Objetivos: Estimar el efecto de los antimaláricos (AM) sobre los diferentes dominios del índice de daño SLICC (SDI). Métodos: Se estudiaron pacientes con diagnóstico clínico reciente (≤2 años) de lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) de la cohorte GLADEL. Variable de estudio: aumento en los dominios del SDI desde el ingreso a la cohorte. Variables independientes: características sociodemográficas, clínicas, laboratorio y tratamientos. El efecto de los AM, como variable dependiente del tiempo, sobre los dominios más frecuentes del SDI (ajustado por factores de confusión) fue examinado con un modelo de regresión de Cox multivariado. Resultados: De 1466 pacientes estudiados, 1049 (72%) recibieron AM con un tiempo medio de exposición de 30 meses (Q1-Q3: 11-57) y 665 pacientes (45%) presentaron daño durante un seguimiento medio de 24 meses (Q1-Q3: 8-55); 301 eventos fueron cutáneos, 208 renales, 149 neuropsiquiátricos, 98 musculoesqueléticos, 88 cardiovasculares y 230 otros. Después de ajustar por factores de confusión, el uso de AM se asoció a un menor riesgo de daño renal (HR 0,652; IC 95%: 0,472-0,901) y en el límite de la significancia estadística (HR 0,701, IC 95%: 0,481-1,024) para el dominio neuropsiquiátrico. Conclusión: En GLADEL, el uso de AM se asoció independientemente a un menor riesgo de daño acumulado renal.
Objective: To assess the effects of antimalarials (AM) over the items of the SLICC Damage Index (SDI). Methods: Patients with recent (≤2 years) diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) from the GLADEL cohort were studied. End-point: increase in items SDI since cohort entry. Independent variables (socio-demographic, clinical, laboratory and treatment) were included. The effect of AM as a time dependent variable on most frequent SDI items (adjusting for potential confounders) was examined with a multivariable Cox regression model. Results: Of the 1466 patients included in this analysis, 1049 (72%) received AM with a median exposure time of 30 months (Q1-Q3: 11-57). Damage occurred in 665 (45%) patients during a median follow-up time of 24 months (Q1-Q3: 8-55). There were 301 integument, 208 renal, 149 neuropsychiatric, 98 musculoskeletal, 88 cardiovascular and 230 others less frequently represented damages. After adjusting for potential confounders at any time during follow-up, a lower risk of renal damage (HR 0.652; 95% CI: 0.472-0.901) and borderline for neuropsychiatric damage (HR 0.701, 95% CI: 0.481-1.024) was found. Conclusion: In the GLADEL cohort, after adjustment for possible confounding factors, AM were independently associated with a reduced risk of renal damage accrual.
Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic , AntimalarialsABSTRACT
An ecological risk assessment (ERA) was performed using the hazard quotient (HQ) method to evaluate the risks of oral exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) for medium sized omnivorous mammals. This is the first in a series of three papers. In Mexico there is little experience in performing this kind of assessment for the terrestrial compartment, in particular for birds and mammals exposed to hydrocarbons. The purpose of this paper is to perform an ERA and to establish if the omnivorous mammalian species living in the area are at risk of adverse effects. The studied site is a land that in past years had been used for the disposition of petroleum tank bottom sludges, and scrap metals. Soil and water samples were collected and analyzed, and we obtained a list of the site's wildlife species as well as samples of the specimens, which were analyzed also. HQs were calculated for the hydrocarbons identified as chemicals of potential ecological concern (COPECs) and the omnivorous mammals of the site were evaluated. Toxicity reference values (TRVs) were taken from the appropriate literature, and the doses of exposure were estimated considering the ingestion of water, soil, and diet. Results indicated that potential risks associated to the oral exposure route were less than benchmarks for effects (in all cases HQ<1). The methodology is adequate in terms of the parameters considered in the calculations, but it was concluded that in order to reduce uncertainty, more research is required in Mexico. This should be primarily aimed at obtaining TRVs for mammals, and consider test species with body weights more similar to those found in the local fauna.