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Antibiotics (Basel) ; 11(8)2022 Aug 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36009961


Huanglongbing (HLB), which is caused by the phloem-limited bacterium 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus,' is an economically important disease of citrus in many regions of the world. Due to the significant damage caused by the HLB disease in recent years, the use of antibiotics was recommended for the therapy of this destructive disease. Products with active ingredients oxytetracycline and streptomycin have been approved for the control of the HLB via foliar application. However, previous work raised questions about the efficacy of foliar delivery of antibiotics in the field. In this study, we examined the effects of a variety of adjuvants on the uptake of oxytetracycline and streptomycin using the foliar application. We also compared the efficiency of foliar application of oxytetracycline and streptomycin with trunk injection. The 'Ca. L. asiaticus' titers in citrus plants were measured using quantitative PCR, and the levels of antibiotics were determined using the ELISA assay. Our results include extremely low levels of oxytetracycline and streptomycin in leaves that were covered during foliar application, indicating that neither streptomycin nor oxytetracycline was successfully systemically delivered by foliar application even after being mixed with adjuvants. Likewise, the 'Ca. L. asiaticus' titer0 was not affected by any of the foliar applications. High levels of streptomycin were detected in leaves that were exposed to direct foliar application, indicating that streptomycin was adsorbed or bound to citrus leaves. On the other hand, the trunk injection of oxytetracycline resulted in high levels of this antibiotic in leaves and significantly reduced the level of 'Ca. L. asiaticus' titer in citrus trees. Unfortunately, the trunk injection of streptomycin resulted in low levels of streptomycin in citrus leaves and did not affect the 'Ca. L. asiaticus' titer, indicating that streptomycin was either bound in the xylem of citrus trees or it was not applied in sufficient quantity required for the inhibition of 'Ca. L. asiaticus.' Taken together, our current results demonstrated that foliar application of oxytetracycline and streptomycin did not effectively deliver antibiotics in citrus despite using adjuvants. Our results also suggested that oxytetracycline could be more effective against the HLB pathogen than streptomycin, which is possibly due to differences between the two in systemic movement in citrus trees.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 10(9)2021 Aug 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34572618


Oxytetracycline (OTC) has been used for the control of several plant diseases and was recently approved for the control of Huanglongbing, the citrus greening disease. Huanglongbing is caused by the phloem limited 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus'. Determination of OTC in the xylem and phloem of citrus plants is of great interest as they are the main routes of translocation in citrus. In addition, the determination of the level of OTC in the phloem sap is necessary for the control of the 'Ca. L. asiaticus' pathogen, which resides in the phloem. Herein, we demonstrated that the level of OTC in the citrus phloem and xylem saps obtained using the centrifugation method can be successfully measured using the europium (Eu) method directly or with cleanup by solid-phase extraction (SPE). Recovery of OTC from spiked sap samples purified by solid-phase extraction (SPE) was higher than 90%, while recovery from saps without SPE cleanup were nearly 100%. The 'Ca. L. asiaticus'-infected leaf and phloem sap samples showed higher inhibition of the fluorescence intensity of the OTC standard compared to non-infected control leaf and phloem samples. In agreement with this finding, the levels of phenols and flavonoids in 'Ca. L. asiaticus'-infected leaves were higher than those controls and were shown to interfere with the Eu method. Therefore, the SPE cleanup step only improved OTC recovery from leaf samples containing the interfering compounds. The Eu method was then used to determine OTC levels in the phloem and xylem sap of OTC-treated plants, and the results were similar whether measured directly or after SPE. Visualization under ultraviolet light (400 nm) showed the presence of OTC in citrus xylem and phloem saps with and without the use of SPE.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 10(5)2021 May 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34065819


Oxytetracycline (OTC) and streptomycin have been used for the control of several plant diseases and were recently permitted for the control of citrus greening disease, Huanglongbing. Consequently, sensitive and reliable methods are highly needed for the detection of OTC in citrus tissues. Herein, we studied the replacement of cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) by citrate (Cit) as a sensitizing agent for the analysis of OTC in citrus tissues using the recently established europium (Eu) method. In addition, we determined the optimal conditions for the formation of the Eu-OTC-Cit ternary complex in tris buffer. Our results showed that the plant matrix significantly decreased the fluorescence intensity of the Eu-OTC-Cit complex even after the replacement of CTAC. Our investigations showed that phenols such as gallic acid degrade slowly at high pH and their degradation was enhanced in the presence of the (Eu+3) cation. To reduce the plant matrix interference, the sample extract was cleaned using solid-phase extraction (SPE). The OTC recoveries from spiked healthy and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas)-infected trees were 91.4 ± 7.8% and 82.4 ± 3.9%, respectively. We also used the citrate method to determine the level of OTC in trunk-injected trees. The level of OTC as measured using the Eu-OTC-Cit complex (117.5 ± 20.3 µg g-1 fresh weight "FWT") was similar to that measured using Eu-OTC-CTAC complex (97.5 ± 14 µg g-1 FWT). In addition, we were able to visualize the OTC in citrus leaf extract, under ultraviolet light (400 nm), after it was cleaned with the SPE. Our study showed that the citrate can be successfully used to replace the harmful CTAC surfactant, which could also react with phenols.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 10(2)2021 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33672358


Antimicrobial compounds have been successfully used to control many plant and animal diseases. Recently, oxytetracycline (OTC) and streptomycin have been approved for the treatment of Huanglongbing in citrus. Since the application of OTC is under strict regulations, several methods have been developed to determine and monitor its levels in the environment including high-performance liquid chromatography, ELISA, colorimetric, and fluorometric assays. In this study, we developed a fluorometric method for the determination of OTC in plant tissues based on its complexation with europium. Our preliminary trials showed that phenols and flavonoids interfere with the europium assay by reacting with the sensitizing reagent, cetyltrimethylammonium chloride. Consequently, we used the 60 mg hydrophilic-lipophilic balanced (HLB) cartridges to purify the OTC from the plant matrix. The recovery of OTC from spiked leaf samples was 75 ± 7.6%. Using the 500 mg HLB, we were able to detect 0.3 ppm OTC in the final sample extract, which corresponds to 3 µg g-1 fresh weight (FWT). The developed method was successfully used to measure the level of OTC in leaves obtained from trunk-injected trees. The results obtained by the europium method were similar to those obtained using the ELISA assay. We also tested the cross-reactivity of OTC metabolites with the europium method. The 4-epi-OTC showed a high cross-reactivity (50.0 ± 3.6%) with europium assay, whereas α-apo-OTC and ß-apo-OTC showed small cross-reactivity. We showed that the europium-sensitized fluorescence-based method can be successfully used to assess OTC in citrus plant tissues after a cleanup step. Our results showed that this method was sensitive, reproducible, and can be used to analyze many samples simultaneously.

Metabolites ; 10(12)2020 Nov 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33255226


The citrus industry at present is severely affected by huanglongbing disease (HLB). HLB is caused by the supposed bacterial pathogen "Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus" and is transmitted by the insect vector, the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama. Developing new citrus hybrids to improve HLB management is much needed. In this study, we investigated the metabolomic profiles of three new hybrids produced from the cross of C2-5-12 Pummelo (Citrus maxima (L.) Osbeck) × pollen from Citrus latipes. The hybrids were selected based on leaf morphology and seedling vigor. The selected hybrids exhibited compact and upright tree architecture as seen in C. latipes. Hybrids were verified by simple sequence repeat markers, and were subjected to metabolomic analysis using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polar metabolites profiling also showed that the new hybrids were different from their parents. Interestingly, the levels of stored VOCs in hybrid II were higher than those observed in its parents and other hybrids. The level of most VOCs released by hybrid II was also higher than that released from its parents. Additionally, the preference assay showed that hybrid II was more attractive to D. citri than its parents and other hybrids. The leaf morphology, compact and upright architecture of hybrid II, and its attraction to D. citri suggest that it could be used as a windbreak and trap tree for D. citri (double duty), once its tolerance to HLB disease is confirmed. Our results showed that metabolomic analysis could be successfully used to understand the biochemical mechanisms controlling the interaction of D. citri with its host plants.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 9(10)2020 Oct 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33066197


Antibiotics have been successfully used to control plant diseases for more than fifty years. Recently, oxytetracycline and streptomycin have been approved for the treatment of Huanglongbing, which is threatening the citrus industry in many regions. Because the efficiency of antibiotics in planta is highly affected by their movement and distribution, understanding the mechanism of antibiotics' uptake and distribution could lead to a better control of plant pathogens. Herein, we investigated the movement of oxytetracycline within citrus plants. Oxytetracycline was applied by root drenching to both girdled and non-girdled citrus seedlings. In addition, oxytetracycline was applied by trunk injection to girdled and non-girdled citrus trees. After the exposure time (24 h), citrus seedlings were dissected and the levels of oxytetracycline in the different tissues were measured using an oxytetracycline ELISA kit. Upon root application (laboratory experiment), oxytetracycline was detected in the inner part of the stem (xylem-associated tissue), cortex (phloem-associated tissue), and leaves above and below the girdled area. Likewise, oxytetracycline was also detected in leaves of trunk-injected field trees (girdled and non-girdled) three days post treatment. Interestingly, cortex girdling did not affect the distribution and translocation of oxytetracycline, indicating that the xylem is the main path for oxytetracycline translocation. Taken together, our results indicate that oxytetracycline translocation mainly occurs via xylem vessels, and that movement into the phloem occurs subsequent to xylem translocation. Our findings also clearly demonstrated that upon trunk injection, only trace levels of oxytetracycline reached the roots, minimizing its therapeutic value there. Thus, our recommendation is to time tree injections to coincide with the flushing periods when the bacteria are moving into new shoots to maximize the efficiency of oxytetracycline.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 9(10)2020 Oct 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33036241


Recently in Florida, foliar treatments using products with the antibiotics oxytetracyclineand streptomycin have been approved for the treatment of citrus Huanglongbing (HLB), which iscaused by the putative bacterial pathogen 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus'. Herein, we assessedthe levels of oxytetracycline and 'Ca. L. asiaticus' titers in citrus trees upon foliar applications withand without a variety of commercial penetrant adjuvants and upon trunk injection. The level ofoxytetracycline in citrus leaves was measured using an oxytetracycline ELISA kit and 'Ca. L.asiaticus' titer was measured using quantitative PCR. Low levels of oxytetracycline were taken upby citrus leaves after foliar sprays of oxytetracycline in water. Addition of various adjuvants to theoxytetracycline solution showed minimal effects on its uptake by citrus leaves. The level ofoxytetracycline in leaves from trunk-injected trees was higher than those treated with all foliarapplications. The titer of 'Ca. L. asiaticus' in the midrib of leaves from trees receiving oxytetracyclineby foliar application was not affected after four days and thirty days of application, whereas thetiter was significantly reduced in oxytetracycline-injected trees thirty days after treatment.Investigation of citrus leaves using microscopy showed that they are covered by a thick lipidizedcuticle. Perforation of citrus leaf cuticle with a laser significantly increased the uptake ofoxytetracycline, decreasing the titer of 'Ca. L. asiaticus' in citrus leaves upon foliar application.Taken together, our findings indicate that trunk injection is more efficient than foliar spray evenafter the use of adjuvants. Our conclusion could help in setting useful recommendations for theapplication of oxytetracycline in citrus to improve tree health, minimize the amount of appliedantibiotic, reduce environmental exposure, and limit off-target effects.

Plant Sci ; 299: 110622, 2020 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32900450


The δ-aminolevulinic acid (δ-ALA) is an intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway of tetrapyrroles. Tetrapyrroles play vital roles in many biological processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, and light-sensing. ALA-dehydratase (ALAD) combines two molecules of δ-ALA to form porphobilinogen. In citrus, the silencing of ALAD caused discrete yellow spots and necrosis in leaves and stems. Additionally, it caused rapid death in developing new shoots. Herein, we hypothesize that the accumulation of δ-ALA results in severe stress and reduced meristem development. For that reason, we investigated the dynamic changes in the expression profiles of 23 microRNA (miRNA) identified through small RNA sequencing, from CTV-tALAD plants in comparison with healthy C. macrophylla and C. macrophylla infiltrated with CTV-wt. Furthermore, we reported the effect of ALAD silencing on the total phenolics, H2O2, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, to examine the possibilities of miRNAs involving the regulation of these pathways. Our results showed that the total phenolics content, H2O2, and O2- levels were increased in CTV-tALAD plants. Moreover, 63 conserved miRNA members belonging to 23 different miRNA families were differentially expressed in CTV-tALAD plants compared to controls. The identified miRNAs are implicated in auxin biosynthesis and signaling, axillary shoot meristem formation and leaf morphology, starch metabolism, and oxidative stress. Collectively, our findings suggested that ALAD silencing initiates stress on citrus plants. As a result, CTV-tALAD plants exhibit reduced metabolic rate, growth, and development in order to cope with the stress that resulted from the accumulation of δ-ALA. This cascade of events led to leaf, stem, and meristem necrosis and failure of new shoot development.

Citrus/genetics , Gene Silencing , MicroRNAs/genetics , Porphobilinogen Synthase/genetics , RNA, Plant/genetics , Citrus/enzymology , Genes, Plant , Hydrogen Peroxide/metabolism , Metabolic Networks and Pathways , MicroRNAs/metabolism , Phenols/metabolism , Porphobilinogen Synthase/metabolism , RNA, Plant/metabolism , Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism , Stress, Physiological/genetics
Plant Signal Behav ; 15(5): 1752447, 2020 05 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32290763


Huanglongbing (HLB) is a highly destructive disease to the citrus industry in Florida caused by the bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus(CLas) and is transmitted by Diaphorina citri. It is hypothesized that plants with high phenolic contents show higher tolerance to certain plant pathogens. In this regard, different citrus varieties and plants of genera related to Citrus were analyzed for their total phenolic and flavonoids contents, and their antioxidant capacities. In addition, the secondary metabolites in the leaves of seven citrus species were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). Colorimetric assays showed that curry leaf contained the highest total phenolic content and free radical scavenging activity (DPPH). Curry leaf also contained high concentrations of an unusual class of carbazole alkaloids. Tolerant Citrus species contained high levels of phenolics and flavonoids and showed high antioxidant capacities. Our results suggest that high phenolic and flavonoid leaf contents correlate with increased citrus tolerance to CLas bacterium. The results also suggest that the high level of carbazole alkaloids, known for their strong antimicrobial properties in curry leaf, could make it immune to the CLas bacteria. Understanding the mechanisms underpinning citrus tolerance to HLB will contribute to the development of commercially tolerant citrus cultivars.

Antioxidants/metabolism , Citrus/metabolism , Flavonoids/metabolism , Phenol/metabolism , Biphenyl Compounds/metabolism , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Picrates/metabolism , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Plant Leaves/metabolism
J Food Sci ; 85(5): 1548-1564, 2020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32249935


Mandarins (or tangerines) are mainly consumed as fresh fruits due to the ease of peeling and desirable flavor. Sweetness, acidity, and flavor of mandarin are the most important criteria for consumer preference. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of harvest date on sensory and chemical components of four mandarin cultivars (Murcott, 411, Temple, and 'LB8-9' Sugar Belle®). Volatiles were extracted from the headspace of juice samples with solid phase microextraction (SPME) and analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The optimum harvest window for eating quality of 411 was late January to mid-February (soluble solids content [SSC]/titratable acidity [TA]: 11.3 to 14.0), Sugar Belle® fruits were best tasted when harvested from mid- to end of January (SSC/TA: 14.1 to 16.1), and February was the best month for harvesting Murcott (SSC/TA: 13.10 to 18.0) and Temple (SSC/TA:10.3 to 12.50). Sensory perception of sweetness, ripeness, and juiciness increased as SSC/TA increased while sourness and bitterness decreased. Pumpkin flavor, an indicator of overripe fruit, was mainly noticed late in the season. Tangerine flavor tended to decrease, whereas fruity-noncitrus flavor tended to increase with fruit maturity. Monoterpenes were the most abundant volatiles and tended to decrease with fruit maturity, whereas alcohols, esters, and aldehydes increase. Aldehydes, esters, and alcohols were positively correlated with sweetness, ripeness, juiciness, and fruity characteristics, and negatively with sourness and bitterness. On the other hand, monoterpenes were positively correlated with bitterness and tangerine flavor, and negatively correlated with sweetness and fruity-noncitrus flavor. The highest number of esters was found in Temple, whereas Murcott and 411 were high in aldehydes.

Citrus/genetics , Flavoring Agents/chemistry , Fruit/growth & development , Aldehydes/chemistry , Aldehydes/isolation & purification , Breeding , Citrus/chemistry , Citrus/classification , Citrus/growth & development , Consumer Behavior , Esters/chemistry , Esters/isolation & purification , Flavoring Agents/isolation & purification , Fruit/chemistry , Fruit/classification , Fruit/genetics , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Humans , Monoterpenes/chemistry , Monoterpenes/isolation & purification , Solid Phase Microextraction , Taste , Volatile Organic Compounds/analysis , Volatile Organic Compounds/isolation & purification
Antibiotics (Basel) ; 9(4)2020 Apr 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32326401


Antibiotics have been successfully used for the control of several plant diseases for many years. Recently, streptomycin and oxytetracycline have been approved for the treatment of Huanglongbing (HLB) in Florida. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is the most commonly used assay for the detection of these antibiotics because it is quick, simple, and can be used to analyze many samples at the same time. However, ELISA can react with the metabolites of the parent compound and its structurally related compounds. In this study, we investigated the cross-reactivity of the oxytetracycline ACCEL ELISA kitTM with three of oxytetracycline metabolites (4-epi-oxytetracycline, α-apo-oxytetracycline, and ß-apo-oxytetracycline). The α-apo-oxytetracycline and ß-apo-oxytetracycline metabolite did not show any cross-reactivity in the linear range (1.5-50 ng mL-1) of the assay. Whereas 4-epi-oxytetracycline showed high cross-reactivity, and its response was similar to oxytetracycline. Our results indicated that the oxytetracycline ELISA kits estimate the level of oxytetracycline as well as its main metabolite, 4-epi-oxytetracycline.

Plant Methods ; 16: 24, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32127911


BACKGROUND: Exogenous application of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) could relieve stress symptoms caused by abiotic stresses including anoxia, heat and cold shock, drought, and salt. However, studying translocation and metabolism of exogenous GABA is challenged by the presence of endogenous GABA. RESULTS: Herein, we used D6-GABA in order to investigate the uptake, translocation, and the metabolism of exogenous GABA in Mexican lime (Citrus aurantifolia) seedlings using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The GC-MS analysis showed that D6-GABA could be easily distinguished from the non-labeled GABA after methyl chloroformate (MCF) derivatization. The D6-GABA was detected in the cortex (phloem), inner stem (xylem), and leaves after root drench. Girdling did not affect the translocation of D6-GABA, indicating that it is mainly translocated via the xylem. In addition, D4-labled succinic acid was detected in D6-GABA-treated plants, indicating that exogenous GABA was metabolized to succinic acid. The half-life of D6-GABA in citrus was about 1.3 h, indicating a quick conversion to succinic acid. CONCLUSION: The use of D6-GABA offers a valuable tool to study the translocation and metabolism of GABA in plants. D6-GABA and its metabolite (D4-succinic acid) can be easily distinguished from the endogenous GABA and succinic acid using GC-MS.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 8(4)2019 Dec 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31842435


Huánglóngbìng (HLB), citrus greening, is one of the most destructive diseases of citrus plants worldwide. In North America, HLB is caused by the phloem-limited bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and is transmitted by the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri. No cure exists at present, and the use of antibiotics for the control of HLB has gained interest due to the significant losses to the citrus industry. Because of unsatisfactory results when using foliar applications of antibiotics, concerns were raised regarding the uptake and translocation of these materials within trees. We, therefore, investigated a method that allows us to study the movement of antibiotic materials in citrus plants. Herein, we utilized a fluorescence-labeled penicillin, BOCILLINTM FL-Penicillin (FL-penicillin), to study the uptake and translocation of penicillin in citrus plants. FL-penicillin was applied by puncture to the stem of young citrus seedlings and was traced by using fluorescence microscopy. After application, we detected FL-penicillin in the leaves and in the stem xylem and phloem tissues above and below the application site in both intact and partially bark-girdled citrus seedlings, indicating that it is easily taken up and transported through the plant vascular system. In addition, we detected FL-penicillin in the gut of D. citri, which were allowed to feed on the treated plants, suggesting translocation of this molecule into the vascular tissue. We propose that the use of fluorescent-labeled molecules could be an effective tool for understanding the uptake and translocation of antibiotics and other macromolecules in plants and insects.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 8(4)2019 Oct 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31717884


Huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening, is the most destructive disease to the citrus industry. In Florida, it is caused by the bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) and is transmitted by the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri. Recent studies suggested that antibiotics could inhibit the growth of the CLas pathogen in planta. In the current study, we investigated the uptake and translocation of oxytetracycline and streptomycin in citrus seedlings. Oxytetracycline and streptomycin were delivered via root and stem and their level in various tissues was monitored using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Oxytetracycline and streptomycin were detected in the leaves, xylem, phloem, and root after root drench and stem delivery. High levels of antibiotics were detected in the roots after root drench, whereas high levels of antibiotics were detected in the canopy after stem delivery. The level of oxytetracycline detected in the phloem, xylem, and leaves after root drench was higher than that of streptomycin. Whereas the level of streptomycin in root was higher than that of oxytetracycline, indicating that streptomycin was bound to the xylem tissues. Oxytetracycline and streptomycin were detected in the phloem, xylem, leaves, and root tissues thirty-five days after the root incubation in 200 µg·mL-1 solution. These results demonstrated that oxytetracycline and streptomycin were relatively stable and could inhibit CLas growth for a couple of months in citrus trees. Observations reported in this study regarding the distribution and stability of oxytetracycline and streptomycin in citrus plants could be useful for designing an effective program for the control of HLB disease using antibiotics.

Plant Signal Behav ; 14(3): e1573096, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30676228


Exogenous application of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) could improve plant tolerance to environmental stresses such as hypoxia, heat, cold, drought, and salt stress. However, the mechanism by which GABA relieves stress is poorly understood. Here, we studied the uptake and metabolism of exogenous GABA in citrus leaves. Leaves were incubated in GABA solutions and the levels of endogenous GABA, succinic acid, and fumaric acid were investigated. Interestingly, the levels of endogenous GABA, succinic acid, and fumaric acid were quickly increased in GABA-treated leaves. This result indicated that GABA was taken up by the leaf, metabolized to succinic acid, and fed into the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA). This finding suggested that exogenous GABA could enhance plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses by generating more energy through the activation of the GABA shunt pathway and TCA cycle.

Succinic Acid/metabolism , gamma-Aminobutyric Acid/metabolism , Citric Acid Cycle/physiology , Droughts , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant/physiology , Hot Temperature , Plant Leaves/metabolism
Planta ; 248(4): 909-918, 2018 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29961199


MAIN CONCLUSION: In the current study, we showed that exogenous GABA supplementation increases the endogenous GABA level, several amino acids, and phytohormones in citrus plants, suggesting that GABA works in harmony with phytohormones. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) plays a key role in cytosolic regulation of pH, controlling of carbon and nitrogen metabolism, and protection against biotic and abiotic stresses. Although it is well-known that GABA is implicated in plant defense and it could act as a signaling molecule, its effect on phytohormones is not completely understood. In this study, we investigated the effect of exogenous GABA on citrus phytohormones using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A significant increase in endogenous GABA was observed in GABA-treated plants. The highest increase in GABA was recorded in plants treated with 10 mM 7 days post-treatment. In addition, we observed a moderate increase in several amino acids including glycine, L-alanine, L-proline, L-asparagine, and L-glutamine. The levels of benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, salicylic acid, trans-jasmonic acid, indole acetic acid, indole propionic acid, and abscisic acid were significantly increased in GABA-treated plants compared to the control. The gene expression showed that GABA transaminase (GABA-T) and succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) were induced in GABA-treated plants, indicating a conversion of GABA to succinate. In addition, the gene expression of the regulatory enzymes of the TCA cycle (malate dehydrogenase and succinic dehydrogenase) was upregulated in GABA-treated plants, indicating an induction of respiration. In agreement with the chemical analysis, the gene expression results showed that most of the genes implicated in the biosynthesis of phytohormones were also upregulated in GABA-treated plants. Our results indicated that GABA works in harmony with phytohormones and suggested that regulation of phytohormones by exogenous GABA could play a key role in reducing plant stress.

Amino Acids/metabolism , Citrus sinensis/drug effects , Plant Growth Regulators/metabolism , gamma-Aminobutyric Acid/pharmacology , Abscisic Acid/metabolism , Citrus sinensis/physiology , Cyclopentanes , Indoleacetic Acids/metabolism , Oxylipins , Salicylic Acid/metabolism , Succinate-Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase/metabolism
Plant Physiol Biochem ; 129: 1-10, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29783096


Citrus tolerance to huanglongbing could result from tolerance to the pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) and/or to its vector Diaphorina citri. Field observations and greenhouse-controlled studies showed that some citrus cultivars were more tolerant than others. However, the mechanism(s) behind the tolerance has not been determined yet. Using GC-MS, we investigated the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the non-volatile metabolite profiles of two tolerant citrus cultivars- Australian finger lime, 'LB8-9' Sugar Belle® mandarin hybrid, and a recently released mandarin hybrid 'Bingo'. The three were grafted onto the rootstock, Carrizo citrange. Our findings showed that the metabolomic profiles of Australian finger lime were different from that of 'LB8-9'. Finger lime was high in many amino acids and tricarboxylic acid intermediates, whereas 'LB8-9' was high in several amino acids, sugars, and sugar alcohols. 'LB8-9' was high in thymol, which is known for its strong antimicrobial activity against a panel of pathogenic bacteria. The metabolomic profiles of 'Bingo' were intensely different from the other mandarin hybrid, 'LB8-9', including a reduced thymol biosynthetic pathway and low amounts of most of the amino acids and sugar alcohols. Remarkably, 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol) was only detected in 'Bingo', indicating that eucalyptol could have feeding and ovipositional repellency against D. citri. The metabolite profiles generated for HLB-tolerant citrus species will improve the ability of citrus breeders and will allow them to take more informed decisions. Metabolomic profiling of HLB-tolerant citrus species could identify tolerance specific markers that can be introduced to other commercial citrus cultivars to improve their tolerance to HLB disease.

Citrus/microbiology , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Biomarkers/metabolism , Citrus/metabolism , Citrus/physiology , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Plant Immunity , Plant Leaves/metabolism , Volatile Organic Compounds/metabolism
Plant Signal Behav ; 13(3): e1445934, 2018 03 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29485923


Currently, citrus greening is threatening the citrus industry worldwide. So far, there is no effective cure for this destructive disease and management mainly depends on the control of Diaphorina citri vector using insecticides. Although the use of different rootstocks could increase citrus scions' tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, little work has been conducted to investigate the effect of rootstocks on citrus tolerance to citrus greening pathogen. In this study, we investigated the effect of rootstock on the metabolite profile of 'Sugar Belle' mandarin hybrid using gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The principle component analysis showed that the metabolite profiles of the 'Sugar Belle' mandarin hybrid on the three selected rootstocks were different from each other. These results indicated that rootstocks could affect the primary and secondary metabolites of citrus scions, and consequently could affect scion tolerance to pathogens.

Citrus/metabolism , Hybridization, Genetic , Metabolome , Plant Leaves/metabolism , Plant Roots/metabolism , Citrus/microbiology , Plant Diseases/microbiology
Plant Direct ; 2(7): e00072, 2018 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31245736


δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) is an important enzyme in tetrapyrrole synthesis. ALAD combines two δ-aminolevulinic acid (δ-ALA) molecules to form the pyrrole molecule, porphobilinogen, an important precursor for plant pigments involved in photosynthesis, respiration, and nutrient uptake. In this study, we investigated the effects of silencing of ALAD gene on citrus leaf pigments and metabolites. The ALAD enzyme was inhibited using virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) technology using citrus tristeza virus (CTV). δ-ALA accumulated in citrus plants inoculated with the recombinant virus (CTV-tALAD) to silence ALAD and resulted in discrete yellow spots (yellow islands) and necrosis in leaves and stems. The levels of chlorophylls, starch, sucrose, trans- and cis-violaxanthin, and α- and ß-cryptoxanthin were reduced in CTV-tALAD plants, whereas zeaxanthin was increased. The increase in zeaxanthin and the decrease in its precursors indicated that the reduction in chlorophylls resulted in light damage. Salicylic acid and jasmonic acid levels, as well as emission of (E)-α-bergamotene and (E)-ß-farnesene, increased in CTV-tALAD plants indicating these plants were under stress. Our results showed that silencing of ALAD induces stress in plants and that VIGS using mild CTV strains is a promising technique to study biological function of citrus genes.

Virulence ; 9(1): 99-109, 2018 01 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28594267


Huanglongbing in citrus is caused by a phloem-limited, uncultivable, gram-negative α-proteobacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas). CLas is transmitted by the phloem-sucking insect, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae), in a persistent, circulative, and propagative manner. In this study, we investigated the metabolomic and respiration rates changes in D. citri upon infection with CLas using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas exchange analysis. The level of glycine, L-serine, L-threonine, and gamma-amino butyric acid were higher in CLas-infected D. citri, while L-proline, L-aspartic acid, and L-pyroglutamic acid were lower in CLas-infected D. citri compared with the control. Citric acid was increased in CLas-infected D. citri, whereas malic and succinic acids were reduced. Interestingly, most of the reduced metabolites such as malate, succinate, aspartate, and L-proline are required for the growth of CLas. The increase in citric acid, serine, and glycine indicated that CLas induced glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) in its vector. In agreement with the GC-MS results, the gene expression results also indicated that glycolysis and TCA were induced in CLas-infected D. citri and this was accompanied with an increases in respiration rate. Phosphoric acid and most of the sugar alcohols were higher in CLas-infected D. citri, indicating a response to the biotic stress or cell damage. Only slight increases in the levels of few sugars were observed in CLas-infected D. citri, which indicated that sugars are tightly regulated by D. citri. Our results indicated that CLas induces nutrient and energetic stress in its host insect. This study may provide some insights into the mechanism of colonization of CLas in its vector.

Citric Acid Cycle/physiology , Citrus , Hemiptera/metabolism , Insect Vectors/metabolism , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Plant Diseases/parasitology , Rhizobiaceae/pathogenicity , Animals , Citric Acid Cycle/genetics , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Hemiptera/microbiology , Insect Vectors/microbiology , Metabolomics , Rhizobiaceae/physiology