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Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564698


Este estudio, tuvo como finalidad, determinar la relación entre Estilos de crianza y Conductas agresivas en Estudiantes de Secundaria del Centro Poblado Samán, 2023. Por tal manera, este estudio fue de tipo cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, corte transversal- correlacional. Además, se usaron para la recopilación de la información, los instrumentos de, Escala de Estilos de crianza de Steinberg, adaptado por Merino y Arndt y Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss y Perry, adaptado por Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari Campos y Villavicencio. Para lo cual, la muestra de este estudio estuvo conformada por 160 alumnos de ambos sexos. Para el análisis de los datos se usó del programa Paquete Estadístico para las Ciencias Sociales, mediante ello, se obtuvo como resultado una relación significativa, moderada e inversa (Spearman =-0.638, significancia <0.05) entre las dos variables de estudio. Por tal sentido, a medida que el estilo de crianza baja, la tendencia a manifestar conductas agresivas aumenta. Basándose en los resultados, se concluye, la forma en cómo los progenitores interactúen con sus hijos, esto desarrollará su comportamiento. Por ello, en los sujetos que sus progenitores han desarrollado autonomía, interés en sus actividades, supervisión de la conducta y además emplean una comunicación empática en los reglamentos, habrá menor posibilidad de que estos presenten agresivas conductas. Al contrario, los individuos con poca supervisión, falta de atención por parte de sus padres, y la falta de asertividad de sus cuidadores, habrá mayor posibilidad de que estos expresen conductas agresivas.

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Parenting Styles and Aggressive Behaviors in High School Students of the Samán Population Center, 2023. Therefore, this study was quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional-correlational design. In addition, the Steinberg Parenting Styles Scale, adapted by Merino and Arndt, and the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire, adapted by Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari Campos and Villavicencio, were used to collect information. For this reason, the sample of this study was made up of 160 students of both sexes. To analyze the data, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences program was used, resulting in a significant, moderate and inverse relationship (Spearman =-0.638, significance <0.05) between the two study variables. Therefore, as the parenting style decreases, the tendency to manifest aggressive behaviors increases. Based on the results, it is concluded that the way parents interact with their children will develop their behavior. Therefore, in subjects whose parents have developed autonomy, interest in their activities, behavioral supervision and also use empathetic communication in regulations, there will be less possibility of them presenting aggressive behaviors. On the contrary, individuals with little supervision, lack of attention from their parents, and lack of assertiveness from their caregivers will be more likely to express aggressive behaviors.

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre estilos parentais e comportamentos agressivos em estudantes do ensino médio do Centro Populacional Samán, 2023. Portanto, este estudo teve um desenho quantitativo, não experimental, transversal e correlacional. Além disso, foram utilizadas para coletar informações a Escala de Estilos Parentais de Steinberg, adaptada por Merino e Arndt, e o Questionário de Agressão de Buss e Perry, adaptado por Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari Campos e Villavicencio. Por esse motivo, a amostra deste estudo foi composta por 160 estudantes de ambos os sexos. Para análise dos dados foi utilizado o programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences, resultando em relação significativa, moderada e inversa (Spearman =-0,638, significância <0,05) entre as duas variáveis do estudo. Portanto, à medida que o estilo parental diminui, aumenta a tendência para manifestar comportamentos agressivos. Com base nos resultados conclui-se que a forma como os pais interagem com os filhos irá desenvolver o seu comportamento. Portanto, em sujeitos cujos pais desenvolveram autonomia, interesse em suas atividades, supervisão comportamental e também utilizam comunicação empática nas regulamentações, haverá menor possibilidade de apresentarem comportamentos agressivos. Pelo contrário, indivíduos com pouca supervisão, falta de atenção dos pais e falta de assertividade dos cuidadores terão maior probabilidade de expressar comportamentos agressivos.

Data Analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires
J Microbiol Biol Educ ; 25(2): e0004024, 2024 Aug 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38771051


Science misinformation represents a significant challenge for the scientific community. Hispanic communities are particularly vulnerable due to language barriers and the lack of accessible information in Spanish. We identified that a key step toward enhancing the accessibility of information for non-native English-speaking communities involves imparting science communication education and training to Hispanic youth. Our goal was to provide them with the skills to become science ambassadors who can effectively engage with their communities and bridge communication gaps. To address this, we developed the first science communication training program in Spanish for Hispanic high school and undergraduate students in Puerto Rico. The program called +Ciencia aims to provide training and education on science communication for Hispanic minorities through experiential and collaborative learning. In the short term, our multifaceted approach works to counter misinformation and promote science literacy within the broader community. Over the long term, our grassroots efforts with students will evolve into a generation of professionals equipped with strong engagement skills and comprehensive training in science communication with a specific focus on Hispanic audiences. Herein, we describe the components of this educational program and provide open access to educational materials and articles developed by three cohorts.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553772


O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a percepção dos alunos do Ensino Médio em relação às lutas enquanto unidade temática nas aulas de Educação Física. Para tanto, a pesquisa se caracterizou como de natureza aplicada, do tipo descritiva, com a participação de 17 alunos do Ensino Médio. A pesquisa foi realizada em dois momentos, sendo o primeiro referente ao desenvolvimento de uma intervenção pedagógica do conteúdo de lutas, e o segundo a partir da aplicação de um questionário. Os resultados apontaram que 82% dos participantes usufruíram de uma prática positiva e prazerosa e 94% dos participantes afirmaram ausência de violência. Assim, compreende-se que as lutas na escola se configuram como um mediador na transformação das apreciações de concepções pelos participantes (AU).

The aim of the study was to analyze the perception of high school students in relation to martial arts as a content in Physical Education classes. Therefore, the research was characterized as being of an applied nature, of the descriptive type, with the participation of 17 high school students. The research was carried out in two moments, the first one referring to the development of a pedagogical intervention on the content of martial arts, and the second one based on the application of a questionnaire. The results showed that 82% of the participants en-joyed a positive and pleasant practice and 94% of the participants stated that there was no violence in the classes. Thus, it is understood that the development of martial arts at school was configured as a mediator in the transformation of the appreciation of conceptions by the participants (AU).

El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la percepción de los estu-diantes de secundaria en relación a las peleas como unidad temática en las clases de Educación Física. Por lo tanto, la investigación se caracterizó por ser de carácter aplicada, de tipo descriptiva, con la participación de 17 estudiantes de secundaria. La investigación se realizó en dos momen-tos, el primero referido al desarrollo de una intervención pedagógica so-bre el contenido de las peleas, y el segundo a partir de la aplicación de un cuestionario. Los resultados mostraron que el 82% de los participantes disfrutaron de una práctica positiva y agradable y el 94% de los pantes afirmó que no hubo violencia en las clases. Así, se entiende que el desarrollo de las luchas en la escuela se configuró como un mediador en la transformación de la apreciación de las concepciones por parte de los participantes (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Martial Arts/education , Teaching
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 27: 74934, 20240417.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566477


O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a percepção dos alunos do Ensino Médio em relação às lutas enquanto unidade temática nas aulas de Educação Física. Para tanto, a pesquisa se caracterizou como de natureza aplicada, do tipo descritiva, com a participação de 17 alunos do Ensino Médio. A pesquisa foi realizada em dois momentos, sendo o pri-meiro referente ao desenvolvimento de uma intervenção pedagógica do conteúdo de lutas, e o segundo a partir da aplicação de um questionário. Os resultados apontaram que 82% dos participantes usufruíram de uma prática positiva e prazerosa e 94% dos participantes afirmaram ausência de violência. Assim, compreende-se que as lutas na escola se configuram como um mediador na transformação das apreciações de concepções pelos participantes.

The aim of the study was to analyze the perception of high school students in relation to martial arts as a content in Physical Education classes. Therefore, the research was characterized as being of an applied nature, of the descriptive type, with the participation of 17 high school students. The research was carried out in two moments, the first one referring to the development of a pedagogical intervention on the content of martial arts, and the second one based on the application of a questionnaire. The results showed that 82% of the participants en-joyed a positive and pleasant practice and 94% of the participants stated that there was no violence in the classes. Thus, it is understood that the development of martial arts at school was configured as a mediator in the transformation of the appreciation of conceptions by the participants.

El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la percepción de los estu-diantes de secundaria en relación a las peleas como unidad temática en las clases de Educación Física. Por lo tanto, la investigación se caracterizó por ser de carácter aplicada, de tipo descriptiva, con la participación de 17 estudiantes de secundaria. La investigación se realizó en dos momen-tos, el primero referido al desarrollo de una intervención pedagógica so-bre el contenido de las peleas, y el segundo a partir de la aplicación de un cuestionario. Los resultados mostraron que el 82% de los participantes disfrutaron de una práctica positiva y agradable y el 94% de los participantes afirmó que no hubo violencia en las clases. Así, se entiende que el desarrollo de las luchas en la escuela se configuró como un mediador en la transformación de la apreciación de las concepciones por parte de los participantes.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 260-282, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560625


El aislamiento social y el confinamiento forzado debido a la pandemia tuvo graves efectos en la salud mental de los estudiantes, que se manifestó cómo ansiedad y estrés. Objetivo. La investigación tuvo como propósito analizar los niveles de ansiedad en estudiantes de secundaria. Metodología. La búsqueda de información se realizó en las bases de datos Scopus y Ebsco, utilizando las ecuaciones: "Anxiety AND High school students", "Trait Anxiety AND High school students", "State anxiety AND High school students"; la información recabada se almacenó en la bandeja de Mendeley; dicha información fue analizada por títulos, resumen, palabras clave, resultados y conclusiones. El análisis de la información encriptada en Mendeley contó con 35 artículos, de los cuales 30 fueron cuantitativos y 5 cualitativos; además, el análisis por países demostró que las investigaciones sobre este tópico se realizaron con mayor énfasis en Brasil (6), en España (4) y en EE.UU. (4). El análisis de los aportes evidenció que la carencia de aparatos tecnológicos y el cambio de una educación presencial a otra virtual tuvo consecuencias inusuales de estrés y ansiedad en estudiantes y docentes. Además, se observó incremento en la agresividad, problemas en la salud mental, insomnio, pérdida del apetito entre otros. Conclusión. El confinamiento social y los cambios abruptos en la educación generaron en los agentes educativos trastornos en la salud mental y emocional.

Social isolation and forced confinement due to the pandemic had serious effects on students' mental health, which manifested as anxiety and stress. Objective. The purpose of the research was to analyze the levels of anxiety in high school students. Methodology: The information search was carried out in the Scopus and Ebsco databases, using the equations: "Anxiety AND High School Students", "Trait Anxiety AND High School Students", "State Anxiety AND High School Students"; the information collected was stored in the Mendeley tray; Said information was analyzed by titles, abstract, keywords, results and conclusions. The analysis of the encrypted information in Mendeley included 35 articles, of which 30 were quantitative and 5 qualitative; In addition, the analysis by countries disappeared because the research on this topic was carried out with greater emphasis in Brazil (6), in Spain (4) and in the US (4). The analysis of the contributions shows that the lack of technological devices and the change from face-to-face education to a virtual one had unusual consequences of stress and anxiety in students and teachers. In addition, an increase in aggressiveness, mental health problems, insomnia, loss of appetite, among others, was demonstrated. Conclusion: Social confinement and abrupt changes in education generate mental and emotional health disorders in educational agents.

O isolamento social e o confinamento forçado devido à pandemia tiveram efeitos graves na saúde mental dos estudantes, que se manifestaram sob a forma de ansiedade e stress. Objetivo: O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar os níveis de ansiedade em estudantes do ensino médio. Metodologia. A busca de informações foi realizada nas bases de dados Scopus e Ebsco, utilizando as equações: "Ansiedade AND Estudantes do Ensino Médio", "Ansiedade Traço AND Estudantes do Ensino Médio", "Ansiedade Estado AND Estudantes do Ensino Médio"; as informações coletadas foram armazenadas na bandeja do Mendeley; Essas informações foram analisadas por títulos, resumo, palavras-chave, resultados e conclusões. A análise das informações criptografadas no Mendeley teve 35 artigos, sendo 30 quantitativos e 5 qualitativos; Além disso, a análise por país mostrou que as pesquisas sobre o tema foram realizadas com maior ênfase no Brasil (6), na Espanha (4) e nos Estados Unidos (4). A análise das contribuições mostrou que a falta de aparatos tecnológicos e a mudança do ensino presencial para o virtual tiveram consequências inusitadas de estresse e ansiedade em alunos e professores. Além disso, foi observado aumento da agressividade, problemas de saúde mental, insônia, perda de apetite, entre outros. Conclusão. O confinamento social e as mudanças bruscas na educação geraram transtornos de saúde mental e emocional nos agentes educacionais.

Humans , Review
J Cancer Educ ; 39(5): 553-558, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38589760


Cancer is a leading cause of mortality globally and is projected to be the primary cause of death in Brazil by 2030. Yet, for high school students, information and understanding about cancer are primarily offered through standard biology lessons. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of a brief educational intervention related to cancer among high school students in a Brazilian private school. Participants attended a 1-h online session regarding different aspects of cancer. A self-reported questionnaire about the main topics addressed in the session was filled out before [pre] and after [post] the educational intervention and the results were compared by McNemar's chi-square test. From 900 parents invited, 44 (4.9%) responded to the invitation and agreed with their children's participation, and 24 students attended the activity. The questionnaire was easy to fill out for the students and allowed us to measure differences after the educational intervention. The high school students considered the most interesting topics cancer myths and protective/risk factors. The project was feasible and showed easy application and better knowledge after the educational intervention. The main challenge is related to the access to parents to authorize their children's participation. Designing interventions that focus on cancer education might be a viable way to increase prevention and early diagnosis with implications for students, their families, and the community.

Feasibility Studies , Health Education , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Neoplasms , Schools , Students , Humans , Female , Adolescent , Male , Brazil , Pilot Projects , Neoplasms/prevention & control , Students/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires
Psicol Reflex Crit ; 37(1): 14, 2024 Apr 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38619703


INTRODUCTION: Reading has been widely discussed, mainly due to the published results of international performance tests of schoolchildren. The gaps generated in literacy hinder the development of basic skills necessary for reading, which will have a negative impact on the teaching-learning process from elementary school to high school. This study aimed to compare the reading performance of the students in public and private schools through tests of the Brazilian reading processes-PROLEC-SE-R. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. The Brazilian adaptation of the PROLEC-SE-R was administered to 436 students: 221 from the state school (G1 6th year, n = 30; G2 7th year, n = 33; G3 8th year, n = 35; G4 9th year, n = 31; G5 1st year, n = 32; G6 2nd year, n = 30; G7 3rd year, n = 30) e 215 private schools (G8 6th year, n = 31; G9 7th year, n = 31; G10 8th year, n = 30; G11 9th year, n = 31; G12 1st year, n = 30; G13 2nd year, n = 31; G14 3rd year, n = 31). Tools of descriptive and bivariate analysis were used. RESULTS: Superior performance of the private school students on spelling tests helps their reading as evidenced by their scores for syntactic and semantic processes. When the knowledge of the use of the word in text, extraction of meaning and its understanding was needed, the difficulty of access to the mental lexicon of the studied population became evident. CONCLUSION: The PROLEC-SE-R, in addition to establishing the reading profile of elementary and high school students, shows that the gaps in teaching and learning, which exist between public and private education in the literacy period, accompany students throughout the basic education cycle. Knowing the reading profile and in which process there is a disruption is important so that the teaching of specific strategies can be promoted throughout the entire schooling process, especially in primary and secondary education.

J Sch Health ; 94(4): 289-298, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38072012


BACKGROUND: High school staff can play a key role in supporting students with LGBTQ+ identities through informal strategies; however, more research is needed to understand how staff are employing these strategies. METHODS: We conducted semi-structured interviews, collecting information on informal strategies used to support students identifying as LGBTQ+ from a diverse sample of 23 school staff from high schools across the United States. RESULTS: Staff employed informal support strategies across social ecological levels: within the school community, staff interacted with parents/guardians of students and advocated for more inclusive policies. Within the classroom, staff created inclusive physical environments, implemented inclusive curricula, and employed bullying prevention strategies. Interpersonally, staff listened to and affirmed students and collaborated to employ support strategies. Intrapersonal qualities, including having a personal connection to the LGBTQ+ community and demonstrating open-mindedness, facilitated staff efforts to support students. CONCLUSIONS: Supporting staff in the implementation of the strategies we identified could foster more inclusive school environments, advancing equity for students identifying as LGBTQ+.

Sexual and Gender Minorities , Humans , United States , Students , Schools , Social Environment
REVISA (Online) ; 13(Especial 1): 305-314, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538292


Objetivoaplicar metodologias práticas de biologia no ensino médio em escola estadual de Feira de Santana do período noturno, utilizando a biotecnologia com intuito de proporcionar novas experiências didáticas para jovens e adultos. Método: A abordagem metodológica é de modo qualitativo e descritivo através de relato de experiência, com aplicação de aula prática com materiais de baixo custo sobre a extração de DNA.Resultados: Com relação às dificuldades enfrentadas na Educação Básica, esta forma de metodologia do trabalho realizado mostrou-se produtiva, uma vez que possibilitou um espaço para discussão e troca de experiências dos alunos associando com seu cotidiano. Conclusão: Esta pesquisa mostrou que o uso desta abordagem didática facilitou o entendimento dos conteúdos trabalhados e do diálogo aluno-professor, evidenciando-a como uma ótima ferramenta para ser trabalhada na sala de aula

Objective: to apply practical biology methodologies in high school at a state school in Feira de Santana at night, using biotechnology with the aim of providing new teaching experiences for young people and adults. Methods:The methodological approach is qualitative and descriptive through experience reports, with the application of practical classes with low-cost materials on DNA extraction. Results: In relation to the difficulties faced in Basic Education, this form of work methodology proved to be productive, as itprovided a space for discussion and exchange of students' experiences associated with their daily lives. Conclusion:This research showed that the use of this didactic approach facilitated the understanding of the content covered and the student-teacher dialogue, highlighting it as a great tool to be used in the classroom

Objetivo: aplicar metodologías prácticas de biología en la escuela secundaria en una escuela pública de Feira de Santana en horario nocturno, utilizando la biotecnología con el objetivo de brindar nuevas experiencias de enseñanza a jóvenes y adultos. Métodos: El enfoque metodológico es cualitativo y descriptivo a través de relatos de experiencia, con la aplicación de clases prácticas con materiales de bajo costo sobre extracción de ADN. Resultados: En relación a las dificultades enfrentadas en la Educación Básica, esta forma de metodología de trabajo resultó productiva, ya que brindó un espacio de discusión e intercambio de experiencias de los estudiantes asociadas a su vida cotidiana. Conclusión: Esta investigación demostró que el uso de este enfoque didáctico facilitó la comprensión de los contenidos tratados y el diálogo alumno-profesor, destacándolo como una gran herramienta para ser utilizado en el aula.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 36(67): 1-16, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532981


O estudo objetivou analisar o modo como os atos de currículo da Educação Física legitimam as práticas corporais no âmbito de 3 escolas de Ensino Médio de Simão Dias (SE) e as identidades projetadas. Para tanto, os respectivos projetos político-pedagógicos e planos de ensino do componente foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Notamos que as limitações dos espaços físicos condicionam a vivência de práticas corporais legitimadas na escola. Percebemos forte influência dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Fundamental na organização do trabalho pedagógico e a vivência exaustiva dos esportes euro-estadunidenses. Fatores que parecem contribuir para a legitimação de determinadas práticas corporais em detrimento de outras tantas. O que também pode impactar nas identidades culturais e a forma com que os estudantes se relacionam com as diferentes manifestações.

The study aimed to analyze the way in which Physical Education curriculum acts legitimize bodily practices within 3 high schools in Simão Dias (SE) and the projected identities. To this end, the respective political-pedagogical projects and teaching plans for the component were subjected to content analysis. We note that the limitations of physical spaces condition the experience of legitimized bodily practices at school. We noticed a strong influence of the National Curricular Parameters for Elementary Education in the organization of pedagogical work and the exhaustive experience of Euro-American sports. Factors that seem to contribute to the legitimization of certain bodily practices to the detriment of many others. This can also impact cultural identities and the way students relate to different manifestations.

El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la forma en que los actos curriculares de Educación Física legitiman las prácticas corporales en 3 escuelas secundarias de Simão Dias (SE) y las identidades proyectadas. Para ello, se sometieron a análisis de contenido los respectivos proyectos político- pedagógicos y planes docentes del componente. Observamos que las limitaciones de los espacios físicos condicionan la experiencia de prácticas corporales legitimadas en la escuela. Notamos una fuerte influencia de los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales para la Educación Primaria en la organización del trabajo pedagógico y la experiencia exhaustiva del deporte euroamericano. Factores que parecen contribuir a la legitimación de determinadas prácticas corporales en detrimento de muchas otras. Esto también puede afectar las identidades culturales y la forma en que los estudiantes se relacionan con las diferentes manifestaciones.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 37: 14, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1558776


Introduction Reading has been widely discussed, mainly due to the published results of international performance tests of schoolchildren. The gaps generated in literacy hinder the development of basic skills necessary for reading, which will have a negative impact on the teaching-learning process from elementary school to high school. This study aimed to compare the reading performance of the students in public and private schools through tests of the Brazilian reading processes-PROLEC-SE-R. Methods Cross-sectional study. The Brazilian adaptation of the PROLEC-SE-R was administered to 436 students: 221 from the state school (G1 6th year, n = 30; G2 7th year, n = 33; G3 8th year, n = 35; G4 9th year, n = 31; G5 1st year, n = 32; G6 2nd year, n = 30; G7 3rd year, n = 30) e 215 private schools (G8 6th year, n = 31; G9 7th year, n = 31; G10 8th year, n = 30; G11 9th year, n = 31; G12 1st year, n = 30; G13 2nd year, n = 31; G14 3rd year, n = 31). Tools of descriptive and bivariate analysis were used. Results Superior performance of the private school students on spelling tests helps their reading as evidenced by their scores for syntactic and semantic processes. When the knowledge of the use of the word in text, extraction of meaning and its understanding was needed, the difficulty of access to the mental lexicon of the studied population became evident. Conclusion The PROLEC-SE-R, in addition to establishing the reading profile of elementary and high school students, shows that the gaps in teaching and learning, which exist between public and private education in the literacy period, accompany students throughout the basic education cycle. Knowing the reading profile and in which process there is a disruption is important so that the teaching of specific strategies can be promoted throughout the entire schooling process, especially in primary and secondary education. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Reading , Students , Education, Primary and Secondary , Educational Measurement , Cross-Sectional Studies , Public Sector , Private Sector , Comprehension
Front Psychol ; 14: 1229170, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38078221


The present study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Academic Psychological Capital Questionnaire 12 (APCQ-12) in a sample of 2,196 Chilean high school students (51% girls) aged 12 to 17 years (mean 14.83 years). Results showed that: (1) the APCQ-12 produces adequate scores in terms of reliability, (2) the internal structure of the questionnaire obtains adequate fit indices, for a second order model, which is consistent with previous research, and (3) the APCQ-12 proved to be sex and age invariant. Overall, the APCQ-12 proved to be an adequate questionnaire for measuring academic psychological capital in Chilean high school students, producing valid and reliable scores.

Children (Basel) ; 10(7)2023 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37508761


Depression is a type of mood disorder that can impact individuals of any age. A variety of factors, including biological, psychological, and environmental factors, can contribute to the likelihood of developing depression. If the environment in which a person exists does not support its occurrence, the disorder may not manifest. The current research follows a retrospective, correlational approach, utilizing a non-probability sample of 557 high school students from public schools in Mexico City. This sample includes 181 males and 376 females, aged between 15 and 18 years, with an average age of 15.66 and a standard deviation of 0.68. The main objective of this research is to identify the variables that serve as risk factors for the development of depressive disorders in Mexican adolescents in high school. The data show that 78% of the adolescents in the total sample were at risk of depression, which is consistent with what has been reported by other researchers. The regression model shows that alcohol and drug consumption is associated with and influences the emergence and presence of depressive symptomatology and major depressive disorder. Adolescents with different sexual orientations than heterosexuals are twice as likely to suffer depression and emotional dysregulation. It was confirmed that the developmental stage and adolescence contributes as a context that favors the evolution of such a symptomatology.

Saúde Pesqui. (Online) ; 16(2): 11191, abr./jun. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510567


Identificar a percepção dos profissionais de instituições de ensino sobre a hemofilia, e diante disso formular estratégias de educação em saúde sobre o assunto. Trata-se de pesquisa quanti-qualitativa, analisados de forma descritiva através do Software MAXQDA versão 18.1.1, sob a estratégia de análise de conteúdo. Do total de 40 investigados na pesquisa, percebe-se que somente 11 conseguiram definir hemofilia, metade não sabiam sobre as formas de sangramento, 27 não sabiam as características de um sangramento e somente 10 referiam saber como agir frente a tal acontecimento, revelando desconhecimento dos profissionais de instituições de ensino sobre esta condição de saúde, que afirmam nunca terem sido capacitados para entendimento sobre a doença. Este trabalho promove um diálogo interdisciplinar entre saúde e educação sobre a hemofilia, no qual foi reconhecido a falta de conhecimento sobre o tema por profissionais de instituições de ensino e proposto estratégias de educação em saúde.

To identify the perceptions of professionals working in educational institutions regarding hemophilia and to formulate strategies for health education on this topic. This is quantitative-qualitative research, analyzed descriptively through the Software MAXQDA version 18.1.1, under the content analysis strategy. A total of 40 investigated in the research, it is perceived that only 11 were able to define hemophilia, half did not know about the forms of bleeding, 27 did not know the characteristics of a bleeding and only 10 reported knowing how to act in the face of such an event, revealing lack of knowledge of the professionals of educational institutions about this health condition, who claim to have never been trained to understand the disease. This work promotes an interdisciplinary dialogue between health and education on hemophilia, in which the lack of knowledge on the theme of professionals from educational institutions and proposed health education strategies was recognized.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 14: 1-7, mar. 20, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1425328


Objetivo: Analisar o panorama da oferta do ensino médio integrado em enfermagem no Brasil. Métodos: Pesquisa quanti-qualitativa, documental. Os dados foram coletados do Sistema Nacional de Informações da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, e um questionário utilizando a plataforma digital Google Forms® para as escolas incluídas, analisadas com auxílio do Microsoft Excel®. Resultados: Foram encontradas e validadas 90 escolas. O maior número destas escolas estava na região Nordeste (68), seguida das regiões Sudeste, Sul, Centro Oeste e Norte. Comparando o número de curso técnico de enfermagem tradicional com os cursos na modalidade integrada obtivemos razões de 11:1 a 378:1, sendo 98,9% da rede pública. Das escolas que responderam ao questionário, 60% utilizam o currículo integrado, cerca de 50% realizou alguma capacitação com os docentes, como também, evidenciamos a modalidade integrada ofertada em três formas diferentes que alteravam duração do curso e carga horária. Chamou atenção a taxa de 32,5% de evasão no referido curso. Conclusão: Constatamos que a modalidade integrada tem baixa capilaridade no Brasil, sendo sua maior aderência na região Nordeste, e na esfera pública, já que assume um compromisso com a formação humana integral e não apenas com o mercado de trabalho. (AU)

Objective: To analyze the panorama of the offer of integrated secondary education in nursing in Brazil. Methods: Quantitative-qualitative, documentary research. The data were collected from the National Information System for Professional and Technological Education, and a questionnaire using the Google Forms® digital platform for the schools included, analyzed with the aid of Microsoft Excel®. Results: 90 schools were found and validated. The largest number of these schools was in the Northeast region (68), followed by the Southeast, South, Midwest and North regions. Comparing the number of traditional nursing technical courses with courses in the integrated modality, we obtained ratios from 11: 1 to 378: 1, all from the public system. Of the schools that responded to the questionnaire, 60% use the integrated curriculum, about 50% carried out some training with the teachers, as well as showing the integrated modality offered in three different ways that altered the duration of the course and workload. The 32.5% dropout rate in that course drew attention. Conclusion: We found that the integrated modality has low capillarity in Brazil, with its greatest adherence in the Northeast region, and in the public sphere, since it assumes a commitment to integral human development and not only to the labor market. (AU)

Objetivo: Analizar el panorama de la oferta de educación secundaria integrada en enfermería en Brasil. Métodos: Investigación documental cuantitativa-cualitativa. Los datos fueron recolectados del Sistema Nacional de Información para la Educación Profesional y Tecnológica, y un cuestionario utilizando la plataforma digital Google Forms® para las escuelas incluidas, analizado con la ayuda de Microsoft Excel®. Resultados: se encontraron y validaron 90 escuelas. El mayor número de estas escuelas se encontraba en la región noreste (68), seguida por las regiones sureste, sur, medio oeste y norte. Comparando el número de cursos técnicos tradicionales de enfermería con cursos en la modalidad integrada, obtuvimos ratios de 11: 1 a 378: 1, todos del sistema público. De las escuelas que respondieron al cuestionario, el 60% utiliza el currículo integrado, cerca del 50% realizó alguna capacitación con los docentes, además de mostrar la modalidad integrada ofrecida en tres formas diferentes que alteraron la duración del curso y la carga de trabajo. La tasa de deserción del 32,5% en ese curso llamó la atención. Conclusión: Encontramos que la modalidad integrada tiene baja capilaridad en Brasil, con su mayor adhesión en la región Nordeste, y en la esfera pública, ya que asume un compromiso con el desarrollo humano integral y no solo con el mercado laboral. (AU)

Education, Nursing, Associate , Education, Primary and Secondary , Education, Nursing , Education, Professional
Psychol Health Med ; 28(4): 938-945, 2023 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35722993


Self-concept has been associated with health-related behaviors and emotional self-regulation, which can improve sleep. However, its involvement in sleep quality in a healthy adolescent population has been little studied. This study evaluated the association between self-concept and sleep quality in adolescents adjusting for sleep/wake habits. The cross-sectional study included 1,751 adolescents, 54% females, with an age of M = 16.76 ± 1.04 years. The information was collected through an electronic survey that contained the Patient Health Questionnaire, Sleep Habits Questionnaire, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and Self-Concept Scale. A significant association between self-concept, adjustment for adolescents´ characteristics and sleep/wake habits was observed (R2 = .17, F = 26.61, p < .001). That is, in addition to the adolescent habits, self-concept also contributed to the explanation of sleep/wake habits. These results reinforce the idea that the self-concept can be an essential factor that contributes to better sleep quality, despite the habits of adolescents.

Sleep Quality , Sleep Wake Disorders , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Male , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sleep/physiology , Sleep Wake Disorders/epidemiology , Sleep Wake Disorders/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 45: e20220066, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423118


RESUMO Nesta pesquisa objetivamos identificar características históricas da Educação Física escolar (EFE) como componente curricular da Educação Profissional (EP) no Brasil a partir de uma revisão de literatura entre os anos de 2008 até 2019 nos periódicos nacionais, na base de dados SciELO, no portal de periódicos, assim como no Catálogo de teses e dissertações da Capes. Selecionamos produções que versam especificamente sobre a história da EFE em diferentes momentos históricos e diferentes Instituições de EP do Brasil. Observamos e constatamos que a EFE esteve historicamente presente na EP vinculada a um projeto hegemônico de educação, desvinculada de pressupostos educativos emancipatórios aos quais o projeto atual de Ensino Médio Integrado pode apontar possibilidades.

ABSTRACT In this research, we aim to identify the historical characteristics of school Physical Education (EFE) as a curricular component in Professional Education (EP) in Brazil from a literature review between the years 2008 to 2019 in national journals, in the SciELO database, on the portal of periodicals and in the Capes Catalog of Theses and Dissertations. We selected productions that specifically deal with the history of EFE in different historical moments and different EP Institutions in Brazil. We observed and verified that the EFE was historically present in the EP linked to a hegemonic project of education, unlinked from emancipatory educational assumptions to which the current Integrated High School project can point out possibilities.

RESUMEN En esta investigación pretendemos identificar las características historicas de la Educación Física (EFE) escolar como componente curricular en la Educación Profesional (EP) en Brasil a partir de una revisión de la literatura entre los años 2008 a 2019 en revistas nacionales, en la base de datos SciELO, en el portal de periódicos y en el Catálogo Capes de Tesis y Disertaciones. Seleccionamos producciones que traten específicamente la historia de EFE en diferentes momentos históricos y diferentes Instituciones EP en Brasil. Observamos y constatamos que la EFE estuvo históricamente presente en la EP ligada a un proyecto hegemónico de educación, desvinculada de supuestos educativos emancipatorios a los que el proyecto actual de la Escuela secundaria integrada puede señalar posibilidades.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 35(66): 1-17, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509887


O objetivo desse ensaio foi analisar as implicações da BNCC do Ensino Médio para a Educação Física Escolar em reflexividade dialógica e dialética pela análise histórica e política. Por meio de constatações teórica-empíricas, mostramos uma ampla denúncia sobre os interesses neoliberais envolvidos na concepção educativa da reforma do Ensino Médio, já que essa política educacional sistematiza uma educação a serviço do capital, com um reflexo nefasto para a formação crítica e reflexiva das juventudes. Assim, a Educação Física perde cada vez mais espaço, seja pelo seu caráter optativo efetivado pelos "estudos e práticas" do componente curricular; pelo rebaixamento de sua carga horária; por sua falta de legitimidade na sociedade contemporânea; ou por seus princípios epistemológicos, políticos e pedagógicos que se distanciam de uma educação eficiente pautada na Pedagogia das competências. Por fim, defendemos a revogação da BNCC e a organização coletiva de um novo documento curricular.

The objective of this essay was to analyze the implications of High School NCCB for Physical Education in dialogical and dialectical reflexivity through historical and political analysis. Through theoretical-empirical findings, we show a broad denunciation of neoliberal interests involved in the educational conception of the High School reform, since this educational policy systematizes an education at the service of capital, with a disastrous reflection for critical and reflective formation of youths. Thus, Physical Education loses more and more space, either because of its optional character effected by "studies and practices" of the curricular component; lowered workload; lack of legitimacy in contemporary society; or epistemological, political and pedagogical principles that distance themselves from an efficient education based on Competence Pedagogy. Finally, we support the revokement of the NCCB, and the collective organization of a new curriculum.

El objetivo de este ensayo fue analizar las implicaciones de la BNCC de Enseñanza Media para la Educación Física Escolar en la reflexividad dialógica y dialéctica por medio del análisis histórico y político. Mediante hallazgos teórico-empíricos, mostramos una amplia denuncia de los intereses neoliberales involucrados en la concepción educativa de la reforma, ya que esta política educativa sistematiza una educación al servicio del capital. Así, la Educación Física pierde cada vez más espacio, ya sea por su carácter optativo efectuado por los "estudios y prácticas" del componente curricular; por la reducción de su carga de trabajo; por su falta de legitimidad en la sociedad contemporánea; o por sus principios epistemológicos, políticos y pedagógicos que se distancian de una educación eficiente basada en la Pedagogía de las competencias. Finalmente, defendemos la derogación de la BNCC y la organización colectiva de un nuevo documento curricular.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(9): 5074-5096, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510176


Este estudo objetivou-se analisar as dificuldades encontradas no ensino remoto emergencial (ERE) pelos professores da rede pública estadual de Minas Gerais durante o período pandêmico da COVID-19. Trata-se de estudo transversal com coleta realizada entre agosto e setembro de 2020, tipo websurvey. Utilizou-se a dificuldade encontrada com o ERE como variável dependente e as independentes foram características sociodemográficas e econômicas, perfil ocupacional, recursos/materiais e processos do trabalho docente. Participaram do estudo 15.641 professores. Observou-se prevalência de 90,6% de dificuldades no ERE. Os resultados, obtidos por meio da análise de Regressão de Poisson (α = 5%), apontaram associações entre o ERE e os professores do sexo feminino, a falta de recursos/materiais, o acesso limitado à internet e o processo de trabalho docente deficiente. Evidenciou-se um conjunto complexo de dificuldades que exige adequação de políticas públicas ao novo cenário educacional durante e pós- pandemia.

The objective was to analyse the difficulties encountered in emergency remote teaching (ERE) by teachers from the state public network of Minas Gerais during the COVID-19 pandemic period. This is a cross-sectional study with data collected be- tween August and September 2020, web survey type. The difficulty found with the ERE was used as a dependent variable, and the independent variables were sociodemographic and economic characteristics, occupational profile, resources/materials, and teaching work processes. 15,641 teachers participated in the study. There was a prevalence of 90.6% of difficulties in the ERE. The results, obtained through the Poisson Regression analysis (α=5%), indicated associations with the ERE of female teachers, the lack of re- sources/materials, limited access to the internet and the poor teaching work process. A complex set of difficulties was evidenced, which requires the adequacy of public policies to the new educational scenario during and after the pandemic.

El objetivo fue analizar las dificultades encontradas en la enseñanza remota de emergencia (ERE) por docentes de la red pública estatal de Minas Gerais durante el período pandémico del COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio transversal con datos entre agosto y septiembre de 2020, tipo encuesta web. Se utilizó como variable dependiente la dificultad encontrada con el ERE, y las variables independientes fueron características sociodemográficas y económicas, perfil ocupacional, recursos / materiales y procesos de trabajo docente. 15.641 profesores participaron en el estudio. Hubo una prevalencia del 90,6% de dificultades en el ERE. El análisis de regresión de Poisson (α = 5%) indicó asociaciones con el ERE de las maestras, falta de recursos / materiales, acceso limitado a Internet y un proceso de trabajo docente deficiente. Se evidenció un conjunto complejo de dificultades, que requiere la adecuación de las políticas públicas al nuevo escenario educativo durante y después de la pandemia.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 31: e3535, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1528171


Resumo No Brasil, desde a "Primeira República", a educação vem sofrendo reformas que afetam todos os seus níveis, inclusive o ensino médio. No cerne dessas reformas, esse nível de ensino é tradicionalmente marcado pelo dualismo educacional, reproduzindo as estruturas de poder presentes na sociedade brasileira. A última dessas reformas, instaurada em 2018, delegou ao ensino médio a função de subsidiar jovens na construção de seus projetos de futuro. A reforma de 2018 é apreendida neste texto como uma tentativa de adequar a formação da juventude brasileira em consonância ao status quo. Os "Estudos das Juventudes" têm se configurado como um campo de interface entre várias áreas que têm, de um modo ou de outro, a "Escola" e seus processos como um ponto de debate. Esse debate toma como fonte os documentos oficiais no âmbito da educação básica no Brasil para discutir o Programa Ensino Integral (PEI), instituído pela Secretaria Estadual de Educação de São Paulo em 2012, que, de forma pioneira no país, centralizou os currículos do ensino fundamental (anos finais) e ensino médio na construção do que se denominou "projetos de vida" dos alunos, criando escolas específicas para esse fim. Com as experiências desenvolvidas até aqui, conforme aquelas fontes e com a literatura correlata, pode-se afirmar a permanência do dualismo educacional no ensino médio, que, antes de tudo, não efetiva uma formação plena e desinteressada para a maior parte dos jovens que buscam na escola pública referências para uma vida melhor, muitas vezes inviabilizada pelo lugar que se ocupa e de onde o futuro pode ser projetado.

Abstract In Brazil, since the "First Republic", education has undergone reforms that affect all its levels, including high school. At the core of these reforms, this level of education is traditionally marked by educational dualism, reproducing the power structures present in Brazilian society. The latest of these reforms, instituted in 2018, assigned high schools the function of subsidizing young people in the construction of their future life projects. The 2018 reform is understood in this text as an attempt to adapt the education of Brazilian youth in line with the status quo. "Youth Studies" has emerged as an interface field between various areas that have, in one way or another, the "School" and its processes as a point of debate. This debate draws on official documents in the field of basic education in Brazil to discuss the Full-Time Education Program (Programa Ensino Integral - PEI), instituted by the São Paulo State Department of Education in 2012, which, in a pioneering manner in the country, centralized the curricula of junior high school and high school in the construction of what was called "life projects" for students, creating specific schools for this purpose. With the experiences developed so far, according to those sources and related literature, it is possible to assert the continuity of educational dualism in high school, which, above all, does not provide a full and disinterested education for most young people who seek, in public school, references for a better life, often hindered by the place they occupy and from where the future can be projected.