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J Dev Orig Health Dis ; 10(2): 232-236, 2019 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30295217


In addition to being associated with a higher risk of complications during pregnancy, twinning may also be a proxy for altered hormonal exposure for mothers and twin offspring, with implications for their health later in life. We compared maternal and fetal steroid hormone and insulin-like growth factor concentrations between singleton (n=62) and twin (n=41) pregnancies. Maternal concentrations of androgens, estrogens, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, IGF-binding protein (BP)-3 and prolactin were quantified during the third trimester and at delivery, as well as in the fetal circulation at birth. Geometric means accounting for gestational age were calculated for hormone concentrations and compared between matched twin and singleton pregnancies. Most maternal hormone concentrations were modestly higher in twin than in singleton pregnancies in the third trimester (ranging from 8.3% for IGF-1 to 17.1% for estradiol) and at delivery (ranging from 11.1% for IGFBP-3 to 15.2% for estriol). Cord serum hormones were generally similar in twin and singleton pregnancies, except for IGFBP-3, which was 200% lower in twins. The modest differences in maternal hormones in late gestation seem unlikely to explain alterations in hormonally related disease risk in mothers of twins compared with singletons. The large deficit of IGFBP-3 in the fetal circulation of twins at birth may allow for sufficient concentrations of IGF-2 for growth and development in an environment of shared nutritional resources.

Fetal Blood/chemistry , Mothers , Pregnancy, Twin/blood , Twins , Adult , Androgens/blood , Androgens/metabolism , Breast Neoplasms/etiology , Breast Neoplasms/metabolism , Estrogens/blood , Estrogens/metabolism , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3/blood , Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3/metabolism , Insulin-Like Growth Factor I/analysis , Insulin-Like Growth Factor I/metabolism , Insulin-Like Growth Factor II/analysis , Insulin-Like Growth Factor II/metabolism , Male , Placenta/metabolism , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Trimester, Third/blood , Prolactin/blood , Prolactin/metabolism , Risk Factors
Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 34(157): 14-19, 20160000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-953055


Introducción: Existen controversias sobre el comportamiento del gasto energético en reposo (GER) en pacientes en hemodiálisis (HD), algunos autores señalan que la HD aumenta el GER, mientras que otros no hallaron diferencias significativas. Objetivos: Determinar si el GER en pacientes en HD es superior al de individuos que no dializan. Determinar si el GER en pacientes en HD es mayor durante el momento de diálisis en comparación al momento que no dializan. Materiales y método: Para el objetivo 1, diseño comparativo a muestras independientes, observacional, prospectivo, transversal; para el objetivo 2, comparativo a muestras relacionadas, observacional, prospectivo, longitudinal. La muestra quedó conformada por 30 individuos en HD crónica y 30 controles apareados por edad, sexo, actividad física y estado nutricional. Se midió el GER utilizando un calorímetro indirecto móvil. Para el análisis estadístico se aplicaron test de diferencias (p < 0,05). Resultados: El GER de los individuos en HD no fue significativamente mayor al del grupo control (test de medias 56,8kcal, IC -76,6/190,2, p=0,1955; test de medianas 49,9kcal, IC -84,9/189,9, p=0,2142; test de signos 56,6%, IC 37,4/74,5, p=0,292). En los individuos en HD, el GER aumentó significativamente durante la sesión (test de medias 173kcal, IC -83,6/262,4, p=0,00022; test de medianas 170kcal, IC 85/255, p=0,00024; test de signos 83,33%, IC 65,3/94,3, p=0,00016). Al subdividir este grupo según presencia o ausencia de diabetes, se mantuvo el incremento del GER durante la diálisis. (test de medias 210kcal, IC 75,1/344,9, p 0,0044; test de medianas 212,5kcal, IC 65/340, p 0,0028; test de signos 85,71%, IC 42,1/99,6, p 0,06). Conclusiones: El GER de pacientes en HD no está incrementado con respecto a individuos sanos. En el paciente en HD crónica el GER aumenta durante el procedimiento dialítico en comparación al día que no asiste a diálisis.

Introducción: La carta de menú del restaurante, aparece como el elemento de comunicación más fuerte y a veces el único que se establece entre el restaurante y el consumidor. La tendencia creciente de comer fuera de casa convierte a los restaurantes en establecimientos cruciales para la promoción de un patrón alimentario saludable para toda la población. Una oferta alimentaria variada y equilibrada desde el punto de vista nutricional es el camino adecuado para mejorar la calidad de los menús, y con ello llevar mensajes nutricionales para mejorar la salud poblacional. Objetivos: Analizar el valor nutricional cualitativo de los menús y el diseño de la carta en los restaurantes de la ciudad de Mar del Plata en el año 2014. Materiales y método: La selección de restaurantes se llevó a cabo al azar por estratificación en zonas geográficas. Se realizó un análisis de valoración nutricional cualitativa de los menús con los datos recolectados. Simultáneamente, se analizó el diseño de las cartas de menús a través de una grilla de observación planteada específicamente para tal fin. Es un estudio descriptivo; no experimental y de tipo transversal. Resultados: Del menú se analizó un total de 258 entradas, 1186 platos principales, 137 guarniciones y 198 postres. La mayoría de las entradas y los platos principales ofrecidos están compuestos por proteínas animales, representado el 84% y el 70%, respectivamente. El promedio por restaurante es de 28 platos principales con papas fritas de guarnición. El diseño de la carta en su mayoría es sencillo y claro, sin elementos de comunicación visual llamativos. Conclusiones: Los menús analizados presentan un desequilibrio en su valor nutricional, con un exceso en proteína animal y poca oferta de platos con carbohidratos bajos.

Introducción: La perimenopausia se asocia con mayor probabilidad de padecer trastornos de la alimentación, destacándose la compulsión glucídica, que lleva a consumir fundamentalmente alimentos con alto contenido de carbohidratos entre comidas. Objetivos: evaluar aceptabilidad, preferencia y saciedad de colaciones dulces de baja densidad energética (DE) y alto aporte proteico en muestra de mujeres adultas perimenopáusicas. Materiales y método: A partir de receta estándar de merengues, se desarrollaron tres variantes con disminución de DE y sacarosa (Muestra A y C se reemplazó sacarosa por azúcar light y sucralosa en diferentes proporciones; Muestra B se disminuyó sacarosa y se agregó sucralosa). Se realizó ensayo de aceptabilidad y preferencia en 75 evaluadoras no entrenadas y prueba de saciedad a 27 evaluadoras no entrenadas, utilizando encuesta autoadministrada y escala hedónica de Likert de 9 puntos. Análisis estadístico: medidas de tendencia central, ANOVA, prueba de Friedman y Software "Statgraphics Centurion XVII" para pruebas de aceptabilidad. Resultados: Se desarrollaron merengues para las tres muestras de 1 g. cada uno, con disminución del 31% en la DE y 1,03 mg. de triptófano por unidad. La muestra B (se disminuyó la sacarosa al 88,7% y se agregó sucralosa en 11,3%), fue la de mayor preferencia y aceptabilidad por sus características sensoriales. Sobre esta muestra se aplicó el test de saciedad (libre demanda), obteniendo una media de ingesta de 10 unidades (Rango: 3-15). El 22,2% de las mujeres consumió 3 a 8 merengues; 51,8% 9 a 12 merengues y 25,9% más de 12 merengues. Se pudo observar que las mujeres estaban plenamente saciadas a los primeros 30 minutos, manifestando que a los 120 minutos tuvieron apetito. Conclusiones: La colación más aceptada y preferida fue la que mantuvo sacarosa y una proporción fue sustituida por edulcorante no calórico. El test de saciedad demostró que la colación seleccionada logró saciedad a corto plazo.

Introducción: Helicobacter pylori coloniza la mucosa gástrica y se asocia con el desarrollo de patologías gastrointestinales, pudiendo afectar la secreción de hormonas moduladoras del apetito. Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre la colonización gástrica por H. pylori, las concentraciones séricas de grelina y leptina y el índice de masa corporal (IMC) en pacientes con sintomatología digestiva. Materiales y método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal que incluyó 163 pacientes dispépticos (18 - 70 años) derivados al Hospital de Gastroenterología "Dr. Carlos Bonorino Udaondo". Se realizó una encuesta sociodemográfica, recordatorio de 24 horas y se midió circunferencia de cintura (CC), peso y talla para el cálculo del IMC. La presencia de H. pylori se diagnosticó mediante 13C-Test del Aire Espirado (13C-UBT). Las concentraciones séricas de grelina y leptina se determinaron mediante enzimoinmunoensayo. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizaron los Tests de χ2, Mann-Whitney, correlación de Spearman y regresión lineal (SPSS19.0). Resultados: La prevalencia de la infección por H. pylori fue de 53,4% (IC95%;45,7-65,8%). La ingesta promedio de energía, carbohidratos, proteínas y lípidos no se asoció a la infección. Las prevalencias de sobrepeso/ obesidad y adiposidad central no difirieron significativamente entre H. pylori positivos y negativos (p=0.09 y p=0.87, respectivamente). La mediana de la concentración de grelina fue 306.5 pg/mL (RIC;230.0- 385.5) en H. pylori positivos y 358.3 pg/mL (RIC;253.8-547.8) en negativos. La infección se asoció con menores concentraciones séricas de grelina (p=0.016) aún ajustando por IMC y género (p=0.019), no habiéndose encontrado asociación entre los valores de leptina y la infección (p=0,76). Los niveles de grelina sérica se correlacionaron negativamente con el IMC (r=-0,25; p=0,0013), mientras que la correlación leptina-IMC fue positiva (r=0,56; p<0,00001) en la población total. Conclusiones: La colonización por H. pylori en pacientes con sintomatología digestiva se asoció con menores concentraciones séricas de grelina, enfatizando su rol en la regulación hormonal del apetito.

Introducción: La alimentación del recién nacido de pretérmino (RNPT) es un gran desafío. La administración óptima de nutrientes requiere de una infraestructura organizada y profesionales de distintas áreas que trabajen en forma conjunta. A partir de la necesidad de cumplir con estándares de calidad respecto del estado nutricional de pacientes neonatales, la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN) del Hospital Universitario Austral (HUA) sugirió la incorporación de un licenciado en nutrición para colaborar en diferentes aspectos del cuidado nutricional de los mismos. Objetivos: Promover la inserción del licenciado en nutrición como parte del equipo colaborador del cuidado nutricional del neonato. Evaluar posibles herramientas que el licenciado en nutrición pudiera aportar dentro de una UCIN. Materiales y método: Se trabajó con monitoreo continuo de pacientes ingresados en la UCIN del HUA de Pilar durante el periodo de diciembre 2012 hasta la actualidad. Se diseñó una planilla para cargar datos de los pacientes que ingresan a la Unidad obtenidos de la historia clínica informatizada de la institución (Pectra Digital Gate®). Resultados: A partir de los datos recolectados se obtuvo información sobre: días de recuperación del peso de nacimiento; número de días para cubrir requerimientos propuestos; número de días que recibe NPT; aumento de peso de los últimos 7 días; monitoreo de soporte nutricional indicado y recibido; porcentaje de leche materna vs fórmula recibida. Se colaboró en el diseño de planillas de fraccionamiento de leches, protocolos de inicio de alimentación del recién nacido de bajo peso al nacer y uso de fortificadores de la leche materna; se optimizó el registro de la alimentación enteral y parenteral recibida en la historia clínica; se realizó asesoramiento de productos y búsqueda bibliográfica para la incorporación de nuevas fórmulas dentro del Vademécum de la institución. Conclusión: La existencia de protocolos básicos actualizados, cálculo de los requerimientos energéticos en función de la situación clínica y el estado nutricional, monitoreo de la alimentación enteral y parenteral, cumplimento del objetivo calórico, son algunos indicadores que pueden utilizarse como herramienta para medir la calidad de la actividad asistencial. El asesoramiento y monitoreo del cuidado nutricional del neonato son parte de las funciones que los nutricionistas pueden cumplir dentro de dichas unidades. La inclusión en la enseñanza de grado y postgrado del cuidado nutricional de este grupo es de vital importancia dentro del aprendizaje continuo del licenciado en nutrición.

Introducción: El proyecto se enmarca en el Programa de Ciudadanía Porteña, programa de asistencia alimentaria implementado por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, basado en transferencia directa de ingresos a familias en situación de vulnerabilidad Objetivos: Realizar educación alimentaria nutricional en 3 mensajes: lactancia materna, alimentación complementaria e hidratación a usuarios del programa en salas de espera de las sedes en que realizan trámites. Materiales y método: Se diseñaron y proyectaron 3 animaciones audiovisuales de corta duración, cada una con contenidos de cada mensaje principal de los objetivos. Se entregaron 3 folletos para complementar la información del video. Se realizaron 148 encuestas directas a los beneficiarios que asistieron a las sedes del programa para evaluar la incorporación de los mensajes. Resultados: Se analizaron las encuestas por mensaje. Lactancia materna: 98% vio el video; 81,6 % recordó el tema principal; el beneficio de defensas fue el mayor con el 33%; 28% leyó el folleto; 42% opinó es bueno amamantar hasta los 2 años y más. Alimentación complementaria: 87% vio el video; 47,5% respondió como tema principal: Primeras comidas del bebé; 24% y el 17% según sede leyeron el folleto; 60% respondió como tema del folleto: Qué alimentos dar a los bebés por edades; 31% opinó en comenzar la alimentación complementaria antes de los 6 meses. Hidratación y consumo: 76% vio el video; 86% respondió correctamente el tema principal del video; 44% respondió como principal beneficio del agua saca la sed; 6% tomó el folleto. Conclusiones: Los mensajes fueron comprendidos satisfactoriamente. La implementación de la animación es un recurso práctico y moderno que facilita la incorporación de los mensajes. Su proyección repetitiva permite llegar a mayor cantidad de beneficiarios, el material gráfico tuvo menor recepción.

Introducción: El pliego de condiciones para la concesión de un servicio de confitería establece la calidad requerida. Por tal motivo es esencial especificar adecuadamente las condiciones del servicio que se espera recibir para brindar satisfacción a los usuarios y partes interesadas.Objetivos: Analizar el proceso y el pliego de bases y condiciones para la concesión del servicio de confitería de la FCS de la UNSa. Proponer mejoras para orientar las actividades futuras en relación a la compra, selección, preparación distribución y control del servicio. Materiales y Método: Se realizó una encuesta de satisfacción para conocer la calidad percibida por los usuarios de la confitería de la FCS. Se analizaron el proceso y los subprocesos de concesión del servicio, el pliego de condiciones mediante el cual se rige la actual concesión. Se aplicó el diagrama de Espina de Pescado para determinar la causa raíz el problema. Resultados: Los clientes manifestaron insatisfacción en relación a la variedad de preparaciones y la omisión de alimentos saludables como vegetales, pescados, lácteos descremados, jugos de frutas, cereales integrales. Problema raíz: pliego de condiciones incompleto y poco detallado. Conclusiones: El plan de mejoras en relación al pliego de bases y condiciones requiere tener en cuenta aspectos tales como: calidad de la materia prima, plan de menú, tipo y cantidad de comidas, ingredientes, formas de preparación, características físico químicas de las preparaciones saludables, porción estándar, presentación y tipos de vajilla.

Introducción: La importancia del consumo de frutas es vital debido a sus propiedades nutritivas, por su aporte de vitaminas, minerales, fibra y agua. Las Guías Alimentarias para la Población Argentina (GAPA) recomiendan el consumo diario de 2 a 3 frutas. Objetivos: Estimar la prevalencia de consumo inadecuado de frutas y determinar la prevalencia de dicho consumo por exceso o déficit, en estudiantes. Estimar la prevalencia de los motivos por los cuales no se consumen frutas en estudiantes. Materiales y método: Diseño descriptivo, observacional y transversal. La muestra quedó conformada por 486 estudiantes universitarios y terciarios. Se midió el consumo de frutas a través de una encuesta diseñada para tal fin. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante el paquete VCCstat V.Beta 2.0. Resultados: El 23,5% de la muestra pertenecía a alguna carrera de ciencias de la salud. El 74% (IC95% 69,9-77,9) de los estudiantes no cumplió con la recomendación diaria de las GAPA. De este porcentaje, un 96,4% (IC95% 93,8-98) no llegó a consumir al menos dos frutas diarias, mientras que solo un 3,6% (IC95% 1,9-6,1) de los encuestados superó dicha recomendación. Se encontró un 34,6% (IC95%30,3-38,9) de estudiantes con consumo nulo. Entre los motivos de este hallazgo, un 72% (IC95% 64,5-78,6) lo adjudicó a la "falta de hábito". Entre los motivos restantes se destacan "no me gusta" con el 10,7% (IC95%6,4-16,4) y "falta de practicidad" con el 9,5% (IC95%,5-15). Conclusión: La mayoría de los estudiantes consume menos cantidad de frutas que la recomendada. Debido a la falta de hábito, un gran porcentaje de estudiantes no incorpora frutas en su alimentación diaria.

Theor Appl Genet ; 111(6): 1013-21, 2005 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16088395


A set of 146 single sequence repeats (SSRs) and 14 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer combinations were used to enrich a previously developed linkage map obtained from a (Prunus persicaxP. ferganensis)xP. persica BC(1) progeny. Forty-one SSR primer pairs gave polymorphic patterns detecting 42 loci. The restriction/selective primer AFLP combinations produced a total of 79 segregating fragments. The resulting map is composed of 216 loci covering 665 cM with an average distance of 3.1 cM. Novel regions were covered by the newly mapped loci for a total of 159 cM. Eight linkage groups were assembled instead of the earlier 10 as two small groups (G1a and G8b), previously independent, were joined to their respective major groups (G1b and G8a). Several gaps were also reduced resulting in an improved saturation of the map. Twelve gaps >or=10 cm are still present. A comparative analysis against the Prunus reference map (71 anchor loci) pointed out an almost complete synteny and colinearity. Six loci were not syntenic and only two were not colinear. Genetic distances were significantly longer in our map than in the reference one.

Chromosome Mapping , Hybridization, Genetic , Microsatellite Repeats/genetics , Prunus/genetics , DNA Primers , Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length
Poult Sci ; 81(6): 826-37, 2002 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12079050


Five thousand four hundred, 1-d-old, male, Ross 308, broiler chicks were fed for 49 d to compare diets containing 10 and 20% chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seed to a control diet. Cholesterol content, total fat content, and fatty acid composition of white and dark meats were determined at the end of the trial. A taste panel assessed meat flavor and preference. Cholesterol content was not significantly different among treatments; however, the 10% chia diet produced a lower fat content in the dark meat than did the control diet. Palmitic fatty acid content was less in both meat types when chia was fed, with differences being significant (P < 0.05), except for the white meat and the 20% chia diet. alpha-Linolenic fatty acid was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the white and dark meats with the chia diets. Chia significantly lowered the saturated fatty acid content as well as the saturated:polyunsaturated fatty acid and omega-6:omega-3 ratios of the white and dark meats compared to the control diet. No significant differences in flavor or preference ratings were detected among diets. Body weight and feed conversion were significantly lower with the chia diets than with the control, with weight reductions up to 6.2% recorded with the 20% chia diet.

Animal Feed , Chickens/growth & development , Cholesterol/analysis , Fatty Acids, Omega-3/pharmacology , Fatty Acids/analysis , Meat/standards , Salvia/chemistry , Animals , Body Weight , Chickens/physiology , Energy Metabolism , Male , Taste
Mol Genet Genomics ; 265(4): 576-84, 2001 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11459177


Members of the MSI/RbAp sub-family of WD-repeat proteins are widespread in eukaryotic organisms and form part of multiprotein complexes that are involved in various biological pathways, including chromatin assembly, regulation of gene transcription, and cell division. In this study we report the isolation and characterization of a cDNA sequence from Zea mays, which encodes an RbAp-like protein (ZmRbAp1) that binds acetylated histones H3 and H4 and suppresses mutations that have a negative effect on the Ras/cAMP pathway in yeast. The ZmRbAp genes form a gene family and are expressed in different tissues of Z. mays L. plants. Determination of its expression pattern during maize seed development revealed that ZmRbAp transcripts are abundant during the initial stages of endosperm formation. In addition, the transcripts are specifically localized in shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia of the embryo. A possible role for the ZmRbAp genes in early endosperm differentiation and plant development is discussed.

Carrier Proteins/genetics , Chromosomal Proteins, Non-Histone , Fungal Proteins , Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Genes, Plant , Multigene Family , Plant Proteins/genetics , Seeds/metabolism , Zea mays/genetics , Acetylation , Amino Acid Sequence , Carrier Proteins/biosynthesis , Carrier Proteins/chemistry , Cell Nucleus/metabolism , Cyclic AMP/physiology , DNA, Complementary/genetics , Histones/metabolism , Hot Temperature , Meristem/metabolism , Molecular Chaperones/physiology , Molecular Sequence Data , Molecular Weight , Organ Specificity , Plant Leaves/embryology , Plant Proteins/biosynthesis , Plant Proteins/chemistry , Recombinant Fusion Proteins/physiology , Repetitive Sequences, Amino Acid , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genetics , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolism , Sequence Alignment , Sequence Homology, Amino Acid , Transcription, Genetic , Zea mays/embryology , ras Proteins/genetics , ras Proteins/physiology
Blood Purif ; 19(1): 39-43, 2001.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11114576


Cuffed tunneled venous access catheters are commonly used for temporary and permanent access in hemodialysis (HD) patients. These catheters serve an essential role in providing permanent access in subjects in whom all other access options have been exhausted. The predominant complications are catheter thrombosis, catheter fibrin sheating and infection. The aim of this study was to evaluate long-term survival and complications of permanent venous catheters (PVC) placed for the purpose of HD during the period from January 1992 to December 1998, at the Dialysis Units of Lucania (a southern Italian region). A total of 98 PVC were placed in 88 patients during this period. The catheters used were of three types: (a) 72 VasCath Soft Cell catheters (Bard Instrument Company, Toronto, Ont., Canada); (b) 22 PermCath catheters (Quinton Instrument Company, Seattle, Wash., USA), and (c) 4 Tesio catheters (Bellco SpA, Mirandola, Italy). Survival curves of catheters were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimator. The patient survival was 60% at the 78th month. Actually, 52 patients (27 males, 25 females) are still alive: 15 (26.9%) of these patients have diabetes mellitus and 1 has been transplanted. The actuarial survival rate of PVC was 89% in the whole population studied and 82% in subjects alive after 84 months. Twenty-five patients (28.4%) had PVC as the first reliable vascular access. Long-term complications occurred 27 times (1 episode every 44.81 month/patient) as: breakage (3.1%); thrombosis (10.2%); displacement (2.0%); subcutaneous tunnel bleeding (3.1%); inadequate blood flow (7.1%), and infection (10.2%). In conclusion, our data confirm that PVC might represent an effective long-term blood access route for HD. Again, PVC are getting the access of choice for selected patients (i.e., older subjects with cardiovascular diseases and cancer patients) and are enjoying a dramatic increase in use for subjects who are terrified of repetitive venopuncture.

Catheterization, Central Venous/standards , Renal Dialysis/standards , Actuarial Analysis , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Catheterization, Central Venous/adverse effects , Catheterization, Central Venous/methods , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Italy/epidemiology , Male , Middle Aged , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Patient Satisfaction , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Renal Dialysis/methods , Survival Rate
Plant Physiol ; 124(1): 451-60, 2000 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10982458


The transcript levels of heavy-chain zein genes (zH1 and zH2) and the occurrence of the zH polypeptides in different opaque-2 (o2) lines were investigated by RNA-blot analyses and by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis protein fractionations. Four mutant alleles o2R, o2T, o2It, and o2-676 introgressed into different genetic backgrounds (GBs) were considered. The mono-dimensional gel electrophoresis zein pattern can be either conserved or different among the various GBs carrying the same o2 allele. Likewise, in the identical GB carrying different o2 alleles, the zein pattern can be either conserved or differentially affected by the different mutant allele. Zein protein analysis of reciprocal crosses between lines with different o2 alleles or the same o2 showed in some case a more than additive zH pattern in respect to the o2 parent lines. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay approaches, with O2-binding oligonucleotide and endosperm extracts from the above o2 lines, failed to reveal o2-specific retarded band in any of the o2 extracts. The results suggest that the promoter of some zH1 and zH2 contains motif(s) that can respond to factors other than O2.

DNA-Binding Proteins/genetics , Plant Proteins , Seeds/genetics , Transcription Factors/genetics , Zea mays/genetics , Zein/genetics , Alleles , Blotting, Northern , Crosses, Genetic , DNA-Binding Proteins/metabolism , Electrophoresis, Gel, Two-Dimensional , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel , Genotype , Seeds/metabolism , Transcription Factors/metabolism , Transcription, Genetic , Zea mays/metabolism , Zein/metabolism
Fetal Diagn Ther ; 15(1): 46-9, 2000.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10705214


OBJECTIVE: To quantify the improvement in ultrasonographic fetal imaging following diagnostic amnioinfusion for the indication of unexplained midtrimester oligohydramnios. METHODS: Patients referred for unexplained midtrimester oligohydramnios were retrospectively reviewed. Videotapes of those undergoing diagnostic antenatal amnioinfusion were analyzed for quality of visualization of routinely imaged structures before and after the infusion procedure. RESULTS: The overall rate of adequate visualization of fetal structures improved from 50.98 to 76.79% (p < 0.0001). In fetuses having preinfusion-identified obstructive uropathy, there was improvement in identification of associated anomalies from 11.8 to 31.3%. CONCLUSIONS: Several authors have suggested that diagnostic amnioinfusion can facilitate fetal imaging and increase diagnostic precision in the setting of unexplained severe oligohydramnios. We have quantified the improvement in the rate of optimal visualization of fetal structures which likely translates, in experienced hands, into this observed improved diagnostic precision. Of particular importance is the improvement in appreciation of associated anomalies in cases of obstructive uropathy in which such findings may determine whether or not invasive fetal therapy is indicated.

Isotonic Solutions/administration & dosage , Oligohydramnios/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/methods , Abnormalities, Multiple/diagnostic imaging , Amnion , Fetal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Humans , Retrospective Studies , Ringer's Lactate , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/adverse effects , Urologic Diseases/diagnostic imaging
Electrophoresis ; 20(7): 1595-604, 1999 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10424485


Zeins (the prolamins or seed storage proteins in maize) have been used to characterize and identify different genotypes. Zeins were fractionated by capillary zone electrophoresis in acidic, amphoteric buffers, which represent a medium of moderate conductivity and are thus compatible with higher voltage gradients. The running buffer consisted of 40 mM isoelectric aspartic acid, in presence of 6 M urea and 0.5% hydroxyethyl cellulose (apparent pH: 3.8; pI in the absence of urea: 2.77). Thirty-one different zein peaks were mapped out of a total of 21 different maize genotypes. Each of them typically exhibited seven to twelve peaks, with some genotypes showing up to 20 zein bands. Due to slightly changing elution times, caused by a lack of reproducibility of the electroendoosmotic flow in uncoated silica surfaces, correct peak assignment and alignment among different runs was obtained by multivariate statistical analysis. The present method compares well, both in resolution and total number of peaks, with current protocols adopted for screening of maize inbreds, which consist of isoelectric focusing in agarose gels.

Electrophoresis, Capillary/methods , Zea mays/chemistry , Zein/chemistry , Buffers , Genotype , Multivariate Analysis , Phylogeny , Plant Proteins/chemistry , Time Factors
Obstet Gynecol ; 93(3): 387-91, 1999 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10074985


OBJECTIVE: To create a highly specific cascade testing scheme for fetal lung maturity using the lamellar body count, lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio (L/S), and phosphatidylglycerol. METHODS: A nondedicated hematology analyzer (Sysmex NE 1500, Toa Medical Electronics, Los Angeles, CA) was used to determine the lamellar body counts of 209 unspun amniotic fluid specimens. Maximally specific lamellar body count cutoffs for biochemical maturity and immaturity were determined using receiver operating characteristic curves. Biochemical lung maturity was defined as either a mature L/S ratio or phosphatidylglycerol. Biochemical lung immaturity was defined as both an immature L/S ratio and an immature phosphatidylglycerol. RESULTS: A lamellar body count of less than 8000 (n = 17) was 100% specific for biochemical lung immaturity (positive predictive value = 100%, negative predictive value = 86%). A lamellar body count of greater than 32,000 was 98% specific for biochemical lung maturity (positive predictive value = 99%, negative predictive value = 63%). CONCLUSION: Testing only specimens where the lamellar body count was greater than 8000 and less than or equal to 32,000 for the L/S ratio and phosphatidylglycerol would preclude the need for 76% of all L/S and phosphatidylglycerol assays. Because the lamellar body count is quick, simple, and universally available, it could serve as an extremely cost-effective screening test for fetal lung maturity.

Amniotic Fluid , Lung/embryology , Lung/ultrastructure , Fetal Organ Maturity , Humans , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity
J Soc Gynecol Investig ; 6(6): 318-21, 1999.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10643585


OBJECTIVE: To describe maternal plasma levels of adrenomedullin (AM), a hypotensive and natriuretic peptide, in normal and preeclamptic women at term. STUDY DESIGN: Maternal plasma AM levels were determined in 13 preeclamptic and 15 normotensive primigravidas by radioimmunoassay. Plasma samples were obtained with the patients in the lateral recumbent position before the administration of any medications. RESULTS: Women with preeclampsia had significantly elevated AM levels when compared with normotensive controls (42.3 +/- 10.5 pg/mL versus 16.9 +/- 3.1 pg/mL, P < .011). CONCLUSION: In this pilot study, AM levels were significantly increased at term in preeclamptic women.

Peptides/blood , Pre-Eclampsia/blood , Adolescent , Adrenomedullin , Adult , Female , Humans , Labor, Obstetric/blood , Pregnancy , Reference Values
Am J Perinatol ; 14(7): 423-6, 1997 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9263564


The objective of this study to determine the risk of in uteroprogression of renal pelvis dilation when detected on antenatal ultrasound examination. We reviewed 230 fetuses with evidence of renal pelvis dilation. At least one exam was subsequently performed prior to delivery in all cases. Renal pelvis dilation was defined as an anterior-posterior renal pelvis measurement > 4 mm at < 32 weeks' and > 7 mm at > or = 32 weeks' gestation. Hydronephrosis was considered to be present when the renal pelvis measured +10 mm independent of gestational age. Multiple gestations and fetuses with additional congenital anomalies were excluded. The mean gestational age at diagnosis was 24 weeks. Renal pelvis dilation progressed to hydronephrosis in a total of 10.9% (25 of 230) of fetuses. There was a 3.3% chance of unilateral renal pelvis dilation progressing to hydronephrosis versus 26.0% in bilateral dilation (OR 10.4 [95% Cl 3.5-33.3]). Of those fetuses with progression, 80% had bilateral dilation (p < 0.0001). There was no difference in progression between right and left kidneys. Additionally, gender, gestational age at diagnosis and delivery, and birth weight did not differ between those fetuses with and without progression. The hydronephrosis in 7 of 25 (28%) regressed to pyelectasis on a subsequent ultrasound exam. Thus, the overall rate of progression of renal pelvis dilation to persistent hydronephrosis was 7.8% (18 of 230). In conclusion, the risk of isolated renal pelvis dilation progressing to hydronephrosis is low. Although bilateral pelvis dilation carries a higher risk for progression, no fetus in our study required in utero intervention. A follow up scan prior to delivery may be considered to identify those fetuses who will require postpartum intervention.

Fetal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Hydronephrosis/diagnostic imaging , Kidney Pelvis/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Adult , Diagnosis, Differential , Dilatation, Pathologic/diagnostic imaging , Disease Progression , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Gestational Age , Humans , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Outcome
Fetal Diagn Ther ; 12(4): 248-51, 1997.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9354887


OBJECTIVE: Meconium drug testing of liveborn infants is highly sensitive (87%) and specific (100%). Accurate knowledge of drug use in mothers of stillborns would be beneficial. We determined the feasibility of noninvasive meconium drug screening for opiates and cocaine in stillborns. METHODS: Stillborn infants delivered at our hospital had meconium collected using a 4-mm spatula inserted into the anus. Specimens were analyzed using gas chromatography. Charts were reviewed. RESULTS: Of the 30 specimens obtained, 26 were below the optimal amount needed (0.5 g). Regardless, all samples were analyzed and three were positive for cocaine (10%), none for opiates. Two of the 3 positive samples were of 'insufficient quantity'. In one, the presumptive cause of fetal demise was diabetes, with no additional factors suggesting substance abuse. The other fetal loss was due to idiopathic preterm labor at 21.5 weeks, with a positive UDS. CONCLUSION: In this pilot study, inability to obtain an optimal volume of meconium occurred frequently. However, important and unexpected laboratory data were generated even with 'insufficient quantity'. This highlights the need to develop more refined methodologies for this screening tool in stillborn fetuses.

Fetal Death , Meconium/chemistry , Substance Abuse Detection , Adult , Cocaine/analysis , Feasibility Studies , Female , Gestational Age , Humans , Pilot Projects , Pregnancy , Sensitivity and Specificity
J Matern Fetal Med ; 6(3): 180-3, 1997.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9172062


OBJECTIVE: In utero passage of meconium may represent a response to hypoxic stress or a normal maturational event. When found during the third trimester, one may be tempted to use its presence as prima facie evidence of fetal lung maturity. The purpose of our study was to determine the frequency of meconium-stained fluid in the third trimester and the incidence of biochemical and physiologic lung immaturity in these fetuses. METHODS: Amniotic fluid specimens obtained at our institution from 1991 through 1993 (n = 2,377) were analyzed for maturity and visually inspected for meconium. Perinatal outcome was obtained for intramural deliveries occurring within 3 days of amniotic fluid collection (n = 905). Gestational age was defined as the best obstetric estimate based on menstrual dates, clinical examination, and ultrasound results. RESULTS: Meconium staining was present in 2.7% (n = 64) of specimens. Although meconium-stained specimens were more likely to have mature lecithin-sphingomyelin (L:S) ratios (OR 2.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.2-3.6) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) concentrations (OR 3.8, CI 2.2-6.7), 17.2% were immature for both L:S and PG (n = 11, CI = 9.9-28.2%). When analysis was limited to fetuses delivering intramurally within 3 days of amniotic fluid collection, respiratory distress syndrome occurred in 3.0% (CI = 0.5-15%) with meconium-stained fluid. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of meconium in amniotic fluid does not guarantee lung maturity. The same consideration of the risks of prematurity must be given to the fetus with meconium-stained fluid as given to the fetus with clear fluid.

Amniotic Fluid , Fetal Organ Maturity/physiology , Lung/embryology , Meconium , Pregnancy Outcome , Female , Gestational Age , Humans , Logistic Models , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Regression Analysis
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol ; 9(1): 22-4, 1997 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9060125


The purpose of this study was to determine in what percentage of cases the assessment of placental localization using transabdominal sonography (TAS) was changed after transvaginal sonography (TVS) was applied. TVS was prospectively performed on all pregnant women of at least 15 weeks' gestation, when the placental edge using TAS appeared to be over or within 2 cm (low-lying) of the internal cervical os. The time required for the TVS scan and the distance of the placental edge from the internal cervical os were recorded. Of the 168 patients entered into the study, 131 were analyzed. Landmarks were poorly seen in 50% of the cases when using TAS. In 66 cases, the placenta appeared low or possibly over the internal cervical os using TAS, but a definitive diagnosis could not be made due to suboptimal visualization. In the remaining 65 cases, visualization of the internal os and placental edge was possible using both TAS and TVS. In this group, there was a change in the diagnosis in 26% of the cases after TVS was performed. Our results suggest that optimal visualization of the placental edge and internal cervical os is usually difficult with TAS when the placenta appears low-lying or over the internal cervical os. The assessment of placental localization was changed in over one-quarter of cases (26%) after transvaginal sonography was performed. The use of transvaginal ultrasound should be seriously considered when the placenta appears to be low or over the internal cervical os by transabdominal ultrasound.

Cervix Uteri/diagnostic imaging , Placenta Previa/diagnostic imaging , Placenta/diagnostic imaging , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Prospective Studies , Ultrasonography
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol ; 8(5): 337-40, 1996 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8978009


Our objective was to determine the incidence and rate of persistence of placenta previa diagnosed at 15-20 weeks' gestation by using transvaginal sonography (TVS), and to describe the characteristics of TVS that predict placenta previa at delivery. Patients having placental tissue within 20 mm of the cervical os were prospectively identified by transabdominal ultrasound and underwent TVS. The distance of the placental edge from the cervical os was measured in millimeters. Characteristics of TVS predicting placenta previa at delivery were analyzed by logistic regression. The incidence of placenta previa diagnosed by TVS at 15-20 weeks was 1.1%; 14% persisted until delivery. Gestational age at the time of TVS and the distance of the placental edge to the cervical os helped predict placenta previa at delivery. Between 15 and 24 weeks' gestation, placenta overlapping the internal os by > or = 10 mm identified patients at risk of placenta previa at delivery with 100% sensitivity and 85% specificity. The use of TVS in the second trimester to diagnose placenta previa resulted in a lower incidence than was historically reported with the use of transabdominal ultrasound. The distance of the placental edge from the cervical os helps identify patients at risk of previa at delivery.

Placenta Previa/epidemiology , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Female , Humans , Incidence , Placenta Previa/diagnostic imaging , Predictive Value of Tests , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Pregnancy Trimester, Second , Sensitivity and Specificity , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/methods
J Reprod Med ; 41(9): 685-91, 1996 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8887195


OBJECTIVE: To determine whether gestational age is a significant determinant of neonatal outcome, irrespective of biochemical lung maturity. The effects of specimen source and clarity on the reliability of biochemical tests for predicting respiratory distress syndrome are also evaluated. STUDY DESIGN: Perinatal outcome was analyzed for 904 neonates undergoing amniotic fluid maturity studies within three days of delivery from 1991 to 1993. The relationships of gestational age and biochemical maturity to neonatal outcome were examined using multivariate analysis of covariance. Test reliability was evaluated using log-linear analysis of multiway frequency tables. RESULTS: Gestational age was a better predictor of neonatal outcome than biochemical lung maturity. Gestational age significantly correlated with every measure of outcome except intraventricular hemorrhage and jaundice. Test reliability was not significantly influenced by specimen source or clarity. CONCLUSION: Results obtained using contaminated amniotic fluid are reliable when the proper technique is used. Irrespective of biochemical maturity, neonatal outcome is significantly related to gestational age. Gestational age, and not just biochemical maturity, should be considered when timing delivery.

Amniotic Fluid/chemistry , Gestational Age , Lung/embryology , Pregnancy Outcome , Female , Fetal Organ Maturity , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Linear Models , Multivariate Analysis , Phosphatidylcholines/analysis , Pregnancy , Prostaglandins/analysis , Reproducibility of Results , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn/diagnosis , Sensitivity and Specificity , Sphingomyelins/analysis
Am J Reprod Immunol ; 36(2): 65-71, 1996 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8862248


PROBLEM: Adhesive interaction between trophoblast cells and uterine endometrial basement membrane is one of the critical processes in embryo implantation. This interaction is directly or indirectly regulated by hormones, growth factors, and cytokines. Since tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is synthesized by both decidual and trophoblast cells, we hypothesized that TNF-alpha may play a regulatory role in trophoblast cell invasion. To test this hypothesis, we have used in vitro models to determine the effect of TNF-alpha on human trophoblast cell adhesion and motility, two major steps in trophoblast invasion. METHODS: The effect of TNF-alpha on the motility of extended-lifespan first trimester trophoblasts (HTR) and JEG-3 choriocarcinoma cells was tested using the phagokinetic track motility assay. An in vitro adhesion assay was used to determine the effect of TNF-alpha on the adhesion of HTR and JEG-3 cells to laminin, a major basement membrane component. In addition, the effect of TNF-alpha on the surface expression of the laminin receptor beta 1 integrin subunit was examined using flow cytometry. RESULTS: HTR or JEG-3 cells strongly adherent to laminin which was not significantly altered by TNF-alpha treatment. We also measured the effect of TNF-alpha on the surface expression of beta 1 integrin on HTR and JEG-3 cells; no difference was observed between control and treatment groups. Interestingly, the motility of both HTR and choriocarcinoma JEG-3 cells was significantly inhibited by TNF-alpha. CONCLUSIONS: The role of TNF-alpha in human embryo implantation is currently unknown. Our data demonstrate that TNF-alpha does alter trophoblast cell adhesion to laminin, but significantly inhibits trophoblast cell motility in vitro, suggesting that TNF-alpha may play a regulatory role in trophoblast cell invasion.

Cell Movement/drug effects , Trophoblasts/drug effects , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/pharmacology , Cell Adhesion/drug effects , Choriocarcinoma , Humans , Tumor Cells, Cultured
J Matern Fetal Med ; 5(3): 128-31, 1996.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8796782


The objective of this study is to determine the possibility that pre-eclampsia, a disease characterized by altered vascular tone, may result in altered levels of fetal BNP and cGMP, and to determine whether pre-eclampsia alters the maternal-fetal relationship of BNP and cGMP. Paired maternal and umbilical venous plasma levels of BNP and cGMP were determined in 13 pre-eclamptic and 9 normotensive primigravidas in the third trimester. Statistical analysis was performed using multivariate analysis of variance, linear regression, and canonical correlation. Overall, levels of cGMP were lower in pre-eclampsia (P < 0.03). Pre-eclampsia was also associated with an altered maternal-fetal relationship for BNP and cGMP (P < 0.008, P < 0.02, respectively). With pre-eclampsia, the maternal:fetal ratio was reduced for BNP and was increased for cGMP. Because of its role as a second messenger for many vasoactive hormones, we hypothesize that fetal cGMP levels may better reflect overall vascular tone than do individual hormones. Altered BNP and cGMP maternal-fetal homeostasis raises the possibility of maternal-fetal coordination of vascular control.

Cyclic GMP/blood , Fetal Blood , Nerve Tissue Proteins/blood , Pre-Eclampsia/blood , Pregnancy Trimester, Third/blood , Biomarkers/blood , Female , Fetus , Humans , Labor, Obstetric/blood , Maternal-Fetal Exchange , Natriuretic Peptide, Brain , Pregnancy , Reference Values , Umbilical Veins