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Psicol. USP ; 31: e190128, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1143507


Resumo Este artigo examinou a metodologia da pesquisa de opinião intitulada "Percepção sobre a violência sexual e atendimento a mulheres vítimas nas instituições policiais", conduzida em 2016 pelo Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública. Os resultados mostraram que a pesquisa possuiu limitações metodológicas quanto à amostragem, análises estatísticas e formulação de seus itens (exemplos: falta de operacionalização de construtos, ambiguidade e expectativa não realista do conhecimento de seus respondentes), que comprometem a legitimidade de seus resultados. Pesquisas de opinião futuras realizadas no Brasil nessa área podem se beneficiar do uso de escalas validadas. O presente artigo não tem o intuito de desacreditar que muitos brasileiros endossam atitudes de tolerância ao estupro. Em vez disso, enfatiza a necessidade de dados confiáveis e válidos que servirão de base para medidas de intervenção.

Abstract This article examined the methodology used in the survey named "Perception of sexual violence and care of female victims by police institutions", conducted in 2016 by the Brazilian Forum of Public Security. The results showed that this research has methodological limitations regarding sampling, statistical analysis, and formulation of items (e.g., lack of operationalization of constructs, ambiguity and unrealistic expectation regarding the knowledge of respondents), which compromise the legitimacy of its results. Future surveys conducted in Brazil in this field may benefit from the use of validated scales. This article does not attempt to discredit the idea that many Brazilians endorse tolerant attitudes toward rape. Instead, it emphasizes the need for reliable and valid data that must be the basis for intervention measures.

Résumé Cet article a analysé la méthodologie utilisée dans l'enquête intitulée "Perception de la violence sexuelle et prise en charge des femmes victimes par les institutions de police", menée en 2016 par le Forum Brésilien de la Sécurité Publique. Les résultats ont montré que cette recherche présente des limites méthodologiques en ce qui concerne l'échantillonnage, l'analyse statistique et la formulation de ses items (par exemple, le manque d'opérationnalisation des concepts, l'ambiguïté et l'attente irréaliste des connaissances des répondants), qui mettent en question la légitimité de ses résultats. Les futurs sondages d'opinion menés au Brésil dans ce domaine pourraient bénéficier de l'utilisation d'échelles validées. Cet article ne vise pas à discréditer l'idée que de nombreux Brésiliens souscrivent à des attitudes de tolérance au viol. Au contraire, il souligne la nécessité de disposer de données fiables et valides qui serviront de base aux mesures d'intervention.

Resumen Este artículo ha examinado la metodología utilizada en la encuesta de opinión titulada "Percepción de la violencia sexual y la atención a mujeres víctimas por parte de instituciones policiales", realizada en 2016 por el Foro Brasileño de Seguridad Pública. Los resultados mostraron que la mencionada encuesta tiene limitaciones metodológicas con respecto al muestreo, análisis estadísticos y la formulación de sus ítems (por ejemplo, falta de operacionalización de constructos, ambigüedad y expectativa poco realista del conocimiento de los encuestados), que comprometen la legitimidad de sus resultados y de sus conclusiones. Las futuras encuestas de opinión realizadas en Brasil en este campo pueden beneficiarse del uso de escalas validadas. Este artículo no intenta desacreditar la idea de que muchos brasileños respaldan actitudes tolerantes hacia la violación. En cambio, enfatiza la necesidad de datos confiables y válidos que serán la base para las medidas de intervención.

Humans , Female , Public Opinion , Sex Offenses , Women , Methodology as a Subject , Brazil , Data Accuracy
Trauma Violence Abuse ; 20(5): 595-612, 2019 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29333964


Southeast Asia is one of the most dynamic regions in the world. It is experiencing rapid socioeconomic change that may influence the level of sexual aggression, but data on the scale of sexual aggression in the region remain sparse. The aim of the present article was to systematically review the findings of studies available in English on the prevalence of self-reported sexual aggression and victimization among women and men above the age of 12 years in the 11 countries of Southeast Asia (Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam). Based on four scientific databases, the search engine Google, Opengrey database, and reference checking, 49 studies were found on sexual victimization. Of those, 32 included only women. Self-reported perpetration was assessed by only three studies and included all-male samples. Prevalence rates varied widely across studies but showed that sexual victimization was widespread among different social groups, irrespective of sex and sexual orientation. Methodological heterogeneity, lack of representativeness of samples, imbalance of information available by country, missing information within studies, and cultural differences hampered the comparability between and within countries. There is a need for operationalizations that specifically address sexual aggression occurring after the age of consent, based on detailed behavioral descriptions of unwanted sexual experiences and allied to a qualitative approach with cultural sensitivity. Data on sexual aggression in conflict settings and in human trafficking are also limited. Recommendations for future research are presented in the discussion.

Rape/statistics & numerical data , Adolescent , Adult , Aggression , Asia, Southeastern/epidemiology , Child , Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data , Female , Human Trafficking/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Male , Young Adult
Cad Saude Publica ; 32(7)2016 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27487443


The lack of official data on rape has been a challenge for researchers in Brazil. Two recently published studies were based on law enforcement and medical records. Although these studies represent important progress in research on rape in the country, they have several limitations. In order to obtain more realistic rates, the current article reviews Brazilian studies on self-reported sexual aggression and victimization in individuals over 14 years of age. Forty-one studies were identified through electronic searches and reference verification. From 1% to 40% of women and 1% to 35% of men reported some form of victimization in the previous year. The male perpetration incidence ranged from 2% to 44%. Despite the wide variability, these rates were much higher than those provided by official data. The results suggest that sexual orientation is associated with vulnerability. Mixed findings were found concerning race. Most studies were based on convenience samples and focused on female victimization. Male victimization has received increasing attention, but studies on self-reported perpetration are still limited.

Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data , Rape/statistics & numerical data , Aggression , Brazil , Female , Humans , Male , Risk-Taking , Self Report , Sexual Behavior/classification , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data
Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum ; 26(2): 211-217, 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-797813


Because countries with the highest Human Development Index (HDI) have low rates of violence, it is common to assume that the increase of HDI may correspond with lower rates of violence in a country. This study examined the relationship between the Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI) and violent deaths in the Brazilian States between 1991 and 2010. We tested whether the increase of MHDI indirectly reduces violence or whether the reduction of violence predicts higher MHDI in later years. The raw data were obtained from three sources online, Atlasbrasil, IPEAdata and Map of violence. The analyses do not support the assumption that the increase of MHDI leads to a reduced level of violence. However, there are indications that the decrease of homicides over the years results in improved MHDI rates in 2010. The results suggest that taking measures aimed at development does not automatically imply a lower level of violence, but fighting against violence may increase MHDI.

Porque países com os maiores Índices de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) apresentam taxas baixas de violência, é comum supor que o aumento de IDH pode levar à diminuição das taxas de violência num país. O presente trabalho analisou a relação entre os Índices de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDHM) e mortes violentas nos estados brasileiros entre 1991 e 2010. Foi testado se o aumento de IDHM reduz indiretamente a violência ou se a redução da violência prediz maior IDHM em anos posteriores. Os dados brutos foram obtidos a partir de três fontes online, Atlasbrasil, IPEAdata e Mapa da violência. As análises não confirmam a suposição de que o aumento de IDHM leva a diminuição da violência. Mas há indícios de que a diminuição de homicídios ao longo dos anos resulta em melhores índices de IDHM em 2010. Os resultados sugerem que tomar medidas que visam desenvolvimento não implica automaticamente em redução da violência, mas combater a violência pode representar aumento de IDHM.

Humans , Male , Female , Human Development , Poverty , Public Policy , Social Conditions , Socioeconomic Factors , Violence , Accidents, Traffic , Homicide , Social Responsibility , Suicide
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 32(7): e00126315, 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-952288


Abstract: The lack of official data on rape has been a challenge for researchers in Brazil. Two recently published studies were based on law enforcement and medical records. Although these studies represent important progress in research on rape in the country, they have several limitations. In order to obtain more realistic rates, the current article reviews Brazilian studies on self-reported sexual aggression and victimization in individuals over 14 years of age. Forty-one studies were identified through electronic searches and reference verification. From 1% to 40% of women and 1% to 35% of men reported some form of victimization in the previous year. The male perpetration incidence ranged from 2% to 44%. Despite the wide variability, these rates were much higher than those provided by official data. The results suggest that sexual orientation is associated with vulnerability. Mixed findings were found concerning race. Most studies were based on convenience samples and focused on female victimization. Male victimization has received increasing attention, but studies on self-reported perpetration are still limited.

Resumo: A falta de dados oficiais sobre estupro tem desafiado pesquisadores no Brasil. Dois estudos recentes utilizaram dados de boletins policiais e prontuários médicos. Embora esses estudos sejam avanços importantes na pesquisa sobre estupro no Brasil, apresentam algumas limitações. Para obter taxas mais realistas, este artigo faz uma revisão das pesquisas brasileiras sobre agressão e vitimização sexual em indivíduos com mais de 14 anos de idade. Foram identificados 41 estudos através de buscas eletrônicas e verificação de referências bibliográficas. Entre 1% e 40% de mulheres e 1% e 35% de homens relataram alguma forma de vitimização no ano anterior à entrevista. A incidência de homens perpetradores de agressão sexual variava de 2% a 44%. Apesar da grande variabilidade, essas taxas são muito mais altas do que aquelas estimadas a partir de dados oficiais. Os resultados sugerem uma associação entre orientação sexual e vulnerabilidade. Os resultados variaram em relação à raça. A maioria dos estudos era baseada em amostras de conveniência e focava a vitimização feminina. A vitimização masculina vem recebendo mais atenção, mas ainda há poucos estudos sobre a perpetração auto-relatada.

Resumen: La falta de datos oficiales sobre la violación ha desafiado a los investigadores en Brasil. Dos estudios recientes han utilizado los datos de los informes policiales y los registros médicos. Aunque estos estudios son importantes avances en la investigación sobre la violación en Brasil, tienen algunas limitaciones. Para obtener tasas más realistas, el artículo hace una revisión de las investigaciones brasileñas sobre la agresión y la victimización sexual en los individuos mayores de 14 años. Se identificaron 41 estudios mediante búsquedas electrónicas y verificación de referencias. Entre el 1% y el 40% de las mujeres y el 1% y el 35% de los hombres informaron alguna forma de victimización en el año anterior a la entrevista. La incidencia de los hombres autores de agresión sexual varió de 2% a 44%. A pesar de la gran variabilidad, las tasas son mucho más altas que las estimadas a partir de datos oficiales. Los resultados sugieren una asociación entre la orientación sexual y la vulnerabilidad. Los resultados variaron según la raza. La mayoría de los estudios se basaron en muestras de conveniencia y se centró en la victimización femenina. La victimización masculina está recibiendo más atención, pero hay pocos estudios sobre la perpetración autoinformada.

Humans , Male , Female , Rape/statistics & numerical data , Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data , Risk-Taking , Sexual Behavior/classification , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Aggression , Self Report