The New Mexico Penitentiary riot of February 2, 1980, resulted in death for 33 inmates at the hands of their fellow prisoners, and the hospitalization of 62 inmates for treatment of drug overdose or trauma. A case-control study of dead and hospitalized inmates was conducted to determine risk factors for victimization. Twelve (12.5%) of the 96 inmates housed in the protective custody unit were killed, compared with an overall penitentiary death rate of 2.9% (p = 0.0003). These 12 individuals were similar to the general inmate population with respect to age, race, years of education, crimes, time served, and prison rule infractions committed. In contrast, the 21 homicide victims housed in other areas were younger and had committed significantly greater numbers of rule infractions during incarceration. Prisoners hospitalized for drug overdose, but not those hospitalized for traumatic injuries, could be differentiated from the remaining prison population by increased convictions for homicide and higher prison infraction rates. Inmates in protective custody were targeted selectively for death; other subgroups of victims of violence appear to share characteristics often associated with perpetrators of violence.