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J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ; 33(2): 131-144, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38952785


Objective: Acute agitation in pediatrics is commonly encountered in hospital settings, can contribute to significant physical and psychological distress, and management is highly varied in practice. As such, the development of a standardized pharmacologic guideline is paramount. We aimed to develop a novel clinical pathway (CP) for management of acute agitation for all hospitalized pediatric patients in Canada. Methods: Healthcare professionals in Canada with expertise in treating and managing pediatric agitation formed a working group and developed a CP through conducting a literature review, engaging key partners, and obtaining interdisciplinary consensus (iterative real-time discussions with content experts). Once developed, the preliminary CP was presented to additional internal and external partners via multiple grand rounds and a webinar; feedback from participants guided final CP revisions. Results: The working group created a pediatric inpatient CP to guide pharmacologic management of agitation and serve as an easy-to-use clinical and educational resource with three complementary sections including: 1) a treatment algorithm, 2) a quick reference medication chart, and 3) two supporting documents, which provide a general overview of non-pharmacologic strategies prior to CP implementation and an illustrative scenario to accompany the medication chart to ensure effective utilization. Conclusions: This is the first CP to standardize pharmacological treatment and management of acute agitation in children in inpatient settings in Canada. Although further research is warranted to assess implementation and support process improvement, the CP can be adapted by individual institutions to assist in prompt pharmacological management of pediatric agitation to potentially improve outcomes for patients, families, and healthcare professionals.

Objectif: L'agitation aiguë en pédiatrie survient couramment en milieu hospitalier, elle peut contribuer à une détresse physique et psychologique significative, et la prise en charge en est très variée dans la pratique. Ainsi, l'élaboration de lignes directrices pharmacologiques standardisées est essentielle. Nous cherchions à développer un nouveau parcours clinique (PC) de la prise en charge de l'agitation aiguë pour tous les patients pédiatriques hospitalisés au Canada. Méthodes: Les professionnels de la santé au Canada qui ont l'expertise du traitement et de la prise en charge de l'agitation pédiatrique ont formé un groupe de travail et développé un PC en menant une revue littéraire, en embauchant des partenaires cibles, et en obtenant un consensus interdisciplinaire (discussions itératives en temps réel avec des experts en contenu). Une fois développé, le PC préliminaire a été présenté à des partenaires internes et externes additionnels lors de multiples grandes rondes et à un webinaire; les commentaires des participants ont guidé les révisions finales du PC. Résultats: Le groupe de travail a créé un PC pour patient psychiatrique hospitalisé afin de guider la prise en charge pharmacologique de l'agitation et de servir de ressource clinique et éducative facile à utiliser munie de trois sections complémentaires notamment : 1) un algorithme de traitement, 2) un tableau des médicaments de référence, et 3) deux documents de soutien, qui offrent un aperçu général de stratégies non-pharmacologiques avant la mise en œuvre du PC et un scénario illustré pour accompagner le tableau des médicaments afin d'assurer une utilisation efficace. Conclusions: C'est le premier PC qui normalise le traitement pharmacologique et la prise en charge de l'agitation aiguë chez les enfants en milieu hospitalier au Canada. Bien que plus de recherche soit justifiée afin d'évaluer la mise en œuvre et de soutenir l'amélioration du processus, le PC peut être adapté par les institutions individuelles afin d'aider à une gestion pharmacologique rapide de l'agitation pédiatrique et de potentiellement aider à la gestion pharmacologique de l'agitation pédiatrique pour les patients, les familles et les professionnels de la santé.

JMIR Pediatr Parent ; 6: e53120, 2023 Dec 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38091377


Background: Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU)-associated delirium contributes to a decline in postdischarge quality of life, with worse outcomes for individuals with delayed identification. As delirium screening rates remain low within PICUs, caregivers may be able to assist with early detection, for which they need more education, as awareness of pediatric delirium among caregivers remains limited. Objective: This study aimed to develop an educational tool for caregivers to identify potential delirium symptoms during their child's PICU stay, educate them on how to best support their child if they experience delirium, and guide them to relevant family resources. Methods: Web-based focus groups were conducted at a tertiary pediatric hospital with expected end users of the tool (ie, PICU health care professionals and caregivers of children with an expected PICU length of stay of over 48 h) to identify potential educational information for inclusion in a family resource guide and to identify strategies for effective implementation. Data were analyzed thematically to generate requirements to inform prototype development. Participants then provided critical feedback on the initial prototype, which guided the final design. Results: In all, 24 participants (18 health care professionals and 6 caregivers) attended 7 focus groups. Participants identified five informational sections for inclusion: (1) delirium definition, (2) key features of delirium (signs and symptoms), (3) postdischarge outcomes associated with delirium, (4) tips to inform family-centered care, and (5) education or supportive resources. Participants identified seven design requirements: information should (1) be presented in an order that resembles the structure of the clinical discussion around delirium; (2) increase accessibility, recall, and preparedness by providing multiple formats; (3) aim to reduce stress by implementing positive framing; (4) minimize cognitive load to ensure adequate information processing; (5) provide supplemental electronic resources via QR codes; (6) emphasize collaboration between caregivers and the health care team; and (7) use prompting questions to act as a call to action for caregivers. Conclusions: Key design requirements derived from end-user feedback were established and guided the development of a novel pediatric delirium education tool. Implementing this tool into regular practice has the potential to reduce distress and assist in the early recognition and treatment of delirium in the PICU domain. Future evaluation of its clinical utility is necessary.