em relação aos pilares convencionais pré-fabricados nas questões de tempo de tratamento, custos e resultado estético e biológico. Concluimos que a reabilitação com pilares personalizados CAD/CAM confere uma excelente alternativa reabilitadora, devolvendo função e estética aos pacientes, desde que haja conhecimento adequado por parte dos profissionais envolvidos(AU)

Custom abutments are used in prosthetic rehabilitation on implants when angulation, emergence profile and gingival margin are used, where abutments are not recovered in a correct way to rehabilitate the concepts of shape, functions and aesthetics. Through a clinical case, where the elements 21 and 22 were rehabilitated, with the use of implants and practices, using the personalized abutments in zirconia, made with CAD / CAM technology. This customized system and abutments offers the closest ideal design and the most perfect fit in relation to the implant and gingival tissue, in addition to considering advantages and disadvantages in relation to the prefabricated applied abutments in terms of treatment time, costs and results aesthetic and biological. Conclude that a rehabilitation with customized CAD / CAM abutments provides an excellent rehabilitation alternative, returning function and aesthetics to patients, as long as there is adequate knowledge for part of the professionals involved(AU)

Humans , Female , Aged , Dental Implants , Computer-Aided Design , Biocompatible Materials , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Esthetics, Dental
Arch. health invest ; 10(7): 1119-1124, July 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1344561


Objetivos: O estabelecimento do diagnóstico clínico periodontal tem como base a avaliação de parâmetros clínicos por meio da sondagem periodontal, sendo através desses resultados que o Cirurgião Dentista fará a melhor escolha de tratamento. Porém, possíveis erros encontrados na padronização das sondas periodontais podem levar a um plano de tratamento inadequado e/ou ineficiente. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a padronização de seis sondas periodontais do tipo Williams e seis sondas do tipo OMS de diferentes marcas comerciais. Materiais e Métodos: Com o auxílio de um paquímetro digital e de uma balança digital de alta precisão, foi avaliado o peso da sonda, o diâmetro do cabo, o diâmetro da ponta ativa/esfera, e distância das marcações. Além disso, foi feito uma comparação dos preços de cada sonda, para que fosse possível se avaliar o custo/benefício de cada sonda periodontal. Resultados: Os resultados demonstraram que as sondas das seis marcas comerciais avaliadas, tanto das sondas do tipo OMS quanto do tipo Williams apresentaram algum tipo de distorção em relação às medidas consideradas ideais pela OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde). Conclusão: As sondas da marca Hu-Friedy, tanto do tipo OMS quanto Williams, apresentaram melhores marcações milimetradas entre todas as marcas avaliadas(AU)

Objectives: The establishment of the periodontal clinical diagnosis is based on the evaluation of clinical parameters throughperiodontal probing, and through these results the dentist will make the best treatment choice. However, possible errors found inthe standardization of periodontal probes may lead to an inadequate and/or inefficient treatment plan. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the standardization of six Williams-type periodontal probes and six WHO-type probes of different trademarks. Materials and Methods: With the aid of a digital caliper and a high precision digital scale, the weight of the probe, the cable diameter, the active tip/sphere diameter, and the distance of the markings were evaluated. In addition, a price comparison of each probe was made, so that the cost/benefit of each periodontal probe could be evaluated. Results: The results showed that the probes of the six evaluated trademarks of both the WHO and Williams probes presented some kind of distortion in relation to the measures considered ideal by the WHO (World Health Organization). Conclusion: The Hu-Friedy probes,both WHO and Williams, had better millimeter markings among all evaluated brands(AU)

Objetivos: El establecimiento del diagnóstico clínico periodontal se basa en la evaluación de parámetros clínicos mediante sondaje periodontal, y es a través de estos resultados que el odontólogo tomará la mejor opción de tratamiento. Sin embargo, los posibles errores encontrados en la estandarización de las sondas periodontales pueden dar lugar a un plan de tratamiento inadecuado y/o ineficaz. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la estandarización de seis sondas periodontales tipo Williams y seis sondas tipo OMS de diferentes marcas comerciales. Materiales y Métodos: Con la ayuda de un calibre digital y una balanza digital de alta precisión, se evaluó el peso de la sonda, el diámetro del cable, el diámetro de la punta / esferaactiva y la distancia de las marcas. Además, se realizó una comparación de los precios de cada sonda, de manera que se pudo evaluar el costo/beneficio de cada sonda periodontal. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las sondas de las seis marcas comerciales evaluadas, tanto del tipoOMS como del tipo Williams, presentaron algún tipo de distorsión en relación a las medidas consideradas ideales por la OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud). Conclusión: Las sondas de la marca Hu-Friedy, tanto del tipo OMS como Williams, presentaron mejores marcas en milímetros entre todas las marcas evaluadas(AU)

Periodontal Diseases/diagnosis , Periodontal Diseases/therapy , Periodontics/instrumentation , Prospecting Probe , Periodontal Diseases , Dental Instruments
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 42(1): 9-13, jan.-abr. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1148159


O objetivo do presente estudo foi mensurar o pH externo radicular de dentes bovinos que foram desinfetados em solução de cloramina por 7 dias. Neste estudo foram utilizadas soluções irrigadoras, hipoclorito de sódio 1%, clorexidina 0,12% e hipoclorito de sódio 2,5% associadas ao edta e as medicações intracanais, hidróxido de cálcio, hidróxido de cálcio com PMCC e clorexidina gel 2%. O preparo químico mecânico foi realizado com as limas easy logic e as soluções foram agitadas com ultrassom durante 3 minutos e após os dentes foram imersos em água deionizada em eppendorfs estéreis e mantidos em estufa a 37°C. O pH externo foi analisado utilizando as fitas medidoras de pH no período de 24 horas, 48 horas, 7 dias, 10 dias e 15 dias. A normalidade dos valores obtidos de cada ensaio foi testada através do teste Kolmogorof- Smirnov, e o teste estatístico foi ANOVA de uma via e comparações múltiplas de Tukey. Os resultados mostraram que houve diferença estatística nos valores de pH nos grupos avaliados dentro dos tempos (p< 0,05). Concluiu-se que mesmo com as variações de pH nos períodos avaliados, as medicações e as soluções irrigantes podem ser utilizadas de forma associadas na endodontia, com o intuito de eliminar o maior número de microrganismos dos canais radiculares(AU)

The objective of the present study was to measure the external root pH of bovine teeth that were disinfected in chloramine solution for 7 days. Irrigating solutions, 1% sodium hypochlorite, 0.12% chlorhexidine and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite associated with edta and intracanal medications, calcium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide with PMCC and chlorhexidine gel 2%. The mechanical chemical preparation was performed with the easy logic files and the solutions were shaken with ultrasound for 3 minutes and after the teeth were immersed in deionized water in eppendorfs and kept in an oven at 37 ° C. The external pH was analyzed using the pH measuring tapes in the period of 24 hours, 48 hours, 7 days, 10 days and 15 days. The normal values obtained from each test were tested using the Kolmogorof-Smirnov test, and the statistical test was one-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparisons. The results showed that there was a statistical difference in pH values in the groups evaluated within the times (p< 0.05). It was concluded that even with pH variations in the evaluated periods, medications and irrigating solutions can be used in an associated way in endodontics, in order to eliminate the largest number of microorganisms in the root canals(AU)

Root Canal Irrigants , Root Canal Preparation , Sodium Hypochlorite , Calcium Hydroxide , Chloramines , Chlorhexidine , Analysis of Variance , Edetic Acid , Endodontics
J. Oral Investig ; 9(2): 33-42, jul.-dez. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1342442


Objetivos: Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a associação das bactérias Prevotella Melaninogênica e Actinomyces ao biofilme escuro em dentes permanentes. Relato de Caso: Um paciente apresentou manchas enegrecidas ao longo do contorno cervical dos dentes foi convidado a participar do presente estudo. Foi coletado com o auxílio de uma cureta estéril, uma parte deste biofilme que transferido para um eppendorff contendo soro fisiológico. O material coletado foi agitado em um Vórtex por 15 segundos e em seguida, inoculadas em 100 microlitros (µl) da solução em um meio de ágar sangue suplementado com Canamicina 5%, seguido de cultivo por 72 horas. A partir do crescimento bacteriano, as mesmas foram isoladas em ágar macconkey, chocolate e sangue em anaerobiose. Em seguida foram realizados testes de bioquimismo, utilizando-se os meios MIO (motilidade, indol e ornitina), citrato, TSI (triplo açúcar com ferro) e LIA (ágar lisina com ferro). Conclusão: Através das características clínicas associadas ao bioquimismo empregado nos testes, podemos concluir que a bactéria que está associada as manchas negras presentes no paciente é do gênero prevotella spp(AU)

Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the association of Prevotella Melaninogenic and Actinomyces bacteria with dark biofilm in permanent teeth. Case Report: A patient with black spots along the cervical contour of the teeth was invited to participate in the present study. After its clarification and acceptance, completing the IC, was collected with the aid of a sterile curette, a part of this biofilm that was inserted into an eppendorff containing saline. The collected material was vortexed for 15 seconds and then inoculated into 100 microliters (µl) of the solution in a 5% kanamycin supplemented blood agar medium, followed by cultivation for 72 hours. From bacterial growth, they were isolated on macconkey agar, chocolate and anaerobic blood. Biochemical tests were then performed using MIO (motility, indole and ornithine), citrate, TSI (triple sugar with iron) and LIA (iron lysine agar) media. Conclusion: Through the clinical characteristics associated with the biochemism employed in the tests, we can conclude that the bacteria that is associated with black spots present in the patient is of the genus prevotella spp(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Prevotella melaninogenica , Actinomyces , Biofilms , Dentition, Permanent , Bacteria , Dental Plaque
J. Oral Investig ; 9(1): 13-25, jan.-jun. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1342273


Introdução: A rugosidade superficial é definida pela superfície de um material restaurador após as etapas de acabamento e polimento, e é afetada pelas propriedades do compósito resinoso, bem como pelos instrumentos utilizados para a realização do polimento. Objetivos: Avaliar a rugosidade superficial de uma resina composta nano-híbrida polida com diferentes sistemas de polimento por Microscopia de Força Atômica (MFA) e análise dos polidores por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Materiais e métodos: Os fatores em estudo são os sistemas de polimento em três níveis: Enhance (Dentsply), Ultra-Gloss (American Burrs) e Dura-Gloss (American Burrs). As unidades experimentais são formadas por 30 corpos de prova em resina composta convencional nano-híbrida, divididos aleatoriamente em 3 grupos (n=10). O Grupo G1 recebeu tratamento com o sistema de polimento de uma única etapa: Dura-Gloss; o Grupo G2, sistema de polimento de múltiplas etapas: Ultra-Gloss; e o Grupo G3 recebeu o tratamento com o sistema de polimento de uma única etapa: Enhance. A variável de resposta quantitativa se dá pela rugosidade superficial avaliada pela Microscopia de Força Atômica (MFA). Resultados: Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os sistemas de polidores Dura-Gloss e Ultra-Gloss apresentaram rugosidade superficial similar entre si (p=0,201) e diferiram estatisticamente do sistema Enhance (p=0,023, Ultra-Gloss e p=0,000, DuraGloss), o qual apresentou maior rugosidade superficial para a resina composta nano-híbrida. Conclusão: Os polidores Dura-Gloss e Ultra-Gloss tem maior capacidade de polimento da resina composta nano-hibrida(AU)

Introduction: The surface roughness is defined by the surface of a restorative material after the finishing and polishing steps, and is affected by the properties of the resinous composite as well as by the instruments used to perform the polishing. Objectives: To evaluate the surface roughness of a polished nano-hybrid composite resin with different polishing systems by atomic force microscopy (MFA) and polishing analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Materials and Methods: the factors under study are polishing systems at three levels: Enhance (Dentsply), Ultra-Gloss (American Burrs) and Dura-Gloss (American Burrs). The experimental units are composed of 30 specimens in conventional nano-hybrid composite resin, divided randomly into 3 groups (n = 10). The G1 Group received treatment with the single-stage polishing system: Dura-Gloss, Group G2, multi-step polishing system: UltraGloss and Group G3 was treated with the single-stage polishing system: Enhance. The quantitative response variable is given by the surface roughness evaluated by atomic force microscopy (MFA). Results: the results showed that the systems of Dura-Gloss and UltraGloss polishers presented similar surface roughness (p = 0.201) and differed statistically from the Enhance system (p = 0.023, Ultra-Gloss and p = 0.000, Dura- Gloss), which presented higher surface roughness for the nano-hybrid composite resin. Conclusion: Dura-Gloss and Ultra-Gloss polishers have a higher polishing capacity of nano-hybrid composite resin(AU)

Composite Resins , Dental Polishing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Microscopy, Atomic Force , Esthetics, Dental
Clin Oral Investig ; 24(7): 2271-2283, 2020 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31686235


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to longitudinally evaluate, after a 4-year period, the clinical longevity of composite resin restoration compared to the baseline, after selective caries removal in permanent molars using Er:YAG laser or bur preparation with biomodification of dentin with the use of chlorhexidine. METHODS: Selective caries removal was performed on 80 teeth of 20 individuals who each had at least four active carious lesions. These lesions, located on occlusal surfaces of permanent molar counterparts, were removed using (i) Er:YAG laser biomodified with chlorhexidine, (ii) Er:YAG laser and application of deionized water, (iii) bur preparation biomodified with chlorhexidine, and (iv) bur preparation and application of deionized water. At the end of 4 years, 64 of the 80 restorations were evaluated in 16 individuals (n = 16). The restorations were evaluated, both clinically and photographically, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and pulp vitality analysis. The experimental data were statistically evaluated by kappa, Fisher's, and chi-square tests, with a significance level of 5%. The Kaplan-Meier test and the Cox regression analysis were used to evaluate the survival of the restorations. RESULTS: After 4 years of follow-up, there was a statistically significant difference in marginal discoloration criteria for all of the groups evaluated. For marginal adaptation criteria, there was a statistically significant difference for the Er:YAG laser group biomodified with chlorhexine (p = 0.050). For clinical and radiographic evaluation of pulp vitality, there were no statistically significant differences among the groups (p = 0.806). CONCLUSION: Er:YAG laser can be used for selective caries removal, regardless of dentin biomodification with chlorhexidine or application of deionized water, once it produced promising results in composite resin restorations after 4 years of follow-up, according to the criteria evaluated. The selective caries removal using Er:YAG laser or bur and the biomodification of dentin with the use of chlorhexidine did not influence the survival of composite resin restorations after the 4-year follow-up period. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Composite resin restorations applied after selective caries removal using Er:YAG laser or burs, regardless of dentin biomodification with the use of chlorhexidine or application of deionized water, showed adequate clinical behavior after 4 years of follow-up.

Composite Resins , Dental Caries , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Lasers, Solid-State , Dental Caries/therapy , Dental Cavity Preparation , Dentin , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Lasers, Solid-State/therapeutic use , Prospective Studies
J. Oral Investig ; 8(2): 84-100, jul.-dez. 2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1007334


Objetivos: O seguinte trabalho relatou por meio de um caso clínico a eficácia do dessensibilizante Nano-P® e do Flúor acidulado em um paciente com hipersensibilidade dentinária. Métodos: a boca da paciente foi dividida para a aplicação de cada tratamento. Nos quadrantes 1 e 3 foi utilizado o dessensibilizante Nano P® e nos quadrantes 2 e 4 foi utilizado o flúor acidulado, com aplicações semanais por 4 semanas. A hipersensibilidade dentinária foi avaliada através da Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) e por meio de estímulos osmótico e tátil. Resultados: Para ambos os tratamentos realizados, foi constatado a diminuição no grau de hipersensibilidade relatado pela paciente ao longo das consultas, com tempos de ação diferentes para cada agente dessensibilizante, devido à suas características e mecanismos de ação diferenciados, bem como diferenças em relação ao conforto relatado nas duas técnicas pela paciente participante do estudo. Conclusões: Os agentes dessensibilizantes avaliados neste estudo foram eficazes na redução da sensibilidade dentinária após 5 consultas de avaliação(AU)

Aim: The following work reported in a clinical case the efficacy of Nano-P® desensitizer and acidulated fluoride in a patient with dentin hypersensitivity. Methods: the patient's mouth was divided for the application of each treatment. In the quadrants 1 and 3 the Nano P® desensitizer was used and in the 2 and 4 quarters the acidulated fluoride was used, with weekly applications for 4 weeks. Density hypersensitivity was evaluated by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) through osmotic and tactile stimulation. Results: For both treatments, it was observed a decrease in the degree of Hypersensitivity reported by the patient during the consultations, with different action times for each desensitizing agent, due to its differentiated characteristics and mechanisms of action, as well as differences in relation to the comfort reported in the two techniques by the patient participating in the study. Conclusions: The desensitizing agents evaluated in this study were effective in reducing dentin sensitivity after 5 evaluation visits(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Dentin Sensitivity , Dentin Desensitizing Agents , Fluorine , Durapatite , Visual Analog Scale
J. Oral Investig ; 8(1): 7-17, jan.-jun. 2019. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-994718


Objetivos: Avaliar a resistência adesiva de diferentes sistemas adesivos universais em esmalte e dentina erodidos. Métodos: As unidades experimentais foram compostas por 30 fragmentos de esmalte bovino e 30 fragmentos de dentina bovina divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos experimentais de acordo com os sistemas adesivos universais utilizados (n = 10): Single Bond Universal (3M ESPE), Peak Universal (Ultradent) e Ambar Universal (FGM). Previamente as restaurações, os fragmentos de esmalte e dentina foram submetidos à desafio erosivo em ácido cítrico a 0,3% (pH = 2,6) durante cinco minutos, quatro vezes por dia por cinco dias. Um cilindro de resina composta (Forma, Ultradent) com 2mm de diâmetro foi construído em cima de cada fragmento. A resistência ao cisalhamento foi avaliada em máquina de ensaio universal (1mm/min). Os valores obtidos de resistência da união (MPa) foram analisados por ANOVA dois fatores e teste de Bonferroni (α=0,05). Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa entre os sistemas adesivos testados no mesmo substrato. O esmalte apresentou maiores valores de resistência da união que a dentina. Houve predomínio da falha coesiva em resina no esmalte e falha adesiva na dentina. Conclusão: Os sistemas adesivos universais testados apresentaram resistência adesiva semelhantes entre si dentro do mesmo substrato erodido(AU)

Objectives: To evaluate the strength of different universal adhesive systems in enamel and eroded dentine. Materials and Methods: The experimental units were composed of 30 bovine enamel fragments and 30 bovine dentin fragments randomly divided into three experimental groups of enamel and three groups of dentin. The enamel and dentin samples were submitted to erosive challenge and procedures adhesion with adhesive systems divided into three levels according with universal adhesive systems used (n = 10): Single Bond Universal (3M ESPE), Peak Universal (Ultradent) and Ambar Universal (FGM). Previous the restorations, the enamel and dentin fragments were submitted to erosive challenge in 0.3% citric acid (pH = 2.6) for five minutes, four times per day in five days. A composite resin (Forma, Ultradent) cylinder with 2mm diameter was build-up in each fragment. The shear strength was evaluated in a universal test machine (1mm / min). The obtained values of bond strength (MPa) were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni test (α = 0.05). Results: There was no significant difference between adhesive systems tested on the same substrate. The enamel presented higher values of bond strength than dentin. There was a predominance of cohesive failure in resin in enamel and adhesive failure in dentin. Conclusions: The universal adhesive systems tested showed similar adhesive strength in the same eroded substrate(AU)

Tooth Erosion , Adhesives , Dental Enamel , Dentin
J. Oral Investig ; 8(1): 45-56, jan.-jun. 2019. graf, tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-994723


Objetivos: O presente estudo buscou avaliar a resistência de união ao cisalhamento de dois sistemas adesivos aplicados em diferentes quantidades de camadas em amostras de esmalte e dentina bovina. Métodos: Os fatores estudados foram os sistemas adesivos em dois níveis: Single Bond Universal e Single Bond 2. As amostras experimentais foram compostas por 30 fragmentos de esmalte bovino (n=5) e 30 fragmentos de dentina bovina (n=5) divididos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos experimentais de esmalte e dois grupos de dentina, sendo esses subdivididos em 3 modos de aplicação do sistema adesivo em 1, 2 ou 3 camadas. Resultados: Os adesivos Single Bond 2 e Single Bond Universal, quando aplicados em 1 ou 3 camadas em dentina ou esmalte apresentaram similaridade estatística (p= 0,8726). Já quando comparamos o sistema adesivo Single Bond 2 e Single Bond Universal em substrato dentinário a aplicação de 2 camadas do sistema adesivo implicam em aumento da resistência adesiva estatisticamente significante (p=0,000) para o grupo Single Bond Universal aplicado em dentina. Conclusão: O adesivo Single Bond Universal apresentou melhor resistência adesiva que o adesivo Single Bond 2 quando aplicados em duas camadas em substrato dentina. Para o substrato esmalte, ambos os sistemas adesivos são efetivos independente do número de camadas aplicadas(AU)

Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the shear bond strength of two adhesive systems applied in different amounts of enamel and bovine dentin layers. Methods: The factors studied were adhesive systems at two levels: Single Bond Universal and Single Bond 2. The experimental samples were composed of 30 bovine enamel fragments (n = 5) and 30 bovine dentin fragments (n = 5) randomly divided into two experimental groups of enamel and two groups of dentin, subdivided into 3 different application modes adhesive system in 1, 2 or 3 layers. Results: The Single Bond 2 and Universal Bond adhesives, when applied in one or three layers in to the dentin or enamel, presented statistical similarity (p=0.8726). When comparing the Single Bond 2 and Single Bond Universal adhesive system in the dentin substrate, the application of two layers of the adhesive system implies an increase in the statistically significant adhesive resistance (p=0,000) for the Universal Single Bond group applied to dentin. Conclusion: The Single Bond Universal adhesive presented a higher adhesive strength than Single Bond 2 adhesive when applied in two layers on dentin substrate. For the enamel substrate, both adhesive systems are effective regardless of the number of layers applied

Dentin-Bonding Agents , Shear Strength , Adhesives , Dental Enamel , Dentin
Full dent. sci ; 10(40): 115-122, 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1050585


O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar tempo de execução, capacidade de corte, ocorrência de desvio apical e alterações morfológicas de instrumentos endodônticos manuais. Para isso, quarenta e cinco canais simulados, com 35° de curvatura, foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com o tipo de instrumento testado: Flexofile, ProTaper® Manual e Prodesign M®. Para análise da capacidade de corte, os canais foram pesados em balança analítica antes e após o preparo. A diferença na pesagem foi utilizada para aferição. O tempo para execução do preparo foi cronometrado. Para análise do desvio a 1 mm do CT, antes e após o preparo, os canais foram preenchidos com tinta nanquim e fotografados. Com a sobreposição das imagens, foi realizada a medição dos desvios. A região da ponta dos instrumentos #25 (Flexofile), F2 (ProTaper® Manual) e #25/.06 (Prodesign M®) foi observada no MEV antes do primeiro uso e após o primeiro, terceiro e quinto uso. As imagens foram analisadas por dois avaliadores quanto à distorção das espiras. Os dados do tempo de execução, ocorrência de desvio e capacidade de corte foram submetidos à ANOVA, complementada pelo teste de Tukey. Para análise morfológica dos instrumentos, foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado. Nível de significância de 5%. Os instrumentos Prodesign M® apresentaram menor tempo de execução do preparo. Embora os instrumentos testados apresentaram a mesma capacidade de corte, os Flexofile promoveram maior ocorrência de desvio apical. Quanto às alterações morfológicas após o uso, apenas os Flexofile apresentaram sinais de estiramento de suas espiras (AU).

The present study has as objective to analyze execution time, cutting capacity, occurrence of apical deviation, and morphological alterations of manual endodontic instruments. For this, forty-five simulated canals with 35° of curvature were divided into three groups, according to the type of instrument tested: Flexofile, ProTaper® Manual, and Prodesign M®. For analysis of the cutting capacity, the canals were weighed on an analytical balance before and after instrumentation. The difference in weight was used to measure cutting efficiency. The time for execution of the preparation was timed. For analysis of the 1 mm deviation of the WL, before and after the preparation, the canals were filled with ink and photographed. With the superimposed of the images, the measurement of deviations was made. The tip region of instruments #25 (Flexofile), F2 (ProTaper® Manual), and #25/.06 (Prodesign M®) were observed in SEM before first use and after the first, third, and fifth use. The images obtained were analyzed by two evaluators for the distortion of the flutes. The data of the execution time, occurrence of deviation and cutting capacity were submitted to ANOVA, complemented by the Tukey test. For the morphological analysis of the instruments, the Chi-square test was used. The level of significance was 5%. The Prodesign M® instruments presented a shorter preparation time. Although the instruments tested showed the same cutting capacity, the Flexofile promoted a greater occurrence of apical deviation. As for morphological changes after use, only Flexofile showed signs of stretching of their flutes (AU).

Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/instrumentation , Disinfection/standards , Root Canal Preparation , Dental Instruments , Endodontics , Brazil , Chi-Square Distribution , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric
Microsc Res Tech ; 81(9): 1077-1083, 2018 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30351522


This study evaluates, in situ, the effect of an anti-asthmatic medicine on the enamel and dentin of primary teeth. Twenty-eight specimens of enamel and dentin were prepared, selected, sterilized, and stored. Microhardness, microscopic morphology, and initial surface roughness were evaluated. Fourteen volunteers wore palatal devices containing two dentin specimens and two enamel specimens. Volunteers underwent surface treatment three times a day for 5 days, with the dripping of 5 ml of salbutamol sulfate for 1 min, only on specimens from one side of the device. At the end of the experiment the microscopic morphology, roughness, surface loss, and microhardness were ascertained. For enamel surfaces exposed to the medicine, erosion was observed in the microscopy images, along with a significant increase in roughness (p = .0325) and tissue loss (p = .03251) and a significant decrease in microhardness (p = .0325). For the dentin surfaces, erosion was observed in the microscopy images, but there was no significant increase in roughness (p = .593) or tissue loss (p = .285) nor any decrease in microhardness (p = .1088). In conclusion, the salbutamol sulfate had an in situ erosive effect on primary teeth enamel and this effect was observed morphologically on primary dentin. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Asthma is considered a global health problem, and its prevalence has increased in many countries, especially among children, as well as dental erosion. This study has clinical relevance because provides data on the erosive effect of a commonly prescribed anti asthmatic drug on deciduous teeth.

Anti-Asthmatic Agents/adverse effects , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Dentin/drug effects , Tooth, Deciduous/drug effects , Adult , Brazil , Female , Hardness Tests , Humans , Male , Microscopy , Surface Properties/drug effects , Young Adult
Clin Oral Investig ; 21(4): 1231-1241, 2017 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27376544


OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate longitudinally the composite restorations, performed in cavities prepared by Er:YAG or conventional bur, and dentin re-wetting with water or chlorhexidine. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty individuals with four active caries with cavitation reaching the dentin located on the occlusal surface of molars counterparts are selected. The teeth of each individual were randomly assigned into four groups: (I) Er:YAG laser (260 mJ/4 Hz) re-wetting with chlorhexidine, (II) Er:YAG laser (260 mJ/4 Hz) re-wetting with deionized water, (III) conventional method re-wetting with chlorhexidine, and (IV) conventional method re-wetting with deionized water. The teeth were isolated, prepared cavities, phosphoric acid etching, and re-wetting according to previously assigned method. Restoration was performed employing the Single Bond 2 and Z350XT resin. Clinical follow-up was held after the polishing of the restoration (baseline) and 6 and 12 months of the making of the restoration using the modified USPHS criteria. The restorations were qualitatively analyzed by means of photographs. In the evaluation period, replicas of the restorations were analyzed by SEM. Data were analyzed by statistics using chi-square test (p < 0.05). RESULTS: After 12 months of clinical evaluation, groups prepared with laser and re-wetting with chlorhexidine and water showed the lowest marginal staining value. There was no statistical difference between the groups for other factors. SEM analysis revealed that a non-expressive amount of restorations showed gaps and irregularities of tooth-restoration interface after 6 and 12 months compared to the baseline. CONCLUSION: The restorations performed in laser-prepared cavities, regardless of the re-wetting, presented the best clinical performance over the evaluated period. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Laser-prepared teeth, regardless of re-wetting, showed greater resistance to marginal discoloration.

Composite Resins/chemistry , Dental Caries/therapy , Dental Cavity Preparation/methods , Lasers, Solid-State/therapeutic use , Acid Etching, Dental , Child , Chlorhexidine/therapeutic use , Dental Cements , Female , Humans , Light-Curing of Dental Adhesives , Male , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Treatment Outcome , Water , Wettability
Braz Dent J ; 27(4): 442-5, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27652708


This study evaluated the effect of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors - 2% (CHX) and sodium fluoride (NaF) (5000 ppm) - on microtensile bond strength (µTBS) of composite resin to Er:YAG laser-irradiated dentin after chemical degradation of the bond interface. The occlusal surface of forty sound human molars was removed exposing the dentin surface (n=10), which was polished, irradiated with Er:YAG laser, acid etched and dried. Twenty specimens were rewetted with 2% CHX (control group) and 20 were rewetted with NaF (5000 ppm). The adhesive system was applied and a 4-mm-high plateau of light-cured composite resin was built up. Resin-dentin sticks were obtained with a rectangular cross-sectional area (0.8-1 mm2) and were either stored in water at 37 ?#61616;C for 24 h or submitted to chemical degradation. For chemical degradation, they were immersed in 10% NaOCl aqueous solution for 5 h and rinsed in water for 1 h. The sticks were submitted to microtensile test in a mechanical testing machine at 0.5 mm/min until failure. Fracture pattern was analyzed using SEM. µTBS values were calculated in MPa and submitted to analysis of variance ANOVA (α=0.05). The variance analysis showed that the 'MMP inhibitor' and 'degradation' factors (p=0.214 and p=0.093, respectively) and interaction between the factors were not statistically significant (p=0.143). Mixed failure predominated in all groups. In conclusion, the 2% CHX and NaF 5000 ppm presented similar µTBS of composite resin to laser-irradiated dentin before and after chemical degradation.

Composite Resins , Lasers, Solid-State , Metalloproteases/drug effects , Protease Inhibitors/pharmacology , Tensile Strength , Metalloproteases/metabolism
Braz. dent. j ; 27(4): 442-445, July-Aug. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-794610


Abstract This study evaluated the effect of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors - 2% (CHX) and sodium fluoride (NaF) (5000 ppm) - on microtensile bond strength (μTBS) of composite resin to Er:YAG laser-irradiated dentin after chemical degradation of the bond interface. The occlusal surface of forty sound human molars was removed exposing the dentin surface (n=10), which was polished, irradiated with Er:YAG laser, acid etched and dried. Twenty specimens were rewetted with 2% CHX (control group) and 20 were rewetted with NaF (5000 ppm). The adhesive system was applied and a 4-mm-high plateau of light-cured composite resin was built up. Resin-dentin sticks were obtained with a rectangular cross-sectional area (0.8-1 mm2) and were either stored in water at 37 ?#61616;C for 24 h or submitted to chemical degradation. For chemical degradation, they were immersed in 10% NaOCl aqueous solution for 5 h and rinsed in water for 1 h. The sticks were submitted to microtensile test in a mechanical testing machine at 0.5 mm/min until failure. Fracture pattern was analyzed using SEM. μTBS values were calculated in MPa and submitted to analysis of variance ANOVA (α=0.05). The variance analysis showed that the 'MMP inhibitor' and 'degradation' factors (p=0.214 and p=0.093, respectively) and interaction between the factors were not statistically significant (p=0.143). Mixed failure predominated in all groups. In conclusion, the 2% CHX and NaF 5000 ppm presented similar μTBS of composite resin to laser-irradiated dentin before and after chemical degradation.

Resumo Este estudo avaliou o efeito dos inibidores de metaloproteinase, clorexidina 2% e fluoreto de sódio (5000 ppm), na resistência de união entre a dentina irradiada por laser Er:YAG e a resina composta após a degradação química da interface de união. A superfície oclusal de quarenta molares humanos hígidos (n=10) foi removida expondo uma superfície de dentina, que foi polida, irradiada com laser Er:YAG, condicionada com ácido e seca. Vinte espécimes foram re-umedecidos com clorexidina 2% (Grupo controle) e 20 com fluoreto de sódio (5000 ppm). O sistema adesivo foi aplicado e um platô de resina composta fotopolimerizável de 4 mm de altura foi construído. Palitos de resina-dentina foram obtidos com secção transversal retangular (0,8-1 mm2). Eles foram armazenados em água (24 h a 37 ?#61616;C) ou submetidos a degradação química. Para a degradação química, foram imersos em solução aquosa de hipoclorito de sódio a 10% durante 5 horas e lavados em água durante 1 h. Os palitos foram submetidos ao teste de microtração em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos a 0,5 mm/min até a fratura. O padrão de fratura foi analisado em MEV. Os valores de resistência de união foram calculados em MPa e submetidos à análise de variância ANOVA (α=0,05). A análise de variância mostrou que os fatores inibidor de metaloproteinases e degradação (p=0,214 e p=0,093, respectivamente), e a interação entre os fatores não foram estatisticamente significantes (p=0,143). A predominância de falha mista foi detectada para todos os grupos. Em conclusão, a clorexidina a 2% e fluoreto de sódio (ppm 5000) apresentaram resistência de união entre dentina irradiada e resina composta semelhante antes e após a degradação química.

Composite Resins , Lasers, Solid-State , Metalloproteases/drug effects , Protease Inhibitors/pharmacology , Tensile Strength , Metalloproteases/metabolism
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 45(4): 219-226, July-Aug. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-795230


Introdução: A habilidade da Candida spp. em produzir enzimas proteolíticas, tais como fosfolipase e proteinases, tem um papel importante na patogenicidade destas leveduras. Objetivo: Determinar as espécies causadoras das infecções orais por Candida spp., além de investigar a atividade in vitro das fosfolipases e proteinases em isolados clínicos do gênero Candida, provenientes de pacientes com candidíase oral. Material e método: Isolados de Candida spp., pertencentes à Coleção de Cultivos Fúngicos do Laboratório de Microbiologia e Patologia Oral do Departamento de Odontologia da Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha, foram analisados. Produção de fosfolipases foi analisada utilizando-se Ágar gema de ovo. Liberação de proteinases foi medida utilizando-se extrato de levedura adicionado à albumina bovina. Resultado: Um total de 35 isolados clínicos do gênero Candida foi testado. C. albicans foi a espécie predominante (77%). Os demais isolados identificados foram: C. parapsilosis (20%) e C. tropicalis (2%). Ao comparar a atividade de fosfolipase do grupo C. albicans com o grupo Candida não-albicans, foi encontrada diferença significativa (P=0,04). Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre a C. albicans e a C. não-albicans, para a produção de proteinase. A liberação de proteinase foi significativamente maior quando comparada à produção de fosfolipase para o gênero Candida (P=0,04). Diferença estatisticamente significativa foi encontrada quando a atividade de fosfolipase e proteinase da C. albicans foi comparada à atividade das espécies de C. não-albicans (P=0,02). Conclusão: Diferentes quantificações de fosfolipase extracelular e atividade de proteinase têm sido atribuídas aos isolados clínicos de C. albicans quando comparados a outras espécies de Candida.

Introduction: The ability of the genus Candida to produce secretory enzimes such as proteinase and phospholipases to play an important role in the patogenicity of these yeasts. Objective: To determine the Candida species isolates from oral cavity infections and to investigate in vitro phospholipase and protease activities in clinically important of the genus Candida isolated in oral candidiasis patients. Material and method: Candida species isolated of the Fungal Culture Collection of Oral Microbiology and Pathology Testing Service Laboratory of the Dentistry Departament of Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha were evaluated. The phospholipases detection was assayed using the egg yolk agar plate method. Determination of protease production was performed in agar plates containing bovine serum albumine and yeasts extract. Result: A total of 35 isolates of the genus Candida were tested. C. albicans was the species predominant (77% of isolates), followed by C. parapsilosis (20%) and C. tropicalis (2%). When compared the phospholipase activity of the C. albicans group with the non-albicans Candida species types group was observed significant difference among of this groups (P=0.04). No statiscally significant difference between the C.albicans and non-albicans Candida species types when was compared to proteinase production. Proteinase production was higher and statiscally significant when compared to phospholipase activity in the genus Candida isolates (P=0.04). Statiscally significant differences were found between phosphoplipases and proteases activity for C. albicans when compared to non-albicans Candida species types (P=0.02). Conclusion: Differences in the secretion rates of phospholipase extracellular and proteases activity have been attributed to clinical strains of C. albicans when compared to others Candida species types.

Peptide Hydrolases , Phospholipases , In Vitro Techniques , Candida , Candida albicans , Candidiasis, Oral , Serum Albumin, Bovine , Virulence Factors , Enzymes , Yeasts , Infections , Mouth
Dent. press endod ; 5(2): 40-44, maio-aug. 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-775300


INTRODUÇÃO: o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a ocorrência de desvio apical após o preparo com três tipos de sistemas endodônticos (manual, rotatório e reciprocante). MÉTODOS: foram utilizados 30 canais simulados com 16mm de comprimento e com curvatura de 35 graus. Os canais foram divididos em três grupos — manual, rotatório e reciprocante. Os canais do grupo manual foram preparados usando-se a técnica crown-down, o instrumento memória foi o #30 de aço inoxidável. Nos grupos rotatório e reciprocante, os canais foram instrumentados com sistemas rotatório e reciprocante, respectivamente (WizardNavigator® e Unicone®), acionados por um motor elétrico. Para realização da análise do desvio, antes e após o preparo, os canais foram preenchidos com tinta nanquim e fotografados de forma padronizada em uma plataforma. As imagens obtidas foram manipuladas no software Adobe Photoshop®, sobrepondo-se as imagens pré- e pós-operatória e, com a ferramenta régua, foi realizada a medição dos desvios a 1 e 3mm do comprimento de trabalho (CT). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à Análise de Variância (ANOVA), seguida do teste de Tukey, com nível de significância de 5%.RESULTADOS: a ocorrência de desvios apicais no grupo manual foi significativamente maior, quando comparado aos demais grupos. Nos três grupos, a média de desvio a 1mm do CT foi significativamente maior que a 3mm do CT. CONCLUSÃO: a técnica manual promoveu maior quantidade de desvio apical, quando comparada com os sistemas rotatório e reciprocante. Elevado número de desvios foi observado a 1mm do CT.

Electronic Data Processing , Endodontics , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Root Canal Preparation
Microsc Res Tech ; 78(8): 676-81, 2015 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26031607


PURPOSE: This study investigated the influence of collagen removal with calcium hypochlorite on the surface morphology of acid-etched dentin and on the microleakage of composite restorations. In addition, the elemental composition (EC) of dentin after removal of the collagen fibrils was analyzed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty third molars received two cavities and were divided into four groups according to dentin treatment: CTRL-no pre-treatment; Na10-10% NaOCl for 30 s; Ca10-10% CaOCl for 30 s, and Ca15-15% CaOCl for 30 s. The cavities were filled using an acetone-based adhesive system and a resin composite; they were then subjected to thermal cycling for 5,000 cycles, immersed in methylene blue for 4 h and sectioned into 1-mm thick slabs. Two examiners evaluated two slices per tooth using a stereomicroscope and assigned the degree of infiltration (scores 0-3). The data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis (α = 0.05). Four teeth received surface treatment according to the groups and were submitted to SEM and EDS to carry at the EC. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the experimental groups (P = 0.533). CaOCl alters the morphology and surface composition of the dentin, resulting in an increase in the amount of calcium in the interface. CONCLUSIONS: When used prior to an acetone-based adhesive system, CaOCl did not produce any differences in microleakage when compared to the CTRL group or to the Na10 group.

Calcium Compounds/chemistry , Collagen/chemistry , Dentin/chemistry , Calcium/analysis , Calcium/chemistry , Calcium Compounds/pharmacology , Collagen/drug effects , Dentin/drug effects , Humans , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Molar/chemistry , Molar/drug effects , Phosphorus/analysis , Phosphorus/chemistry , Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission
Eur J Dent ; 9(4): 587-593, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26929700


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the Young's modulus and the hardness of deciduous and permanent teeth following wear challenges using different dental materials. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Wear challenges were performed against four dental materials: A resin-based fissure sealant (Fluoroshield(®)), a glass ionomer based fissure sealant (Vitremer(®)), and two microhybrid composite resins (Filtek Z250 and P90(®)). Using the pin-on-plate design, a deciduous or a permanent tooth was made into a pin (4 mm × 4 mm × 2 mm) working at a 3 N vertical load, 1 Hz frequency, and 900 cycles (15 min) with Fusayama artificial saliva as a lubricant. Before and after the tribological tests, the hardness and elasticity modulus of the tooth samples were measured by creating a nanoindentation at load forces up to 50 mN and 150 mN. All of the results were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and post-hoc Duncan's tests (P < 0.05). RESULTS: No difference in hardness was encountered between deciduous and permanent teeth (P < 0.05) or modulus of elasticity (P < 0.05) before or after the wear challenges for all of the dental materials tested. CONCLUSIONS: Wear challenges against the studied dental materials did not alter the properties of permanent or deciduous teeth after the application of a 3 N load.