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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550690


Introducción: Las hospitalizaciones por Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions es un indicador que mide la utilización de los servicios hospitalarios por problemas de salud que podrían haber sido prevenidos en el primer nivel de atención. El concepto se refiere a los procesos en que la atención ambulatoria efectiva puede ayudar a disminuir los riesgos de hospitalización, en un segundo nivel de atención. El objetivo del estudio fue construir y validar una lista uruguaya de problemas de salud sensibles a cuidados ambulatorios (PSSCA) según CIE-10. Metodología: Para la construcción de la lista inicial de códigos de PSSCA se realizó una revisión de los listados existentes y se propuso un listado inicial que fue validado a través del Método Delphi. Se propone un listado de 99 códigos diagnósticos de PSSCA adaptado a nuestro entono sanitario. Los mismos permiten identificar y cuantificar problemas de salud que pueden producir hospitalizaciones potenciamente evitables mediante cuidados ambulatorios accesibes y oportunos en el primer nivel de atención. Resultados: Se conformó un panel de 12 expertos. A partir de los datos obtenidos, considerando los 99 diagnósticos clasificados por CIE-10, éstos se pueden subclasificar en función de si la patología es infecciosa o no, obteniendo un resultado general de 62 patologías en un total de 99 que pueden ser clasificadas como infecciosas, lo que se corresponde a un 62 %. Discusión: De la comparación de la lista uruguaya de PSSCA a la que hemos arribado y las listas validadas utilizadas para la construcción inicial del listado de patologías propuesto, podemos decir que la primera presenta un mayor porcentaje de coincidencia con la lista de patologías de Bello Horizonte. Podemos mencionar que la mayoría de los problemas de salud identificados con base en el listado de PSSCA, son sensibles de ser resueltos con la atención primaria oportuna y de calidad que podría evitar o disminuir de una manera significativa su hospitalización. Conclusiones: Este trabajo describe el proceso de construcción y validación de una lista de códigos de PSSCA adaptados al contexto uruguayo a través del método Delphi. Hemos arribado a un listado que comprende un total de 99 diagnósticos, agrupadas en un total de diecinueve categorías que considera la especificidad del contexto uruguayo del indicador.

Introduction: Hospitalizations for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions is an indicator that measures the use of hospital services for health problems that could have been prevented at the first level of care. The concept refers to the processes in which effective outpatient care can help reduce the risks of hospitalization, at a second level of care. The objective of the study was to build and validate a Uruguayan list of health problems sensitive to outpatient care (PSS-CA) according to ICD-10. Methodology: To construct the initial list of PSSCA codes, a review of the existing lists was carried out and an initial list was proposed that was validated through the Delphi Method. A list of 99 PSSCA diagnostic codes adapted to our healthcare environment is proposed. They make it possible to identify and quantify health problems that can lead to potentially avoidable hospitalizations through accessible and timely outpatient care at the first level of care. Results: A panel of 12 experts was formed. From the data obtained, considering the 99 diagnoses classified by ICD-10, these can be subclassified depending on whether the pathology is infectious or not, obtaining a general result of 62 pathologies in a total of 99 that can be classified as infectious, which corresponds to 62%. Discussion: From the comparison of the Uruguayan list of PSSCA that we have arrived at and the validated lists used for the initial construction of the proposed list of pathologies, we can say that the first presents a higher percentage of coincidence with the list of pathologies of Bello Horizonte . We can mention that most of the health problems identified based on the PSSCA list are sensitive to being resolved with timely and quality primary care that could prevent or significantly reduce hospitalization. Conclusions: This work describes the process of construction and validation of a list of PSSCA codes adapted to the Uruguayan context through the Delphi method. We have arrived at a list that includes a total of 99 diagnoses, grouped into a total of nineteen categories that consider the specificity of the Uruguayan context of the indicator.

Introdução: As Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Ambulatorial são um indicador que mede a utilização de serviços hospitalares para problemas de saúde que poderiam ter sido evitados no primeiro nível de atenção. O conceito refere-se aos processos em que um atendimento ambulatorial eficaz pode auxiliar na redução dos riscos de internação, em um segundo nível de atenção. O objetivo do estudo foi construir e validar uma lista uruguaia de problemas de saúde sensíveis à atenção ambulatorial (PSS-CA) segundo a CID-10. Metodologia: Para construir a lista inicial de códigos PSSCA foi realizada uma revisão das listas existentes e foi proposta uma lista inicial que foi validada através do Método Delphi. É proposta uma lista de 99 códigos de diagnóstico PSSCA adaptados ao nosso ambiente de saúde. Permitem identificar e quantificar problemas de saúde que podem levar a hospitalizações potencialmente evitáveis ​​através de cuidados ambulatórios acessíveis e oportunos no primeiro nível de cuidados. Resultados: Foi formado um painel de 12 especialistas. A partir dos dados obtidos, considerando os 99 diagnósticos classificados pela CID-10, estes podem ser subclassificados consoante a patologia seja infecciosa ou não, obtendo-se um resultado geral de 62 patologias num total de 99 que podem ser classificadas como infecciosas, o que corresponde para 62%. Discussão: A partir da comparação da lista uruguaia de PSSCA a que chegamos e das listas validadas utilizadas para a construção inicial da lista de patologias proposta, podemos dizer que a primeira apresenta um maior percentual de coincidência com a lista de patologias de Belo Horizonte. Podemos mencionar que a maioria dos problemas de saúde identificados com base na lista PSSCA são sensíveis para serem resolvidos com cuidados primários oportunos e de qualidade que possam prevenir ou reduzir significativamente a hospitalização. Conclusões: Este trabalho descreve o processo de construção e validação de uma lista de códigos PSSCA adaptados ao contexto uruguaio através do método Delphi. Chegamos a uma lista que inclui um total de 99 diagnósticos, agrupados em um total de dezenove categorias que consideram a especificidade do contexto uruguaio do indicador.

Saúde debate ; 36(94): 461-472, jul.-set. 2012. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-669616


El estudio de caso tuvo lugar en un Centro de Salud público de Montevideo, con el objetivo de comprender cómo los modelos organizativos de oferta y gestión de la APS son traducidos en servicios, prácticas y procesos asistenciales. El Instrumento de investigación utilizado se contextualizó en la herramienta creada por la Profª. B. Starfield, el Primary Care Assessment Tool, adaptada y validada por Almeida y Macinko en Brasilia en 2006. Se aplicaron los cuestionarios a un grupo de usuarios, profesionales y gestores seleccionados a través de un muestreo no probabilístico por criterios. Desde un punto de vista general, se observa una buena calificación de desempeño a nivel global en los atributos: puerta de entrada, cartera de servicios y formación profesional. Los atributos de nivel intermedio de desempeño corresponden a vínculo y coordinación. En el otro extremo, los atributos con menor nivel de desempeño fueron el enfoque familiar y comunitario y el acceso. Si bien la estrategia de APS está consagrada a un nivel macro social a través de un marco normativo sólido, su implementación a nivel operativo implica importantes desafíos para el logro de una adecuada integración y coordinación de los cuidados.

The study case took place at a public health center of Montevideo with the aim of understanding how the organizational models of provision and management of PHC services are translated into practices and care processes. The research instrument used was contextualized in the tool created by Prof.. B. Starfield, the Primary Care Assessment Tool, adapted and validated by Almeida and Macinko in Brasilia in 2006. Questionnaires were applied to a group of users, professionals and managers selected through a non-probabilistic sampling criteria. From a general point of view, there is a good performance rating globally in the attributes: gateway, service portfolio and profesional training. Intermediate attributes correspond to link performance and coordination. At the other extreme, the attributes with lower performance were the family and community focus and access. While the PHC strategy is devoted to social macro level through a strong regulatory framework, its implementation at operational level involves major challenges for achieving proper integration and coordination of care.

Cien Saude Colet ; 16(6): 2829-40, 2011 Jun.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21709980


The article examines the results of the overview of PHC (Primary Healthcare) in Uruguay in 2009, within the context of the multicentric study of PHC with a view to identifying possibilities of redefining PHC as a strategy to achieve universal healthcare systems, taking into account the healthcare system's segmentation and fragmentation. The methodology included document analysis, key informant interviews and triangulation of information sources. The results presented are based on the analytical model structured in five dimensions: delivery, financing, resources, and integrated and intersectoral PHC. At the macro level, one can observe the recent implementation of a sector reform through the creation of the Integrated National Health System (SNIS) that favors the development of the PHC from an integrative standpoint. Actions have been defined to overcome the segmentation of the system and the fragmentation of care. However, at an operational level, the segmentation that existed before the SNIS as well as the low levels of healthcare coordination have yet to be modified. This is related to management ability and organizational factors. The lack of adequate human resources for the implementation of the PHC strategy is identified as a relevant factor.

Delivery of Health Care, Integrated , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Uruguay
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 16(6): 2829-2840, jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-591237


El artículo aborda resultados del análisis panorámico de la Atención Primaria en Salud (APS) en Uruguay en Uruguay en 2009, en el marco de un estudio multicéntrico con objetivo de identificar posibilidades para reorientar la Atención Primaria en Salud (APS) como estrategia para alcanzar sistemas de salud universales, considerando la segmentación del sistema y la fragmentación en la provisión. La metodología incluyó análisis documental, entrevistas con informantes clave y triangulación de fuentes de información. Los resultados se presentan en base al modelo analítico construido en cinco dimensiones: conducción, financiamiento, recursos, integralidad e intersectorialidad de la APS. A nivel macro se observa la reciente reforma sectorial con creación de un Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud (SNIS) que favorece el desarrollo de la APS desde una concepción integradora. Se han definido acciones que apuntan a superar la segmentación del sistema y la fragmentación de los cuidados. Sin embargo a nivel operativo la segmentación presente antes del SNIS, así como el bajo nivel de coordinación de los cuidados no se han modificado aún. Esto se relaciona con la capacidad de gestión y factores organizacionales. La falta de recursos humanos adecuados para la implementación de la estrategia de APS, se identifica como factor relevante.

The article examines the results of the overview of PHC (Primary Healthcare) in Uruguay in 2009, within the context of the multicentric study of PHC with a view to identifying possibilities of redefining PHC as a strategy to achieve universal healthcare systems, taking into account the healthcare system's segmentation and fragmentation. The methodology included document analysis, key informant interviews and triangulation of information sources. The results presented are based on the analytical model structured in five dimensions: delivery, financing, resources, and integrated and intersectoral PHC. At the macro level, one can observe the recent implementation of a sector reform through the creation of the Integrated National Health System (SNIS) that favors the development of the PHC from an integrative standpoint. Actions have been defined to overcome the segmentation of the system and the fragmentation of care. However, at an operational level, the segmentation that existed before the SNIS as well as the low levels of healthcare coordination have yet to be modified. This is related to management ability and organizational factors. The lack of adequate human resources for the implementation of the PHC strategy is identified as a relevant factor.

Delivery of Health Care, Integrated , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Uruguay
Rev Salud Publica (Bogota) ; 12 Suppl 1: 77-88, 2010.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20963303


This paper discusses the contribution of the concept of governance, combined with traditional approaches to primary health care (PHC) analysis, in a multicentre study covering Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Considering health systems’ variety of configurations and their segmented context, it aims to compare PHC implementation and performance characteristics in each country so as to explain them according to different determinants and compare them to governance models. Each country’s segmented context is presented, identifying public, private and social insurance sub-sectors’ arrangements. The PHC concept and its potential role in reorganizing equity- and access-based health systems are discussed. Five dimensions for PHC study are then defined: stewardship, financing, resources, comprehensiveness and intersectorality. Governance analysis revealed state-society relationships and is thus proposed as a tool for understanding such dimensions’ dynamic relationships.

Decision Making, Organizational , Health Services Administration , Health Services Research/methods , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Argentina , Brazil , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , Government , Health Services/economics , Health Services Accessibility , Paraguay , Politics , Primary Health Care/economics , Social Class , Social Justice , Uruguay
Rev. salud pública ; 12(supl.1): 77-88, 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-561469


En este artículo se discute la contribución del concepto de gobernanza, articulado con abordajes más tradicionales de análisis de la APS, en un estudio multicéntrico que involucra Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay. Teniendo en cuenta la variabilidad de configuraciones y el contexto de segmentación de los sistemas, se pretende comparar las características de la implantación y desempeño de la APS en cada país, entenderlas a partir de los diversos determinantes y, confrontarlas con los modos de gobernanza. Se presentan los contextos de segmentación en los países, caracterizando los diferentes arreglos de los sub-sectores público, privado y del seguro social. Se discute el concepto de APS abarcadora y su rol potencial para el reordenamiento de los sistemas de salud apuntando a la equidad en el acceso e integralidad del cuidado. En fin, se definen cinco dimensiones para el estudio de la APS: conducción, financiamiento, recursos, integralidad e intersectorialidad. El análisis de gobernanza explicita las relaciones Estado-sociedad y se propone como una herramienta para comprender las relaciones dinámicas entre estas dimensiones.

This paper discusses the contribution of the concept of governance, combined with traditional approaches to primary health care (PHC) analysis, in a multicentre study covering Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Considering health systems’ variety of configurations and their segmented context, it aims to compare PHC implementation and performance characteristics in each country so as to explain them according to different determinants and compare them to governance models. Each country’s segmented context is presented, identifying public, private and social insurance sub-sectors’ arrangements. The PHC concept and its potential role in reorganizing equity- and access-based health systems are discussed. Five dimensions for PHC study are then defined: stewardship, financing, resources, comprehensiveness and intersectorality. Governance analysis revealed state-society relationships and is thus proposed as a tool for understanding such dimensions’ dynamic relationships.

Decision Making, Organizational , Health Services Administration , Health Services Research/methods , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Argentina , Brazil , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , Government , Health Services Accessibility , Health Services/economics , Paraguay , Politics , Primary Health Care/economics , Social Class , Social Justice , Uruguay