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Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 165(1): 375-381, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38362912


In September 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court issued a decision disallowing any federal or local judicial authority to indict someone for the offense of voluntary or consensual abortion. This decision also declared unconstitutional penalties imposed on medical personnel who facilitate or assist such procedures. Furthermore, the Court decided that limiting access to abortion in cases of rape to a specific time frame was disproportionate. Later on, in September 2023, the Supreme Court confirmed that absolute criminalization of abortion was unconstitutional and declared that the rule supporting criminalization in the Federal Penal Code was without effects. Consequently, healthcare providers who work in public federal health institutions cannot be criminalized for guaranteeing the right to abortion. This article reviews the reasons advanced by the Supreme Court to guarantee the right of reproductive self-determination, as well as the effects of both decisions beyond the decriminalization of abortion by Mexican federal and state legislatures. The paper also examines the scope and limitations of these rulings and identifies the remaining challenges regarding voluntary abortion procedures in Mexico.

Abortion, Induced , Rape , Pregnancy , Female , Humans , United States , Mexico , Abortion, Legal , Reproduction
Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 20(1): 20-23, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37481339


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Termination of pregnancy in patients with rheumatic diseases is controversial and a bioethical analysis is rarely performed. In this study we analysed the case of a pregnant patient with lupus nephritis unresponsive to treatment, for whom termination of pregnancy is considered. METHODS: The integrative model was applied combining different normative ethical theories. RESULTS: From a utilitarian perspective, termination of pregnancy is justifiable, seeking the greatest benefit for the greatest number of stakeholders. Deontology justifies both terminating and continuing the pregnancy, focusing on the action itself and on autonomy. In virtue ethics the importance of decisions rests with the person who performs the action seeking flourishing; termination of pregnancy would be justifiable. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Interruption of pregnancy is a justifiable solution following the integrative model. Bioethical analysis of paradigmatic cases is essential to ensure the best possible action and as a precedent for future similar situations in rheumatology.

Abortion, Induced , Lupus Nephritis , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Abortion, Induced/ethics
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; Ginecol. obstet. Méx;91(5): 317-323, ene. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506266


Resumen OBJETIVO: Describir y comparar las características obstétricas de pacientes puérperas, con anemia, con finalización del embarazo por parto o cesárea. MATERIALES Y METODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, descriptivo y comparativo de pacientes con anemia en el puerperio de parto y de cesárea atendidas en el Hospital de Lircay de Huancavelica en el año 2020. Se aplicó la técnica del análisis documental y el instrumento fue una ficha de recolección de datos. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 162 partos y 46 cesáreas. En las características patológicas se encontró una diferencia significativa: anemia en el embarazo (112 de 162; 69.1% posparto y 23 de 46 [50% de poscesárea]), trastornos hipertensivos (4 de 162; 2.5% postparto y 8 de 46 [7.4% de poscesárea]), hemorragias de la segunda mitad del embarazo (2 de 162 [1.2% de postparto] y 4 de 46 [8.7% poscesárea]). En cuanto al grado de anemia se encontró diferencia significativa en ambos grupos en relación con el grado moderado (89 de 162 [54.9%] postparto y 33 de 46 [71.7%] en poscesárea). CONCLUSIONES: En la frecuencia de anemia puerperal se encontró una diferencia conforme al tipo de finalización del embarazo. La edad, grado de escolaridad, anemia gestacional, trastorno hipertensivo, hemorragia de la segunda mitad de embarazo y la placenta previa se identificaron como factores con diferencias significativas en la anemia, según el tipo de finalización del embarazo.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To describe and compare the obstetric characteristics of postpartum patients with anemia, with termination of pregnancy by delivery or cesarean section. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, observational, descriptive and comparative study of patients with anemia in the postpartum period after childbirth and cesarean section attended at the Lircay Hospital in Huancavelica in 2020. The documentary analysis technique was applied and the instrument was a data collection form. RESULTS: A total of 162 deliveries and 46 cesarean sections were analyzed. In the pathological characteristics a significant difference was found: anemia in pregnancy (112 of 162; 69.1% postpartum and 23 of 46 [50% post cesarean]), hypertensive disorders (4 of 162; 2.5% postpartum and 8 of 46 [7.4% post cesarean]), hemorrhages in the second half of pregnancy (2 of 162 [1.2% postpartum] and 4 of 46 [8.7% post cesarean]). Regarding the degree of anemia, a significant difference was found in both groups in relation to moderate degree (89 of 162 [54.9%] postpartum and 33 of 46 [71.7%] postcesarean section). CONCLUSIONS: In the frequency of puerperal anemia, a difference was found according to the type of termination of pregnancy. Age, level of education, gestational anemia, hypertensive disorder, hemorrhage in the second half of pregnancy and placenta previa were identified as factors with significant differences in anemia, according to the type of termination of pregnancy.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);27(4): 1525-1534, abr. 2022. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374912


Resumo A Lei 16/2007 representou um marco na luta pelos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos das cidadãs portuguesas, instituindo a possibilidade da exclusão da ilicitude para as interrupções voluntárias da gestação, realizadas até a décima semana, por solicitação das mulheres. Através de uma pesquisa descritivo-analítica, objetivou-se conhecer a opinião das cidadãs e de investigadoras (atuantes na causa), frente a esse processo e às transformações que dele decorreram, com ênfase no contexto atual. Entre março e setembro de 2020 foram realizadas 12 entrevistas, divididas em duas etapas. Ao serem precedidas as técnicas da Análise de Discurso, chegou-se à existência de alguns pontos frágeis, como a incerteza sobre o acesso, a presença de julgamentos e as limitações interpostas pela objeção da consciência, que refletem as necessidades de ampliação das semanas gestacionais permitidas para a interrupção. Houve um reconhecimento quanto à segurança nos procedimentos, na liberdade das mulheres diante das suas escolhas, na maior abertura para o diálogo, fato este que contribuiu conjuntamente com o reforço no planejamento familiar. Para além dessas construções, novas demandas foram situadas.

Abstract Law 16/2007 represented a milestone in the quest for sexual and reproductive rights of Portuguese citizens, instituting the possibility of excluding all illegality for voluntary termination of pregnancy, performed until the 10th week, at the request of the women involved. Using a descriptive-analytical research, the objective was to establish the opinion of citizens and researchers (active in the cause), in the course of this process and the transformations that resulted from it, with emphasis on the current context. Between March and September, 12 interviews were conducted, divided into two stages. When the Discourse Analysis techniques were analyzed, there were some weak points, such as the uncertainty about access, the presence of judgments and the limitations interposed by the conscientious objectors, which reflect the need to expand the allowed gestational period for termination. There was recognition of security in procedures, women's freedom in their choices, greater openness to dialogue, a fact that contributed jointly with the strengthening of family planning. In addition to these constructions, new demands were configured.

Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 22(1): 83-96, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423993


Resumen: Si bien la interrupción terapéutica del embarazo en los casos de fetos anencefálicos ha sido ampliamente discutida, y se han llegado a conclusiones éticas que la justifican (si no existe contraindicación médica y se obtiene el consentimiento informado de la mujer), es importante reevaluar el tema. Por ello, se deben contrastar los principios bioéticos con sentencias judiciales de fenómenos jurídicos que están surgiendo en el mundo, y que pueden provocar cambios en los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. No obstante, esto no debe implicar un cambio en los argumentos bioéticos. Asimismo, debido al resurgimiento a nivel global de un conservadurismo moral, que propone un planteamiento en torno a la objeción de conciencia, se torna imperativo analizar desde la perspectiva bioética si la misma puede ser invocada en casos de interrupción terapéutica del embarazo. Para ello, se deberían ponderar los principios bioéticos y utilizar una bioética laica, pluralista y basada en ética de mínimos, la cual busque la dignidad de las personas que enfrentan una gestación de fetos anencefálicos. En ese sentido, la objeción de conciencia no debería utilizarse como instrumento para negar la atención a estas personas.

Abstract: Although the therapeutic interruption of pregnancy in cases of anencephalic fetuses has been widely discussed, and ethical conclusions have been reached that justify it (if there is no medical contraindication and the informed consent of the woman is obtained), it is important to reassess the issue. Hence, bioethical principles must be contrasted with judicial rulings on legal phenomena that are emerging in the world, and that can cause changes in sexual and reproductive rights. However, this should not imply a change in the bioethical arguments. Likewise, due to the global resurgence of moral conservatism, which proposes an approach regarding conscientious objection, it becomes imperative to analyze, from a bioethical perspective, if it can be invoked in cases of therapeutic interruption of pregnancy. To do this, bioethical principles should be weighed and a secular, pluralistic bioethics based on minimum ethics should be used, which seeks the dignity of persons facing an anencephalic fetus gestation. In this sense, conscientious objection should not be used as an instrument to deny care to these individuals.

Resumo: Embora a interrupção terapêutica da gravidez nos casos de fetos anencéfalos tenha sido amplamente discutida e tenham chegado a conclusões éticas que a justifiquem (se não houver contraindicação médica e for obtido o consentimento informado da mulher), é importante reavaliar a questão . Por isso, os princípios bioéticos devem ser contrastados com as decisões judiciais sobre fenômenos jurídicos que estão surgindo no mundo e que podem causar mudanças nos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. No entanto, isso não deve implicar uma mudança nos argumentos bioéticos. Da mesma forma, devido ao ressurgimento global do conservadorismo moral, que propõe uma abordagem em torno da objeção de consciência, torna-se imperativo analisar na perspectiva bioética se ela pode ser invocada nos casos de interrupção terapêutica da gravidez. Para tanto, deve-se pesar os princípios bioéticos e utilizar uma bioética laica, pluralista, pautada na ética mínima, que busque a dignidade das pessoas diante da gestação de feto anencéfalo. Nesse sentido, a objeção de consciência não deve ser utilizada como instrumento para negar atenção a essas pessoas.

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (34): 46-67, jan.-abr. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139630


Resumen Desde hace casi un siglo el código penal argentino incluye situaciones en las que el aborto no está penalizado: riesgo para la salud y embarazo producto de violación. Sin embargo, su implementación ha sido inexistente hasta recientemente. Este estudio cualitativo exploró las experiencias de mujeres que accedieron a un aborto legal con el fin de analizar los recorridos que transitan e identificar los modos en que el estigma se percibe, manifiesta y procesa. Las mujeres parten del supuesto de que el aborto es siempre ilegal y "descubren" la legalidad después de recorrer un laberinto plagado de estigma, riesgo, frustración y desesperación. Las situaciones de mayor angustia no se vinculan a la decisión de interrumpir el embarazo sino al recorrido tortuoso que deben transitar. La "legalidad oculta" es causa y consecuencia del estigma vinculado al aborto.

Abstract For nearly a century Argentina's penal code has included two exceptions in which abortion is permitted: health risk and rape. However, the implementation of legal abortion has been nearly nonexistent until recently. This qualitative study explored the experiences of women who accessed legal abortions in Argentina. It sought to analyze the paths they must walk through and to identify the ways in which stigma is perceived, manifested and processed. All women interviewed started searching for clandestine solutions to their unwanted pregnancy assuming abortion was always illegal. They "discovered" legality after walking through a path marked by stigma, risk, frustration and despair. Distress is not linked to the decision to end the pregnancy but is rather a result of the path they wander through. The "hidden legality" is a cause and consequence of abortion stigma.

Resumo Por quase um século, o código penal argentino inclui situações nas quais o aborto não penalizado: risco à saúde e gravidez resultante de estupro. No entanto, sua implementação não existia até recentemente. Este estudo qualitativo explorou as experiências de mulheres que acessaram um aborto legal, a fim de analisar as jornadas pelas quais passam e identificar as maneiras pelas quais o estigma é percebido, manifestado e processado. As mulheres assumem que o aborto é sempre ilegal e "descobrem" a legalidade depois de passar por um labirinto cheio de estigma, risco, frustração e desespero. As situações mais angustiantes não estão ligadas à decisão de interromper a gravidez, mas à jornada tortuosa pela qual devem passar. A "legalidade oculta" é causa e consequência do estigma associado ao aborto.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Women's Health , Abortion, Legal , Pregnant Women , Social Stigma , Life Change Events , Argentina , Women's Health Services , Risk , Interviews as Topic , Qualitative Research , Personal Narrative , Psychological Distress
Medisan ; 24(1)ene.-feb. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1091171


La anomalía de Ebstein es una rara enfermedad que consiste en un espectro variable de anomalías, resultado de una implantación anormal de la válvula tricúspide en el ventrículo derecho; por tal razón, es considerada una afección grave e incurable que origina una tendencia a la terminación voluntaria del embarazo como opción reproductiva en el marco del asesoramiento genético prenatal. Los adelantos en el diagnóstico y control clinicoquirúrgico de esta enfermedad han garantizado el incremento de la supervivencia y una mejor calidad de vida en estos pacientes. Además, han permitido ajustar factores clínicos que implican su evolución y pronóstico. Se realizan algunas valoraciones, a fin de proveer los argumentos necesarios que permitan a la pareja elegir un curso de acción apropiado con vistas a los riesgos y objetivos familiares basados en los principios éticos del asesoramiento genético.

Ebstein anomaly is a strange disease that consists on a variable spectrum of anomalies, due to an abnormal installation of the tricuspid valve in the right ventricle; reason why, it is considered a serious and incurable disorder that originates a tendency to the voluntary termination of pregnancy as reproductive option in the mark of prenatal genetic advice. The advances in the diagnosis and clinical surgical control of this disease have guaranteed the increment of survival and a better life quality in these patients. Also, they have allowed to adjust clinical factors that involve its clinical course and prognosis. Some valuations are carried out, in order to provide the necessary arguments that allow the couple to choose an appropriate action course aimed at the risks and family objectives based on the ethical principles of the genetic advice.

Ebstein Anomaly , Genetic Counseling , Abortion, Induced
Vertex ; XXXI(149): 27-33, 2020 Feb 28.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36047880


Introduction: The goal of this research is to learn the opinions and attitudes towards pregnancy interruption among Mental Health professionals in Argentina, taking into account the current Congress debate. In order to achieve the goal, the research team designed a questionnaire applied among mental health providers at the XXXIII Argentinian Psychiatry Congress, Asociación de Psiquiatras Argentinos (APSA). Results: 91.8% of the participants responded to be informed on current parliamentary discussion on voluntary pregnancy interruption (termination). 83.5% of Mental Health providers who answered the survey agree to decriminalize abortion. Conclusions: Given that the consequences of changing the current legislation would have an impact in Public Health, we believe that these results should be taken into account in the current debate.

Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 45(3): e483, jul.-set. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093658


Introducción: La morbilidad materna extremadamente grave constituye un indicador de calidad de los cuidados maternos y es uno de los temas que más atención ha tenido a nivel mundial debido a su estrecha relación con la mortalidad materna. Objetivo: Caracterizar epidemiológicamente gestantes con morbilidad materna extremadamente grave atendidas en el Hospital Ginecobstétrico Ramón González Coro en La Habana, Cuba. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y retrospectivo, cuya muestra fueron las 220 gestantes que evolucionaron hacia la gravedad en el cuatrienio 2014- 2017. Se procesó la información mediante estadística descriptiva y se determinaron intervalos de confianza para proporciones de características que se consideraron relevantes. Resultados: La edad materna promedio fue de 30 años y se detectó 16 por ciento de anemia a la captación. Se reportó una ganancia de peso anormal en 37 por ciento de las gestantes. El 75 por ciento tuvo indicación de cesárea para la terminación del embarazo por preeclampsia grave, hematoma retroplacentario o cesárea anterior. La edad gestacional promedio fue de 36,2 semanas. El 35 por ciento presentó complicaciones ante parto y 39 por ciento posparto. Las afecciones más frecuentes fueron la preeclampsia grave, la atonía uterina y el hematoma retroplacentario y las complicaciones fueron fallos hepáticos, renales y síndrome de poli transfusión y aunque no se reportó mortalidad materna, la secuela más importante fue la histerectomía y su consecuencia sobre la fertilidad. Conclusiones: Predominaron trastornos hemorrágicos e hipertensivos, seguidos de los placentarios, y las secuelas fueron histerectomía e infertilidad. No se reportó mortalidad materna(AU)

Introduction: Extremely severe maternal morbidity is an indicator of maternal care quality and it is one of the topics that has received the most attention worldwide due to the close relationship with maternal mortality. Objective: To epidemiologically characterize pregnant women with extremely severe maternal morbidity in patients treated at González Coro Gyneco-Obstetric Hospital in Havana, Cuba. Methods: A descriptive, observational and retrospective study was conducted in 220 pregnant women who evolved towards severity in the four-year period 2014-2017. Information was processed using descriptive statistics. Confidence intervals were determined for proportions of characteristics that were considered relevant. Results: The average maternal age was 30 years and 16 percent of anemia was detected at preganancy uptake. An abnormal weight gain was reported in 37 percent of pregnant women. 75 percent had an indication of caesarean section for termination of pregnancy due to severe preeclampsia, retroplacental hematoma or previous caesarean section. The average gestational age was 36.2 weeks. Complications before childbirth were seen in 35% and 39% in postpartum. The most frequent conditions were severe preeclampsia, uterine atony and retroplacental hematoma. Complications were hepatic, renal and polytransfusion syndrome and although maternal mortality was not reported, the most important sequel was hysterectomy and the consequence on fertility. Conclusions: Hemorrhagic and hypertensive disorders predominated, followed by placentals, and the sequelae were hysterectomy and infertility. No maternal mortality was reported(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Maternal Health/statistics & numerical data , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 17(1)ene.-jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536492


Este trabajo toma el caso mexicano de la exigencia legal de comités de bioética: comités hospitalarios de bioética ([CHB], comités de ética asistencial o comités de ética clínica) y los comités de ética en investigación (CEI); la Ley General de Salud hace obligatorios esos comités desde una modificación en 2011. La literatura refiere que los comités de bioética cuentan con tres funciones básicas: educativa, consultiva y normativa; por su parte el marco legal vigente retoma elementos teóricos importantes, uno de ellos corresponde a las funciones de los comités de bioética. Adicionalmente, profundiza en el análisis de la función educativa, toda vez que una buena parte de la literatura disponible se dirige a la función consultiva. Asimismo, se realizan algunas propuestas sobre contenidos en materia educativa. Así pues, es posible organizar grupos de problemas éticos en torno al inicio de la vida humana y problemas éticos alrededor del final de la vida humana. Efectivamente, hay muchos problemas éticos toda la vida, pero entrar o salir de la vida parece ser más conflictivo desde el punto de vista ético.

This paper takes the Mexican case of the legal requirement of bioethics committees: hospital bioethics committees (CHB; healthcare ethics committees or clinical ethics committees), and ethics committees in research (CEI). The General Health Law makes these committees compulsory since a modification in 2011. The literature says that bioethics committees have at least three basic functions: educational, advisory and normative. For its part, the current legal framework takes up important theoretical elements. One of which corresponds to the functions of bioethics committees. Also, it delves into the analysis of the educational function, since much of the available literature addresses the advisory role. Likewise, some proposals are made regarding contents in educational matters. Thus it is possible to organize groups of ethical problems around the beginning of human life and ethical problems around the end of human life. Indeed, there are many ethical problems along life, but getting in or out of life seems to be more controversial from the ethical point of view.

O presente trabalho pega o caso mexicano da exigência legal de comissões de bioética: comissões hospitalares de bioética (CHB; comissões de ética assistencial ou comissões de ética clinica) e os comissões de ética em investigação (CEI); a Lei Geral da Saúde torna obrigatórios estas comissões a partir de uma modificação em 2011. A literatura refere que as comissões de bioética têm três funções básicas: educativa, consultiva e de regulamentos; por sua vez, o quadro jurídico em vigor retoma elementos teóricos importantes, um deles corresponde às funções das comissões de bioética. Além disso, aprofunda na análise da função educativa, toda vez que uma grande parte da literatura disponível dirige-se à função consultiva. Além disso, realizam-se algumas propostas sobre os conteúdos referentes à educação. Assim então, é possível organizar grupos de questões éticas em torno a o início da vida humana e questões éticas em torno a o fim da vida humana. Na verdade, existem muitos problemas éticos a vida toda, mas entrar ou sair da vida parece ser mais controverso do ponto de vista ético.

Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 134 Suppl 1: S12-5, 2016 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27577019


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the implementation of the law that liberalizes voluntary abortion in Uruguay and enables health services to offer these services to the population. METHODS: The legal and regulatory provisions are described and the national data-provided by the Ministry of Public Health's National Information System (SINADI)-on the number of voluntary terminations of pregnancy, the abortion method (medical or surgical), and whether it was performed as an outpatient or inpatient are analyzed. To determine complications, the number of maternal deaths and admissions to intensive care units for pregnant women was used. The study period ran from December 1, 2012, to December 31, 2014. RESULTS: A total of 15 996 abortions were performed during the study period; only 1.2% were surgical and 98.8% were medical. Of the latter, only 3.4% required hospitalization. Less than half of the pregnancies were terminated up to 9weeks of gestation and 54% were at 10 to 12weeks in a sample from the Pereira Rossell Hospital. CONCLUSION: The rapid nationwide rollout of voluntary termination of pregnancy services to all women was possible to a large degree thanks to the availability and broad acceptance of medical abortion, facilitated by the prior experience in applying the risk and harm reduction strategy.

Abortion, Legal/statistics & numerical data , Health Plan Implementation/statistics & numerical data , Health Policy/legislation & jurisprudence , Maternal Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Abortion, Legal/legislation & jurisprudence , Abortion, Legal/methods , Female , Gestational Age , Humans , Maternal Health Services/legislation & jurisprudence , Pregnancy , Uruguay
Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 134 Suppl 1: S16-9, 2016 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27577020


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the attitudes and behavior of gynecologists in Uruguay with respect to the right to conscientious objection that is included in the law concerning voluntary termination of pregnancy. METHODS: The relevant laws and decrees, academic articles, legal or administrative claims, and the positions published by the institutions representing physicians or by groups of gynecologists were analyzed. RESULTS: In general, the institutions positioned themselves in favor of correct application of conscientious objection and the immense majority of gynecologists followed this conduct. Small groups mounted a strong opposition and in one department (province) all gynecologists declared themselves to be objectors. CONCLUSION: Most gynecologists, whether or not they are objectors, proved to have a "loyalty to duty," fulfilling their primary obligation to abide by the ethical duty to give treatment to the persons who need it. A small group used conscientious objection to impede the provision of care to the women who needed the service, some group members being genuine objectors and others pseudo-objectors.

Abortion, Legal/psychology , Gynecology/ethics , Health Plan Implementation/ethics , Moral Obligations , Refusal to Treat , Abortion, Legal/ethics , Abortion, Legal/legislation & jurisprudence , Female , Gynecology/legislation & jurisprudence , Health Plan Implementation/legislation & jurisprudence , Humans , Male , Pregnancy , Uruguay
Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 134 Suppl 1: S24-7, 2016 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27577022


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect on adolescent fertility in Montevideo of the Uruguayan law on the voluntary termination of pregnancy that was passed in 2012. METHODS: The change in the number of births to teenage mothers between 2010 and 2014 was analyzed, along with their characteristics before and after decriminalization of abortion. RESULTS: Descriptive analysis of abortion before and after decriminalization showed that there was no reduction, during the period analyzed, in adolescent fertility, nor any changes in the distribution of births. CONCLUSION: The normative change brought about by the law on the voluntary termination of pregnancy was not associated with any substantial change in the reproductive behavior of adolescents in Montevideo. We recommend that this analysis is taken further with impact evaluation methodologies.

Abortion, Legal/statistics & numerical data , Birth Rate/trends , Health Policy/trends , Pregnancy in Adolescence/statistics & numerical data , Abortion, Legal/legislation & jurisprudence , Adolescent , Female , Health Policy/legislation & jurisprudence , Humans , Pregnancy , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Uruguay , Young Adult
J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med ; 29(23): 3762-7, 2016 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26821254


OBJECTIVE: To assess the maternal complications in pregnant women with fetuses with several congenital anomaly as well as the predictor variables for the termination of pregnancy. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study with 94 medical records of pregnant women with fetal infeasibility confirmed in the postnatal period by clinical, radiological or anatomopathological exams. To compare the categorical variables regarding the termination and nontermination of pregnancy, we used analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Mann-Whitney U-test. To assess the variables that were more associated with the judicial request for the termination of pregnancy, we used logistic regression. RESULTS: The termination of pregnancy was performed in 41 (43.6%) and nontermination of pregnancy in 53 (56.4%) pregnant women. Pregnant women who did not terminate the pregnancy had more complications in the gestational period (p < 0.0001) and in the postpartum period (p = 0.0088). After multiple logistic regressions, the following variables influenced the decision to terminate the pregnancy: type of congenital anomaly (OR: 18.59; 95%CI: 1.96; 175.87) and living children (OR: 0.45; 95%CI: 0.25; 0.80). CONCLUSION: Most of the pregnant women with fetal infeasibility opted for nontermination of pregnancy and these patients had more obstetrical complications. The type of congenital anomaly and living children were the factors most associated with the choice for the termination of pregnancy.

Abortion, Eugenic/statistics & numerical data , Congenital Abnormalities/epidemiology , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Adult , Analysis of Variance , Brazil/epidemiology , Choice Behavior , Female , Humans , Nuclear Family , Pregnancy , Retrospective Studies , Risk , Statistics, Nonparametric , Young Adult
Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 134(S1): S24-S27, 2016 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28748585


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect on adolescent fertility in Montevideo of the Uruguayan law on the voluntary termination of pregnancy that was passed in 2012. METHODS: The change in the number of births to teenage mothers between 2010 and 2014 was analyzed, along with their characteristics before and after decriminalization of abortion. RESULTS: Descriptive analysis of abortion before and after decriminalization showed that there was no reduction, during the period analyzed, in adolescent fertility, nor any changes in the distribution of births. CONCLUSION: The normative change brought about by the law on the voluntary termination of pregnancy was not associated with any substantial change in the reproductive behavior of adolescents in Montevideo. We recommend that this analysis is taken further with impact evaluation methodologies.

Abortion, Legal/legislation & jurisprudence , Birth Rate/trends , Pregnancy in Adolescence/statistics & numerical data , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Adolescent , Adolescent Behavior , Female , Humans , Maternal Health Services , Pregnancy , Uruguay , Young Adult
Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 134(S1): S12-S15, 2016 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28748589


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the implementation of the law that liberalizes voluntary abortion in Uruguay and enables health services to offer these services to the population. METHODS: The legal and regulatory provisions are described and the national data-provided by the Ministry of Public Health's National Information System (SINADI)-on the number of voluntary terminations of pregnancy, the abortion method (medical or surgical), and whether it was performed as an outpatient or inpatient are analyzed. To determine complications, the number of maternal deaths and admissions to intensive care units for pregnant women was used. The study period ran from December 1, 2012, to December 31, 2014. RESULTS: A total of 15 996 abortions were performed during the study period; only 1.2% were surgical and 98.8% were medical. Of the latter, only 3.4% required hospitalization. Less than half of the pregnancies were terminated up to 9 weeks of gestation and 54% were at 10 to 12 weeks in a sample from the Pereira Rossell Hospital. CONCLUSION: The rapid nationwide rollout of voluntary termination of pregnancy services to all women was possible to a large degree thanks to the availability and broad acceptance of medical abortion, facilitated by the prior experience in applying the risk and harm reduction strategy.

Abortifacient Agents, Steroidal , Abortion, Induced/legislation & jurisprudence , Health Plan Implementation , Health Policy , Abortion, Induced/psychology , Abortion, Induced/statistics & numerical data , Female , Humans , Maternal Health Services , Pregnancy , Risk Reduction Behavior , Uruguay
Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 134(S1): S16-S19, 2016 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28748590


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the attitudes and behavior of gynecologists in Uruguay with respect to the right to conscientious objection that is included in the law concerning voluntary termination of pregnancy. METHODS: The relevant laws and decrees, academic articles, legal or administrative claims, and the positions published by the institutions representing physicians or by groups of gynecologists were analyzed. RESULTS: In general, the institutions positioned themselves in favor of correct application of conscientious objection and the immense majority of gynecologists followed this conduct. Small groups mounted a strong opposition and in one department (province) all gynecologists declared themselves to be objectors. CONCLUSION: Most gynecologists, whether or not they are objectors, proved to have a "loyalty to duty," fulfilling their primary obligation to abide by the ethical duty to give treatment to the persons who need it. A small group used conscientious objection to impede the provision of care to the women who needed the service, some group members being genuine objectors and others pseudo-objectors.

Abortifacient Agents, Steroidal , Abortion, Induced/legislation & jurisprudence , Attitude of Health Personnel , Moral Obligations , Refusal to Treat , Female , Gynecology/ethics , Health Services Accessibility , Humans , Maternal Health Services , Obstetrics/ethics , Pregnancy , Uruguay
Nurs Stand ; 29(52): 45-9, 2015 Aug 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26307317


Family planning gives individuals and couples control and choice over the number of children they have and the timing of their births. Developments in reproductive health have resulted in major changes in the options for family planning, providing more choice and control over fertility. This article explores reproductive health in the Republic of Cuba and the Republic of Ireland, with a focus on contraceptive use and termination of pregnancy as methods of family planning. The predominant religion in both countries is Catholicism, which promotes the right to life of the unborn child. The two countries have adopted different approaches to the availability of both contraception and termination of pregnancy. Cuba has offered free access to contraception and termination of pregnancy since the 1960s to reduce maternal mortality. In Ireland, contraception was not widely available until 1995 and termination of pregnancy is available only in extremely limited circumstances.

Abortion, Induced/statistics & numerical data , Contraception Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Family Planning Services/methods , Abortion, Induced/psychology , Contraception Behavior/psychology , Cuba , Female , Humans , Ireland , Pregnancy
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 12(3): 435-449, set.-dic. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-729539


El presente escrito estudiará la objeción de conciencia en un plano general, para luego analizarla en el marco de la praxis médica, con el fin de responder: ¿Qué constituye realmente la objeción de conciencia? ¿Cuál es su fundamento? ¿Quiénes la pueden alegar dentro del ejercicio de la medicina? ¿Qué prácticas pueden ser objeto de la objeción? ¿Cómo funciona la objeción dentro de un escenario de equipo médico? ¿Qué implicaciones legales tiene su aplicación en el campo médico-sanitario?, entre otros interrogantes.

This paper will study conscientious objection at a general level, and then analyze it in the context of medical practice, in order to answer questions such as what actually constitutes conscientious objection?, what is its basis?, who can claim it within the medical practice?, what practices may be subject to the objection?, how does the objection work within a medical team?, what are the legal consequences of applying it in the field of health care, among other questions.

O presente escrito estudará a objeção de consciência em um plano geral, para depois analisá-la no marco da práxis médica, com o fim de responder: Que constitui realmente a objeção de consciência? Qual é se fundamento? Quem pode alegá-la dentro do exercício da medicina? Quais práticas podem ser objeto da objeção? Como funciona a objeção dentro de um cenário de equipe médica? Que implicações legais tem sua aplicação no campo médico-sanitário?, entre outros interrogantes.

Humans , Culture , Physicians , Delivery of Health Care , Abortion , Jurisprudence
Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care ; 19(5): 359-67, 2014 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24981412


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the risk of developing a depression after induced abortion. METHODS: A prospective cohort study conducted in Curaçao which involved 92 women having an induced abortion and 37 women delivering after an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy, who served as controls. All participants completed the Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) scale before and two to three weeks after the abortion or delivery. RESULTS: Following the abortion, significantly fewer women were at risk of depression (30%) as compared to when still pregnant (60%). Mean depression scores were significantly lower after- than before the procedure. The likelihood of depression post-abortum (30%) was similar to that after delivery of an unplanned/unwanted child (22%). Even though women in the abortion group more often reported having suffered from depression in the past than controls, they were not at greater risk of depression after their pregnancy had ended. CONCLUSION: Curaçao women's risk of developing a depression following an (early) induced abortion is not greater than that after carrying to term an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy. We recommend that the results of this study be taken into account in case the Curaçao government should consider legalisation of induced abortion in the near future.

Abortion, Induced/psychology , Depression/etiology , Abortion, Induced/adverse effects , Adult , Female , Humans , Netherlands Antilles/epidemiology , Pregnancy , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young Adult