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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39063416


This study aims to assist decision-making in anti-bullying interventions by highlighting the importance of positive factors such as gratitude, forgiveness, and self-regulation in mitigating the negative impacts of bullying/cyberbullying. The objective was to examine and synthesize available evidence on the impact of gratitude, forgiveness, and self-regulation practices in the school context regarding bullying/cyberbullying phenomena. Three databases were consulted (Web of Science, Scopus, and Scielo), and the results include 14 articles. The three character strengths were associated with psychological well-being, life and school satisfaction, improved mental health, increased likelihood of engaging in pro-social behavior, and reduced involvement in bullying/cyberbullying situations. These strengths have the potential to enhance overall well-being and decrease risk behaviors, leading to more positive outcomes in experiences of violence. These results underscore the importance of considering students' individual strengths and the possible interventions to promote healthy school environments.

Bullying , Cyberbullying , Forgiveness , Schools , Self-Control , Humans , Cyberbullying/psychology , Bullying/psychology , Self-Control/psychology , Students/psychology , Adolescent
London; Homeopathy; Apr. 18, 2024. 11 p.
Non-conventional in English | HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1552586


Homeopathy uses the "similitude principle" to arouse a therapeutic reaction in the body against its own disorders. For this to occur optimally, the medicinal pathogenetic effects must present similarity with the totality of the individual's symptoms. To assess if this similarity has been successfully achieved, Hahnemann states that "improvement in the disposition and mind"­i.e., subjective well-being­is the most important parameter to consider. Aim Our aim was to perform a narrative review of the literature, exploring what is known about subjective well-being as a marker of therapeutic action, and to formulate ways in which subjective well-being might be quantifiable and applied in future homeopathy research. The concept of subjective well-being has been extensively studied in the complementary and conventional medical literature. Improved well-being has been observed in clinical trials, including those in the fields of positive psychology and meditation. Positive subjective outcomes of this nature are supported by objective evidence through associated changes in brain oscillatory activity using electroencephalography and/or "brain mapping" by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neurophysiological responses in the brain have been identified in subjects after they ingested a homeopathic medicine. The concept of subjective well-being is supported by a body of literature and is a measurable entity. When viewed from the perspective of electrophysiological changes, brain activity is an objective neurophysiological biomarker with a potential to quantify individual well-being in the context of homeopathy research.

Humans , Brain Mapping , Medicamentous Diagnosis , Meditation , Electroencephalography , Psychology, Positive , Psychological Well-Being
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38397676


Psychological capital (PsyCap) has been identified as an individual's positive psychological state of development that can help to reduce negative organizational outcomes. However, there is still a gap in understanding how PsyCap influences different aspects of organizations. This study investigates the mediating role of burnout in the relationship between PsyCap and turnover intentions among healthcare professionals. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 320 healthcare professionals. The estimation of the relationships between PsyCap, burnout, and turnover intentions was obtained through structural equation modelling (SEM). A mediation analysis was carried out using bootstrapping procedures. The results show that burnout has a significant and positive effect on turnover intention and PsyCap has a significant and negative effect on burnout. Moreover, burnout fully mediates the relationship between PsyCap and turnover intention. These findings suggest that PsyCap can effectively reduce negative outcomes like burnout, but its positive impact may be limited when considering other outcomes such as turnover intention.

Burnout, Professional , Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Burnout, Professional/psychology , Health Personnel , Personnel Turnover , Intention , Delivery of Health Care , Surveys and Questionnaires
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e54827, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1529189


RESUMO. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar o conhecimento de crianças e pré-adolescentes em relação aos termos que designam as forças de caráter e compreender como percebem a expressão desses traços nos próprios comportamentos e nos de outras pessoas. Foram entrevistados 17 participantes, de oito a 13 anos (M = 10,6; DP = 1,5). Para cada força foram feitas sete perguntas, que investigavam a definição do termo e exemplos da expressão da força nos outros e nos próprios entrevistados. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas para análise de conteúdo, ao fim gerando categorias para cada força. As forças descritas com maior facilidade pelos participantes e suas respectivas definições foram criatividade (capacidade de criar coisas), curiosidade e amor ao aprendizado (busca de conhecimento e novas experiências), honestidade (falar a verdade), amor (comportamento de dar carinho), bondade (ajudar e cuidar do outro), trabalho em equipe (realização de trabalhos colaborativos em brincadeiras ou atividades escolares), perdão (08 categorias a respeito de sua definição, sem destaque para alguma) e esperança (desejar acontecimento futuro). Esses achados podem tornar mais acessível o desenvolvimento e a avaliação das forças nessa faixa etária.

RESUMEN. Este estudio buscó analizar el conocimiento de niños y pre-adolescentes sobre los términos que fueron designados como fortalezas de carácter, y comprender cómo perciben estos rasgos en sus proprios comportamientos y en los de otras personas. Diecisiete participantes entre ocho y trece años fueron entrevistados (M = 10.6; SD = 1.5). Para cada fortaleza, se hicieron siete preguntas, que investigaron la definición del término y ejemplos prácticos de su expresión. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas y transcritas para el análisis de contenido, creando categorías para cada fortaleza. Las fortalezas descritas por los participantes con mayor facilidad y sus respectivas definiciones fueron: creatividad (capacidad de crear cosas), curiosidad y amor por el aprendizaje (búsqueda de conocimiento y nuevas experiencias), honestidad (decir la verdad), amor (comportamientos afectivos), amabilidad (ayudar y cuidar a los demás), trabajo en equipo (desempeño del trabajo colaborativo en juegos o actividades escolares), perdón (ocho categorías con respecto a su definición, sin énfasis en ninguna) y esperanza (deseo por un evento futuro). Estos hallazgos pueden facilitar el desarrollo y la evaluación de las fortalezas con este grupo de edad.

ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the children and pre-adolescents' knowledge regarding terms that designate character strengths and to understand how they perceive the expression of these traits in their and other people's behavior. Seventeen participants aged eight to thirteen were interviewed (M = 10.6; SD = 1.5). For each strength, seven questions were asked, which investigated the definition and examples of the strength expression. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for content analysis, generating categories for each strength. The strengths most easily described by the participants and their respective definitions were: creativity (ability to create things), curiosity and love for learning (searching for knowledge and new experiences), honesty (speaking the truth), love (acts involving affection), kindness (helping and caring for others), teamwork (collaborative works in games or school activities), forgiveness (eight categories regarding their definition, without highlighting any) and hope (longing for a future event). These findings may make developing and evaluating character strengths in this age group more accessible.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Character , Child , Comprehension , Behavior , Creativity , Education, Primary and Secondary , Exploratory Behavior , Forgiveness , Hope , Psychology, Positive/education , Group Dynamics/psychology , Learning , Love
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e54885, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1529190


RESUMO Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a intervenção psicológica positiva para promoção de saúde de aposentados, a partir da avaliação dos participantes, no que se refere à satisfação com o programa e com o moderador, clareza/compreensão/aplicação dos conteúdos e manutenção da aplicação ao longo de tempo, com delineamento longitudinal misto e avaliação pré (T1), pós-teste (T2) e seguimento (T3 - 03 meses). Participaram 65 aposentados que responderam ao questionário misto de avaliação do programa. Análises quantitativas indicaram maiores médias para satisfação com o programa e com o moderador; e menor média para tempo de duração do programa. 77,7% participantes em T2 e 87,2% em T3 utilizaram nas suas vidas os conteúdos trabalhados no programa. Foi observada manutenção da aplicação dos conteúdos de empatia, autocuidado, otimismo, gratidão, perdão e autoperdão. Resultados positivos demonstram que este modelo de intervenção para promoção de saúde - com base na psicologia positiva e TCC - apresenta potencial para ser aplicado em contextos de saúde pública e promoção de envelhecimento ativo.

RESUMEN Este estúdio evaluó una intervención psicológica positiva para La promoción de la salud de jubilados, basado em laevaluación de los participantes, encuanto a satisfacción com el programa y com el moderador, claridad/comprensión/aplicación de los contenidos y mantenimiento de La aplicaciónen el tiempo, condiseño longitudinal mixto y evaluación pre (T1), posterior a laprueba (T2) y seguimiento (T3 - tres meses). Participaron 65 jubilados que respondieron los cuestionarios de evaluación del programa. Los análisis cuantitativos indican promedios más altos para satisfacción conel moderador y programa; y más bajo para laduración del programa. 77.7% de los participantes en T2 y 87.2% en T3 usaron en sus vidas los contenidos trabajados em el programa. Se observo mantenimiento de la aplicación de lãs variables empatía, autocuidado, optimismo, gratitud, perdón y autoperdón. Los resultados positivos demuestran que este modelo de intervención presenta potencial de ser aplicado en contextos de salud pública y promoción Del envejecimiento activo.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate a Positive Psychology programme for health promotion of retirees, based on evaluation of participants with regard to levels of satisfaction with the programme/group and with the moderator, comprehension and application of contents and maintenance/long-term application of contents. A mixed longitudinal design, with pre-test (T1), post-test (T2), and follow-up (T3 - three months) evaluations was used. 65 retirees answered a programme evaluation questionnaire. Quantitative results indicated higher mean rates for satisfaction with the moderator and programme; and lower rates for the programme length/duration. Qualitative analysis indicated that 77.7% of the sample at T2, and 87.2% at T3 reported having used contents of the programme in their lives. Maintenance of application of contents was observed for empathy, self-care, optimism, gratitude, forgiveness and self-forgiveness. Positive outcomes demonstrate this pattern of intervention for health promotion - based on Positive Psychology and CBT - presents the potential to be applied within public health contexts for the promotion of active aging.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Psychosocial Intervention , Retiree , Health Promotion , Self Care/psychology , Aging/psychology , Emotions , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Psychology, Positive
Trends Psychiatry Psychother. (Online) ; 46: e20220496, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560606


Abstract Objective To investigate the role of optimism, hope, and gratitude as psychosocial factors for healthy development, especially with regard to anxiety in college students in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods This is a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the Brazilian Gratitude Scale (Escala Brasileira de Gratidão [B-GRAT]), and the Brazilian versions of an anxiety subscale, the Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT-R), Hope Index Scale, and BIG-FIVE were administered. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, Spearman correlations, and hierarchical linear regression. Results A total of 297 students were assessed. The relationship between gratitude and anxiety became positive in the hierarchical linear analysis, contradicting the initial negative association between these variables according to the Spearman coefficients. This contradiction may be a result of the suppression effect. When gratitude was added to the model, these three variables together accounted for 38% of the variance in anxiety. This indicates that optimism, hope, and gratitude together are significant predictors, although optimism alone accounts for the greater part of the variance in decreased anxiety. Conclusion The data confirm that family and religiosity are protective factors against mental illness, specifically non-adaptive anxiety. Furthermore, developing optimism as a protective factor makes it possible to experience less anxiety while hope has the potential to provide the individual with multiple pathways to healthy development. This study highlights that gratitude plays a dual role in these relationships as it has the potential to be associated with anxious feelings with likely negative outcomes while at the same time it can drive positive psychosocial factors of optimism and hope, decreasing anxiety.

Behav Sci (Basel) ; 13(10)2023 Oct 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37887516


To understand the influence of positive thinking ideology on cancer representations among physicians in the city of Medellín. METHODS: This qualitative study was conducted on the basis of the theoretical and methodological elements of Corbin and Strauss's grounded theory. Fourteen physicians were included and selected according to the criteria of maximum variation for education, years of study, and personal and family history of cancer. The information was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed with open, axial, and selective coding. RESULTS: the ideology of positive thinking has managed to permeate the medical discourse and the representations that they form about the etiology and treatment of cancer. Physicians place the mind, emotions, attitude, and positive thinking as determinants of the origin of the disease and the response to therapy. To argue this link, they use two strategies: (i) a sophisticated and specialized discourse that involves relationships among thoughts, genetics, the neurological, immune and endocrine system and (ii) a mystical and less rational discourse that emphasizes the omnipotence of the mind and thoughts. In no case was the idea of positive thinking rejected or in disagreement with this style of thinking expressed. CONCLUSION: The fact of linking the disease with mental factors refers to the mind-body dualism and generates a responsibility of the patients on the etiology and therapeutics of the disease, as well as an erasure of the social and political determinants of cancer. The technical discourse and the symbolic capital of physicians offer scientific legitimacy to these ideas and can become performative for patients.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1238105, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37809290


Introduction: Emerging adulthood is a period of transition between adolescence and adulthood, during which individuals explore different roles and possibilities. This period is often characterized by high levels of stress and uncertainty, which can increase the risk of depression. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between emerging adulthood dimensions, well-being, character strengths and depression, as well as to verify the differences in the levels of these elements among different groups of depressive symptomatology. Methods: Participants were 1,060 individuals (741 females, 305 males) between the ages of 18 and 30 years (M = 22.3, SD = 3.72). Spearman's correlation, linear regression, and Kruskal- Wallis with pairwise post-hoc analyses were used to analyze the data. Results: There were significant positive correlations between emerging adulthood dimensions, well-being, and character strengths, and negative correlations between these variables and depression. There were also significant differences in the means of the evaluated constructs among the symptomm groups. Discussion: The findings suggest that emerging adulthood dimensions, well-being, and character strengths are all associated with depression in emerging adults and have important implications for the provision of interventions in health and education for emerging adults. The study provides a deeper understanding of the factors influencing depression during emerging adulthood and emphasize the importance of promoting positive psychology elements and developing personalized interventions for emerging adults. This also suggest that public policies related to mental health and education should take into account the unique needs of emerging adults.

Psico USF ; 28(4): 799-810, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1529172


O suporte do supervisor à família conceitua-se como comportamentos dos supervisores voltados a apoiar os papéis familiares dos funcionários. O presente estudo objetivou obter evidências de validade da Medida de Comportamento Suporte do Supervisor à Família, nas versões abrangente e reduzida, em amostras brasileiras. Participaram desta pesquisa 503 trabalhadores, de ambos os sexos. As análises fatoriais confirmatórias evidenciaram que a versão abrangente ficou composta por 14 itens, divididos em quatro fatores de primeira ordem (emocional, instrumental, modelo de papéis e gestão criativa) e um fator de segunda ordem. A versão reduzida unifatorial compôs-se por quatro itens. Ambas as versões apresentaram bons índices de consistência interna. Os instrumentos correlacionaram-se positivamente com o enriquecimento trabalho-família, suporte do supervisor e satisfação no trabalho, e negativamente com o conflito trabalho-família e intenção de rotatividade. Concluiu-se que os instrumentos apresentaram propriedades psicométricas que recomendam seu uso em investigações futuras.(AU)

The concept of a family-supportive supervisor refers to supervisors' behaviors aimed at supporting employees' family roles. This study aimed to obtain evidence of validity of the Measure of Family Supportive Supervisor Behaviors, both in its comprehensive and abbreviated versions, using Brazilian samples. A total of 503 workers of both sexes participated in this research. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the comprehensive version consisted of 14 items, grouped into four first-order factors (emotional, instrumental, role model and creative management), all contributing to a second-order factor. The unifactorial reduced version consisted of four items. Both versions showed good internal consistency indices. The instruments exhibited positive correlations with work-family enrichment, supervisor support, and job satisfaction while demonstrating negative correlations with work-family conflict and turnover intention. It was concluded that the instruments presented psychometric properties that recommend their use in future research.(AU)

El apoyo del supervisor a la familia se define a las acciones de los supervisores dirigidos para respaldar los roles familiares de los empleados. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo obtener evidencias de validez de la Medida del Comportamiento de Apoyo del Supervisor a la Familia, en las versiones extensa y breve, en muestras brasileñas. En esta investigación participaron 503 trabajadores de ambos sexos. Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios revelaron que la versión extensa quedó compuesta por 14 ítems, divididos en cuatro factores de primer orden (emocional, instrumental, modelo a seguir y gestión creativa) y un factor de segundo orden. La versión breve unifactorial constaba de cuatro ítems. Ambas versiones mostraron buenos índices de consistencia interna. Los instrumentos se correlacionaron positivamente con el enriquecimiento trabajo-familia, el apoyo del supervisor y la satisfacción laboral, y negativamente con el conflicto trabajo-familia y la intención de rotación. Se concluye que los instrumentos presentan propiedades psicométricas que respaldan su uso en futuras investigaciones.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Personnel Management , Social Support , Family/psychology , Work-Life Balance , Psychometrics , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Conflict, Psychological , Self Report , Sociodemographic Factors
Psico USF ; 28(3): 477-490, jul.-set. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1521363


Este estudo teve como objetivo proporcionar evidências de validade e fidedignidade da Escala de Gratidão (G-20) para a população de adultos brasileiros. Especificamente, verificar a estrutura do questionário através da análise fatorial confirmatória, explorar a consistência interna da escala e as validades de critério concorrente e convergente. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, correlacional com delineamento transversal. A amostra por conveniência está composta por 348 adultos entre 18 e 59 anos das cinco regiões brasileiras. Os instrumentos utilizados foram questionário de dados sociodemográficos, G-20, GQ-6, DASS-21, PANAS e P-DURELL. A escala total demonstrou confiabilidade satisfatória (α = 0,92 e Ω = 0,71) e em todas as dimensões do instrumento. Além disso, a análise do ajustamento dos dados para a estrutura de quatro fatores apontou valor aceitável para uma boa adequação do modelo (RMSEA = 0,068, CFI= 0,956 e TLI= 0,949) e a predominância das correlações entre os instrumentos utilizados no estudo mostrou-se significativas. (AU)

This study aimed to provide evidence of validity and reliability of the Gratitude Scale (G-20) for the Brazilian adult population. Specifically, the study sought to verify the questionnaire's structure using confirmatory factor analysis, explore the scale's internal consistency, and establish concurrent and convergent criteria validities. This was a quantitative, correlational study with a cross-sectional design. The convenience sample comprised 348 adults between 18 and 59 years old from all five Brazilian regions. The instruments used were a sociodemographic data questionnaire, G-20, GQ-6, DASS-21, PANAS, and P-DURELL. The total scale demonstrated satisfactory reliability (α = 0.92 and Ω = 0.71) across all dimensions of the instrument. Furthermore, analysis of the data adjustment for the four-factor structure showed an acceptable fit for the model (RMSEA = 0.068, CFI = 0.956, and TLI = 0.949) and significant correlations between the instruments were predominantly observed. (AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo proporcionar evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Gratitud (G-20) para la población adulta brasileña. Específicamente, verificar la estructura del cuestionario mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio, explorar la consistencia interna del instrumento y la validez de criterios concurrente y convergente. Es un estudio cuantitativo, correlacional con diseño transversal. La muestra por conveniencia está compuesta por 348 adultos entre 18 y 59 años de las cinco regiones brasileñas. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos, G-20, GQ-6, DASS-21, PANAS y P-DURELL. La escala total demostró una fiabilidad satisfactoria (α = 0,92 y Ω = 0,71) y en todas dimensiones del instrumento. El análisis del ajuste de datos para la estructura de cuatro factores demostró un valor aceptable para adecuación del modelo (RMSEA = 0.068, CFI = 0.956 y TLI = 0.949) y el predominio de correlaciones entre los instrumentos se demostró significativo. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Virtues , Psychology, Positive , Psychometrics , Socioeconomic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies
Psico USF ; 28(3): 563-578, jul.-set. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1521362


Evidence-based positive interventions contribute to the promotion of workers' well-being. Accordingly, an intervention was carried out with 11 physiotherapist engaging leaders from a hospital in Porto Alegre to promote their engagement at work as a protection factor. A mixed transformative-sequential study was carried out, consisting of four phases with three stages of assessment. The effectiveness of the intervention was investigated using the Jacobson-Truax Method, evaluating the effects of the intervention on Engagement at Work, Perceived Social Support, Dispositional Hope, Gratitude, and Anxiety. The intervention integrated epistemological assumptions from the Job Demand-Resources Model and the Basic Psychological Needs Theory. The main result was the increased levels of work engagement, which strengthened positive psychological states, and had an anxiety-reducing effect during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study provides relevant contributions to positive development in mental health protection at work. (AU)

Intervenções positivas baseadas em evidências contribuem para promoção do bem-estar dos trabalhadores. Nesse sentido, foi realizada uma intervenção com 11 lideranças engajadoras de fisioterapeutas de um hospital de Porto Alegre para promover seu engajamento no trabalho como fator de proteção. Realizou-se estudo misto transformativo-sequencial, composto por quatro fases em três tempos de avaliação. A efetividade da intervenção foi investigada por meio do Método Jacobson-Truax, avaliando os efeitos da intervenção sobre os níveis de Engajamento no Trabalho, Suporte Social Percebido, Esperança Disposicional, Gratidão e Ansiedade. A intervenção integrou pressupostos epistemológicos do Modelo Recursos e Demandas no Trabalho e da Teoria das Necessidades Psicológicas Básicas. O principal resultado foi o aumento dos níveis de engajamento no trabalho, que fortaleceu estados psicológicos positivos, e teve efeito na redução dos níveis de ansiedade na pandemia de COVID-19. A pesquisa traz contribuições relevantes para o desenvolvimento positivo na proteção da saúde mental no trabalho. (AU)

Intervenciones positivas basadas en evidencia contribuyen a promoción del bienestar de los trabajadores. En ese sentido, se realizó una intervención con 11 fisioterapeutas líderes de compromiso de un hospital de Porto Alegre para promover su Engagement en el Trabajo como factor de protección. Se llevó a cabo un estudio mixto transformativo-secuencial, con cuatro fases y tres etapas de evaluación. Se investigó la efectividad de la intervención mediante el Método de Jacobson-Truax, evaluando los efectos de la intervención sobre los niveles del Engagement en el Trabajo, Apoyo Social Percibido, Esperanza Disposicional, Gratitud y Ansiedad. La intervención integró el Modelo teórico de Demandas y Recursos de Trabajo con la Teoría de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas. Con un resultado de mayores niveles de Engagement en el Trabajo, lo que fortaleció los estados psicológicos positivos y tuvo un efecto reductor de la ansiedad durante la pandemia. Este estudio aporta contribuciones relevantes al desarrollo positivo en la protección de salud mental en trabajo. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Anxiety/psychology , Personal Satisfaction , Physical Therapy Department, Hospital , Psychology, Positive , Leadership , Online Systems , Surveys and Questionnaires , COVID-19/psychology
Psico USF ; 28(3): 619-632, jul.-set. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1521361


Este estudo busca identificar e analisar os estudos que associam a Psicologia Positiva e seus construtos com os transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias psicoativas. Foi feita uma revisão integrativa sobre o tema. De 64 resultados encontrados, 13 artigos foram selecionados para descrição e análise. Identificou-se baixa produção científica sobre o tema, ainda que esteja em expansão. Apenas sete estudos tinham como objetivo principal a relação entre a Psicologia Positiva e o uso de substâncias psicoativas, sendo apenas dois experimentais. Evidenciou-se também a concentração de publicações nos EUA e a falta de estudos brasileiros. Os construtos da Psicologia Positiva mais abordados são a felicidade e a espiritualidade, estando associados a um menor uso de substâncias psicoativas. Fica demonstrado o potencial desse campo de estudo para a prevenção e tratamento desses transtornos, sugerindo-se o aumento da produção cientifica. (AU)

This study aims to identify and analyze studies that associate Positive Psychology and its constructs with disorders related to the use of psychoactive substances. Method: An integrative review on the subject was conducted. Of the 64 results found, 13 articles were selected for description and analysis. Results: Although expanding, a low scientific production on the subject was identified. There were only seven studies focused on the relationship between Positive Psychology and the use of psychoactive substances, and only two were experimental. The concentration of publications in the USA and the lack of Brazilian studies were also evident. The most discussed constructs of Positive Psychology are happiness and spirituality, which are associated with a reduced use of psychoactive substances. Conclusions: This field of study has demonstrated potential for the prevention and treatment of these disorders, suggesting an increase in scientific production. (AU)

Este estudio busca identificar y analizar estudios que asocien la Psicología Positiva y sus constructos con trastornos relacionados con el uso de sustancias psicoactivas. Método: Se realizó una revisión integrativa sobre el tema. De 64 resultados encontrados, 13 artículos fueron seleccionados para su descripción y análisis. Resultados: Se identificó una baja producción científica sobre el tema, aunque se encuentra en expansión. Solo siete estudios tuvieron como objetivo principal la relación entre la Psicología Positiva y el uso de sustancias psicoactivas, de los cuales, solo dos fueron experimentales. También fue evidente la concentración de publicaciones en los EE. UU. y la falta de estudios brasileños. Los constructos más discutidos de la Psicología Positiva son la felicidad y la espiritualidad, asociándose a un menor consumo de sustancias psicoactivas. Conclusiones: Se demuestra el potencial de este campo de estudio para la prevención y tratamiento de estos trastornos, sugiriendo un incremento en la producción científica. (AU)

Humans , Substance-Related Disorders/psychology , Review Literature as Topic , Database , Substance-Related Disorders/prevention & control
Interaçao psicol ; 27(1): 22-30, jan.-abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512624


Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar as relações entre a percepção de religiosidade e as forças pessoais e as diferenças quanto à idade, ao sexo e nível de religiosidade dos participantes. Para tanto, 92 estudantes, com idades entre 18 e 64 anos (M= 25,13; DP=8,09), de uma universidade particular do estado de São Paulo, responderam à Escala de Avaliação da Percepção de Religiosidade (EAPRE) e à Escala de Forças de Caráter (EFC). Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre 21 forças da EFC, e o fator internalização da EAPRE (r entre 0,21 e 0,49), e três forças pessoais com o fator externalização (r entre 0,25 e 0,53). As mulheres apresentaram maiores médias que os homens no fator internalização da EAPRE e em seis forças de caráter da EFC. Além disso, os participantes que se percebiam com alto nível de religiosidade apresentaram maiores médias na força espiritualidade. Pesquisas com outras amostras são necessárias para permitir o amadurecimento dos conceitos investigados, sobretudo no Brasil, onde os instrumentos que avaliam construtos da psicologia positiva estão em desenvolvimento.

This research aimed to investigate the relationships between the perception of religiosity and the character strengths and the differences in age, gender, and level of religiosity of the participants. To this end, 92 students, aged between 18 and 64 years (M= 25.13; SD=8.09), from a private university in the state of São Paulo, answered the Religiosity Perception Assessment Scale (EAPRE) and the Character Strengths Scale (EFC). Significant correlations were found between 21 EFC forces, and the internalization factor of EAPRE (r between 0.21 and 0.49) and three-character strengths with the externalization factor (r between 0.25 and 0.53). Women presented higher averages than men in the internalization factor of PSAE and in six-character strengths of EFC. In addition, the participants who perceived themselves with a high level of religiosity presented higher averages in the spiritual strength. Research with other samples is necessary to allow the maturation of the concepts investigated, especially in Brazil, where the instruments that evaluate positive psychology constructs are under development.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1200960, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37539002


Introduction: Interventions to promote health and well-being based on the construction of psychological resources can positively impact the daily life of users and foster human flourishing. Nowadays, mobile health represents a safe way to support health research and implement evidence-based psychological interventions. The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a mobile app-based intervention program (OneUS) designed to cultivate positive emotions and positive thinking to improve overall well-being. Methods: The study is designed as a randomized controlled trial. Two hundred participants will be randomly assigned to either a mobile health intervention condition (OneUS App) or an active control condition. The intervention consists of a program to cultivate positive emotions and positive thoughts. The active control intervention will comprise a set of mental imagery exercises and daily routine recording. The primary outcome comprises optimal well-being assessed using the multidimensional PERMA-Profiler scale. The sample will include adult people from the general population, who will be assessed at 8 time points: baseline (t1), intervention (t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) post-intervention (t7) and 3-month follow-up (t8). Discussion: Mobile apps seem to be promising tools to promote health and well-being. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of a mobile app (OneUS) aiming to cultivate positive emotions and positive thinking to improve well-being. The main strength of this study is the development of an evidence-based mobile health app, based on intentional mental training, to promote well-being. The limitations of this study relate to potential participant drop-out and the non-generalizability of the results to clinical populations. Clinical trial registration:, Identifier RBR-43hpwqk.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37510660


Emotional self-regulation is a relevant factor for human development capable of minimizing emotional difficulties in the face of adverse events, as was particularly useful during the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study aimed to evaluate emotional self-regulation in Brazilian health science university students and its relationship with positive psychology constructs (subjective well-being, hope, optimism, spirituality, self-compassion, and self-efficacy) and psychological distress (depression, anxiety, and stress). This was a prospective, cross-sectional, observational, analytic study of 1062 Brazilian undergraduate students with data collected using self-administered online questionnaires. Students in the first years of their undergraduate degree programs had significantly higher dysregulation scores than those in the final years. Multiple linear regression yielded a model that explained 71.8% of the variation in emotion dysregulation. The correlations of emotion dysregulation were significant and strong, scoring negatively with self-compassion, optimism, and subjective well-being and positively with psychological distress.

COVID-19 , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Humans , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Universities , Brazil/epidemiology , Pandemics , Prospective Studies , COVID-19/epidemiology , Students/psychology
Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 37(134): 41-52, Jan.-Jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1556767


Resumen. Objetivo. Identificar los procesos que predicen un estado óptimo de Flow en deportistas universitarios. Método. En esta investigación se utilizó una muestra de 75 deportistas que participaron en la Universiada Estatal y Nacional con edades comprendidas entre 18 a 25 años (M = 21.26, DT = 1.89). Se aplicó la escala de ansiedad estado competitivo, de motivación en el deporte, de afectos y de estado de Flow. Resultados. Los deportistas con altos niveles en emociones positivas y de un estado óptimo de Flow presentaron bajos niveles de ansiedad somática y cognitiva. Así, la variable que predice en mayor medida un estado óptimo de Flow fueron los afectos positivos seguidos de los apoyos, las horas de entrenamiento y la motivación intrínseca.

Abstract. Objective. The aim of this study was to identify the processes that predict the optimal state of Flow in university athletes. Method. A sample of 75 athletes that participated in the State and National Universiada with ages between 18 and 25 years (M = 21.26, SD = 1.89) was selected in this research. The scale of Competitive State Anxiety, Sport Motivation, Affects and Flow State was administered. Results. Athletes that had higher levels of positive emotions accompanied with optimal state of Flow showed lower levels of somatic and cognitive anxiety. Thus, the variables that predicted an optimal state of Flow to a greater extent had a positive effect along support, hours of training and intrinsic motivation.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Emotions , Youth Sports/psychology , Psychology, Positive , Students , Mexico
Ter. psicol ; 41(1): 111-136, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515600


En los últimos años distintos estudios muestran la eficacia de las intervenciones en Psicología Positiva para mejorar la sintomatología depresiva y el bienestar en población adulta; sin embargo, hay pocos estudios que revisen la eficacia de estas intervenciones en personas de 60 años o más. Objetivo: recoger y sintetizar la evidencia existente en la última década con respecto a las intervenciones en Psicología Positiva en estas personas. Método: se ha realizado una revisión sistemática (RS) que recoge las publicaciones, realizadas entre enero de 2012 y julio de 2022, procedentes de las bases de datos SCOPUS, WOS/Medline y PROQUEST/PsycInfo. Se seleccionaron 944 estudios empíricos, de los cuales 18 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: se presenta evidencia sobre la eficacia de las intervenciones en Psicología Positiva para reducir la sintomatología depresiva e incrementar el bienestar subjetivo y psicológico en personas de estas edades, con efectos superiores a los de otros grupos de control. Esto sucede con programas de intervención en bienestar, al entrenar varias fortalezas- gratitud o perdón junto con otras- o entrenando en mindfulness. Conclusión: estos resultados subrayan la importancia de considerar las intervenciones en Psicología Positiva como terapias complementarias para mejorar la salud mental y la calidad de vida en personas mayores de 60 años.

Recently, different studies have shown the efficacy of interventions in Positive Psychology to improve both depressive symptoms and well-being in adults. However, there are only a few studies that review the efficacy of these interventions in people aged 60 years and older. Objective: synthesize the evidence from the last decade about these interventions in these people. Method: A systematic review was conducted. Publications between 2012 and 2022 -from SCOPUS, WOS/Medline and PROQUEST/PsycInfo- were included. After analyzing 944 empirical works, 18 studies have met the inclusion criteria. Results: the results show the efficacy of interventions in Positive Psychology, both to reduce depressive symptoms, and to increase subjective and psychological well-being in people of these ages, compared to other control groups. These effects are found with interventions on well-being, with interventions on personal strengths -gratitude or forgiveness in combination with sense of humor, empathy, meaning of life or emotional regulation- or through training on mindfulness. Conclusions: The preliminary results point out the importance of interventions in Positive Psychology as complementary therapies to improve the metal health and quality of life in people over 60 years.

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Depression/therapy , Psychological Well-Being
Front Psychiatry ; 14: 1064137, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36873221


Background: Although observational studies have already shown promising results of flourishing, a broader concept of health based on positive psychology, there is still a gap in the literature regarding studies that combine different topics of flourishing in a single intervention. Objectives: To develop a comprehensive and integrate intervention based on positive psychology gathering different topics of flourishing to improve mental health outcomes in individuals with depressive symptoms. Methods: The following steps were performed: (1) a comprehensive literature review; (2) the designing of a 12-session group intervention based on the values, virtues, and topics of flourishing; (3) assessment of the rationale, coherence, and feasibility by a panel of healthcare professionals answering semi-structured questions, and (4) application of an e-Delphi technique including mental health experts to reach a consensus of at least 80% for each item of the protocol. Results: A total of 25 experts participated in the study, 8 in the panel with semi-structured questions and 17 in the e-Delphi technique. A three-round e-Delphi technique was required to reach a consensus for all items. In the first round, a consensus was reached for 86.2% of the items. The remaining items (13.8%) were either excluded or reformulated. In the second round, a consensus was not obtained on one item, which was reformulated and approved in the third round. Qualitative analyses of the open questions were performed and suggestions for the protocol were considered. The final version of the intervention was composed of 12 weekly group sessions with 90-min each. The topics included in the intervention were physical and mental health, virtues and character strengths, love, gratitude, kindness, volunteering, happiness, social support, family, friends and community, forgiveness, compassion, resilience, spirituality, purpose and meaning of life, imagining the "best possible future," and flourishing. Conclusion: The flourishing intervention was successfully developed using an e-Delphi technique. The intervention is ready to be tested in an experimental study to verify its feasibility and effectiveness.

Psicol Reflex Crit ; 36(1): 1, 2023 Jan 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36595142


Persistence involves the intention to maintain efforts when faced with obstacles and challenges, in order to achieve a specific goal. The Rigid and Flexible Persistence Scale (RFPS) is a self-report measure that assesses persistence that is theoretically derived from the premises of the Dualistic Model of Passion. The aim of the present research was to adapt the RFPS to Brazilian Portuguese and to estimate its evidence of validity and reliability in the context of work. Participants were 400 professionals, 55.8% women, aged between 18 and 68 years. The results indicate that the RFPS presented validity evidence based on the content. Corresponding to the theoretical expectations, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated adequacy of the structure composed of two factors, explaining 75% of the data variance, with good levels of reliability. The RFPS also revealed strong invariance across gender and work conditions (in-person vs remote). Flexible persistence showed positive association with harmonious passion and occupational self-efficacy. Conversely, rigid persistence showed positive association with obsessive passion. It was observed a mediational role of occupational self-efficacy in the relationship between harmonious passion and flexible persistence. Overall, the findings suggest that the RFPS is an adequate measure of persistence in a Brazilian occupational sample.

Psicol Reflex Crit ; 36(1): 2, 2023 Jan 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36625979


INTRODUCTION: Depression in aging may lead to loss of autonomy and worsening of comorbidities. Understanding how positive attributes contribute to healthier and happier aging has been one of the purposes of Positive Psychology. However, the literature still lacks studies that evaluate how depression in the elderly is related to constructs considered positive. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed comparing scores of constructs of spiritual well-being, social support, self-esteem, life satisfaction, affection, optimism, and hope in the elderly with minimal, mild, moderate, and severe depression and healthy controls in order to investigate possible indirect and mediated relationships between positive constructs and depression. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with elderly, 62 of whom were diagnosed with different severity of Major Depression (DSM-V) (minimum, mild, moderate, and severe according to the Beck Depression Inventory - BDI) and 66 healthy controls matched by age, sex and schooling. The instruments used were adapted and validated versions of the Spirituality Self-Rating Scale, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Medical Outcomes Social Scale of Support, the Life Satisfaction Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, the Revised Life Orientation Test, and the Adult Dispositional Hope Scale. After comparing the means of scores between groups, an analysis of normalized partial association networks was performed to investigate the direct and mediated relationships between depression and other evaluated constructs. RESULTS: Scores of spiritual well-being, social support, self-esteem, life satisfaction, positive affect, optimism, negative affects, and hope differed significantly between the control group and the degrees of depression (p < 0.001). The analysis of normalized partial association networks has shown that the relations of depression with the constructs of life satisfaction, self-esteem, and social support are mediated, while the constructs of dispositional hope, positive affect, spiritual well-being, and optimism are indirectly related to depression. The social class was also positively related to depression. CONCLUSION: Depression in different degrees is associated with a reduction in the scores of instruments that evaluate positive attributes. The constructs directly associated with depression are spiritual well-being, optimism, positive affect, and dispositional hope. The others had mediated relationship. These results may contribute to the planning of future interventions for the prevention of depression among the elderly.