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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 615-620, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566023


Introducción. El síndrome de la arteria mesentérica superior, también conocido como síndrome de Wilkie, es una entidad infrecuente en la que una reducción del ángulo o espacio aorto-mesentérico determina una compresión extrínseca con obstrucción del tercio distal del duodeno, demostrando síntomas y signos característicos de obstrucción intestinal. El pilar del tratamiento es el manejo médico conservador con repleción nutricional, con el objetivo de aumentar el grosor de la grasa retroperitoneal y con esto resolver la compresión duodenal. Caso clínico. Paciente de 16 años, con un curso crónico marcado por dolor abdominal, estreñimiento, distensión, pirosis y pérdida de peso. Inicialmente se trató como una enfermedad ácido-péptica, con pobre mejoría, por lo que se realizaron estudios imagenológicos con lo que se documentó una disminución del ángulo aortomesentérico. Resultado. Se instauró un manejo médico con un protocolo de repleción nutricional por vía oral, para lograr ganancia de peso y evitar la cirugía. Conclusión. Con base a los síntomas y hallazgos en imágenes diagnósticas se hizo el diagnóstico de síndrome de la arteria mesentérica superior, que es una causa de obstrucción intestinal con muy baja incidencia. Su presentación clínica incluye gran variedad de síntomas, entre los que destaca el dolor abdominal y la pérdida de peso. Es frecuente la confusión con otras enfermedades más frecuentes, como enfermedad ácido-péptica, reflujo gastrointestinal y malabsorción. Su diagnóstico requiere un alto índice de sospecha, por lo que es importante conocer esta entidad y considerarla en el estudio de pacientes con los síntomas mencionados.

Introduction. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome, also known as Wilkie syndrome, is a rare entity in which a reduction in the aorto-mesenteric angle or space determines extrinsic compression with obstruction of the distal third of the duodenum, demonstrating characteristic symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction. The mainstay of treatment is conservative medical management with nutritional repletion, with the aim of increasing the thickness of the retroperitoneal fat and thereby resolving duodenal compression. Clinical case. A 16-year-old patient, with a chronic course marked by abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, heartburn and weight loss. Initially was treated as an acid-peptic disease, with poor improvement. Imaging studies were performed, which documented a decrease in the aorto-mesenteric angle. Conclusion. Based on the symptoms and findings on diagnostic images, the diagnosis of superior mesenteric artery syndrome was made, which is a cause of intestinal obstruction with a very low incidence. Its clinical presentation includes a wide variety of symptoms, among which abdominal pain and weight loss stand out. Confusion with other more common diseases is common, such as acid-peptic disease, gastrointestinal reflux and malabsorption. Its diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion, so it is important to know this entity and consider it in the study of patients with the aforementioned symptoms.

Humans , Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome , Abdominal Pain , Intestinal Obstruction , Mesenteric Artery, Superior , Duodenum , Chronic Pain
Fisioterapia (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 46(2): 90-104, mar.-abr2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231440


Introducción: El dolor lumbar crónico es una de las principales causas de incapacidad laboral en el mundo. Requiere un abordaje interdisciplinario para la evolución del paciente. Hasta el momento, no existe consenso en el manejo del dolor lumbar crónico, lo que generó la inquietud de esta revisión sistemática. Objetivo: Identificar la efectividad de los protocolos de fisioterapia en el manejo del dolor lumbar crónico. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Oxford, Wiley, Cochrane Library Plus, PEDro, Epistemonikos, Hinari y LILACS, Google Scholar, Teseo y PROSPERO, desde el inicio de las bases hasta agosto de 2021. Los criterios de selección se definieron según la intervención y el tema del artículo. Resultados: Se incluyeron 26 estudios en la síntesis cualitativa, se excluyeron artículos que no cumplieran con los criterios de inclusión. Se encontró efecto en el control del dolor y la disminución de la discapacidad y las principales intervenciones son: fortalecimiento muscular del Core y miembros inferiores, estiramiento de miembros inferiores, movilidad lumbopélvica y educación o escuela de espalda. La frecuencia en el tratamiento osciló entre 2 y 3 veces por semana durante 5 semanas. Conclusiones: Se encontró mayor efectividad en el tiempo de control del dolor y la disminución de la discapacidad, relacionados principalmente con el fortalecimiento muscular del Core y las estrategias educativas.(AU)

Introduction: Chronic low back pain is one of the main causes of incapacity for work in the world. It requires an interdisciplinary approach for the evolution of the patient. Until now, there is no consensus on the management of chronic low back pain, which generated the concern of this systematic review. Aim: To identify the effectiveness of physiotherapy protocols in the management of chronic low back pain. Methodology: A systematic search was carried out in the Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Oxford, Wiley, Cochrane Library Plus, PEDro, Epistemonikos, Hinari and LILACS, Google Scholar, Teseo and PROSPERO databases, from the beginning of the databases until August, 2021. The selection criteria were defined according to the intervention and topic of the article. Results: Twenty-six studies were included in the qualitative synthesis, articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. An effect was found in the control of pain and the reduction of disability and the main interventions are: muscular strengthening of the core and lower limbs, stretching of the lower limbs, lumbopelvic mobility and education or back school. The treatment frequency ranged from 2 to 3 times per week for 5 weeks. Conclusions: Greater effectiveness was found in pain control time and disability reduction, mainly related to core muscle strengthening and educational strategies.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Clinical Protocols , Low Back Pain/drug therapy , Low Back Pain/rehabilitation , Physical Therapy Modalities/standards , Chronic Pain/rehabilitation
Rev. esp. anestesiol. reanim ; 71(4): 339-343, abril 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-232130


Los tumores glómicos (TG) son neoplasias benignas raras, que se derivan de la estructura neuroarterial denominada cuerpo glómico, un shunt arteriovenoso especializado implicado en la regulación de la temperatura. Representan menos de 2% de los tumores del tejido blando, y entre 1 y 4,5% de los tumores de la mano. Aun cuando sus primeras descripciones aparecieron hace casi 100 años, son comunes la demora y la ausencia diagnósticas, las cuales originan un sufrimiento terrible. La tríada diagnóstica clásica consiste en dolor espontáneo, sensación de presión y sensibilidad, e hipersensibilidad al frío. La imagen de resonancia magnética (IRM) sigue siendo la modalidad de imagen más útil. La supresión del dolor tras inflar un esfigmomanómetro por encima de los niveles de la presión arterial sistólica (prueba de detección de isquemia) es altamente diagnóstica, por lo que sugerimos el uso rutinario de esta prueba simple en los casos de dolor en la extremidad superior de etiología desconocida. La resección quirúrgica es el tratamiento de elección, y es curativa. (AU)

Glomus tumors are a rare benign neoplasm arising from the neuroarterial structure called the glomus body, a specialized arteriovenous shunt involved in temperature regulation. They represent less than 2% of soft tissue tumors and between 1 and 4.5% of hand's tumors. Even though its first descriptions appeared almost 100 years ago, late and missed diagnoses are common, which leads to terrible suffering. The classic diagnostic triad consists of spontaneous pain, pressure sensation and tenderness, and cold hypersensitivity. Magnetic resonance imaging stills the most useful imaging modality. Abolition of pain after inflating a blood pressure cuff above systolic blood pressure levels (ischemia test) is highly diagnostic, so we suggest the routine use of this simple test in cases of upper limb pain of unknown etiology clear. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice and is curative. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Glomus Tumor , Ischemia , Diagnostic Errors , Chronic Pain
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38670492


Oncologic chronic pain is often difficult to control, especially in anatomical areas with multiple and complex innervation, such as the pelvic/perineal region. The ganglion impar block (GIB) is a procedure with growing interest and varied applicability. It has been used in several benign and malignant causes of pelvic and perineal pain refractory to pharmacological treatment. We conducted a review of all articles published in PUBMED® until the 30th of October 2022 regarding GIB in oncologic pain. 19 articles were identified with a total of 278 patients. Both chronic cancer pain and chronic postcancer treatment pain patients were included. We reviewed the various techniques, approaches, and therapeutic options that were employed. No serious adverse effects were reported. GIB appears to be an effective and safe procedure that should be considered in patients with intractable perineal cancer-related pain.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(2): e2560, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569203


RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir la cronología, evolución e impacto de la investigación global sobre el dolor crónico posoperatorio. Materiales y métodos: Estudio bibliométrico que utilizó la base de datos Scopus. Se diseñó y validó una búsqueda estructurada que permitió la recolección de metadatos, los cuales se analizaron a través del paquete Bibliometrix del lenguaje de programación R. Se realizó la descripción de las características generales, la evolución y el cálculo de métricas de impacto de la investigación global sobre el dolor crónico postoperatorio. Resultados: Se incluyeron 1496 documentos, con una ventana de tiempo entre 1983 y 2023. El 70,7 % (n = 1059) de la producción total fueron artículos originales, seguido de revisiones (n = 357; 23,8 %). Existió una colaboración internacional del 15,6 %, y, desde 1983, ha existido un crecimiento sostenido de la producción, con un incremento marcado en los últimos 13 años, donde el 2022 fue el año más fecundo (n = 191 documentos publicados). Se identificó que Canadá y Dinamarca lideran el impacto de la investigación global, y cuentan con los autores e instituciones más prolíficas. Sin embargo, Estados Unidos es el país más productivo, ya que lidera una importante colaboración, esencialmente junto a países europeos y latinos. Se encontró que el dolor neuropático, la valoración de factores de riesgo y el manejo del dolor son algunos de los tópicos más frecuentes. En los últimos 10 años, aproximadamente, ha existido un interés persistente en la investigación sobre calidad de vida, predicción, prevención y valoración de factores de riesgo. Últimamente, ha existido especial interés en el estudio del dolor en cirugía toracoscópica videoasistida y construcción de modelos de predicción. Conclusiones: Se reveló un crecimiento sostenido en la investigación global sobre dolor crónico postoperatorio, en los últimos 40 años. Dicho crecimiento ha estado liderado esencialmente por instituciones canadienses y danesas, a pesar de que se ha considerado a Estados Unidos como el país más prolífico. Asimismo, ha existido una transición importante en los tópicos estudiados, se ha pasado del uso de fármacos y determinación de factores de riesgo al estudio de modelos de predicción, sistematización de datos y cirugía videoasistida.

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the chronology, evolution and impact of global research into chronic postoperative pain. Materials and methods: A bibliometric study was conducted using the Scopus database. A structured search was designed and validated, thereby allowing the collection of metadata, which were analyzed through the Bibliometrix package of the R programming language. The study involved the description of the general characteristics, evolution and calculation of impact metrics of global research into chronic postoperative pain. Results: The study included 1,496 documents, which spanned from 1983 to 2023. Original articles accounted for 70.7 % (n =1,059) of the total output, followed by reviews (n = 357; 23.8 %). There was an international collaboration rate of 15.6 %, and there has been sustained growth in output since 1983, with a sharp increase in the last 13 years, 2022 being the most prolific one (n =191 published documents). It was identified that Canada and Denmark lead the impact of global research and have the most productive authors and institutions. However, the United States is the most prolific country because it leads significant collaboration, mainly with European and Latin American countries. Neuropathic pain, risk factor assessment and pain management were identified as some of the most frequent topics. Over the past approximately 10 years, there has been persistent interest in research on quality of life, prediction, prevention, and risk factor assessment. Recently, there has been interest in studying pain in video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and developing predictive models. Conclusions: The study revealed sustained growth in global research on chronic postoperative pain over the past 40 years. Such growth has been mainly led by Canadian and Danish institutions, despite the United States being the most prolific country. Moreover, there has been a significant transition in the studied topics, moving from the use of drugs and identification of risk factors to the study of predictive models, data systematization, and video-assisted surgery.

Rehabilitación (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 58(1): [100817], Ene-Mar, 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-229689


El dolor lumbar crónico causa discapacidad e impacto socioeconómico. El ejercicio de alta intensidad muestra resultados positivos en otras enfermedades, pero no existe evidencia sobre esta patología. Se pretende determinar su eficacia en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, la discapacidad, la intensidad del dolor y la adherencia al tratamiento en personas con dolor lumbar crónico. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica en Pubmed, PEDro y Scopus, incluyendo ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, guías de práctica clínica y revisiones sistemáticas en español, inglés o portugués (2012-2022). Además, se hace una búsqueda en bola de nieve. Se incorporan ocho ensayos clínicos aleatorizados (n=379). Se analizan diferentes modalidades de ejercicio de alta intensidad, que parecen mejorar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y reducir la discapacidad y la intensidad del dolor. Estos datos se deben tomar con cautela dada la poca cantidad de estudios y el riesgo de sesgo que presentan.(AU)

Chronic low back pain causes disability and socioeconomic impact. High-intensity exercise shows positive results in other diseases, but there is no evidence on this pathology. The aim is to determine its efficacy on health-related quality of life, disability, pain intensity and adherence to treatment in people with chronic low back pain. A literature review is conducted in Pubmed, PEDro and Scopus, including randomized clinical trials, clinical practice guidelines and systematic reviews in Spanish, English or Portuguese (2012-2022). In addition, a snowball search is performed. Eight randomized clinical trials (n=379) are incorporated. Different high-intensity exercise modalities are analyzed, which seem to improve health-related quality of life and reduce disability and pain intensity. These data should be taken with caution given the small number of studies and the risk of bias presented.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Low Back Pain/rehabilitation , Quality of Life , Physical Therapy Modalities , Exercise Therapy , Pain Measurement , Chronic Pain/rehabilitation , Rehabilitation , Pain Management , Treatment Adherence and Compliance
J Healthc Qual Res ; 39(3): 168-187, 2024.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38556371


Chronic pain is a public health problem suffered by 20% of the world's population. Pharmacological approaches are insufficient, so a multi-therapeutic approach that also includes non-pharmacological therapies (psychological therapies, meditation, physical exercise, healthy habits, etc.) is proposed. The aim of this review was to review the existing scientific evidence on the effect of multicomponent programs with non-pharmacological therapies in people with chronic non-oncologic pain. To this end, a search for scientific articles was carried out in three databases (PubMed, Web of Science and PsycINFO) and 17 articles were selected, following the PRISMA recommendations. The patients who participated in these programs were mostly women, aged 18 to 80years, working or on sick leave due to pain, with secondary education or less and married. The most frequent pain was musculoskeletal, mainly low back pain. All the articles studied the effectiveness of two or more therapies, highlighting psychological therapies, physical exercise and education. Positive results were obtained in the reduction of different variables such as pain, pain catastrophizing, anxiety and depression, in addition to improving functionality and quality of life. It has also been shown that patients' prior expectations regarding the intervention influence its effectiveness. Although throughout the review there was great heterogeneity in the interventions, in the evaluation methods and in the results themselves, it can be concluded that multicomponent programs show positive results in the management of chronic pain, and should therefore be incorporated as a routine therapeutic treatment.

Chronic Pain , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Chronic Pain/therapy , Combined Modality Therapy , Pain Management/methods , Patient Education as Topic , Psychotherapy , Quality of Life
Enferm Clin (Engl Ed) ; 34(2): 130-140, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38484935


AIM: To examine and map alcohol consumption in children and adolescents with chronic pain (CP). METHOD: A scoping review of international databases (CINAHL, WOS, PubMed, PsycINFO, Scopus, Embase, and MEDLINE) and grey literature was conducted between September 2022 and February 2023. Documents addressing the relationship between alcohol consumption and CP in children and adolescents, published in English and Spanish between 2012 and 2023, were included. Those papers with a population suffering from CP derived from neurodegenerative diseases, chronic infectious diseases or cognitive impairment were excluded. We assessed the level of evidence (LE) and the degree of recommendation (DR) of the studies included in accordance with the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Finally, 11 documents were considered out of the 479 reviewed. RESULTS: The relationship between substance consumption and CP in adolescents is a scarcely investigated topic. While there is a trend towards lower rates of alcohol consumption in youth with pain, there is evidence suggesting an association, particularly in cases of intense pain. The use of various substances, both legal and illegal, for pain management underscores the importance of comprehensively addressing this phenomenon in this population. CONCLUSIONS: Further research is needed to assess the relationship between alcohol consumption in children and adolescents with CP.

Alcohol Drinking , Chronic Pain , Humans , Chronic Pain/epidemiology , Adolescent , Child , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology
Cir Cir ; 92(1): 33-38, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38537235


OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the relationship of the pre-operative neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) to the timing of epidural analgesia administration and post-operative acute and chronic pain in thoracotomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted on 60 patients, with NLR ≥ 2 (Group A) and NLR < 2 (Group B). Each group was divided into subgroups pre-emptive analgesia (Group P) and control group (Group C). Epidural analgesic solution was administered as a bolus before the surgical incision in Group P and at the end of the operation in Group C. NRS was questioned postoperatively at the 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th, 24th h, 1st, and 3rd months and also additional analgesic needs were recorded. RESULTS: In Group A, the pain scores of the patients who received pre-emptive epidural analgesia were lower at the post-operative 2nd, 4th, and 8th h and analgesic consumption was less in the post-operative first 24 h. CONCLUSION: It was observed that pre-emptive epidural analgesia reduced pain levels and additional analgesic consumption in the acute post-operative period in patients with pre-operative NLR ≥ 2.

OBJETIVO: Este estudio investigó la relación de la relación neutrófilos/linfocitos (NLR) preoperatoria con el momento de la administración de la analgesia epidural y el dolor agudo y crónico posoperatorio en la toracotomía. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: El estudio se realizó en 60 pacientes, como NLR ≥ 2 (Grupo A) y NLR < 2 (Grupo B). Cada grupo se dividió en subgrupos de analgesia preventiva (Grupo P) y grupo control (Grupo C). La solución analgésica epidural se administró en bolo antes de la incisión quirúrgica en el Grupo P y al final de la operación en el Grupo C. La NRS se cuestionó posoperatoriamente a las 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 horas, 1 y 3 meses también adicionales Se registraron las necesidades analgésicas. RESULTADOS: En el Grupo A, los puntajes de dolor de los pacientes que recibieron analgesia epidural preventiva fueron menores a las 2, 4 y 8 horas postoperatorias y el consumo de analgésicos fue menor en las primeras 24 horas postoperatorias. CONCLUSIÓN: Se observó que la analgesia epidural preventiva redujo los niveles de dolor y el consumo adicional de analgésicos en el postoperatorio agudo en pacientes con NLR preoperatorio ≥ 2.

Analgesia, Epidural , Humans , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Neutrophils , Thoracotomy , Analgesia, Patient-Controlled , Analgesics/therapeutic use , Lymphocytes
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556614


Introducción: tramadol es un analgésico opioide usado frecuentemente para el manejo del dolor crónico no oncológico (DCNO). En Chile, es parte del arsenal farmacológico de los centros de atención primaria para el tratamiento de patologías como artrosis de cadera y rodilla. Es considerado seguro y efectivo, sin embargo, existen reportes de efectos adversos serios por polimorfismos hepáticos, interacciones farmacológicas, intoxicaciones, adicción y muerte. La dosis óptima de tramadol es paciente dependiente. Por esto, es necesario contar con orientaciones específicas para prescribir tramadol de manera segura y eficaz según las características de cada paciente. Materiales y métodos: se revisaron guías actualizadas, revisiones sistemáticas y guías de sociedades internacionales sobre el uso de opioides en DCNO y el uso de tramadol en patologías de DCNO como artrosis, lumbago crónico, dolor neuropático y fibromialgia. Resultados: tramadol no está indicado en el tratamiento de cuadros de dolor primario como fibromialgia y en DCNO secundario es un fármaco de segunda línea o no está recomendado. En dolor crónico neuropático (DCN) es segunda línea de tratamiento. En osteoartritis de cadera, rodilla y mano, se reporta efecto analgésico modesto. Sopesar riesgos versus beneficios en estos pacientes. En artritis reumatoide y lumbago crónico se desaconseja su uso. Conclusiones: tramadol es un medicamento seguro y efectivo si se indica, administra, supervisa y descontinúa adecuadamente. Sin embargo, puede asociarse a interacciones farmacológicas, efectos secundarios serios, conductas de abuso y usos ilícitos, por lo que es necesario conocer y manejar adecuadamente su farmacología e indicaciones.

Introduction: Tramadol is an opioid pain medicine commonly used for chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP) management. In Chile, it is part of the pharmacological arsenal available in primary care centers for treating specific CNCP pathologies, such as hip and knee arthrosis. Tramadol is considered a safe and effective drug. Nevertheless, there are reports of serious adverse effects of tramadol, such as poisoning, addiction, and death, probably caused by liver polymorphisms and drug interaction. The optimal dose of tramadol is patient-specific. Specific knowledge is needed to prescribe tramadol in a safe and effective way according to the patient's medical backward. Methods: We review updated guidelines, systematic reviews, and guidelines from international societies about the use of opioids and tramadol in CNCP pathologies such as osteoarthritis, chronic low back pain, neuropathic pain, and fibromyalgia. Results: Tramadol has no role in primary pain treatment, such as fibromyalgia, but is a second-line drug for chronic neuropathic pain (CNP) and some secondary pain syndromes. Tramadol has a modest analgesic effect in osteoarthritis patients. Clinicians should always weigh the risks and benefits before prescribing tramadol. Tramadol use is discouraged in rheumatoid arthritis and chronic lumbago. Conclusions: Tramadol is a safe and effective drug if correctly indicated, administered, supervised, and discontinued. However, it may be associated with pharmacological interactions, serious side effects, abuse behaviors, and illicit uses, and it is necessary that clinicians know and manage its pharmacology and indications appropriately.

Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim (Engl Ed) ; 71(4): 339-343, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38423461


Glomus tumors are a rare, benign neoplasm arising from the neuroarterial structure known as the glomus body, which is a specialized arteriovenous shunt involved in temperature regulation. They account for less than 2% of soft tissue tumors and between 1% and 4.5% of tumors in the hand.. Despite their first descriptions appearing almost 100 years ago, late and missed diagnoses are common, leading to significant suffering. The classic diagnostic triad includes spontaneous pain, a sensation of pressure and tenderness, and cold hypersensitivity. Magnetic resonance imaging remains the most useful imaging modality. The abolition of pain after inflating a blood pressure cuff above the systolic blood pressure level (ischemia test) is highly diagnostic.Therefore, we suggest the routine use of this simple test in cases of upper limb pain of unclear etiology . Surgical excision is the treatment of choice and is curative.

Chronic Pain , Fingers , Glomus Tumor , Ischemia , Humans , Glomus Tumor/complications , Glomus Tumor/diagnosis , Glomus Tumor/diagnostic imaging , Fingers/blood supply , Ischemia/etiology , Chronic Pain/etiology , Male , Female , Middle Aged
J Healthc Qual Res ; 39(2): 109-119, 2024.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38402091


INTRODUCTION: 25.9% of Spanish people suffer from chronic pain. An integrated, interdisciplinary approach is recommended, with pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, involving patients in their self-care. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness and impact on resources of a program with non-pharmacological therapies in the control of non-oncological chronic pain in the short and medium term. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Quasi-experimental before-after study, follow-up 3-6 months, measuring: pain, well-being, quality of life, self-esteem, resilience, anxiety/depression (validated scales); patient-reported outcomes of workshop impact on pain management, habits and mood; ED and office visits; drug consumption and employment status. RESULTS: One hundred and forty-two patients completed the program; 131 (92.3%) were women, age: 56.0. Decreased: pain (scale 0-10) (start: 6.0; end of workshop: 4.0; 3 months: 5.0); anxiety (12.9; 10.4; 8.8) and depression (12.3; 7.23; 6.47) (scales 0-21). They increased: well-being (scale 0-10) (4.0; 6.0; 4.0); quality of life (scale 0-1) (0.418; 0.580; 0.536); health status (scale 0-100) (47.5; 60.0; 60.0); self-esteem (scale 9-36) (24.1; 27.5; 26.7); resilience (scale 6-30) (14.8; 17.4; 18.6). Patient-reported outcomes were performed by 136 patients at the end of the workshop and 79 at 3 months: pain decreased (end of program: 104, 76.5%; 3 months: 66, 83.5%); medication decreased (96, 76.2%; 60, 78.9%); habits improved (112, 88.2%; 69, 90.8%). Forty patients (37.4%) reduced visits to the emergency room, 40 (37.4%) reduced scheduled visits. Overall satisfaction: 9.8 out of 10. CONCLUSIONS: Patients learn to mitigate their pain, participate in their self-care and improve their quality of life, self-esteem and emotional state. The effects remained for 3-6 months.

Chronic Pain , European People , Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Male , Chronic Pain/therapy , Chronic Pain/psychology , Quality of Life , Health Status , Depression/therapy
Reumatol. clín. (Barc.) ; 20(1): 32-42, Ene. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228932


Objetivos: Explorar la experiencia de las personas con fibromialgia (FM) en países latinoamericanos con objeto de identificar problemas en la atención sanitaria y otros ámbitos potencialmente solucionables. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico y de análisis de contenido a través de grupos focales y metodología de viaje del paciente (Ux del inglés User Experience). Se llevaron a cabo 9 grupos focales virtuales con pacientes con FM y profesionales sanitarios en Argentina, México y Colombia reclutados a partir de informantes clave y redes sociales. Resultados: Participaron 43 personas (33 clínicos y 10 pacientes). Los agentes que interaccionan con el paciente en la enfermedad se encuentran en 3 esferas: la de la atención sanitaria, la del apoyo y vida laboral y la del contexto socioeconómico. La línea del viaje presenta 2 grandes tramos, 2 bucles y una línea discontinua delgada. Los 2 grandes tramos representan los tiempos que van desde los primeros síntomas hasta la visita médica y desde el diagnóstico hasta el seguimiento. Los bucles incluyen: 1.°) sucesión de diagnósticos, tratamientos erróneos y derivaciones a especialistas y 2.°) nuevos síntomas cada cierto tiempo, visitas a especialistas y dudas diagnósticas. Pocos pacientes logran la fase final de autonomía. Conclusión: El viaje de una persona con FM en Latinoamérica está lleno de obstáculos. La meta deseada es que todos los agentes entiendan que el automanejo por parte del paciente con FM es una parte indispensable del éxito, y solo se puede lograr accediendo a recursos de forma precoz y guiado por profesionales.(AU)

Objectives: To explore the patient journey of people with fibromyalgia (FM) in Latin American countries in order to identify problems in health care and other areas that may be resolvable. Methods: Qualitative study with phenomenological and content analysis approach through focus groups and patient journey (Ux; User Experience) methodology. Nine virtual focus groups were conducted with FM patients and healthcare professionals in Argentina, Mexico and Colombia recruited from key informants and social networks. Results: Forty-three people participated (33 were clinicians and 10 were patients). The agents interacting with the patient in their disease journey are found in three spheres: healthcare (multiple medical specialists and other professionals), support and work life (including patient associations) and socioeconomic context. The line of the journey presents two large sections, two loops and a thin dashed line. The two major sections represent the time from first symptoms to medical visit (characterized by self-medication and denial) and the time from diagnosis to follow-up (characterized by high expectations and multiple contacts to make life changes that are not realized). The two loop phases include (1) succession of misdiagnoses and mistreatments and referrals to specialists and (2) new symptoms every so often, visits to specialists, diagnostic doubts, and impatience. Very few patients manage to reach the final phase of autonomy. Conclusion: The journey of a person with FM in Latin America is full of obstacles and loops. The desired goal is for all the agents involved to understand that self-management by the patient with FM is an essential part of success, and this can only be achieved with early access to resources and guidance from professionals.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Fibromyalgia/drug therapy , Chronic Pain/drug therapy , Patient Navigation , Health Status Disparities , Health Personnel , Qualitative Research , Rheumatology , Rheumatic Diseases , Argentina , Mexico , Colombia , Focus Groups
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim (Engl Ed) ; 71(5): 349-359, 2024 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38242358


BACKGROUND: Critical COVID-19 survivors are at risk of developing Post-intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) and Chronic ICU-Related Pain (CIRP). We determined whether a specific care program improves the quality of life (QoL) of patients at risk of developing PICS and CIRP after COVID-19. METHODS: The PAIN-COVID trial was a parallel-group, single-centre, single-blinded, randomized controlled trial. The intervention consisted of a follow up program, patient education on PICS and pain, and a psychological intervention based on Rehm's self-control model in patients with abnormal depression scores (≥8) in the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) at the baseline visit. QoL was evaluated with the 5-level EQ 5D (EQ 5D 5 L), mood disorders with the HADS, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with the PCL-5 checklist, and pain with the Brief Pain Inventory short form, the Douleur Neuropathique 4 questionnaire, and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale. The primary outcome was to determine if the program was superior to standard-of-care on the EQ visual analogue scale (VAS) at 6 months after the baseline visit. The secondary outcomes were EQ VAS at 3 months, and EQ index, CIRP incidence and characteristics, and anxiety, depression, and PTSD at 3 and 6 months after baseline visits. CONCLUSIONS: This program was not superior to standard care in improving QoL in critical COVID-19 survivors as measured by the EQ VAS. However, our data can help establish better strategies for the study and management of PICS and CIRP in this population. TRIAL REGISTRATION: # NCT04394169, registered on 5/19/2020.

COVID-19 , Chronic Pain , Quality of Life , Humans , COVID-19/complications , COVID-19/psychology , Chronic Pain/therapy , Chronic Pain/psychology , Chronic Pain/etiology , Female , Male , Single-Blind Method , Middle Aged , Depression/etiology , Depression/therapy , Aged , Anxiety/etiology , Anxiety/therapy , Critical Care/methods , Critical Care/psychology , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/etiology , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/therapy , Follow-Up Studies , Pain Measurement/methods , Pain Management/methods , Patient Education as Topic , Aftercare/methods , Intensive Care Units , Treatment Outcome , Critical Illness
Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 20(1): 32-42, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38182526


OBJECTIVES: To explore the patient journey of people with fibromyalgia (FM) in Latin American countries in order to identify problems in health care and other areas that may be resolvable. METHODS: Qualitative study with phenomenological and content analysis approach through focus groups and patient journey (Ux; User Experience) methodology. Nine virtual focus groups were conducted with FM patients and healthcare professionals in Argentina, Mexico and Colombia recruited from key informants and social networks. RESULTS: Forty-three people participated (33 were clinicians and 10 were patients). The agents interacting with the patient in their disease journey are found in three spheres: healthcare (multiple medical specialists and other professionals), support and work life (including patient associations) and socioeconomic context. The line of the journey presents two large sections, two loops and a thin dashed line. The two major sections represent the time from first symptoms to medical visit (characterized by self-medication and denial) and the time from diagnosis to follow-up (characterized by high expectations and multiple contacts to make life changes that are not realized). The two loop phases include (1) succession of misdiagnoses and mistreatments and referrals to specialists and (2) new symptoms every so often, visits to specialists, diagnostic doubts, and impatience. Very few patients manage to reach the final phase of autonomy. CONCLUSION: The journey of a person with FM in Latin America is full of obstacles and loops. The desired goal is for all the agents involved to understand that self- management by the patient with FM is an essential part of success, and this can only be achieved with early access to resources and guidance from professionals.

Fibromyalgia , Humans , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Fibromyalgia/therapy , Fibromyalgia/complications , Latin America , Mexico , Qualitative Research , Focus Groups
Rehabilitacion (Madr) ; 58(1): 100817, 2024.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37879144


Chronic low back pain causes disability and socioeconomic impact. High-intensity exercise shows positive results in other diseases, but there is no evidence on this pathology. The aim is to determine its efficacy on health-related quality of life, disability, pain intensity and adherence to treatment in people with chronic low back pain. A literature review is conducted in Pubmed, PEDro and Scopus, including randomized clinical trials, clinical practice guidelines and systematic reviews in Spanish, English or Portuguese (2012-2022). In addition, a snowball search is performed. Eight randomized clinical trials (n=379) are incorporated. Different high-intensity exercise modalities are analyzed, which seem to improve health-related quality of life and reduce disability and pain intensity. These data should be taken with caution given the small number of studies and the risk of bias presented.

Chronic Pain , Low Back Pain , Humans , Low Back Pain/therapy , Quality of Life , Chronic Pain/therapy , Exercise , Exercise Therapy/methods
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE02882, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1533310


Resumo Objetivo Compreender o significado da dor pélvica crônica sob a ótica das mulheres diagnosticadas e analisar os fatores determinantes para a alta ambulatorial. Métodos Pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, tendo como referencial teórico metodológico a Pesquisa Social do tipo Estratégica. Participaram do estudo 14 mulheres, sendo sete em seguimento ambulatorial e sete que receberam alta, no ambulatório de ginecologia de um hospital universitário no município de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com questões norteadoras. A análise dos resultados baseou-se na modalidade temática da análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin. Resultados A análise dos dados culminou em três categorias temáticas: "Antes da dor", "Convivendo com a dor" e " Tratando a dor". O abandono afetivo parental, o luto, o desentendimento com os pais e dificuldades na infância foram proeminentes antes do início da dor. O surgimento da dor relacionou-se ao nascimento dos filhos, menarca, cirurgias e conflitos familiares. A convivência com a dor promoveu grande sofrimento, medo, prejuízo aos relacionamentos e à atividade laboral. A melhora do estado emocional e das condições financeiras, a resolução dos conflitos matrimoniais, a oportunidade de poder expressar-se e conversar com outras pacientes, o uso de medicamentos e alguns procedimentos cirúrgicos foram determinantes para o controle da dor e da alta ambulatorial. Conclusão A dor pélvica crônica relacionou-se a sofrimentos socioeconômicos, emocionais e físicos. A resolução destes aspectos contribuíram para a alta ambulatorial.

Resumen Objetivo Comprender el significado del dolor pélvico crónico bajo la perspectiva de mujeres diagnosticadas y analizar los factores determinantes para el alta ambulatoria. Métodos Investigación de naturaleza cualitativa, que utilizó el marco referencial teórico metodológico de la investigación social estratégica. Participaron en el estudio 14 mujeres, de las cuales siete estaban realizando seguimiento ambulatorio y siete fueron dadas de alta, en consultorios externos de ginecología de un hospital universitario en el municipio de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, con preguntas orientadoras. El análisis de los resultados se basó en la modalidad temática del análisis de contenido, de acuerdo con Bardin. Resultados El análisis de los datos culminó en tres categorías temáticas: Antes del dolor, Convivir con el dolor y Tratar el dolor. El abandono afectivo parental, el duelo, falta de entendimiento con los padres y dificultades en la infancia fueron prominentes antes del inicio del dolor. El surgimiento del dolor se relacionó con el nacimiento de los hijos, menarca, cirugías y conflictos familiares. La convivencia con el dolor causó gran sufrimiento, miedo, perjuicio en las relaciones y en la actividad laboral. La mejora del estado emocional y de las condiciones financieras, la resolución de los conflictos matrimoniales, la oportunidad de poder expresarse y hablar con otras pacientes, el uso de medicamentos y algunos procedimientos quirúrgicos fueron determinantes para el control del dolor y el alta ambulatoria. Conclusión El dolor pélvico crónico se relacionó con el sufrimiento socioeconómico, emocional y físico. La resolución de estos aspectos contribuyó al alta ambulatoria.

Abstract Objective To understand the meaning of chronic pelvic pain from the perspective of diagnosed women and analyze the determining factors for outpatient discharge. Methods This is qualitative research, using strategic social research as its theoretical methodological framework. 14 women participated in the study, seven of whom were undergoing outpatient follow-up and seven who were discharged from the gynecology outpatient clinic of a university hospital in the city of Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with guiding questions. The analysis of results was based on the thematic modality of content analysis, according to Bardin. Results Data analysis culminated in three thematic categories: "Before the pain", "Living with the pain" and "Treating the pain". Parental emotional abandonment, grief, disagreement with parents and childhood difficulties were prominent before the onset of pain. The onset of pain was related to the birth of children, menarche, surgeries and family conflicts. Living with pain promoted great suffering, fear, harm to relationships and work activity. The improvement in emotional state and financial conditions, the resolution of marital conflicts, the opportunity to express oneself and talk to other patients, the use of medication and some surgical procedures were decisive for pain control and outpatient discharge. Conclusion Chronic pelvic pain was related to socioeconomic, emotional and physical suffering. The resolution of these aspects contributed to outpatient discharge.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551399


Objetivo: Compreender o cotidiano de portadores de dor neuropática decorrente de lesão traumática. Metodologia: Pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa, com participantes selecionados por meio de mídias sociais. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre o período de julho a setembro de 2022, com indivíduos adultos que possuem diagnóstico de dor neuropática após lesão traumática. A coleta ocorreu por meio de um formulário online, utilizando um questionário sociodemográfico e um questionário aberto, para a captura de informações pertinentes sobre seu caso clínico e vivência com a dor crônica. Os dados foram analisados por meio de Bardin. Todos os preceitos éticos foram respeitados e o projeto foi aprovado sob parecer n.º 5.529.581 da Universidade Cesumar. Resultados: Participaram 15 pessoas com dor neuropática, com prevalência do sexo feminino (93,3%), com idade entre 41 a 50 anos (66,7%). Observou-se que 53,3% relataram comorbidades crônicas, sendo as doenças psíquicas, ansiolíticas e cardíacas mais citadas. Ainda, 33,3% dos participantes relataram que foram internados por causas de dores ou por tentativa de suicídio, 93,3% usam opióides e analgésicos potentes e ainda foram citados antidepressivos e ansiolíticos em 62% das respostas. Dentre os temas em destaque nas respostas, sobressaíram-se "Contexto e diagnóstico da dor neuropática; Vivência e frequência da dor; Apoio profissional e familiar diante da doença". Considerações Finais: Nesse sentido, a percepção acerca dos profissionais de saúde e valorização do médico para o tratamento da dor neuropática está relacionada, muitas vezes, à necessidade de aumentar o conhecimento referente ao manejo da dor e à utilização de opióides.

Objective: To understand the daily life of patients with neuropathic pain resulting from traumatic injury. Methodology: Exploratory, descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, with participants selected through social media. Data collection was carried out between July and September 2022, with adult individuals diagnosed with neuropathic pain after traumatic injury. The collection took place through an online form, using a sociodemographic questionnaire and an open questionnaire, to capture relevant information about their clinical case and experience with chronic pain. Data were analyzed using Bardin. All ethical precepts were respected and the project was approved by report n.º 5,529,581 of Cesumar University. Results: 15 people with neuropathic pain participated, with a prevalence of females (93.3%), aged between 41 and 50 years (66.7%). It was observed that 53.3% reported chronic comorbidities, with psychic, anxiolytic and cardiac diseases being the most cited. Also, 33.3% of the participants reported that they were hospitalized due to pain or a suicide attempt, 93.3% used opioids and potent analgesics, and antidepressants and anxiolytics were mentioned in 62% of the answers. Among the topics highlighted in the responses, the most important were "Context and diagnosis of neuropathic pain; Experience and frequency of pain; Professional and family support in the face of the disease". Final Considerations: In this sense, the perception of health professionals and the appreciation of physicians for the treatment of neuropathic pain is often related to the need to increase knowledge regarding pain management and the use of opioids.

Objetivo: Comprender el cotidiano de los pacientes con dolor neuropático resultante de lesiones traumáticas. Metodología: Investigación exploratoria, descriptiva, con enfoque cualitativo, con participantes seleccionados a través de las redes sociales. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo entre julio y septiembre de 2022, con individuos adultos diagnosticados con dolor neuropático posterior a una lesión traumática. La recogida se realizó a través de un formulario online, utilizando un cuestionario sociodemográfico y un cuestionario abierto, para captar información relevante sobre su caso clínico y experiencia con el dolor crónico. Los datos se analizaron utilizando Bardin. Se respetaron todos los preceptos éticos y el proyecto fue aprobado bajo el dictamen número 5.529.581 de la Universidad Cesumar. Resultados: Participaron 15 personas con dolor neuropático, con predominio del sexo femenino (93,3%), con edades entre 41 y 50 años (66,7%). Se observó que 53,3% relataron comorbilidades crónicas, siendo las enfermedades psíquicas, ansiolíticas y cardíacas las más citadas. Aún así, el 33,3% de los participantes informaron que fueron hospitalizados por dolor o intento de suicidio, el 93,3% usaba opioides y analgésicos potentes, y los antidepresivos y ansiolíticos se mencionaron en el 62% de las respuestas. Entre los temas destacados en las respuestas, los más importantes fueron "Contexto y diagnóstico del dolor neuropático; Experiencia y frecuencia del dolor; Apoyo profesional y familiar ante la enfermedad". Consideraciones Finales: En este sentido, la percepción de los profesionales de la salud y la apreciación de los médicos por el tratamiento del dolor neuropático muchas veces se relaciona con la necesidad de aumentar el conocimiento sobre el manejo del dolor y el uso de opioides.

Coluna/Columna ; 23(1): e273107, 2024. tab, graf, il. color
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557641


ABSTRACT: Objective: To compare patients who underwent anterior cervical arthrodesis with autologous iliac crest graft and those who used synthetic graft. Methods: Analysis of 38 patients aged between 18 and 100 years with anterior cervical spondylosis of 1 or 2 levels in a spine surgery service. Results: degenerative cervical spine changes associated with cervicalgia and cervicobrachialgia. Excluded: previous cervical spine surgeries, fractures, or surgery above two levels. Two groups were formed with 19 patients, one using autologous graft and the other using synthetic tricalcium phosphate - a questionnaire assessed satisfaction (Oswestry and VAS) pre- and postoperatively. Bone consolidation was evaluated by tomography at nine months. Results: Mean ODI (Group 1) was 68.5% ± 4.6% preoperatively and 27.2% ± 3.8% postoperatively, being statistically relevant (p<0.001). VAS performed to evaluate the cervical region, Group 1 pre and post-op was considered statistically relevant (p<0.001). No significant difference was observed when comparing the mean values found in the postoperative period between Group 1 and Group 2 (p=0.463). Only two patients complained of chronic pain, representing 10% of the total. In nine-month tomography, 100% of patients in Group 1 and 100% of Group 2 showed bone consolidation, with no statistically relevant difference (p=0.676) between the groups. Conclusion: Similar functional and osteointegration outcomes were observed in both types of grafts. Synthetic graft minimizes the risks and complications of using allografts. Level of Evidence III; Retrospective comparative study.

RESUMO: Objetivo: Comparar os pacientes que realizaram artrodese cervical anterior associada ao uso de enxerto autólogo de crista ilíaca e os que utilizaram enxerto sintético. Métodos: Análise de 38 pacientes entre 18 e 100 anos com espondilose cervical anterior de nível 1 ou 2 em um serviço de cirurgia da coluna. Inclusão: alterações degenerativas da coluna cervical, associado a cervicalgia e/ou cervicobraquialgia. Excluídos: cirurgias de coluna cervical prévia, fraturas ou cirurgia acima de 2 níveis. Foram formados 2 grupos com 19 pacientes cada, sendo num deles utilizado enxerto autólogo e, no outro, sintético fosfato tricálcico. Foi aplicado o questionário para avaliação de satisfação (Oswestry e EVA) pré e pós-operatória. Consolidação óssea foi avaliada por tomografia no nono mês. Resultados: O ODI médio do Grupo 1 apresentou 68,5% ± 4,6% na avaliação pré-operatória e 27,2%±3,8% no pós, sendo estatisticamente relevante (p<0,001). EVA realizada para avaliar a região cervical, o Grupo 1 no pré e pós foi considerada estatisticamente relevante (p<0,001). Não foi observada diferença relevante quando comparando os valores médios encontrados no pós-operatório entre o Grupo 1 e o Grupo 2 (p=0,463). Apenas 2 pacientes com queixa de dor crônica, representando 10% do total. Tomografia de 9 meses, 100% dos pacientes do Grupo 1 e 100% do Grupo 2 apresentaram consolidação óssea, não tendo diferença estatisticamente relevante (p=0,676) entre os grupos. Conclusão: Foram observados resultados funcionais e de osteointegração similares em ambos enxertos. O enxerto sintético minimiza riscos e complicações do uso de aloenxertos. Nível de Evidência III; Estudo Retrospectivo Comparativo

RESUMEN: Objetivo: Comparar los pacientes sometidos a artrodesis cervical anterior asociada al uso de un injerto autólogo de cresta ilíaca y los que utilizaron un injerto sintético. Métodos: Se analizaron 38 pacientes de entre 18 y 100 años con espondilosis cervical anterior de nivel 1 o 2 en un servicio de cirugía de la columna vertebral. Criterios de inclusión: cambios degenerativos en la columna cervical, asociados a cervicalgia y/o cervicobraquialgia. Excluidos: cirugía previa de la columna cervical, fracturas o cirugía por encima de 2 niveles. Se formaron dos grupos de 19 pacientes cada uno, en uno se utilizó un injerto autólogo y en el otro un injerto sintético de fosfato tricálcico. Se utilizó un cuestionario de satisfacción pre y postoperatorio (Oswestry y EVA). La consolidación ósea se evaluó mediante tomografía computarizada al noveno mes. Resultados: La media del ODI del Grupo 1 fue del 68,5% ± 4,6% en la valoración preoperatoria y del 27,2%±3,8% en la valoración postoperatoria, siendo estadísticamente relevante (p<0,001). La EVA realizada para valorar la región cervical en el Grupo 1 pre y post se consideró estadísticamente significativa (p<0,001). No se observaron diferencias relevantes al comparar los valores medios encontrados en el postoperatorio entre el Grupo 1 y el Grupo 2 (p=0,463). Sólo 2 pacientes se quejaron de dolor crónico, lo que representa el 10% del total. A los 9 meses, el 100% de los pacientes del Grupo 1 y el 100% del Grupo 2 presentaban cicatrización ósea, sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p=0,676) entre los grupos. Conclusión: Se observaron resultados funcionales y de osteointegración similares con ambos injertos. El injerto sintético minimiza los riesgos y complicaciones del uso de aloinjertos. Nivel de Evidencia III; Estudio Retrospectivo Comparativo.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over
Coluna/Columna ; 23(1): e271651, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557646


ABSTRACT: Objective: To compare the use of drugs to control low back pain in the pre- and postoperative periods among patients with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) undergoing neuromodulation. Methods: Retrospective observational study analyzing the medical records of patients with FBSS who underwent neuromodulation, followed up in an outpatient clinic from 2018 to 2020. The characteristics of the patients were evaluated: the use of medications, quality of life through the results of the Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36), and functional capacity using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) in the pre-surgical and post-surgical periods (06 months, 01 year). The criterion for establishing statistical significance was p≤0.05. Results: 56 patients were evaluated. There was a reduction in the use of pain control drugs after the institution of neuromodulation, including in the opioid class (d=0.81). An improvement was also observed in the ODI scores (p<0.001) and all the SF-36 domains (p<0.02) in the postoperative periods investigated. Conclusion: The data suggest that neuromodulation positively impacted back pain by reducing medication use and improving functional capacity and quality of life. Level of Evidence IV; Retrospective, Observational Study.

RESUMO: Objetivo: Comparar o uso de medicamentos para o controle da dor lombar nos períodos pré e pós-operatórios entre pacientes com Síndrome da Falha da Cirurgia na Coluna (FBSS) submetidos à neuromodulação. Métodos: Estudo observacional retrospectivo de análise de prontuários dos pacientes com FBSS submetidos à neuromodulação, acompanhados ambulatorialmente no período de 2018 a 2020. Foram avaliadas as características dos pacientes; o uso de medicamentos; a qualidade de vida através dos resultados do Questionário Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF- 36) e a capacidade funcional utilizando o Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) nos períodos pré-cirúrgico e pós-cirúrgicos (06 meses, 01 ano). O critério para estabelecer significância estatística foi valores de p≤0,05. Resultados: Foram avaliados 56 pacientes. Verificou-se redução do uso de medicamentos para o controle da dor após a instituição da neuromodulação, inclusive na classe dos opioides (d=0,81). Observou-se ainda melhora nos escores do ODI (p<0,001) e de todos os domínios do SF-36 (p<0,02) nos períodos pós-operatórios investigados. Conclusão: Os dados sugerem que a neuromodulação teve impacto positivo na dor de coluna em termos de redução no uso de medicamentos, melhora da capacidade funcional e da qualidade de vida. Nível de Evidência IV; Estudo Retrospectivo, Observacional.

RESUMEN: Objetivo: Comparar el uso de fármacos para el control de la lumbalgia en el pre y posoperatorio en pacientes con Síndrome de Cirugía Fallida de Columna (FBSS) sometidos a neuromodulación. Métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo analizando las historias clínicas de pacientes con FBSS que se sometieron a neuromodulación, seguidos en consulta externa de 2018 a 2020. Se evaluaron las características de los pacientes; el uso de medicamentos; calidad de vida a través de los resultados del Cuestionario Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36) y la capacidad funcional mediante el Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) en los períodos prequirúrgico y posquirúrgico (06 meses, 01 año). El criterio para establecer la significación estadística fue p≤0,05. Resultados: se evaluaron 56 pacientes. Hubo una reducción en el uso de medicamentos para el control del dolor después de la institución de la neuromodulación, incluso en la clase de opioides (d = 0,81). También se observó una mejora en las puntuaciones del ODI (p<0,001) y en todos los dominios del SF-36 (p<0,02) en los períodos postoperatorios investigados. Conclusión: Los datos sugieren que la neuromodulación tuvo un impacto positivo en el dolor de espalda en términos de reducción del uso de medicamentos, mejorando la capacidad funcional y la calidad de vida. Nivel de Evidencia IV; Estudio Retrospectivo, Observacional.
