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Ecol Evol ; 14(9): e70278, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39318528


Coastal darkening is emerging as a global threat to fringing reefs. While some reef-building corals exhibit resistance to low-light environments, the mechanisms behind this resistance, particularly the role of coral hosts, remain inadequately understood. Here, we investigated variations in underwater photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and employed the Bayesian stable isotope mixing model (MixSIAR) to estimate the contributions of autotrophic (i.e., dissolved inorganic matter, DIM) and heterotrophic sources (i.e., particulate organic matter, POM, and dissolved organic matter, DOM) to the nutrition of the reef coral Galaxea fascicularis on the Luhuitou turbid reef in the northern South China Sea. Our findings revealed that the heterotrophic contribution to coral nutrition increased to 58.5% with decreasing PAR and that the heterotrophic contribution was significantly negatively correlated with δ13C difference between host and symbiont (δ13Ch-s). Moreover, we observed significant seasonal variations in the respective contributions of POM and DOM to coral nutrition, linked to the sources of these nutrients, demonstrating that G. fascicularis can selectively ingest POM and DOM based on their bioavailability to enhance its heterotrophic contribution. This heterotrophic plasticity improved the low-light resistance of G. fascicularis and contributed to its prominence within coral communities. However, with a low-light threshold of approximately 3.73% of the surface PAR for G. fascicularis, our results underscore the need for effective strategies to mitigate low-light conditions on nearshore turbid reefs. In summary, our study highlights the critical role of heterotrophic plasticity in coral responses to natural low-light environments, suggesting that some reef-building corals with such plasticity could become dominant or resilient species in the context of coastal darkening.

Sci Total Environ ; 946: 174429, 2024 Oct 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38960185


Understanding species distribution and the related driving processes is a fundamental issue in ecology. However, incomplete data on reef-building corals in the ecoregions of the South China Sea have hindered a comprehensive understanding of coral distribution patterns and their ecological drivers in the Northwest Pacific (NWP). This study investigated the coral species diversity and distribution patterns in the NWP by collecting species presence/absence data from the South China Sea and compiling an extensive species distribution database for the region, and explored their major environmental drivers. Our NWP coral database included 612 recorded coral species across 15 ecoregions. Of these, 536 coral species were recorded in the South China Sea Oceanic Islands after compilation, confirming the extraordinary coral species diversity in this ecoregion. Coral alpha diversity was found to decrease with increasing latitude in the whole NWP, while the influence of the Kuroshio Current on environmental conditions in its path results in a slower decline in species richness with latitude compared to regions within the South China Sea. Beta-diversity decomposition revealed that nestedness patterns mainly occurred between low and high latitude ecoregions, while communities within similar latitudes exhibited a turnover component, particularly pronounced at high latitudes. The impact of environmental factors on coral assemblage structure outweighed the effects of spatial distance. Temperature, especially winter temperature, and light intensity strongly influenced alpha diversity and beta diversity's nestedness component. Additionally, turbidity and winter temperature variations at high latitudes contributed to the turnover pattern observed among communities in the NWP. These findings elucidate the assembly processes and major environmental drivers shaping different coral communities in the NWP, highlighting the significant role of specific environmental filtering in coral distribution patterns and providing valuable insights for coral species conservation efforts.

Anthozoa , Biodiversity , Coral Reefs , Animals , Anthozoa/physiology , Pacific Ocean , Environmental Monitoring , China , Animal Distribution
Mar Environ Res ; 177: 105613, 2022 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35429821


Recently, increasing evidence suggests that reef-building corals exposed to elevated suspended solids (SS) are largely structured by changes in underwater light availability (ULA). However, there are few direct and quantitative observations in situ support for this hypothesis; in particular, the contribution of SS to the diffuse attenuation coefficient of the photosynthetically active radiation (Kd-PAR) variations is not yet fully understood. Here, we investigated the variations in ULA, the structure of coral assemblages, and the concentration and composition of SS on the Luhuitou fringing reef, Sanya, China. Light attenuation was rapid (Kd-PAR: 0.60 ± 0.39 m-1) resulting in a shallow euphotic depth (Zeu-PAR) (<11 m). Benthic PAR showed significant positive correlations with branching and corymbose corals (e.g. Acropora spp.), while massive and encrusting species (e.g. Porites spp.) dominated the coral communities and showed no significant correlations with PAR. These results indicate that the depth range available for coral growth is shallow and the tolerance to low-light stress differs among coral species. Notably, Kd-PAR showed no significant correlations with the grain size fractions of SS, whereas significant positive correlations were found with its organic fraction content, demonstrating that the light attenuation of SS is mainly regulated by particulate organic matter (POM). Intriguingly, our isotopic evidence revealed that POM concentration contributed the most to changes in Kd-PAR, with its source being slightly less important. Combined, our results highlight ULA regulated by POM is an important factor in contributing to changes in coral assemblages on inshore turbid reefs, and reducing the input of terrestrial materials, especially POM, is an effective measure to alleviate the low-light stress on sensitive coral species.

Anthozoa , Animals , China , Coral Reefs , Particulate Matter/toxicity
Sci Total Environ ; 822: 153594, 2022 May 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35122855


Reef-building corals are experiencing major impacts from climate change and increasing anthropogenic activities worldwide. Coral reef degradation is associated with the loss of coral species abundance and diversity, followed by an ecological imbalance that commonly occurs with a shift from coral- to macroalgae-dominated community states. The species composition of the bloom-forming macroalgae in the Xuwen National Coral Reef Reserve, southern China, and the associated drivers affecting the composition remain unclear. We investigated the relationship between zonal macroalgae blooms and different aquaculture discharges in this coral reef in March 2016. The structure of macroalgae communities varied greatly among the three study sites, with green and brown algae dominating the high-level pond aquaculture discharge zone; red, green and brown algae dominating the tidal flat aquaculture discharge zone; and green and brown algae dominating in the enclosure aquaculture discharge zone. A significant amount of variation in the structure and composition of the macroalgae community was explained by temperature, total suspended solids (TSS), chlorophyll a (Chla) and dissolved inorganic nutrients (DIN), while temperature and TSS had a significant relationship with these variables. Our findings highlight the negative effects of aquaculture sewage discharges on the health of coral reefs, and we recommend effective and integrated management of anthropogenic sewage discharge into coral reefs.

Anthozoa , Seaweed , Animals , Aquaculture , Chlorophyll A , Coral Reefs , Ecosystem
Front Microbiol ; 11: 532447, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33117302


The onset of symbiosis and the early development of most broadcast spawning corals play pivotal roles in recruitment success, yet these critical early stages are threatened by multiple stressors. However, molecular mechanisms governing these critical processes under ocean warming and acidification are still poorly understood. The present study investigated the interactive impact of elevated temperature (∼28.0°C and ∼30.5°C) and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) (∼600 and ∼1,200 µatm) on early development and the gene expression patterns in juvenile Acropora intermedia over 33 days. The results showed that coral survival was >89% and was unaffected by high temperature, pCO2, or the combined treatment. Notably, high temperature completely arrested successful symbiosis establishment and the budding process, whereas acidification had a negligible effect. Moreover, there was a positive exponential relationship between symbiosis establishment and budding rates (y = 0.0004e6.43x, R = 0.72, P < 0.0001), which indicated the importance of symbiosis in fueling asexual budding. Compared with corals at the control temperature (28°C), those under elevated temperature preferentially harbored Durusdinium spp., despite unsuccessful symbiosis establishment. In addition, compared to the control, 351 and 153 differentially expressed genes were detected in the symbiont and coral host in response to experimental conditions, respectively. In coral host, some genes involved in nutrient transportation and tissue fluorescence were affected by high temperature. In the symbionts, a suite of genes related to cell growth, ribosomal proteins, photosynthesis, and energy production was downregulated under high temperatures, which may have severely hampered successful cell proliferation of the endosymbionts and explains the failure of symbiosis establishment. Therefore, our results suggest that the responses of symbionts to future ocean conditions could play a vital role in shaping successful symbiosis in juvenile coral.

Front Physiol ; 9: 1952, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30692940


Diurnal pCO2 fluctuations have the potential to modulate the biological impact of ocean acidification (OA) on reef calcifiers, yet little is known about the physiological and biochemical responses of scleractinian corals to fluctuating carbonate chemistry under OA. Here, we exposed newly settled Pocillopora damicornis for 7 days to ambient pCO2, steady and elevated pCO2 (stable OA) and diurnally fluctuating pCO2 under future OA scenario (fluctuating OA). We measured the photo-physiology, growth (lateral growth, budding and calcification), oxidative stress and activities of carbonic anhydrase (CA), Ca-ATPase and Mg-ATPase. Results showed that while OA enhanced the photochemical performance of in hospite symbionts, it also increased catalase activity and lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, both OA treatments altered the activities of host and symbiont CA, suggesting functional changes in the uptake of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) for photosynthesis and calcification. Most importantly, only the fluctuating OA treatment resulted in a slight drop in calcification with concurrent up-regulation of Ca-ATPase and Mg-ATPase, implying increased energy expenditure on calcification. Consequently, asexual budding rates decreased by 50% under fluctuating OA. These results suggest that diel pCO2 oscillations could modify the physiological responses and potentially alter the energy budget of coral recruits under future OA, and that fluctuating OA is more energetically expensive for the maintenance of coral recruits than stable OA.

Front Microbiol ; 8: 2487, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29312196


The success of coral reef ecosystems largely depends on mutualistic symbiosis between scleractinian corals and the dinoflagellate photosymbiont Symbiodinium spp. However, further investigation is needed to elucidate the flexibility of coral-algae associations in response to environmental changes. In this study, we applied a molecular method (high-throughput internal transcribed spacer 2 region of ribosomal RNA gene amplicon sequencing) to explore diversity and flexibility of Symbiodinium associated with Galaxea fascicularis, an ecologically important scleractinian coral species collected at five locations around Hainan Island, South China Sea. The results revealed a high diversity of Symbiodinium subclades with C2r and D17 being dominant in G. fascicularis. Clade D Symbiodinium occurred most frequently in habitats where the annual average sea surface temperatures are the highest, suggesting that temperature is an important factor in determining Symbiodinium D abundance in G. fascicularis. The distribution of coral-Symbiodinium associations are possibly mediated by trade-off mechanisms which change the relative abundance of Symbiodinium clades/subclades under different environmental conditions. These findings provide further evidence that reef-building corals such as G. fascicularis can shuffle their symbionts to cope with environmental changes, and have implications for our understanding of the ecology of flexible coral-algal symbiosis.

F1000Res ; 4: 44, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25901279


Fusion of embryos or larvae prior to metamorphosis is rarely known to date in colonial marine organisms. Here, we document for the first time that the embryos of the broadcast spawning coral Platygyra daedalea could fuse during blastulation and further develop into conjoined larvae, and the settlement of conjoined larvae immediately resulted in inborn juvenile colonies. Fusion of embryos might be an adaptive strategy to form pre-metamorphic chimeric larvae and larger recruits, thereby promoting early survival. However, future studies are needed to explore whether and to what extent fusion of coral embryos occurs in the field, and fully evaluate its implications.