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FEMINA ; 51(5): 292-296, 20230530.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512407


PONTOS-CHAVE • A incidência de câncer durante a gestação tem aumentado devido à tendência das mulheres em postergar a gravidez. O câncer de colo de útero é a terceira neoplasia mais comumente diagnosticada durante o período gestacional. • O rastreamento e o diagnóstico devem se dar como nas pacientes não gestantes; a citologia oncótica cervical é o exame obrigatório do pré-natal, e a colposcopia com biópsia pode ser realizada em qualquer período da gestação. • A gestação complicada pelo diagnóstico de um câncer deve sempre ser conduzida em centro de referência e por equipe multidisciplinar. • A interrupção da gestação em situações específicas, para tratamento-padrão, é respaldada por lei. • A quimioterapia neoadjuvante é uma alternativa segura de tratamento durante a gestação, para permitir alcançar a maturidade fetal. Apresenta altas taxas de resposta, sendo relatada progressão neoplásica durante a gestação em apenas 2,9% dos casos. O risco de malformações fetais decorrentes da quimioterapia é semelhante ao da população geral. Contudo, a quimioterapia está associada a restrição de crescimento intraútero, baixo peso ao nascer e mielotoxicidade neonatal. • Na ausência de progressão de doença, deve-se levar a gestação até o termo.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/diagnosis , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/prevention & control , Women's Health , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/prevention & control , Prenatal Diagnosis , Thorax/diagnostic imaging , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Bone Marrow/abnormalities , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Colposcopy/methods , Conization/methods , Neoadjuvant Therapy/adverse effects , Fetal Growth Retardation , Watchful Waiting/methods , Trachelectomy/methods , Abdomen/diagnostic imaging
Rev. inf. cient ; 98(1): 127-139, 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1016610


Introducción: la sirenomelia data del siglo XVI, etapa en que los afectados se suponían "monstruos", y eran sacrificados u ocultadospor las familias. Incurre a escala mundial y en todas las razas. Es más frecuente en los varones, en embarazos gemelares monocigóticos y en hijos de madre menores de 20 o mayores de 40 años. Objetivo: socializar la experiencia del diagnóstico prenatal de la sirenomelia, a fin de sistematizar referentes teóricos que familiaricen a los médicos generales con las características clínicas, la etiopatogenia y el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad, multisistémica y letal. Método: se presentaron dos casos de sirenomelia diagnosticados por ecografía prenatal en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Agostinho Neto" de Guantánamo durante los años 2014-2017. Resultados: se estableció el diagnóstico definitivo de sirenomelia tipo I y tipo II según la clasificación de Stocker y Heifetzy Simelia Dipus de acuerdo con los criterios de Foerster. Conclusiones: la actuación profesional debe dirigirse al diagnóstico prenatal, a fin de orientar la interrupción del embarazo pues no se disponen de intervenciones médicas para mejorar el pronóstico del feto o del recién nacido con sirenomelia(AU)

Introduction: the sirenomelia dates from the sixteenth century,stage in which those affected were supposed to be "monsters", and were sacrificed or hidden by families. It happens on a worldwide scale and in all races. It is more common in males, in monozygotic twin pregnancies and in children of mothers under 20 or over 40 years. Objective: to socialize the experience of prenatal diagnosis of sirenomelia, in order to systematize theoretical references that familiarize general practitioners with the clinical characteristics, the etiopathogenesis and the diagnosis of this disease, multisystemic and lethal. Method: Two cases of sirenomelia diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound were presented at the "Dr. Agostinho Neto Hospital" in Guantánamo during the years 2014-2017. Results: the definitive diagnosis of type I and type II sirenomelia was established according to the classification of Stocker and Heifetzy Simelia Dipus according to the Foerster criteria. Conclusions: the professional performance should be directed to the prenatal diagnosis, in order to guide the interruption of the pregnancy since medical interventions are not available to improve the prognosis of the fetus or the newborn with sirenomelia(AU)

Introdução: datas Sirenomelia desde a fase século XVI, onde afetadas "monstros" deveriam, e foram abatidos ou oculta pelo famílias. Acontece em escala mundial e em todas as raças. É mais comum em homens, em gêmeos monozigóticos mãe gestações gemelares e crianças com menos de 20 ou mais de 40 anos. Objetivo: socializar a experiência de diagnóstico pré-natal de sirenomelia, a fim de sistematizar quadro teórico que os clínicos gerais familiarizadas com os achados clínicos, patogênese e diagnóstico desta doença, multisystem e letal. Método: dois casos de sirenomelia diagnosticados por ultra-som pré-natal no Hospital Agostinho Neto Guantanamo durante os anos 2014-2017 foram apresentados. Resultados: o diagnóstico final de II Sirenomelia estabelecidos como classificado por Stocker e Heifetzy Simelia dipus de acordo com critérios Foerster tipo I e tipo. Conclusões: o desempenho deve ser direcionado para diagnóstico pré-natal, para orientar a interrupção da gravidez não estão disponíveis para intervenções médicas para melhorar o prognóstico do feto ou recémnascido com sirenomelia(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Prenatal Diagnosis/methods , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Ectromelia/diagnostic imaging
Rev. méd. hondur ; 86(3/4): 123-127, jul.- dic. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1022275


Antecedentes. Las malformaciones congénitas producidas por la diabetes materna constituyen un síndrome conocido como «embriopatía diabética¼. Los defectos se asocian a diabetes pregestacional, tipo 1 ó 2. Su patogénesis no está totalmente esclarecida pero la hiperglicemia parece ser el estímulo intrauterino más importante, favoreciendo producción de radicales libres y otras condiciones adversas para la implantación y desarrollo embrionario/fetal. Descripción del caso. Presentamos caso de gestante multípara, procedente de Tegucigalpa, M.D.C, antecedente de diabetes mellitus tipo 2, hipotiroidismo y obesidad grado I, historia gineco-obstétrica: G:3, C:2, A:1, HV:1, HM:1, 6 controles prenatales, con embarazo de 30.6 SG X FUM. Acude a control prenatal, realizándose ultrasonido obstétrico que mostró raquisquisis con hidrocefalia severa y tendencia al macrocráneo, pie equinovaro bilateral y polihidramnios (ILA 21.7cc). Paciente refirió aproximadamente 10 contracciones esporádicas en 24 hrs. Examen físico: GO: cérvix dilatado 2 cm, B: 50% AP: -3, membranas íntegras, cefálico. Es ingresada con plan de cesárea más OTB obteniendo RN con múltiples malformaciones congénitas (defectos del tubo neural, estructuras craneofaciales, y óseas). Se ingresó a unidad de cuidados intermedios, realizándose USG transfontanelar que reportó hidrocefalia severa y por la presencia de mielomeningocele, se sospechóArnold Chiari tipo II. Se realizó mieloplastía con técnica habitual sin complicaciones, paciente permaneció estable hasta el momento de su egreso hospitalario. Conclusión/recomendación. Niveles de HbA1c en el primer trimestre ≥7% o Glucosa basal >120mg/dl se han asociado al desarrollo de malformaciones. Es importante un estricto control glicémico preconcepcional para disminuir la incidencia de malformaciones asociadas a hiperglicemia en el embarazo...(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Diabetes, Gestational/diagnosis , Fetal Diseases/diagnosis , Glycated Hemoglobin , Hyperglycemia
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 17(1): 19-28, ene.-feb. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901795


Introducción: El programa de la disciplina Embriología que se imparte en la República de Angola, como parte del currículo de la carrera de Medicina fue elaborado y desarrollado en Cuba. El medio donde se desarrolló el proceso docente y las características del sistema de salud no son las mismas para lo cual fue concebido. Es importante desarrollar en los estudiantes, no solo las habilidades de promoción y prevención de los defectos, presentes en los objetivos de la disciplina, también, habilidades de identificación y descripción morfológica de los defectos congénitos, para la confección adecuada de la historia clínica en las disciplinas clínicas. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de desarrollo que alcanzan los estudiantes cuando aplican la habilidad de Describir al utilizar un algoritmo para el aprendizaje de las malformaciones congénitas. Material y Método: Se elaboró un algoritmo basado en el método embriológico; se aplicó en las preguntas iníciales de los seminarios a los estudiantes de segundo año de Medicina en el curso académico 2012, en la Facultad de Medicina de Cabinda en la República de Angola. Conclusiones: Las acciones elaboradas para el desarrollo de la habilidad "Describir" en el estudio de las malformaciones congénitas, permitió al estudiante apropiarse de un conocimiento teórico-morfológico de las características de estos defectos, en la medida que el estudiante aplicó las acciones del algoritmo de esta habilidad adquirió mayor nivel de desarrollo en la habilidad(AU)

Introduction: The syllabus for the Embryology discipline, which is taught in the Republic of Angola as part of the curriculum of the Medical Education was drawn up and developed in Cuba. The environment in which the teaching process developed and the characteristics of the health care system are not the same for which it was conceived. It is not only important to develop students´ skills for the promotion and prevention of defects that are present in the objectives of the discipline, but also identification skills and morphological description of congenital defects for an adequate drawing up of the clinical history in the clinical disciplines. Objective: To determine the level of development reached by the students when they apply the skill of describing using an algorithm for the learning of congenital malformations. Material and Method: An algorithm based on the embryological method was developed; and the initial questions asked in the seminars given to Second Year Medical Students were used in the Medical School of the University of Cabinda in the Republic of Angola during the 2012 Academic Year. Conclusions: The actions developed for the ability to Describe in the study of congenital malformations allowed the student to get a theoretical morphological knowledge of the characteristics of the defects; on the extent to which the student applied the actions of the algorithm, he acquired a higher level of skill development(AU)

Humans , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Algorithms , Embryology/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal Studies , Education, Premedical/methods
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 25(4): 691-700, out.-dez. 2016. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-828763


OBJETIVO: descrever os primeiros casos de microcefalia possivelmente relacionados ao vírus Zika em nascidos vivos notificados na Região Metropolitana do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo de tipo série de casos (notificados de 1º de agosto a 31 de outubro de 2015), com dados obtidos dos registros médicos e de questionário aplicado às mães. RESULTADOS: foram confirmados 40 casos com microcefalia, distribuídos em oito municípios da Região Metropolitana do Recife, com maior concentração no Recife (n=12); a mediana do perímetro cefálico foi de 29 cm, do perímetro torácico, 31 cm, e do peso, 2.628 gramas; 21/25 casos apresentaram calcificação cerebral, ventriculomegalia ou lisencefalia; entre as 40 mães, 27 referiram exantema na gestação, 20 no primeiro trimestre e sete no segundo, além de prurido, cefaleia, mialgia e ausência de febre. CONCLUSÃO: a maioria dos casos apresentou características de infecção congênita; a maioria das mães apresentou quadro sugestivo de infecção pelo vírus Zika na gestação.

OBJETIVO: describir los primeros casos de microcefalia en nacidos vivos reportados al Departamento de Salud del Estado de Pernambuco, en la región metropolitana de Recife, Pernambuco, 2015. MÉTODOS: estudio epidemiológico descriptivo de serie de casos (reportados de 1 de agosto a 31 de octubre de 2015), con datos obtenidos de registros médicos y cuestionarios aplicados a las madres. RESULTADOS: 40 casos fueron confirmados con microcefalia, en ocho municipios de la región metropolitana de Recife, con mayor concentración de casos en Recife (n=12); la circunferencia media de la cabeza fue 29 cm, perímetro torácico 31 cm y peso 2.628 gramos; exámenes revelaron que 21/25 casos mostraron calcificación, dilatación ventricular o lisencefalia; de las 40 madres, 27 (68%) informan exantema durante la gestación, 20 (74%) en el primer trimestre y siete (26%) en la segunda, además de prurito, dolor de cabeza, mialgia y ausencia de fiebre. CONCLUSIÓN: la mayoría de los casos presenta características de infección congénita; la mayoría de las madres mostró características que sugieren infección por el virus Zika en el embarazo.

OBJECTIVE: to describe the first cases of microcephaly possibly related to Zika virus in live born babies reported in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil. METHODS: this was a descriptive case series study (cases reported between August 1st and October 31st 2015), using medical record data and data from a questionnaire answered by the mothers of the babies. RESULTS: 40 microcephaly cases were confirmed, distributed in eight municipalities within the Metropolitan Region, with Recife itself having the highest concentration of cases (n=12); median head circumference was 29 cm, median chest girth was 31 cm and median weight was 2,628 grams; 21/25 cases had brain calcification, ventriculomegaly or lissencephaly; 27 of the 40 mothers reported rash during pregnancy, 20 in the first trimester and 7 in the second trimester, as well as itching, headache, myalgia and absence of fever. CONCLUSION: the majority of the cases bore the characteristics of congenital infection; the clinical condition of the majority of mothers suggested Zika virus infection during pregnancy.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Live Birth , Zika Virus Infection/complications , Microcephaly/virology , Brazil/epidemiology , Serologic Tests/methods , Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 25(4): 701-712, out.-dez. 2016. tab, graf, mapa
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-828776


OBJETIVO: descrever os coeficientes de prevalência e caracterizar os casos de microcefalia ao nascer no Brasil, no período 2000-2015. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (Sinasc). Foram calculados coeficientes segundo regiões e características das mães e nascidos vivos (NV). RESULTADOS: a média anual de casos de microcefalia foi 164 no período 2000-2014, enquanto em 2015 foram registrados 1.608 casos (54,6 casos por 100 mil NV). Coeficientes mais elevados foram observados entre prematuros (81,7; IC95%72,3; 92,2), nascidos de mães pretas (70,9; IC95%58,5; 85,9) ou pardas (71,5; IC95%67,4; 75,8), com idades ≤19 (70,3; IC95%63,5; 77,8) ou ≥40 anos (62,1; IC95%46,6; 82,6), ≤3 anos de estudo (73,4; IC95%58,2; 92,4) e residentes na região Nordeste (138,7; IC95%130,9; 147,0). CONCLUSÃO: o elevado número de casos de microcefalia registrado em 2015 reforça a importância do Sinasc e do aprimoramento do sistema de vigilância das anomalias congênitas.

OBJECTIVE: to describe the prevalence coefficients and characterize cases of microcephaly at birth in Brazil from 2000-2015. METHODS: this is a descriptive study with data from the Information System on Live Births (Sinasc). The coefficients were calculated by region and characteristics of mothers and live births (LB). RESULTS: the annual average number of microcephaly cases was 164 for the period 2000-2014, whilst in 2015, 1,608 cases were registered (54.6 cases per 100 thousand LB). Higher coefficients were observed among preterm babies (81.7; 95%CI 72.3;92.2), born from black-skinned (70.9; 95%CI 58.5;85.9) or to brown-skinned (71.5; 95%CI67.4;75.8) women, to women aged ≤19 (70.3; 95%CI 63.5;77.8) or ≥40 (62.1; 95%CI 46.6;82.6), with ≤3 years of study (73.4; 95%CI 58.2;92.4) and residents in the Northeast region (138.7; 95%CI 130.9;147.0). CONCLUSION: the high number of microcephaly cases in 2015 reinforces the importance of Sinasc and the need to improve the surveillance of congenital anomalies.

OBJETIVO: describir coeficientes de prevalencia y caracterizar casos de microcefalia al nacer en Brasil, en el periodo 2000-2015. MÉTODOS: estudio descriptivo con datos del Sistema de Informaciones sobre Nacidos Vivos (Sinasc). Los coeficientes fueron calculados según regiones, características maternas y del nacido vivo (NV). RESULTADOS: el promedio anual de casos de microcefalia fue 164 en el periodo 2000-2014, mientras en 2015 fue 1.608 (54,6 casos por 100.000 NV). Coeficientes más elevados fueron observados entre prematuros (81,7; IC95% 72,3-92,2), nacidos de madres negras (70,9; IC95% 58,5-85,9) o pardas (71,5; IC95% 67,4-75,8), con edades ≤19 (70,3; IC95% 63,5-77,8) o ≥40 años (62,1; IC95% 46,6-82,6), ≤3 años de estudio (73,4; IC95% 58,2-92,4), y residentes del Noreste (138,7; IC95% 130,9-147,0). CONCLUSIÓN: el elevado número de casos de microcefalia, en 2015, refuerza la importancia del Sinasc y necesidad de mejorías del sistema de vigilancia de anomalías congénitas.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Congenital Abnormalities/epidemiology , Zika Virus Infection/complications , Microcephaly/embryology , Microcephaly/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Live Birth
Biomedica ; 34(3): 379-86, 2014.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25504125


INTRODUCTION: Congenital anomalies affect 2 to 3% of live births in Colombia and they are currently the leading cause of death in children under 1 year of age in Bogotá, and the third cause of death in children under 1 year of age in Cali. Congenital anomalies are a major factor contributing to fetal and infant mortality and morbidity in the world. Some congenital anomalies can be detected by obstetric ultrasonography, thus helping to decide on the best way to manage them. OBJECTIVE: To determine the rate of detection of congenital anomalies by obstetric ultrasound and the false positive rate comparing infants born with birth defects in Bogota and Cali treated at health care facilities of different levels of complexity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We monitored 76,155 births in the cities of Cali and Bogotá based on a case-control model following the methodology of the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC) from January 2011 to December 2012. RESULTS: The rate of malformed infants was 2.08%. The detection rate of diagnosable congenital anomalies was 31.45% among cases that had information about prenatal care. This rate is lower than that reported in the literature. Most of the congenital anomalies detected were of the central nervous system and of the genitourinary system. CONCLUSIONS: The low detection rate highlights the need to improve the quality of ultrasound to have greater sensitivity for adequate prenatal diagnosis that will contribute to the reduction of morbidity and mortality and allow for better care of newborns with malformations.

Congenital Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Fetal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Case-Control Studies , Colombia/epidemiology , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Congenital Abnormalities/epidemiology , False Positive Reactions , Female , Fetal Diseases/epidemiology , Forms and Records Control , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Male , Medical Records , Pregnancy , Prenatal Care/statistics & numerical data , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/ethics , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/statistics & numerical data , Urban Population
Cir Cir ; 82(3): 302-8, 2014.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25238472


BACKGROUND: Hypoplasia of the internal carotid artery is a rare congenital malformation. It has been mainly associated with aneurysms and other pathologies but not in association with paraganglioma. The incidence is 0.01% of all the anomalies of carotid vessels. Although the exact cause is unknown, it is thought to represent a sequel to an insult due to mechanical causes or hemodynamic stress but perhaps also involves aspects of molecular biology of embryonic development. CLINICAL CASE: We describe the case of a 37 year-old female patient with paraganglioma associated with hypoplasia of the internal carotid artery, which was found incidentally during surgery. Previous angiographic studies as well as other analyses were carried out, but we failed to detect hypoplasia of the internal carotid artery. Tumor was removed along with ligation of the external carotid artery due to injury. The hypoplastic internal carotid artery was left intact. CONCLUSION: Angiographic studies of the base of the skull are important as well as hemodynamic analysis in order to not overlook these anomalies. The patient had a satisfactory evolution without sequelae.

Antecedentes: la hipoplasia de la arteria carótida interna es una rara malformación congénita. Se le ha relacionado principalmente con aneurismas y otros padecimientos, pero no con paraganglioma. Su incidencia es menor de 0.01% de todas las anomalías de los vasos carotídeos. Aunque su origen exacto no se conoce, se cree que es una secuela de una lesión provocada por causas mecánicas o por estrés hemodinámico; sin embargo, también pudieran estar implicados aspectos de biología molecular del desarrollo embrionario. Caso clínico: se describe un caso raro de una mujer de 37 años de edad con paraganglioma concomitante con hipoplasia de la arteria carótida interna. En estudios angiográficos y análisis rutinarios previos no se había detectado alteración de la arteria carótida interna. En la intervención se extirpó el tumor y se ligó la arteria carótida externa dado que estaba involucrada en la lesión; se dejó intacta la arteria carótida interna hipoplásica. Conclusión: es importante realizar estudios angiográficos de la base del cráneo, así como análisis hemodinámicos para no pasar por alto estas anomalías. La evolución fue satisfactoria y sin secuelas.

Carotid Artery, Internal/abnormalities , Carotid Body Tumor/pathology , Adult , Carotid Artery, External/embryology , Carotid Artery, External/surgery , Carotid Artery, Internal/embryology , Carotid Body Tumor/physiopathology , Carotid Body Tumor/surgery , Cerebral Angiography , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Congenital Abnormalities/epidemiology , Female , Hemodynamics , Humans , Incidence , Incidental Findings , Ligation , Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);34(3): 379-386, July-Sept. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-726798


Introducción. Las anomalías congénitas afectan de 2 a 3 % de los nacidos vivos en Colombia y, actualmente, son la principal causa de mortalidad en menores de un año en Bogotá y la tercera causa de mortalidad en menores de un año en Cali; en el mundo son causa importante de mortalidad y morbilidad fetal e infantil. Algunas anomalías congénitas pueden detectarse por la ecografía obstétrica, lo que permite establecer su manejo. Objetivo. Determinar la tasa de detección de anomalías congénitas mediante ecografía obstétrica y la tasa de falsos positivos, comparando poblaciones de Bogotá y Cali atendidas en servicios de salud de diferentes niveles de complejidad. Materiales y métodos. Se vigilaron 76.155 nacimientos en las ciudades de Cali y Bogotá en la modalidad de caso control basada en la metodología del Estudio Colaborativo Latinoamericano de Malformaciones Congénitas (ECLAMC), durante el periodo de enero de 2011 a diciembre de 2012. Resultados. Se encontró una tasa de infantes malformados de 2,08 %. La tasa de detección de anomalías congénitas diagnosticables fue de 31,45 % en los casos sobre los que se tenía información de control prenatal. La tasa encontrada fue menor a las reportadas en la literatura científica. Las anomalías congénitas más detectadas fueron las del sistema nervioso central y las urogenitales. Conclusiones. La baja tasa de detección evidencia la necesidad de mejorar la calidad de la ecografía para tener mayor sensibilidad y un diagnóstico prenatal adecuado que contribuya a la disminución de la morbilidad y la mortalidad, y a brindar una mejor atención al recién nacido con malformaciones.

Introduction: Congenital anomalies affect 2 to 3% of live births in Colombia and they are currently the leading cause of death in children under 1 year of age in Bogotá, and the third cause of death in children under 1 year of age in Cali. Congenital anomalies are a major factor contributing to fetal and infant mortality and morbidity in the world. Some congenital anomalies can be detected by obstetric ultrasonography, thus helping to decide on the best way to manage them. Objective: To determine the rate of detection of congenital anomalies by obstetric ultrasound and the false positive rate comparing infants born with birth defects in Bogota and Cali treated at health care facilities of different levels of complexity. Materials and methods: We monitored 76,155 births in the cities of Cali and Bogotá based on a case-control model following the methodology of the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC) from January 2011 to December 2012. Results: The rate of malformed infants was 2.08%. The detection rate of diagnosable congenital anomalies was 31.45% among cases that had information about prenatal care. This rate is lower than that reported in the literature. Most of the congenital anomalies detected were of the central nervous system and of the genitourinary system. Conclusions: The low detection rate highlights the need to improve the quality of ultrasound to have greater sensitivity for adequate prenatal diagnosis that will contribute to the reduction of morbidity and mortality and allow for better care of newborns with malformations.

Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Male , Pregnancy , Congenital Abnormalities , Fetal Diseases , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Case-Control Studies , Colombia/epidemiology , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Congenital Abnormalities/epidemiology , False Positive Reactions , Forms and Records Control , Fetal Diseases/epidemiology , Medical Records , Prenatal Care , Urban Population , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/statistics & numerical data , Ultrasonography, Prenatal
Ultrasound Q ; 30(1): 69-75, 2014 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24901782


Technological innovations accompanying advances in medicine have given rise to the possibility of obtaining better-defined fetal images that assist in medical diagnosis and contribute toward genetic counseling offered to parents during the prenatal period. In this article, we show our innovative experience of diagnosing fetal malformations through correlating 3-dimensional ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography, which are accurate techniques for fetal assessment, with a fetal image reconstruction technique to create physical fetal models.

Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Models, Anatomic , Printing, Three-Dimensional/instrumentation , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/methods , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnosis , Equipment Design , Equipment Failure Analysis , Female , Humans , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/instrumentation , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/instrumentation , Male , Reproducibility of Results , Sensitivity and Specificity , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/instrumentation , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/instrumentation
Rev. centroam. obstet. ginecol ; 19(1): 24-26, ene.-mar. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-734132


El síndrome Femoral-facial, también conocido como síndrome hipoplasia femoral con facies inusual, es un síndrome raro y esporádico, una anomalía congénita que se caracteriza por hipoplasia femoral y rasgos faciales característicos, como surco nasolabial largo, labio superior delgado, con micrognatia con o sin paladar hendido, fisuras palpebrales inclinadas, y una nariz corta con punta ancha...

Humans , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnosis , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Congenital Abnormalities
Rev. bras. saúde mater. infant ; 13(3): 207-214, jul.-set. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BVSAM | ID: lil-688723


Describir y cuantificar alteraciones morfológicas en vellosidades placentarias de embarazadas cuyo feto desarrolló malformaciones esqueléticas múltiples. MÉTODOS: se analizaron cuatro placentas de abortos terapéuticos a las 13, 16, 20 y 38 semanas de gestación. Estas se compararon con placentas normales a la misma edad de gestación de abortos electivos por indicación médico legal. Tinción de hematoxilinaeosina se aplicó a 10 láminas de 5 regiones de cada placenta utilizando un protocolo con 4 variables cuantitativas: madurez, cambios fibrinoides, edema y fibrosis estromal y una variable cualitativa: trombosis. Los resultados cuantitativos se analizaron utilizando el análisis de varianza (ANAVAR) según arreglo completamente aleatorizado y el test de Tukey. Para la variable cualitativa se aplicó la prueba de tendencia para datos correlacionados. Se empleó el software statistix 8.0 y SAS 9.0 para Windows. RESULTADOS: existen diferencias significativas (p<0,05) entre las placentas asociadas a malformaciones múltiples del sistema esquelético y las placentas control en relación a las variables cuantitativas. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (p>0,05) en relación a la variable cualitativa. CONCLUSIONES: la población de vellosidades placentarias asociadas a malformaciones múltiples del sistema esquelético presentó un alto porcentaje de alteraciones indicando que la barrera placentaria está dañada afectando el intercambio de gases, nutrientes y metabolitos durante el desarrollo del feto...

To describe and quantify morphological changes in placental villi in pregnancies with multiple fetal malformations of the skeletal system. METHODS: four placentas from fetuses of gestational ages 13, 16, 20 and 38 weeks, aborted for therapeutic reasons were examined. Normal placentas of the same gestational age, from cases where legal elective abortion had been recommended on medical grounds, were taken as the control. The hematoxilineosin stain was applied to ten slides in five regions of each placenta using a protocol with four quantitative variables: maturity of villi, fibrinoid changes, edema and stromal fibrosis and one qualitative variable: thrombosis. The quantitative results were analyzed using ANOVA in a randomized manner and the Tukey test was applied; for the qualitative variable the trend test for correlated data was used. The software used was Statistix 8.0 and SAS 9.0 for Windows. RESULTS: there were significant differences (p<0.05) between the placentas associated with multiple malformations of the skeletal system and control placentas in terms of the quantitative variables. No significant differences were found (p>0.05) in relation to the qualitative variable. CONCLUSIONS: the population of placental villi associated with multiple malformations of the skeletal system exhibited a high percentage of changes which is an indication that the placenta is damaged, thereby affecting the exchange of gases, nutrients and metabolites during the development of the fetus...

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Fetus/abnormalities , Morphogenesis , Bone and Bones/abnormalities , Placenta/embryology , Chorionic Villi/abnormalities , Analysis of Variance , Fetal Development
Rev Invest Clin ; 65(3): 248-54, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23877812


OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between some major structural abnormalities detected prenatally by ultrasound and chromosomal abnormalities. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The present study was a retrolective, transversal study. We analyzed case records of patients during the fetal follow-up at the Department of Maternal Fetal Medicine from January 1994 to May 2010 to identify fetal patients with a diagnosis of holoprosencephaly, diaphragmatic hernia, omphalocele, cystic hygroma, hydrops and cardiac defects. We analyzed patients who had a prenatal invasive diagnosis procedure to obtain the odds ratio (OR) for some major isolated anomalies and their different combinations with respect to chromosomal abnormalities. RESULTS: We examined 280 patients with ultrasonographic markers for chromosomal alteration, 197 met inclusion criteria, from which 88 had chromosomal abnormalities. The most frequent diagnosis was trisomy 18 (31.8%), which was followed by trisomy 21 (21.6%), trisomy 13 (21.6%), Turner syndrome (monosomy X) (14.8%) and other chromosomal abnormalities (10.2%). Among the fetuses with nonisolated holoprosencephaly, we obtained an OR of 4.9 95% CI (0.99-24.2) for aneuploidy. Associated omphalocele had an OR of 7.63 95% CI (2.07-46.75), p < 0.01. Interestingly, 62% of aneuploidy cases had associated cardiac defects [OR = 7.7 95% CI (1.4-41.7)]. In addition, associated cystic hygroma had an OR of 2.5 95% CI (0.59-10.91). Heart defects were the most common defects in fetuses with trisomy 18 (57.1%), when they were associated with facial cleft, we had an OR of 11.08 95% CI (2.99-41.11), p < 0.0001. Statistical potency was calculated for each analyzed defect and it was over 80% for all of them but diaphragmatic hernia. CONCLUSIONS: The association of 2 or more structural defects increased the probability of a fetus to be a carrier of a chromosomal disorder; however this was not statistically significative except for associated omphalocele. Heart defects showed the greatest association with all chromosomal abnormalities. The most important association was among heart defect, facial cleft and trisomy 13.

Chromosome Aberrations , Chromosome Disorders , Congenital Abnormalities/genetics , Abnormalities, Multiple/diagnostic imaging , Abnormalities, Multiple/embryology , Abnormalities, Multiple/genetics , Adolescent , Adult , Aneuploidy , Chromosome Disorders/diagnostic imaging , Chromosome Disorders/embryology , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Gestational Age , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Male , Maternal Age , Middle Aged , Pregnancy , Retrospective Studies , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Young Adult
J Ultrasound Med ; 32(5): 795-800, 2013 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23620321


OBJECTIVES: To report normative data for the fetal nasal bone length (NBL), frontonasal fold (FNF) thickness, and the FNF/NBL ratio and to study their performance in the sonographic screening of trisomy 21 in a normal, unselected Latin American population. METHODS: Women undergoing a routine sonographic examination between 16 and 32 weeks' gestation at a primary health care center in Santiago, Chile, were prospectively recruited for NBL and FNF thickness measurements. Pregnancies with maternal/fetal complications were subsequently excluded from analysis. Correlations between NBL, FNF thickness, and FNF/NBL ratio and gestational age were assessed with the Spearman correlation coefficient (ρ). To generate reference percentiles for NBL and FNF thickness, adjusted regression models were derived using a statistical method for calculating reference percentiles of fetal biometric parameters. RESULTS: A total of 1922 cases complied with entry criteria. Both the NBL and the FNF thickness increased with gestational age. However, the FNF/NBL ratio remained constant (ρ= 0.016; P = .95), with a mean value of 0.68 and 95th and 99th percentile values of 0.84 and 0.90, respectively. During the study period, all 4 fetuses with trisomy 21 diagnosed in this low-risk population had an FNF/NBL ratio above the 99th percentile, whereas only 3 had NBL below the fifth percentile, and 3 had FNF thickness above the 95th percentile. CONCLUSIONS: The FNF/NBL ratio is a promising marker for the sonographic screening of trisomy 21 in the low-risk population; however, further prospective studies including larger numbers of fetuses with trisomy 21 are warranted to determine the clinical value of this marker. As the NBL is dependent on the ethnicity of the population screened, determination of normative data for NBL and the FNF/NBL ratio in different ethnic populations is also recommended before including this method in the routine screening for aneuploidy.

Congenital Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Down Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Down Syndrome/embryology , Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted/methods , Nasal Bone/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/methods , Algorithms , Anatomic Landmarks/diagnostic imaging , Chile/epidemiology , Comorbidity , Congenital Abnormalities/epidemiology , Craniofacial Abnormalities , Down Syndrome/epidemiology , Face/abnormalities , Face/diagnostic imaging , Face/embryology , Female , Humans , Male , Prevalence , Reproducibility of Results , Sensitivity and Specificity
Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol ; 26(5): 575-91, 2012 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22789608


Ultrasonography is used routinely during pregnancy to screen and diagnose fetal anomalies. Two-dimensional ultrasound is usually adequate in women at low risk for malformations. When technical factors limit optimal evaluation or a malformation is suspected, further imaging with three-dimensional ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging is becoming increasingly common. Three-dimensional ultrasound allows the manipulation of data acquired from two-dimensional ultrasound to recreate an infinite number of views, thereby enhancing the ability to evaluate the fetal anatomy. When three-dimensional ultrasound is either unavailable or inadequate, fetal magnetic resonance imaging permits detailed evaluation of the suspected anomaly and assesses the presence of associated anomalies. In this chapter, we review the techniques, advantages, limitations, and clinical applications of these two fetal imaging modalities.

Fetus/anatomy & histology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Brain/embryology , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnosis , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Female , Humans , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Pregnancy , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/methods
Rev. méd. hondur ; 80(2): 47-52, abr.- jun. 2012. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-699529


Antecedentes: la retinopatía del prematuro es el desarrollo anormal de los vasos de la retina y principal causa de ceguera infantil. El diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento oportuno mejoran el pronóstico visual. En Latinoamérica viven unos 25,000 ciegos por esta causa. Los principales factores de riesgo son: prematurez, bajo peso al nacer y oxígenoterapia; cuando esta última es necesaria, se debe mantener la saturación de oxígeno por debajo del 93% hasta llegar a la semana 34, para disminuir el riesgo de retinopatía. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de retinopatía del prematuro para despertar el interés de las autoridades de salud pública en la prevención de ceguera por esta causa. Pacientes y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en el Hospital Nacional Doctor Mario Catarino Rivas en la ciudad deSan Pedro Sula, al norte de Honduras, en donde la natalidad anual supera los 7,000 nacidos vivos, y de estos, 21% nacen con algún grado de prematurez. Resultados: se valoraron 561 lactantes con factores de riesgo para desarrollar retinopatía del prematuro: peso al nacer≤ 1,800 g, edad gestacional ≤ 35 semanas, oxígenoterapia mayor a 8 horas, peso menor a 2,000 g y uno de los siguientes criterios: apoyo ventilatorio, exsanguíneo transfusión, fototerapia, transfusión de hemoderivados, maniobras de reanimación, apgar inferior al normal, embarazos múltiples menores de 2,000 g. Encontrándose 242 (43%) afectados y 24 prematuros con ceguera. Conclusión: La mayor sobrevida de niñosprematuros ha aumentado la morbilidad, entre ellas está la retinopatía del prematuro, que obliga a establecer protocolos para la prevención, diagnóstico y manejo precoz, y así, evitar la ceguera por esta causa...

Infant, Newborn , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Blindness/complications , Retinopathy of Prematurity/diagnosis , Pregnancy, Multiple , Infant, Low Birth Weight
Rev. AMRIGS ; 54(4): 421-426, out.-dez. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-685641


Introdução: A motivação deste estudo foi analisar a frequência de malformações congênitas no Rio Grande do Sul, enfocando especialmente aquelas passíveis de diagnóstico pré-natal. Métodos: Estudo descritivo de base populacional dos bancos de dados oficiais do Rio Grande do Sul no período de 2001 a 2005. Incluídos todos os recém-nascidos vivos registrados ao nascimento como portadores de uma ou mais anomalias no campo 34 da Declaração de Nascidos Vivos. Esses dados foram confrontados com crianças falecidas com menos de um ano, com causa mortis defeito congênito e com os óbitos fetais. Foram analisados 25 defeitos ou grupos de defeitos. Foram estudadas as possibilidades de diagnóstico pré-natal dos principais defeitos congênitos através da ultrassonografia, tendo como base a literatura. Resultados: Os 25 defeitos ou grupos representaram 81,7% do total de recém-nascidos com defeitos identificados no nascimento e 86,7% do total das mortes até 1 ano por defeitos congênitos no período. A ocorrência geral de defeitos diagnosticados no nascimento no período foi de 0,81%. Calculou-se que para cada caso de cardiopatia diagnosticado no nascimento cerca de 3 casos não foram percebidos e faleceram no 1o ano de vida. Esses cálculos foram expressivos também para trissomias do 13 e 18, hérnia diafragmática e sistema nervoso central. Conclusões: 25 malformações congênitas ou grupos de malformações que corresponderam a mais de 80% dos defeitos congênitos. Alguns defeitos congênitos registrados ao nascimento no Campo 34 da Declaração de Nascidos Vivos parecem estar subestimados, especialmente aqueles cujo diagnóstico necessita de exames especializados, como as cardiopatias Congênitas

Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency of congenital malformations in Rio Grande do Sul, focusing mainly on those which are prenatally diagnosable. Methods: A population-based descriptive study of official databanks of Rio Grande do Sul from 2001 to 2005. All live births registered at birth as having one or more anomalies in field 34 of the Statement of Live Births were included. These data were compared with children who died under one year of age with congenital defects as cause of death and with fetal deaths. We analyzed 25 defects or groups of defects. Based on the literature, the possibilities of prenatal diagnosis of major congenital defects by ultrasound, were studied. Results: The 25 defects or defect groups represented 81.7% of newborns with defects identified at birth and 86.7% of total deaths up to 1 year for defects in the period. The overall occurrence of birth defects diagnosed in the period was 0.81%. It was calculated that for every case of heart disease diagnosed at birth, about 3 cases were not perceived and infants died in the first year of life. These ratios were also expressive for cases of trisomy 13 and 18, diaphragmatic hernia, and central nervous system. Conclusions: 25 congenital malformations or groups of malformations that accounted for over 80% of birth defects. Some birth defects recorded at birth in Field 34 of the Statement of Live Births appear to be underestimated, especially those whose diagnosis requires specialized tests, such as congenital heart disease

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Congenital Abnormalities/epidemiology , Congenital Abnormalities/genetics