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Phys Rev Lett ; 119(26): 263003, 2017 Dec 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29328710


X-ray photoelectron and KLL Auger spectra were measured for the K^{+} and Cl^{-} ions in aqueous KCl solution. While the XPS spectra of these ions have similar structures, both exhibiting only weak satellites near the main line, the Auger spectra differ dramatically. Contrary to the chloride case, a very strong extra peak was found in the Auger spectrum of K^{+} at the low kinetic energy side of the ^{1}D state. Using the equivalent core model and ab initio calculations this spectral feature was assigned to electron transfer processes from solvent water molecules to the solvated cation. The observed charge transfer processes are suggested to play an important role in charge redistribution following single and multiple core-hole creation in atoms and molecules placed into environment.

J Phys Chem B ; 116(1): 3-8, 2012 Jan 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22107172


A core-ionized H(2)O molecule in liquid water primarily relaxes through normal Auger decay, leading to a two-hole final state in which both valence holes are localized on the same water molecule. Electronic coupling to the environment, however, allows for alternative decays resembling Intermolecular Coulombic Decay (ICD), producing final states with one of the holes delocalized on a neighboring water molecule. Here we present an experimental study of such minority processes, which adds to our understanding of dynamic interactions of electronically excited H(2)O molecules with their local surrounding in liquid water and aqueous solution. We show that the solvation of metal-halide salts considerably influences these minority decay channels from the water O 1s(-1) state. By breaking water-water bonds, both the metal cations and halide anions are found to reduce the decay into water-water delocalized states, thus having a ″passive″ effect on the Auger spectrum. The halide anions also play an ″active″ role by opening a new ICD-like decay pathway into water-halide delocalized states. The importance of this contribution increases from F(-) to I(-), which we suggest to be caused by a directional polarization of the halide anion toward the core-ionized H(2)O(+) cation in the intermediate state of the Auger process. This increases the electronic overlap between the two centers and makes delocalized decays more probable. We furthermore show that F(-), the smallest and most strongly hydrated of the halides, plays an additional role as proton puller during the core-hole lifetime, resulting in proton dynamics on the low femtosecond time scale. Our results represent a step forward toward a better understanding of how aqueous solutions, when exposed to soft X-rays, channel excess energy. This has implications for several aspects of physical and radiation chemistry, as well as biology.

J Phys Chem B ; 114(51): 17057-61, 2010 Dec 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21128639


The 2s and 2p photoelectron spectra have been measured for Na(+), Mg(2+), and Al(3+) ions in aqueous solution. In all cases, the 2s lines are significantly broader than the 2p features, which is attributed to a shorter lifetime of the respective 2s hole. Since intraionic Coster-Kronig decay channels from the (2s)(-1) state are closed for free Na(+), Mg(2+), and Al(3+) ions, this is evidence for an intermolecular Coster-Kronig-like process, reminiscent of intermolecular Coulombic decay (ICD), involving neighboring water solvent molecules. The observed 2s Lorentzian line widths correspond to lifetimes of the (2s)(-1) state of 3.1, 1.5, and 0.98 fs for the solvated Na, Mg, and Al ions, respectively.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 11(11): 1758-64, 2009 Mar 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19290347


Valence and core level photoelectron spectra and Auger electron spectra of ammonia in pure clusters have been measured. The Auger electron spectra of gas-phase ammonia, pure ammonia clusters and ammonia in aqueous solution are compared and interpreted via ab initio calculations of the Auger spectrum of the ammonia monomer and dimer. The calculations reveal that the final two-hole valence states can be delocalized over both ammonia molecules. Features at energies pertaining to delocalized states involving one, or more, hydrogen bonding orbitals can be found in both the ammonia cluster Auger electron spectrum and in that of the liquid solvated molecule. The lower Coulombic repulsion between two delocalized valence final state holes gives higher kinetic energy of the Auger electrons which is also observed in the spectra. This decay path--specific to the condensed phase--is responsible for more than 5% of the total cluster Auger intensity. Moreover, this interpretation is also applicable to the solid phase since the same features have been observed, but not assigned, in the Auger spectrum of solid ammonia.

J Chem Phys ; 127(8): 084313, 2007 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17764254


The formation process of binary clusters has been studied using synchrotron based core level photoelectron spectroscopy. Free neutral krypton clusters have been produced by adiabatic expansion and doped with chloromethane molecules using the pickup technique. The comparison between the integrated intensities, linewidths, and level shifts of the cluster features of pure krypton and of chloromethane-krypton clusters has been used to obtain information about the cluster geometry. We have shown that most of the chloromethane molecules remain on the surface of the clusters.

J Chem Phys ; 126(21): 214706, 2007 Jun 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17567212


Clusters formed by a coexpansion process of argon and neon have been studied using synchrotron radiation. Electrons from interatomic Coulombic decay as well as ultraviolet and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to determine the heterogeneous nature of the clusters and the cluster structure. Binary clusters of argon and neon produced by coexpansion are shown to exhibit a core-shell structure placing argon in the core and neon in the outer shells. Furthermore, the authors show that 2 ML of neon on the argon core is sufficient for neon valence band formation resembling the neon solid. For 1 ML of neon the authors observe a bandwidth narrowing to about half of the bulk value.