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Front Public Health ; 12: 1357688, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39145169


Introduction: Using digital health in primary health care (PHC) contributes to reducing costs and travel time, achieving global development goals, improving access, quality and longitudinality of care, and managing health crises. Its evaluation must go beyond the technical-operational aspects to include patient satisfaction, a key element in assessing the quality of care. Objective: To identify and map patient satisfaction (expectations, desires, cultural values) about the adoption of digital health strategies and assess their impact on the quality of care in PHC. Methods: The review will follow the recommendations proposed by the Joanna's Briggs Institute (JBI) manual, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) and the methodology proposed by Arksey and O'Malley and Levac et al. and will be conducted in nine stages. The search will be conducted in health studies databases (MEDLINE via PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, and BVS), gray literature, and preprint repositories (Google Scholar and MedRxiv). Two reviewers will select the studies, and the third will analyze possible conflicts. The inclusion criteria comprise studies that have been made available in their entirety, whether they are primary studies or short communications, as well as the following materials extracted from the gray literature: preprints, manuals, government documents, books, guidelines, theses and dissertations. Exclusion criteria include literature reviews, abstracts, books, conference archives, letters to the editor, duplicates and opinion articles. Data will be analyzed by content analysis and inferential statistics. This protocol is registered on the Open Science Framework (OSF) under DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/PUJDB. Results: The study aims to understand aspects related to the expectations, desires, and cultural values of patients from different countries, as well as the strengths and critical nodes of the use of digital health on the quality of care in PHC.

Digital Health , Patient Satisfaction , Primary Health Care , Humans , Quality of Health Care , Research Design , Telemedicine , Review Literature as Topic
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(3): 29226, 26 dez. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1524373


Introdução:A vacinação tem se apresentado como uma importante estratégia de proteção à saúde da população. A redução da cobertura vacinal é um alerta para o retorno de doenças imunopreveníveis que já haviam sido erradicadas.Objetivo:Mapear o cenário de cobertura vacinal de crianças menores de 2 anos no Rio Grande do Norte no período de 2012 a 2021, e propor um modelo teórico-lógico para o planejamento das ações. Metodologia:Trata-se de um estudo do tipo ecológico, acerca da cobertura vacinal no estado em questão. Os dados foram coletados a partir do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS), por meio das Informações em Saúde (TABNET). Para coleta dos dados, elegeu-se como variáveis o ano para compor a linha da tabela a ser gerada pelo sistema, o imunobiológico para compor a coluna e, como medida, foi selecionada a cobertura vacinal. O período analisado foi de 2012 a 2021. Resultados:Nacionalmente, os anos de 2020 e 2021 apresentaram queda com relação aos dois anos anteriores à pandemia do novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2). Foi identificada a mesma tendencia de queda na cobertura vacinal infantil no estado de interesse do estudo ao comparar a média de cobertura de 2018/2019 com a média de 2020/2021. O modelo lógico teórico apresentado neste estudocontribui para a otimizaçãodo planejamento e das ações do programa estadual de imunização. Conclusão:Este estudose mostrou relevante para direcionar as estratégias da Secretaria de Saúde Pública do Rio Grande do Norte,ao propor ummodelo teórico-lógicocomo ferramenta para melhoria dos indicadoresde cobertura vacinal infantil (AU).

Introduction:Vaccination has been presented as an important health protection strategy for the population. The reduction in vaccination coverage is an alert for the return of immune preventable diseases that had already been eradicated. Objective:To map the vaccination coverage scenario for children under 2 years old in Rio Grande do Norte from 2012 to 2021 and propose a theoretical-logical model for planning actions. Methodology:This is an ecological study on vaccination coveragein the state in question. Data were collected from the Department of Informatics of the Brazilian National Health System (DATASUS), through Health Information (TABNET). The variables chosen for data collection were the year, which formed the rows of the table generated by the system, the immunobiological vaccine, which formed the columns, and the vaccination coverage rate as the measure. The period analyzed was from 2012 to 2021. Results:Nationally, the years 2020 and 2021 showed a drop compared to the two years prior to thenew coronavirus pandemic (SARS-CoV-2). The same downward trend in childhood vaccination coverage was identified in the state of interest when comparing the average coverage of 2018/2019 with the average of 2020/2021. The theoretical logic model presented in this study contributes to optimizing the planning and actions of the state immunization program. Conclusion:This study proved to be relevant for directing the strategies of the Rio Grande do Norte Public Health Department, by proposing a theoretical-logical model as a tool for improving infant vaccination coverage indicators (AU).

Introducción:La vacunación se hapresentado como una importante estrategia para proteger la salud de la población. La reducción de la cobertura de vacunación es una alerta para el regreso de enfermedades inmunoprevenibles que ya habían sido erradicadas. Objetivo:Mapear el escenario de cobertura de vacunación para niños menores de 2 años en Rio Grande do Norte en el período de 2012 a 2021, y proponer un modelo lógico-teórico para la planificación de acciones. Metodología:Este es un estudio ecológico sobre la cobertura de vacunación enelEstado en cuestión. Los datos fueron recolectados del Departamento de Informática del Sistema Único de Salud (DATASUS), a través del Información en Salud (TABNET). Las variables seleccionadas para la recopilación de datos fueron el año, que conformó las filas de la tabla generada por el sistema, la vacuna inmunobiológica, que conformó las columnas, y la tasa de cobertura vacunal como medida. El período analizado fue de 2012 a 2021. Resultados:A nivel nacional, los años 2020 y 2021 mostraron un descenso encomparación con los dos años previos a la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). La misma tendencia a la baja en la cobertura de vacunación infantil se identificó en el estado de interés al comparar la cobertura media de 2018/2019 con la media de 2020/2021. El modelo lógico teórico presentado en este estudio contribuye a optimizar la planificación y las acciones del programa estatal de inmunización. Conclusión:Este estudio demostró ser relevante para direccionar las estrategias de la Secretaría de Salud Pública de Rio Grande do Norte, al proponer un modelo teórico-lógico como herramienta para mejorar los indicadores de cobertura de vacunación infantil (AU).

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Sterilization/standards , Containment of Biohazards , Beauty and Aesthetics Centers , Patient Safety , Personal Protective Equipment/standards , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods
Natal; s.n; 20230000. 105 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1435276


A atenção primária domiciliar tem se expandido, acompanhando o aumento da população idosa e a necessidade de responder à maior demanda de suas condições crônicas e fragilidades de saúde. Neste nível de atenção, à saúde digital é considerada uma importante ferramenta para melhoria do cuidado, cuja expansão teve maior impulso com a pandemia da COVID-19 e subsequentes medidas de isolamento/distanciamento social, para esse grupo considerado de risco para complicações e internações em decorrência da COVID-19. O objetivo deste estudo é elaborar um protocolo de revisão de escopo para identificar, mapear e avaliar os usos e os impactos da saúde digital na qualidade do cuidado primário domiciliar em saúde para pessoas idosas em diferente regiões do mundo. Trata-se de um protocolo de revisão de escopo, desenvolvido na perspectiva teórica de Arksey e O'malley, com atualizações de Levac; Peters e respectivos colaboradores. Será baseado no manual do Joanna Briggs Institute e guiado pelo Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Os dados da literatura branca serão extraídos de bases multidisciplinares de saúde como: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, LILACS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL e Embase. A literatura cinza será pesquisada por meio do Google Scholar, Open grey, "Gray Matters: uma ferramenta prática para pesquisar literatura cinza relacionada à saúde", ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global and Preprints for Health Sciences [medRXiv]. Nenhum limite de data ou restrição de idioma será determinado. Os dados quantitativos serão analisados através de estatística descritiva e os dados qualitativos por meio de análise temática. Os resultados da revisão versarão sobre impactos, desafios, oportunidades e lacunas encontrados nas publicações relacionadas ao uso de tecnologias digitais na atenção primária domiciliar para pessoas idosas. Será realizada uma consulta aos stakeholders para sugestões sobre outras estratégias de divulgação dos resultados, além daquela em periódicos e eventos científicos, assim como sobre aplicabilidade do estudo. A organização deste protocolo aumentará o rigor metodológico, a qualidade, a transparência e a precisão da revisão de escopo, reduzindo o risco de viés. Como contribuição, espera-se que a revisão possa trazer aos gestores e cuidadores subsídios relevantes para melhoria do cuidado domiciliar primário por meios digitais como uma política pública de saúde (AU).

Home primary care has expanded, accompanying the increase in the elderly population and the need to respond to the greater demand of their chronic conditions and health weaknesses. At this level of care, digital health is considered an important tool for improving care, whose expansion had a greater impetus with the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent isolation/social distancing measures, for this group considered at risk for complications and hospitalizations in as a result of COVID-19. The objective of this study is to elaborate a scoping review protocol to identify, map and evaluate the uses and impacts of digital health on the quality of home primary care for elderly people in different regions of the world. It is a scope review protocol, developed from the theoretical perspective of Arksey and O'malley, with updates from Levac; Peters and their collaborators. It will be based on the Joanna Briggs Institute manual and guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). White literature data will be extracted from multidisciplinary health databases such as: Virtual Health Library, LILACS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL and Embase. Gray literature will be searched through Google Scholar, Open grey, "Gray Matters: a practical tool for researching health-related gray literature", ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global and Preprints for Health Sciences [medRXiv]. No date limits or language restrictions will be set. Quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data using thematic analysis. The review results will deal with impacts, challenges, opportunities and gaps found in publications related to the use of digital technologies in home primary care for the elderly. A stakeholder consultation will be carried out for suggestions on other strategies for disseminating the results, in addition to that in journals and scientific events, as well as on the applicability of the study. The organization of this protocol will increase the methodological rigor, quality, transparency and accuracy of the scoping review, reducing the risk of bias. As a contribution, it is expected that the review can bring relevant subsidies to managers and caregivers to improve primary home care by digital means as a public health policy (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Primary Health Care , Aged , Telemedicine/methods , Digital Technology , Home Care Services , Quality of Health Care
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(10): 5880-5897, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512855


O desenvolvimento de lesões por pressão vem sendo um tema bastante discutido dentro e fora do âmbito hospitalar, sendo considerado um indicador de qualidade da assistência hospitalar, quando o aparecimento ocorre mediante uma internação. Cabe ao enfermeiro o acompanhamento dermatológico, avaliação e prescrição de coberturas e correlatos, consoante o estágio da lesão por pressão. Por esta razão, este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a experiência de graduandos de enfermagem durante acompanhamento dermatológico de uma pessoa idosa. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo do tipo relato de experiência realizado entre os meses de fevereiro e maio de 2021. Através da experiência relatada neste estudo, foi possível compreender a complexidade e relevância do cuidado humanizado, e os desafios enfrentados pelo enfermeiro da Estratégia Saúde da Família nos cuidados à pessoa idosa com lesão por pressão. Do ponto de vista acadêmico, essa experiência proporcionou aos alunos confrontar os conhecimentos teóricos acerca do assunto, além de incorporar a importância do olhar holístico para o usuário.

The development of pressure injuries has been a much discussed topic inside and outside the hospital environment, being considered an indicator of the quality of hospital care when the appearance occurs during hospitalization. The trained nurse is responsible for dermatological follow-up, evaluation and prescription of dressings and related items, depending on the stage of the pressure injury. For this reason, this study aimed to describe the experience of nursing students during the dermatological follow-up of an elderly person. This is a descriptive study of the experience report type carried out between the months of February and May 2021. Through the experience reported in this study, it was possible to understand the complexity and relevance of humanized care, and the challenges faced by nurses in the Health Strategy of the Family in the care of the elderly with pressure injuries. From an academic point of view, this experience allowed students to confront theoretical knowledge about the subject, in addition to incorporating the importance of a holistic view for the user.

El desarrollo de las lesiones por presión ha sido un tema muy discutido dentro y fuera del ámbito hospitalario, siendo considerado un indicador de la calidad de la atención hospitalaria cuando su aparición ocurre durante la hospitalización. La enfermera capacitada es responsable del seguimiento dermatológico, evaluación y prescripción de apósitos y artículos relacionados, según la etapa de la lesión por presión. Por eso, este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la experiencia de estudiantes de enfermería durante el seguimiento dermatológico de una persona mayor. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo del tipo relato de experiencia realizado entre los meses de febrero y mayo de 2021. A través de la experiencia relatada en este estudio fue posible comprender la complejidad y relevancia del cuidado humanizado, y los desafíos enfrentados por los enfermeros en el Estrategia Salud de la Familia en el cuidado del anciano con lesiones por presión. Desde el punto de vista académico, esta experiencia permitió a los estudiantes confrontar conocimientos teóricos sobre el tema, además de incorporar la importancia de una mirada holística para el usuario.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35897360


Universal access to clean and safe drinking water is essential for life maintenance since exposure to poor quality water is harmful to health. Drinking water quality is part of public health actions and, together with sanitation, a human right essential for life and a sustainable development goal. Moreover, an independent surveillance system conducted by the Ministry of Health or government agencies is needed for the safety of drinking water quality. We propose a scoping review protocol to identify and map worldwide surveillance actions and initiatives of drinking water quality implemented by government agencies or public health services. This scoping review protocol is based on the Joanna Briggs Institute manual and guided by the PRISMA-ScR. Articles, theses, dissertations, and official documents consulted in the following databases will be included: Medline/PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, Web of Science, Embase, Engineering Village, and gray literature. No date limit or language will be determined. The authors will develop a worksheet for data extraction. Quantitative (simple descriptive statistics) and qualitative data (thematic analysis) will be analyzed. The final scoping review will present the main findings, impacts, challenges, limitations, and possible research gaps related to surveillance of drinking water quality on population health.

Drinking Water , Humans , Review Literature as Topic , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Water Quality
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36612879


This study identified and mapped worldwide surveillance actions and initiatives of drinking water quality implemented by government agencies and public health services. The scoping review was conducted between July 2021 and August 2022 based on the Joanna Briggs Institute method. The search was performed in relevant databases and gray literature; 49 studies were retrieved. Quantitative variables were presented as absolute and relative frequencies, while qualitative variables were analyzed using the IRaMuTeQ software. The actions developed worldwide and their impacts and results generated four thematic classes: (1) assessment of coverage, accessibility, quantity, and drinking water quality in routine and emergency situations; (2) analysis of physical-chemical and microbiological parameters in public supply networks or alternative water supply solutions; (3) identification of household water contamination, communication, and education with the community; (4) and investigation of water-borne disease outbreaks. Preliminary results were shared with stakeholders to favor knowledge dissemination.

Drinking Water , Water Quality , Water Supply , Water Pollution , Disease Outbreaks
Front Public Health ; 10: 1022587, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36699882


Introduction: The use of digital health interventions has expanded, particularly in home-based primary care (HBPC), following the increase in the older adult population and the need to respond to the higher demand of chronic conditions, weakness and loss of autonomy of this population. There was an even greater demand with COVID-19 and subsequent isolation/social distancing measures for this risk group. The objective of this study is to map and identify the uses and types of digital health interventions and their reported impacts on the quality of HBPC for older adults worldwide. Methods and analysis: This is a scoping review protocol which will enable a rigorous, transparent and reliable synthesis of knowledge. The review will be developed from the theoretical perspective of Arksey and O'malley, with updates by Levac and Peters and respective collaborators based on the Joanna Briggs Institute manual, and guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Data from white literature will be extracted from multidisciplinary health databases such as: the Virtual Health Library, LILACS, MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cinahl and Embase; while Google Scholar will be used for gray literature. No date limit or language restrictions will be determined. The quantitative data will be analyzed through descriptive statistics and qualitative data through thematic analysis. The results will be submitted to stakeholder consultation for preliminary sharing of the study and will later be disseminated through publication in open access scientific journals, scientific events and academic and community journals. The full scoping review report will present the main impacts, challenges, opportunities and gaps found in publications related to the use of digital technologies in primary home care. Discussion: The organization of this protocol will increase the methodological rigor, quality, transparency and accuracy of scoping reviews, reducing the risk of bias.

COVID-19 , Humans , Aged , COVID-19/epidemiology , Data Accuracy , Databases, Factual , Digital Technology , Primary Health Care , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Review Literature as Topic