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REVISA (Online) ; 13(1): 128-137, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532034


Objetivo: explorar o impacto da doença celíaca no bem-estar e no desenvolvimento de crianças, conforme percebido por suas mães, participantes do grupo "Criança Celíaca" no Facebook. Método: Estudo qualitativo, utilizando o método de história oral. A pesquisa centraliza a questão: Como a doença celíaca influencia a qualidade de vida e a saúde durante o crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil? Seis mães foram escolhidas com base em critérios de inclusão específicos e concordaram em participar do estudo. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas gravadas no Zoom e analisados por meio de transcrição, agrupamento e categorização dos depoimentos. Resultados:Os achados são divididos em sete categorias: experiências de crianças com doença celíaca; impacto na qualidade de vida, crescimento e desenvolvimento; interações em eventos sociais; experiências escolares; emoções diante da doença; e necessidades das famílias afetadas. Conclusão: O estudo revela a necessidade de maior envolvimento dos profissionais de enfermagem neste campo, enfatizando a importância do papel ativo dos pais na garantia da qualidade de vida de crianças celíacas

Objective: to explore the impact of celiac disease on the well-being and development of children as perceived by their mothers, members of the "CeliacChild" group on Facebook. Method:This qualitative study, employing oral history methodology. The research focuses on the question: How does celiac disease affect the quality of life and health during childhood growth and development? Six mothers were selected based on specific inclusion criteria and agreed to participate in the study. Data were collected through interviews recorded on Zoom and analyzed through transcription, grouping, and categorization of the testimonies. Results:The findings are divided into seven categories: experiences of children with celiac disease; impact on quality of life, growth, and development; interactions at social events; school experiences; emotions in the face of the disease; and the needs of affected families. Conclusion:The study highlights the need for greater involvement of nursing professionals in this field, emphasizing the importance of parents' active role in ensuring the quality of life of children with celiac disease

Objetivo: explorar el impacto de la enfermedad celíaca en el bienestar y desarrollo de los niños, según lo percibido por sus madres, integrantes del grupo "Niño Celíaco" en Facebook. Método:Este estudio cualitativo, utilizando el método de historia oral. La investigación se centra en la pregunta: ¿Cómo afecta la enfermedad celíaca a la calidad de vida y la salud durante el crecimiento y desarrollo infantil? Se seleccionaron seis madres basadas en criterios específicos de inclusión y acordaron participar en el estudio. Los datos se recopilaron a través de entrevistas grabadas en Zoom y se analizaron mediante transcripción, agrupación y categorización de los testimonios. Resultados:Los hallazgos se dividen en siete categorías: experiencias de niños con enfermedad celíaca; impacto en la calidad de vida, crecimiento y desarrollo; interacciones en eventos sociales; experiencias escolares; emociones frente a la enfermedad; y las necesidades de las familias afectadas. Conclusión:El estudio resalta la necesidad de una mayorimplicación de los profesionales de enfermería en este campo, enfatizando la importancia del rol activo de los padres en garantizar la calidad de vida de los niños celíacos.

Celiac Disease , Child , Management Quality Circles
Referência ; serVI(2): e23.6.29170, dez. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1558833


Resumo Enquadramento: A doença celíaca é uma patologia autoimune da mucosa do intestino delgado que se desenvolve em pessoas geneticamente predispostas, sendo o tratamento a adoção de estilos de vida saudáveis e, em particular, a dieta livre de glúten. Objetivo: Correlacionar o estilo de vida e os sintomas celíacos em adolescentes e jovens adultos mexicanos, estabelecendo uma comparação por sexo e idade. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, correlacional e transversal. A amostra foi composta por 152 celíacos de 15 a 35 anos. A amostragem foi não probabilística quando utilizada a técnica de bola de neve virtual na rede social Facebook. Resultados: O índice de sintomas celíacos apresentou correlação negativa significativa com estilo de vida. O estilo de vida em relação à idade e o sexo apresentou diferenças significativas entre os participantes. Conclusão: Existe correlação entre o estilo de vida e os sintomas da doença celíaca em uma população mexicana de adolescentes e jovens adultos, evidenciando que estes indivíduos não estão levando um estilo de vida saudável e, consequentemente, estão apresentando sintomas da enfermidade.

Abstract Background: Celiac disease is an autoimmune pathology of the small intestine mucosa that develops in genetically predisposed people. The treatment is the adoption of healthy lifestyles and, in particular, a gluten-free diet. Objective: To correlate lifestyle and celiac symptoms in Mexican adolescents and young adults, comparing gender and age. Methodology: A descriptive, correlational, and cross-sectional study was conducted. Using the virtual snowball technique on the social networking platform Facebook, a non-probabilistic sample of 152 individuals with celiac disease between the ages of 15 and 35 was obtained. Results: The celiac symptom index indicated a significant, negative correlation with lifestyle. The participants showed significant differences in lifestyle based on age and gender. Conclusion: A correlation between lifestyle and celiac disease symptoms in Mexican adolescents and young adults indicates that these individuals may not lead a healthy lifestyle. As a result, they show symptoms of the disease.

Resumen Marco contextual: La celiaquía es una patología autoinmune de la mucosa del intestino delgado que se desarrolla en personas genéticamente predispuestas y cuyo tratamiento es la adopción de hábitos de vida saludables y, en particular, la dieta sin gluten. Objetivo: Correlacionar el estilo de vida y los síntomas celíacos en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes mexicanos, comparando por sexo y edad. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, correlacional y transversal. La muestra estuvo formada por 152 celíacos de entre 15 y 35 años. El muestreo fue no probabilístico, al utilizar la técnica de bola de nieve virtual en la red social Facebook. Resultados: El índice de síntomas celíacos mostró una correlación negativa significativa con el estilo de vida. El estilo de vida en relación con la edad y el sexo mostró diferencias significativas entre los participantes. Conclusión: Existe una correlación entre el estilo de vida y los síntomas de la celiaquía en una población mexicana de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, lo que demuestra que estos individuos no llevan un estilo de vida saludable y, en consecuencia, presentan síntomas de esta enfermedad.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535948


We present the case of a young patient from Argentina living in a rural area without any relevant medical history. He consulted the emergency department after blunt chest trauma, and during trauma studies, images compatible with pulmonary tuberculosis were found, a diagnosis made incidentally. After starting treatment, he exhibited gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss, which were initially considered an adverse effect of treatment with rifampin/isoniazid/pyrazinamide/ethambutol (RHZE). Upon completing the first phase of treatment and suspending the medication, the symptoms improved, and the bacilloscopies were negative. Subsequently, the severity of the symptoms drew attention. Additional paraclinical tests were performed with malabsorptive diarrhea results, considering the patient's origin and the fact that his diet included products that he grew himself without prior exposure to gluten. Celiac disease is suspected, and antibodies and biopsy results compatible with this entity were obtained. When reviewing the association of symptom onset with the RHZE/pyridoxine treatment, we found these medications may have wheat-based excipients, which explains the worsening of symptoms, not due to the gastrointestinal adverse effects of the antibiotic but its excipients. Finally, the case was analyzed, tuberculosis was ruled out, and treatment was suspended, refocusing the therapeutic effort on recovering the patient's nutritional status. Subsequently, no other hospital admissions were recorded, and he remained respiratorily asymptomatic, with weight gain and nutritional recovery.

Se presenta el caso de un paciente joven, proveniente de Argentina y residente de un área rural, sin ningún antecedente médico a resaltar. Consultó al servicio de urgencias después de un trauma cerrado de tórax y durante los estudios de trauma se encontraron imágenes compatibles con tuberculosis pulmonar, diagnóstico realizado de manera incidental. Luego del inicio de tratamiento presentó síntomas gastrointestinales dados por diarrea, dolor abdominal y pérdida de peso, lo que inicialmente se consideró un efecto adverso al tratamiento con rifampicina/isoniazida/pirazinamida/etambutol (RHZE). Al completar la primera fase del tratamiento y suspender la medicación mejoraron los síntomas, además de que las baciloscopias fueron negativas. Posteriormente, llamó la atención la gravedad de los síntomas, por lo que se realizaron paraclínicos adicionales con resultados a favor de diarrea malabsortiva; teniendo en cuenta la procedencia del paciente y el hecho de que basaba su dieta en productos que él mismo cultivaba, sin haber exposición previa al gluten. Se sospecha enfermedad celíaca, y se obtuvieron anticuerpos y resultados en la biopsia compatibles con esta entidad. Al revisar la asociación de inicio de síntomas con el uso de tratamiento de RHZE/piridoxina, se observa que estos medicamentos pueden tener excipientes a base de trigo, lo que explica el empeoramiento de los síntomas, no por efectos adversos gastrointestinales del antibiótico sino por sus excipientes. Finalmente, se analizó el caso, se descartó tuberculosis y se suspendió el tratamiento, redirigiendo el esfuerzo terapéutico hacia la recuperación del estado nutricional del paciente. Posteriormente, no se registran otros ingresos hospitalarios, continúa asintomático respiratorio, con ganancia de peso y recuperación nutricional.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535951


Aim: To describe the clinical picture and diagnosis of an episode of severe hypocalcemia in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in remission, with chronic diarrhea that led to the diagnosis of celiac disease (CD). Case presentation: 22-year-old patient, diagnosed with SLE at age 10, in remission. He consulted for a two-month history of paresthesias, muscle spasms, myalgias, and episodes of tetany in the previous week, associated with malabsorptive postprandial diarrhea. His laboratory tests showed severe hypocalcemia, vitamin D deficiency, severe hypomagnesemia, and mild hypokalemia. In the study for CD, serology reported normal anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA, antigliadin IgA, and IgG and low total IgA levels. Enteroscopy revealed erosive bulbo-duodenitis, with villous atrophy and increased intraepithelial lymphocytes in the pathology, which, together with the immunohistochemical study, allowed the diagnosis of CD, Marsh 3a type. Management was initiated with a gluten-free diet, with a positive clinical response. Conclusion: CD should be suspected in patients with SLE who present with diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, recurrent oral aphthosis, and anemia. In rare seronegative CD cases, other causes of villous atrophy, mainly infectious, toxic, and immunological, must be ruled out. There is an association between CD and SLE, so diagnosis must be early and timely with the best testing scheme available to achieve effective treatment before complications occur.

Objetivo: Describir la presentación clínica y diagnóstico de un episodio de hipocalcemia grave en un paciente con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) en remisión, con diarrea crónica que condujo al diagnóstico de enfermedad celíaca (EC). Presentación del caso: Paciente de 22 años, con diagnóstico de LES a los 10 años, en remisión. Consultó por 2 meses de evolución de parestesias, espasmos musculares, mialgias y episodios de tetania en la semana previa, asociado a diarrea posprandial malabsortiva. Sus laboratorios mostraron hipocalcemia grave, déficit de vitamina D, hipomagnesemia grave e hipopotasemia leve. En el estudio para EC la serología reportó antitransglutaminasa tisular IgA, antigliadina IgA e IgG normales y niveles de IgA total bajos. La enteroscopia evidenció bulboduodenitis erosiva, con atrofia de las vellosidades y aumento de linfocitos intraepiteliales en la patología, que junto al estudio inmunohistoquímico permitieron concluir el diagnóstico de EC, tipo Marsh 3a. Se inició el manejo con una dieta libre de gluten, con una respuesta clínica positiva. Conclusión: La EC debe sospecharse en pacientes con LES que inicien con diarrea, dolor abdominal, náuseas/vómitos, aftosis oral recurrente y anemia. En los casos de EC seronegativa, los cuales son poco comunes, se deben descartar otras causas de atrofia de las vellosidades principalmente infecciosas, tóxicas e inmunitarias. Existe una asociación entre EC y LES, por lo cual el diagnóstico debe ser precoz y oportuno con el mejor esquema de pruebas disponible para lograr realizar un tratamiento efectivo antes de que se presenten las complicaciones.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535960


Some theories suggest that the development of the immune response to clear hepatitis B triggers the intestinal tissue damage seen in celiac disease in genetically predisposed individuals. Although the role of hepatitis B virus infection in the development of autoimmune diseases has been widely discussed in the literature, it remains a controversial topic. Our objective is to review whether there is an association between hepatitis B and celiac disease and the particularities of vaccination against hepatitis B in celiac patients.

Algunas teorías sugieren que el desarrollo de la respuesta inmunitaria para la eliminación de la hepatitis B desencadena el daño del tejido intestinal observado en la enfermedad celíaca en individuos genéticamente predispuestos. Aunque el papel de la infección por el virus de la hepatitis B en el desarrollo de enfermedades autoinmunes se ha discutido ampliamente en la literatura, sigue siendo un tema controvertido. Nuestro objetivo es revisar si existe una asociación entre la hepatitis B y la enfermedad celíaca y las particularidades de la vacunación contra la hepatitis B en pacientes celíacos.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37833136


INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune enteropathy that develops in genetically susceptible individuals. The typical gastrointestinal manifestation is diarrhea but symptoms of dyspepsia, such as epigastric pain, nausea, or satiety, can sometimes appear. Previous studies have reported that the prevalence of CD in patients with dyspepsia can be as high as 7%. The aim of the present study was to evaluate CD seroprevalence in subjects with dyspeptic symptoms and a control group in a Mexican population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A case-control study was conducted on blood donors that answered the PAGI-SYM questionnaire for dyspepsia and in whom IgA antibodies to tissue transglutaminase 2 (IgA anti-tTG2) and IgG antibodies to deamidated gliadin peptide (IgG anti-DGP) were determined. CD seroprevalence in subjects with dyspeptic symptoms and in asymptomatic subjects was compared. RESULTS: A total of 427 subjects (76.3% men), with a mean patient age of 34 years (range of 18-65 years) were included. Of those participants, 87 (20.3%) had symptoms of dyspepsia (group A) and 340 (79.6%) were asymptomatic (group B). Antibodies were positive in one (1.15%) of the group A subjects (1/87, 95% CI 0.2-6 %), whereas they were positive in 4 (1.18%) of the group B subjects (4/340, 95% CI 0.4-2.9%, p = 0.59). CONCLUSIONS: CD seroprevalence in the study population with dyspeptic symptoms (1%) was not different from that of the control population. Thus, CD screening in Mexican patients with dyspepsia is not justified.

Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 19(7): 374-378, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37661115


INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVES: Coeliac disease (CD) and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) cause symptoms like those seen in patients with fibromyalgia (FM) and functional gastrointestinal disorders. There is no consistent data on frequency of these symptoms and no study performed duodenal biopsies to investigate CD/NCGS in Brazilian FM patients. Therefore, we sought to verify the prevalence of CD/NCGS in FM patients and the association between gastrointestinal manifestations and FM symptoms. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty-two individuals with FM (ACR2010) were recruited from FM outpatient clinics of a tertiary hospital. Clinical evaluation included the Widespread Pain Index (WPI), Severity Symptom Scale (SS), Polysymptomatic Distress Scale (PDS), and Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Subjects were screened for the presence of coeliac antibodies and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (duodenal biopsies) was performed for diagnosis of CD/NCGS. RESULTS: 46 (74.2%) women reported at least one digestive symptom: constipation, abdominal distension, loss of weight/inappetence, and nausea/vomiting. Fourteen (31.8%) presented macroscopic duodenitis and 2(4.5%) had duodenal lymphocytic infiltrates, but none met CD criteria. In 1(1.6%) patient NCGS was confirmed. There was association between presence of any digestive symptom and WPI and SS (fatigue, waking up tired, cognition), but no difference on FIQ between patients with and without gastrointestinal symptoms. CONCLUSION: Gastrointestinal complaints were frequent and associated with increased degree of polysymptomatic distress in FM patients, but presence of these symptoms was not related to overall impact of FM over different dimensions of the patient's life. Moreover, the prevalence of CD/NCGS was very low. This suggests that screening for CD in Brazilian FM patients might not be cost-effective, since the frequency of CD/NCGS was very low.

Celiac Disease , Fibromyalgia , Food Hypersensitivity , Humans , Female , Male , Celiac Disease/complications , Celiac Disease/epidemiology , Celiac Disease/diagnosis , Glutens/adverse effects , Fibromyalgia/epidemiology , Fibromyalgia/complications , Prevalence , Brazil/epidemiology , Food Hypersensitivity/complications , Food Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Food Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , Diet, Gluten-Free
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 6(2): 165-171, jul. 19, 2023.
Article in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1442697


La enfermedad celíaca y la sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca han tenido un aumento en su incidencia, esto las ha convertido en tema de interés en la búsqueda de enfoques terapéuticos innovadores que ayuden a mejorar los síntomas intestinales y extraintestinales. Esta revisión pretende determinar los efectos del uso de probióticos y prebióticos en la enfermedad celíaca y sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca. Se realizó una búsqueda en bases de datos HINARI, PubMed y Scopus en idioma español e inglés, se incluyeron artículos originales y de revisión con un máximo de cinco años desde su publicación. El uso de probióticos y prebióticos para la enfermedad celíaca ha mostrado beneficios restaurando la composición del microbiota intestinal, en especial con el uso de Lactobacilli y Bifidobacterium spp.; en la sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca, el uso se ve limitado al no conocer con exactitud su fisiopatología; no obstante, se propone como mejor pauta terapéutica una dieta libre de gluten. El uso de probióticos y prebióticos podría aliviar los síntomas gastrointestinales y mejorar la disbiosis en pacientes con enfermedad celíaca y sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios que evidencien los beneficios de su uso como alternativa terapéutica

Celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity are entities that have shown an increase in incidence, making them a topic of interest to provide innovative therapeutic approaches and improve intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms. This review intends to determine the effects of the use of probiotics and prebiotics in celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. A narrative review was undertaken by searching for original and review articles no older than five years since publication through data bases consulted: HINARI, PubMed and Scopus in Spanish and English. The use of probiotics and prebiotics in celiac disease has shown benefits by restoring the composition of the intestinal microbiota, especially with the use of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium spp.; in non-celiac gluten sensitivity, its use is limited as its pathophysiology is not exactly known, therefore, a gluten-free diet is currently considered to be the best therapeutic guideline. The use of probiotics and prebiotics could alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms and improve dysbiosis in patients with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. However, more studies are needed to demonstrate the benefits of its use as a therapeutic alternative

El Salvador
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;109(3): 77-82, 20230000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1443143


La dermatitis herpetiforme, también denominada Enfermedad de Dühring-Brocq, es una dermatosis autoinmune crónica que evoluciona por brotes, caracterizada por la presencia de ampollas pequeñas que tienden a agruparse, en codos, rodillas y glúteos, con disposición simétrica, intensamente pruriginosas. Es considerada una manifestación cutánea de la enfermedad celíaca. Afecta a adultos jóvenes (20 a 50 años). El estudio histopatológico evidencia ampollas subepidérmicas. La inmunofluorescencia directa es característica: depósitos granulares de IgA en las puntas de las papilas dérmicas. Aún ante falta de sintomatología digestiva debe investigarse enfermedad celíaca en todos los pacientes. La dieta libre de gluten es la clave del tratamiento. En aquellos pacientes con intenso prurito o con una dermatosis muy extensa se puede utilizar dapsona vía oral, que alivia rápidamente las manifestaciones cutáneas, pero no modifica el curso de la enfermedad digestiva. Se presenta un paciente en quien a partir de las lesiones cutáneas se realizó diagnóstico de dermatitis herpetiforme primero y de enfermedad celíaca luego

Dermatitis herpetiformis, also known as Dühring-Brocq disease, is a chronic autoimmune dermatosis that evolves in outbreaks. It is characterized by the presence of small blisters that tend to cluster on the elbows, knees, and buttocks, with a symmetrical distribution and intense itching. It is considered a cutaneous manifestation of celiac disease. It affects young adults (20 to 50 years old). Histopathological examination reveals subepidermal blisters. Direct immunofluorescence is characteristic, showing granular deposits of IgA at the tips of the dermal papillae. Even in the absence of digestive symptoms, celiac disease should be investigated in all patients. A gluten-free diet is the key to treatment. In patients with intense itching or extensive dermatosis, oral dapsone can be used to quickly relieve cutaneous manifestations, but it does not alter the course of the digestive disease. We present a patient in whom the diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis was made initially, followed by a diagnosis of celiac disease based on the skin lesions

Humans , Male , Adult , Celiac Disease/pathology , Dermatitis Herpetiformis/pathology , Gastrointestinal Tract/pathology , Glutens
Entramado ; 19(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534422


R E S U M E N El objetivo fue elaborar una base de datos de referencia para composición corporal de sujetos pediátricos en la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina). Se obtuvieron datos de I4 variables de composición corporal (densidad y composición mineral ósea; masa magra y blanda; índice de masa corporal y magra, entre otros) de 198 sujetos (96 mujeres) de 4 a 19 años. Los sujetos se clasificaron en ocho grupos bienales; aquellos en etapa de transición puberal fueron clasificados según los estadios de Tanner: Las medidas se obtuvieron mediante densitometría dual de rayos-X en un equipo Lunar Prodigy DF+I6206. Para el análisis estadístico se usó Prism 5.4 en MS Win 7. Los valores de las variables analizadas aumentaron con la edad. Los valores en hombres siguen una tendencia lineal mientras en mujeres es sigmoidea, excepto el índice de masa corporal. Pacientes con igual edad, pero mayor estadio de Tanner, mostraron valores superiores de los componentes corporales. Las mujeres maduraron más tempranamente. Se concluyó que valores de las variables analizadas aumentaron con la edad y en menor medida, con las etapas de Tanner Los cambios son más precoces en mujeres y siguen diferentes cursos temporales en ambos sexos.

The objective was to develop a reference database for body composition of pediatric subjects in the province of Mendoza (Argentina). Data on I4 body composition variables (bone mineral density and composition; lean and soft mass; lean and body mass index, among others) were obtained from I98 subjects (96 women) aged 4 to 19 years. Subjects were classified into eight biennial groups; those in the pubertal transition stage were classified according to the Tanner stages. Measurements were obtained by dual X-ray densitometry on a Lunar Prodigy DF+I6206 instrument. For the statistical analysis, Prism 5.4 in MS Win 7 was used. The values of the variables analyzed increased with age. The values i n men follow a linear trend while in women it is sigmoid, except for the body mass index. Patients with the same age, but higher Tanner stage, showed higher values of body components. Women matured earlier It was concluded that the values of the variables analyzed increased with age and, to a lesser extent, with the Tanner stages. The changes are earlier and follow different time courses in women than in men.

O objetivo foi desenvolver um banco de dados de referência para composição corporal de indivíduos pediátricos na província de Mendoza (Argentina). Dados sobre I4 variáveis de composição corporal (densidade e composição mineral óssea; massa magra e massa mole; índice de massa magra e corporal, entre outras) foram obtidos de I98 indivíduos (96 mulheres) com idades entre 4 e I9 anos. Os sujeitos foram classificados em oito grupos bienais; aqueles no estágio de transição puberal foram classificados de acordo com os estágios de Tanner As medições foram obtidas por densitometria por dupla emissão de raios-X em um instrumento Lunar Prodigy DF+I6206. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado o Prism 5.4 no MS Win 7. Os valores das variáveis analisadas aumentaram com a idade. Os valores nos homens seguem uma tendência linear enquanto nas mulheres é sigmóide, com exceção do índice de massa corporal. Pacientes com a mesma idade, mas estágio de Tanner mais alto, apresentaram valores mais elevados de componentes corporais. As mulheres amadureceram mais cedo. Concluiu-se que os valores das variáveis analisadas aumentaram com a idade e, em menor grau, com os estágios de Tanner As mudanças são mais precoces e seguem cursos de tempo diferentes nas mulheres do que nos homens.

Gac Med Mex ; 159(2): 142-146, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37094232


BACKGROUND: Although most patients with celiac disease (CD) have digestive manifestations, in some of them they may be of extraintestinal (atypical) nature, such as chronic anemia, ataxia, and fertility disorders. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of CD-related antibodies in Mexican women with fertility disorders. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Case-control study of women who attended evaluation for fertility disorders in a specialized center. h-tTG-IgA, gliadin IgA II and gliadin IgG II were quantified; titers > 30 IU were considered positive. RESULTS: One-hundred and seventy-one cases and 171 controls were included; 137 patients (80.1%) had infertility, and 34 (19.9%), sterility. Eight patients (4.6%, 95% CI = 2.3-8.9) had at least one positive marker for CD in comparison with one woman in the control group (0.5%, 95% CI = 0.01-3, p = 0.04, odds ratio = 8.3). Six of the eight patients had unexplained infertility. CONCLUSIONS: Up to 4.6% of women with infertility had at least one positive marker for CD. As in other parts of the world, screening for CD could be recommended in women with infertility, especially in those with unexplained infertility.

ANTECEDENTES: Aunque los pacientes con enfermedad celiaca (EC) tienen en su mayoría manifestaciones digestivas, algunos pueden presentarlas de índole extraintestinal (atípicas), como anemia crónica, ataxia y trastornos de la fertilidad. OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos relacionados con EC en mujeres mexicanas con trastornos de la fertilidad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de casos y controles de mujeres que acudieron a valoración por trastornos de la fertilidad en un centro especializado. Se cuantificó h-tTG IgA, gliadina IgA II y gliadina IgG II; los títulos > 30 UI fueron considerados como positivos. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 171 casos y 171 controles; 137 pacientes (80.1 %) tuvieron infertilidad y 34 (19.9 %), esterilidad. Ocho pacientes (4.6 %, IC 95 % = 2.3-8.9) tuvieron al menos un marcador positivo para EC comparadas con una mujer del grupo control (0.5 %, IC 95 % = 0.01-3, p = 0.04, razón de momios = 8.3). Seis de las ocho pacientes presentaron infertilidad inexplicable. CONCLUSIONES: Hasta 4.6 % de las mujeres con infertilidad presentó al menos un marcador positivo para EC. Al igual que en otras partes del mundo, podría recomendarse el escrutinio para EC en mujeres con infertilidad, en especial en quienes padecen infertilidad inexplicable.

Celiac Disease , Infertility , Humans , Female , Celiac Disease/diagnosis , Case-Control Studies , Gliadin , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Autoantibodies , Transglutaminases , Immunoglobulin A
Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;159(2): 145-149, mar.-abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430398


Resumen Antecedentes: Aunque los pacientes con enfermedad celiaca (EC) tienen en su mayoría manifestaciones digestivas, algunos pueden presentarlas de índole extraintestinal (atípicas), como anemia crónica, ataxia y trastornos de la fertilidad. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos relacionados con EC en mujeres mexicanas con trastornos de la fertilidad. Material y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles de mujeres que acudieron a valoración por trastornos de la fertilidad en un centro especializado. Se cuantificó h-tTG IgA, gliadina IgA II y gliadina IgG II; los títulos > 30 UI fueron considerados como positivos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 171 casos y 171 controles; 137 pacientes (80.1 %) tuvieron infertilidad y 34 (19.9 %), esterilidad. Ocho pacientes (4.6 %, IC 95 % = 2.3-8.9) tuvieron al menos un marcador positivo para EC comparadas con una mujer del grupo control (0.5 %, IC 95 % = 0.01-3, p = 0.04, razón de momios = 8.3). Seis de las ocho pacientes presentaron infertilidad inexplicable. Conclusiones: Hasta 4.6 % de las mujeres con infertilidad presentó al menos un marcador positivo para EC. Al igual que en otras partes del mundo, podría recomendarse el escrutinio para EC en mujeres con infertilidad, en especial en quienes padecen infertilidad inexplicable.

Abstract Background: Although most patients with celiac disease (CD) have digestive manifestations, in some of them they may be of extraintestinal (atypical) nature, such as chronic anemia, ataxia, and fertility disorders. Objective: To determine the prevalence of CD-related antibodies in Mexican women with fertility disorders. Material and methods: Case-control study of women who attended evaluation for fertility disorders in a specialized center. h-tTG-IgA, gliadin IgA II and gliadin IgG II were quantified; titers > 30 IU were considered positive. Results: One-hundred and seventy-one cases and 171 controls were included; 137 patients (80.1%) had infertility, and 34 (19.9%), sterility. Eight patients (4.6%, 95% CI = 2.3-8.9) had at least one positive marker for CD in comparison with one woman in the control group (0.5%, 95% CI = 0.01-3, p = 0.04, odds ratio = 8.3). Six of the eight patients had unexplained infertility. Conclusions: Up to 4.6% of women with infertility had at least one positive marker for CD. As in other parts of the world, screening for CD could be recommended in women with infertility, especially in those with unexplained infertility.

Rev. cuba. med ; 62(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1449995


La celiaquía es un trastorno mediado por la respuesta inmune al gluten ingerido en individuos genéticamente susceptibles. La enfermedad celíaca afecta al 1 por ciento de la población mundial, y su incidencia se ha incrementado sustancialmente en las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, aún la enfermedad celíaca es pobremente reconocida por la comunidad médica y por la población, tanto a nivel internacional, como nacional, muchos casos permanecen subdiagnosticados. Para mejorar el diagnóstico y manejo del paciente celíaco se recomienda el uso oportuno de la serología específica de la enfermedad celíaca. De los distintos anticuerpos asociados con la enfermedad celíaca, los anticuerpos anti-transglutaminasa tisular (anti-TGt IgA) representan la primera opción diagnóstica por su elevada sensibilidad y especificidad. La prueba de anti-TGt IgA no solo permite descartar de modo confiable la celiaquía, sino funciona como filtro para la selección de pacientes tributarios de biopsia intestinal para la confirmación diagnóstica. El desarrollo de la serología ha posibilitado la aplicación de nuevas estrategias diagnósticas que obvian la biopsia intestinal al menos en algunos grupos de pacientes(AU)

Celiac disease is a disorder mediated by the immune response to ingested gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. Celiac disease affects 1percent of the world population, and its incidence has increased substantially in recent decades. However, celiac disease is still poorly recognized by the medical community and by the population, both domestic and international, many cases remain underdiagnosed. Improving the diagnosis and management of the celiac patient, the timely use of specific serology for celiac disease is recommended. Different antibodies associated with celiac disease, however, anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (anti-TGt IgA) represent the first diagnostic option due to their high sensitivity and specificity. The anti-TGt IgA test not only constantly rules out celiac disease, but also functions as a filter for the selection of patients eligible for intestinal biopsy for diagnostic confirmation. The development of serology has enabled the use of new diagnostic strategies that avoid intestinal biopsy, at least in some groups of patients(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Serologic Tests/methods , Celiac Disease/epidemiology
Rev Gastroenterol Mex (Engl Ed) ; 88(1): 28-35, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35504830


INTRODUCTION AND AIM: To characterize a university hospital population of Chilean adult patients with celiac disease. PATIENTS AND METHOD: We retrospectively reviewed the records of patients under control that were diagnosed with celiac disease through clinical characteristics, serology, and histology. RESULTS: A total of 149 patients were included, 119 (79.9%) of whom were women. Mean patient age was 42 years at diagnosis and 13.4% of patients had a family history of celiac disease. Mean body mass index was 24.3kg/m2, 55.3% presented with normal weight, 37.9% with overweight and obesity, and 6.8% with underweight. The main reasons for consultation were diarrhea (47%), weight loss (31%), dyspepsia (43%), and fatigue (26.1%). Anemia (26.1%), elevated transaminases (17.4%), low ferritin (11.4%), and hypovitaminosis D (9.3%) stood out, among others, in the initial laboratory work-up. The more frequent associated diseases were hypothyroidism (15.4%) and depressive disorder (11.4%). Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth was found in 10.1% and lactose malabsorption in 15.4%. The primary histologic diagnosis was celiac disease, with Marsh stage 3a villous atrophy (34.9%). CONCLUSION: Our results were similar to those of other case series on adults, finding that celiac disease was more frequent in women, disease began in the fourth decade of life, extraintestinal symptoms predominated, and there was an association with other autoimmune diseases. An important percentage of patients were also overweight and obese.

Celiac Disease , Dyspepsia , Humans , Adult , Female , Male , Celiac Disease/complications , Celiac Disease/diagnosis , Celiac Disease/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Overweight , Chile/epidemiology , Obesity
Rev Gastroenterol Mex (Engl Ed) ; 88(2): 125-131, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35523683


INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Celiac disease (CD) is a complex condition, whose main genetic determinant involves HLA molecules, specifically the HLA-DQ2 and/or HLA-DQ8 heterodimers. Nevertheless, the frequency of the alleles encoding those molecules has not been reported in Venezuelan celiac patients. Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate the frequency of the HLA-DQB1 alleles in individuals with symptoms suggestive of CD and define the diagnostic markers of the condition in a Venezuelan population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study included 516 individuals with symptoms suggestive of CD. Molecular typing of the HLA-DQB1 locus was performed using a polymerase chain reaction-sequence-specific oligonucleotide procedure (PCR-SSO). RESULTS: A total of 58.3% of the individuals with clinical manifestations consistent with CD presented with at least one risk allele (DQB1*0201 and/or DQB1*0302), and the diagnosis was confirmed in 40 of them. The patients with CD had a higher frequency of the DQB1*0201 risk allele (26.25%), followed by the DQB1*0302 (17.5%) allele. There was an association between the presence of risk alleles and the presence of lesions characteristic of CD (P = 0.001), and a correlation was found between the genetic predisposition to develop CD and the presence of anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (P = 0.0127). CONCLUSIONS: The results support the role of the DQB1*02 and DQB1*0302 alleles in CD susceptibility and the histologic alterations of the intestinal mucosa, in a Venezuelan population.

Celiac Disease , Humans , Alleles , Celiac Disease/diagnosis , Celiac Disease/genetics , Cross-Sectional Studies , HLA-DQ beta-Chains/genetics
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530103


Introducción: Las enfermedades y manifestaciones autoinmunes ocupan el segundo lugar de las enfermedades por inmunodeficiencia primaria, después de las infecciones. Objetivo: Determinar el comportamiento de las enfermedades autoinmunes en los pacientes con inmunodeficiencias primarias. Métodos: Se realizó estudio de caso control en el servicio de Alergia e Inmunología de Bayamo, Granma entre los años 2013 y 2022. El grupo de estudio fue de 38 pacientes con diagnóstico de inmunodeficiencia primaria y el grupo control de 76 pacientes sin compromiso del sistema inmune. Se empleó el programa estadístico SPSS 25, las frecuencias absolutas y relativas, odds ratio y Chi cuadrado. Resultados: Las manifestaciones sugerentes de autoinmunidad en los pacientes con inmunodeficiencias primarias fue 39,47 % y en los controles 3,95 %, OR = 15,869 y p= 0,000. Las más frecuentes fueron: dolor monoarticular en 6 pacientes (33,33 %); poliartralgia, dermatitis y alopecia en 3 casos (16,67 %) cada uno; dolor en la columna vertebral y nódulos subcutáneos, un paciente (5,56 %) cada uno. Las enfermedades autoinmunes asociadas a inmunodeficiencias primarias fueron: enfermedad celiaca (30,71 %), vitíligo (23,07 %), fibromialgia (15,38 %), eritema nodoso, la gastritis eosinofílica, anemia perniciosa y vasculitis con 7,69 % cada uno. Conclusiones: Las manifestaciones y enfermedades autoinmunes prevalecieron en pacientes con inmunodeficiencias primarias; en ambos casos fueron más frecuentes en los pacientes mayores de 18 años de edad. Las inmunodeficiencias más frecuentemente asociadas a los trastornos autoinmunes fueron las deficiencias predominantemente de anticuerpos y los defectos desregulatorios.

Introduction: Autoimmune diseases are in second place, after infections to suspect primary immunodeficiency diseases. Objective: To determine the behavior of autoimmune diseases in patients with primary immunodeficiencies. Methods: A case control study was carried out in the allergy and immunology service of Bayamo, Granma between 2013 and 2022. The universe was studied as a whole, the study group with 38 patients diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency and the control group with 76 patients without immune system compromise. The SPSS 25 statistical program, absolute and relative frequencies, odds ratio and chi-square were used. Results: The manifestations suggestive of autoimmunity in patients with PID was 39.47% and in controls 3.95%, OR = 15.869 and p = 0.000 and the most frequent were: monoarticular pain in 6 patients (33.33%), polyarthralgia, dermatitis and alopecia with 3 cases (16.67%) each one, pain in dorsal spine and subcutaneous nodule, one patient (5.56%) each one. Immune diseases associated with PID were: celiac disease (30.71%), vitiligo (23.07%), fibromyalgia (15.38%), erythema nodosum, eosinophilic gastritis, pernicious anemia and vasculitis with 7.69% each. Conclusions: Autoimmune manifestations and diseases prevailed in patients with PID, in both cases were more frequent in patients older than 18 years. The immunodeficiencies most frequently associated with autoimmune disorders were those of antibodies and those with some dysregulation component.

An. venez. nutr ; 36(2): 55-66, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1570411


Introducción: La enfermedad celíaca (EC) es una enteropatía autoinmune desencadenada por la ingestión de gluten, en personas con predisposición genética. Su prevalencia está aumentando y el impacto nutricional de la enfermedad y de su tratamiento es objeto de numerosas publicaciones. Objetivo: analizar el estado nutricional integral de los pacientes con EC, atendidos en el Centro de Atención Nutricional Infantil Antímano CANIA, entre 1996 y 2016. Materiales y Métodos: investigación descriptiva, retrospectiva y transeccional. Las variables estudiadas: edad, sexo, diagnóstico nutricional integral, (indicadores antropométricos, de maduración ósea, dietéticos y bioquímicos) y cumplimiento de dieta sin gluten. Resultados: Se evaluaron 55 pacientes con EC, entre 2 y 7 años (58,2 %) con predominio de sexo femenino. El diagnóstico nutricional más frecuente fue la desnutrición en un 56,4 %, un 16,4 % presentó talla baja. El retardo en la maduración ósea se presentó en 33,3 %, y mostró asociación significativa con la desnutrición. El déficit de hierro sérico e hipocalcemia se registraron en 24,4 % y 18,8 % de los pacientes. El cumplimiento de la dieta sin gluten fue reportado en el 78,2 % de los casos. La dieta tuvo una tendencia al déficit de energía, macro y micronutrientes, especialmente grasas y calcio, independiente de su cumplimiento. Conclusión: los resultados evidenciaron que los pacientes son vulnerables desde el punto de vista nutricional. La dieta mostró déficit de energía, macronutrientes y calcio. La mayoría presentó algún grado de desnutrición. La atención nutricional debe ser ofrecida a esta población, desde el mismo momento en que se realiza el diagnóstico independiente de la edad(AU)

ackground: Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten, in people with a genetic predisposition. Its prevalence is increasing and the nutritional impact of the disease and its treatment is the subject of numerous publications. Objective: to analyze the comprehensive nutritional status of patients with CD, treated at the Centro de Atención Nutricional Infantil Antímano CANIA, between 1996 and 2016. Methods: descriptive, retrospective and transectional research. The variables studied: age, sex, comprehensive nutritional diagnosis (anthropometric, bone maturation, dietary and biochemical indicators) and compliance with a gluten- free diet. Results: 55 patients with CD were evaluated, the majority between 2 and 7 years (58.2%) with a predominance of females. The most frequent nutritional diagnosis was malnutrition in 56.4%, 16.4% had short stature. The delay in bone maturation occurred in 33.3%, and showed a significant association with malnutrition. Serum iron deficiency and hypocalcemia were recorded in 24.4% and 18.8% of patients. Compliance with the gluten-free diet was reported in 78.2% of cases. The diet had a tendency towards a deficit of energy, macro and micronutrients, especially fats and calcium, regardless of compliance. Conclusion: the results showed that patients are vulnerable from a nutritional point of view. The diet showed a deficit of energy, macronutrients and calcium. The majority presented some degree of malnutrition. Nutritional care must be offered to this population, from the moment the diagnosis is made, regardless of age(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Celiac Disease/etiology , Nutritional Status , Autoimmune Diseases , Child , Glutens
Pediátr. Panamá ; 51(3): 100-104, dic 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411410


La hepatitis autoinmune es una patología poco frecuente en pediatría cuya incidencia ha aumentado en los últimos años. Aunque su espectro clínico es muy variado, debe sospecharse ante el aumento de transaminasas séricas tras haber descartado otras etiologías. A continuación, se presenta el caso de una paciente de 9 años con hipertransaminasemia crónica que fue diagnosticada de hepatitis autoinmune y enfermedad celiaca. (provisto por Infomedic International)

Autoimmune hepatitis is a rare pathology in pediatrics whose incidence has increased in recent years. Although its clinical spectrum is very varied, it should be suspected due to the increase in serum transaminases after having ruled out other etiologies. The case of a 9-year-old patient with chronic hypertransaminasemia who was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis and celiac disease is presented below. (provided by Infomedic International)

Rev. cuba. med ; 61(4)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441707


Introducción: La enfermedad celiaca es una enteropatía mediada por la respuesta inmune, que ha sido crecientemente reconocida como una enfermedad común, que afecta tanto a la población infantil, como a la adulta. La serología es un componente clave de la detección y diagnóstico de la celiaquía. Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad diagnóstica de los anticuerpos antitransglutaminasa tisular en individuos con síntomas gastrointestinales crónicos. Métodos: En un estudio de corte se determinaron los anticuerpos anti-transglutaminasa tisular IgA/G en 87 pacientes adultos y pediátricos con indicación médica de anticuerpos de celiaquía. Los anti- transglutaminasa tisular IgA/G se realizaron por el ensayo inmunoadsorbente ligado a enzima y por el ensayo multiplex de inmunoblot. Se aplicó la prueba U de Mann-Whitney y se calculó el coeficiente de concordancia kappa. Resultados: La seroprevalencia de los anti-transglutaminasa tisular IgG/IgA resultó de 8,05 por ciento (7/87) por el ensayo inmunoenzimático. Los resultados cualitativos del ensayo inmunoenzimático y del inmunoblot para los anti- transglutaminasa tisular fueron concordantes con un coeficiente kappa de 0,407 (p=0,004). La distribución de la concentración de los anticuerpos anti-TGt IgA/G obtenidos por el ensayo inmunoenzimático respecto a los resultados negativos y positivos del inmunoblot no fue significativa (p=0,08). Los pacientes con presencia de anti-transglutaminasa tisular IgA/G por el ensayo inmunoenzimático obtuvieron el diagnóstico definitivo de enfermedad celiaca confirmado por biopsia duodenal. Conclusiones: Se confirmó la utilidad de la detección de los anticuerpos anti-transglutaminasa tisular IgA/G por el ensayo inmunoenzimático como primer paso diagnóstico de la enfermedad celíaca en pacientes con síntomas gastrointestinales(AU)

Introduction: Celiac disease is an immune-mediated enteropathy that has been increasingly recognized as a common disease, affecting both the pediatric and adult population. Serology is a key component of the detection and diagnosis of celiac disease. Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies in individuals with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms. Methods: In a cutoff study, anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA/G antibodies were determined in 87 adult and pediatric patients with medical indication for celiac disease antibodies. Anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA/G was performed by enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay and multiplex immunoblot assay. Mann-Whitney U test was applied and kappa correspondence coefficient was calculated. Results: The seroprevalence of anti-tissue transglutaminase IgG/IgA was 8.05 percent (7/87) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The qualitative results of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblot for anti-tissue transglutaminase were consistent with a kappa coefficient of 0.407 (p=0.004). The distribution of the concentration of anti-TGt IgA/G antibodies obtained by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with respect to negative and positive immunoblot results was not significant (p=0.08). Patients with presence of anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA/G by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay obtained the definitive diagnosis of celiac disease confirmed by duodenal biopsy. Conclusions: The usefulness of detection of anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA/G antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay as a first diagnostic step of celiac disease in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms was confirmed(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Serologic Tests/methods , Celiac Disease/epidemiology , Statistics, Nonparametric
Revista Paceña de Medicina Familiar ; 9(14)Ene.-Dic. 2022. Ilus
Article in Spanish | LIBOCS | ID: biblio-1555249