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Gene ; 929: 148824, 2024 Dec 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39103057


Proteins of the trefoil factor family (TFF) participate in mucosal repair and are formed by single or tandemly repeated trefoil domains. TFFs have been extensively studied in mammals and amphibians, but they have not been functionally characterized in other animals. Here we report the identification of two genes expressed in the hydroid Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus, predicted to encode trefoil domain-containing peptides, one with four trefoil domains in tandem and the other one with a trefoil domain flanked by two ShKT domains. Differential expression analyses by qPCR after an immune challenge and an induced mechanical damage, reveal that the former gene (hysyTFF) had no significant changes in expression after the inductions. However, the latter (hysyTFF-like) was overexpressed after three hours post immune challenge and was downregulated after the first hour post epithelial damage. Immunoblot analyses using specific IgY antibodies revealed that hysyTFF is secreted as a high molecular weight complex. Finally, whole mount immunofluorescence assays showed that hysyTFF was predominantly expressed in the endoderm of stolons and polyps, and sparsely in the ectoderm of both polyps and larvae. Thus, the tissue distribution and expression dynamics of trefoil factor genes in H. symbiolongicarpus suggest that hysyTFF is part of an ancient mechanism of epithelial restitution, and the newly reported hysyTFF-like might act as an immune effector gene, perhaps encoding an antibacterial peptide.

Hydrozoa , Trefoil Factors , Animals , Amino Acid Sequence , Hydrozoa/genetics , Hydrozoa/metabolism , Phylogeny , Tissue Distribution , Trefoil Factors/genetics , Trefoil Factors/metabolism
Serv. soc. soc ; 146(1): 75-96, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424621


Resumo: A mobilidade socioeconômica de negras e negros no Brasil sempre se constituiu em um desafio. Mesmo em períodos de mais estabilidade, com ganhos no campo econômico, esse grupo permanece sub-representado em grande parte dos indicadores sociais. O racismo e suas derivações alimentam as desigualdades no país, e superar esse fenômeno significa reparar o epistemicídio, restituir as desigualdades e corrigir as injustiças históricas sofridas por essa parcela da população.

Abstract: The socioeconomic mobility of black women and men in Brazil has always been a challenge. Even in periods of greater stability, with gains in the economic field, this group remains underrepresented in most social indicators. Racism and its derivations feed inequalities in the country and overcoming this phenomenon means repairing epistemicide, restoring inequalities and correcting the historical injustices suffered by this part of the population.

Entramado ; 17(2): 60-73, jul.-dic. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360414


RESUMEN Se analiza el grado de aplicación del enfoque de género en la argumentación de las sentencias de restitución de tierras en el departamento de Santander - Colombia durante el 2018, teniendo como referente teórico y metodológico el enfoque diferencial de género. Las fuentes se abordan a partir del análisis de contenido. Se construyó un instrumento de recolección de información que permitió valorar de forma cualitativa el discurso de las decisiones judiciales de la muestra con base en los presupuestos teóricos. Como resultado se identificaron tres niveles en la incorporación del enfoque diferencial en las decisiones judiciales. Se formularon tres objetivos específicos. El primero analiza el marco teórico en materia de derechos económicos sociales y culturales para las mujeres, desde la perspectiva del enfoque diferencial de género. El segundo analiza la etapa judicial, con el fin de evaluar la forma en que se incorporó el enfoque diferencial de género. Y el tercero valora, en la etapa posterior al fallo, la efectividad de la política de restitución de tierras en los casos objeto de estudio. El resultado de investigación que aquí se presenta expone los hallazgos del cumplimiento del segundo objetivo. Se puede concluir que, a pesar de los avances logrados en algunos casos con la incorporación del enfoque de reconocimiento de derechos y medidas de reparación para las mujeres, es necesario seguir capacitando a los jueces en este enfoque, para promover decisiones con potencial para transformar las injusticias estructurales vinculadas al género, que viven las mujeres.

ABSTRACT The degree of application of the gender approach in the argumentation of land restitution sentences in the department of Santander - Colombia during 2018 is analyzed, having the gender differential approach as a theoretical and methodological reference. The sources are approached from the content analysis. A data collection instrument was constructed to qualitatively assess the discourse of the judicial decisions of the sample based on the theoretical assumptions. As a result, three levels were identified in the incorporation of the differential approach in judicial decisions. Three specific objectives were formulated. The first analyzes the theoretical framework in the area of economic, social and cultural rights for women, from the perspective of the gender differential approach. The second analyzes the judicial stage, in order to evaluate the way in which the gender differential approach was incorporated. The third evaluates, in the post-judgment stage, the effectiveness of the land restitution policy in the cases under study. The research result presented here presents the findings of the fulfillment of the second objective. It can be concluded that, despite the progress achieved in some cases with the incorporation of the approach of recognition of rights and reparation measures for women, it is necessary to continue training judges in this approach, in order to promote decisions with the potential to transform the gender-related structural injustices experienced by women.

RESUMO O grau de aplicação da abordagem de género na argumentação das sentenças de restituição de terras no departamento de Santander -Colômbia durante 2018 é analisado, tomando como referência teórica e metodológica a abordagem diferencial de género. As fontes são abordadas a partir da análise do conteúdo. Foi construído um instrumento de recolha de dados para avaliar qualitativamente o discurso das decisões judiciais da amostra, com base nos pressupostos teóricos. Como resultado, foram identificados três níveis na incorporação da abordagem diferencial nas decisões judiciais. Foram formulados três objectivos específicos. A primeira analisa o quadro teórico na área dos direitos económicos, sociais e culturais das mulheres, a partir da perspectiva da abordagem diferencial de género. A segunda analisa a fase judicial, a fim de avaliar a forma como a abordagem diferencial de género foi incorporada. E a terceira avalia, na fase de pós-julgamento, a eficácia da política de restituição de terras nos casos em estudo. O resultado da investigação aqui apresentado apresenta os resultados do cumprimento do segundo objectivo. Pode-se concluir que, apesar dos progressos alcançados em alguns casos com a incorporação de um enfoque no reconhecimento dos direitos e medidas de reparação para as mulheres, é necessário continuar a formar juízes nesta abordagem a fim de promover decisões com potencial para transformar as injustiças estruturais relacionadas com o género vividas pelas mulheres.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551569


En este trabajo abordamos como la Historia se cruza con las pequeñas historias en cada restitución. La restitución es puesta en juego, cada vez, en ellas y la nominación que ha acontecido se conmueve al reanudarse el nudo de la filiación con cada restitución

In this essay we work on how History intersects small stories in each restitution. The filiation is put into play, and the nomination that has taken place is shaken when the knot of filiation is rearmed with each restitution

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , History, 20th Century , Terrorism
Trab. educ. saúde ; 16(3): 919-933, Sept.-Dec. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-963039


Resumo Este estudo procurou abrir discussão metodológica nas pesquisas em saúde a partir de mal-estar provocado por diretriz dominante, para a qual há uma realidade pronta a ser desvendada, cabendo ao pesquisador acessá-la. Descrevemos um cultivo do processo investigativo por meio da devolutiva de resultados de pesquisa epidemiológica em hospitais públicos no Rio de Janeiro, entre 2010 e 2013. A devolutiva privilegiou o diálogo com trabalhadores da enfermagem segundo o conceito de restituição da análise institucional. Realizamos grupos de discussão de resultados e encontros de saúde do trabalhador de enfermagem, reunindo gestores e trabalhadores na pactuação de ações no campo da saúde do trabalhador. A participação desses atores transformou modos de pesquisar-intervir, considerando que práticas em saúde se fazem no encontro entre sujeitos. Mediante ferramentas comumente usadas para informação dos resultados, caminhamos da devolução meramente informativa à restituição participativa. Ao forjar de forma coletiva o processo de restituição, tensionamos pesquisas que tomam de forma dicotômica relações pesquisador-pesquisado, entendendo que metodologias e instrumentos surgem num processo de coengendramento. Tratou-se de transformar preocupações éticas dos pesquisadores em saúde em um éthos de pesquisador em saúde, segundo entendimento de que a pesquisa acontece no coletivo, que inclui pesquisadores e pesquisados na produção de um comum.

Abstract The article opens a methodological discussion on health research prompted by discomfort caused by dominant directrix for which there is a reality ready to be unveiled, and the expectation is that the researcher will access it. We describe a cultivation of an investigative process by means of the return of results of an epidemiological research in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 2010 and 2013. The return prioritized dialogue with the nursing teams, framed by the concept of restitution, from French Institutional Analysis. We discussion groups on findings and meetings on nursing workers' health that brought together hospital managers and workers to agree measures on worker's health field. Participation by all stakeholders changed manners of researching and intervening, on the basis that health practices are produced in encounters among subjects. Drawing on tools commonly used only to report fin-dings, we walked from the merely informative return to participative restitution. In shaping the return process collectively, the intention was to challenge researches such as those that consider a dichotomy between researchers and researched, since we consider that methodologies and instruments arise in process of co-engenderment. In that respect, it comes to transform health researchers ' ethical concerns into a health researchers' ethos, from the understanding that research happens in the collective, which includes researchers and researched in the production of a common.

Resumen El artículo abre una discusión metodológica en las investigaciones del área de la salud a partir del mal estar causado por la directriz dominante, existiendo una realidad preparada para ser revelada, cuyo acceso le compete al investigador. A través de la restitución de resultados, describimos el desarrollo del proceso investigativo hecho en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, entre 2010 y 2013. Dicha restitución favoreció el diálogo con los trabajadores de enfermería a partir del concepto de restitución del Análisis Institucional Francés. Con el fin de establecer acciones en pro de los trabajadores, organizamos grupos de discusión de resultados y encuentros sobre la salud del trabajador de enfermería, reuniendo a los gestores de los hospitales y a los trabajadores. La participación de todos los actores transformó el método de investigación-intervención, teniendo en cuenta que las prácticas en el área de la salud se llevan a cabo entre sujetos. Hemos desarrollado resultados en el campo de la salud del trabajador a partir de las herramientas comúnmente utilizadas para la información de resultados. Al concebir colectivamente el proceso de restitución, realizamos investigaciones que toman, de forma dicotómica, relaciones tales como investigador-investigado, ya que entendemos que las metodologías y las herramientas surgen en el proceso de engendramiento conjunto. En este sentido, se trata de transformar las preocupaciones éticas de los investigadores de la salud, en un ethos del investigador de la salud, desde el entendimiento de que la investigación se lleva a cabo en el colectivo, que incluye a investigadores e investigado en la producción de un campo común.

Humans , Psychology , Occupational Health , Research Personnel
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (29): 215-234, mayo-ago. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-979358


Resumen: El testimonio es un recurso subjetivo, jurídico y social, que ha sido utilizado por personas afectadas por violencia de género para romper el silencio, hacer frente a la segunda victimización ante autoridades en el ámbito universitario y/o judicial, y propiciar medidas para reparación del daño. En particular, se analiza en este artículo un caso de violación sexual denunciado por una alumna de posgrado en contra de un estudiante del mismo nivel de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, de 2014 a 2016. También se abordan las acciones de un grupo de activistas universitarias que visibilizaron en tres ocasiones el testimonio de la afectada por medio de redes sociales y formas de protesta, dentro y fuera de la Universidad.

Resumo: O testemunho é um recurso subjetivo, jurídico e social que tem sido utilizado por pessoas afetadas por violência de gênero para quebrar o silêncio, enfrentar a segunda vitimização ante autoridades no âmbito universitário e/ou judicial e propiciar medidas para reparação do dano. Particularmente, é analisado um caso de estupro denunciado por uma aluna de pós-graduação contra outro estudante, na Universidade Nacional Autónoma do México, entre 2014 e 2016. Ademais, este trabalho abrange as ações de um grupo de ativistas que visibilizaram o testemunho da afetada por meio de redes sociais e outras formas de protesto dentro e fora da universidade.

Abstract: A testimony is a subjective, legal and social resource which has been employed by those affected by gender violence to break the silence, to confront secondary victimization at the hands of university and/or legal authorities, and to promote restitution measures. In particular, this article analyzes a case of rape reported by a graduate student against a student at the same level of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, from 2014 to 2016. It also addresses the actions of a group of activists who visiblized through social networks in three distinct occasions the testimony and other forms of protest, inside and outside the University.

Humans , Female , Rape , Universities , Feminism , Gender-Based Violence , Sex Offenses , Crime Victims , Information Dissemination , Mexico
Rev. chil. cir ; 69(6): 446-451, dic. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-899635


Resumen Antecedentes: Descrito hace casi 100 años, el procedimiento de Hartmann sigue vigente y es una conducta clásica para el manejo del colon izquierdo en la urgencia. La restitución del tránsito intestinal proporciona una importante mejora en la calidad de vida de los pacientes, sin embargo, la elevada morbimortalidad del procedimiento hace que solo la mitad de ellos se reconstruyan. La restitución del Hartmann laparoscópica ofrece las ventajas de los procedimientos mínimamente invasivos con morbimortalidad comparable a la cirugía convencional. Objetivos: Analizar la técnica quirúrgica y los resultados de una serie de pacientes en los cuales se realizó la restitución de Hartmann laparoscópica. Material y métodos: Revisión retrospectiva realizada entre marzo de 2002 y enero de 2017. La población pertenece a las Clínicas Quirúrgicas 2 y 3 del Hospital Maciel, Facultad de Medicina UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay. Resultados: Se operaron 29 pacientes: 10 mujeres y 19 hombres. Las enfermedades más frecuentes que determinaron el Hartmann estuvieron vinculadas a enfermedad diverticular (37,93%) u oncológica (34,48%). El tiempo mínimo transcurrido entre el Hartmann y la reconstrucción fue de 4 meses. Los tiempos operatorios variaron entre 107 y 240 min. El porcentaje de conversión fue del 24,1%. Ocurrieron complicaciones mayores en el 6,90% y menores en el 13,79%. No hubo fallas de sutura. La estadía hospitalaria fue de 5,57 días. La mortalidad fue del 3,45%. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados concuerdan con la literatura internacional, la restitución del Hartmann laparoscópica es un procedimiento exigente pero factible, seguro y que otorga al paciente los beneficios de la cirugía mínimamente invasiva.

Abstract Background: Described almost 100 years ago, the Hartmann procedure is still valid, being the classical behavior adopted for the management of the left colon in the emergency room. The restitution of the intestinal transit provides an important improvement in the quality of life of the patients, nevertheless given the high morbimortality, only half is reconstructed. Laparoscopic Hartmann restitution offers all the advantages of minimally invasive procedures with morbidity and mortality comparable to conventional surgery. Objectives: Analyze surgical technique and the results of a series of patients in whom laparoscopic Hartmann restitution was performed. Material and methods: Retrospective review was conducted between March 2002 and January 2017. The population belongs to the Surgical Clinics of the Maciel Hospital ('Q2' and 'Q3'), UDELAR Medical School, Montevideo, Uruguay. Results: Twenty-nine patients were operated: 10 women and 19 men. The most frequent pathologies that determined the Hartmann were linked to diverticular pathology (37.93%) or oncological (34.48%). The minimum time elapsed between the Hartmann and the reconstruction was 4 months. The operative times ranged from 107 to 240 min. The conversion rate was 24.1%. Major complications occurred in 6.90% and minor complications in 13.79%. There was no anastomotic leak. The hospital stay was 5.57 days. The mortality rate was 3.45%. Conclusions: Our results are consistent with the international literature, laparoscopic Hartmann restitution is a demanding but feasible, safe procedure that gives the patient the benefits of minimally invasive surgery.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Colostomy/methods , Laparoscopy/methods , Gastrointestinal Transit , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Am J Psychoanal ; 77(1): 7-22, 2017 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28373656


This paper offers arguments to justify the relevance of psychoanalysis-psychoanalyses-in present-day Argentina and reflects on the stance taken by psychoanalysts with different theoretical perspectives in the face of the havoc wreaked by state terror (1976-1983). To this end, the author focuses on the pioneers' traits, the significance of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association in the 1950s and 1960s, and the impact of the departure of the Plataforma Group in 1971. The establishment of the latter opened the way for the development of a psychoanalysis tied to popular movements, sensitive to social conflict, and close to human rights organizations. The author explores both on psychoanalysts' intervention to address the social trauma resulting from the theft of babies during the dictatorship, and on their relationship with Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo.

Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Therapy/methods , Terrorism/psychology , Argentina , Humans
Rev. univ. psicoanál ; (16): 97-103, nov. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-911146


La apropiación de niños puso en jaque la cuestión de la filiación y el lugar del padre. La noción de nominación, presentada por Lacan en el Seminario 22, permite discutir el modo en que se presenta la cuestión del padre en los casos de apropiación de menores. La novedad que Lacan introduce en este seminario es que esa versión del padre ­père-version- que anuda a los hijos y a las generaciones, posibilitando el lazo social, puede ser una nominación imaginaria, simbólica o real: cuarto anillo que mantiene unidos a los tres registros. Se trata de la anticipación del concepto de sinthome introducido por Lacan en su seminario siguiente como reparación del lapsus del nudo. El presente trabajo discute estos complejos temas a partir del tratamiento terapéutico de una niña que fue objeto de apropiación ilegal por parte de la dictadura militar Argentina de 1976-1983.

Children\'s appropriation questioned the subject of filiation and the place of the father. The idea of nomination, presented by Lacan in the Seminar 22, allows to discuss the way in which one presents the issue of the father in cases of minor\'s appropriation. The innovation that Lacan introduces in this seminar is that this version of the father - père-version- that knots the children and the generations, making the social bow possible, can be an imaginary, symbolic or real nomination: a fourth ring, that keeps joined three dimensions. In this way Lacan anticipates the concept of sinthome introduced in his following seminar as a repair of the knot's failure. The present paper discusses these complex subjects based on the therapeutic treatment of a girl who was appropriated by the military argentine dictatorship 1976-1983.

Humans , Parents , Psychology, Child , Case Reports , Child , Identity Theft
Rev. psicol. (Fortaleza, Online) ; 7(1): 81-93, jul.-dez. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-878852


A pesquisa "Pesquisando com Professores: a relação mídia e cotidiano escolar" analisou com 25 professores de uma escola pública estadual de Fortaleza a relação entre mídia e cotidiano escolar. Como dispositivo de pesquisa foi criado o curso de extensão "Diálogos Escolares: Mídia e Cotidiano Escolar". Com base em Michel Foucault (1987) acerca do poder disciplinar presente na educação escolar e em Gilles Deleuze (1990) sobre as novas formas de controle em que participam a mídia, a pesquisa discute, em última instância, a função social da escola na contemporaneidade, problematizando a mídia como vetor de subjetivação no cotidiano escolar e no fazer pedagógico. No presente artigo colocamos em análise a metodologia da pesquisa, dando ênfase à centralidade do "diário de campo" e da "restituição". Trabalharemos também o conceito de pesquisa-intervenção e sua implicação prática como estratégia da pesquisa com a escola. Discutiremos o uso do diário de campo como uma ferramenta facilitadora de vínculo e de construção de dados necessário para ressignificação da mesma. Destacaremos a restituição como o momento necessário para criarmos um campo de análise coletiva. Por fim, apresentaremos a importância dessas ferramentas para todo o processo de construção da nossa pesquisa.

The search "Searching with teachers: media relations and school routine" has analyzed with 25 teachers from a public school in Fortaleza, the relationship between media and school routine. As a research device was created the extension course "School Dialogues: Media and School Daily Life". Based on Michel Foucault (1987) on the disciplinary power present in school education and Gilles Deleuze (1990) on new ways to control the media involved, the research argues, ultimately, the school's social function in contemporary, questioning the media as subjectivity vector in everyday school life and pedagogical work. In this paper we put in question the research methodology, emphasizing the centrality of the diary and restitution. We will also work the concept of intervention research and its practical implication as research strategy with the school. We will discuss the use of the diary as a facilitating tool bond and construction data needed to reframe the same. We highlight restitution as the necessary time to create a collective analysis field. Finally, we will present the importance of these tools for the entire process of building our research.

Educational Personnel , School Teachers , Adolescent , Investigative Techniques , Methodology as a Subject
J. inborn errors metab. screen ; 4: e160046, 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090912


Abstract Glycogen storage disease type IXa (GSD IXa) presents in childhood with hepatomegaly, poor growth, and ketotic hypoglycemia. Clinical course is usually mild, often not requiring treatment with attenuation of symptoms with increasing age. The phenotypic spectrum has recently expanded to include more severe involvement with hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis warranting dietary therapy. We report a 2-year-old boy with a severe phenotype of GSD IXa presenting with a massive hepatomegaly, significant transaminitis, recurrent ketotic hypoglycemia, and short stature. Aggressive dietary management with regular feeds, frequent uncooked cornstarch doses, and protein supplementation resulted in clinical improvements including enhanced growth velocity, energy levels, overall well-being, and reduction in hepatomegaly with restitutions in biochemical parameters. We concur with a recent report which proposed that GSD IXa is not always a mild condition but instead part of an expanding phenotypic spectrum warranting intensive dietary management to optimize metabolic control and quality of life.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-964768


El presente escrito expone algunas líneas de trabajo del proyecto de Beca de Culminación de Doctorado que lleva por título Identidad y Nominación. Abordaje del problema de la identidad en los casos de apropiación/restitución de niños en la Argentina, con el objeto de avanzar en la precisión del estatuto de las marcas que el apropiador transmite al apropiado y las condiciones de estructuración de un sujeto en ese contexto. Indagamos aquí el destino de las marcas de la apropiación con el fin de abordar el problema de la identidad en los sujetos apropiados: durante el período de la apropiación y en el momento de la eventual restitución. Tomaremos para ello un caso clínico, el caso P., una niña de dos años apropiada en 1978, durante el terrorismo de estado en la Argentina.

This paper exposes some work lines of the project of Culmination of Doctoral Grant: Identity and Naming. Approach to the problem of identity in appropriation/restitution cases in the Argentina, in order to advance in the elucidation of the statute of the marks that the appropriator transmits to the appropriated and the conditions of structure of a subjectivity in this context. We investigate here the destiny of the marks of the appropriation in order to approach the problem of the identity in the appropriated subjects: during the period of the appropriation and in the moment of the eventual restitution. We will take for it a clinical case, the case P., appropriated two years old girl in 1978, during Argentina state terrorism.

Child , Child , Identity Theft
Rev. venez. cir ; 68(1): 7-13, jun. 2015. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1391990


Analizar la factibilidad de la generalización de este procedimiento y las ventajas del mismo. Métodos:Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal, en el cual se incluyeron 6 pacientes entre 28 y 76 años, con enfermedad de Fournier por distintas etiologías, aparte, algunos con comorbilidades, intervenidos en el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital Luis Razetti, desde junio de 2013 hasta junio de 2015. El procedimiento consiste en la restitución precoz posterior a una colostomía protectora por una lesión en la región genitoperineal resuelta. El tiempo promedio dela restitución fue de 18 días. Resultados:Seis pacientes con una media de 50 años, 83% masculino y 17% femenino. Antecedentes quirúrgicos de lesiones genitoperineales por distintas causas. Del total de pacientes el 50% padecían DM II; 83,3% presentaron cultivos positivos. Se tomó en cuenta la albúmina sérica para la anastomosis la cual fue término terminal en todos los pacientes. En el 50% de los pacientes se dejó abierta la herida de la piel para un cierre por segunda intención, ya que la principal complicación fue infección del sitio quirúrgico, un 17% de complicaciones crónicas.El tiempo promedio fue de 70 minutos en la primera cirugía y 80 minutos la cirugía definitiva. Se inició la vía oral en el 50% de los pacientes dentro de las primeras 72 horas. Conclusión:La restitución intestinal precoz se considera un procedimiento quirúrgico simple, sin embargo es una intervención relacionada con elevada morbilidad, más aun cuando existen comorbilidades como la diabetes mellitus(AU)

To analyze the feasibility of the generalization of this procedure and its advantages. Methods:We conducted a descriptive, retrospective and transversal study, which included 6 patients between 28 and 76 years, with Fournier disease by different etiologies, aside, some with comorbidities, operated in the Service of Surgery of the Hospital Luis Razetti, from June 2013 until June 2015. The procedure consists of early return back to a protective colostomy by a lesion in the resolute perineal genital region. The average time of the refund was 18 days. Results:Six patients with an average of 50 years, 83% male and 17% female. There was a surgical history of perineal genital injuries for various reasons. Of the total of patients 50% had DM II; 83.3% were positive. It took into account the serum albumin for anastomosis, which was end to end in all patients. In 50% of patients the skin for a close wound left open by second intention, since the main complication was infection of the surgical site, 17% of chronic complications. The average time was 70 minutes in the first surgery and 80 minutes definitive surgery. It was started the oral route in 50% of patients within 72 hours. Conclusion:Early intestinal restitution is considered a simple surgical procedure; it is however an intervention associated with high morbidity, even more so when there are comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Ostomy , Colostomy , Intestinal Diseases , Patients , Surgery Department, Hospital , Comorbidity , Nutritional Status , Morbidity , Fournier Gangrene
Acta bioeth ; 19(1): 19-27, jun. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-684321


El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el ayer y el hoy del manejo de los restos humanos de comunidades aborígenes. Con este fin, se indagan los casos de tres museos argentinos que, a través de la historia, fueron adoptando distintas posturas y políticas respecto al tema: el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, El Museo Ambrosetti, las Momias de Llullaillaco, así como las normativas legales y éticas concernientes al tema. El objetivo último del trabajo es llamar a la reflexión sobre temas como la restitución, la repatriación de restos humanos y el reconocimiento de los derechos de los pueblos originarios.

This paper analyzes previous and current practices in handling human remains from aboriginal communities. The cases of three Argentinian museums are analyzed which adopted different practices throughout history: Natural Sciences Museum of La Plata, the Ambrosetti Museum, the Llullaillaco mummies, along with ethical and legal norms. The ultimate goal of the work is to draw attention to topics such as restitution, repatriation and the recognition of the rights of aboriginal peoples.

O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o ontem e o hoje do manejo dos restos humanos de comunidades arborígenes. Com esta finalidade, são questionados os casos de três museus argentinos que através da história foram adotando distintas posturas e políticas a respeito do tema: o Museu de Ciências Naturais da Plata, o Museu Ambrosetti, as Múmias de Llullaillaco, assim como as normas legais e éticas concernentes ao tema. O objetivo último do trabalho é chamar a reflexão sobre temas como a restituição, a repatriação de restos humanos e o reconhecimento dos direitos dos povos originários.

Humans , American Indian or Alaska Native , Archaeology/legislation & jurisprudence , Ethics , Museums , Repatriation , Argentina
Rev. ing. bioméd ; 7(13): 31-42, ene.-jun. 2013. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-769132


El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal relacionar la actividad eléctrica cardiaca celular con la actividad eléctrica cardiaca medida en una sola derivación del electrocardiograma (ECG), mediante un modelo paramétrico de potencial de acción (PA) celular, lo cual se llevó a cabo relacionando dinámicas conocidas, matemáticamente modelables, que existen a nivel de una célula cardiaca, a dinámicas que pueden ser encontradas en un registro ECG estándar. La principal dinámica celular a relacionar con el ECG es la conocida como curva de restitución celular en tres dimensiones, la cual relaciona la duración del potencial de acción celular (APD) con el intervalo diastólico que lo precede y con el mismo APD pero del ciclo cardiaco precedente. Curvas de restitución similares se encontraron en señales ECG registradas durante el test isométrico handgrip, relacionando el intervalo QT con el intervalo TQ que lo precede y con el intervalo QT del ciclo cardiaco precedente. Siguiendo esta similitud, un modelo paramétrico de curva de restitución, extraído de un modelo de PA a tres corrientes iónicas, es ajustado a la curva de restitución del ECG con el fin de estimar los parámetros del modelo de PA. Este modelo es finalmente simulado estimulándolo con un tren de impulsos de frecuencia igual a la frecuencia cardiaca del sujeto experimentado. Los resultados muestran que la curva de restitución obtenida experimentalmente a partir del ECG es similar a la obtenida a partir de la simulación del modelo de PA. Más aún, el APD simulado del modelo sigue de forma satisfactoria la variación en el tiempo del intervalo QT del sujeto experimentado. Esto abre nuevas perspectivas en el análisis de la actividad celular a partir de registros ECG estándar.

The main purpose of this paper is to relate cellular cardiac electrical activity with the cardiac electrical activity measured in only one electrocardiogram (ECG) lead, through a cellular action potential (AP) parametrical model. This is performed by relating known dynamics, which can be mathematically modeled, existing at a cardiac cell level, to dynamics which can be obtained from a standard ECG recording. The main cellular dynamic used for relating with the ECG is the one known as three dimensional cellular restitution curve, which relates the action potential duration (APD) with its preceding diastolic interval and with the APD of the preceding cardiac cycle. Similar restitution curves were found in ECG signals recorded under the isometric handgrip test by relating the QT interval with its preceding TQ interval and with the QT interval of the preceding cardiac cycle. Following this similarity, a parametrical restitution curve, derived from a three ionic current cellular AP model was fitted to the ECG restitution relation for AP model parameter estimation. This model is finally simulated by stimulating it with an impulse train of frequency similar to the heart rate of the tested subject. The results show that the restitution curve experimentally obtained from the ECG is similar to the one obtained from de AP model simulation. Moreover the simulated APD follows satisfactorily the QT interval time variation of the tested subject. This opens new perspectives for the analysis of cellular cardiac electrical activity from standard ECG recordings.

Springerplus ; 1: 17, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23961348


A cytological analysis of the microsporogenesis was carried out in the Agave tequilana and A. angustifolia species. Several abnormalities such as chromosomal bridges, lagging chromosomes, micronuclei, monads, dyads and triads were found. The morphological analysis of the pollen, together with the above-mentioned 2n microspores, allowed us to confirm the presence of 2n pollen as well as its frequency. In both A. tequilana and A. angustifolia two different mechanisms were observed: the first mechanism, a failure in the cytokinesis in meiosis II caused the formation of dyads with two 2n cells and triads containing two n cells and one 2n cell; the second mechanism, involves an abnormal spindle, which caused the formation of triads with two n cells and one 2n cell. Likewise, the presence of monads was detected in both species, these, might be caused by a failure of the cytokinesis in both meiotic divisions. This is the first report about the presence of a Second Division Restitution mechanism (SDR) which causes the formation of 2n pollen in the genus Agave. The genetic implications of the presence of 2n pollen in the genus Agave are discussed.