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Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561696


Introdução: O desenvolvimento da família é influenciado por diversos fatores de sua organização interna e de ordem ambiental, social, cultural, econômica e política. Em contexto de pobreza os riscos são maiores. Fatores de proteção, como boa organização familiar e rede social de apoio podem diminuir as consequências negativas da pobreza. São escassas as pesquisas longitudinais sobre vulnerabilidade e resiliência nas famílias. Objetivo: Este artigo descreve o desenvolvimento de três famílias ao longo de 15 anos, estudadas por meio de entrevistas em casa, parte de uma coorte populacional de um bairro de Porto Alegre (RS). Buscaram-se associações entre a qualidade das relações nessas famílias e sua saúde física e mental, especialmente a do filho, foco da pesquisa. Métodos: Selecionaram-se no arquivo da pesquisa as três primeiras famílias (do total de 148) das quais se tinham os resultados completos das cinco visitas realizadas aos quatro meses e aos dois, quatro, nove e 15 anos de um filho. Realizou-se análise qualitativa dos registros em busca de categorias para compreender a vida e as relações interpessoais nas famílias. O estudo foi realizado em conjunto por duas pesquisadoras, médicas especialistas em desenvolvimento humano. As categorias identificadas na análise e estudadas nas cinco etapas foram: configuração familiar, situação socioeconômica, situações traumáticas, saúde física, saúde relacional e mental, evolução cognitiva e escolar do filho. Resultados: As três famílias, todas de classe C, com filhos sem problemas de saúde física, tiveram evolução suficientemente boa, apesar de todas enfrentarem múltiplos problemas, inclusive separações e mortes precoces. A relação com o sistema de saúde e escola era boa e similar para as três. A jovem com menos problemas de saúde mental foi aquela que sofreu perdas mais importantes: morte dos pais. Tinha uma estrutura familiar multigeracional sólida desde a primeira infância, com relações interpessoais predominantemente colaborativas e amorosas. Conclusões: O artigo busca avançar na compreensão da resiliência nas famílias em situações de vulnerabilidade. Concluímos que essas três famílias, uma delas mais que as outras, foram suficientemente saudáveis na tarefa de educar seus filhos sem desenvolverem problemas mentais graves. Propomos que o bom desenvolvimento se associa com a adequação e amorosidade dos cuidados com a etapa do ciclo vital, mesmo enfrentando situações problemáticas. Essas qualidades precisam estar associadas à estabilidade socioeconômica básica e a bons serviços de saúde e escola.

Introduction: Family development is influenced by it's internal organization and environmental factors, socioeconomic, cultural and political. In poor contexts there are more risks to development. Protection factors like good family organization and social network may decrease the risks. Longitudinal research about vulnerability and resilience in families is scarse. Objective: This article describes the development of three families over 15 years through interviews at home. The families were part of a populational cohort of a neighborhood in Porto Alegre (RS). We looked for links between the quality of relationships and the physical and mental health of these families, especially of the child focus of the research. Methods: We selected in the research archives the first three families (of a total of 148) for which we had full results of the five interviews at four months and two, four, nine and fifteen years of a child. We did a qualitative analysis of the records looking for parameters to understand the life and interpersonal relationships of these families. This study was done by two researchers, both experts in Human Development. The categories identified in the analysis of the five phases were: family structure, socioeconomic situation, traumatic experiences, physical, mental and relational health and cognitive evolution of the child. Results: All three families belonged to economical class C. The children were in good physical health and had sufficiently good general development, having faced multiple problems, including parental separation and early parental death. The relationship with the health and school systems was good in all of them. The youth with less mental health problems was the one who suffered the heaviest loss: early death of both parents. Her family had strong multigenerational ties since her early days, with predominant collaborative and loving relationships. Conclusions: This article aims to contribute to the comprehension of resilience in families in the context of vulnerability. We can say that these three families were healthy enough in the task of bringing up children without any serious mental health problem. We suggest that healthy development is associated with loving interfamily relationships adequate to each phase of development, notwithstanding dramatic events. This needs to be supported by basic economic stability and adequate school and health systems.

Introducción: El desarrollo de la familia es influenciado por su organización interna y factores ambientales, sociales, culturales, económicos y políticos. En contextos pobres los riesgos son mayores. Factores de protección como buena organización familiar y red social de apoyo pueden disminuir las consecuencias negativas de la pobreza. Son pocas las investigaciones longitudinales de vulnerabilidad y resiliencia de las familias. Objetivo: Este artículo describe el estudio del desarrollo de tres familias a lo largo de 15 años, a través de entrevistas en domicilio, parte de una cohorte poblacional de un barrio de Porto Alegre (RS). Se buscaron correlaciones entre la calidad de las relaciones de esas familias y su salud física y mental, especialmente la del hijo foco de la investigación. Métodos: Fueron seleccionadas en el archivo de la investigación las tres primeras familias (de un total de 148) de las cuales se tenían los resultados completos de las cinco visitas realizadas, a los 4 meses, y a los 2, 4, 9, y 15 años de un hijo. Fue realizado un análisis cualitativo de los registros en busca de categorías para comprender la vida y las relaciones interpersonales en las familias. El estudio fue hecho en conjunto por dos investigadoras, médicas especialistas en desarrollo humano. Las categorías identificadas en el análisis y estudiadas en las cinco etapas fueron: configuración familiar, situación socioeconómica, situaciones traumáticas, salud física, salud relacional y mental, evolución cognitiva y escolar del hijo. Resultados: Las tres familias, todas de clase C, con hijos sin problemas de salud física, tuvieron evolución suficientemente buena, a pesar de que todas enfrentaron múltiples problemas, incluso separaciones y muertes precoces. La relación con el sistema de salud y escuela era buena y similar para las tres. La joven con menos problemas de salud mental fue aquella que sufrió las mayores pérdidas: muerte de los padres. Tenía una estructura familiar multigeneracional sólida desde la primera infancia, con relaciones interpersonales predominantemente colaborativas y amorosas. Conclusiones: El artículo pretende avanzar en la comprensión de la resiliencia en las familias en situaciones de vulnerabilidad. Concluimos que esas tres familias, una de ellas más que las otras, fueron suficientemente saludables en la tarea de educar a sus hijos sin que desarrollaran problemas mentales graves. Proponemos que el buen desarrollo se asocia con el amor y adecuación de los cuidados a la etapa del ciclo vital, aun enfrentando situaciones problemáticas. Esas calidades necesitan estar asociadas a la estabilidad socioeconómica básica y buenos servicios de salud y escuela.

Humans , Human Development , Mental Health , Resilience, Psychological
An. psicol ; 40(2): 219-226, May-Sep, 2024. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-232716


Las exigencias impuestas a los profesionales que trabajan con problemas psicológicos pueden resultar en un riesgo de agotamiento (Yang & Hayes, 2020). El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el posible papel de la resiliencia como variable mediadora en la relación entre autocompasión y fatiga por compasión, burnout y satisfacción por compasión. Se utilizó un diseño de estudio descriptivo transversal. En el estudio participaron sesenta y cinco psicólogos clínicos (50 mujeres y 15 hombres) con edades comprendidas entre 23 y 71 años (M = 33.8, SD = 10.8). Los terapeutas completaron la Escala de Autocompasión, la Escala de Resiliencia de 14 ítems y la Escala de Calidad de Vida Profesional. Se probaron modelos de mediación simples separados para examinar en qué medida cada una de las variables de la escala de Resiliencia atenuó la relación entre Autocompasión y Calidad de Vida Profesional. Se realizaron modelos seriales de mediadores múltiples para explorar si las variables de resiliencia actuaban interactivamente como mediadores en la asociación entre la autocompasión y la calidad de vida profesional. Los análisis de mediación simples mostraron que la competencia personal fue un mediador parcial significativo en la relación entre la autocompasión y la satisfacción por la compasión y el agotamiento. La competencia personal y la aceptación de uno mismo y de la vida no fueron mediadores significativos de la relación entre la autocompasión y el estrés traumático secundario.(AU)

The demands placed on professionals working with psychologi-cal problems can result in a risk of burnout (Yang & Hayes, 2020). The ob-jective of this study was to analyze the possible role of resilience as a medi-ator variable in the relationship between self-compassion and compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction. A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used. Sixty-five clinical psychologists (50 women and 15 men) aged between 23 and 71 years (M= 33.8, SD= 10.8) participated in the study. The therapists completed the Self-Compassion Scale, the 14-Item Resilience Scale, and the Professional Quality of Life Scale. Separate simple mediation models were tested to examine the extent to which each of the Resilience scale variables attenuated the relationship between Self-compassion and Professional Quality of Life. Serial multiple mediator models were performed to explore whether Resilience variables acted in-teractively as mediators in the association between Self-compassion and Professional Quality of Life. Simple mediation analyses showed that Per-sonal Competence was a significant partial mediator in the relationship be-tween Self-Compassion and Compassion Satisfaction and Burnout. Per-sonal Competence and Acceptance of Self and Life were not significant mediators of the relationship between Self-Compassion and Secondary Traumatic Stress.(AU)

Humans , Compassion Fatigue , Occupational Therapists , Resilience, Psychological , Psychology
Conserv Biol ; : e14313, 2024 Jun 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38887868


Mobile organisms like seabirds can provide important nutrient flows between ecosystems, but this connectivity has been interrupted by the degradation of island ecosystems. Island restoration (via invasive species eradications and the restoration of native vegetation) can reestablish seabird populations and their nutrient transfers between their foraging areas, breeding colonies, and adjacent nearshore habitats. Its diverse benefits are making island restoration increasingly common and scalable to larger islands and whole archipelagos. We identified the factors that influence breeding seabird abundances throughout the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean and conducted predictive modeling to estimate the abundances of seabirds that the archipelago could support under invasive predator eradication and native vegetation restoration scenarios. We explored whether the prey base exists to support restored seabird populations across the archipelago, calculated the nitrogen that restored populations of seabirds might produce via their guano, and modeled the cascading conservation gains that island restoration could provide. Restoration was predicted to increase breeding pairs of seabirds to over 280,000, and prey was predicted to be ample to support the revived seabird populations. Restored nutrient fluxes were predicted to result in increases in coral growth rates, reef fish biomasses, and parrotfish grazing and bioerosion rates. Given these potential cross-ecosystem benefits, our results support island restoration as a conservation priority that could enhance resilience to climatic change effects, such as sea-level rise and coral bleaching. We encourage the incorporation of our estimates of cross-ecosystem benefits in prioritization exercises for island restoration.

Restauración en islas para reconstruir las poblaciones de aves marinas y amplificar la funcionalidad de los arrecifes de coral Resumen Los organismos móviles como las aves marinas pueden proporcionar flujos importantes de nutrientes entre los ecosistemas, aunque esta conectividad ha sido interrumpida por la degradación de los ecosistemas isleñas. La restauración de islas (por medio de la erradicación de especies invasoras y la restauración de la vegetación nativa) puede reestablecer las poblaciones de aves marinas y su transferencia de nutrientes entre las áreas de forrajeo, las colonias reproductoras y los hábitats adyacentes a la costa. Los diferentes beneficios de la restauración de islas hacen que sea cada vez más común y escalable a islas más grandes y archipiélagos completos. Identificamos los factores que influyen sobre la abundancia de aves reproductoras en todo el archipiélago de Chagos en el Océano Índico y realizamos un modelo predictivo para estimar la abundancia de aves que podría soportar el archipiélago bajo escenarios de la erradicación de un depredador invasor y la restauración de la vegetación nativa. Exploramos si existe la base de presas para soportar las poblaciones restauradas de aves marinas en el archipiélago, calculamos el nitrógeno que las poblaciones restauradas podrían producir mediante el guano y modelamos la conservación en cascada que podría proporcionar la restauración de la isla. Se pronosticó que la restauración incrementaría las parejas reproductoras a más de 280,000 y que las presas serían las suficientes para soportar las poblaciones restauradas de aves marinas. También se pronosticó que los flujos restaurados de nutrientes resultarían en un incremento de la tasa de crecimiento de los corales, la biomasa de los peces del arrecife y las tasas de bio­erosión y de alimentación de los peces loro. Dados estos beneficios potenciales entre los ecosistemas, nuestros resultados respaldan a la restauración de islas como una prioridad de conservación que podría incrementar la resiliencia a los efectos del cambio climático, como el incremento en el nivel del mar y el blanqueamiento de los corales. Promovemos que se incorporen nuestras estimaciones de los beneficios transecosistémicos dentro de los ejercicios de priorización para la restauración de islas.

MHSalud ; 21(1): 35-49, ene.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558384


Resumen Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, versión argentina, en un grupo de personas adultas mayores costarricenses. Materiales y métodos: Se contó con un grupo piloto (N = 40, X = 69.38) y otro para el análisis de las propiedades psicométricas (N = 100, X = 69.31). Se utilizó la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, versión argentina, de 25 ítems. Se efectuó un análisis por juicio de personas expertas y un estudio piloto, para establecer la escala por validar; posterior a esto, se realizó el estudio de validación completo. Se aplicaron análisis factoriales y alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: El análisis factorial extrajo dos factores denominados: a) "capacidad de autoeficacia" y b) "capacidad de propósito y sentido de vida". La consistencia interna en el nivel global fue 0.84 (21 ítems); para el primer factor, 0.81, y para el segundo factor, 0.74. Conclusiones: El instrumento es confiable y válido para valorar los niveles de resiliencia desde una óptica integral e interdisciplinaria, en una población de personas adultas mayores con las características similares a las de la muestra estudiada. A futuro, se recomienda realizar análisis cualitativos para delimitar mejor los constructos, con base en las características de la población.

Abstract Purpose: To analyze the psychometric characteristics of the Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale Argentine version in a Costa Rican elderly group. Materials and methods: The study had two groups, one for the pilot study (N = 40, X = 69.38), and another for the analysis of the psychometric properties (N = 100, X = 69.31). The 25-item Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale, Argentine version, was used. An analysis by expert judgment and a pilot study were carried out to establish the scale to be validated, after which, the complete validation study was carried out. Factor analyzes and Cronbach's alpha were applied. Results: They were obtained two factors named: a) "selfefficacy capacity", and b) "purpose in life capacity". The global internal consistency was 0.84, for the first factor was 0.81 and for the second factor was 0.74. Conclusions: The scale generated is reliable and valid to assess resilience in an elderly people with similar characteristics to the present study. In the future, it is recommended to carry out qualitative analyzes to better define the constructs based on the characteristics of the population.

Resumo Objetivo: Analisar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Resiliência Wagnild e Young, versão argentina, em um grupo de pessoas idosas costarriquenhas. Materiais e métodos: Um grupo piloto (N = 40, X = 69,38) e outro grupo para a análise das propriedades psicométricas (N = 100, X = 69,31) foram utilizados. A Escala de Resiliência Wagnild e Young, versão argentina, com 25 itens, foi utilizada. Para estabelecer a escala a ser validada, foi realizada uma análise de julgamento por especialistas e um estudo piloto, após o qual foi realizado o estudo de validação completo. A análise fatorial e o alfa de Cronbach foram aplicados. Resultados: A análise fatorial extraiu dois fatores: a) "capacidade de autoeficácia" e b) "capacidade de propósito e significado na vida". A consistência interna ao nível global foi de 0,84 (21 itens); para o primeiro fator foi de 0,81 e para o segundo fator foi de 0,74. Conclusões: O instrumento é confiável e válido para avaliar níveis de resiliência a partir de uma perspectiva holística e interdisciplinar em uma população de idosos com características semelhantes às da amostra estudada. Recomendam-se futuras análises qualitativas para melhor delimitar as construções com base nas características da população.

Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2332105, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38577910


Background: During peacekeeping missions, military personnel may be involved in or exposed to potentially morally injurious experiences (PMIEs), such as an inability to intervene due to a limited mandate. While exposure to such morally transgressive events has been shown to lead to moral injury in combat veterans, research on moral injury in peacekeepers is limited.Objective: We aimed to determine patterns of exposure to PMIEs and associated outcome- and exposure-related factors among Dutch peacekeepers stationed in the former Yugoslavia during the Srebrenica genocide.Method: Self-report data were collected among Dutchbat III veterans (N = 431). We used Latent Class Analysis to identify subgroups of PMIE exposure as assessed by the Moral Injury Scale-Military version. We investigated whether deployment location, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), posttraumatic growth, resilience, and quality of life differentiated between latent classes.Results: The analysis identified a three-class solution: a high exposure class (n = 79), a moderate exposure class (n = 261), and a betrayal and powerlessness-only class (n = 135). More PMIE exposure was associated with deployment location and higher odds of having probable PTSD. PMIE exposure was not associated with posttraumatic growth. Resilience and quality of life were excluded from analyses due to high correlations with PTSD.Conclusions: Peacekeepers may experience varying levels of PMIE exposure, with more exposure being associated with worse outcomes 25 years later. Although no causal relationship may be assumed, the results emphasize the importance of better understanding PMIEs within peacekeeping.

Peacekeeping veterans reported different patterns of exposure to potentially morally injurious experiences: high exposure, moderate exposure, or experiences of betrayal and powerlessness only.Deployment location predicted the pattern of exposure.More exposure was associated with worse psychological outcomes 25 years later.

Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Veterans , Humans , Latent Class Analysis , Quality of Life , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/epidemiology , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/etiology , United Nations
SciELO Preprints; abr. 2024.
Preprint in Portuguese | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-8640


This research aimed to assess the mediating role of resilience in the relationship between social support and academic burnout. To do so, a cross-sectional study was conducted with undergraduate students enrolled at a public university in Paraná, Brazil, who were participants in the GraduaUEL project - Analysis of Health and Lifestyle Habits of Undergraduate Students at the State University of Londrina, interviewed in the year 2019. The dependent variable of this study was academic exhaustion, measured through the Copenhagen Inventory Burnout questionnaire (CBI-S). The independent variable was social support, measured using the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS), and the mediating effect of resilience was assessed using the CD-RISC-1 scale. Both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted to obtain the model with the best fit using Mplus software, with a 95% confidence interval (CI95%). Total social support significantly and positively influenced resilience, while resilience had a significantly negative effect on burnout. It was observed that the direct effect of social support on burnout and the indirect effect of social support on burnout through resilience were significant, with resilience mediating this relationship by approximately 54.9%. In conclusion, social support and resilience have an impact on academic burnout; thus, reducing university students' exhaustion can be achieved by enhancing both social support and resilience among them.

Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el papel mediador de la resiliencia en la relación entre el apoyo social y el agotamiento académico. Para ello, se realizó un estudio transversal con estudiantes universitarios inscritos en una universidad pública en Paraná, Brasil, que participaron en el proyecto GraduaUEL - Análisis de la Salud y los Hábitos de Vida de los Estudiantes de Grado en la Universidad Estatal de Londrina, entrevistados en el año 2019. La variable dependiente de este estudio fue el agotamiento académico, medido a través del cuestionario de Inventario de Burnout de Copenhague (CBI-S). La variable independiente fue el apoyo social, medido mediante la Encuesta de Apoyo Social del Estudio de Resultados Médicos (MOS-SSS), y el efecto mediador de la resiliencia se evaluó utilizando la escala CD-RISC-1. Se llevaron a cabo análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) para obtener el modelo con el mejor ajuste utilizando el software Mplus, con un intervalo de confianza del 95% (IC95%). El apoyo social total influyó significativa y positivamente en la resiliencia, mientras que la resiliencia tuvo un efecto significativamente negativo en el agotamiento. Se observó que el efecto directo del apoyo social en el agotamiento y el efecto indirecto del apoyo social en el agotamiento a través de la resiliencia fueron significativos, con la resiliencia mediando esta relación en aproximadamente un 54,9%. En conclusión, el apoyo social y la resiliencia tienen un impacto en el agotamiento académico; por lo tanto, reducir el agotamiento de los estudiantes universitarios puede lograrse mejorando tanto el apoyo social como la resiliencia entre ellos.

Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o papel mediador da resiliência no efeito do suporte social e a relação com o burnout acadêmico. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo transversal com estudantes matriculados em cursos de graduação de uma universidade pública paranaense, participantes do projeto GraduaUEL - Análise da Saúde e Hábitos de Vida dos Estudantes de Graduação da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, entrevistados no ano de 2019. A variável dependente deste estudo foi a exaustão acadêmica, mensurada por meio do questionário Copenhagen Inventory Burnout (CBI-S). A independente foi o apoio social, medido pela escala de apoio Social (MOS-SSS), e o efeito mediador da resiliência foi verificado a partir da escala CD-RISC-1. Foram realizadas análise fatorial exploratório (AFE) e análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) para obter o modelo com melhores resultados através do software Mplus, com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%). O apoio social total afetou significativamente e positivamente a resiliência, enquanto a resiliência teve um efeito significativamente negativo no burnout. Foi observado que o efeito direto do suporte social no burnout e efeito indireto do suporte social no burnout por meio da resiliência foram significativos, a resiliência medeia essa relação em aproximadamente 54,9%. Em suma, o apoio social e a resiliência têm efeito sobre o burnout acadêmico, dessa forma a exaustão dos estudantes universitários pode ser reduzida ampliando-se o apoio social e a resiliência entre os estudantes universitários. 

Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2329510, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38530844


ABSTRACTObjective/Background: Despite increasing attention on transgenerational trauma, currently no comprehensive model and measure exists to be applied on various populations. This study represents the first step in the validation of such a model and a related scale. The Historical Intergenerational Trauma Questionnaire (HITT-Q) assesses family and offspring self-reported vulnerability and resilience, as well as offspring historical moral injury and current levels of insidious trauma.Method: We developed the HITT-Q based on the cross-population model (HITT model; [Starrs, C. & Békés, V. (2024). Historical and transgenerational trauma: A conceptual framework. Traumatology. In Press]) which incorporates key findings in existing population specific studies. For initial validation of the model and its measurement, Holocaust survivors' offspring (N = 1104) completed the HITT-Q, measures of current mental health symptoms (PTSD, C-PTSD, anxiety, and depression), and a resilience scale.Results: In line with the HITT model, confirmatory factor analyses supported a 12-factor solution with the following factors under theorized dimensions: I. Family Vulnerability: (1) Dysregulated and Trauma-related Communication; (2)Trauma-influenced Parenting, (3) Fear; (4) Distress; II. (5) Family Resilience, III. Offspring Vulnerability: (6) Escape; (7) Heightened Responsibility; (8) Trauma-related distress; IV. Offspring Resilience: (9) Coping; (10) Belonging; (11) Values; V. (12) Historical Moral injury. The 12-factor model showed acceptable to good internal validity, and comparison with an existing measure of transgenerational Holocaust trauma indicated good concurrent validity. Finally, the HITT-Q demonstrated predictive validity for mental health symptoms and current resilience.Conclusions: The current study represents the first step in validating the HITT-Q as a comprehensive measure of historical intergenerational vulnerability and resilience. Our findings provide strong support for the underlying model, and suggest that the HITT-Q represents a valuable scale for both research and historical trauma-informed care.

The papers provides support for the underlying model of historical and transgenerational trauma.Findings showed that the Historical Intergenerational Trauma Questionnaire (HITT-Q) has 12 factors, and that it has good psychometric qualities, including internal, concurrent, and predictive validity.The Historical Intergenerational Trauma Questionnaire (HITT-Q) represent a valuable scale for both research and historical trauma-informed care.

Historical Trauma , Resilience, Psychological , Humans , Psychometrics , Family Health , Surveys and Questionnaires
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2328506, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38516952


Background: The outbreak of war in Israel on 7 October and the unique events of that day have presented unprecedented challenges to first responders (FRs), who are professionally trained to engage in providing assistance in such circumstances. Moreover, while research demonstrates the long-term psychological consequences of FRs, little is known regarding how FR's engagement in providing assistance relates to stress and resilience levels as events continue to unfold.Objective: The current study examined the relationship between traumatic stress symptoms (TSS) and resilience levels among FRs and controls during the first weeks of the Iron Swords war, while focusing on the moderating role of active engagement in providing assistance.Method: Data were collected during the first month of the Iron Swords war from 374 participants living in Southern Israel, of whom 77 (20.6%) were FRs. All participants filled out scales assessing TSS and resilience and provided relevant background information.Results: High TSS levels were associated with reduced resilience in FRs and non-FRs. Moreover, both the study group and active engagement were significant moderators for the TSS-resilience link, which was insignificant among FRs who provided assistance and for civilians who did not provide assistance. However, the TSS-resilience association remained significant for FRs who did not engage in providing assistance and for civilians who did.Conclusions: Our findings highlight the importance of examining the extent to which FRs act in line with their duties during times of adverse stress. Clinical interventions aimed towards FRs who did not engage in providing assistance are needed and should focus on the extent to which their moral values, beliefs and expectations are met, as these appear critical parameters in preserving resilience.

First responders report increased traumatic stress and reduced resilience.Active engagement moderated first responders' traumatic stress­resilience link.Findings are discussed in the context of potentially morally injurious events.

Emergency Responders , Resilience, Psychological , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Humans , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/psychology , Disease Outbreaks , Iron
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2309783, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38318813


Background: Childhood maltreatment profoundly influences social and emotional development, increasing psychiatric risk. Alterations in the implicit processing of threat-related cues following early abuse and neglect represent a marker of mental health vulnerability. Less is known about how early adversity influences the perception of positive social cues, despite their central role in establishing and maintaining social interactions and their association with better mental health outcomes.Methods: The sample consisted of 42 children and adolescents with substantiated childhood maltreatment experiences and 32 peers (mean age 13.3), matched on age, pubertal status, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and cognitive ability. A computerised experimental task assessed the perceived emotional intensity of positive (happy) and negative (fearful) facial expressions. Mental health symptoms were measured via self- and parental reports, and perceived social support was self-reported.Results: The experience of abuse and neglect was associated with heightened perceived intensity of positive facial cues. Cross-sectional post-hoc moderation and mediation analyses, employing a model-building approach, revealed that in maltreatment-exposed participants: (i) their increased response to positive facial cues was associated with lower symptoms; (ii) the presence of social support accounted for their heightened perceived intensity of positive facial cues; (iii) the presence of social support putatively contributed to lower symptoms by increasing the perceived intensity of positive facial cues. No group differences in perceived intensity of negative expressions were observed.Conclusions: These findings provide fresh insight into how positive faces are processed following maltreatment experience in childhood. Maltreatment experience was found to be associated with heightened perceived intensity of happy faces, which in turn was associated with better mental health and greater levels of social support. This suggests that heightened saliency of positive emotions acts protectively in children with maltreatment experience.

The impact of childhood maltreatment on perceiving positive social cues, especially explicit emotional intensity appraisal, is less understood compared to the extensive focus on its role in processing threat-related cues and psychiatric risk.In this study, we found that maltreatment experience was associated with heightened perceived intensity of happy faces, which in turn was associated with better mental health and greater levels of social support.These findings suggest that heightened saliency of positive emotions may act protectively in children with maltreatment experience.

Adverse Childhood Experiences , Resilience, Psychological , Adolescent , Humans , Child , Cues , Cross-Sectional Studies , Emotions/physiology
Metas enferm ; 27(1): 68-75, Febr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-230209


Objetivo: describir las características de la resiliencia y su asociación con el consumo de alcohol y tabaco en adolescentes residentes en la zona este de Tijuana, frontera norte de México. Método: estudio descriptivo transversal cuya población fueron 7.611 adolescentes de 11 a 16 años escolarizados de la ciudad de Tijuana, Baja California. Se estimó una muestra de 663 participantes seleccionados mediante muestreo por conglomerados. Se recogieron variables sociodemográficas, de historia de consumo de tabaco y alcohol y la resiliencia (ER-14) (mín. 14 a máx. 98 p; muy baja, baja, normal, alta o muy alta). Se realizó estadística descriptiva, bivariante y modelos de regresión logística ajustados por sexo para la variable “consumo de alcohol o tabaco”. Resultados: participaron 710 adolescentes (50,7% mujeres). El 46% había consumido alcohol o tabaco en algún momento de su vida y el 27,1% en el último año (mujeres 31,5%; hombres 23,3%; p= 0,005). El 29% mostró alta resiliencia y el 25,5% muy alta resiliencia. Se obtuvo con más frecuencia alta puntuación en las afirmaciones: soy alguien en quien se puede confiar en emergencias (42,5%), siento orgullo de mis logros (41,3%), la vida tiene sentido (33,1%). Se encontró un efecto negativo de la resiliencia sobre el consumo de alcohol o tabaco alguna vez en la vida (ORa= 0,984; IC95% [0,978-0,990]) y en el último año (ORa= 0,987; IC95% [0,981-0,994]). Conclusión: a mayor resiliencia menor fue la probabilidad de consumo de alcohol o tabaco alguna vez en la vida y en el último año. Intervenciones futuras deben considerar estos resultados.(AU)

Objective: to describe the characteristics of resilience and its association with the use of alcohol and tobacco among adolescents living in Eastern Tijuana, in the Northern border of Mexico. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study on a population of 7,611 adolescents from 11 to 16 years old, attending school in the city of Tijuana, Baja California. The sample was estimated in 633 participants, selected through cluster sampling. Sociodemographic variables were collected, their history of use of tobacco and alcohol, as well as resilience (RS-14) (minimum 14 to maximum 98 scores; very low, low, normal, high or very high). Descriptive bivariate statistics were used, as well as logistical regression models adjusted by gender for the “use of alcohol of tobacco” variable. Results: the study included 710 adolescents (50.7% were female); 46% of them had used alcohol or tobacco at some point in their lives, and 27.1% during the past year (31.5% female; 23.3% male; p= 0.005); 29% showed high resilience and 25.5% showed very high resilience. The most frequently obtained high scores were for the statements: I am someone who can be trusted in emergencies (42.5%), I feel proud of my achievements (41.3%), and Life makes sense (33.1%). A negative effect of resilience was found on alcohol and tobacco use at some point in life (ORa= 0.984; CI95% [0.978-0.990]) and during the past year (ORa= 0.987; CI95% [0.981-0.994]). Conclusion: the higher the resilience, the lower the likelihood of using alcohol or tobacco at some point in life and during the last year. Future interventions should consider these results.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Resilience, Psychological , Underage Drinking , Tobacco Use , Mexico , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 27(1): 13-19, Feb. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231174


Introducción: El presente trabajo tuvo como propósito conocer el nivel de resiliencia en contexto pandémico en una muestra de estudiantes de pregrado de ciencias de la salud y cómo ésta se comporta en escenarios de telesimulación. Sujetos y métodos: El estudio tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño observacional y temporalidad transversal. Se incluyó a 192 estudiantes pertenecientes a cinco carreras de las ciencias de la salud, cuyas edades oscilaron entre los 20 y los 49 años. Para medir la variable de interés se utilizó el cuestionario de resiliencia adaptado a 44 ítems con respuestas en escalamiento de tipo Likert. Resultados: Los resultados muestran niveles altos de resiliencia en carreras con programas de estudio que incluyen la telesimulación y las diferencias entre cada una de estas carreras. Conclusiones: Se sugiere la ampliación de la línea de investigación en otros contextos situacionales e intervención de metodologías de enseñanza-aprendizaje, con el fin de potenciar los procesos de adaptación de los estudiantes de salud y evaluar competencias esperadas del perfil de egreso, directamente relacionadas con su desempeño en su quehacer profesional.(AU)

Introduction: The purpose of this work was to know the level of resilience in a pandemic context in a sample of undergraduate students of health sciences, and how it behaves in tele-simulation scenarios. The study had a quantitative approach, with observational design, cross-sectional temporality and prospective.Subjects and methods: We included 192 students belonging to 5 careers in health sciences, whose ages ranged between 20 and 49 years. To measure the variable of interest, the resilience questionnaire adapted to 44 items with Likert-type scaling responses was used. Results: The results show high levels of resilience in careers with study programs that include tele-simulation and the differences between each of these careers. Conclusions: It is suggested to expand the line of research in other situational contexts and intervention of teachinglearning methodologies, to enhance the adaptation processes of health students and evaluate expected competencies of the graduation profile, directly related to their performance in their professional work.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Education, Medical/methods , Simulation Training/methods , Health Sciences/education , Resilience, Psychological , /epidemiology , Education, Distance , Chile , Education/methods , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Cross-Sectional Studies , Students/psychology , Adaptation, Psychological
Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 24(1): 95-106, Ene 2, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-229621


Se investigó la diferencia existente entre el nivel de resiliencia de personas con discapacidad física, comparando deportistas de alto rendimiento y personas no deportistas. Se realizó un muestreo por conveniencia con la participación de 20 personas con discapacidad física, 10 deportistas de alto rendimiento de Boyacá y 10 no deportistas; ambos grupos con 6 hombres y 4 mujeres, con edades entre los 19 y 25 años. Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, de corte transversal y tipo comparativo no experimental, utilizando el instrumento Escala de Resiliencia de Wagnild y Young (1993), validado y estandarizado por Gómez (2019). Los resultados evidencian una diferencia de medias superior para el grupo de deportistas de rendimiento en comparación con los no deportistas, sin embargo, dicha diferencia no fue estadísticamente significativa (t(18) = 1.38; p= .092) concluyendo que el deporte de alto rendimiento es uno de muchos factores que favorecen la resiliencia en personas con discapacidad física.(AU)

The difference in resilience levels of people with physical disabilities was investigated by comparing high-performance and non-athlete athletes. A convenience sampling was conducted with the participation of 20 people with physical disabilities, 10 high-performance athletes from Boyacá, and 10 non-athletes; groups with 6 men and 4 women, aged between 19 and 25 years. The study had a quantitative, cross-sectional, comparative, and non-experimental design, using the Resilience Scale of Wagnild and Young (1993), validated and standardized by Gómez (2019). The results show a higher mean difference for the group of performance athletes compared to non-athletes;however, this difference was not statistically significant (t(18) = 1.38; p= .092), concluding that sport High performance is one of many factors that promote resilience in people with physical disabilities.(AU)

A diferença nos níveis de resiliência de pessoas com deficiência física foi investigada comparando atletas de alto rendimento e não atletas. Foi realizada uma amostragem por conveniência com a participação de 20 pessoas com deficiência física, 10 atletas de alto desempenho de Boyacá e 10 não atletas; ambos os grupos com 6 homens e 4 mulheres, com idades entre 19 e 25 anos. O estudo teve um design quantitativo, transversal, comparativo e não experimental, usando a Escala de Resiliência de Wagnild e Young (1993), validada e padronizada por Gómez (2019). Os resultados mostram uma diferença média maior para o grupo de atletas de rendimento em comparação aos não atletas, porém, essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa (t(18) = 1,38; p= 0,092), concluindo que o alto rendimento esportivo é um dos muitos fatores que promovem a resiliência em pessoas com deficiência física.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Athletic Performance , Resilience, Psychological , Athletes/psychology , Disabled Persons/psychology , Adaptation, Psychological , Sports for Persons with Disabilities , Psychology, Sports , Sports/psychology , Sports Medicine , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Rev. med. cine ; 20(1): 35-43, Ene. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231183


El sinhogarismo supone un problema sociosanitario emergente relacionado principalmente con el desarrollo de patologías mentales y con diversas adicciones. La película El solista, dirigida por Joe Wright, representa un instrumento de gran utilidad para entender esta cuestión dado que revela el caso real de un músico que padece esquizofrenia y que vive en la calle, el señor Nathaniel Anthony Ayers Junior. Al mismo tiempo, la película permite analizar las circunstancias que le llevaron a esa situación y los factores que influyen en el proceso de inclusión social. Por lo tanto, se defiende el empleo de esta película como recurso pedagógico para la formación de estudiantes y profesionales.(AU)

Homelessness is an emerging socio-sanitary problem principally related to the development of mental pathologies and various addictions. The film The Soloist, directed by Joe Wright, represents a very useful resource to understand this issue since it reveals the real case of a musician who suffers from schizophrenia and who is homeless, Mr. Nathaniel Anthony Ayers Junior. At the same time, the film allows to analyze the circumstances that led him to this situation and the factors involved in the social inclusion process. Hence, the use of this film as a pedagogical resource for the training of students and professionals is defended.(AU)

Humans , Motion Pictures , Medicine , Social Isolation , Schizophrenia , Respect , Medicine in the Arts , Mental Health , Resilience, Psychological
Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 87(1): 18-31, ene.-mar. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565725


RESUMEN La resiliencia emocional implica capacidades de regulación de estrés, ansiedad, miedo, cólera e irritabilidad, así como la resistencia intencional a los impulsos y el mantenimiento de una actitud positiva frente a circunstancias difíciles y hacia uno mismo. Evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de una versión en español de la subescala de resiliencia del BESSI-45. Se aplicó el BESSI-45 a 625 adolescentes de tres zonas diferentes del Perú. Se evaluó la consistencia interna, la estructura factorial, la invarianza factorial y las características basadas en la teoría de respuesta al ítem (TRI) de la subescala y se determinaron sus baremos. La consistencia interna fue adecuada (omega = 0,8243). El análisis factorial mostró una estructura unidimensional con buenos indicadores de ajuste, así como una invarianza factorial en cuanto a sexo y región geográfica. La capacidad de discriminación de acuerdo a la TRI fue satisfactoria para todos los ítems. Los ítems más importantes fueron tres relacionados con el control de la cólera y la impulsividad. En los adolescentes peruanos evaluados, la subescala de resiliencia del BESSI-45 muestra características psicométricas adecuadas con base en su estructura factorial, consistencia interna y en la TRI.

ABSTRACT Emotional resilience skills involve the regulation of stress, anxiety, fear, anger, and irritability; intentional impulse resistance; and the maintenance of a positive attitude towards oneself and difficult surrounding circumstances. The aim of this study is to assess the psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the resilience subscale of the BESSI-45. The BESSI-45 was administered to 625 adolescents from three different regions of Peru. The resilience subscale was evaluated in terms of norms, internal consistency, factorial structure, factorial invariance, and Item Response Theory (IRT)-based characteristics. Internal consistency was adequate (omega = 0.8243), the factor analysis showed a unidimensional structure with good fit indices, and factorial invariance was demonstrated across gender and geographic region. The discrimination ability according to IRT was satisfactory for all items. The most important items were three related to anger control and impulsivity. In the study sample of Peruvian adolescents, the resilience subscale of the BESSI-45 shows adequate psychometric characteristics based on its factorial structure, internal consistency and IRT.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2024. 100 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1566607


O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o impacto da condição bucal de crianças/adolescentes com paralisia cerebral (PC) sobre a qualidade de vida familiar considerando a resiliência materna e outros fatores associados. Foi desenvolvido um estudo transversal observacional com grupo de comparação com uma amostra de 204 crianças/adolescentes, sendo 102 com PC e 102 sem PC, na faixa etária de 3 a 18 anos e as respectivas mães. Os participantes foram selecionados em um curso de odontologia de uma instituição de ensino privada de São Paulo, região sudeste do Brasil. As mães responderam um questionário estruturado com questões abordando aspectos individuais, sociodemográficos e comportamentais sobre elas e sobre as crianças/adolescentes. Também responderam a Escala de Resiliência e um instrumento sobre o impacto da condição bucal dos filhos na qualidade de vida familiar (Family impact scale-FIS). Foi realizado o exame bucal das crianças/adolescentes, sendo identificada a prevalência de cárie (componente C/c do índice CPOD/ceod) e a qualidade da higiene bucal (Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado-IHOS). O modelo teórico de Gráfico Acíclico Direto (DAG) foi utilizado para identificar possíveis variáveis de confusão. As análises univariada, bivariada (teste X2) e multivariada (regressão logística) foram realizadas, considerando-se um intervalo de confiança de 95%. O estudo foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética em pesquisa da Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul. A média de idade das crianças/adolescentes foi de 9,5 anos (±4.6) e a mediana de 9 anos. A chance de mães de crianças/adolescentes diagnosticadas com PC pertencerem ao grupo classificado com impacto alto da condição bucal dos filhos sobre a qualidade de vida familiar foi quase 40 vezes maior (OR=38,93; IC 95%: 10,22- 48,19). Crianças e adolescentes diagnosticados com pelo menos uma lesão de cárie cavitada (OR=4,41; IC 95%: 1,01-19,55) e renda familiar baixa (OR=4,45; IC 95%: 1,07-18,51) tiveram suas mães com uma chance aproximadamente 4 vezes maior de pertencerem ao grupo com impacto alto da condição bucal dos filhos sobre a qualidade de vida familiar. Mães classificadas com resiliência baixa apresentaram uma chance 3,82 vezes maior de estarem no grupo de mães com impacto alto da condição bucal das crianças/adolescentes sobre a qualidade de vida familiar (OR=3,82; IC 95%: 1,10-13,32). A partir desse estudo foi possível concluir que um maior impacto da condição bucal dos filhos sobre a qualidade de vida familiar foi identificado entre mães classificadas com resiliência baixa e filhos diagnosticados com PC, cárie dentária e renda familiar baixa. Desta forma, ao se pensar em estratégias para assistir e tratar de pacientes com PC, é importante que o profissional considere os fatores psicossociais, incluindo o núcleo familiar em que esses pacientes vivem.

The aim of this study was to identify the impact of the oral condition of children/adolescents with cerebral palsy (PC) on family quality of life considering maternal resilience and other associated factors. The observational cross-sectional study with a comparison group was developed with a sample of 204 children/adolescents (102 with CP and 102 without CP), between the ages of 3 and 18 years and their respective mothers. The participants were selected in a private dentistry school in São Paulo, Southeast region of Brazil. The mothers responded to a questionnaire structured with items regarding individual, sociodemographic and behavioral aspects about them and the children. They also responded to the Resilience Scale and an instrument about the impact of the oral condition of children on family quality of life (Family impact scale-FIS). An oral examination was carried out on the children/adolescents, investigating the the prevalence of caries (component D/d of the DMFT/dmft index) and the quality of oral hygiene (Simplified Oral Hygiene Index). The theoretical model Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) was utilized to identify possible confounding variables. The univariable, bivariable (X2 test) and multivariable (logistic regression) were carried out considering a confidence interval of 95%. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul. The average age of the children/adolescents was 9,5 years (±4.6) and the median was 9 years old. The chance of mothers of children/adolescents diagnosed with CP belonging to the group classified with high impact of the child's oral health on the family quality of life was almost 40 times higher (OR=38.93; CI 95%: 10.22-148.19). Children and adolescents diagnosed with at least one cavity (OR=4.41; CI 95%: 1.01-19.55) and low family income (OR=4.45; CI 95%: 1.07-18.51) had their mothers with a chance approximately 4 times higher of belonging the the group with high impact of the child's oral health on the family quality of life. Mothers classified with low resilience have a 3.83 times higher chance of being in the group of mothers with high impact of the child's oral health on the family quality of life (OR=3.82; CI 95%: 1.10-13.32). It was possible to conclude from this study that a higher impact of the children's oral health on the family quality of life was identified among mothers classified with low resilience and children diagnosed with CP, dental caries and low family income. Thus, thinking of strategies to take care of patients with CP, it is important for the professional to consider psychosocial factors, including the family nucleus in which these patients live.

Quality of Life , Cerebral Palsy , Child Health , Maternal and Child Health , Adolescent Health , Resilience, Psychological
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4101, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1550983


Objective: to analyze the effects of a Mindfulness-based intervention on nurse leaders' emotional intelligence and resilience. Method: a pilot study of a randomized crossover clinical trial. The sample (n=32) was randomized into Group A (n=18) and Group B (n=14) and evaluated at the pre-test, post-test and follow-up moments. The outcomes were assessed using the Emotional Intelligence Measure, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Questionnaire and the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, and analyzed using Generalized Linear Mixed Models. Results: a total of 32 nurses with a mean age of 42.6 years old were evaluated. The analyses showed significant interactions between the effects of the group x moment factors on the Self-motivation (p=0.005), Sociability (p<0.001), Self-control (p=0.013), and Total (p=0.002) emotional intelligence skill scores; as well as on the Observe (p=0.042), Describe (p=0.008), Non-judgment (p<0.001), Act with awareness (p=0.004) and Total (p<0.001) mindfulness facets. Post-test: there was a statistically significant increase in the Sociability (p=0.009) and Self-control (p=0.015) emotional intelligence skills; as well as in the Non-judgment (p=0.022) and Total (p=0.002) mindfulness facets. Follow-up: a significant increase was observed in the Non-judgment (p=0.024) and Total (p=0.026) mindfulness facets. The "resilience" variable did not present statistical significance in the "group x moment" factor, both in the post-test and during follow-up. Conclusion: the Mindfulness-based intervention used proved to be effective in increasing nurse leaders' emotional intelligence and dispositional mindfulness skills. Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (RBR-3c62gy), registered on March 4 th , 2020, updated on September 16 th , 2022.

Objetivo: analizar los efectos de una intervención basada en mindfulness sobre la inteligencia emocional y la resiliencia de enfermeros líderes. Método: estudio piloto de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado cruzado. Muestra (n=32) aleatorizada en el grupo A (n=18) y grupo B (n=14), se los evaluó en el pretest, postest y seguimiento. Los resultados fueron evaluados mediante la Medida de Inteligencia Emocional, el Cuestionario de Resiliencia de Connor-Davidson y el Cuestionario Mindfulness de Cinco Facetas, y analizados por el Generalized Linear Mixed Models . Resultados: fueron evaluadas 32 enfermeras con una edad promedio de 42,6 años. Los análisis mostraron interacciones significativas de los efectos de los factores grupo vs. momento en los puntajes de las habilidades de automotivación (p=0,005), sociabilidad (p<0,001), autocontrol (p=0,013) y total (p=0,002) de inteligencia emocional; de las facetas observar (p=0,042), describir (p=0,008), no juzgar (p<0,001), actuar con conciencia (p=0,004) y total (p<0,001) de mindfulness. Postest: hubo un aumento estadísticamente significativo de las habilidades de sociabilidad (p=0,009) y autocontrol (p=0,015) de inteligencia emocional; de las facetas no juzgar (p=0,022) y total (p=0,002) de mindfulness . Seguimiento: se observó un aumento significativo en las facetas no juzgar (p=0,024) y total (p=0,026) de mindfulness . La variable resiliencia no presentó significación estadística en el factor grupo vs. momento en el postest y seguimiento. Conclusión: la intervención basada en mindfulness utilizada demostró ser eficaz para aumentar la inteligencia emocional y las habilidades de mindfulness disposicional de los enfermeros líderes. Registro Brasileño de Ensayos Clínicos (RBR-3c62gy), registrado el 4 de marzo de 2020, actualizado el 16 de septiembre de 2022.

Objetivo: analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção baseada em mindfulness na inteligência emocional e resiliência de enfermeiros líderes. Método: estudo-piloto de ensaio clínico randomizado cruzado. Amostra (n=32) randomizada em grupo A (n=18) e grupo B (n=14), avaliados nos momentos pré-teste, pós-teste e seguimento. Os desfechos foram avaliados pela Medida de Inteligência Emocional, pelo Questionário de Resiliência Connor-Davidson e pelo Questionário das Cinco Facetas de Mindfulness , e analisados pelo Generalized Linear Mixed Model . Resultados: foram avaliadas 32 enfermeiras com idade média de 42,6 anos. As análises mostraram interações significativas dos efeitos dos fatores Grupo x Momento nos escores das habilidades de automotivação (p=0,005), sociabilidade (p<0,001), autocontrole (p=0,013) e total (p=0,002) de inteligência emocional; das facetas observar (p=0,042), descrever (p=0,008), não julgar (p<0,001), agir com consciência (p=0,004) e total (p<0,001) de mindfulness . Pós-teste: houve aumento estatisticamente significante das habilidades de sociabilidade (p=0,009) e autocontrole (p=0,015) de inteligência emocional; das facetas não julgar (p=0,022) e total (p=0,002) de mindfulness . Seguimento: observou-se aumento significativo das facetas não julgar (p=0,024) e total (p=0,026) de mindfulness . A variável resiliência não apresentou significância estatística no fator Grupo x Momento, no pós-teste e seguimento. Conclusão: a intervenção baseada em mindfulness utilizada mostrou-se efetiva no aumento das habilidades de inteligência emocional e mindfulness disposicional de enfermeiros líderes. Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (RBR-3c62gy), registrado em 04 de março de 2020, atualizado em 16 de setembro de 2022.

Humans , Nursing , Clinical Trial , Resilience, Psychological , Emotional Intelligence , Mindfulness , Leadership
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 58: e20230290, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1559054


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe and analyze the relationship between pregnancy-related anxiety, prenatal distress, and individual resilience in pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy and compare it with the obstetric variable of parity. Method: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study using non-probabilistic circumstantial sampling. A total of 144 women participated. The Prenatal Distress Questionnaire, the Resilience Scale, and the Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire were used. A descriptive analysis with measures of central tendency was performed, and the reliability of the instruments was assessed. Results: The average age was 33.57 years. 58.3% were multiparous and 41.7% primiparous. Anxiety was found in 21.5% and very high levels of resilience in 54.9%. Primiparous women showed higher levels of worry about the future and fear of childbirth than multiparous women. Pregnant women with high resilience showed lower levels of anxiety and stress. Conclusion: Pregnant women with higher levels of resilience show less anxiety and stress during the first trimester of pregnancy. Primiparous women show more anxiety and stress than multiparous women.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever e analisar a relação entre a ansiedade relacionada à gravidez, o estresse pré-natal e a resiliência individual em mulheres grávidas durante o primeiro trimestre da gravidez e compará-la com a variável obstétrica da paridade. Método: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal usando amostragem circunstancial não probabilística. Um total de 144 mulheres participaram. Foram utilizados o Questionário de Estresse Pré-natal, a Escala de Resiliência e o Questionário de Ansiedade Relacionada à Gravidez. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva com medidas de tendência central, e a confiabilidade dos instrumentos foi avaliada. Resultados: A idade média foi de 33,57 anos. 58,3% eram multiparas e 41,7% primíparas. Ansiedade foi encontrada em 21,5% e níveis muito altos de resiliência em 54,9%. Mulheres primíparas apresentaram níveis mais altos de preocupação com o futuro e medo do parto do que mulheres multiparas. Mulheres grávidas com alta resiliência mostraram níveis mais baixos de ansiedade e estresse. Conclusões: Mulheres grávidas com níveis mais altos de resiliência apresentam menos ansiedade e estresse durante o primeiro trimestre da gravidez. Mulheres primíparas mostram mais ansiedade e estresse do que mulheres multiparas.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir y analizar la relación entre la ansiedad relacionada con el embarazo, el distrés prenatal y la resiliencia individual, en mujeres gestantes durante el primer trimestre de embarazo y compararlo con la variable obstétrica de paridad. Método: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal utilizando muestreo no probabilístico circunstancial. Participaron 144 mujeres. Se emplearon el Cuestionario de Distrés Prenatal, la Escala de Resiliencia y el Cuestionario de Ansiedad Relacionada con el Embarazo. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo con medidas de tendencia central y se evaluó la confiabilidad de los instrumentos. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 33,57 años. El 58,3% eran multíparas y el 41,7% primíparas. El 21,5% presenta ansiedad y el 54,9% niveles muy altos de resiliencia. Las primíparas mostraron mayores niveles preocupación sobre el futuro y miedo al parto que las multíparas. Las gestantes con alta resiliencia muestran valores más bajos en ansiedad y estrés. Conclusiones: Las gestantes con niveles más elevados de resiliencia manifiestan menos ansiedad y estrés durante el primer trimestre de embarazo. Las primíparas presentan más ansiedad y estrés que las multíparas.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230220, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1560578


ABSTRACT Objective: to translate and cross-culturally adapt the Resilience at Work Scale for the Brazilian context. Method: Methodological study comprising the stages of conceptual, item, semantic, and operational equivalences. Resilience at Work Scale is composed of 25 items (long version) and 20 items (short version), rated on a seven-point Likert scale. A test-retest was applied to a sample of 45 educators and health workers. Quadratic weighted Kappa and intraclass correlation were used. Result: The adaptation of the 25 items followed the phases of translation, back translation, external assessment, expert committee, pre-tests, test-retest reliability, and equivalence between the original and adapted versions. Two items initially showed less than 90% comprehensibility, but satisfactory results were obtained in a new pre-test after adjustments. The overall Intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.83. Conclusion: The final version of the Resilience at Work Scale 25-Brasil was properly adapted to the Brazilian culture to measure resilience at work. It is an Emancipatory Technology as it enables the implementation of knowledge that contributes to thinking, reflecting, and acting in the face of the individual or collective health-disease continuum.

RESUMEN Objetivo: realizar la traducción y adaptación transcultural de la Resilience at Work Scale para el contexto brasileño. Método: estudio metodológico, en el cual fueron realizadas las etapas de equivalencia conceptual, de ítems, de semántica y operacional. La Resilience at Work Scale es una escala Likert de siete puntos, compuesta por 25 ítems en su versión larga y 20 ítems en la versión corta. El test-retest fue aplicado a una muestra de 45 docentes y trabajadores de la salud. Para esta evaluación, se utilizó el coeficiente Kappa ponderado con ponderación cuadrática y correlación intraclase. Resultados: la adaptación de los 25 ítems de la RAW siguió las fases de traducción, retrotraducción, evaluación externa, comité de especialistas, pre-pruebas y confiabilidad test-retest, verificando las equivalencias entre el instrumento original y el adaptado. Inicialmente, dos ítems presentaron clareza inferior a 90%. Ellos fueron reajustados y un nuevo pretest indicó un resultado satisfactorio. El coeficiente de correlación intraclase general de la RAW fue de 0,83. Conclusión: la versión final de la Resilience at Work Scale 25-Brasil se mostró promisora y con adaptación adecuada a la cultura brasileña para medir la resiliencia en el trabajo. Se trata de una Tecnología Emancipadora, ya que posibilita concretizar conocimientos que contribuye en lo que se refiere a pensar, reflexionar y actuar delante de un proceso de salud/enfermedad, sea este individual o colectivo.

RESUMO Objetivo: realizar a tradução e adaptação transcultural da Resilience at Work Scale para o contexto brasileiro. Método: estudo metodológico, em que foram executadas as etapas da equivalência conceitual, de itens, semântica e operacional. A Resilience at Work Scale é uma escala Likert de sete pontos, composta por 25 itens em sua versão longa e 20 itens na versão curta. O teste-reteste foi aplicado a uma amostra de 45 docentes e trabalhadores da saúde. Para esta avaliação, utilizou-se o coeficiente Kappa ponderado com ponderação quadrática, e correlação intraclasse. Resultados: a adaptação dos 25 itens da Resilience at Work Scale pautou-se nas fases tradução, retrotradução, avaliação externa, comitê de especialistas, pré-testes e confiabilidade teste-reteste, verificando as equivalências entre o instrumento original e o adaptado. Dois itens, inicialmente, apresentaram clareza inferior a 90%. Eles foram reajustados e novo pré-teste indicou resultado satisfatório. O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse geral da Resilience at Work Scale foi de 0,83. Conclusão: a versão final da Resilience at Work Scale 25 - Brasil mostrou-se promissora e com adaptação adequada à cultura brasileira para mensuração da resiliência no trabalho. Trata-se de uma Tecnologia Emancipatória, pois possibilita concretizar conhecimentos que contribuem quanto ao pensar, ao refletir e ao agir diante de um processo de saúde/doença, seja individual ou coletivo.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2024. 88 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566413


O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) tem seus critérios diagnósticos atuais baseados no Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (DSM 5). Sendo um transtorno global do neurodesenvolvimento, da reciprocidade social e da comunicação, com comportamentos repetitivos, interesses restritos e inflexibilidade comportamental. O diagnóstico do TEA vem aumentando em todo o mundo trazendo uma nova realidade para a família, modificando a sua dinâmica emocional, social e financeira. Esse estudo teve por objetivo delinear um perfil e demonstrar as principais dificuldades e repercussões do cuidado da pessoa com diagnóstico de Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) e suas famílias. Tratou-se de um estudo realizado através da coleta de dados nos meses de setembro e outubro de 2023 em quatro clínicas multidisciplinares de tratamento do TEA da saúde suplementar. Foram coletados dados quantitativos e qualitativos de 208 famílias, sendo os quantitativos apresentados percentuais em tabelas contendo: idade atual do paciente, idade no início das terapias e idade dos cuidadores; raça dos pacientes, sexo do paciente e dos cuidadores, idade dos pais na concepção, escolaridade dos cuidadores, tipo de parto, renda familiar, formação escolar do cuidador, presença ou não de fé declarada e estado civil do cuidador (os últimos dois considerados enquanto fatores de resiliência familiar). Os dados qualitativos foram trabalhados através da análise de conteúdo de Bardin, ilustrando e auxiliando no melhor entendimento das demandas familiares e suas dinâmicas. Os resultados encontrados concordam, em parte, com o perfil da população TEA relatada em literatura, mas com particularidades como, por exemplo, em referência a idade dos pais na concepção da criança TEA e a quantidade de diagnósticos no sexo feminino. Conseguiu-se, também, identificar fatores de resiliência familiar, como uma estrutura da dinâmica familiar e a presença de uma religião / fé. A partir da hipótese que a presença de um membro com TEA traz impacto em toda família, a autora espera, assim, contribuir na construção de políticas públicas e instituições de apoio ao TEA, norteando condutas mais assertivas frente ao atendimento às necessidades desta população; minimizando os impactos da violência sofrida através da exclusão, suas dificuldades econômicas e sociais.

The current diagnostic criteria of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5). Being a global disorder of neurodevelopment, social reciprocity and communication, with repetitive behaviors, restricted interests and behavioral inflexibility. The diagnosis of ASD has been increasing throughout the world, bringing a new reality to families, changing their emotional, social and financial dynamics. This study aimed to outline a profile and demonstrate the main difficulties and repercussions of caring for people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families. This was a study carried out through data collection in the months of September and October 2023 in four multidisciplinary ASD treatment clinics in supplementary health. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from 208 families, with the quantitative data presented in percentages in tables containing: current age of the patient, age at the beginning of therapies and age of caregivers; race of patients, sex of patient and caregivers, age of parents at conception, education of caregivers, type of birth, family income, educational background of the caregiver, presence or absence of declared faith and marital status of the caregiver (the last two considered as family resilience factors). The qualitative data were worked through Bardin's content analysis, illustrating and helping to better understand family demands and their dynamics. The results found agree, in part, with the profile of the ASD population reported in the literature, but with particularities such as, for example, in reference to the age of the parents at the conception of the ASD child and the number of diagnoses in females. It was also possible to identify factors of family resilience, such as the structure of family dynamics and the presence of a religion/faith. Based on the hypothesis that the presence of a member with ASD has an impact on the entire family, the author hopes to contribute to the construction of public policies and institutions to support ASD, guiding more assertive behaviors in meeting the needs of this population; minimizing the impacts of violence suffered through exclusion, economic and social difficulties.

Health Promotion , Social Change , Academic Dissertation , Health System Resilience
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2284032, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38073550


Background: The mental health impacts of climate change-related disasters are significant. However, access to mental health services is often limited by the availability of trained clinicians. Although building local community capability for the mental health response is often prioritised in policy settings, the lack of evidence-based programs is problematic. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of the Skills for Life Adjustment and Resilience programme (SOLAR) delivered by trained local community members following compound disasters (drought, wildfires, pandemic-related lockdowns) in Australia.Method: Thirty-six community members were trained to deliver the SOLAR programme, a skills-based, trauma informed, psychosocial programme. Sixty-six people with anxiety, depression and/or posttraumatic stress symptoms, and impairment were randomised into the SOLAR programme or a Self-Help condition. They were assessed pre, post and two months following the interventions. The SOLAR programme was delivered across five 1-hourly sessions (either face to face or virtually). Those in the Self-Help condition received weekly emails with self-help information including links to online educational videos.Results: Multigroup analyses indicated that participants in the SOLAR condition experienced significantly lower levels of anxiety and depression, and PTSD symptom severity between pre - and post-intervention (T1 to T2), relative to the Self-Help condition, while controlling for scores at intake. These differences were not statistically different at follow-up. The SOLAR programme was associated with large effect size improvements in posttraumatic stress symptoms over time.Conclusion: The SOLAR programme was effective in improving anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress symptoms over time. However, by follow-up the size of the effect was similar to an active self-help condition. Given the ongoing stressors in the community associated with compounding disasters it may be that booster sessions would have been useful to sustain programme impact.Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry identifier: ACTRN12621000283875..

We tested the efficacy of a brief, skills-based psychosocial programme under randomised controlled conditions following compound disasters.The SOLAR programme was associated with improvements in anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress symptoms across time.The SOLAR programme may benefit from booster sessions especially where there are ongoing impacts of disaster.

Disasters , Resilience, Psychological , Humans , Mental Health , Australia , Anxiety/therapy