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Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1063174, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36959945


Sapindales is an angiosperm order of high economic and ecological value comprising nine families, c. 479 genera, and c. 6570 species. However, family and subfamily relationships in Sapindales remain unclear, making reconstruction of the order's spatio-temporal and morphological evolution difficult. In this study, we used Angiosperms353 target capture data to generate the most densely sampled phylogenetic trees of Sapindales to date, with 448 samples and c. 85% of genera represented. The percentage of paralogous loci and allele divergence was characterized across the phylogeny, which was time-calibrated using 29 rigorously assessed fossil calibrations. All families were supported as monophyletic. Two core family clades subdivide the order, the first comprising Kirkiaceae, Burseraceae, and Anacardiaceae, the second comprising Simaroubaceae, Meliaceae, and Rutaceae. Kirkiaceae is sister to Burseraceae and Anacardiaceae, and, contrary to current understanding, Simaroubaceae is sister to Meliaceae and Rutaceae. Sapindaceae is placed with Nitrariaceae and Biebersteiniaceae as sister to the core Sapindales families, but the relationships between these families remain unclear, likely due to their rapid and ancient diversification. Sapindales families emerged in rapid succession, coincident with the climatic change of the Mid-Cretaceous Hothouse event. Subfamily and tribal relationships within the major families need revision, particularly in Sapindaceae, Rutaceae and Meliaceae. Much of the difficulty in reconstructing relationships at this level may be caused by the prevalence of paralogous loci, particularly in Meliaceae and Rutaceae, that are likely indicative of ancient gene duplication events such as hybridization and polyploidization playing a role in the evolutionary history of these families. This study provides key insights into factors that may affect phylogenetic reconstructions in Sapindales across multiple scales, and provides a state-of-the-art phylogenetic framework for further research.

Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1219354, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38854888


The hyperdiverse orchid genus Bulbophyllum is the second largest genus of flowering plants and exhibits a pantropical distribution with a center of diversity in tropical Asia. The only Bulbophyllum section with a center of diversity in Australasia is sect. Adelopetalum. However, the phylogenetic placement, interspecific relationships, and spatio-temporal evolution of this section remain largely unclear. To infer broad-level relationships within Bulbophyllum, and interspecific relationships within sect. Adelopetalum, a genome skimming dataset was generated for 89 samples, which yielded 70 plastid coding regions and a nuclear ribosomal DNA cistron. For 18 additional samples, Sanger data from two plastid loci (matK and ycf1) and nuclear ITS were added using a supermatrix approach. The study provided new insights into broad-level relationships in Bulbophyllum, including phylogenetic evidence for the non-monophyly of sections Beccariana, Brachyantha, Brachypus, Cirrhopetaloides, Cirrhopetalum, Desmosanthes, Minutissima, Oxysepala, Polymeres, and Sestochilos. Section Adelopetalum and sect. Minutissima s.s. formed a highly supported clade that was resolved as a sister group to the remainder of the genus. Divergence time estimations based on a relaxed molecular clock model placed the origin of Bulbophyllum in the Early Oligocene (ca. 33.2 Ma) and sect. Adelopetalum in the Late Oligocene (ca. 23.6 Ma). Ancestral range estimations based on a BAYAREALIKE model identified the Australian continent as the ancestral area of the sect. Adelopetalum. The section underwent crown diversification from the mid-Miocene to the late Pleistocene, predominantly in continental Australia. At least two independent long-distance dispersal events were inferred eastward from the Australian continent to New Zealand and to New Caledonia from the early Pliocene onwards, likely mediated by predominantly westerly winds of the Southern hemisphere. Retraction and fragmentation of the eastern Australian rainforests from the early Miocene onwards are likely drivers of lineage divergence within sect. Adelopetalum facilitating allopatric speciation.

Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 4(2): 3618-3620, 2019 Oct 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33366111


We sequenced and assembled the whole chloroplast genome of the Australian-endemic shrub Platylobium obtusangulum. The total size of the genome is 150,090 base pairs (bp), including two inverted repeat regions of 25,511 bp each, one large single copy region of 80,567 bp and a small single copy region of 18,501 bp. The genome has a GC content of 36.7% and includes 127 annotated genes (83 protein coding, 36 tRNA genes and eight rRNA genes). Phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast genomes placed the Platylobium obtusangulum genome in the expected position of the Mirbelioid clade in the legume family (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae).