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Dev World Bioeth ; 2024 Jul 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38995203


Colombia was one of the first countries to decriminalise euthanasia. However, what is known in the international academic literature about the country's regulations is scarce and outdated. Such lack of information on the situation in Latin America is even more evident in the case of Peru, where the Lima Superior Court of Justice set a precedent by allowing a person to have access to euthanasia in 2021. Ecuador, which has just decriminalised euthanasia for all its citizens in February 2024, risks being similarly absent from the international dialogue. This article summarises for the first time all the regulations in force regarding euthanasia in Latin America, through a study of primary sources in Spanish, and analyses some of the convergences between these three neighbouring countries.

Saúde Soc ; 33(2): e220871pt, 2024. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565823


Resumo Eutanásia voluntária ativa (EVA) e suicídio assistido (SA) são práticas de fim de vida que, embora permeadas de tabus e controvérsias, visam minimizar o sofrimento das pessoas com doenças incuráveis, preservando sua dignidade humana diante da morte. Neste artigo, objetivamos investigar a situação jurídico-normativa dessas práticas no Brasil, por meio de uma pesquisa documental qualitativa que buscou dados do período de 1981 a 2020 nos sites do Poder Legislativo Federal. Com base na proposta hermenêutica dialética, discutimos o percurso das decisões políticas sobre EVA, SA (e suas relações com a ortotanásia e cuidados paliativos) e os efeitos práticos de suas construções valorativas e morais para a autodeterminação das pessoas tanto no processo de morte quanto na sociedade.

Abstract Voluntary active euthanasia (VAE) and assisted suicide (AS) constitute end-of-life practices that aim to minimize the suffering of people with incurable diseases, preserving their human dignity in the face of death. However, taboos and controversies still surround them. This study aims to investigate the legal-normative status of these practices in Brazil via a qualitative documentary research with data from the Federal Legislative Power websites from 1981 and 2020. The dialectical hermeneutic proposal of this study discusses the path of political decisions on VAE, AS (and their relations with orthothanasia and palliative care), and the practical effects of their values and moral constructions on people's self-determination in the dying process and in society.

Social Values , Bioethics , Hospice Care
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(3): [1-24], 20230901.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512801


Introducción: las enfermedades crónicas van en aumento e implican múltiples consecuencias que, en un determinado momento, con el paso de los años, pueden llegar a un estado terminal de la enfermedad. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el discurso de enfermos crónicos sobre la muerte digna, la eutanasia y el suicidio médicamente asistido para visibilizar la necesidad de la regulación de la muerte digna. Materiales y métodos: se llevó a cabo una investigación cualitativa que se inserta dentro del paradigma del construccionismo social, mediante entrevistas a enfermos crónicos de la Ciudad de México, utilizando una guía semiestructurada. Se empleó el análisis del discurso para encontrar convergencias y diferencias en los discursos. Resultados: se entrevistaron siete personas vía telefónica de enero a marzo del 2022. Las principales enfermedades fueron: lupus, cáncer, artritis, diabetes y ovarios poliquísticos. Los discursos convergen hacia una muerte digna sin dolor, sufrimiento, tranquila y en casa. Coinciden sus discursos en legalizar la eutanasia y el suicidio médicamente asistido; sin embargo, hay divergencias en cuanto a solicitarlas. Conclusiones: la experiencia de la enfermedad crónica es un factor importante para aceptar en un futuro la muerte médicamente asistida, sin ser una carga para otros y evitar el dolor y sufrimiento al final de la vida. La religión influye en las decisiones, pero se puede observar una mayor apertura para aceptar la legalización de la muerte médicamente asistida.

Introduction: Chronic diseases are increasing in frequency and entail multiple consequences that can eventually lead to death. The study aim was to analyze the discourse of chronically-ill patients on death with dignity, euthanasia, and medically-assisted suicide to highlight the need for regulation of death with dignity. Materials and Methods: A qualitative study was conducted within the paradigm of social constructionism. A semi-structured guide was used to conduct interviews with chronically-ill patients in Mexico City. Discourse analysis was performed to identify convergences and differences in the discourses. Results: Seven interviews were conducted by telephone from January to March 2022. The main diseases of the interviewees were lupus, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and polycystic ovaries. The discourses converged toward a preference for dignified death without pain or suffering that was calm, and occurred at home. The discourses included the topics of legalizing euthanasia and medically-assisted suicide, but the patients differed on whether or not these should be requested. Conclusions: The experience of chronic illness was an important factor in accepting medically-assisted death for the patients, who did not wish to be a burden on others and wanted to avoid pain and suffering at the end of their lives. Religion influenced the patients' decisions, but there was openness to accepting legalization of medically-assisted death.

Introdução: a incidência das doenças crônicas vem aumentando, e têm múltiplas consequências que num determinado momento, ao longo dos anos, podem chegar a um estado terminal da doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o discurso de pessoas com doenças crônicas sobre morte digna, eutanásia e suicídio medicamente assistido para tornar visível a necessidade de regulamentar a morte digna. Materiais e métodos: foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa que se insere no paradigma do construcionismo social. Entrevistas com pacientes crônicos na Cidade do México foram realizadas usando um guia semiestruturado. A análise do discurso foi utilizada para encontrar convergências e divergências nos discursos. Resultados: foram realizadas sete entrevistas por telefone no período de janeiro a março de 2022. As principais doenças foram lúpus, câncer, artrite, diabetes e ovários policísticos. Os discursos convergem para uma morte digna sem dor, sofrimento, tranquila e em casa. Seus discursos coincidem na legalização da eutanásia e do suicídio medicamente assistido; entretanto, há divergências quanto à sua solicitação. Conclusões: a experiência da doença crônica é um fator importante para aceitar a morte medicamente assistida no futuro, sem ser um fardo para os outros e evitando a dor e o sofrimento no final da vida. A religião influencia nas decisões, mas observase uma maior abertura para aceitar a legalização da morte medicamente assistida.

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law ; 51(3): 390-400, 2023 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37268304


The concept of suicide by cop (SbC) is of interest to psychiatrists, law enforcement professionals, lawyers, and citizens. It is a form of provoked homicide arising from a wish to die. Those who attempt SbC experience more mental illness, substance use, and recent trauma than the general population. This article examines those who attempt SbC and survive the encounters. SbC survivors who threaten or harm police or others may be charged with crimes such as weapons possession, aggravated assault, murder or attempted murder of an officer. The formulation of a provocative act, however, frustrates attempts at defenses based on mental state, resulting in few requests for expert testimony. Few data exist on how these individuals fare in court. Appellate cases in which defendants attempted to introduce evidence of SbC illustrate great variability in adjudication. Psychiatric defenses, such as diminished capacity and insanity, are usually inapplicable or unsuccessful because intent and knowledge of wrongfulness are implied in the provocative act. Diversion of SbC defendants into mental health courts is rare because of firearms use against police. The author argues that criminal justice ignores SbC survivors' mental health and recommends application of therapeutic jurisprudence to give full expression of SbC dynamics.

Psychotic Disorders , Substance-Related Disorders , Suicide , Humans , Criminal Law , Suicide/psychology , Homicide/psychology
Evid. actual. práct. ambul ; 26(4): e007103, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1525784


En este artículo, el autor reflexiona sobre la importancia de reconocer el suicidio como un problema de salud pública,sus causas y las recomendaciones generales para prevenirlo. Finalmente, propone considerar la muerte médicamente asistida o el suicidio asistido como una estrategia de prevención del suicidio traumático. (AU)

In this article, the author reflects on the importance of recognizing suicide as a public health problem, its causes, and general recommendations to prevent it. Finally, he proposes considering medical assistance in dying or assisted suicide as a prevention strategy against traumatic suicide. (AU)

Humans , Suicide/prevention & control , Suicide, Assisted , Suicide Prevention/methods , Suicide/statistics & numerical data , Attitude to Death
J Prim Care Community Health ; 13: 21501319221121462, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36112863


INTRODUCTION: Assisted suicide and euthanasia are controversial issues today and have been throughout the history of humanity, mainly because there are individuals for and against them. Currently, the legalization of these practices is being discussed in Chile, and the perception of physicians regarding this issue is unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to assess physicians' perception of Chile's euthanasia and assisted suicide. METHODS: A nationwide cross-sectional study was carried out in Chile. A questionnaire of physicians' attitudes and opinions on assisted suicide and euthanasia was used. The population was the doctors who work in Chile, and the sample was convenient with a sample calculation of 384 physicians. About 20 variables were considered and included in a form created through the Google forms option, which was distributed through social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. To guarantee the anonymity of the participants, the option to request and remember the participant's email was deactivated. A generated database allowed the quantitative analysis of the variables and their expression through frequencies, percentages, and graphs. The European University of the Atlantic's research ethics committee approved this study as stated in the document CE-55 of March 2021. RESULTS: A total of 410 physicians were surveyed. 50.7% (n = 208) of the participants identified themselves as men, and 69.8% (n = 286) were Chilean. The city of Santiago was the area of residence of 72.9% (n = 299) of the participants. About 34.6% (n = 142) of participants were general practitioners, and 39.3% (n = 161) of the physicians had more than 20 years of experience. About 68.7% had favorable attitudes toward euthanasia and 54.4% toward assisted suicide; However, although the majority favored legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide, approximately 48.8% stated that they would not participate in an assisted suicide procedure. CONCLUSIONS: There was evidence of support for the implementation and legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide by physicians in Chile. However, there are still professionals who have not yet decided on a definitive position on these practices.

Euthanasia , Physicians , Suicide, Assisted , Attitude of Health Personnel , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Humans , Male , Perception
Rev. MED ; 30(1): 55-66, jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535356


El avance en materia de derechos humanos es indispensable durante el desarrollo de políticas públicas en salud y marcos legales que garanticen el cuidado integro de la salud; la eutanasia y suicidio asistido siguen siendo conceptos ampliamente discutidos desde la medicina, y especialmente en la bioética por el peso que poseen en la toma de decisiones del paciente terminal y cuidados paliativos. Estos términos, su uso, aprobación y regulación legal dependen de la influencia de diversos determinantes como la investigación biomédica, las creencias religiosas, los aspectos socioculturales, entre otros. Sin embargo, lo que permite la interpretación y observación de resultados son las practicas soportadas por las legislaciones de cada país; Colombia es el único país que ha despenalizado la eutanasia en la región y que progresa activamente en temas relacionados. En este orden de ideas, el objetivo de esta revisión consiste en analizar los marcos legales internacionales sobre la definición y uso de la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido, que permitan comprender la evolución de la normatividad sobre el cuidado al final de la vida.

Advances in human rights are indispensable during the development of public policies in health and legal frameworks that guarantee integral health care; euthanasia and assisted suicide continue to be concepts widely discussed in medicine, and especially in bioethics due to the weight they have in the decision-making process of the terminal patient and palliative care. These terms, their use, approval, and legal regulation depend on the influence of various determinants such as biomedical research, religious beliefs, and sociocultural aspects. However, what allows the interpretation and observation of results are the practices supported by the legislation of each country; Colombia is the only country that has decriminalized euthanasia in the region and is actively progressing in related issues. In this order of ideas, the objective of this review is to analyze the international legal frameworks on the definition and use of euthanasia and assisted suicide to understand the evolution of regulations on end-of-life care.

Os avanços nos direitos humanos são indispensáveis para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de saúde e marcos legais que garantam a atenção integral à saúde. A eutanásia e o suicídio assistido continuam sendo conceitos amplamente discutidos na medicina e, principalmente, na bioética, devido ao peso que têm no processo de tomada de decisão de pacientes terminais e nos cuidados paliativos. Esses termos, seu uso, aprovação e regulamentação legal dependem da influência de vários determinantes, como pesquisas biomédicas, crenças religiosas, aspectos socioculturais, entre outros. No entanto, o que permite a interpretação e a observação dos resultados são as práticas apoiadas pela legislação de cada país; a Colômbia é o único país que descriminalizou a eutanásia na região e está avançando ativamente em questões relacionadas. O objetivo desta revisão é analisar as estruturas jurídicas internacionais sobre a definição e o uso da eutanásia e do suicídio assistido a fim de compreender a evolução das regulamentações de cuidados no fim da vida.

Humans , Personal Autonomy
Ann Med Surg (Lond) ; 75: 103380, 2022 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35242326


End-of-life care is an increasingly relevant topic due to advances in biomedical research and the establishment of new disciplines in evidence-based medicine and bioethics. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are two terms widely discussed in medicine, which cause displeasure on many occasions and cause relief on others. The evolution of these terms and the events associated with their study have allowed the evaluation of cases that have established useful definitions for the legal regulation of palliative care and public policies in the different health systems. However, there are still many aspects to be elucidated and defined. Based on the above, this review aimed to compile relevant historical aspects on the evolution of euthanasia and assisted suicide, which will allow understanding the use and research of these terms.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 39(3): 1-16, sep.-dic. 2021. graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1367023


El presente artículo propone un enfoque empírico de la ética derivado de la teoría psicológica del juicio humano propuesta por Norman Anderson. Muestra cómo la metodología de esta teoría ­denominada medición funcional­ puede utilizarse para caracterizar las diversas posiciones personales que existen en todas las sociedades respecto a los problemas de salud pública. Los principales resultados de tres estudios realizados en tres países diferentes (Guinea, Francia y Colombia) se presentan como ilustración de lo que puede aportar este enfoque. Dichos análisis se centraron en tres problemas deliberadamente muy diferentes: (a) el deber de atender a los pacientes infectados, en caso de una epidemia que ponga en peligro la vida de los cuidadores; (b) la aceptabilidad de la reproducción postmortem, en el caso de los soldados que mueren en combate, y (c) la aceptabilidad del suicidio asistido por un médico

This paper presents the proposal of an empirical ap-proach to ethics derived from a psychological theory of human judgment proposed by Norman Anderson. It shows how the methodology specific to this theory ­functional measurement­ makes it possible to char-acterize the various personal positions that exist in all societies regarding public health problems. The main results of three studies carried out in three different countries (Guinea, France, and Colombia) on various problems are presented as an illustration of what this approach can offer. These analyses focused on three deliberately very different problems: (a) the duty to care for infected patients in the event of a pandemic that puts at risk the lives of the health professionals, (b) the acceptability of postmortem reproduction in the specific context of fallen soldiers, and (c) the accept-ability of physicianassisted suicide

Este artigo propõe uma abordagem empírica da ética derivada da teoria psicológica do julgamento humano proposta por Norman Anderson. Mostra como a metodo-logia dessa teoria ­ denominada medição funcional­ pode ser utilizada para caracterizar as diversas posições pessoais que existem em todas as sociedades em relação aos problemas de saúde pública. Os principais resulta-dos de três estudos, realizados em três países diferentes (Guiné, França e Colômbia), são apresentados como uma ilustração do que esta abordagem pode contribuir. Esses estudos se concentraram em três problemas de-liberadamente muito diferentes: (a) o dever de cuidar de pacientes infectados no caso de uma epidemia que ponha em risco a vida dos cuidadores, (b) a aceitabilida-de da reprodução postmortem no caso de soldados que morrem em combate, e (c) a aceitabilidade do suicídio assistido por médicos

Humans , Ethics , Psychological Theory , Public Health , Suicide, Assisted , Judgment
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 29(4): 763-781, out.-dez. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365520


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as opiniões da próxima geração de médicos sobre a eutanásia e o suicídio medicamente assistido. Os estudantes de todas as faculdades de medicina portuguesas que frequentaram o último ano do curso e os que o concluíram no ano letivo 2015/2016 foram convidados a preencher um inquérito. Para avaliar a existência de associação com crenças religiosas foi utilizado o teste Qui-quadrado ou o teste Fisher. Das 405 respostas válidas, a maioria dos respondentes era do sexo feminino, solteira, e a média de idade foi de 24 anos. A maioria referiu ter crenças religiosas. Mais de metade lidou com pacientes em estado terminal. Em relação à legalização da eutanásia e do suicídio medicamente assistido, 73% e 56%, respetivamente, foram a favor. Os futuros médicos portugueses são claramente a favor da eutanásia e do suicídio assistido por médico, ao contrário de estudos semelhantes em outros países europeus.

Abstract This study analyzes the opinions of medical students about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. Students from all Portuguese medical schools who attended the last year of the course and those who completed it in 2015/2016 were invited to the survey. To assess the association with religious beliefs, the Chi-square or the Fisher's exact test was used. Of the 405 valid answers, most respondents were female, single, and with an average age of 24 years. Most reported religious beliefs and more than half had treated terminally ill patients. Regarding the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide, 73% and 56%, respectively, were in favor of these practices. Future Portuguese doctors are clearly in favor of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, unlike similar studies in other European countries.

Resumen Este estudio analiza las opiniones de estudiantes de medicina sobre la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido por un médico. Los estudiantes que asistieron al último año del curso y los que lo completaron en 2015/2016 de todas las escuelas de medicina portuguesas fueron invitados a recopilar datos. Para evaluar la asociación con creencias religiosas, se utilizó la prueba de Chi-cuadrado o la prueba exacta de Fisher. La mayoría de los encuestados eran mujeres, solteras y con una edad media de 24 años. La mayoría reportó creencias religiosas y más de la mitad trató a pacientes terminales. En cuanto a la legalización de la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido, el 73% y el 56%, respectivamente, estaban a favor de esas prácticas. Los futuros médicos portugueses están claramente a favor de la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido por un médico, a diferencia de estudios similares realizados en otros países europeos.

Religion , Students, Medical , Euthanasia , Suicide, Assisted , Portugal
Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 21(1): 127-136, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341511


Abstract: In discussions about assisted dying (euthanasia, assisted suicide), those who argue 'against' legalisation often reason from a religious angle, whereas those 'in favour' adopt a secular stance. The Dutch experience is more nuanced: here, euthanasia advocacy largely originated from protestant religious believers. In this contribution, I criticise the use of religious arguments favouring any specific position. Religion may provide a heuristic context to explore norms relevant in the discussion, and religion may help us formulate our personal stance. But when it comes to societal debates (often focusing on whether or not to legalise euthanasia), we should concentrate on legal, societal, empirical, and ethical arguments that are understandable to all.

Resumen: en discusiones sobre la muerte asistida (eutanasia, suicidio asistido), aquellos que argumentan estar "en contra" de la legalización a menudo razonan desde un ángulo religioso, mientras que los que están "a favor" adoptan una postura secular. La experiencia holandesa es más matizada: aquí, la defensa de la eutanasia se originó en gran medida por creyentes religiosos protestantes. En esta contribución, critico el uso de argumentos religiosos que favorezcan cualquier posición específica. La religión puede proveer un contexto heurístico para explorar normas relevantes en la discusión, y la religión puede ayudarnos a formular nuestra postura personal. Pero cuando se trata de debates sociales (a menudo enfocados en la legalización o no de la eutanasia), debemos concentrarnos en argumentos jurídicos, sociales, empíricos y éticos que sean comprensibles para todos.

Resumo: Em discussões sobre a morte assistida (eutanásia, suicidio assistido), os que argumentam estar "contra" a legalização com frequência pensam a partir de um ângulo religioso, enquanto os que estão "a favor" adotam um posicionamento secular. A experiência holandesa é mais fusionada: aqui, a defesa da eutanásia foi originada em grande medida por crentes religiosos protestantes. Nesta contribuição, critico o uso de argumentos religiosos que favoreçam qualquer posicionamento específico. A religião pode promover um contexto heurístico para explorar normas relevantes na discussão, e a religiao pode ajudarnos a formular nosso posicionamento pessoal. Contudo, quando é tratado de debates sociais (às vezes focados na legalização ou não da eutanásia), devemos concentrar-nos em argumentos jurídicos, sociais, empíricos e éticos que sejam compreensíveis para todos.

Humans , Bioethics , Religion , Euthanasia , Netherlands
Cir Cir ; 88(4): 519-525, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32567604


The arguments for and against euthanasia present a complex picture that will need to be discussed and decided in Mexico. This article addresses some relevant aspects such as the legal determination of death, the field of bioethics intervention, terminology related to euthanasia, its classifications, international instruments promoting human rights, as well as reflections on the importance of palliative care and the patient's right to be in a terminal situation to act in accordance with their goals, expectations and beliefs, in the context of their family and social relationships.

Los argumentos a favor y en contra de la eutanasia exponen un panorama complejo, que será necesario discutir y decidir en México. En este artículo se abordan algunos aspectos relevantes, como la determinación legal de la muerte, el campo de intervención de la bioética, la terminología relacionada con la eutanasia, sus clasificaciones, los instrumentos internacionales promotores de los derechos humanos, y reflexiones sobre la importancia de los cuidados paliativos y el derecho que tiene el paciente en situación terminal para actuar conforme a sus objetivos, expectativas y creencias, en el contexto de sus relaciones familiares y sociales.

Death , Euthanasia , Attitude to Death , Belgium , Bioethical Issues , Brain Death , Colombia , Critical Illness , Euthanasia/classification , Euthanasia/ethics , Euthanasia/legislation & jurisprudence , Human Rights , Humans , Luxembourg , Mexico , Netherlands , Palliative Care/legislation & jurisprudence , Palliative Care/methods , Patient Rights , Terminology as Topic , United States
Acta bioeth ; 26(1): 9-16, mayo 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1114593


Este artículo tiene por objetivo introducir la noción de "autorrespeto" en el marco de la discusión sobre la eutanasia. Para ello muestra brevemente, en primer lugar, dos rasgos que caracterizan gran parte de los debates morales contemporáneos sobre temas de ética aplicada, rasgos que permitirán explicar, con mayor claridad, la necesidad de ampliar las razones que permitan a las personas estar en condiciones de adelantar su muerte. En segundo término, se expone una de las primeras reflexiones de Platón acerca de la diferencia entre el mero hecho de estar vivos (to zen) y el vivir bien (to eu zen), y cuyos argumentos podemos trasladar en parte al debate sobre la eutanasia. Luego de discutir la idea de "persona", el artículo aborda finalmente la noción de "autorrespeto" como criterio para considerar la legitimidad moral de poner anticipadamente fin a nuestra vida.

This paper aims to introduce the notion of self-respect in the context of the discussion on euthanasia. First, I briefly show two features that characterize much of the contemporary moral debates on issues of applied ethics, features that will allow me to explain more clearly the discussion about euthanasia. Looking back at the history of Philosophy, in the second part, I will show how Plato offered one of the first reflections on the difference between the mere fact of being alive (to zen) and living well (to eu zen), and whose arguments we can use to discuss euthanasia. Third, I will examine what we understand by a person and how a particular comprehension of this notion will allow me to elaborate arguments in favour of euthanasia based on the idea of self-respect.

Este artigo tem por objetivo introduzir a noção de "auto-respeito" no contexto da discussão sobre eutanásia. Para isto, mostra brevemente, em primeiro lugar, dois aspectos que caracterizam grande parte dos debates morais contemporâneos sobre temas de ética aplicada, aspectos estes que permitirão explicar, com maior clareza, a necessidade de ampliar as razões que permitam às pessoas estarem em condições de adiantar sua morte. Em segundo lugar, expõe-se uma das primeiras reflexões de Platão acerca da diferença entre o mero fato de estar vivos (to zen) e o viver bem (to eu zen), e cujos argumentos podemos transferir em parte ao debate sobre a eutanásia. Depois de discutir a ideia de "pessoa", o artigo aborda finalmente a noção de "auto-respeito" como critério para considerar a legitimidade moral de por antecipadamente fim à nossa vida.

Euthanasia/ethics , Suicide, Assisted/ethics , Personal Autonomy , Value of Life , Respect , Self Concept
Med. clín. soc ; 4(1)abr. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386185


RESUMEN Introducción: El suicidio asistido y la eutanasia son prácticas realizadas para acortar la vida de los pacientes que sufren de manera insoportable. Objetivo: Valorar la actitud del personal de blanco y estudiantes de un hospital universitario acerca del suicidio asistido y la eutanasia, asimismo demostrar el grado de conocimiento de estos, establecer su postura, identificar las razones por las cuales algunos están en desacuerdo con su legalización y contrastar sus actitudes acerca de la realización de eutanasia o suicidio asistido a pacientes terminales y la realización de dichas prácticas sobre su persona en caso de padecer enfermedades terminales. Metodología: Estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia llevado a cabo de febrero a marzo del 2020. La muestra fue 300. Se utilizó un cuestionario de autocumplimiento, distribuido digitalmente a los participantes. Resultados: El 10% ha recibido peticiones de pacientes para acelerar la muerte, el 42,7% ha considerado la idea de acelerar la muerte para terminar con el sufrimiento. El 63,3% aceleraría su muerte en caso de padecer enfermedad terminal. El 32% y 38% está totalmente de acuerdo en legalizar el suicidio asistido y la eutanasia, respectivamente, en caso de enfermedades terminales. El 12,7% lo está en caso de Alzheimer o esclerosis lateral amiotrófica. El 16,7% está a favor de la legalización de la eutanasia en casos de tetraplejía. El motivo de desacuerdo más común (32%) para su legalización fueron las razones persona-les. El 20% y 15,3% cometerían eutanasia y suicidio asistido, respectivamente, en caso de padecer enfermedades terminales. El 34% probablemente cometería eutanasia a un paciente en caso de ser legal. Discusión: La respuesta profesional, científica y humana a las múltiples necesidades durante la fase final está en la medicina paliativa, que es la respuesta frente al derecho de todo ser humano al alivio del sufrimiento.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Assisted suicide and euthanasia are practices carried out to shorten the lives of patients who suffer unbearably. Objectives: Assess the attitude of white staff and students of a university hospital about assisted suicide and euthanasia, also to demonstrate the degree of knowledge of these, establish their position, identify the reasons why some disagree with their legalization and contrast their attitudes about performing euthanasia or assisted suicide to terminally ill patients and the performance of such practices on their person in case of terminal illnesses. Methodology: An observational, descriptive crosssectional study with nonprobability sampling for convenience was carried out from February to March 2020. The sample was 300. A selfcompliance questionnaire was used, distributed digitally to the participants. Results: 10% have received requests from patients to accelerate death, 42.7% have considered the idea of accelerating death to end suffering. 63.3% would accelerate their death in case of terminal illness. 32% and 38% fully agree to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia, respectively, in case of terminal illness. 12.7% is in case of Alzheimer or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 16.7% fully agree with the legalization of euthanasia in cases of tetraplegia. The most common reason for disagreement (32%) for its legalization was personal reasons. 20% and 15.3% would commit euthanasia and assisted suicide, respectively, if they suffer from terminal illnesses. 34% would probably euthanize a patient if it were legal. Discussion: The professional, scientific and human response to the multiple needs during the final phase is in palliative medicine, which is the response to the right of every human being to alleviate suffering.

J Med Ethics Hist Med ; 13: 22, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33552455


This study aimed at examining the approval rate of the medical students' regarding active euthanasia, passive euthanasia, and physician-assisted-suicide over the last ten years. To do so, the arguments and variables affecting students' choices were examined and a systematic review was conducted, using PubMed and Web of Science databases, including articles from January 2009 to December 2018. From 135 identified articles, 13 met the inclusion criteria. The highest acceptance rates for euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide were from European countries. The most common arguments supporting euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide were the followings: (i) patient's autonomy (n = 6), (ii) relief of suffering (n = 4), and (ii) the thought that terminally-ill patients are additional burden (n = 2). The most common arguments against euthanasia were as follows: (i) religious and personal beliefs (n = 4), (ii) the "slippery slope" argument and the risk of abuse (n = 4), and (iii) the physician's role in preserving life (n = 2). Religion (n = 7), religiosity (n = 5), and the attributes of the medical school of origin (n = 3) were the most significant variables to influence the students' attitude. However, age, previous academic experience, family income, and place of residence had no significant impact. Medical students' opinions on euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide should be appropriately addressed and evaluated because their moral compass, under the influence of such opinions, will guide them in solving future ethical and therapeutic dilemmas in the medical field.

Acta bioeth ; 25(1): 25-34, jun. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010837


Resumen: Tanto la eutanasia como el suicidio asistido no han sido temas suficientemente explorados por la doctrina chilena, falta de tratamiento que se agudiza al referirse a los menores de edad. El presente artículo tiene por objetivo dejar en evidencia que las principales disposiciones de derechos fundamentales relacionadas con la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido en menores de edad el derecho a la vida y los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes admiten diversas interpretaciones y, en consecuencia, pueden ser utilizadas para argumentar a favor y en contra de la legalización de dichos fenómenos. Tras una breve definición de los conceptos a los que se hace alusión y un panorama general de la regulación comparada, se abordan los principales derechos involucrados, dejando en evidencia que los supuestos impedimentos jurídicos para la despenalización de la eutanasia y suicidio asistido son interpretaciones de los derechos involucrados, las cuales no resultan del todo concordantes con las actuales tendencias de la teoría de los derechos fundamentales y que, por ello, la sola variación en esta interpretación permitiría abrir la posibilidad de una regulación que, al menos, no sancione en todos los casos la eutanasia y/o el suicidio asistido de los menores de edad en Chile.

Resumo: Tanto a eutanásia como o suicídio assistido não tem sido temas suficientemente explorados pela doutrina chilena, falta de tratamento que se agudiza ao referir-se aos menores de idade. O presente artigo tem por objetivo deixar em evidência que as principais normas de direitos fundamentais relacionadas com a eutanásia e o suicídio assistido em menores de idade - o direito à vida e os direitos dos meninos, meninas e adolescentes - admitem diversas interpretações e, em consequência, podem ser utilizadas para argumentar a favor ou contra a legalização de tais fenômenos. Depois de uma breve definição dos conceitos a se faz alusão e um panorama geral da regulação comparada, abordam-se os principais direitos envolvidos, deixando em evidência que os supostos impedimentos jurídicos para a descriminalização da eutanásia e do suicídio assistido, são interpretações dos direitos envolvidos, as quais não resultam completamente concordantes com as atuais tendências da teoria dos direitos fundamentais y que por isto, só esta variação na interpretação permitiria abrir a possibilidade de uma regulação que, ao menos, não sancione em todos os casos a eutanásia e/ou o suicídio assistido de menores de idade no Chile.

Abstract: Both euthanasia and assisted suicide have not been sufficiently explored by Chilean experts, lack of reflection heightened when referring to minors. This article aims to make clear that the main provisions of fundamental rights related to euthanasia and assisted suicide in minors, that is the right to life and the rights of children and adolescents, admit diverse interpretations and, therefore, they may be used to argue in favor or against the legalization of such issues. After a brief definition of the concepts considered and a general view of compared legislation, the main rights involved are addressed, making clear that the supposed legal impediments to decriminalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide, are interpretations of rights involved, which they are not completely concordant with current tendencies about the theory of fundamental rights and, therefore, the only variation in interpretation will allow to open the possibility of a regulation that, at least, will not penalize all cases of euthanasia and assisted suicide of minors in Chile.

Humans , Euthanasia , Suicide, Assisted , Value of Life , Minors , Human Rights
Horiz. méd. (Impresa) ; 18(3): 57-70, 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012245


Objetivo: Mucho se conoce sobre la influencia de la devoción religiosa de los pacientes sobre la enfermedad. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre las características religiosas de los médicos y cómo estas influyen en su relación y toma de decisiones en el manejo de pacientes. Este estudio tiene el objetivo de determinar los patrones religiosos de la población médica peruana y si estos tienen alguna correlación con sus actitudes frente a decisiones bioéticas. Materiales y métodos: La muestra no randomizada estuvo compuesta de 200 personas, pertenecientes a tres niveles académicos estudiantes de medicina, residentes, y maestrantes/doctorandos. Resultados: El 76 % de médicos se declaró creyente, de ellos 64 % se autocatalogó católico. Se correlacionó el nivel de religiosidad frente a cuatro procedimientos de marcada controversia ética: uso de anticoncepción no natural, aborto, suicidio médico asistido y eutanasia. Los médicos con un grado de religiosidad alto (122 / 61 %) mostraron su desacuerdo frente a los tres últimos procedimientos, y los médicos con nivel de religiosidad intrínseca alta (45 / 22,5 %) mostraron su desacuerdo con todos ellos. Conclusiones: La religiosidad del médico influye en sus actitudes frente a decisiones terapéuticas y bioéticas. Se debería evaluar un método para evitar que el compromiso religioso de los galenos influya en sus decisiones clínicas

Objective: There is plenty of information about the influence of patients' religious beliefs to deal with their illnesses. However, little is known about the religious characteristics of physicians and how these influence their relationship with patients and treatment decision-making. This study aims to determine the religious patterns of the Peruvian medical population, and to know if these patterns have any correlation between physicians' attitudes and bioethical decisions. Materials and methods: The non-randomized sample consisted of 200 people from three academic levels: medical students, residents, and master's or doctoral students. Results: Seventy-six percent (76 %) of the physicians were believers, out of which 64 % were catholics. The religious level was determined considering four highly controversial ethical procedures: non-natural contraception, abortion, physician- assisted suicide and euthanasia. Physicians with high degree of religiousness (122 / 61 %) expressed their disagreement with the last three procedures, and physicians with high degree of intrinsic religiousness (45 / 22.5 %) disagreed with all them. Conclusions: Physicians' religiousness influences their attitudes concerning medical treatments and bioethical decisions. There should be a method to prevent physicians' religious commitment to influence their clinical decisions

Med. interna (Caracas) ; 33(1): 20-23, 2017.
Article in Spanish | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1009251


La atención del enfermo terminal constituye un reto para el médico internista; a menudo se presentan síntomas como el dolor y otros que ocasionan sufrimiento al paciente. La medicina paliativa constituye una excelente opción para el aliviocon un sentido de compasión. En ocasiones se puede requerir la sedación paliativa. La difusión de la eutanasia (suprimir la vida del enfermo) y del suicidio asistido como solución al sufrimiento, que ha sido propuesta en diversos países y en algunos se practica, atenta contra la dignidad del enfermo, va en contra de la esencia de la medicina al convertir al médico en un "matador."El papel de los familiares es fundamental en la atención del paciente sufriente(AU)

This is a challenge for the specialist in internal medicine. The terminal patient has often symptoms like pain and others which cause suffering. Paliative medicine is an excellent option for alleviating these symptoms with a sense of compassion. Some times paliative sedation can be required. In some countries euthanasia and assisted suicide as a solution to suffering has been proposed and practiced this attempts against the dignity of the patient, goes against de essence of medicine by converting the physician in a "killer" . The rol of the family es fundamental in the care of these patients who suffer(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Terminal Care , Euthanasia/ethics , Ethics, Medical , Pain Measurement , Internal Medicine
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 24(2): 355-367, maio-ago. 2016. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-792925


Em 2015 a temática da morte assistida foi amplamente divulgada pela mídia após o primeiro caso legal de eutanásia ter sido realizado na Colômbia. Além disso, no mesmo ano, o suicídio assistido foi legalizado no Canadá e no estado da Califórnia, nos Estados Unidos. Atualmente, a morte assistida é permitida em quatro países da Europa Ocidental: Holanda, Bélgica, Luxemburgo e Suíça; em dois países norte-americanos: Canadá e Estados Unidos, nos estados de Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont e Califórnia; e na Colômbia, único representante da América do Sul. A partir de revisão sistemática da literatura, objetivou-se estabelecer a prevalência e os critérios adotados para a prática da eutanásia e do suicídio assistido em países ocidentais e discutir a posição de países onde essa prática não é reconhecida. Uma melhor compreensão do assunto mostra-se fundamental para a formação de opiniões e fomento de futuros debates.

In 2015 the issue of assisted death was widely publicized by the international media after the first legal euthanasia case was held in Colombia. Also in this same year, assisted suicide was legalized in Canada and in the state of California in the United States. Currently, assisted death is allowed in four Western European countries: Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland; two North American countries: Canada and the US, in the states of Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont and California; and Colombia, the sole representative in South America. From a systematic literature review, this work aims to establish the prevalence and the criteria adopted for the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide in western countries and to discuss the position of similar countries where this practice is not recognized. A better understanding of the subject appears to be critical to the formation of opinions and the encouragement of further discussions.

En 2015, el tema de la muerte asistida fue ampliamente difundida por los medios del mundo después de que el primer caso de la eutanasia legal haya sido realizado en Colombia. También, ese año el suicidio asistido fue legalizado en Canadá y en el estado de California en Estados Unidos. Actualmente, el suicidio asistido está permitido en cuatro países de Europa occidental: Países Bajos, Bélgica, Luxemburgo y Suiza; dos países de América del Norte: Canadá y Estados Unidos, en el estado de Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont y California; y Colombia, único representante de América del Sur. A partir de una revisión sistemática de la literatura, se planteo como objetivo determinar la prevalencia y los criterios adoptados para la práctica de la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido en los países occidentales y discutir la posición de países similares donde no se reconoce esta práctica. Una mejor comprensión de la materia parece ser crítica para la formación de opiniones y el fomento de las futuras discusiones.

Humans , Male , Female , Palliative Care , Euthanasia , Suicide, Assisted , Terminally Ill , Humanization of Assistance , Patient Care , Physician-Patient Relations , Life Expectancy , Western World , Personal Autonomy , Research Report , Legislation, Medical
Orv Hetil ; 157(5): 174-9, 2016 Jan 31.
Article in Hungarian | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26801362


The institution of active euthanasia has been legal in Colombia since 2015. In California, the regulation on physician-assisted suicide will come into effect on January 1, 2016. The legal institution of active euthanasia is not accepted under the law of the United States of America, however, physician-assisted suicide is accepted in an increasing number of member states. The related regulation in Oregon is imitated in other member states. In South America, Colombia is not the first country to legalize active euthanasia: active euthanasia has been legal in Uruguay since 1932. The North American legal tradition markedly differs from the South American one and both are incompatible with the Central European rule of law. In Hungary and in most European Union countries, solely the passive form of euthanasia is legal. In the Benelux countries, the active form of euthanasia is legal because the supranational law of the European Union does not prohibit it. Notwithstanding, European Union law does not prescribe legalization of either the active form of euthanasia, or the physician-assisted suicide.

Euthanasia, Active/legislation & jurisprudence , Euthanasia, Active/statistics & numerical data , Homicide/legislation & jurisprudence , Human Rights/legislation & jurisprudence , Suicide, Assisted/legislation & jurisprudence , Suicide, Assisted/statistics & numerical data , California/epidemiology , Colombia/epidemiology , Humans , United States