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Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 65-83, oct.-dic. 2024.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-EMG-559


La falta de información sobre el uso de la tecnología en niños con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) de diferentes perfiles puede dificultar que docentes y alumnos se estén beneficiando del apoyo tecnológico más eficaz y ajustado a sus necesidades. El objetivo de esta revisión fue analizar y sintetizar la evidencia científica sobre la eficacia de los recursos tecnológicos en la mejora de la comprensión emocional de estudiantes con TEA con perfiles de alto y bajo funcionamiento. Para ello se realizó una revisión sistemática de las publicaciones científicas indexadas en algunas de las bases de datos de mayor relevancia siguiendo los criterios establecidos en la declaración PRISMA. En total se analizaron 38 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión preestablecidos. Los resultados muestran la importancia de diseñar sistemas versátiles que puedan personalizarse y adaptarse en tiempo real y en contextos naturales con un enfoque claramente inclusivo. Pero también sugieren que la tecnología puede no ser una herramienta de intervención complementaria adecuada para todos los niños con TEA. Lo que subraya la necesidad de ensayos adicionales bien controlados sobre las características que permitan identificar qué estudiantes podrían o no beneficiarse de diferentes modalidades de tecnología. (AU)

The lack of information on the use of technology in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) of different profiles can make it difficult for teachers and students to benefit from the most effective technology support tailored to their needs. The aim of this review was to analyze and synthesize scientific evidence on the effectiveness of technological resources in improving the emotional understanding of students with high and low functioning ASD profiles. A systematic review of the scientific publications indexed in some of the most relevant databases was carried out following the criteria established in the PRISMA declaration. A total of 38 articles that met the pre-established inclusion criteria were analyzed. The results show the importance of designing versatile systems that can be customized and adapted in real time and in natural contexts with a clearly inclusive approach. But they also suggest that technology may not be an appropriate complementary intervention tool for all children with ASD. This underlines the need for additional well-controlled tests on the characteristics that would allow identifying which students might or might not benefit from different technology modalities. (AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Educational Technology , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Autistic Disorder
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 65-83, oct.-dic. 2024.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-229229


La falta de información sobre el uso de la tecnología en niños con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) de diferentes perfiles puede dificultar que docentes y alumnos se estén beneficiando del apoyo tecnológico más eficaz y ajustado a sus necesidades. El objetivo de esta revisión fue analizar y sintetizar la evidencia científica sobre la eficacia de los recursos tecnológicos en la mejora de la comprensión emocional de estudiantes con TEA con perfiles de alto y bajo funcionamiento. Para ello se realizó una revisión sistemática de las publicaciones científicas indexadas en algunas de las bases de datos de mayor relevancia siguiendo los criterios establecidos en la declaración PRISMA. En total se analizaron 38 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión preestablecidos. Los resultados muestran la importancia de diseñar sistemas versátiles que puedan personalizarse y adaptarse en tiempo real y en contextos naturales con un enfoque claramente inclusivo. Pero también sugieren que la tecnología puede no ser una herramienta de intervención complementaria adecuada para todos los niños con TEA. Lo que subraya la necesidad de ensayos adicionales bien controlados sobre las características que permitan identificar qué estudiantes podrían o no beneficiarse de diferentes modalidades de tecnología. (AU)

The lack of information on the use of technology in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) of different profiles can make it difficult for teachers and students to benefit from the most effective technology support tailored to their needs. The aim of this review was to analyze and synthesize scientific evidence on the effectiveness of technological resources in improving the emotional understanding of students with high and low functioning ASD profiles. A systematic review of the scientific publications indexed in some of the most relevant databases was carried out following the criteria established in the PRISMA declaration. A total of 38 articles that met the pre-established inclusion criteria were analyzed. The results show the importance of designing versatile systems that can be customized and adapted in real time and in natural contexts with a clearly inclusive approach. But they also suggest that technology may not be an appropriate complementary intervention tool for all children with ASD. This underlines the need for additional well-controlled tests on the characteristics that would allow identifying which students might or might not benefit from different technology modalities. (AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Educational Technology , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Autistic Disorder
An. psicol ; 40(2): 171-178, May-Sep, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-232712


En este estudio transversal se investiga la asociación entre los principales síntomas del Trastorno bipolar (TB) y las dificultades asociadas a las estrategias de regulación emocional (ERE) adaptativas y desadaptativas. Además, este estudio examina los efectos mediadores de las ERE con el mindfulness rasgo y el TB. Método. Veinticuatro adultos con TB completaron la Escala de Conciencia de Atención Plena (MAAS), el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI-II), la Escala de Autoevaluación de Manía de Altman (ARSM), el Inventario de Ansiedad Rasgo (STAI-R), y el Cuestionario de Regulación Emocional Cognitiva (CERQ). Resultados. El análisis de regresión múltiple mostró cómo la depresión se relacionaba significativa y positivamente con la autoculpabilización, mientras que la ansiedad rasgo estaba positivamente asociada con la autoculpabilización y el catastrofismo. En segundo lugar, el análisis de mediación mostró un efecto de mediación significativo para la autoculpabilidad en la relación entre mindfulness y depresión (a*b = -.15; ICB 95% [-.36, -.03]) y entre mindfulness y ansiedad rasgo (a*b = -.09; ICB 95% [-.27, -.01]). Conclusiones. Nuestros resultados informan del papel de la auto-culpabilidad y el catastrofismo en el TB y de cómo éstas podrían mediar significativamente entre el mindfulness rasgo y el TB. Estos resultados sugieren que una práctica de meditación enfocada en el catastrofismo y la autoculpabilidad puede ser especialmente útil para reducir los síntomas en los pacientes bipolares.(AU)

This cross-sectional study investigates the association between the main symptoms of Bipolar disorder (BD) and emotional regulation dif-ficulties in adaptive and maladaptive emotional regulation strategies (ERS). In addition, this study examines the possible mediating effects of ERS with dispositional mindfulnessand bipolar symptoms. Method.Twenty-four adults diagnosed with BD completed the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), the Altman Mania Self-Assessment Scale (ARSM), the Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-R), and the Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ). Results. First, mul-tiple regression analysis showed how depression was significantly positively related to self-blame, whereas trait anxietywas positively associated with self-blame and catastrophizing. Second, the results of the mediation analy-sis have shown a significant mediation effect for the self-blamein the rela-tionship between mindfulnessand depression (a*b = -.15; BCI 95% [-.36, -.03]) and between mindfulnessand trait anxiety (a*b = -.09; BCI 95% [-.27, -.01]). Conclusions. Our results report the role of self-blame and catastrophiz-ing in BD and how these might significantly mediate between dispositional mindfulness and symptoms of depression and anxiety. These results suggest that a meditation practice focused on reducing catastrophizing and self-blame may be especially helpful for symptoms of depression and anxiety in bipolar patients.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Catastrophization , Anxiety , Depression , Bipolar Disorder , Mindfulness , Cross-Sectional Studies , Psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Test Anxiety Scale
An. psicol ; 40(2): 179-188, May-Sep, 2024. graf, tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-232713


Los trastornos emocionales (TEs) son los trastornos más comunes entre la población joven. El desarrollo de programas preventivos de los TEs es fundamental para evitar su posible aparición. Los programas de prevención transdiagnósticos podrían presentar una ventaja sobre los existentes para mejorar las estrategias de regulación emocional. Así, el objetivo de este estudio ha sido determinar la viabilidad y eficacia preliminar de un programa breve basado en el Protocolo Unificado (PU). El proyecto consistió en un estudio piloto utilizando un diseño experimental de línea base múltiple. Nueve estudiantes universitarios recibieron un programa de 5 sesiones basado en el PU en formato grupal online. Se encontraron diferencias significativas después de la intervención en la regulación de las emociones, el apoyo social percibido y la evitación, con tamaños del efecto moderados-grandes (r de Cohen = .49 - .59). Estas mejoras mostraron aumentos en los seguimientos al mes y a los 3 meses. Esos resultados están en línea con los que muestran que los programas preventivos transdiagnósticos breves podrían ser útiles para la prevención de los TEs en población universitaria.(AU)

Emotional disorders (EDs) are the most common disorders among the young population. The development of preventive programs for EDs is essential to avoid their possible appearance. Transdiagnostic prevention programs could present an advantage over existing ones to im-prove emotional regulation strategies. Thus, the objective of this study has been to determine the preliminary feasibility and effectiveness of a brief program based on the Unified Protocol (UP). The project consisted of a pilot study using a multiple baseline experimental design. Nine university students received a 5-session program based on the UP in online-group format. Significant differences were found after the intervention for emo-tion regulation, perceived social support and avoidance, with moderate-large effect sizes (Cohen's r= .49-.59). These improvements showed in-creases at 1-month and 3-month follow-ups. Those results are in line with those showing that brief transdiagnostic preventive programs could be use-ful for the prevention of EDs in the university population.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Students/psychology , Mental Health , Student Health , Affective Symptoms , Disease Prevention , Pilot Projects , Psychology , Clinical Protocols
An. psicol ; 40(2): 280-289, May-Sep, 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-232722


Antecedentes: La escala Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI) es un instrumento que evalúa emociones discretas experimentadas por el profesorado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo de este estudio es examinar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión breve española de la escala Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI-BSV) en una muestra de 567 profesores (65.5% son mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre 25 y 65 años (M = 46.04; DT = 9.09). Método: Tras su adaptación mediante traducción inversa, el profesorado completó una batería que incluía el TEI-BSV, un cuestionario de inteligencia emocional, dos escalas de bienestar subjetivo, una escala sobre burnout y una escala sobre engagement. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una consistencia interna adecuada de las subescalas del TEI-BSV. Los análisis factoriales (exploratorio y confirmatorio) proporcionaron pruebas de que el TEI-BSV tiene una estructura de cuatro factores con un buen ajuste, frente a la estructura de cinco factores original. Se han hallado evidencias de validez convergente, así como de validez criterial e incremental del TEI-BSV. Conclusiones: el TEI-BSV podría ser una herramienta útil para la evaluación ecológica de las emociones discretas del profesorado en su contexto laboral.(AU)

Background: The Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI) scale is an instrument that evaluates discrete emotions experienced by teachers in the teaching-learning process. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the brief Spanish version of the Teacher Emotion Inventory scale (TEI-BSV) using a sample of 567 teachers (65.5% women), aged between 25 and 65 years (M= 46.04; SD= 9.09). Methods: After adaptation through back-translation, the teachers com-pleted a battery of tests included in the TEI-BSV: an emotional intelli-gence questionnaire, two subjective well-being scales, a burnout scale and a scale on engagement. Results: The data revealed adequate internal consistency of the TEI-BSV subscales, and exploratory and confirma-tory factor analyses provided evidence that the TEI-BSV has a four-factor structure with good adjustment, as opposed to the original five-factor structure proposed. There was evidence of convergent validity of the TEI-BSV, as well as criterion and incremental validity. Conclusions: The TEI-BSV could be a useful instrument for the ecological assess-ment of teachers' discrete emotions in the context of their workplace.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychometrics , Emotions , Stress, Psychological , Burnout, Psychological , Emotional Intelligence
Heliyon ; 10(15): e35495, 2024 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39170324


A two-factor within subjects and randomized controlled was conducted with three groups (two experimental and one control) to explore the effects of the Mediterranean diet and respiratory muscle training on ventilatory fatigue, stress, and emotional performance of woodwind musicians. 70 students from the Valencia Conservatory of Music were recruited and randomized into three groups: respiratory training group + nutrition program (RTG; n = 17), control group (CG; n = 35) and nutrition program group (NPG; n = 18). The nutritional program was based on Mediterranean a diet. Body composition, emotional intelligence, physiological stress and ventilatory response were assessed for all groups before and after intervention. Mixed ANOVA showed main effects of diet and training interventions on emotional attention (F = 8.042; p = 0.006), clarity (F = 9.306; p = 0.003), repair (F = 5.527; p = 0.022), Forced-Expiratory-Volume (F = 30.196; p < 0.000) and Forced-Vital-Capacity (F = 21.052; p < 0.000), with both interventions improving emotional intelligence and ventilatory variables. Bonferroni post-hoc analysis revealed significant differences of RTG and CG for emotional attention (MD = 4.60; p = 0.023), comprehension (MD = 5.734; p = 0.005), repair (MD = 8.576; p < 0.000), FEV1 (MD = 0.862; p = 0.005), and FCV (MD = 1.608; p < 0.001); with similar results when comparing NTG and CG: emotional attention (MD = 4.156; p = 0.041), comprehension (MD = 4.473; p = 0.033), repair (MD = 6.511; p = 0.001), Forced-Expiratory-Volume (MD = 1.608; p < 0.001), and Forced-Vital-Capacity (MD = 1.183; p < 0.001). No significant effects of experimental groups were observed for physiological stress variables (p > 0.05). This results suggests that respiratory training enhances emotional intelligence and lessens respiratory fatigue in musicians, and a combination of a Mediterranean diet and respiratory muscle training further boosts emotional intelligence, albeit with limited impact on physiological stress. This study represents a novel investigation into the approach by dietary interventions and respiratory muscle training in wind musicians since there are no studies that analyze it.

Heliyon ; 10(15): e34898, 2024 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39170493


This study analyzes the mastery level of educators regarding eight socioformative pedagogical practices and their impact on the academic performance of their students, aiming to identify mediating factors within a longitudinal design framework. A total of 282 university teachers from Ecuador participated, with instruments applied at two points in time: during the pandemic and at its end. Convenience sampling was employed. The results indicate an acceptable level in the development of socioformative pedagogical practices among participants, as well as in their socio-emotional skills. Regression analysis revealed the influence of various variables on socioformative pedagogical practices, such as socio-emotional skills, continuous training, academic degree, and economic level. The structural equation model established a positive association between socioformative pedagogical practices assessed during the pandemic and the academic performance of students in terms of achieving learning outcomes evaluated one year after the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also found that socioformative pedagogical practices are influenced by socio-emotional skills. The conclusion is that teachers possess a medium level in the development of their pedagogical practices but need to strengthen them to achieve an advanced level through continuous training and by obtaining higher academic degrees. Moreover, enhancing socio-emotional skills is essential for improved performance.

Front Behav Neurosci ; 18: 1392005, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39170641


Currently available data show mixed results as to whether the processing of emotional information has the same characteristics in the native (L1) as in the second language (L2) of bilinguals. We conducted a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment to shed light on the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying bilinguals' emotional processing in L1 and L2 during an emotional interference task (i.e., the Emotional Stroop Task - EST). Our sample comprised proficient Italian-English bilinguals who learned their L2 during childhood mainly in instructional rather than immersive contexts. In spite of no detectable behavioural effects, we found stronger brain activations for L1 versus L2 emotional words in sectors of the posteromedial cortex involved in attention modulation, episodic memory, and affective processing. While fMRI findings are consistent with the hypothesis of a stronger emotional resonance when processing words in a native language, our overall pattern of results points to the different sensitivity of behavioural and hemodynamic responses to emotional information in the two languages of bilingual speakers.

Front Psychol ; 15: 1365980, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39171222


In this study, we analyzed the emotional and motivational aspects characterizing the profile of university students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD). We assessed 61 university students, 32 with SLD (age = 23.6) and 29 in the control group (age = 23.00). The results highlighted that individuals with SLD exhibit higher levels of anxiety and depression and lower resilience compared to the control group. The Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale - Short Form, which explores perfectionism, did not reveal differences between the groups. Conversely, lower scores emerged in SLD students for the intrinsic motivation sub-scales of the Academic Motivation Scale. This indicates less engagement in studying out of personal cognitive curiosity. The Self-Regulated Knowledge Scale - University, which measures various cognitive strategies, showed significantly lower scores in the SLD group for knowledge linking, knowledge training, and knowledge critique. This suggests a lower frequency with which SLD students attempt to connect new knowledge with what they already possess, apply their knowledge, ask questions, and critically analyze what they have learned. Therefore, psychological and motivational consequences are evident in this population and can impact well-being and quality of life.

Front Psychol ; 15: 1409646, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39171225


Art and artistic creation serve as a means for artists to communicate with their environment, society, and the external world. However, the protection of artistic creations, as forms of communication, is not only a right for artists but also serves as a crucial safeguard that nurtures them during the creative process. Beyond the traditional issues of copyright, the significant advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in today's digital world have introduced a new debate regarding the ownership of copyright in artistic creations generated by AI. The question arises whether copyright belongs to the AI itself or to the individuals who guide the creative process behind it. In this study, based on the concepts of art, artistic creation, and emotional states, copyright issues will be examined. Data obtained from semi-structured in-depth interviews with artists and academic experts (eight artists, two communication experts, two law experts, and eight psychology experts) in the field will be analysed through content analysis to explore their perspectives regarding the discussion on emotional states, AI, and copyrights. The research highlights the variability of emotional states and their significant effects on individuals. Addressing the increasing trend of copyright issues, particularly within the framework of digitalization and inadequate legal regulations, it was found that artists' emotional states are negatively impacted by these problems. This negative influence can adversely affect artists' creativity and desire to produce. On the other hand, it was also identified that in artworks produced especially through AI, if artists' rights are not protected, there is a possibility of negative emotional states arising. In conclusion, suggestions are as follows: Emphasising the importance of awareness-raising educational activities nationally and internationally, national copyright law (in Northern Cyprus) needs to be revised to protect traditional copyright and be expanded to include digital copyright, especially for works produced through AI. On an international level, emphasising the need to revise international agreements to include regulations for works produced through AI or to create a new agreement based on the importance of this issue.

Front Psychol ; 15: 1425936, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39171241


Introduction: Cultural adaptation of interventions is complex and yet vital to achieving the intended benefits of interventions with new populations. However, little is known regarding deliverers' perceptions of cultural adaptation and when a cultural adaptation process can be considered complete. The purpose of this study was to explore aspects of cultural adaptation that need further attention in an intervention that had undergone an initial cultural adaptation. Methods: Four focus groups (FGs) were conducted with preschool teachers who had worked with a culturally adapted version of preschool Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS©) in Sweden for approximately 6 months. In total, 16 teachers from eight preschools were included, with 3-5 teachers in each group. All FGs were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis with an inductive approach was applied to the transcribed data. Results: Three themes were identified where teachers described the need for further cultural adaptation for the intervention to align with personal and societal fundamental cultural values and be useful for their work as teachers in the Swedish preschool setting. The themes pertained to culturally adapting a manual-based intervention to a foundational, value-based approach, such as the practical application of core values and the steering documents of the Swedish preschool. Furthermore, the practical function of the culturally adapted intervention in the new cultural context revealed a further need to adjust materials and activities in interaction with the children. Finally, the prerequisites within the Swedish cultural setting, including resources and collaboration with parents as part of the work structure for preschool teachers in Sweden, needed further attention in relation to the intervention. Conclusion: The findings of this study highlight the importance of the deliverer in the cultural adaptation process in addition to adaptations that focus on end users (children in the case of preschool PATHS). Furthermore, the study indicates a need for a more open-ended view of the cultural adaptation process for interventions than perhaps previously described in models of cultural adaptation of interventions.

Neuroimage ; : 120801, 2024 Aug 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173691


OBJECTIVE: It is important to discriminate different headaches in clinical practice, and neurocognitive biomarkers may serve as objective tools. Several reports have suggested potential cognitive impairment for primary headaches, whereas cognitions within specific domains remain elusive, e.g., emotional processing. In this study, we aimed to characterize processing of facial expressions in migraine and tension-type headache (TTH) by analyzing expression-related visual mismatch negativity (EMMN) and explored whether their processing patterns were distinct. METHODS: Altogether, 73 headache patients (20 migraine with aura (MA), 28 migraine without aura (MwoA), 25 TTH) and 27 age-matched healthy controls were recruited. After a battery of mood/neuropsychological evaluations, an expression-related oddball paradigm containing multiple models of neutral, happy and sad faces was used to investigate automatic emotional processing. RESULTS: We observed cognitive impairment in all headache patients, especially in attention/execution subdomains, but no discrepancy existed among different headaches. Although analyses of P1/N170 did not reach significant levels, amplitude of early and late EMMN was markedly diminished in MA and MwoA compared with controls and TTH, regardless of happy or sad expression. Moreover, sad EMMN was larger (more negative) than happy EMMN only in controls, while not in all headache groups. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings implied that migraine, rather than TTH, might lead to more severe impairment of automatic emotional processing, which was manifested as no observable EMMN elicitation and disappearance of negative bias effect. The EMMN component could assist in discrimination of migraine from TTH and diagnosis of undefined headaches, and its availability needed further validations.

Brain Behav ; 14(8): e3651, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39192702


PURPOSE: Intellectual disability is one of the neurodevelopmental disorders. Studies indicated that depression and anxiety are the most prevalent emotional problems among the people with intellectual disability. The aim of this study was to investigate the utility of behavioral activation therapy in addressing emotional problems of two depressed students with borderline intellectual disability. METHOD: This study is a single-subject design with multiple baseline and one month follow-up. Two students with borderline intelligence underwent behavioral activation therapy for 12 sessions. Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Oxford Happiness Inventory and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were used. Data were analyzed using visual inspection of graphed data, changes in trends, improvement percentage and effect size. FINDINGS: The findings of this study support the utility of behavioral activation therapy in addressing the emotional problems of two depressed students with borderline intellectual disability. CONCLUSION: Behavioral activation therapy has had favorable outcomes in reducing depression and anxiety in depressed students with borderline intellectual disabilities.

Depression , Intellectual Disability , Humans , Intellectual Disability/psychology , Intellectual Disability/therapy , Female , Male , Depression/therapy , Behavior Therapy/methods , Young Adult , Anxiety/therapy , Students/psychology , Adult , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39192673


OBJECTIVES: Social contact may alleviate loneliness, but little is known about within-person daily fluctuations in loneliness and social encounters. Older adults who feel lonely may engage in different modes of social contact (in-person, phone, digital). This study asked how different forms of contact are associated with loneliness throughout the day. METHODS: Participants were 313 community-dwelling older adults (aged 65-90). They completed ecological momentary assessments reporting on their social encounters (e.g., type of social partner, mode of contact) and their loneliness every 3 hr for 5-6 days. We differentiated close social ties from ties not identified as close (i.e., weak ties). RESULTS: We examined within-person effects using multilevel models. Findings revealed that momentary loneliness predicted a greater likelihood of phone contact in the next 3 hr. However, only in-person contact was associated with lower levels of loneliness. Regarding close and weak ties, momentary loneliness was associated with more in-person and phone contact with close ties, yet fewer in-person contacts with weak ties. In-person contact with both close and weak ties predicted lower levels of loneliness. DISCUSSION: Although older adults engage in both in-person and phone contact when they feel lonely, it appears that only in-person contact may reduce loneliness. Digital contact was not widely adopted as a response to momentary loneliness among these older adults. Findings underscore older adults' willingness to maintain regular contact with close ties. Interventions addressing older adults who are lonely may consider innovative approaches to increase in-person contact.

Loneliness , Social Interaction , Humans , Loneliness/psychology , Aged , Male , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Ecological Momentary Assessment , Independent Living/psychology , Interpersonal Relations
Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ ; 14(8): 2262-2281, 2024 Aug 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39194945


The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most stressful events in recent times across the world. The long-term effect of these experiences raises several concerns, including the development of post-traumatic stress symptomatology. However, little is known about the psychological processes that mediate this association. The aim of this study was to explore the association of emotional exhaustion and anxiety in post-traumatic stress symptomatology, and the mediating role of resilience and psychological well-being in university students. A total of 526 university students of both sexes participated in this study, and they were aged between 17 and 62 years old. Symptoms of anxiety and emotional exhaustion were significantly higher in females, in contrast, males showed on average more resilience and psychological well-being. Additionally, participants with COVID-19 infection had higher levels of emotional exhaustion, anxiety, and PTSD. The results indicated that the variables were correlated with each other (p < 0.001). A conceptual model was confirmed that describes anxiety and emotional exhaustion as predictors, post-traumatic stress symptomatology as an outcome variable, and resilience and psychological well-being as mediators. Resilience and psychological well-being can be important protective factors for adaptive responses in stressful situations. The findings obtained in this study will provide a theoretical basis for designing targeted interventions to improve psychological health, whether for crisis intervention, the process of adapting to higher education, or for recovery plans from psychological trauma.

J Intell ; 12(8)2024 Jul 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39195118


The present study aimed to investigate the causal relationship between trait emotional intelligence and creative self-efficacy in gifted children and to explore the cross-temporal mediating role of self-concept between these two variables. A total of 177 gifted children aged 10-13 years (M = 11.29, SD = 0.68) were selected from an experimental class of gifted children in a middle school. The results showed that (1) the trait emotional intelligence and creative self-efficacy of gifted children decreased with age and that (2) trait emotional intelligence at time 1 (T1) positively and significantly predicted creative self-efficacy at time 2 (T2). The Self-Description Questionnaire was added at the second follow-up, which revealed that (3) T2 non-academic self-concept fully mediated the relationship between T1 trait emotional intelligence and T2 creative self-efficacy. This study revealed a lasting positive effect of trait emotional intelligence on the development of creative self-efficacy in gifted children. Additionally, trait emotional intelligence was found to indirectly influence creative self-efficacy through non-academic self-concept.

Curr Oncol ; 31(8): 4346-4356, 2024 Jul 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39195307


Background: Social competence is a domain in which pediatric brain tumour survivors (PBTS) are at risk of challenges. To follow-up on our earlier work, in this study we assessed specific social interaction behaviors and emotional functioning in PBTS relative to typically developing youth (TD). The study coincided with the onset of the global pandemic. Methods: Sixteen PBTS and 16 typically developing youth (TD) between 8-16 years old participated in the study. Youth completed an assessment of social behavior and parents completed online surveys regarding child social and emotional adjustment. Results: PBTS experienced greater impairments in social interaction behaviors and on indices of social adjustment relative to TD. PBTS and TD experienced similar levels of emotional problems. Social behavior challenges were associated with indices of anxiety, rather than depression. Time since pandemic onset was not associated with social emotional outcomes. Conclusions: It will be important to monitor and support the social adjustment of populations such as PBTS, as well as the emotional adjustment across PBTS and TD youth, following the pandemic.

Brain Neoplasms , COVID-19 , Cancer Survivors , Humans , Adolescent , Child , Brain Neoplasms/psychology , Female , Male , Cancer Survivors/psychology , COVID-19/psychology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Emotions , Anxiety/psychology , Pandemics
IEEE Open J Eng Med Biol ; 5: 621-626, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39184968


Goal: This paper introduces an automated post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) screening tool that could potentially be used as a self-assessment or inserted into routine medical visits to aid in PTSD diagnosis and treatment. Methods: With an emotion estimation algorithm providing arousal (excited to calm) and valence (pleasure to displeasure) levels through discourse, we select regions of the acoustic signal that are most salient for PTSD detection. Our algorithm was tested on a subset of data from the DVBIC-TBICoE TBI Study, which contains PTSD Check List Civilian (PCL-C) assessment scores. Results: Speech from low-arousal and positive-valence regions provide the highest discrimination for PTSD. Our model achieved an AUC (area under the curve) of 0.80 in detecting PCL-C ratings, outperforming models with no emotion filtering (AUC = 0.68). Conclusions: This result suggests that emotion drives the selection of the most salient temporal regions of an audio recording for PTSD detection.

Int J Dev Disabil ; 70(5): 814-823, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39131754


Based on the Job Demands-Resources theory, this research investigated the multiple mediating role of special education teachers' social support and work engagement in the relationship between their emotional intelligence and job performance. Data of 710 Chinese mainland teachers in special education schools were analyzed. The results showed that emotional intelligence directly predicted job performance. Both social support and work engagement partially mediated the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance. Furthermore, social support and work engagement serially mediated the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance. The limitations and implications for future studies and practices are discussed.

Perception ; : 3010066241270209, 2024 Aug 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39135380


Previous research has shown a strong link between our sense of smell and emotion. More recently, the importance we attach to olfaction has been found to relate to our susceptibility to 'catch' the emotions of others. We explore this further by examining the relation between a newly developed measure of olfaction (social odour scale, SOS), which measures awareness of social odours, and emotional contagion susceptibility in female participants. The study therefore aimed to test the strength of this relationship and also help validate the English language version of the SOS. Female (n = 148) participants completed an online study that measured odour awareness [SOS; important of odour questionnaire, IOQ] and emotional contagion (EC). We found that the English version of the SOS yielded high reliability and supported the previous factor structure of the scale; additionally, we demonstrated a strong association between the SOS and IOQ which provides criterion validity for its usage. The study also revealed that whilst both the SOS and IOQ were positively associated with EC, the SOS was the more accurate predictor. These findings provide further validation for the use of the SOS and suggest that our subjective awareness of olfaction, especially concerning 'social odours' is an accurate predictor of emotional contagion.