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Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(2): e032, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559430


Resumo Introdução: A residência médica é o padrão ouro para formação em medicina de família e comunidade. Na última década houve aumento substancial de vagas sem a avaliação da qualidade dos programas. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivos observar e qualificar a percepção dos preceptores da residência nessa área. Método: Aplicou-se um questionário qualiquantitativo no estado de São Paulo, com análise estatística descritiva e elaboração da matriz FOFA associada à tríade de Donabedian a partir da análise de conteúdo dos entrevistados. Resultado: A amostra foi de 64 preceptores em 27 programas, com mediana de idade de 37 anos e composta de 52% de mulheres. A distribuição mais prevalente é de dois residentes por preceptor, e 67% atuam também com a graduação. Da amostra, 56,7% possuem residência médica e 13,4% são titulados, além de 82% com cursos em preceptoria. A análise qualitativa aponta a formação em preceptoria e o aumento de especialistas como pontos relevantes, mas ainda há a dificuldade com a organização dos serviços e o baixo apoio da gestão municipal. Conclusão: Embora haja preceptores com formação adequada, ainda é necessário seu incremento ante o aumento do número de vagas desproporcional à capacidade instalada. Melhoria das condições estruturais e maior apoio dos municípios serão necessários de acordo com a percepção dos preceptores em medicina de família e comunidade.

Abstract Introduction: Medical residency is the gold standard for training in Family and Community Medicine. In the last decade there has been a significant increase in vacancies without evaluating quality of the programs. Objective: To observe and qualify the perception of the residency preceptors in this area. Methodology: Application of a quali-quantitative questionnaire in the state of São Paulo, with descriptive statistical analysis and use of the SWOT matrix associated with the Donabedian Triad based on Content Analysis of the interviewees. Results: The sample consisted of 64 preceptors in 27 programs, with a median age of 37 years, consisting of 52% women. The most prevalent distribution is 2 residents per preceptor and 67% also work with undergraduate students. Of the sample, 56.7% have medical residency and 13.4% have degrees, in addition to 82% courses in preceptorship. The qualitative analysis indicates training in preceptorship and the increase in specialists as relevant points, but there is still difficulty with the organization of services and low support from municipal management. Conclusion: Although there are preceptors with adequate training, it is still necessary to increase their number considering the disproportionate increase in the number of vacancies to the installed capacity. Improvement of structural conditions and greater support from municipalities will be necessary, according to the perception of preceptors in family and community medicine.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(3): e056, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565248


RESUMO Introdução: A medicina de família e comunidade (MFC) é a especialidade preferencial para estar presente na atenção primária à saúde (APS). O padrão ouro de formação de profissionais para a especialidade é a residência médica, momento que ao menos 70% do período de estágio é na APS. Assim, é imprescindível avaliar a qualidade de inserção da residência nesse local. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de implementação dos programas de residência médica em MFC na APS. Método: Utilizou-se uma ferramenta desenvolvida para a análise de implementação de residência de MFC na APS em programas pequenos (até dois residentes do segundo ano), médios (de dois a cinco) e grandes (a partir de seis), avaliando de zero a quatro pontos, entre não implantado e totalmente implantado. As notas foram obtidas a partir de entrevista com residentes, preceptores, coordenadores e gestores municipais, considerando a avaliação de quarta geração com análise de Bardin das falas. Resultado: Seis programas foram avaliados, em municípios de 20 mil a 12 milhões de habitantes, com variação de um a 22 residentes do segundo ano por programa, desde insatisfatório (um programa) a totalmente implantado (dois programas). Municípios com maior cobertura de APS apresentaram resultados de implementação melhores. As notas mais baixas foram nos itens "educação permanente" e "educação continuada", e as mais altas na presença de especialistas em MFC como preceptores. Há diferença de percepção entre os entrevistados considerando as mesmas perguntas. O estudo sugere que municípios com maior investimento na APS também possuem melhores programas de residência, independentemente de o vínculo ser com centros educacionais ou secretarias de saúde. A pandemia de Sars-CoV-2 também dificultou a educação em saúde. Os resultados também foram definidores quando entrevistadas diferentes pessoas, demonstrando ser essencial a análise de quarta geração. Conclusão: Há a necessidade de observar a implementação dos programas de residência na APS para garantir formação de qualidade, e não apenas quantidade para provimento.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Family and community medicine (FCM) is the preferred specialty to be found in primary health care (PHC). The best form of training professionals for the specialty is medical residency, when at least 70% of the internship period is spent at this local. Thus, it is necessary evaluate the insertion quality of the residency in the PHC. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the quality of implementation of medical residency programs in FCM in PHC. Method: Use of a tool developed to analyze the implementation of FCM residency in PHC in small (up to two second-year residents), medium (two to five) and large (from six) programs, evaluating from zero to four points, from unimplemented to fully implemented. The grades were based on interviews with residents, preceptors, coordinators, and municipal managers, considering the fourth-generation assessment with Bardin's analysis of the speeches. Results: Six programs were evaluated, in municipalities with 20,000 to 12 million inhabitants, ranging from one to 22 second-year residents per program, ranging from unsatisfactory (one program) to fully implemented (two programs). Municipalities with greater PHC coverage showed better implementation results. The lowest scores were in the items "permanent education" and "continuing education" and the highest in the presence of FCM specialists as preceptors. There is a difference in perception between the interviewees considering the same questions. The study suggests that municipalities with greater investment in PHC also have better residency programs, regardless of whether they are linked to educational centers or health secretariats. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has also hindered health education. The results were also defined when different people were interviewed, demonstrating that the fourth-generation analysis is essential. Conclusion: It is necessary to observe the implementation of residency programs in PHC to ensure quality training, and not just quantity to provide care.

Rev Saude Publica ; 57: 65, 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37878851


OBJECTIVE: To develop and present an instrument to evaluate and monitor the quality of medical residency programs in residencies in family and community medicine (FCM) based on preceptors and residents, considering the insertion of the health network program. METHOD: The instrument was developed in three stages: 1) interview with the preceptors of FCM; 2) literature review; and 3) production, adequacy, and approval of the evaluation instrument by renowned professionals of the Brazilian FCM. The third stage included 9 people and used the Delphi technique with 80% agreement. For the qualitative results, Bardin's Content Analysis was used. RESULTS: In all, there were five evaluation cycles to adapt the proposed recommendations, with the elimination of one item and weighting, with a results analysis methodology of 10 resulting items, reaching an expected matrix for organizing residency programs in the health network, divided into 3 domains: Organization of the Unit, Human Resources, and Preceptor-resident relationship. CONCLUSION: An instrument for evaluating and monitoring residency programs in family and community medicine can be a tool to facilitate program managers and allow evaluation and monitoring, continuously qualifying them.

Internship and Residency , Humans , Community Medicine , Brazil , Workforce
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 57: 65, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515532


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To develop and present an instrument to evaluate and monitor the quality of medical residency programs in residencies in family and community medicine (FCM) based on preceptors and residents, considering the insertion of the health network program. METHOD The instrument was developed in three stages: 1) interview with the preceptors of FCM; 2) literature review; and 3) production, adequacy, and approval of the evaluation instrument by renowned professionals of the Brazilian FCM. The third stage included 9 people and used the Delphi technique with 80% agreement. For the qualitative results, Bardin's Content Analysis was used. RESULTS In all, there were five evaluation cycles to adapt the proposed recommendations, with the elimination of one item and weighting, with a results analysis methodology of 10 resulting items, reaching an expected matrix for organizing residency programs in the health network, divided into 3 domains: Organization of the Unit, Human Resources, and Preceptor-resident relationship. CONCLUSION An instrument for evaluating and monitoring residency programs in family and community medicine can be a tool to facilitate program managers and allow evaluation and monitoring, continuously qualifying them.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Desenvolver e apresentar um instrumento para avaliar e monitorar a qualidade de programas de residência médica em medicina de família e comunidade (MFC) a partir dos preceptores e residentes, considerando a inserção do programa de rede de saúde. MÉTODO A elaboração do instrumento foi desenvolvida em três etapas: 1) entrevista com preceptores em MFC; 2) revisão da literatura; e 3) produção, adequação e aprovação do instrumento avaliativo por profissionais renomados na MFC brasileira. A terceira etapa contou com nove pessoas e utilizou a técnica Delphi com obtenção de 80% de concordância. Para os resultados qualitativos foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo de Bardin. RESULTADOS Ao todo ocorreram cinco ciclos de avaliação para adequação das recomendações propostas, com eliminação de um item e ponderação, e metodologia de análise de resultado de dez itens resultantes. Atingiu-se uma matriz esperada para a organização de programas de residência na rede de saúde, dividida em três domínios: organização da unidade, recursos humanos e relação preceptor-residente. CONCLUSÃO Um instrumento de avaliação e monitoramento de programas de residência em MFC pode ser uma ferramenta para auxiliar gestores de programas e permite a avaliação e monitoramento, qualificando-os continuamente.

Evaluation of Research Programs and Tools , Family Practice , Internship and Residency
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 8(3): 02-19, 30-12-2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524217


Introdução: A violência contra a mulher é entendida como qualquer forma de violência com base no gênero, e afeta de forma subjetiva e objetiva a vida de inúmeras vítimas. A vigilância epidemiológica aponta que é dever a notificação da suspeita ou confirmação dos casos de qualquer tipo de violência. Objetivo: Investigar o conhecimento dos cirurgiões-dentistas que atuam nas Unidades de Saúde da Atenção Básica (USAB) de Ribeirão Preto/SP sobre tópicos relacionados com a temática "violência contra a mulher". Material e métodos: Este estudo contou com uma amostra de 33 cirurgiões-dentistas que atuam nas USAB de Ribeirão Preto/SP, que responderam um questionário enviado por e-mail (Google Forms), composto por 8 questões objetivas e 2 dissertativas. O questionário foi elaborado para identificar o conhecimento desses profissionais quanto aos sinais que indiquem esse tipo de violência, bem quanto às redes de suporte municipais, experiências prévias e os aspectos legais. Resultados: Verificou-se que 48,5% dos participantes se sentem capacitados para identificar os indícios físicos e 36,4% os emocionais da violência. 90,9% já suspeitaram de que alguma paciente tenha sido vítima de violência, e julgam ser um dever a notificação, porém apenas 27,3% já notificou a alguma autoridade. 54,5% apontaram nunca terem recebido nenhuma capacitação para identificação de casos. Os profissionais não detinham um conhecimento das redes. Conclusão: Embora haja entendimento do importante papel do dentista na identificação e notificação, o conhecimento demonstrado sobre o assunto não é aprofundado, em especial no que se diz respeito ao processo de notificação e redes de suporte

Introduction: Violence against women is understood as any form of gender-based violence, and it affects the lives of countless victims in a subjective and objective way. Epidemiological surveillance points out that it is a duty to report suspected or confirmed cases of any type of violence. Objectives: To investigate the knowledge of dentists who work in Primary Care Health Units (USAB) in Ribeirão Preto / SP on topics related to the theme "violence against women". Material and methods: This study had a sample of 33 dentists that work in the USAB of Ribeirão Preto / SP, each of whom answered a questionnaire sent by email (Google® Forms), composed of 8 objective questions and 2 dissertation-type questions. The questionnaire was designed to identify the knowledge of these professionals regarding the signs that indicate this type of violence, as well as the municipal support networks, previous experiences and legal aspects. Results: It was found that 48.5% of the participants felt able to identify the physical evidence and 36.4% the emotional evidence of violence. 90.9% of them have already suspected that at least one of their patients has been a victim of violence, and they believe that notification is a duty, but only 27.3% have already notified some authority. 54.5% said they had never received any training to identify cases. The professionals did not have knowledge of the networks. Conclusion: Although there is an understanding of the important role of the dentist in the identification and notification, the knowledge demonstrated on the subject is not deepened, especially with regard to the notification process and support networks

Cien Saude Colet ; 23(3): 883-890, 2018 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29538568


We sought to evaluate the impact of Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) training in the professional career and work environment of physicians who took the course in a single center certified by the American Heart Association (AHA). Of the 4631 students (since 1999 to 2009), 2776 were located, 657 letters were returned, with 388 excluded from the analysis for being returned lacking addressees. The final study population was composed of 269 participants allocated in 3 groups (< 3 years, 3-5 and > 5years). Longer training was associated with older age, male gender, having undergone residency training, private office, greater earnings and longer time since graduation and a lower chance to participate in providing care for a cardiac arrest. Regarding personal change, no modification was detected according to time since taking the course. The only change in the work environment was the purchase of an automated external defibrillator (AED) by those who had taken the course more than 5 years ago. In multivariable analysis, however, the implementation of an AED was not independently associated with this group, which showed a lower chance to take a new ACLS course. ACLS courses should emphasize also how physicians could reinforce the survival chain through environmental changes.

Advanced Cardiac Life Support/education , Defibrillators/statistics & numerical data , Education, Medical, Continuing/methods , Physicians/statistics & numerical data , Adult , Age Factors , Female , Heart Arrest/therapy , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Multivariate Analysis , Sex Factors , Time Factors
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);23(3): 883-890, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-890537


Abstract We sought to evaluate the impact of Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) training in the professional career and work environment of physicians who took the course in a single center certified by the American Heart Association (AHA). Of the 4631 students (since 1999 to 2009), 2776 were located, 657 letters were returned, with 388 excluded from the analysis for being returned lacking addressees. The final study population was composed of 269 participants allocated in 3 groups (< 3 years, 3-5 and > 5years). Longer training was associated with older age, male gender, having undergone residency training, private office, greater earnings and longer time since graduation and a lower chance to participate in providing care for a cardiac arrest. Regarding personal change, no modification was detected according to time since taking the course. The only change in the work environment was the purchase of an automated external defibrillator (AED) by those who had taken the course more than 5 years ago. In multivariable analysis, however, the implementation of an AED was not independently associated with this group, which showed a lower chance to take a new ACLS course. ACLS courses should emphasize also how physicians could reinforce the survival chain through environmental changes.

Resumo Buscou-se avaliar o impacto do curso de Suporte Avançado a Vida em Cardiologia (SAVC) na carreira e no ambiente profissional de médicos formados em um centro de treinameto certificado pela American Heart Association (AHA). De 4631 estudantes (desde 1999 até 2009), 2776 foram encontrados, 657 cartas retornaram, sendo 388 excluidas da análise devido à não localização do endereço. A população final estudada foi composta por 269 participantes alocados em 3 grupos (< 3 anos, 3-5 anos e > 5 anos). Tempo maior de treinamento foi associado a sexo masculino, ter feito residência médica, de idade maior, melhores salários e mais tempo de formação, também menor chance de participar de um atendimento de parada cardíaca. No quesito mudança pessoal, nenhuma modificação foi detectada independentemente do tempo de curso. A única mudança no local de trabalho foi a implantação do desfibrilador externo automático (DEA) por aqueles que terminaram o curso há mais de 5 anos. Na análise multivariada, entretanto, a implementação de DEA não foi associada independentemente nesse grupo, que mostrou menor chance de repetir o curso. Os cursos SAVC deveriam enfatizar a forma como os médicos poderiam reforçar as mudanças no trabalho, melhorando a cadeia de sobrevida.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Physicians/statistics & numerical data , Advanced Cardiac Life Support/education , Defibrillators/statistics & numerical data , Education, Medical, Continuing/methods , Time Factors , Sex Factors , Multivariate Analysis , Age Factors , Heart Arrest/therapy , Middle Aged
Saúde debate ; 40(108): 144-155, jan.-mar. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-778506


Comparar indicadores de saúde bucal (Rendimento, Atrição, Ênfase em Prevenção Modificado, Relação Restauração/Extração) e Relação 1ª Consulta/Urgência entre 15 Unidades de Saúde da Família e 11 Unidades Básicas de Saúde de município do interior paulista, de 2008 a 2011. Os dados foram coletados a partir do Sistema de Informações Ambulatoriais do SUS (SIA-SUS) e comparados os modelos de atenção por meio de série histórica, teste não paramétrico (Mann-Whitney) e estatística descritiva. Embora haja o processo de fortalecimento da Estratégia Saúde da Família o modelo assistencial representado pelas Unidades Básica de Saúde se mostra mais efetivo em alguns aspectos da saúde bucal no serviço público.

To compare four oral health indicators (Income, Attrition, Modified Prevention Emphasis, Restoration/Extraction) and the 1st Consultation/Urgency Relationship in 15 Family Health Units and 11 Basic Health Units, in an interior city of São Paulo State, 2008-2011. The data were collected from SIA-SUS and the indicators compared through historical series using the non-parametric test (Mann Whitney) and descriptive statistics. Although there is a strengthening process of the Family Health Strategy, the care model represented by the Basic Health Units still proves more effective in some aspects of oral health in public service.

Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 59(5): 452-9, 2013.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24119377


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impressions made by different styles of dress and appearance adopted by physicians on patients, medical students and other physicians in Brazil. METHODS: Two hundred fifty nine patients, 119 students, and 99 physicians answered questions related to a panel of male and female physicians' pictures covering the following styles: white clothing; white coat; formal, informal, and casual garments; and surgical scrubs. They also reported their level of discomfort with a list of 20 items for professional appearance of both genders. RESULTS: Most of the answers of the volunteers involved using white clothes or white coat, and in many situations the percentages of preference referred for these styles were close. Physicians and students preferred physicians wearing surgical scrubs for emergency visits, and doctors with informal style for discussing psychological problems with male professionals. Patients most often chose white clothing in response to questions. Regarding male professionals, all three groups reported high degree of discomfort for the use of shorts and bermuda shorts, multiple rings, facial piercing, sandals, extravagant hair color, long hair, and earrings. For females, high levels of discomfort were reported to shorts, blouses exposing the belly, facial piercing, multiple rings, extravagant hair color, and heavy makeup. CONCLUSION: Brazilian patients, physicians, and medical students form a better initial impression of physicians using clothing traditionally associated with the profession and exhibiting more conventional appearance. The use of entirely white garments appears to be a satisfactory option in this country.

Attitude , Clothing , Patients/psychology , Physicians/psychology , Students, Medical/psychology , Adult , Aged , Brazil , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Perception , Physician's Role , Physician-Patient Relations , Sex Factors , Stereotyping , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young Adult
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;101(4): 328-335, out. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-690572


FUNDAMENTO: Doenças do sistema circulatório são a causa mais comum de óbitos no Brasil. Devido ao fato de a população geral ser normalmente a primeira a identificar problemas relacionados ao sistema circulatório, é importante que ela seja treinada. No entanto, o treinamento é um desafio por causa do número de pessoas a serem treinadas e da manutenção do treinamento. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a entrega do programa de treinamento de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar (RCP) ministrada por estudantes de medicina e avaliar o conhecimento prévio de RCP, além de retenção imediata e tardia de treinamento em RCP entre alunos do fundamental. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas duas escolas públicas e duas escolas privadas. O treinamento de RCP consistiu em uma vídeo-aula seguida de prática com bonecos, sob a supervisão de estudantes de medicina. Questionários de múltipla escolha foram fornecidos previamente, logo em seguida e 6 meses após o treinamento de RCP. As perguntas estavam relacionadas ao conhecimento geral, à sequência de procedimentos e ao método de administração de cada componente (ventilação, compressão torácica, e desfibrilação automática externa). Os instrutores realizaram uma discussão em grupo após as sessões para identificar os possíveis problemas encontrados. RESULTADOS: No total, 147 alunos concluíram o monitoramento de 6 meses. Os alunos de escola pública tinham menos conhecimento prévio, mas a diferença desapareceu logo após o treinamento. Após o período de 6 meses de monitoramento, esses alunos de escola pública demonstraram menor retenção. O principal problema encontrado foi ensinar a ressuscitação boca-a-boca. CONCLUSÕES: O método usado por estudantes de medicina para ensinar alunos do fundamental foi baseado na técnica do "ver e praticar". Este método foi eficaz na retenção imediata e tardia do conhecimento adquirido. A maior retenção de conhecimento entre os alunos de escola privada pode refletir fatores culturais.

BACKGROUND: Diseases of the circulatory system are the most common cause of death in Brazil. Because the general population is often the first to identify problems related to the circulatory system, it is important that they are trained. However, training is challenging owing to the number of persons to be trained and the maintenance of training. OBJECTIVES: To assess the delivery of a medical-student led cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training program and to assess prior knowledge of CPR as well as immediate and delayed retention of CPR training among middle school students. METHODS: Two public and two private schools were selected. CPR training consisted of a video class followed by practice on manikins that was supervised by medical students. Multiple choice questionnaires were provided before, immediately after, and at 6 months after CPR training. The questions were related to general knowledge, the sequence of procedures, and the method to administer each component (ventilation, chest compression, and automated external defibrillation). The instructors met in a focus group after the sessions to identify the potential problems faced. RESULTS: In total, 147 students completed the 6-month follow-up. The public school students had a lower prior knowledge, but this difference disappeared immediately after training. After the 6-month follow-up period, these public school students demonstrated lower retention. The main problem faced was teaching mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. CONCLUSIONS: The method used by medical students to teach middle school students was based on the see-and-practice technique. This method was effective in achieving both immediate and late retention of acquired knowledge. The greater retention of knowledge among private school students may reflect cultural factors.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/education , Retention, Psychology , Students, Medical , Teaching/methods , Brazil , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Reproducibility of Results , Schools , Surveys and Questionnaires , Time Factors
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);59(5): 452-459, set.-out. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-695285


OBJETIVO: Investigar as impressões causadas em pacientes, estudantes de Medicina e médicos brasileiros por diferentes estilos de vestimenta e aparência adotados pelos médicos. MÉTODOS: Participaram da pesquisa 259 pacientes, 119 estudantes e 99 médicos, respondendo questões relativas a um painel de fotos de médico e médica vestidos nos seguintes estilos: roupa branca, avental branco, avental social, formal, informal, casual e centro cirúrgico. Eles ainda registraram seu grau de desconforto frente uma lista de 20 itens de aparência para profissionais de ambos os sexos. RESULTADO: A maioria das respostas dos voluntários envolveu o uso de roupa branca ou avental branco, e em muitas questões os percentuais de preferência referidos para esses estilos foram muito próximos. Médicos e estudantes preferiram profissionais em traje de centro cirúrgico para consultas de urgência, e o estilo informal para discutir problemas psicológicos com profissional masculino. Os pacientes escolheram mais frequentemente a roupa branca em resposta às questões. No tocante aos profissionais masculinos, os três grupos referiram elevado grau de incômodo para o uso de shorts e bermudas, muitos anéis, piercing facial, sandálias, cabelos de cor extravagante, cabelos compridos e brincos. Para o sexo feminino, níveis elevados de desconforto foram assinalados para shorts, blusas mostrando a barriga, piercing facial, bermudas,muitos anéis, cabelos de cor extravagante e maquiagem carregada. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes, médicos e estudantes de Medicina brasileiros desenvolvem melhor impressão inicial de médicos que utilizam trajes tradicionalmente associados com a profissão e de aparência mais convencional. O uso da vestimenta inteiramente branca parece ser opção satisfatória no Brasil.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impressions made by different styles of dress and appearance adopted by physicians on patients, medical students and other physicians in Brazil. METHODS: Two hundred fifty nine patients, 119 students, and 99 physicians answered questions related to a panel of male and female physicians' pictures covering the following styles: white clothing; white coat; formal, informal, and casual garments; and surgical scrubs. They also reported their level of discomfort with a list of 20 items for professional appearance of both genders. RESULTS: Most of the answers of the volunteers involved using white clothes or white coat, and in many situations the percentages of preference referred for these styles were close. Physicians and students preferred physicians wearing surgical scrubs for emergency visits, and doctors with informal style for discussing psychological problems with male professionals. Patients most often chose white clothing in response to questions. Regarding male professionals, all three groups reported high degree of discomfort for the use of shorts and bermuda shorts, multiple rings, facial piercing, sandals, extravagant hair color, long hair, and earrings. For females, high levels of discomfort were reported to shorts, blouses exposing the belly, facial piercing, multiple rings, extravagant hair color, and heavy makeup. CONCLUSION: Brazilian patients, physicians, and medical students form a better initial impression of physicians using clothing traditionally associated with the profession and exhibiting more conventional appearance. The use of entirely white garments appears to be a satisfactory option in this country.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Attitude , Clothing , Patients/psychology , Physicians/psychology , Students, Medical/psychology , Brazil , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Perception , Physician's Role , Physician-Patient Relations , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sex Factors , Stereotyping
Arq Bras Cardiol ; 101(4): 328-35, 2013 Oct.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23949324


BACKGROUND: Diseases of the circulatory system are the most common cause of death in Brazil. Because the general population is often the first to identify problems related to the circulatory system, it is important that they are trained. However, training is challenging owing to the number of persons to be trained and the maintenance of training. OBJECTIVES: To assess the delivery of a medical-student led cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training program and to assess prior knowledge of CPR as well as immediate and delayed retention of CPR training among middle school students. METHODS: Two public and two private schools were selected. CPR training consisted of a video class followed by practice on manikins that was supervised by medical students. Multiple choice questionnaires were provided before, immediately after, and at 6 months after CPR training. The questions were related to general knowledge, the sequence of procedures, and the method to administer each component (ventilation, chest compression, and automated external defibrillation). The instructors met in a focus group after the sessions to identify the potential problems faced. RESULTS: In total, 147 students completed the 6-month follow-up. The public school students had a lower prior knowledge, but this difference disappeared immediately after training. After the 6-month follow-up period, these public school students demonstrated lower retention. The main problem faced was teaching mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. CONCLUSIONS: The method used by medical students to teach middle school students was based on the see-and-practice technique. This method was effective in achieving both immediate and late retention of acquired knowledge. The greater retention of knowledge among private school students may reflect cultural factors.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/education , Retention, Psychology , Students, Medical , Teaching/methods , Adolescent , Brazil , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Humans , Male , Reproducibility of Results , Schools , Surveys and Questionnaires , Time Factors