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Phys Rev Lett ; 124(20): 207002, 2020 May 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32501098


We propose to employ an optical spectroscopy technique to monitor the superconductivity and properties of superconductors in the fluctuating regime. This technique is operational close to the plasmon resonance frequency of the material, and it intimately connects with the superconducting fluctuations slightly above the critical temperature T_{c}. We find the Aslamazov-Larkin corrections to ac linear and dc nonlinear electric currents in a generic two-dimensional superconductor exposed to an external longitudinal electromagnetic field. First, we study the plasmon resonance of normal electrons near T_{c}, taking into account their interaction with superconducting fluctuations, and show that fluctuating Cooper pairs reveal a redshift of the plasmon dispersion and an additional mechanism of plasmon scattering, which surpasses both the electron-impurity and the Landau dampings. Second, we demonstrate the emergence of a drag effect of superconducting fluctuations by the external field resulting in considerable, experimentally measurable corrections to the electric current in the vicinity of the plasmon resonance.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(8): 087701, 2020 Feb 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32167339


We propose a new type of optical transistor for a broadband amplification of terahertz radiation. It is made of a graphene-superconductor hybrid, where electrons and Cooper pairs couple by Coulomb forces. The transistor operates via the propagation of surface plasmons in both layers, and the origin of amplification is the quantum capacitance of graphene. It leads to terahertz waves amplification, the negative power absorption, and as a result, the system yields positive gain, and the hybrid acts like an optical transistor, operating with the terahertz light. It can, in principle, amplify even a whole spectrum of chaotic signals (or noise), which is required for numerous biological applications.

Opt Lett ; 45(6): 1571-1574, 2020 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32164019


We report on a peculiar propagation of bosons loaded by a short Laguerre-Gaussian pulse in a nearly flat band of a lattice potential. Taking a system of exciton polaritons in a kagome lattice as an example, we show that an initially localized condensate propagates in a specific direction in space, if anisotropy is taken into account. This propagation consists of quantum jumps, collapses, and revivals of the whole compact states, and it persists given any direction of anisotropy. This property reveals its signatures in the tight-binding model, and, surprisingly, it is much more pronounced in a continuous model. Quantum revivals are robust to the repulsive interaction and finite lifetime of the particles. Since no magnetic field or spin-orbit interaction is required, this system provides a new kind of easily implementable optical logic.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(9): 095301, 2019 Aug 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31524441


We report on the novel mechanism of electron scattering in hybrid Bose-Fermi systems consisting of a two-dimensional electron gas in the vicinity of an exciton condensate: We show that in certain ranges of temperatures, the bogolon-pair-mediated scattering proves to be dominating over the conventional acoustic phonon channel, over the single-bogolon scattering, and over the scattering on impurities. We develop a microscopic theory of this effect, focusing on GaAs and MoS_{2} materials, and we find the principal temperature dependence of resistivity, distinct from the conventional phonon-mediated processes. Further, we scrutinize parameters and suggest a way to design composite samples with predefined electron mobilities, and we propose a mechanism of electron pairing for superconductivity.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(25): 256801, 2019 Jun 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31347890


We report on the novel valley acoustoelectric effect, which can arise in a 2D material, like a transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer, residing on a piezoelectric substrate. The essence of this effect lies in the emergence of a drag electric current (and a spin current) due to a propagating surface acoustic wave. This current consists of three contributions, one independent of the valley index and proportional to the acoustic wave vector, the other arising due to the trigonal warping of the electron dispersion, and the third one is due to the Berry phase, which Bloch electrons acquire traveling along the crystal. As a result, there appear components of the current orthogonal to the acoustic wave vector. Further, we build an angular pattern, encompassing nontrivial topological properties of the acoustoelectric current, and suggest a way to run and measure the conventional diffusive, warping, and acoustoelectric valley Hall currents independently. We develop a theory, which opens a way to manipulate valley transport by acoustic methods, expanding the applicability of valleytronic effects on acoustoelectronic devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(1): 017401, 2018 Jan 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29350948


We study the influence of spatial confinement on the second-order temporal coherence of the emission from a semiconductor microcavity in the strong coupling regime. The confinement, provided by etched micropillars, has a favorable impact on the temporal coherence of solid state quasicondensates that evolve in our device above threshold. By fitting the experimental data with a microscopic quantum theory based on a quantum jump approach, we scrutinize the influence of pump power and confinement and find that phonon-mediated transitions are enhanced in the case of a confined structure, in which the modes split into a discrete set. By increasing the pump power beyond the condensation threshold, temporal coherence significantly improves in devices with increased spatial confinement, as revealed in the transition from thermal to coherent statistics of the emitted light.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 2076, 2017 05 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28522799


We study the pseudo-spin density response of a disordered two-dimensional spin-polarized Bose gas to weak alternating magnetic field, assuming that one of the spin states of the doublet is macroscopically occupied and Bose-condensed while the occupation of the other state remains much smaller. We calculate spatial and temporal dispersions of spin susceptibility of the gas taking into account spin-flip processes due to the transverse-longitudinal splitting, considering microcavity exciton polaritons as a testbed. Further, we use the Bogoliubov theory of weakly-interacting gases and show that the time-dependent magnetic field power absorption exhibits double resonance structure corresponding to two particle spin states (contrast to paramagnetic resonance in regular spin-polarized electron gas). We analyze the widths of these resonances caused by scattering on the disorder and show that, in contrast with the ballistic regime, in the presence of impurities, the polariton scattering on them is twofold: scattering on the impurity potential directly and scattering on the spatially fluctuating condensate density caused by the disorder. As a result, the width of the resonance associated with the Bose-condensed spin state can be surprisingly narrow in comparison with the width of the resonance associated with the non-condensed state.

Sci Rep ; 7: 45243, 2017 04 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28367953


We consider exciton-photon coupling in semiconductor microcavities in which separate periodic potentials have been embedded for excitons and photons. We show theoretically that this system supports degenerate ground-states appearing at non-zero inplane momenta, corresponding to multiple valleys in reciprocal space, which are further separated in polarization corresponding to a polarization-valley coupling in the system. Aside forming a basis for valleytronics, the multivalley dispersion is predicted to allow for spontaneous momentum symmetry breaking and two-mode squeezing under non-resonant and resonant excitation, respectively.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 28(10): 105301, 2016 Mar 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26886717


Using the Feynman-Dyson diagram technique, we study nonlinear polariton-polariton scattering in a two-dimensional micropillar-based optical superlattice with hexagonal symmetry. We demonstrate that both the emerging polariton chirality and the loop Feynman diagrams up to infinite order should be strictly accounted for in the evaluation of the self-energy of the system. Further, we explicitly show that in such a design the time of polariton scattering towards the Dirac points can be drastically decreased which can be used, for instance, in engineering novel classes of polariton lasers with substantially reduced thresholds.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25768477


We extend the quantum jump method to nearly adiabatically driven open quantum systems in a way that allows for an accurate account of the external driving in the system-environment interaction. Using this framework, we construct the corresponding trajectory-dependent work performed on the system and derive the integral fluctuation theorem and the Jarzynski equality for nearly adiabatic driving. We show that such identities hold as long as the stochastic dynamics and work variable are consistently defined. We numerically study the emerging work statistics for a two-level quantum system and find that the conventional diabatic approximation is unable to capture some prominent features arising from driving, such as the continuity of the probability density of work. Our results reveal the necessity of using accurate expressions for the drive-dressed heat exchange in future experiments probing jump time distributions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(20): 203902, 2014 Nov 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25432043


In this work, we combine a systematic experimental investigation of the power- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatial coherence function, g^{(1)}(r), in a one dimensional exciton-polariton channel with a modern microscopic numerical theory based on a stochastic master equation approach. The spatial coherence function g^{(1)}(r) is extracted via high-precision Michelson interferometry, which allows us to demonstrate that in the regime of nonresonant excitation, the dependence g^{(1)}(r) reaches a saturation value with a plateau, which is determined by the intensity of the pump and effective temperature of the crystal lattice. The theory, which was extended to allow for treating incoherent excitation in a stochastic frame, matches the experimental data with good qualitative and quantitative agreement. This allows us to verify the prediction that the decay of the off-diagonal long-range order can be almost fully suppressed in one dimensional condensate systems.

Opt Express ; 21(13): 15183-94, 2013 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23842304


We consider theoretically nonlinear effects in a semiconductor quantum well embedded inside a photonic microcavity. Two-photon absorption by a 2p exciton state is considered and investigated; the matrix element of two-photon absorption is calculated. We compute the emission spectrum of the sample and demonstrate that under coherent pumping the nonlinearity of the two photon absorption process gives rise to bistability.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(12): 127402, 2013 Mar 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25166846


We present a theory for the description of energy relaxation in a nonequilibrium condensate of bosonic particles. The approach is based on coupling to a thermal bath of other particles (e.g., phonons in a crystal, or noncondensed atoms in a cold atom system), which are treated with a Monte Carlo type approach. Together with a full account of particle-particle interactions, dynamic driving, and particle loss, this offers a complete description of recent experiments in which Bose-Einstein condensates are seen to relax their energy as they propagate in real space and time. As an example, we apply the theory to the solid-state system of microcavity exciton polaritons, in which nonequilibrium effects are particularly prominent.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(2): 027401, 2011 Jul 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21797639


We consider the nonlinear terahertz emission by the system of cavity polaritons in the regime of polariton lasing. To account for the quantum nature of terahertz-polariton coupling, we use the Lindblad master equation approach and demonstrate that quantum microcavities reveal a rich variety of nonlinear phenomena in the terahertz range, including bistability, short terahertz pulse generation, and terahertz switching.