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J Chiropr Med ; 22(4): 322-327, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38205227


Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether Pilates exercises on the Wunda chair (Going Up Front and Mountain Climb) activate the muscles rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) in 2 situations (foot on the pedal and foot on the seat). Methods: Sixteen young female Pilates practitioners (18-35 years old) participated in this study. The muscles of their right leg were then submitted to electromyography analysis during the exercises. Results: Significant differences were found for the RF muscle (maximal voluntary isometric contraction [%MVIC]), which was assessed and compared between the 2 exercises (Going Up Front and Mountain Climb: F = 9.83; P = .03; np2 = 0.14); 2 conditions (foot on the pedal and foot on the seat: F = 40.02; P < .001; np2 = 0.90) and interactions (F = 14.49; P < .001; np2 = 0.20) and for BF muscle (%MVIC) in the comparisons between the 2 conditions (foot on the pedal and foot on the seat: F = 27.5; P < .001; np2 = 0.82) and interactions (F = 12.57; P < .001; np2 = 0.17). The percentage of cocontraction presented the significant difference in the comparisons between the 2 conditions (foot on the pedal and foot on the seat: F = 24.07; P < .001; np2 = 0.286). Conclusion: Both Pilates exercises activated the thigh core muscles in the moderate and high categories. The highest percentage of cocontraction levels were presented when the foot was resting on the pedal.

J Chiropr Med ; 21(4): 260-269, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36420367


Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the intra- and interexaminer reliability, concurrent validity, and responsiveness of the applied kinesiology manual muscle test (AK-MMT) to discriminate gluteus medius muscle strength and latency. Methods: A cross-sectional and methodological study was conducted in 38 participants using electromyography, electrogoniometry, and hand-held dynamometry to measure latency, angular displacement, and muscle force during the assessment of the gluteus medius by AK-MMT. Inter- and intrarater reliability of 2 examiners with different levels of experience were obtained using the intraclass correlation coefficient. Muscle force, latency, and joint angular displacement were compared between groups (facilitated vs inhibited). Latency and angular displacement also were compared within groups by using the Wilcoxon paired test. For the concurrent validity of the AK-MMT in classifying an inhibited muscle as weak, the receiver operating characteristic curve was conducted. Results: Intra- and interexaminer reliability for the facilitated vs inhibited classifications based on AK-MMT presented good results, with intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.86. For the inhibited group, force and peak force were significantly lower and joint displacement significantly greater. The receiver operating characteristic curve showed an area under the curve of 0.743, demonstrating that the test has concurrent validity (P = .001) to discriminate muscle force. The Wilcoxon paired test showed a significant delay in latency of the inhibited gluteus medius group (0.10 s vs 0.18 s, P = .007) when compared with the facilitated one. Conclusion: In this study, we found good intra- and interexaminer reliability and concurrent validity for the AK-MMT to determine differences in gluteus medius muscle force. Although the paired data showed a different latency time between groups, the hypothesis of prolonged latency in muscles classified as inhibited by AK-MMT still needs further investigation.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(2): 335-341, set 24, 2020. fig, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358399


Introdução: a dor no ombro leva a limitações e incapacidades entre adultos e idosos, merecendo atenção do fisioterapeuta. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito imediato da técnica de Mulligan em pacientes com dor no ombro. Metodologia: trata-se de resultados preliminares de um ensaio clínico realizado entre julho de 2018 a julho de 2019. Pacientes com dor no ombro (n=44), de ambos os sexos, foram randomizados e submetidos a dois protocolos de tratamento: exercícios terapêuticos (n=22) e MWM de Mulligan (n=22), atendidos na Clínica Escola de Fisioterapia da UFBA. Todos os participantes responderam a um questionário clínico e sociodemográfico e realizaram avaliação da dor pela escala visual analógica (EVA) e algometria. Os pacientes foram tratados por dois fisioterapeutas experientes na área e, depois, foram reavaliados imediatamente. Resultados: mulheres predominaram, a média de idade foi de 56 anos no grupo Mulligan e 57 no grupo exercícios terapêuticos. Síndrome do manguito rotador predominou: 19 (86,4%) no grupo Mulligan e 15 (68%) no grupo exercícios. O ombro mais acometido foi o direito no Grupo Mulligan, (17 (77,3%); já no grupo exercícios, foi o esquerdo com 12 (55%). A cor negra foi a mais autorrelatada pelos pacientes, e poucos tinham o ensino superior completo. No grupo Mulligan, as ocupações mais informadas foram dona de casa, seguida de aposentados e autônomos. No grupo exercícios, não houve dona de casa, e sim mais aposentados e autônomos. Os dois grupos mostraram ser mais sedentários. Não houve diferença da dor pela EVA entre os grupos, antes e após o tratamento (p=0.79, p=0.56, respectivamente). Já a intensidade da dor mensurada pela algometria, tanto antes do tratamento (p=0.008) quanto depois do tratamento (p=0.04), foi diferente entre os grupos, com predomínio de melhora no grupo Exercícios. Conclusão: a MWM não foi mais eficaz que os exercícios terapêuticos na redução da dor do ombro, sendo que o exercício apresentou mais eficácia quando medido através da EVA e sem melhora significativa ao ser mensurada pela algometria após aplicação de uma única sessão de tratamento.

Introduction: shoulder pain leads to limitations and disabilities among adults and the elderly deserving attention from the physiotherapist. Objective: to evaluate the immediate effect of the Mulligan technique in patients with shoulder pain. Methodology: these are preliminary results of a clinical trial conducted from July 2018 to July 2019. Patients (n=44) with shoulder pain of both sexes were randomized and submitted to two treatment protocols: therapeutic exercises (n = 22) and Mulligan's MWM (n = 22) attended at the UFBA School of Physiotherapy Clinic. All participants answered a clinical and sociodemographic questionnaire and underwent pain assessment by visual analog scale (VAS) and algometry. The patients were treated by two experienced physiotherapists and then reassessed immediately. Results: women predominated, the average age was 56 years in the Mulligan group and 57 in the therapeutic exercises group. Rotator cuff syndrome predominated, 19 (86.4%) in the Mulligan group and 15 (68%) in the exercise group. The most affected shoulder was the right shoulder in the Mulligan Group (17 (77.3%), while in the exercise group was the left shoulder with 12 (55%).The black color was the most self-reported by the patients and few patients had higher education. In the Mulligan group the most informed occupations were housewife followed by retirees and self-employed. In the exercise group we had no housewife but more retired and self-employed. The two groups were more sedentary. There was no difference in VAS pain between the groups before and after treatment (p = 0.79, p = 0.56, respectively), while pain intensity measured by algometry both before treatment (p = 0.008) and after treatment (p = 0.04) was different between Conclusion: Mulligan's MWM was not more effective than exercise in reducing shoulder pain, and exercise was more effective when measured by VAS and without significant improvement when measured by algometry after applying a single treatment session.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Kinesiology, Applied , Shoulder Impingement Syndrome , Shoulder Pain , Exercise Therapy , Clinical Trial
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 33(1): e1487, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130500


ABSTRACT Background: Restoring the contractile function to the abdominal wall is a major goal in hernia repair. However, the core understanding is required when choosing the method for outcome assessment. Aim: To assess the role of the anterolateral abdominal muscles on abdominal wall function in patients undergoing hernia repair by analysis of correlation between the surface electromyography activation signal of these muscles and torque produced during validated strength tests. Methods: Activation of the rectus abdominis, external oblique, and internal oblique/transverse abdominis muscles was evaluated by surface electromyography during two validated tests: Step: 1-A, isometric contraction in dorsal decubitus; 1-B, isometric contraction in lateral decubitus; 2-A, isokinetic Biodex testing; and 2-B, isometric Biodex testing. Results: Twenty healthy volunteers were evaluated. The linear correlation coefficient between root mean square/peak data obtained from surface electromyography signal analysis for each muscle and the peak torque variable was always <0.2 and statistically non-significant (p<0.05). The agonist/antagonist ratio showed a positive, significant, weak-to-moderate correlation in the external oblique (Peak, p=0.027; root mean square, 0.564). Surface electromyography results correlated positively among different abdominal contraction protocols, as well as with a daily physical activity questionnaire. Conclusions: There was no correlation between surface electromyography examination of the anterolateral abdominal wall muscles and torque measured by a validated instrument, except in a variable that does not directly represent torque generation.

RESUMO Racional: A devolução da funcionalidade contrátil da parede abdominal é uma das metas no reparo das hérnias abdominais. Contudo, o entendimento do core deve necessariamente fazer parte na escolha do método de avaliação desse desfecho. Objetivo: Avaliar o papel dos músculos da parede anterolateral na função da parede abdominal com base na correlação entre o sinal de ativação muscular obtido na eletromiografia de superfície e torque produzido durante testes de força validados. Métodos: A ativação dos músculos reto abdominal, oblíquo externo, e oblíquo interno e transverso foi avaliada por eletromiografia de superfície durante dois testes validados. Etapa: 1-A, contração isométrica em decúbito dorsal; 1-B, contração isométrica em decúbito lateral; 2-A, teste isocinético no Biodex; e 2-B, teste isométrico no Biodex. Resultados: Foram avaliados 20 voluntários saudáveis. O coeficiente de correlação linear entre os dados de valor quadrático médio/Pico obtidos análise do sinal da eletromiografia de superfície para cada músculo e o Pico de torque foram sempre <0,2 e estatisticamente insignificantes (p<0.05). A relação agonista/antagonista demonstrou correlação positiva, significativa e de fraca a moderada no músculo externo oblíquo (Pico, p=0,027; valor quadrático médio, 0,564). Os resultados eletromiografia de superfície estiveram positivamente correlacionados nos diferentes protocolos de contração abdominal e também com um questionário de atividade física diária. Conclusões: Não houve correlação entre o exame de eletromiografia de superfície e o torque mensurado por um instrumento validado, exceto em uma variável que não representa diretamente a geração de torque.

Humans , Abdominal Wall , Abdominal Muscles , Torque , Electromyography , Isometric Contraction
J. Health Sci. Inst ; 29(3): 198-201, jul.-set. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-606340


Objetivo - A expansibilidade torácica é definida como o movimento observado no tórax durante uma incursão inspiratória e expiratória, este movimento pode facilmente ser alterado após alguns procedimentos cirúrgicos que exijam a presença de drenos torácicos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar cirtometria torácica em pacientes com drenos torácicos que realizam fisioterapia convencional ou associadas a diagonais de membros superiores. Método - Os pacientes que possuíam drenos torácicos foram divididos em dois grupos, o grupo controle realizava somente fisioterapia convencional e o grupo tratado realizava fisioterapia convencional associada a diagonais de membros superiores, após a execução dos procedimentos a cirtometria era avaliada em ambos os grupos. Resultados - A expansibilidade obtida após a realização de ambas as técnicas não foram estatisticamente significante em relação às medidas pré-terapêutica. Conclusão - Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois métodos realizados para a reexpansão torácica em pacientes com dreno de tórax. Sugere-se que esta pesquisa seja posteriormente estendida para um número maior de sessões, para que possivelmente obtenha uma diferença estatisticamente significante. Recomenda-se também que se realizem trabalhos utilizando outras variáveis tais como força muscular respiratória,volumes e capacidades pulmonares.

Objective - The chest expansion is defined as the movement observed in the chest during an incursion into inspiratory and expiratory, this movement can easily be changed after some surgical procedures that require the presence of chest drains. The objective of this study was to evaluate thoracic expansion in patients with chest tubes or performing physiotherapy associated with the upper diagonal. Method - Patients who had chest tubes were divided into two groups, the control group performed only conventional physiotherapy and treatment group performed physical therapy associated with the upper diagonal, after performing the procedures cirtometry was evaluated in both groups. Results - The expansion obtained after performing both techniques were not statistically significantly higher than the pre-therapy. Conclusion - There was no statistically significant difference between the two methods performed to reexpansion in patients with chest tube. It is suggested that this research is subsequently extended to a larger number of sessions to possibly get a statistically significant difference. It is also recommended that work is carried out using other variables such as respiratory muscle strength, lung volumes and capacities.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Kinesiology, Applied , Physical Therapy Modalities , Chest Tubes
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 9(2): 91-96, May.-Ago. 2001. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-979719


Se presenta un caso con la finalidad de dar a conocer la metodología aplicada en un estudio de caso de un paciente con la alteración en la necesidad de moverse y mantener una buena postura de acuerdo con el modelo de las 14 necesidades básicas de Virginia Henderson; orientada con el proceso de enfermería como el método científico de resolución de problemas del paciente. El estudio se realizó bajo el sistema de enseñanza tutorial durante el curso de la especialización de enfermería infantil. La recolección de datos se hizo a través de un instrumento, haciendo énfasis en la exploración física utilizando el método clínico llegando así a un análisis cualitativo de donde se derivan los diagnósticos jerarquizados de enfermería, de acuerdo al grado de independencia-dependencia que se presentó en el continuum; para posteriormente planear, ejecutar y evaluar cada una de las intervenciones de enfermería. Se concluye que gracias a la metodología aplicada se logró identificar los problemas básicos del adolescente, esto permitió realizar un plan de intervenciones de enfermería que favoreció la resolución de necesidades alteradas. Sin duda es un aspecto que cambia la práctica tradicional de enfermería.

The present case study has the purpose to make known the methodology in a case study of an adolescent with the alteration in the need "to Move and Keep a Good Posture" according to the 14 fundamental need proposals of Virginia Henderson oriented with the nursing process as the scietific method of problem solving for the patient. The study was done under the tutorial teaching system during the Specialization in Child Nursing care course. It is worth to mention that the data date gathering was done through an instrument, making emphasis in physical exploration using the clinical method reaching a qualitative analysis where hierarchical nursing diagnoses are derived from, according to the independence-dependence degree that was represented in the continuum and later planing, executing and evaluating every one of nursing interventions. It is concluded that as a consequence of the applied methodology. Basic problems in the adolescent could be identified, and as a result of an intervention plan in nursing that helped in the altered needs became possible, changing indeed the traditional practice in nursing.

Humans , Pediatric Nursing , Posture , Nursing Diagnosis , Case Reports , Education, Nursing , Methodology as a Subject , Movement , Nursing Care , Mexico