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Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(3): e20230521, Mar.2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557017


Resumo Fundamento: As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) têm ônus sanitário e econômico significativos. Na América do Sul (AS), a perda de produtividade relacionada a estas enfermidades ainda não foi bem explorada. Objetivo: Estimar os anos de vida produtiva perdidos (AVPP) e a perda de produtividade relacionados a mortalidade prematura associada as DCV na AS, em 2019. Métodos: Empregou-se dados de mortalidade disponíveis no Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 na estimativa da carga de doença atribuível a DCV. Para os cálculos monetários da perda da produtividade usou-se uma proxy da abordagem de capital humano. Estratificou-se por sexo, nas faixas etárias de trabalho. Resultados: O número total de mortes por DCV na AS no ano de 2019 foi de 754.324 e os AVPP foram 2.040.973. A perda permanente de produtividade total foi de aproximadamente US$ 3,7 bilhões e US$ 7,8 bilhões em paridade do poder de compra, equivalente a 0,11% do produto interno bruto. O custo por morte foi de US$ 22.904, e a razão desse custo por óbito, entre homens e mulheres foi 1,45. A variação dos cenários aponta robustez nas estimativas, mesmo com diferenças importantes entre os países. Conclusões: As DCV impõem um ônus econômico significativo a este bloco de países. A caracterização deste fardo pode amparar os governos na alocação de recursos destinados ao planejamento e execução de políticas e intervenções sanitárias, sejam de promoção, prevenção ou recuperação.

Abstract Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have significant health and economic burdens. In South America, the loss of productivity related to these diseases has not yet been well explored. Objective: Estimate the potentially productive years of life lost (PPYLL) and loss of productivity related to premature mortality associated with CVD in South America, in 2019. Methods: Mortality data available from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease Study were used to estimate the burden of disease attributable to CVD. For monetary calculations of productivity loss, a proxy of the human capital approach was used. Data were stratified by sex, in working age groups. Results: The total number of deaths due to CVD in South America in 2019 was 754,324, and the total number of PPYLL was 2,040,973. The total permanent loss of productivity was approximately US$ 3.7 billion and US$ 7.8 billion in purchasing power parity, equivalent to 0.11% of the gross domestic product. The cost per death was US$ 22,904, and the ratio between men and women for the cost per death was 1.45. The variation in scenarios indicates that the estimates are robust, even with important differences between countries. Conclusions: CVD impose a significant economic burden on countries in South America. The characterization of this burden can support governments in the allocation of resources for the planning and execution of health policies and interventions in promotion, prevention, and recovery.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 48: e41, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560378


RESUMEN Objetivo. 1) Describir la carga de la enfermedad renal crónica en países de América Latina entre 1990 y 2019 y, 2) estimar la correlación entre los años de vida saludables perdidos (AVISA) con el índice sociodemográfico y el índice de acceso y calidad de salud. Métodos. Análisis secundario y ecológico, basado en el Estudio de la Carga Global de Enfermedades, Lesiones y Factores de Riesgo 2019. Se reportaron las tasas estandarizadas de mortalidad, años perdidos por muertes prematuras (APMP), años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD) y AVISA por enfermedad renal crónica para 1990, 2005 y 2019. La información se desagregó por países, sexo, grupos etarios y subcausas. Resultados. Entre 1990 y 2019, la carga de la enfermedad renal crónica aumentó considerablemente en los países de América Latina, convirtiéndose en una de las principales causas de mortalidad y de AVISA. La tasa estandarizada de AVISA por enfermedad renal crónica se debió, en gran medida, al peso de las muertes prematuras más que a la discapacidad. En 2019, Nicaragua, El Salvador, México y Guatemala se destacaron por tener las tasas estandarizadas de mortalidad por enfermedad renal crónica y de AVISA más elevadas, mientras que Uruguay presentó las más bajas. Conclusiones. La enfermedad renal crónica es una epidemia invisibilizada que representa una carga excesiva, en mortalidad y AVISA, para los países de América Latina. Es indispensable aunar esfuerzos regionales para enfrentar la enfermedad, además de impulsar acciones locales que atiendan las particularidades de cada país.

ABSTRACT Objective. 1) Describe the burden of chronic kidney disease in Latin American countries between 1990 and 2019; and 2) Estimate the correlation between disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and the Sociodemographic Index and the Healthcare Access and Quality Index. Methods. Secondary and ecological analysis, based on the 2019 Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries and Risk Factors Study. Standardized mortality rates, years of life lost to due to premature death (YLLs),years of healthy life lost due to disability (YLDs) and DALYs due to chronic kidney disease were reported for 1990, 2005, and 2019. Information was disaggregated by country, sex, age group, and sub-cause. Results. Between 1990 and 2019, the burden of chronic kidney disease increased considerably in Latin American countries, becoming one of the main causes of mortality and DALYs. The standardized rate of DALYs for chronic kidney disease was largely due to the weight of premature deaths rather than disability. In 2019, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Mexico, and Guatemala had the highest standardized mortality rates for chronic kidney disease and DALYs, while Uruguay had the lowest. Conclusions. Chronic kidney disease is an invisible epidemic that places an excessive burden in terms of mortality and DALYs on Latin American countries. It is essential to join forces to tackle the disease in the region, and promote local actions that address the particularities of each country.

RESUMO Objetivo. 1) Descrever a carga da doença renal crônica nos países da América Latina entre 1990 e 2019 e 2) estimar a correlação entre os anos de vida saudável perdidos (AVISA), o índice sociodemográfico e o índice de acesso e qualidade da saúde. Métodos. Análise secundária e ecológica, baseada no estudo Carga Global de Doenças, Lesões e Fatores de Risco 2019 (GBD). Foram informadas taxas de mortalidade padronizadas, anos de vida perdidos por morte prematura (AVP) por morte prematura, anos de vida ajustados por incapacidade (AVAI) e AVISA devido a doença renal crônica de 1990, 2005 e 2019. Os dados foram desagregados por país, sexo, faixas etárias e causas subjacentes. Resultados. Entre 1990 e 2019, a carga de doença renal crônica aumentou consideravelmente nos países da América Latina, tornando-se uma das principais causas de mortalidade e de AVISA. A taxa padronizada de AVISA devido à doença renal crônica foi influenciada em grande parte pelo peso das mortes prematuras, e não da incapacidade. Em 2019, Nicarágua, El Salvador, México e Guatemala se destacaram por terem as maiores taxas padronizadas de mortalidade por doença renal crônica e AVISA, ao passo que Uruguai teve as menores taxas. Conclusões. A doença renal crônica é uma epidemia invisível, que representa uma carga excessiva em termos de mortalidade e de AVISA para os países da América Latina. É essencial unir esforços na região para combater a doença, além de promover ações locais que atendam às particularidades de cada país.

Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;159(6): 549-559, nov.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557790


Resumen Antecedentes: Se estima que los factores de riesgo ambientales (FRA) fueron responsables en 2019 de nueve millones de muertes en el mundo. Objetivo: A partir de datos del estudio Global Burden of Disease, se analizaron indicadores de pérdida de salud asociada a la exposición a FRA en México. Material y métodos: Se analizaron números absolutos y porcentajes poblacionales de muertes y años de vida saludable (AVISA) perdidos según sexo atribuidos a FRA seleccionados en los ámbitos nacional y estatal, así como las tendencias estandarizadas por edad de 1990 a 2021. Resultados: En 2021, la contaminación por material particulado en ambiente exterior mostró la mayor mortalidad y AVISA perdidos por los FRA seleccionados (42.2 y 38.1 %, respectivamente), seguida de la exposición a plomo (20.6 y 13.4 %) y temperatura baja (19.8 y 12.3 %). Ambos indicadores han disminuido en todos los FRA seleccionados, en magnitudes diferentes entre 1991 y 2021, excepto la temperatura alta. Conclusiones: A pesar de las disminuciones en los últimos 32 años, el material particulado en ambiente exterior mostró la mayor mortalidad y AVISA perdidos, seguido de la exposición a plomo. Es fundamental fortalecer las políticas de calidad del aire y exposición a plomo en México.

Abstract Background: It is estimated that environmental risk factors (ERF) were responsible for nine million deaths worldwide in 2019. Objective: Using data from the Global Burden of Disease study, indicators of health loss associated with exposure to ERF in Mexico were analyzed. Material and methods: Absolute numbers and population percentages of deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALY) lost attributed to selected ERFs were analyzed at the national and state level and by sex, as well as age-standardized trends from 1990 to 2021. Results: In 2021, ambient particulate matter pollution showed the highest mortality and DALYs lost attributed to selected ERFs (42.2 and 38.1% respectively), followed by lead exposure (20.6 and 13.4%) and low temperature (19.8 and 12.3%). Both indicators have decreased for all selected ERAs by different magnitudes between 1991 and 2021, except for high temperature. Conclusions: Despite decreases in the last 32 years, outdoor environment particulate matter showed the highest mortality and DALYs lost, followed by lead exposure. It is essential to strengthen air quality and lead exposure policies in Mexico.

Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;159(6): 599-613, nov.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557795


Resumen Antecedentes: Las enfermedades respiratorias (ER) se analizan individualmente, posiblemente con subestimación de su carga total. Objetivo: Analizar la carga de las ER en México para población de 20 años o más de 1990 a 2021. Material y métodos: Se presenta la carga de ER en México a partir de estimaciones del estudio Global Burden of Disease en cuanto a mortalidad y años de vida saludable (AVISA) perdidos que comprenden recuentos, tasas por 100 000 y tasas estandarizadas por edad. Las ER se categorizaron en enfermedades respiratorias crónicas (ERC), infecciones respiratorias y cánceres respiratorios. Resultados: En 2021, las ER causaron la muerte de 336 728 adultos mayores de 20 años, lo que representó 30.5 % del total de defunciones, incremento cercano al triple respecto a 2019, principalmente debido a COVID-19. Las ERC contribuyeron con 3.4 % del total de muertes, las infecciones respiratorias con 25.9 % y los cánceres respiratorios con 1.2 %. La mortalidad y AVISA perdidos por ERC se incrementaron persistentemente, con variaciones entre los estados. Las tasas de mortalidad ajustadas por edad de las ERC disminuyeron desde 1990, excepto las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales, que se incrementaron constantemente. Conclusión: Los significativos niveles de mortalidad y discapacidad debidos a enfermedades respiratorias en México exigen mejorar la prevención, investigación y abordar factores de riesgo como tabaquismo y contaminación, además de fomentar la capacitación médica continua.

Abstract Background: Respiratory diseases (RD) are often analyzed separately rather, possibly leading to an underestimation of their total burden. Objective: To analyze the burden of RD in Mexico for population aged 20 or older from 1990 to 2021. Material y methods: We present the burden of RD in Mexico based on estimates of the Global Burden of Disease study for mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), comprising counts, rates per 100,000, as well as age-standardized rates. RDs were categorized into three key groups: chronic respiratory diseases (CRD), respiratory infections (RI), and respiratory cancers. Results: In 2021, among those aged 20+, RDs were responsible for 336,728 deaths, which accounts for 30.5% of total deaths— a nearly threefold increase since 2019, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CRDs contributed with 3.4% of total deaths; RIs, with 25.9%; and respiratory cancers, with 1.2%. CRDs showed a continuous rise in deaths, crude mortality, and DALY rates across genders, with no signs of leveling. RD burden varied widely across states. Age-standardized CRD mortality rates have generally declined since 1990, except for interstitial lung diseases, which have consistently increased. Conclusion: The significant burden of mortality and disability due to RDs in Mexico underscores the necessity for enhanced prevention, research, and for addressing risk factors such as smoking and pollution. Ongoing healthcare training can help reduce RD burden.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535410


Introduction: Osteoporosis is a chronic disease characterized by a decrease in the density of bone mass, making bone more porous, less resistant and of lower quality than normal bone. This leads to the deterioration of its microstructure, making the bone more fragile and therefore increasing the risk of fracture. It has been found that high concentrations of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium promote the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus and thus increase mineral density. Due to the great social and economic impacts of osteoporosis, it is necessary to develop interventions that can be easily adopted at the population level, improving the quality of life of individuals without significantly affecting the health system. Objective: Assessing the impact of increased dairy consumption on the Colombian population diagnosed with osteoporosis between 2015 and 2020 through the simulation of the potential impact fraction (PIF). Methods: Using data from the Integrated Social Protection Information System (SISPRO) and National Nutritional Situation Survey (ENSIN), the incidence, the frequency of milk consumption, the potential impact fraction (PIF), and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were estimated. Results: A total of 63,640 cases of osteoporosis were identified. The highest incidence was observed in 2019. Seventeen food groups were identified in the ENSIN, and the most frequent products consumed by respondents over 50 years of age were milk, cheese, and yogurt. The PIF was then analysed, with a calcium intake of 600 mg/ day, and a significant difference in the decrease in the number of cases was observed. In 2019, a higher estimated DALY loss of 9.9 was observed. In women, years of life lost due to fractures were the highest in the 65-69 age group. In men, they were highest in the 75-79 age group. Discussion: We observed that the departments with the highest consumption of dairy products were the capital of the country and regions where dairy products factories are located. It was not possible to establish an association between socioeconomic strata and low dairy intake. Nevertheless, some authors have proposed that westernization of diets and low income reduce access to fresh fruits and milk derivates. Conclusion: Years lost due to disability increased in the population over 60 years of age. In the PIF analysis, a decrease in cases was observed when the population increased consumption of dairy products.

Introducción: La osteoporosis es una enfermedad crónica caracterizada por una disminución de la densidad de la masa ósea que hace que el hueso sea más poroso, menos resistente y de menor calidad que el hueso normal. Esto conduce al deterioro de su microestructura, por lo que el hueso se hace más frágil y, por lo tanto, aumenta el riesgo de fractura. Se ha encontrado que las altas concentraciones de Lactobacillus y Bifidobacterium promueven la absorción de minerales como calcio, magnesio y fósforo y, por lo tanto, aumentan la densidad mineral. Debido a los grandes impactos sociales y económicos de la osteoporosis, es necesario desarrollar intervenciones que puedan ser fácilmente adoptadas a nivel poblacional con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de los individuos sin afectar significativamente el sistema de salud. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto del aumento del consumo de lácteos en la población colombiana con diagnóstico de osteoporosis entre 2015 y 2020 mediante la simulación de la fracción de impacto potencial (PIF). Materiales y métodos: Estudio ecológico realizado en adultos mayores de 50 años con diagnóstico de osteoporosis. A partir de los registros del Sistema Integrado de Información de Protección Social (SISPRO) y la Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional (ENSIN), se estimó la incidencia, la frecuencia de consumo de leche, el PIF y los años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD). Resultados: Se identificaron un total de 63 640 casos de osteoporosis en SISPRO, la mayor incidencia se observó en 2019. Se establecieron 17 grupos de alimentos en la ENSIN, los productos más frecuentes consumidos en población mayor de 50 años fueron leche, queso y yogur. En el cálculo del PIF se encuentra que con una ingesta de calcio de 600 mg/día se reduciría significativamente el número de casos. En 2019 se observó una mayor pérdida estimada de AVAD de 9,9. En las mujeres, los años de vida perdidos debido a fracturas fueron más altos en el grupo de edad de 65 a 69 años. En los hombres, fue más alta en el grupo de edad de 75-79 años. Discusión: Observamos que los departamentos con mayor consumo de productos lácteos fueron la capital y las regiones donde se encuentran las fábricas de productos lácteos. No fue posible establecer una asociación entre los estratos socioeconómicos y la baja ingesta de lácteos. Sin embargo, algunos autores han propuesto que la occidentalización de las dietas y los bajos ingresos reducen el acceso a frutas frescas y derivados de la leche. Conclusión: Los años perdidos por discapacidad aumentaron en la población mayor de 60 años. En el análisis PIF, se observó una disminución en los casos (reducción de 2329 casos/ año) cuando la población aumentó el consumo de productos lácteos.

Health Sci Rep ; 6(11): e1617, 2023 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38028674


Background and Aims: The approach to the burden of disease is a demographic, economic, and a health problem, which requires the design and application of specific measures of cost of the disease, such as disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), to establish better public health policies in the pediatric population. The aim of this study is to approach the burden of disease in children with acute respiratory failure (ARF) through the calculation of DALYs. Methods: This study was conducted in the framework of a prospective, multicenter cohort in Bogotá, Colombia. Inclusion criteria were all pediatric patients admitted to the emergency department, hospitalization, and intensive care unit with respiratory distress; eligible patients were all those who developed ARF between April 2020 and December 2021. They were followed-up during hospitalization, at 30 and 60 days after admission. The Infant/Toddler Quality of Life Questionnaire and KIDSCREEN quality of life scales were applied for follow-up according to the age group. The results were used to calculate DALYs. Results: Six hundred and eighty-five eligible patients, 296 (43.08%) developed ARF, of these 22 (6.08%) patients died (mortality rate = 7.43%). The total DALYs was 277.164 years. For younger than 9 years, the DALYs were 302.64 years, while for older than 10 years were 40.49 years. Conclusion: ARF is one of the main causes of preventable mortality in pediatrics, its progression to respiratory failure is a highly prevalent condition in pediatric age, a condition that has a great impact on mortality, morbidity, and disability in our patients.

Int Urol Nephrol ; 55(9): 2155-2160, 2023 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37273013


PURPOSE: Prostate cancer (PC) is the second leading cause of cancer and the fifth cause of cancer-related death. This manuscript aims to determine the incidence, mortality, and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) trends of PC in the last 30 years in Latin America and Mexico. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional analysis of a publicly available data set. Data regarding the burden of prostate cancer in 20 Latin-American countries, and the 32 states of Mexico, were retrieved from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Collected information included incidence and mortality rates (per 100,000), as well as the DALYs as absolute numbers and rates (per 100,000) and the annual rates of change in rates from 1990 to 2019. RESULTS: In Latin America in males aged 55 years or older, the mean incidence rate was 344 cases per 100,000. The number of deaths attributable to prostate cancer observed was 67,110 and the mean mortality rate was 210 per 100,000. The overall burden of disease was 1,120,709 DALYs and the contribution of years of life lost (YLL) was 91.7% ([Formula: see text] = 1,027,946). Mexico presented an incidence rate (279.6) and mortality (99.1) rate (per /100 thousand). In Mexico, 13 states had a DALYs' rate above the national mean (883 per 100,000) and the highest burden (1360 DALYs/100,000) were documented in the state of Guerrero (Southwestern Mexico). CONCLUSION: Only two Latin-American countries (Brazil and Colombia) and eight states of Mexico showed a decreased trend about the rate of change of DALYs in the last 30 years.

Disability-Adjusted Life Years , Prostatic Neoplasms , Male , Humans , Mexico/epidemiology , Incidence , Latin America/epidemiology , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Global Burden of Disease , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prostatic Neoplasms/epidemiology , Global Health
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535913


Introduction: Liver diseases have a significant impact on global morbidity and mortality rates, primarily attributed to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. However, the true extent of their impact on patients, healthcare systems, and countries is often underestimated. Materials and methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study aimed to determine the economic burden associated with premature deaths caused by cirrhosis and primary liver cancer. The economic assessment was conducted by analyzing potentially productive years of life lost (PPYLL) due to liver diseases in Colombia between 2009 and 2016. Results and conclusions: The total burden of liver disease accounted for 687,861 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Men experienced a higher number of years of life lost from mortality (YLL), while women had a greater number of years lived with a disability (YLD). The economic burden of deaths caused by cirrhosis and primary liver cancer exceeded USD 8.6 million, highlighting the urgency to enhance intervention strategies ranging from promotion and prevention to timely diagnosis and treatment.

Introducción: la enfermedad hepática representa una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad a nivel mundial, principalmente por cirrosis y hepatocarcinoma; sin embargo, se subestima su impacto para el paciente, sistema de salud y el país. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal que determinó la carga económica asociada a las muertes prematuras por cirrosis y tumores primarios del hígado, mediante la valoración económica de los años productivos de vida potencialmente perdidos (APVPP) en Colombia y de enfermedad hepática en Colombia entre 2009 y 2016. Resultados y conclusiones: la carga total de enfermedad hepática representó 687,861 años de vida saludable perdidos ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD), los hombres con mayores años de vida perdidos por muerte prematura (APMP) y las mujeres con mayores años vividos con discapacidad (AVD). Las muertes por cirrosis y tumores primarios del hígado representan una carga económica que supera los 8,6 millones de dólares, lo cual refleja la necesidad de fortalecer las estrategias de intervención desde la promoción y prevención hasta el diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno.

Rev. enferm. Cent.-Oeste Min ; 13: 4981, jun. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1537202


Objetivos: Estimar Anos de Vida Perdidos Ajustados pela Incapacidade - DALY decorrentes de distúrbios musculoesqueléticos em profissionais de enfermagem nas unidades hospitalares de uma instituição oncológica. Métodos: Estudo ecológico, utilizando banco de dados institucionais. Valores absolutos de DALY foram transformados em taxas por 100 mil habitantes, e calculadas por categoria profissional, sexo e faixa etária. Resultados: Estimou-se 3,78 DALY (2.136/100 mil) entre todos os profissionais de enfermagem; entre Técnicos de enfermagem 2,62 DALY (2186//100 mil); e entre Enfermeiros 1,15 DALY (2024/100mil). Maior DALY ocorreu entre técnicos de enfermagem, sexo feminino, faixa etária de 50 a 59 anos, cujo valor é 0,98 (3.161/100mil). As Dorsopatias geraram mais DALY (1,97 DALY), destacando-se as lombalgias e cervicalgias. Dos diagnósticos encontrados, 54% referiam-se a Doenças Osteomusculares Relacionadas ao Trabalho, e apresentaram 2,62 DALY (69% do total de DALY). Conclusão: Houve uma grande quantidade de DALY decorrente de doenças musculoesqueléticas entre os profissionais de enfermagem da instituição.

Objectives: To estimate Disability-Adjusted Life Years Lost - DALY due to musculoskeletal disorders in nursing professionals in the hospital units of an oncology institution. Methods: Ecological study, using institutional database. Absolute DALY values were transformed into rates per 100,000 inhabitants and calculated by professional category, sex and age group. Results: It was estimated 3.78 DALY (2,136/100 thousand) among all nursing professionals, among Nursing Technicians 2.62 DALY (2186//100 thousand) and among Nurses 1.15 DALY (2024/100 thousand). Higher DALYs occurred among female nursing technicians, aged 50 to 59 years with 0.98 DALY (3,161/100,000). Dorsopathies generated more DALY (1.97 DALY), especially low back pain and neck pain. Of the diagnoses found, 54% referred to Work-Related Musculoskeletal Diseases, and presented 2.62 DALYs (69% of the total DALY). Conclusion: There was a large amount of DALY due tomusculoskeletal disorders among nursing professionals at the institution.

Objetivos: Estimar los Años de Vida Ajustados en función de la Discapacidad (AVAD) derivada de los trastornos musculoesqueléticos entre los profesionales de enfermería en centros de una institución de oncología. Métodos: Estudio ecológico, basado en datos institucionales.Los valores absolutos de AVAD encontrados se transformaron en tasas por 100.000 habitantes, y se calcularon según categoría profesional, sexo y grupo de edad. Resultados:Se estimaron 3,78 AVAD (2.136/100.000) entre los profesionales de enfermería; 2,62 AVAD (2186/100.000) entre los técnicos de enfermería; y 1,15 AVAD (2.024/100.000) entre los enfermeros. El mayor AVAD ocurrió entre los técnicos de enfermería, del sexo femenino, de entre 50 y 59 años de edad, con el valor de 0,98 (3.161/100.000). Las dorsopatías generaron más AVAD (1,97 AVAD), especialmente lumbalgia y cervicalgia. El 54% de losdiagnósticos se refieren a Enfermedades Musculoesqueléticas Relacionadas con el Trabajo, con 2,62 AVAD (69% del total de AVAD). Conclusión: Existe una alta carga de enfermedad musculoesquelética entre los profesionales de enfermería de la institución en estudio.

Humans , Male , Female , Musculoskeletal Diseases , Disability-Adjusted Life Years , Nursing, Team
Lancet Reg Health Am ; 21: 100483, 2023 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37065858


Background: Public health progress in the Americas has reduced the burden of many infectious diseases, helping more people live longer lives. At the same time, the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is increasing. NCD prevention rightly focuses on lifestyle risk factors, social, and economic determinants of health. There is less published information on the importance of population growth and aging to the regional NCD burden. Methods: For 33 countries in the Americas, we used United Nations population data to describe rates of population growth and aging over two generations (1980-2060). We used World Health Organization estimates of mortality and disability (disability-adjusted life years, DALYs) to describe changes in the NCD burden between 2000 and 2019. After combining these data resources, we decomposed the change in the number of deaths and DALYs to estimate the percentage change due to population growth, due to population aging, and due to epidemiological advances, measured by changing mortality and DALY rates. In a supplement, we provide a summary briefing for each country. Findings: In 1980, the proportion of the regional population aged 70 and older was 4.6%. It rose to 7.8% by 2020 and is predicted to rise to 17.4% by 2060. Across the Americas, DALY rate reductions would have decreased the number of DALYs by 18% between 2000 and 2019 but was offset by a 28% increase due to population aging and a 22% increase due to population growth. Although the region enjoyed widespread reductions in rates of disability, these improvements have not been sufficiently large to offset the pressures of population growth and population aging. Interpretation: The region of the Americas is aging and the pace of this aging is predicted to increase. The demographic realities of population growth and population aging should be factored into healthcare planning, to understand their implications for the future NCD burden, the health system needs, and the readiness of governments and communities to respond to those needs. Funding: This work was funded in part by the Pan American Health Organization, Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47: e68, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37066130


Objective: To identify the temporal trend in mortality and years of life lost to death or disability (DALY) due to motorcycle accidents in males from Latin America and the Caribbean from 2010 to 2019, using estimates produced by the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. Method: In this ecological study, the time series was analyzed using a piecewise linear regression model (joinpoint) to estimate and test the annual percent change and the average annual percent change with a 95% confidence interval. Results: The super-region defined by GBD 2019 as Latin America and the Caribbean ranked first globally in mortality and DALY for male motorcyclists aged 15-49 in 2019. Rates increased significantly from 2010 to 2013, with a significant reduction in both after this period. During the analyzed decade, the Tropical Latin America sub-region (Brazil and Paraguay) had the highest mortality and DALY rates in the population of interest; nevertheless, this was the only sub-region achieving a significant reduction in these rates. The Caribbean sub-region (Bermuda, Dominica, Suriname, Guyana, Belize, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Saint Kitts and Nevis, U.S. Virgin Islands, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Cuba e Jamaica) showed a significant increase in both rates over the same period, while Andean Latin America (Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru) and Central Latin America (Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, and Venezuela) remained stable. Conclusions: The data underscore the importance of developing surveillance actions aimed at preventing motorcycle accidents, since the observed declining rates are still insufficient to address the morbidity and mortality associated with road accidents as a public health problem.

Objetivo: Determinar la tendencia temporal de la mortalidad y los años de vida perdidos por muerte o ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD) de hombres por accidentes de motocicleta en América Latina y el Caribe en el período 2010-2019, a partir de las estimaciones del estudio de la carga mundial de enfermedades (CME). Métodos: En este estudio ecológico se analizaron las series temporales mediante el modelo de regresión lineal segmentada (joinpoint), con cálculo y comprobación del cambio porcentual anual y del cambio porcentual anual promedio, con un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Resultados: La región de América Latina y el Caribe definida por el estudio de la CME ocupó el primer lugar a nivel mundial en mortalidad y AVAD de motociclistas varones de 15 a 49 años en el 2019. Las tasas tuvieron un notable aumento del 2010 al 2013, y ambas registraron una reducción importante después de ese período. En la década analizada, la subregión de América Latina Tropical (Brasil y Paraguay) presentó las mayores tasas de mortalidad y de AVAD en la población de estudio, pero fue la única con una reducción importante de las mismas. La subregión del Caribe (Antigua y Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Bermudas, Cuba, Dominica, Granada, Guyana, Haití, Islas Vírgenes de Estados Unidos, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Saint Kits y Nevis, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Santa Lucía, Suriname, y Trinidad y Tabago) mostró un aumento importante de ambas tasas, mientras que América Latina Andina (Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú) y América Latina Central (Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá y Venezuela) se mantuvieron estables. Conclusiones: Los datos refuerzan la importancia de las actividades de vigilancia destinadas a prevenir los accidentes de motocicleta, puesto que la reducción observada de las tasas aún es insuficiente para abordar la morbimortalidad por accidentes de tráfico como problema de salud pública.

Trop Med Infect Dis ; 8(4)2023 Apr 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37104357


The transmission of the dengue virus in Mexico has historically been high, and its burden during the COVID-19 pandemic is currently not well understood. Our objective was to assess the burden of dengue-related disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) between 2020 and 2022. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of databases resulting from an epidemiological surveillance of vector-borne diseases and computed DALYs using the protocol of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study 2019. Our results showed that there were 218,807 incident cases of dengue during the study period, resulting in 951 deaths. The calculated DALYs (and their 95% confidence intervals) were 8121 (7897-8396), 4733 (4661-4820), and 8461 (8344-8605) in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively. The DALY rates (per 100,000) were 6.5 (6.3-6.6), 3.8 (3.7-3.9), and 6.7 (6.6-6.8), respectively. The rates for 2020 and 2022 were similar to the historical mean (6.4, p = 0.884), whereas the rate for 2021 was lower than the mean. Premature mortality (years of life lost, YLL) contributed to 91% of the total burden. Our findings suggest that dengue fever remained a significant cause of disease burden during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in terms of premature mortality.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37096565


OBJECTIVE: This article estimates the disease burden of 5q-SMA in Colombia by using the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) metric. METHODS: Epidemiological data were obtained from local databases and medical literature and were adjusted in the DisMod II tool. DALYs were obtained by adding years of life lost due to premature death (YLL) and years lived with disability (YLD). RESULTS: The modeled prevalence of 5q-SMA in Colombia was 0.74 per 100,000 population. The fatality rate for all types was 14.1%. The disease burden of 5q-SMA was estimated at 4,421 DALYs (8.6 DALYs/100,000), corresponding to 4,214 (95.3%) YLLs and 207 (4.7%) YLDs. Most of the DALYs were accounted in the 2-17 age group. Of the total burden, 78% correspond to SMA type 1, 18% to type 2, and 4% to type 3. CONCLUSIONS: Although 5q-SMA is a rare disease, it is linked to a significant disease burden due to premature mortality and severe sequelae. The estimates shown in this article are important inputs to inform public policy decisions on how to ensure adequate health service provision for patients with 5q-SMA.

Cost of Illness , Mortality, Premature , Humans , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Colombia/epidemiology , Chromosomes
Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res ; 23(5): 547-554, 2023 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36946473


OBJECTIVES: To estimate the burden of disease related to chronic pain in Ecuador. METHODS: We used Global Burden of Disease (GBD) methods to estimated disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) related to chronic pain in Ecuador related to lumbar pain, osteoarthritis, post-herpetic neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy, cancer-related pain, and other musculoskeletal pain. We estimated the prevalent cases by sex and age group using literature data. We only estimated years lived with disability using disability weights obtained from the GBD, with the assumption that no premature death would be related to pain. We used a prevalence-based approach to estimate cases by sex and age group using literature, without discounting or age adjustment. We calculated total DALYs and DALYs/100,000 inhabitants. RESULTS: Our estimated yielded a total of 3,644,108 patients with chronic pain. They would produce 256,090 DALYs or 1,483 DALYs/100,000 inhabitants attributable to chronic pain. Low back pain, osteoarthritis and cancer-related pain were the drivers of DALY production. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic pain is an important source of burden of disease. It is comparable to other important causes such as headaches, stroke, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, among others. Low back pain, osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal pain were the biggest contributors given their high prevalence.

Cancer Pain , Chronic Pain , Low Back Pain , Musculoskeletal Pain , Humans , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Chronic Pain/epidemiology , Chronic Pain/etiology , Ecuador/epidemiology , Global Burden of Disease , Global Health , Risk Factors , Life Expectancy
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535887


Introduction: Gastric cancer (GC) is the first cause of death by neoplasm in Colombia, with 6,451 deaths in 2020. This pathology and its chronic manifestations pose a public health challenge. The objective is to estimate the disease burden of GC in Tunja, Boyacá, from 2010 to 2019. Materials and methods: An exploratory ecological study was conducted using disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) as the unit of measurement. The National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) mortality databases and prevalence information from the Integrated Social Protection Information System (SISPRO) records were used. Deaths and GC cases were pooled and then adjusted to control for bias. Results: In 2010-2019, 34.2 DALYs were lost for every 1,000 people secondary to GC in Tunja, 30.5 were due to years lost due to premature death, and 3.72 were due to years lived with disability. DALYs due to premature death were found to exceed DALYs due to disability. Conclusion: The morbidity burden of GC from 2010 to 2019 for Tunja was similar to that of other cancers because of years of life lost due to premature death, so public health efforts should be made to increase early detection.

Introducción: el cáncer gástrico (CG) es la primera causa de muerte por neoplasia en Colombia, con 6451 muertes durante el 2020. Esta patología y sus manifestaciones crónicas plantean un desafío en la salud pública. El objetivo fue estimar la carga de enfermedad por CG en Tunja, Boyacá, durante los años 2010 a 2019. Metodología: se realizó un estudio ecológico exploratorio en el que se utilizó como unidad de medida los años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD). Se emplearon las bases de datos de mortalidad del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) e información de la prevalencia desde los registros del Sistema Integrado de Información de la Protección Social (SISPRO). Las muertes y los casos de CG se agruparon y luego se ajustaron para controlar sesgos. Resultados: en el período 2010-2019 se perdieron 34,2 AVAD por cada 1000 personas secundarios a CG en Tunja, de los cuales 30,5 fueron debido a años perdidos por muerte prematura y 3,72 por años vividos con discapacidad. Se encontró que los AVAD por muerte prematura superan a los AVAD por discapacidad. Conclusión: la carga de morbilidad por CG en el período 2010 a 2019 para la ciudad de Tunja fue similar a la carga de otros cánceres y fue debido a años de vida perdidos por muerte prematura, motivo por el cual se deben realizar esfuerzos de salud pública para aumentar la detección temprana.

Front Neurol ; 14: 1059169, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36846135


Introduction: Stroke is the second most common cause of death and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) globally. However, the incidence and impact of stroke by ethnicity and gender is frequently distinct. This is particularly the case in Ecuador where geographic and economic marginalization are often correlated with ethnic marginalization and the extent to which females lack the same opportunities as their male counterparts. The aim of this paper is to investigate the differential impacts in terms of stroke diagnosis and burden of disease by ethnicity and gender, using hospital discharge records over the years 2015-2020. Methods: This paper calculates stroke incidence, and fatality rates using hospital discharge and death records over the years 2015-2020. The DALY package in R was employed to calculate the Disability Adjusted Life Years lost due to stroke in Ecuador. Results: The results show that while the incidence rate of stroke in males (64.96 per 100,000 persons-year) is higher than that for females on average (57.84 per 100,000 persons-year), males accounted for 52.41% of all stroke cases and 53% of all surviving cases. Thus, hospital data suggests that females had a higher death rate when compared to males. Case fatality rates also differed significantly by ethnicity. The highest fatality rate corresponded to the Montubio ethnic group (87.65%), followed by Afrodescendants (67.21%). The estimated burden of disease of stroke calculated using Ecuadorian hospital records (2015-2020) varied from 1,468 to 2,991 DALY per 1,000 population on average. Discussion: Differences in the burden of disease by ethnic group are likely to reflect differential access to care by region and socio-economic group, both of which are frequently correlated with ethnic composition in Ecuador. Equitable access to health services remains an important challenge in the country. The gender discrepancy in fatality rates suggests that there is a need for targeted educational campaigns to identify stroke signs early, especially in the female population.

Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 36: e20220116, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430497


Abstract Background: Stroke is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the Southeast Region of Brazil, and it is impacted by socioeconomic conditions and the age of the population in the region. Objectives: The objective of this study was to estimate the burden of stroke in the adult population, for both sexes, in different age groups, in the Southeast Region of Brazil, in the year 2019. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with secondary data on stroke, obtained from the Department of Informatics of the Brazilian Unified Health System (DATASUS) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), to calculate years of life lost (YLL), years lived with disability (YLD), and disability-adjusted life years (DALY). Results: In the year 2019, in the Southeast Region of Brazil, a total of 713,132 DALY were estimated, 80% from YLD and 20% from YLL. The highest values were from the state of São Paulo, as it is the most populous state; in the female sex, due to the greater number of female inhabitants; and in the age group between 40 and 59 years. However, when adjusted to a rate of 100,000 inhabitants, the greatest impact was for the male sex in the state of Minas Gerais, mainly in the age group between 70 and 79 years. Conclusions: YLD were more relevant in the composition of DALY, due to higher stroke morbidity than mortality, and high stroke DALY burdens impact the economically active population in this region.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e68, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432083


RESUMO Objetivo. Identificar a tendência temporal da mortalidade e dos anos de vida perdidos por morte ou incapacidade (DALY) de homens por acidente motociclístico na América Latina e Caribe no período de 2010 a 2019, utilizando estimativas do estudo Global Burden of Disease (GBD). Métodos. Este estudo ecológico analisou a série temporal pelo modelo de regressão linear segmentada (joinpoint), estimando-se e testando-se a variação percentual anual e a variação percentual anual média, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados. A grande região da América Latina e Caribe definida pelo GBD ocupou o primeiro lugar global em mortalidade e DALY de motociclistas homens de 15 a 49 anos em 2019. As taxas aumentaram significativamente de 2010 a 2013, havendo redução significativa de ambas após esse período. Durante a década analisada, a sub-região da América Latina Tropical (Brasil e Paraguai) apresentou as maiores taxas de mortalidade e DALY na população em estudo, porém foi a única com redução significativa das mesmas; a sub-região do Caribe (Bermudas, Dominica, Suriname, Guiana, Belize, Bahamas, Porto Rico, Santa Lúcia, República Dominicana, Haiti, São Cristóvão e Névis, Ilhas Virgens/EUA, Granada, Trinidad e Tobago, Barbados, São Vicente e Granadinas, Antígua e Barbuda, Cuba e Jamaica) apresentou aumento significativo de ambas as taxas, enquanto América Latina Andina (Equador, Bolívia e Peru) e América Latina Central (Colômbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, México, Nicarágua, Panamá, Honduras e Venezuela) permaneceram estáveis. Conclusões. Os dados reforçam a importância das ações de vigilância destinadas à prevenção de acidentes motociclísticos, uma vez que os resultados de queda nas taxas ainda são insuficientes frente à morbimortalidade no trânsito como problema de saúde pública.

ABSTRACT Objective. To identify the temporal trend in mortality and years of life lost to death or disability (DALY) due to motorcycle accidents in males from Latin America and the Caribbean from 2010 to 2019, using estimates produced by the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. Method. In this ecological study, the time series was analyzed using a piecewise linear regression model (joinpoint) to estimate and test the annual percent change and the average annual percent change with a 95% confidence interval. Results. The super-region defined by GBD 2019 as Latin America and the Caribbean ranked first globally in mortality and DALY for male motorcyclists aged 15-49 in 2019. Rates increased significantly from 2010 to 2013, with a significant reduction in both after this period. During the analyzed decade, the Tropical Latin America sub-region (Brazil and Paraguay) had the highest mortality and DALY rates in the population of interest; nevertheless, this was the only sub-region achieving a significant reduction in these rates. The Caribbean sub-region (Bermuda, Dominica, Suriname, Guyana, Belize, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Saint Kitts and Nevis, U.S. Virgin Islands, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Cuba e Jamaica) showed a significant increase in both rates over the same period, while Andean Latin America (Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru) and Central Latin America (Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, and Venezuela) remained stable. Conclusions. The data underscore the importance of developing surveillance actions aimed at preventing motorcycle accidents, since the observed declining rates are still insufficient to address the morbidity and mortality associated with road accidents as a public health problem.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Determinar la tendencia temporal de la mortalidad y los años de vida perdidos por muerte o ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD) de hombres por accidentes de motocicleta en América Latina y el Caribe en el período 2010-2019, a partir de las estimaciones del estudio de la carga mundial de enfermedades (CME). Métodos. En este estudio ecológico se analizaron las series temporales mediante el modelo de regresión lineal segmentada (joinpoint), con cálculo y comprobación del cambio porcentual anual y del cambio porcentual anual promedio, con un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Resultados. La región de América Latina y el Caribe definida por el estudio de la CME ocupó el primer lugar a nivel mundial en mortalidad y AVAD de motociclistas varones de 15 a 49 años en el 2019. Las tasas tuvieron un notable aumento del 2010 al 2013, y ambas registraron una reducción importante después de ese período. En la década analizada, la subregión de América Latina Tropical (Brasil y Paraguay) presentó las mayores tasas de mortalidad y de AVAD en la población de estudio, pero fue la única con una reducción importante de las mismas. La subregión del Caribe (Antigua y Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Bermudas, Cuba, Dominica, Granada, Guyana, Haití, Islas Vírgenes de Estados Unidos, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Saint Kits y Nevis, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Santa Lucía, Suriname, y Trinidad y Tabago) mostró un aumento importante de ambas tasas, mientras que América Latina Andina (Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú) y América Latina Central (Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá y Venezuela) se mantuvieron estables. Conclusiones. Los datos refuerzan la importancia de las actividades de vigilancia destinadas a prevenir los accidentes de motocicleta, puesto que la reducción observada de las tasas aún es insuficiente para abordar la morbimortalidad por accidentes de tráfico como problema de salud pública.

Gac Med Mex ; 159(6): 532-542, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38386867


BACKGROUND: It is estimated that environmental risk factors (ERF) were responsible for nine million deaths worldwide in 2019. OBJECTIVE: Using data from the Global Burden of Disease study, indicators of health loss associated with exposure to ERF in Mexico were analyzed. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Absolute numbers and population percentages of deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALY) lost attributed to selected ERFs were analyzed at the national and state level and by sex, as well as age-standardized trends from 1990 to 2021. RESULTS: In 2021, ambient particulate matter pollution showed the highest mortality and DALYs lost attributed to selected ERFs (42.2 and 38.1% respectively), followed by lead exposure (20.6 and 13.4%) and low temperature (19.8 and 12.3%). Both indicators have decreased for all selected ERAs by different magnitudes between 1991 and 2021, except for high temperature. CONCLUSIONS: Despite decreases in the last 32 years, outdoor environment particulate matter showed the highest mortality and DALYs lost, followed by lead exposure. It is essential to strengthen air quality and lead exposure policies in Mexico.

ANTECEDENTES: Se estima que los factores de riesgo ambientales (FRA) fueron responsables en 2019 de nueve millones de muertes en el mundo. OBJETIVO: A partir de datos del estudio Global Burden of Disease, se analizaron indicadores de pérdida de salud asociada a la exposición a FRA en México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizaron números absolutos y porcentajes poblacionales de muertes y años de vida saludable (AVISA) perdidos según sexo atribuidos a FRA seleccionados en los ámbitos nacional y estatal, así como las tendencias estandarizadas por edad de 1990 a 2021. RESULTADOS: En 2021, la contaminación por material particulado en ambiente exterior mostró la mayor mortalidad y AVISA perdidos por los FRA seleccionados (42.2 y 38.1 %, respectivamente), seguida de la exposición a plomo (20.6 y 13.4 %) y temperatura baja (19.8 y 12.3 %). Ambos indicadores han disminuido en todos los FRA seleccionados, en magnitudes diferentes entre 1991 y 2021, excepto la temperatura alta. CONCLUSIONES: A pesar de las disminuciones en los últimos 32 años, el material particulado en ambiente exterior mostró la mayor mortalidad y AVISA perdidos, seguido de la exposición a plomo. Es fundamental fortalecer las políticas de calidad del aire y exposición a plomo en México.

Emergencies , Lead , Humans , Mexico/epidemiology , Cost of Illness , Risk Factors
Gac Med Mex ; 159(6): 582-595, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38386883


BACKGROUND: Respiratory diseases (RD) are often analyzed separately rather than collectively, possibly leading to an underestimation of their total burden. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the burden of RD in Mexico for population aged 20 or older from 1990 to 2021. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We present the burden of RD in Mexico based on estimates of the Global Burden of Disease study for mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), comprising counts, rates per 100,000, as well as age-standardized rates. RDs were categorized into three key groups: chronic respiratory diseases (CRD), respiratory infections (RI), and respiratory cancers. RESULTS: In 2021, among those aged 20+, RDs were responsible for 336,728 deaths, which accounts for 30.5% of total deaths -a nearly threefold increase since 2019, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CRDs contributed with 3.4% of total deaths; RIs, with 25.9%; and respiratory cancers, with 1.2%. CRDs showed a continuous rise in deaths, crude mortality, and DALY rates across genders, with no signs of leveling. RD burden varied widely across Mexican states. Age-standardized CRD mortality rates have generally declined since 1990, except for interstitial lung diseases, which have consistently increased. CONCLUSION: The significant burden of mortality and disability due to RDs in Mexico underscores the n|ecessity for enhanced prevention, research, and for addressing risk factors such as smoking and pollution. Ongoing healthcare training can help reduce RD burden.

ANTECEDENTES: Las enfermedades respiratorias (ER) se analizan individualmente, posiblemente con subestimación de su carga total. OBJETIVO: Analizar la carga de las ER en México para población de 20 años o más de 1990 a 2021. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se presenta la carga de ER en México a partir de estimaciones del estudio Global Burden of Disease en cuanto a mortalidad y años de vida saludable (AVISA) perdidos que comprenden recuentos, tasas por 100 000 y tasas estandarizadas por edad. Las ER se categorizaron en enfermedades respiratorias crónicas (ERC), infecciones respiratorias y cánceres respiratorios. RESULTADOS: En 2021, las ER causaron la muerte de 336 728 adultos mayores de 20 años, lo que representó 30.5 % del total de defunciones, incremento cercano al triple respecto a 2019, principalmente debido a COVID-19. Las ERC contribuyeron con 3.4 % del total de muertes, las infecciones respiratorias con 25.9 % y los cánceres respiratorios con 1.2 %. La mortalidad y AVISA perdidos por ERC se incrementaron persistentemente, con variaciones entre los estados. Las tasas de mortalidad ajustadas por edad de las ERC disminuyeron desde 1990, excepto las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales, que se incrementaron constantemente. CONCLUSIÓN: Los significativos niveles de mortalidad y discapacidad debidos a enfermedades respiratorias en México exigen mejorar la prevención, investigación y abordar factores de riesgo como tabaquismo y contaminación, además de fomentar la capacitación médica continua.

Neoplasms , Respiratory Tract Infections , Female , Humans , Male , Mexico/epidemiology , Global Burden of Disease , Pandemics , Neoplasms/epidemiology