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Nature ; 630(8016): 387-391, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38839953


Threatened species are by definition species that are in need of assistance. In the absence of suitable conservation interventions, they are likely to disappear soon1. There is limited understanding of how and where conservation interventions are applied globally, or how well they work2,3. Here, using information from the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List and other global databases, we find that for species at risk from three of the biggest drivers of biodiversity loss-habitat loss, overexploitation for international trade and invasive species4-many appear to lack the appropriate types of conservation interventions. Indeed, although there has been substantial recent expansion of the protected area network, we still find that 91% of threatened species have insufficient representation of their habitats within protected areas. Conservation interventions are not implemented uniformly across different taxa and regions and, even when present, have infrequently led to substantial improvements in the status of species. For 58% of the world's threatened terrestrial species, we find conservation interventions to be notably insufficient or absent. We cannot determine whether such species are truly neglected, or whether efforts to recover them are not included in major conservation databases. If they are indeed neglected, the outlook for many of the world's threatened species is grim without more and better targeted action.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Endangered Species , Internationality , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Conservation of Natural Resources/statistics & numerical data , Databases, Factual , Endangered Species/statistics & numerical data , Extinction, Biological , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data
Nat Ecol Evol ; 8(2): 251-266, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38182682


The biodiversity impacts of agricultural deforestation vary widely across regions. Previous efforts to explain this variation have focused exclusively on the landscape features and management regimes of agricultural systems, neglecting the potentially critical role of ecological filtering in shaping deforestation tolerance of extant species assemblages at large geographical scales via selection for functional traits. Here we provide a large-scale test of this role using a global database of species abundance ratios between matched agricultural and native forest sites that comprises 71 avian assemblages reported in 44 primary studies, and a companion database of 10 functional traits for all 2,647 species involved. Using meta-analytic, phylogenetic and multivariate methods, we show that beyond agricultural features, filtering by the extent of natural environmental variability and the severity of historical anthropogenic deforestation shapes the varying deforestation impacts across species assemblages. For assemblages under greater environmental variability-proxied by drier and more seasonal climates under a greater disturbance regime-and longer deforestation histories, filtering has attenuated the negative impacts of current deforestation by selecting for functional traits linked to stronger deforestation tolerance. Our study provides a previously largely missing piece of knowledge in understanding and managing the biodiversity consequences of deforestation by agricultural deforestation.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Phylogeny , Forests , Agriculture
Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14153, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37551781


Understanding species distribution patterns and what determines them is critical for effective conservation planning and management. In the case of shorebirds migrating along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF), the loss of stopover habitat in the Yellow Sea region is thought to be the primary reason for the precipitous population declines. However, the rates of decline vary considerably among species, and it remains unclear how such differences could arise within a group of closely related species using apparently similar habitats at the same locales. We mapped the spatial distributions of foraging shorebirds, as well as biotic (benthic invertebrates consumed by migrating shorebirds) and abiotic (sediment characteristics) environmental factors, at a key stopover site in eastern China. Five of the six sediment characteristics showed significant spatial variation with respect to distance along the shoreline or distance from the seawall in the same tidal flat. The biomasses of four of the six most abundant benthic invertebrates were concentrated in the upper or middle zones of the tidal flat. The distribution patterns of all three focal shorebird species on the tidal flat were best explained jointly by this heterogeneity of sediment characteristics and invertebrate prey. These results suggest that the loss of tidal flats along the Yellow Sea, which is typically concentrated at the upper and middle zones, may not only reduce the overall amount of staging habitat, but also disproportionately affect the most resource-rich portions for the birds. Effective conservation of shorebird staging areas along the EAAF and likely elsewhere must consider the subtle habitat heterogeneity that characterizes these tidal flats, prioritizing the protection of those portions richest in food resources, most frequently used by focal bird species, and most vulnerable to anthropogenic threats. Article impact statement: Heterogeneity of tidal flats with respect to biotic and abiotic factors must be considered in shorebird conservation planning.

Importancia de la heterogeneidad de hábitat en las llanuras intermareales para la conservación de aves playeras migratorias Resumen Entender las pautas de distribución de las especies y los factores que las determinan es fundamental para planificar y gestionar eficazmente su conservación. En el caso de las aves playeras que migran a lo largo de la ruta migratoria Asia Oriental-Australasia (EAAF, en inglés), se cree que la pérdida de puntos de parada en la región del Mar Amarillo es la razón principal de la declinación poblacional precipitada. Sin embargo, las tasas de declinación varían considerablemente entre especies, y sigue sin estar claro cómo pueden surgir tales diferencias dentro de un grupo de especies emparentadas que utilizan hábitats aparentemente similares en los mismos lugares. Mapeamos las distribuciones espaciales de las aves playeras forrajeras, así como los factores ambientales bióticos (invertebrados bénticos consumidos por las aves playeras migratorias) y abióticos (características de los sedimentos), en un punto de parada clave en el este de China. Cinco de las seis características de los sedimentos mostraron una variación espacial significativa con respecto a los cambios lineales en la distancia a lo largo de la costa o la distancia desde el malecón en la misma llanura mareal. La biomasa de cuatro de los seis invertebrados bénticos más abundantes se concentró en las zonas superior o media de la llanura mareal. Esta heterogeneidad de las características de los sedimentos y de las presas invertebradas es la que mejor explica los patrones de distribución de las tres especies de aves playeras en la llanura mareal. Estos resultados sugieren que la pérdida de llanuras mareales a lo largo del Mar Amarillo, que suele concentrarse en las zonas superior y media, puede no sólo reducir la cantidad total de hábitat de parada, sino también afectar de manera desproporcionada a las partes más ricas en recursos para las aves. La conservación eficaz de los puntos de parada de las aves playeras a lo largo del EAAF, y probablemente en otros lugares, debe tener en cuenta la sutil heterogeneidad del hábitat que caracteriza a estas llanuras mareales, priorizando la protección de las partes más ricas en recursos alimenticios, más frecuentemente utilizadas por las especies de aves focales y más vulnerables a las amenazas antropogénicas.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Invertebrates , Birds , China
Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14185, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37706237


Aquaculture can provide foraging habitat for birds, but it can also result in intentional and accidental mortality. We examined an overlooked conflict between razor clam (Sinonovacula spp.) aquaculture and declining shorebirds in southeastern China's Fujian and Zhejiang provinces. We surveyed 6 out of 11 internationally important stopover sites for these shorebirds and monitored shorebird mortality in 2 sites (Xinghua Bay, Yueqing Bay) with razor clam aquaculture. We visited an additional 32 sites in these 2 provinces to determine if there was netting in other razor clam farms. Approximately 8-9 km2 of intertidal foraging habitat was covered by horizontal nets to prevent birds from feeding on young razor clams at Xinghua Bay and Yueqing Bay. We conservatively estimated that 13,676 (2.5th-97.5th percentile 8,330-21,285) individual shorebirds were entangled in the nets at the 2 monitored sites in April and May 2021, including 2 endangered and 7 near-threatened species. Mortality of 5 species for which we had sufficient data accounted for 0.76% (black-tailed godwit [Limosa limosa]) to 4.27% (terek sandpiper [Xenus cinereus]) of their total flyway populations. This level of mortality could strongly affect their populations. We found netting at 17 additional razor clam farms, indicating a widespread threat to shorebirds. Although razor clams are typically harvested in late March to early April, nets are left on the mudflats throughout the spring and summer, including when the bulk of shorebird migration takes place. Immediately removing these nets after the clam harvest could prevent most of the spring mortality of shorebirds, although this is unlikely to happen without government regulations or economic incentives. To better assess and mitigate the impacts of this conflict, future research should quantify shorebird mortality at other razor clam farms, including during winter, explore less harmful deterrence methods, and assess the socioeconomic factors driving the conflict.

Evaluación de la mortalidad de aves costeras causada por la acuacultura de almejas navaja en sitios importantes de descanso migratorio en el sureste de China Resumen La acuacultura puede proporcionar hábitats de forrajeo para las aves, pero también puede derivar en muertes accidentales o intencionales. Analizamos un conflicto ignorado entre la acuacultura de almeja navaja (Sinonovacula spp.) y la declinación de aves costeras en las provincias de Fujian y Zhejiang del sureste de China. Censamos seis de los once sitios de descanso con importancia internacional para estas aves y monitoreamos su mortalidad en dos sitios en donde se cría la almeja navaja: la bahía de Xinghua y la de Yueqing. Además, visitamos 32 sitios en estas dos provincias para determinar si existían redes en otras granjas de almeja navaja. Unos 8 ­ 9 km2 del hábitat intermareal de forrajeo estaban cubiertos por redes horizontales para evitar que las aves se alimentaran de las almejas juveniles en ambas bahías. Estimamos moderadamente que 13,676 (2.5° ­ 97.5° percentil 8,330 ­ 21,285) individuos de aves costeras se enredaron en las redes en los dos sitios monitoreados durante abril y mayo de 2021, incluyendo a dos especies en peligro y siete casi amenazadas. La mortalidad de las cinco especies para las cuales tuvimos suficientes datos representó del 0.76% (Limosa limosa) al 4.27% (Xenus cinereus) del total de las poblaciones migratorias. Este nivel de mortalidad podría tener un gran efecto sobre las poblaciones de estas especies. Encontramos redes en 17 granjas más, lo que indica una amenaza extendida para las aves costeras. Aunque es típico que se colecte la almeja navaja a finales de marzo y principios de abril, las redes permanecen durante toda la primavera y el verano, incluso cuando ocurre la mayoría de los vuelos migratorios. La eliminación inmediata de estas redes después de la colecta de almejas podría prevenir la mayoría de las muertes primaverales de las aves costeras, aunque no es probable que esto suceda sin regulaciones gubernamentales o incentivos económicos. Para tener mejores evaluaciones y mitigaciones del impacto de este conflicto, una investigación más profunda debería cuantificar la mortalidad de las aves costeras en otras granjas, incluso durante el invierno, explorar métodos de disuasión menos dañinos y evaluar los factores socioeconómicos que causan el conflicto.

Bivalvia , Conservation of Natural Resources , Animals , Animal Migration , Birds , China , Aquaculture
Curr Biol ; 34(2): 235-244.e3, 2024 01 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38091989


Migratory landbirds in North America are experiencing dramatic population declines. Although considerable research and conservation attention have been directed toward these birds' breeding and wintering grounds, far less is known about the areas used as stopover sites during migration. To address this knowledge gap, we used 5 years of weather surveillance radar data to map seasonal stopover densities of landbirds across the eastern United States during spring and autumn migration. We identified stopover hotspots covering 2.47 million ha that consistently support high densities of migratory landbirds in spring or autumn. However, only 16.7% of these sites are hotspots in both seasons. The distribution of hotspots is shifted eastward in autumn compared with spring. Deciduous forest is the most important habitat type in both seasons, with deciduous forest fragments embedded in broadly deforested regions having the highest probability of being hotspots. The concentration of birds in these forest fragments is stronger in spring, especially in the agricultural Midwest. We found generally higher stopover densities in protected areas than in unprotected areas in both seasons. Nonetheless, only one-third of identified stopover hotspots have some sort of protected status, and more than half of these protected hotspots are subject to extractive uses. A well-distributed network of well-protected stopover areas, complementing conservation efforts on the breeding and wintering grounds, is essential to sustaining healthy populations of migratory landbirds in North America.

Animal Migration , Ecosystem , Animals , United States , Seasons , Weather , Birds
Nature ; 623(7985): 100-105, 2023 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37880359


Illegal harvesting and trading of wildlife have become major threats to global biodiversity and public health1-3. Although China is widely recognized as an important destination for wildlife illegally obtained abroad4, little attention has been given to illegal hunting within its borders. Here we extracted 9,256 convictions for illegal hunting from a nationwide database of trial verdicts in China spanning January 2014 to March 2020. These convictions involved illegal hunting of 21% (n = 673) of China's amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal species, including 25% of imperilled species in these groups. Sample-based extrapolation indicates that many more species were taken illegally during this period. Larger body mass and range size (for all groups), and proximity to urban markets (for amphibians and birds) increase the probability of a species appearing in the convictions database. Convictions pertained overwhelmingly to illegal hunting for commercial purposes and involved all major habitats across China. A small number of convictions represented most of the animals taken, indicating the existence of large commercial poaching operations. Prefectures closer to urban markets show higher densities of convictions and more individual animals taken. Our results suggest that illegal hunting is a major, overlooked threat to biodiversity throughout China.

Animals, Wild , Biodiversity , Hunting , Animals , Amphibians , Birds , China , Databases, Factual , Endangered Species/economics , Endangered Species/legislation & jurisprudence , Endangered Species/statistics & numerical data , Hunting/economics , Hunting/legislation & jurisprudence , Hunting/statistics & numerical data , Mammals , Reptiles
Sci Adv ; 9(22): eadg0288, 2023 06 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37267362


Protected areas are essential to biodiversity conservation. Creating new parks can protect larger populations and more species, yet strengthening existing parks, particularly those vulnerable to harmful human activities, is a critical but underappreciated step for safeguarding at-risk species. Here, we model the area of habitat that terrestrial mammals, amphibians, and birds have within park networks and their vulnerability to current downgrading, downsizing, or degazettement events and future land-use change. We find that roughly 70% of species analyzed have scant representation in parks, or occur within parks that are affected by shifts in formal legal protections or are vulnerable to increased human pressures. Our results also show that expanding and strengthening park networks across just 1% of the world's land area could preserve irreplaceable habitats of 1191 species that are particularly vulnerable to extinction.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Animals , Humans , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Ecosystem , Amphibians , Mammals
Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1389, 2023 03 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36914628


Protected Areas (PAs) are the cornerstone of biodiversity conservation. Here, we collated distributional data for >14,000 (~70% of) species of amphibians and reptiles (herpetofauna) to perform a global assessment of the conservation effectiveness of PAs using species distribution models. Our analyses reveal that >91% of herpetofauna species are currently distributed in PAs, and that this proportion will remain unaltered under future climate change. Indeed, loss of species' distributional ranges will be lower inside PAs than outside them. Therefore, the proportion of effectively protected species is predicted to increase. However, over 7.8% of species currently occur outside PAs, and large spatial conservation gaps remain, mainly across tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests, and across non-high-income countries. We also predict that more than 300 amphibian and 500 reptile species may go extinct under climate change over the course of the ongoing century. Our study highlights the importance of PAs in providing herpetofauna with refuge from climate change, and suggests ways to optimize PAs to better conserve biodiversity worldwide.

Climate Change , Ecosystem , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources , Reptiles , Amphibians , Biodiversity
Nat Commun ; 14(1): 211, 2023 01 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36639376


The world's warm deserts are predicted to experience disproportionately large temperature increases due to climate change, yet the impacts on global desert biodiversity remain poorly understood. Because species in warm deserts live close to their physiological limits, additional warming may induce local extinctions. Here, we combine climate change projections with biophysical models and species distributions to predict physiological impacts of climate change on desert birds globally. Our results show heterogeneous impacts between and within warm deserts. Moreover, spatial patterns of physiological impacts do not simply mirror air temperature changes. Climate change refugia, defined as warm desert areas with high avian diversity and low predicted physiological impacts, are predicted to persist in varying extents in different desert realms. Only a small proportion (<20%) of refugia fall within existing protected areas. Our analysis highlights the need to increase protection of refugial areas within the world's warm deserts to protect species from climate change.

Birds , Climate Change , Animals , Birds/physiology , Biodiversity , Temperature , Ecosystem , Desert Climate
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(3): e2203511120, 2023 01 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36623186


Halting the global decline of migratory birds requires a better understanding of migration ecology. Stopover sites are a crucial yet understudied aspect of bird conservation, mostly due to challenges associated with understanding broad-scale patterns of transient habitat use. Here, we use a national network of weather radar stations to identify stopover hotspots and assess multiscale habitat associations of migratory landbirds across the eastern United States during autumn migration. We mapped seasonal bird densities over 5 y (2015 to 2019) from 60 radar stations covering 63.2 million hectares. At a coarse scale, we found that landbirds migrate across a broad front with small differences in migrant density between radar domains. However, relatively more birds concentrate along the Mississippi River and Appalachian Mountains. At a finer scale, we identified radar pixels that consistently harbored high densities of migrants for all 5 y, which we classify as stopover hotspots. Hotspot probability increased with percent cover of all forest types and decreased with percent cover of pasture and cultivated crops. Moreover, we found strong concentrating effects of deciduous forest patches within deforested regions. We also found that the prairie biome in the Midwest (now mostly cropland) is likely a migration barrier, with large concentrations of migrants at the prairie-forest boundary after crossing the agricultural Midwest. Overall, the broad-front migration pattern highlights the importance of locally based conservation efforts to protect stopover habitats. Such efforts should target forests, especially deciduous forests in highly altered landscapes. These findings demonstrate the value of multiscale habitat assessments for the conservation of migratory landbirds.

Animal Migration , Ecosystem , Animals , United States , Seasons , Forests , Birds , Mississippi
PLoS One ; 17(10): e0275322, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36223374


This year, the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity will meet to finalize a post 2020-framework for biodiversity conservation, necessitating critical analysis of current barriers to conservation success. Here, we tackle one of the enduring puzzles about the U.S. Endangered Species Act, often considered a model for endangered species protection globally: Why have so few species been successfully recovered? For the period of 1992-2020, we analyzed trends in the population sizes of species of concern, trends in the time between when species are first petitioned for listing and when they actually receive protection, and trends in funding for the listing and recovery of imperiled species. We find that small population sizes at time of listing, coupled with delayed protection and insufficient funding, continue to undermine one of the world's strongest laws for protecting biodiversity.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Endangered Species , Animals , Biodiversity , Population Density
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 175: 107580, 2022 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35810968


Several cryptic avian species have been validated by recent integrative taxonomic efforts in the Sino-Himalayan mountains, indicating that avian diversity in this global biodiversity hotspot may be underestimated. In the present study, we investigated species limits in the genus Tarsiger, the bush robins, a group of montane forest specialists with high species richness in the Sino-Himalayan region. Based on comprehensive sampling of all 11 subspecies of the six currently recognized species, we applied an integrative taxonomic approach by combining multilocus, acoustic, plumage and morphometric analyses. Our results reveal that the isolated north-central Chinese populations of Tarsiger cyanurus, described as the subspecies albocoeruleus but usually considered invalid, is distinctive in genetics and vocalisation, but only marginally differentiated in morphology. We also found the Taiwan endemic T. indicus formosanus to be distinctive in genetics, song and morphology from T. i. indicus and T. i. yunnanensis of the Sino-Himalayan mountains. Moreover, Bayesian species delimitation using BPP suggests that both albocoeruleus and formosanus merit full species status. We propose their treatment as 'Qilian Bluetail' T. albocoeruleus and 'Taiwan Bush Robin' T. formosanus, respectively.

Songbirds , Animals , Bayes Theorem , Biodiversity , Forests , Phylogeny
Sci Adv ; 8(22): eabl9885, 2022 Jun 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35648855


Protected areas safeguard biodiversity, ensure ecosystem functioning, and deliver ecosystem services to communities. However, only ~16% of the world's land area is under some form of protection, prompting international calls to protect at least 30% by 2030. We modeled the outcomes of achieving this 30 × 30 target for terrestrial biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, and nutrient regulation. We find that the additional ~2.8 million ha of habitat that would be protected would benefit 1134 ± 175 vertebrate species whose habitats currently lack any form of protection, as well as contribute to either avoided carbon emissions or carbon dioxide sequestration, equivalent to 10.9 ± 3.6 GtCO2 year-1 (28.4 ± 9.4% of the global nature-based climate-change mitigation potential). Furthermore, expansion of the protected area network would increase its ability to regulate water quality and mitigate nutrient pollution by 142.5 ± 31.0 MtN year-1 (28.5 ± 6.2% of the global nutrient regulation potential).

Sci Adv ; 8(21): eabm8999, 2022 May 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35613262


Hundreds of millions of hectares of cropland have been abandoned globally since 1950 due to demographic, economic, and environmental changes. This abandonment has been seen as an important opportunity for carbon sequestration and habitat restoration; yet those benefits depend on the persistence of abandonment, which is poorly known. Here, we track abandonment and recultivation at 11 sites across four continents using annual land-cover maps for 1987-2017. We find that abandonment is largely fleeting, lasting on average only 14.22 years (SD = 1.44). At most sites, we project that >50% of abandoned croplands will be recultivated within 30 years, precluding the accumulation of substantial amounts of carbon and biodiversity. Recultivation resulted in 30.84% less abandonment and 35.39% less carbon accumulated by 2017 than expected without recultivation. Unless policymakers take steps to reduce recultivation or provide incentives for regeneration, abandonment will remain a missed opportunity to reduce biodiversity loss and climate change.

Curr Biol ; 32(7): R313-R315, 2022 04 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35413256


Is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) up to the task of preventing species from being driven to extinction by trade? A new study documents some success but also highlights major deficiencies.

Commerce , Internationality , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources , Endangered Species
Ecol Appl ; 31(7): e02402, 2021 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34233059


The illegal use of natural resources, manifested in activities like illegal logging, poaching, and illegal wildlife trade, poses a global threat to biodiversity. Addressing them will require an understanding of the magnitude of and factors influencing these activities. However, assessing such behaviors is challenging because of their illegal nature, making participants less willing to admit engaging in them. We compared how indirect (randomized response technique) and direct questioning techniques performed when assessing non-sensitive (fish consumption, used as negative control) and sensitive (illegal consumption of wild animals) behaviors across an urban gradient (small towns, large towns, and the large city of Manaus) in the Brazilian Amazon. We conducted 1,366 surveys of randomly selected households to assess the magnitude of consumption of meat from wild animals (i.e., wild meat) and its socioeconomic drivers, which included years the head of household lived in urban areas, age of the head of household, household size, presence of children, and poverty. The indirect method revealed higher rates of wildlife consumption in larger towns than did the direct method. Results for small towns were similar between the two methods. The indirect method also revealed socioeconomic factors influencing wild meat consumption that were not detected with direct methods. For instance, the indirect method showed that wild meat consumption increased with age of the head of household, and decreased with poverty and years the head of household lived in urban areas. Simultaneously, when responding to direct questioning, households with characteristics associated with higher wild meat consumption, as estimated from indirect questioning, tended to underreport consumption to a larger degree than households with lower wild meat consumption. Results for fish consumption, used as negative control, were similar for both methods. Our findings suggest that people edit their answers to varying degrees when responding to direct questioning, potentially biasing conclusions, and indirect methods can improve researchers' ability to identify patterns of illegal activities when the sensitivity of such activities varies across spatial (e.g., urban gradient) or social (e.g., as a function of age) contexts. This work is broadly applicable to other geographical regions and disciplines that deal with sensitive human behaviors.

Animals, Wild , Conservation of Natural Resources , Animals , Biodiversity , Brazil , Cities , Humans
Ecol Appl ; 31(7): e02396, 2021 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34180111


For biodiversity protection to play a persuasive role in land-use planning, conservationists must be able to offer objective systems for ranking which natural areas to protect or convert. Representing biodiversity in spatially explicit indices is challenging because it entails numerous judgments regarding what variables to measure, how to measure them, and how to combine them. Surprisingly few studies have explored this variation. Here, we explore how this variation affects which areas are selected for agricultural conversion by a land-use prioritization model designed to reduce the biodiversity losses associated with agricultural expansion in Zambia. We first explore the similarity between model recommendations generated by three recently published composite indices and a commonly used rarity-weighted species richness metric. We then explore four underlying sources of ecological and methodological variation within these and other approaches, including different terrestrial vertebrate taxonomic groups, different species-richness metrics, different mathematical methods for combining layers, and different spatial resolutions of inputs. The results generated using different biodiversity approaches show very low spatial agreement regarding which areas to convert to agriculture. There is little overlap in areas identified for conversion using previously published indices (mean Jaccard similarity, Jw , between 0.3 and 3.7%), different taxonomic groups (5.0% < mean Jw  < 13.5%), or different measures of species richness (15.6% < mean Jw  < 33.7%). Even with shared conservation goals, different methods for combining layers and different input spatial resolutions still produce meaningful, though smaller, differences among areas selected for conversion (40.9% < mean Jw  < 67.5%). The choice of taxonomic group had the largest effect on conservation priorities, followed by the choice of species richness metric, the choice of combination method, and finally the choice of spatial resolution. These disagreements highlight the challenge of objectively representing biodiversity in land-use planning tools, and present a credibility challenge for conservation scientists seeking to inform policy making. Our results suggest an urgent need for a more consistent and transparent framework for designing the biodiversity indices used in land-use planning, which we propose here.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Agriculture , Ecosystem , Zambia