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Rev. ADM ; 81(2): 77-82, mar.-abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561556


Introducción: la disfagia es la alteración en los mecanismos de la deglución que coexiste con múltiples enfermedades y condiciones. El conocimiento amplio de esta alteración generará mejores diagnósticos y tratamientos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Aunque esta alteración podría ser del dominio común por especialistas en el área de la salud, principalmente la oral, no existe información reciente del nivel de conocimiento sobre la disfagia en el personal odontológico. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre la disfagia en un grupo de profesionales de la salud oral de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Material y método: se realizó un estudio trasversal descriptivo en un grupo de 241 odontólogos (pasantes de servicio social, odontólogos generales, periodoncistas, endodoncistas, rehabilitadores, odontopediatras y ortodoncistas) a través de una encuesta, los reactivos utilizados fueron sobre conocimiento de la disfagia, métodos de diagnóstico, signos y síntomas, tratamiento y complicaciones. Resultados: la mitad de la población encuestada refirió conocer los trastornos de la deglución (64.7%). Contrastantemente, al utilizar el término «disfagia¼, la postura del conocimiento disminuyó considerablemente (40.7%). Finalmente, los valores más bajos de la encuesta se mostraron en la falta de conocimiento sobre identificación de signos y síntomas de la disfagia (36.1%), métodos de diagnóstico (20.7%), tratamientos (18.7%) y complicaciones (23.2%). Conclusión: existe un bajo conocimiento de los trastornos de la deglución autopercibido por los profesionales de la odontología, lo que sugiere la búsqueda de los factores que ocasionan la falta del conocimiento de los profesionales del área odontológica (AU)

Introduction: dysphagia is the alteration in swallowing mechanisms that coexists with multiple diseases and conditions. The broad knowledge of this alteration will generate better diagnoses and treatments for the improvement of the quality of life of these patients. Although this alteration could be common domain by specialists in the area of health, mainly oral, there is no recent information on the level of knowledge about dysphagia in dental personnel. Objective: to determine the level of knowledge about dysphagia in a group of oral health professionals from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Material and methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a group of 241 dentists (social service intern, general dentists, periodontists, endodontists, rehabilitators, pediatric dentists and orthodontists) through a survey, the reagents used were on knowledge of dysphagia, diagnostic methods, signs and symptoms, treatment and complications. Results: half of the surveyed population reported knowing swallowing disorders (64.7%). In contrast, when using the term «dysphagia¼ the posture of knowledge decreased considerably (40.7%). Finally, the lowest values in the survey were found in the lack of knowledge about identification of signs and symptoms of dysphagia (36.1%), diagnostic methods (20.7%), treatments (18.7%) and complications (23.2%). Conclusion: there is a low knowledge of self-perceived swallowing disorders by dentists, which suggests the search for the factors that cause the lack of knowledge of dental professionals (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Deglutition Disorders/therapy , Dentists/education , Signs and Symptoms , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mexico/epidemiology
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 57-66, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555022


Objetivo: Analizar el nivel de conocimiento del pro-fesional odontólogo sobre la violencia ejercida en niños, niñas y adolescentes, poniendo énfasis en la importancia de su actuación para la detección, aten-ción y derivación de potenciales casos que posibi-liten, dentro de un contexto multidisciplinario, una intervención oportuna y efectiva. Materiales y méto-dos: Se realizó una encuesta a 132 odontólogos, 123 mujeres y 9 hombres, con experiencia profesional de 2 a 43 años, profesores universitarios especialistas en odontopediatría, cursantes de carreras de espe-cialización y posgrados afines o aquellos que desa-rrollan sus actividades laborales en 2 hospitales pú-blicos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires aten-diendo a menores de edad. La encuesta totalizó 15 preguntas distribuidas en 3 categorías cuyos ejes te-máticos ahondaron respecto al conocimiento sobre violencia ejercida contra menores (Categoría 1), sos-pecha de un presunto maltrato infantil en la consulta (Categoría 2) y factores que condicionan la eventual derivación del caso (Categoría 3). Cada pregunta in-cluida en las 3 categorías se direccionó conforme a si el ámbito profesional del sujeto encuestado era es-pecialista/cursante de posgrado (Grupo 1) u hospi-talario (Grupo 2). Resultados: En la primera categoría se observó una significativa carencia de formación específica en la etapa de grado con un 89% para el grupo 1 y 93,75% para el grupo 2, aunque éstos úl-timos han accedido a cursos de perfeccionamiento y actividades tendientes a incrementar destrezas y aptitudes en un 71,87%, contrastando con el 24% del otro grupo. Asimismo, el 29% del grupo 1 y un 50% del grupo 2 conocían los protocolos establecidos en sus entornos profesionales. Ambos consideraron que el odontólogo no está capacitado para detectar conductas orientativas hacia posibles casos (89%, grupo 1; 87,5%, grupo 2). Para la segunda categoría, el grupo 1 respondió positivamente en un 73%, en tanto que el grupo 2 lo hizo en un 84,38%. En la ter-cera categoría se destacó para el grupo 1 un elevado porcentaje en las preguntas relacionadas al temor por parte del odontólogo de agravar las acciones Objetivo: Analizar el nivel de conocimiento del pro-fesional odontólogo sobre la violencia ejercida en niños, niñas y adolescentes, poniendo énfasis en la importancia de su actuación para la detección, aten-ción y derivación de potenciales casos que posibi-liten, dentro de un contexto multidisciplinario, una intervención oportuna y efectiva. Materiales y méto-dos: Se realizó una encuesta a 132 odontólogos, 123 mujeres y 9 hombres, con experiencia profesional de 2 a 43 años, profesores universitarios especialistas en odontopediatría, cursantes de carreras de espe-cialización y posgrados afines o aquellos que desa-rrollan sus actividades laborales en 2 hospitales pú-blicos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires aten-diendo a menores de edad. La encuesta totalizó 15 preguntas distribuidas en 3 categorías cuyos ejes te-máticos ahondaron respecto al conocimiento sobre violencia ejercida contra menores (Categoría 1), sos-pecha de un presunto maltrato infantil en la consulta (Categoría 2) y factores que condicionan la eventual derivación del caso (Categoría 3). Cada pregunta in-cluida en las 3 categorías se direccionó conforme a si el ámbito profesional del sujeto encuestado era es-pecialista/cursante de posgrado (Grupo 1) u hospi-talario (Grupo 2). Resultados: En la primera categoría se observó una significativa carencia de formación específica en la etapa de grado con un 89% para el grupo 1 y 93,75% para el grupo 2, aunque éstos úl-timos han accedido a cursos de perfeccionamiento y actividades tendientes a incrementar destrezas y aptitudes en un 71,87%, contrastando con el 24% del otro grupo. Asimismo, el 29% del grupo 1 y un 50% del grupo 2 conocían los protocolos establecidos en sus entornos profesionales. Ambos consideraron que el odontólogo no está capacitado para detectar conductas orientativas hacia posibles casos (89%, grupo 1; 87,5%, grupo 2). Para la segunda categoría, el grupo 1 respondió positivamente en un 73%, en tanto que el grupo 2 lo hizo en un 84,38%. En la ter-cera categoría se destacó para el grupo 1 un elevado porcentaje en las preguntas relacionadas al temor por parte del odontólogo de agravar las acciones de violencia familiar (64%) o represalias (55%) contra el niño si efectuaran la derivación. En los mismos ítems, el grupo 2 respondió con porcentajes disímiles (28,13% y 31,25%, respectivamente). Finalmente, se diferenciaron claramente los resultados en cuanto al desconocimiento de los procedimientos a seguir si amerita derivar un caso, con un 71% para el grupo 1 y un 34,38% para el grupo 2. Conclusión: Se hace imperioso instruir y capacitar al profesional odontólogo, concientizándolo sobre la necesidad de conocer la legislación vigente y los mecanismos de detección y ulterior derivación. Si bien aquellos que desempeñan su labor a nivel hospitalario aparecen como mejor preparados para actuar, existe un evidente desconocimiento general que conlleva el riesgo de no advertir o proceder inadecuadamente en casos de violencia que atenta contra la seguridad de niños, niñas y adolescentes (AU)

Objective: To analyze the level of knowledge of the dental professional about violence committed in children and adolescents, emphasizing the importance of their actions for the detection, care and referral of potential cases that allow, within a multidisciplinary context, an intervention timely and effective. Materials and methods: A survey was carried out with 132 dentists, 123 women and 9 men, with professional experience of 2 to 43 years, university professors in the specialty of pediatric dentistry, students of specialization course and related postgraduate courses or those who carry out their work activities in 2 public hospitals in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires that care for minors. The survey included 15 questions distributed in 3 categories whose thematic axes delved into knowledge about violence committed against minors (Category 1), suspicion of alleged child abuses in the consultation (Category 2) and factors that condition the eventual referral of the case (Category 3). Each question included in the 3 categories is addressed according to whether the professional field of the surveyed subject was a specialist/graduate student (Group 1) or a hospitalist (Group 2). Results: In the first category, a significant lack of specific training is observed in the undergraduate stage with 89% for group 1 and 93.75% for group 2, although the latter have accessed courses and improvement activities aimed at to increase skills and abilities by 71.87%, in contrast to 24% in the other group. Likewise, 29% of group 1 and 50% of group 2 knew the protocols established in their professional environments. Both considered that the dentist is not trained to detect guiding behaviors towards possible cases (89%, group 1; 87.5%, group 2). For the second category, group 1 responded positively by 73%, while group 2 did so by 84.38%. In the third category, a high percentage stood out for group 1 in the questions related to the dentist's fear of aggravating the actions of family violence (64%) or retaliation (55%) against the child if he made the referral. In the same items, group 2 responded with dissimilar percentages (28.13% and 31.25%, respectively). Finally, the results were clearly differentiated in terms of lack of knowledge of the procedures to follow if a case warrants referral, with 71% for group 1 and 34.38% for group 2. Conclusion: It is imperative to instruct and train the professional dentist, raising awareness about the need to know current legislation and the detection and subsequent referral mechanisms. Although those who carry out their work at the hospital level seem to be better prepared to act, there is an evident widespread lack of knowledge that entails the risk of not announcing or acting inappropriately in cases of violence that threaten the safety of children and adolescents (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child Abuse/diagnosis , Child Abuse/prevention & control , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Domestic Violence/prevention & control , Dental Care for Children/methods , Argentina/epidemiology , United Nations/standards , Child Abuse/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Service, Hospital/methods , Dentists/education , Forensic Dentistry/methods
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1564857


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze oral health services for pregnant women in the primary health care of a Brazilian metropolis, based on the performance of dentists who integrate these services. Material and Methods: Exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted through qualitative and quantitative approaches. A semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. This study was conducted in a Brazilian metropolis and included all dentists working in primary health care. The compliance analysis was performed considering access, adherence, group activity and individual dental care dimensions. Open questions were analyzed using the content analysis method and the closed questions were performed using frequency estimates. Bivariate statistics (Chi-square, Fisher's Exact Test, α<0.05) were analyzed through STATA. Results: 260 dentists agreed to participate in this study. Strategies to facilitate the scheduling of pregnant women to dental treatment occur in 93.9% of oral health teams, the main one being the scheduling and/or referral performed by the family health team. In terms of access and adherence to treatment, all variables in these dimensions showed relevant compliance results. The group activity dimension presented moderate compliance percentages, whereas individual care obtained high results, except for referral to radiography. Conclusion: The oral health service was compliant regarding access and adherence to treatment, but showed limitations in individual care and collective activities. Recommendations include improving oral health team coverage and permanent education programs.

Male , Female , Primary Health Care , National Health Strategies , Dental Care , Dentists/education , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Health Services , Pregnant Women
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e220018, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1448797


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the quality of information about Molar incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) on YouTubeTM. Material and Methods: Only videos in Portuguese aimed at dentists were included. The selected videos were analyzed by two calibrated evaluators, who extracted the information (classification, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of MIH) and the quality was evaluated through a 20-point-checklist, according to the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry and European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Descriptive analysis and statistical tests were applied to assess the association (ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis) or correlation (Spearman) between the final scores of the videos and their demographics. Results: Nineteen videos with 13.8±4.76 mean points were considered eligible. Most of the videos did not report the possible involvement of other groups of teeth (n=12), presence of atypical restorations (n=8) and hypersensitivity (n=7); and the different treatments for MIH were very variable. Twelve videos discussed differential diagnosis and 78.95% possible etiological factors; however, all of them presented clinical images. Data related to the video source and viewer interaction were not related to its quality (p>0.05). The number of likes (r=0.26), views (r=0.34) and video time (=0.58) show a weak and moderate correlation, respectively, with video score. Conclusion: Videos on YouTubeTM about MIH presented moderate or high quality, with heterogeneous information, and can act as a complementary aid source of information.

Humans , Male , Female , Audiovisual Aids , Social Media , Molar Hypomineralization , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dentists/education , Diagnosis, Differential
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(4): 1-7, 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1523154


Objective: The study aimed to develop a cell phone application entitled: "Total Prosthesis Manual ­ Rehabilitating smiles", as an auxiliary teaching tool for teachers and students through digital technology, with a smartphone. Material and Methods: The tool was structured on the "Application Factory website", which allows the creation of mobile applications in different formats, with broad and interactive features on IOS and Android platforms. The expository format of the content is in slide format, containing descriptive theory and images about the stages of making a complete prosthesis; from necessary materials, photos and descriptive guidance of the steps. Results: The application is a complementary teaching resource to assist undergraduate and postgraduate students and professionals working in the area of complete prosthetics. The theoretical and practical content selected for the application covered all stages of understanding, development and possible complications associated with the manufacture of a complete bimaxillary prosthesis, from planning, impressions, models, orientation plans, tooth assembly, adaptations and delivery. Conclusion: The application provided a low-cost, expandable and easy-to-use teaching resource for teaching complete dentures. It is essential to develop various analyzes such as user experience tests, application effectiveness, development of new technologies and improvement of techniques, so that their potential for enriching learning in complete dentures and dentistry in general can be verified.(AU)

Objetivo: O estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um aplicativo de celular intitulado: "Manual de Prótese Total ­ Reabilitando sorrisos", como uma ferramenta didática auxiliar para professores e alunos por meio da tecnologia digital, com smartphone. Material e Métodos: A ferramenta foi estruturada no "site da Fábrica de Aplicativos", que permite a criação de aplicativos móveis em diversos formatos, com recursos amplos e interativos nas plataformas IOS e Android. A modalidade expositiva do conteúdo é em formato de slides, contendo teoria descritiva e imagens sobre as etapas de confecção de uma prótese total; a partir de materiais necessários, fotos e orientação descritiva das etapas. Resultados: O aplicativo é um recurso didático complementar para auxiliar estudantes de graduação, pós-graduação e profissionais que atuam na área de prótese total. O conteúdo teórico e prático selecionado para a aplicação visou todas as etapas de compreensão, desenvolvimento e possíveis complicações associadas à confecção de uma prótese total bimaxilar, desde o planejamento, moldagens, maquetes, planos de orientação, montagem dos dentes, adaptações e entrega. Conclusão: O aplicativo trouxe um recurso didático de baixo custo, expansível e fácil de usar para o ensino de próteses totais. É fundamental desenvolver diversas análises como testes de experiência do usuário, eficácia de aplicação, desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e aprimoramento de técnicas, de forma que possa ser verificado seu potencial de enriquecimento do aprendizado em prótese total e odontologia em geral(AU)

Humans , Educational Technology , Denture, Complete , Education, Dental , Mobile Applications , Education, Distance , Dentists/education
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 671-680, set-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399318


O pré-natal odontológico vem sendo alvo de ações estratégicas na atenção básica. É necessária a compressão que a mulher em período gestacional necessita de cuidados bucais, por esse fato o pré-natal necessita de reforços para o estabelecimento efetivo na atenção básica de forma a ser desmistificado na odontologia, e possibilitar que o cirurgião-dentista possa ser integrado com as ações voltadas para a saúde gestacional. Diante disso objetiva-se relatar sobre o pré-natal odontológico, e abordar sobre a contribuição da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) nesse contexto, atuação multidisciplinar, e importância da educação e capacitação para desmistificação do atendimento a gestantes. Para isso foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados eletrônicas Scielo, portal BVS e Google Acadêmico. É visto ainda há baixa adesão das gestantes ao atendimento odontológico, embora haja uma notória representação da ESF na universalização desse cuidado. A equipe multidisciplinar no atendimento de gestantes parece colaborar para a motivação do atendimento, e fundamentar ações estratégicas interdisciplinares. Ainda é importante ressaltar que o conhecimento sobre os aspectos norteadores da gestação tem papel fundamental para desmistificar o atendimento odontológico e preparar os profissionais. Infere-se que o pré-natal odontológico vem ganhando expressividade, onde as ações da ESF, a atuação da equipe multidisciplinar e a ampliação do conhecimento acerca do assunto podem influenciar positivamente para a adesão desse grupo.

Dental prenatal care has been the target of strategic actions in primary care. It is necessary the compression that women in gestational period need oral care, for this reason prenatal care requires reinforcements for the effective establishment in primary care in order to be demystified in dentistry, and enable the dentist to be integrated with actions aimed at gestational health. Therefore, the objective is to report on dental prenatal care, and to address the contribution of the Family Strategy Health (ESF) in this context, multidisciplinary work, and the importance of education and training to demystify the care for pregnant women. For this, a bibliographic survey was carried out in the electronic databases Scielo, BVS portal and Google Scholar. It is seen that there is still low adherence of pregnant women to dental care, although there is a notorious representation of the ESF in the universalization of this care. A multidisciplinary team in the care of pregnant women seems to collaborate to motivate care, and to fundamentalize interdisciplinary strategic actions. It is also important to emphasize that knowledge about the guiding aspects of pregnancy has a fundamental role to demystify dental care and prepare professionals. It is inferred that prenatal in the dentistry has been gaining expressiveness, where the actions of the ESF, the performance of the multidisciplinary team and the expansion of knowledge on the subject can lead positively to the adhesion of this group.

La atención prenatal dental ha sido objeto de acciones estratégicas en la atención primaria. Es necesario que la mujer en el período de gestación necesite cuidados bucales, por lo que el prenatal necesita refuerzos para el establecimiento efectivo de la atención básica de forma que sea desmitificado en la odontología, y que la cirugía-dentista pueda integrarse con las acciones volcadas a la salud gestacional. Por ello, el objetivo es informar sobre la atención prenatal odontológica y abordar la contribución de la Estrategia de Salud Familiar (ESF) en este contexto, la actuación multidisciplinar y la importancia de la educación y la formación para desmitificar la atención a las embarazadas. Para ello, se realizó un estudio bibliográfico en las bases de datos electrónicas Scielo, portal BVS y Google Acadêmico. Aún así, se observa una baja adhesión de las gestantes a la atención odontológica, aunque hay una notable representación del FSE en la universalización de este cuidado. El equipo multidisciplinar en la atención a la mujer embarazada parece colaborar a la motivación de los cuidados, y basar las acciones estratégicas interdisciplinares. También es importante destacar que el conocimiento de los aspectos orientativos del embarazo desempeña un papel fundamental en la desmitificación de la atención odontológica y la preparación de los profesionales. Se infiere que el prenatal odontológico viene ganando expresividad, donde las acciones de la ESF, la actuación del equipo multidisciplinario y la ampliación del conocimiento sobre el tema pueden influir positivamente en la adherencia de este grupo.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Prenatal Care , National Health Strategies , Pregnant Women/education , Dentists/education , Primary Health Care , Women/education , Oral Health/education , Women's Health , Dental Care , Comprehensive Health Care , Knowledge , Dentistry , Libraries, Digital
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 892-900, set-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399500


As Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PICs) apresentam-se como métodos coadjuvantes, auxiliando na obtenção de sucesso em determinados tratamentos clínicos e/ou cirúrgicos, atuando na prevenção, auxiliando na cura e no equilíbrio psicossomático com a finalidade de reestabelecer concordância entre mente e corpo. O Conselho Federal de Odontologia (CFO) regulamentou práticas como acupuntura, hipnose, terapia floral e fitoterapia, entretanto, suas aplicabilidades dependem da emissão de uma habilitação e seu devido registro no Conselho (Resolução CFO 82/2008). Para a Odontologia, as PICs proporcionam novas ferramentas para exercer um atendimento integral do ser humano. Neste trabalho, propõe-se fazer uma revisão de literatura sobre as PICs e Odontologia. Esta revisão de literatura foi realizada por meio de busca de artigos na base de dados Scielo, PubMed e Scholar Google no período de 2000 a 2021. Foram encontrados artigos sobre as seguintes PICs atuando conjuntamente com a Odontologia: terapias florais, acupuntura, hipnodontia, ozonioterapia, laserterapia, fitoterapia, homeopatia e odontologia antroposófica. Essas práticas apresentam grande valia, pois promovem o bem-estar sem causar dano ao indivíduo, apresentando poucos ou nenhum efeito colateral possibilitando maior segurança aos pacientes, além de favorecer a relação entre paciente e cirurgião-dentista, otimizando o tempo de trabalho no consultório odontológico e reduzindo custos.

Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICs) are presented as supporting methods, helping to achieve success in certain clinical and/or surgical treatments, acting in prevention, assisting in healing and psychosomatic balance in order to reestablish agreement between mind and body. . The Federal Council of Dentistry (CFO) has regulated practices such as acupuncture, hypnosis, floral therapy and herbal medicine, however, their applicability depends on the issuance of a license and its proper registration with the Council (Resolution CFO 82/2008). For Dentistry, PICs provide new tools to provide comprehensive care to human beings. In this work, we propose to review the literature on PICs and Dentistry. This literature review was carried out by searching articles in the Scielo, PubMed and Scholar Google databases from 2000 to 2021. Articles were found on the following PICs working together with Dentistry: floral therapies, acupuncture, hypnodontics, ozone therapy , laser therapy, phytotherapy, homeopathy and anthroposophic dentistry. These practices are of great value, as they promote well-being without causing harm to the individual, presenting few or no side effects, allowing greater safety for patients, in addition to favoring the relationship between patient and dentist, optimizing working time in the dental office and reducing costs.

Las Prácticas Integrativas y Complementarias (PIC) se presentan como métodos coadyuvantes, ayudando a obtener el éxito en determinados tratamientos clínicos y/o quirúrgicos, actuando en la prevención, ayudando en la cura y en el equilibrio psicosomático con el fin de restablecer la concordancia entre mente y cuerpo. El Consejo Federal de Odontología (CFO) ha regulado prácticas como la acupuntura, la hipnosis, la terapia floral y la fitoterapia, sin embargo, su aplicabilidad depende de la emisión de un título y su correcto registro en el Consejo (Resolución CFO 82/2008). Para la odontología, los PIC aportan nuevas herramientas para la atención integral del ser humano. En este trabajo, nos proponemos hacer una revisión bibliográfica sobre los PIC y la Odontología. Esta revisión bibliográfica se realizó mediante la búsqueda de artículos en las bases de datos Scielo, PubMed y Scholar Google desde el año 2000 hasta el 2021. Se encontraron artículos sobre los siguientes CFP que actúan conjuntamente con la Odontología: terapias florales, acupuntura, hipnodoncia, ozonoterapia, terapia láser, fitoterapia, homeopatía y odontología antroposófica. Estas prácticas tienen un gran valor porque promueven el bienestar sin causar daño al individuo, presentando pocos o ningún efecto secundario, proporcionando mayor seguridad a los pacientes, y favoreciendo la relación entre el paciente y el dentista, optimizando el tiempo de trabajo en el consultorio y reduciendo los costos.

Oral Health , Dentistry/methods , Dentists/education , Anthroposophy/history , Anxiety/therapy , Complementary Therapies/methods , Acupuncture Therapy/instrumentation , Laser Therapy/instrumentation , Ozone Therapy , Floral Therapy , Hypnosis/instrumentation , Phytotherapy/instrumentation
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 901-909, set-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399503


Com o aumento da população brasileira e consequentemente o número de edêntulos realizando tratamentos reabilitadores com implantes dentários, se tornou frequente aparições de complicações como, por exemplo, sua fratura. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar as causas prováveis relacionadas a fratura de implante dentário, através de um relato de caso clínico onde pode-se avaliar a condição da fratura apresentada e como foi solucionada. Após a analise do caso clínico, foi constatado que o principal fator que levou a sua fratura foram as sobrecargas oclusais associadas ao mal posicionamento e a qualidade do implante antigo. A partir disso, conclui-se que é de extrema importância o cirurgião dentista estar ciente de todas as possíveis complicações acerca do implante dentário, afim de realizar um bom planejamento cirúrgico diminuindo a taxa de insucesso levando a um bom prognóstico.

With the increase of the Brazilian population and, consequently, the number of edentulous individuals undergoing rehabilitation treatmentes with dental implants, the appearance of complications such as, for example, their fracture has become frequent. The present work aims to presente the probable causes related to dental implant fracture, trough a clinical case report where the condition of the fracture presented and how it was resolved can be evaluated. After analyzing the clinical case, it was found that de main factor that led to its fracture were the occlusal overloads associated with poor positioning and the quality of the old implant. From this , it is concluded that it is extremely important for the dental surgeon to be aware of all possible complications regarding the dental implant, in order to carry out a good surgical planning, reducing the failure rate, leading to a good prognosis.

Con el aumento de la población brasileña y, en consecuencia, del número de personas edéntulas que se someten a tratamientos de rehabilitación con implantes dentales, las complicaciones, como las fracturas, se han vuelto comunes. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar las probables causas relacionadas con la fractura de implantes dentales, a través del reporte de un caso clínico, donde se puede evaluar la condición de la fractura presentada y la forma en que fue resuelta. Tras analizar el caso clínico, se comprobó que el principal factor que condujo a la fractura fue la sobrecarga oclusal asociada a una mala colocación y a la calidad del implante antiguo. Esto lleva a la conclusión de que es muy importante que el cirujano dental conozca todas las posibles complicaciones de los implantes dentales, para realizar una buena planificación quirúrgica, reduciendo así la tasa de fracasos y consiguiendo un buen pronóstico.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Prostheses and Implants , Dental Implants , Causality , Bruxism/complications , Clinical Diagnosis/education , Osseointegration , Torque , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/instrumentation , Dentists/education , Fractures, Bone
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 7(1): 67-75, Jan-Apr 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1382196


Objetivo: Verificar a eficácia da intervenção educacional por videoconferência, para dentistas de um serviço público de saúde, sobre aquisição de conhecimentos em tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico controlado, com aplicação de questionários estruturados sobre uso criterioso da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico, antes e depois da intervenção educacional. Os participantes do estudo foram divididos em grupos controle (aula presencial) e experimental (aula por videoconferência). Participaram desta pesquisa 133 dentistas no pré-teste (questionário aplicado antes da intervenção) e 129 no pós-teste (questionário aplicado após a intervenção). As análises foram executadas para avaliar as variáveis da metodologia de ensino e comparar a proporção das respostas corretas e "não sei" entre os tempos, discriminadas pela especialidade odontológica dos participantes. O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05. Foram utilizados os testes de qui-quadrado e o modelo de regressão logística binária e, quando significativo, foi aplicado o teste post-hoc de Bonferroni. Resultados: A análise das respostas "não sei" e respostas corretas entre as modalidades de ensino presencial e por videoconferência demonstrou que não houve mudança significativa dos resultados. O resultado das respostas "não sei" evidenciou uma grande diferença entre os tempos, onde o percentual dessas respostas, após a intervenção, variou de 23,6% para 4,7% (p<0,001). Em todas as especialidades, essa redução foi significativa nas questões referentes ao conhecimento sobre radioproteção. O aumento de respostas corretas foi de quase 10% (p<0,001). Conclusão: A capacitação profissional através do método de videoconferência mostrou-se eficaz e comparável ao método presencial para a aquisição de conhecimentos em tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico.

Objective: To verify the effectiveness of an educational intervention by videoconference, for dentists of a public health service, on acquiring knowledge in cone-beam computed tomography. Materials and Methods: This is a controlled clinical trial with structured questionnaires on the judicious use of cone-beam computed tomography, before and after the educational intervention. Study participants were divided into control (faceto-face class) and experimental (videoconference class) groups. A total of 133 dentists participated in the pre-test (questionnaire applied before the intervention) and 129 in the post-test (questionnaire applied after the intervention). The analyzes were performed to evaluate the variables of the teaching methodology and to compare the proportion of correct and "I do not know" answers between times, broken down by the dental specialty of the participants. The level of significance adopted was 0.05. The chi-square tests and the binary logistic regression model were used and, when significant, the Bonferroni post-hoc test was applied. Results: The analysis of the answers "I don't know" and correct answers between the teaching modalities showed no significant change in the results. The result of the "I don't know" answers showed a significant difference between the times, where the percentage of these answers, after the intervention, varied from 23.6% to 4.7% (p<0.001). In all specialties, this reduction was significant in questions related to knowledge about radioprotection. The increase incorrect answers were almost 10% (p<0.001). Conclusion: Professional training through the videoconference method proved effective and comparable to the face-to-face method for acquiring knowledge in cone-beam computed tomography.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Education, Distance/methods , Dentists/education , Videoconferencing , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Surveys and Questionnaires
Odontol. vital ; (36)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386463


Resumen Objetivo: Determinar si existen diferencias entre conocimientos, percepción y actitudes de las medidas de prevención relacionadas al COVID-19 entre los odontólogos de los distintos distritos de Lima, Perú de mayor y menor número de contagiados. Métodos: El tamaño de muestra fue un total de 117 odontólogos pertenecientes a los distritos de mayor número de contagiados y 125 de los distritos de menor número de contagiados. Estos distritos de ambos extremos se basaron en las tasas de contagio que presentaron en agosto del 2020 según el Ministerio de Salud. Se utilizó un cuestionario como instrumento que constó de 33 preguntas cerradas de opción múltiple y se distribuyó vía redes sociales. Para el análisis univariado, se obtuvo la estadística descriptiva donde se calcularon las medidas de frecuencia absoluta y relativa para las variables dependientes, independientes y covariables. Para el análisis bivariado, se realizó la comparación entre las variables conocimiento, percepción y actitudes con los odontólogos de los distritos con mayor y menor número de contagiados mediante la prueba Chicuadrado. Resultados: Los odontólogos de los distritos de mayor número de contagiados presentan mayores conocimientos sobre los principales síntomas, vías de transmisión y medidas de prevención frente a la COVID-19 a comparación de los odontólogos de los distritos de menor número de contagiados. Además, los de mayor número de contagiados perciben a la COVID-19 como muy peligroso, mientras que los de menor número de contagiados lo perciben moderadamente peligroso y muy peligroso en proporciones iguales. Por último, con respecto a la actitud, los de mayor número de contagiados no atienden a un paciente sospechoso y lo derivan a un centro de salud, mientras que los de menor número de contagiados sí los atienden y los derivan a un centro de salud. Conclusión: Se encontraron diferencias entre conocimientos, percepción y actitudes de las medidas de prevención relacionadas al COVID-19 entre los odontólogos de los distintos distritos de Lima, Perú de mayor y menor número de contagiados.

Knowledge, perception and attitudes of prevention measures related to COVID-19 among dentists from different districts of Lima, Peru with the highest and lowest number of infected Abstract Objective: To determine if there are differences between knowledge, perception and attitudes of the prevention measures related to COVID-19 among the dentists of the different districts of Lima, Peru with the highest and lowest number of infection cases. Methods: The sample size was 265 dentists, of which 117 were from the districts with the greatest impact and 148 from the districts with the least impact. These districts of both extremes were based on the contagion rates that they presented in August 2020 according to the Ministry of Health. A questionnaire was used as an instrument and it was distributed via social networks. For the univariate analysis, the descriptive statistics were obtained where the absolute and relative frequency measures were calculated for the dependent, independent and covariate variables. For the bivariate analysis, a comparison was made between the variable's knowledge, perception and attitudes with the dentists of the districts with the highest and lowest number of infected using the Chi-square test. Results: The dentists of the districts with the highest impact have greater knowledge about the main symptoms, transmission routes and prevention measures against COVID-19 compared to the dentists of the districts with the least impact. In addition, those with the greatest impact perceive COVID-19 as very dangerous, while those with the least impact perceive it as moderately dangerous and very dangerous in equal proportions. Finally, with regard to attitude, those with the greatest impact do not care for a suspicious patient and refer him to a health center, while those with the least impact do care for them and refer them to a health center. Conclusión: Finally, differences were found between knowledge, perception and attitudes of the prevention measures related to COVID-19 among the dentists of the different districts of Lima, Peru with the highest and lowest number of infected people.

Humans , COVID-19/prevention & control , Group Practice, Dental , Peru , Dentists/education
Rev. ABENO ; 22(2): 1645, jan. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1373531


O objetivo do presente estudo foi conhecer a percepção de egressos de um Curso deOdontologiano sul do Brasilsobre a inserção no mercado de trabalho. Para isso, foi aplicado um questionário online, por meio da Plataforma Google Forms, com onzequestões abertas e fechadas aos cirurgiões-dentistasformadosna instituição nos últimos dois anos.O questionário foi estruturado a fim de analisar como está sendo realizada a inserção e a prática profissional dos recém-formados no mercado de trabalho.Os dados coletados foram transferidos para uma planilha e analisados por meio defrequênciasabsoluta e relativanas questões fechadas e descritiva nas questões abertas. Amaioria dos respondentes apontaram estar capacitados para o mercado de trabalho tanto sob ponto de vista técnico,com familiaridade em relação aosmateriais e equipamentos disponíveis,quanto sob o ponto de vista de pessoal. As disciplinas de clínica integrada, os Centros de Especialidades Odontológicasdo Sistema Único de Saúde, extensões e estágios extramuros foramelencados por promoverem uma vivência do trabalho em equipe e da integralidade das diversas especialidades da odontologia (AU).

This study examined the perception of entry into the labor market of graduates from a School of Dentistry in southern Brazil. An online questionnaire with eleven open and closed questions was created using Google Forms and applied to recently graduated dentists in an educational institution in southern Brazil. The questionnaire asked questions about the entry into the labor market and the professional practice of recent graduates. The data collected in the questionnaires were transferred to an Excel® spreadsheet and analyzed using absolute and relative frequency for closed questions and descriptive statistics for open questions. Most respondents felt that they were technically qualified for the labor market, considering familiarity with the materials and equipment available, and personally well prepared. Integrated clinics, Dental Specialties Centers of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), extension courses and internships were listed as factors that promoted teamwork and integrated experiences in the various dental specialties (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Professional Practice , Social Perception , Dentists/education , Workforce , Job Market , Brazil , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Educational Measurement/methods
Acta sci., Health sci ; Acta sci., Health sci;44: e58157, Jan. 14, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366147


Some mycoses are endemic. They develop through hematogenous spread, causing a generalized infection, usually with secondary mucosal involvement.The aim of this observational and retrospective study was to report the prevalence and characteristics of oral lesions in patients diagnosed with systemic fungal infections (SFI) over a 25-year period in southern Brazil. Demographic (age, sex, ethnicity, occupation) and clinical (anatomical location, symptoms,histopathological diagnosis and management) data from the medical records of patients with SFI were collected from 1995 to 2019. 34 cases of SFI were found, of which 31 (91.18%) were diagnosed as paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) and 3 (8.82%) as histoplasmosis. Men were much more affected (n = 31; 91.18%), with an average age of 46.9 years. Most patients (n = 18; 58.06%) were Caucasian; 48% (n = 15) were farm/rural workers and the most affected region was the jugal mucosa (n = 13; 25.49%) followed by the alveolar ridge (n = 12; 23.52%). All patients with histoplasmosis were immunocompetent men (mean age: 52.67 years), and the palate was the most affected. All patients underwent incisional biopsy and were referred to an infectologist. The dentist has an essential role in the recognition of SFI, whose oral manifestations may be the first sign. SFI should be included in differential diagnosis in patients from endemic areas. In addition, the inevitable human mobility and globalization make knowledge of these mycosesnecessary worldwide, especially since advanced cases in immunocompromised patients can be fatal.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Oral Manifestations , Endemic Diseases/prevention & control , Mycoses , Palate/pathology , Paracoccidioidomycosis/pathology , Tongue/pathology , Medical Records/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies , Dentists/education , Alveolar Process/pathology , Health Services Research/statistics & numerical data , Histoplasmosis/pathology , Mucous Membrane/pathology
Biomed Res Int ; 2021: 6200083, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34395620


BACKGROUND: Preformed metal crowns (PMCs), as an effective technique recommended for the enduring restoration of primary molar defects, have not been widely implemented in China as well as that in Western countries. This study is aimed at assessing the knowledge on the clinical use of the PMC technique and its effective factors among dentists in Chengdu, China. Thus, the present study is aimed at providing the best available evidence on clinical decision-making to manage dental caries in children and the overall benefits. METHODS: The self-designed questionnaire in this study consisted of two main sections, including the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents and their perception and use of PMCs. The anonymous questionnaire was distributed among 1000 dentists practicing in Chengdu via SO JUMP. RESULTS: The response rate was 45%. Most respondents (69.6%) did not use PMCs. Academic qualification, working specialty, and professional experience were associated with dentists' use of PMCs. The lack of knowledge about the PMC technique was the main obstacle to the dental practitioners' use of PMCs (41.7%). The lack of understanding of the rationale behind PMCs was the main reason for parents' acceptance of PMC restorations (43.6%). Attending continuing education programs was the main approach to learning the PMC restorative technique (59.1%). CONCLUSIONS: The clinical use of PMCs was not very popular in Chengdu city. To promote this restorative technique, knowledge and practical training should be incorporated into routine courses of undergraduate dental education.

Dental Caries/surgery , Dentist's Role/psychology , Dentists/education , Tooth Preparation, Prosthodontic/instrumentation , Adult , Child , China , Clinical Competence , Clinical Decision-Making , Cross-Sectional Studies , Crowns/classification , Female , Humans , Male , Perception , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Practice Patterns, Dentists' , Surveys and Questionnaires
Cochrane Database Syst Rev ; 5: CD012423, 2021 05 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34057734


BACKGROUND: Intimate partner violence (IPV) includes any violence (physical, sexual or psychological/emotional) by a current or former partner. This review reflects the current understanding of IPV as a profoundly gendered issue, perpetrated most often by men against women. IPV may result in substantial physical and mental health impacts for survivors. Women affected by IPV are more likely to have contact with healthcare providers (HCPs) (e.g. nurses, doctors, midwives), even though women often do not disclose the violence. Training HCPs on IPV, including how to respond to survivors of IPV, is an important intervention to improve HCPs' knowledge, attitudes and practice, and subsequently the care and health outcomes for IPV survivors. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of training programmes that seek to improve HCPs' identification of and response to IPV against women, compared to no intervention, wait-list, placebo or training as usual. SEARCH METHODS: We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase and seven other databases up to June 2020. We also searched two clinical trials registries and relevant websites. In addition, we contacted primary authors of included studies to ask if they knew of any relevant studies not identified in the search. We evaluated the reference lists of all included studies and systematic reviews for inclusion. We applied no restrictions by search dates or language. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials comparing IPV training or educational programmes for HCPs compared with no training, wait-list, training as usual, placebo, or a sub-component of the intervention. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We used standard methodological procedures outlined by Cochrane. Two review authors independently assessed studies for eligibility, undertook data extraction and assessed risks of bias. Where possible, we synthesised the effects of IPV training in a meta-analysis. Other analyses were synthesised in a narrative manner. We assessed evidence certainty using the GRADE approach. MAIN RESULTS: We included 19 trials involving 1662 participants. Three-quarters of all studies were conducted in the USA, with single studies from Australia, Iran, Mexico, Turkey and the Netherlands. Twelve trials compared IPV training versus no training, and seven trials compared the effects of IPV training to training as usual or a sub-component of the intervention in the comparison group, or both. Study participants included 618 medical staff/students, 460 nurses/students, 348 dentists/students, 161 counsellors or psychologists/students, 70 midwives and 5 social workers. Studies were heterogeneous and varied across training content delivered, pedagogy and time to follow-up (immediately post training to 24 months). The risk of bias assessment highlighted unclear reporting across many areas of bias. The GRADE assessment of the studies found that the certainty of the evidence for the primary outcomes was low to very low, with studies often reporting on perceived or self-reported outcomes rather than actual HCPs' practices or outcomes for women. Eleven of the 19 included studies received some form of research grant funding to complete the research. Within 12 months post-intervention, the evidence suggests that compared to no intervention, wait-list or placebo, IPV training: · may improve HCPs' attitudes towards IPV survivors (standardised mean difference (SMD) 0.71, 95% CI 0.39 to 1.03; 8 studies, 641 participants; low-certainty evidence); · may have a large effect on HCPs' self-perceived readiness to respond to IPV survivors, although the evidence was uncertain (SMD 2.44, 95% CI 1.51 to 3.37; 6 studies, 487 participants; very low-certainty evidence); · may have a large effect on HCPs' knowledge of IPV, although the evidence was uncertain (SMD 6.56, 95% CI 2.49 to 10.63; 3 studies, 239 participants; very low-certainty evidence); · may make little to no difference to HCPs' referral practices of women to support agencies, although this is based on only one study (with 49 clinics) assessed to be very low certainty; · has an uncertain effect on HCPs' response behaviours (based on two studies of very low certainty), with one trial (with 27 participants) reporting that trained HCPs were more likely to successfully provide advice on safety planning during their interactions with standardised patients, and the other study (with 49 clinics) reporting no clear impact on safety planning practices; · may improve identification of IPV at six months post-training (RR 4.54, 95% CI 2.5 to 8.09) as in one study (with 54 participants), although three studies (with 48 participants) reported little to no effects of training on identification or documentation of IPV, or both. No studies assessed the impact of training HCPs on the mental health of women survivors of IPV compared to no intervention, wait-list or placebo. When IPV training was compared to training as usual or a sub-component of the intervention, or both, no clear effects were seen on HCPs' attitudes/beliefs, safety planning, and referral to services or mental health outcomes for women. Inconsistent results were seen for HCPs' readiness to respond (improvements in two out of three studies) and HCPs' IPV knowledge (improved in two out of four studies). One study found that IPV training improved HCPs' validation responses. No adverse IPV-related events were reported in any of the studies identified in this review. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Overall, IPV training for HCPs may be effective for outcomes that are precursors to behaviour change. There is some, albeit weak evidence that IPV training may improve HCPs' attitudes towards IPV. Training may also improve IPV knowledge and HCPs' self-perceived readiness to respond to those affected by IPV, although we are not certain about this evidence. Although supportive evidence is weak and inconsistent, training may improve HCPs' actual responses, including the use of safety planning, identification and documentation of IPV in women's case histories. The sustained effect of training on these outcomes beyond 12 months is undetermined. Our confidence in these findings is reduced by the substantial level of heterogeneity across studies and the unclear risk of bias around randomisation and blinding of participants, as well as high risk of bias from attrition in many studies. Further research is needed that overcomes these limitations, as well as assesses the impacts of IPV training on HCPs' behavioral outcomes and the well-being of women survivors of IPV.

Health Personnel/education , Intimate Partner Violence , Adult , Bias , Dentists/education , Female , Humans , Medical Staff/education , Midwifery/education , Nursing Staff/education , Psychology/education , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Social Workers/education , Students, Health Occupations
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 10(1): 1-8, feb. 24, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282715


Objective: Biopsy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of oral lesions. Correct management and care of biopsy at all steps (before, during and after obtaining a biopsy) is highly important to provide proper tissue samples for microscopic assessment by pathologists. This study aimed to assess and compare the knowledge of dental students (DSs) and general dentists (GDs) on post-oral biopsy instructions. Material and Methods: A questionnaire including two parts was used: 1) Demographic data and self-evaluation of biopsy knowledge by the participants and 2) 11 items about the correct oral biopsy storage and transport to a histopathology laboratory. The data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed by STATA. Results: 48 GDs and 131 DSs participated in this study. The knowledge score of the DSs (5.43±2.01) was significantly lower than GDs (8.33±1.78) (p<0.05). Moreover, there was no significant relationship between GDs' knowledge and their working experience, age, gender and the university they graduated from. However, there was a significant relationship between DSs' school year and their knowledge. Conclusion: The findings showed that the knowledge of DSs was lower than GDs. Since, these students will care for the oral and dental health of the community in the future, upgrading their training (by improving the quantity and quality of theoretical and practical training) is necessary to both understand the different aspects of biopsy, and to be familiar enough with proper oral biopsy storage and transport processes.

Objetivo: La biopsia es el estándar de oro para el diagnóstico de lesiones bucales. El manejo y cuidado correctos de la biopsia durante todos los pasos (antes, durante y después de obtener una biopsia) es muy importante para proporcionar muestras de tejido adecuadas para la evaluación microscópica por parte de los patólogos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar y comparar los conocimientos de estudiantes de odontología (SD) y dentistas generales (GD) sobre las instrucciones posteriores a la biopsia oral. Material y Métodos: Se utilizó un cuestionario que constaba de dos partes: 1) Datos demográficos y autoevaluación del conocimiento de la biopsia por parte de los participantes y 2) 11 ítems sobre el correcto almacenamiento y transporte de la biopsia oral a un laboratorio de histopatología. STATA analizó los datos recopilados de los cuestionarios. Resultados: 48 GD y 131 SD participaron en este estudio. La puntuación de conocimiento de los DS (5,43 ± 2,01) fue significativamente menor que la de los GD (8,33 ± 1,78) (p <0,05). Además, no hubo una relación significativa entre los conocimientos de los GD y su experiencia laboral, edad, género y la universidad de la que se graduaron. Sin embargo, hubo una relación significativa entre el año escolar de los DS y sus conocimientos. Conclusión: Los hallazgos mostraron que el conocimiento de los SD era menor que el de los GD. Dado que estos estudiantes se ocuparán de la salud bucodental de la comunidad en el futuro, es necesario mejorar su formación (mejorando la cantidad y calidad de la formación teórica y práctica) tanto para comprender los diferentes aspectos de la biopsia como para estar familiarizados suficientemente con los procesos adecuados de almacenamiento y transporte de biopsias orales.

Humans , Students, Dental , Biopsy , Dentists/education , Education, Dental , Mouth Neoplasms , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Knowledge
Ir J Med Sci ; 190(1): 19-26, 2021 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32700083


BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first reported on 31 December 2019 and has rapidly been spreading day by day. Dental patients and professionals have a high risk of the coronavirus infection and also have a huge responsibility to prevent its spread during emergency dental treatment over the period of the COVID-19 outbreak. AIM: Informing patients and dental practitioners about the novel coronavirus in an accurate and effective way is very important. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of dentistry-related medical information about COVID-19 on YouTube as educational resources for dental practitioners. METHODS: YouTube was queried for the search phrases 'COVID-19 and dental practice', 'SARS-Cov-2 and dental practice' and '2019-COV-2 and dental practice'. The first 100 videos for each term were viewed and analysed by 3 independent investigators. The scope was limited to videos in English. RESULTS: The search phrases yielded 1102 videos, among which 802 videos were excluded and 300 videos screened. Fifty-five videos were included in the final analysis. Of the 55 videos, only 2 videos (3.6%) were found to be of good quality, while 24 videos (43.6%) were found to be of poor quality. CONCLUSION: YouTube is a popular video broadcast site and can provide both relevant educational information and the spreading of misinformation. Health professionals should play a more active role with regard to educative information given on social media, especially YouTube, during global disease outbreaks.

COVID-19/prevention & control , Dentists/education , Infection Control, Dental , Information Dissemination , Social Media , Communication , Coronavirus , Dental Auxiliaries/education , Disease Outbreaks/prevention & control , Humans , Internet , Professional Role , SARS-CoV-2 , Video Recording
GMS J Med Educ ; 37(7): Doc87, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33364366


Objective: Primary outcome of this retrospective study was the comparison of state examination results under simulated treatment conditions in times of Covid-19 versus patient treatment under non-pandemic conditions. Additionally, correlation analysis was performed between students' self- and examiners' assessment of the treatment results. Methods: Within 4 hours, 22 examinees each had to place a multi-surface adhesive anterior and posterior restoration, performed an endodontic treatment on a maxillary premolar and a periodontal debridement of one quadrant. All treatments were performed on a model fixed in a phantom head. Compliance with the prescribed hygiene and social distancing guidelines and self-assessment of the practical performance was part of the practical examination as well. One examiner per examination part evaluated anonymously the final results. The historical control was based on the exam results of a cohort from 2019. Mean values (standard deviation), non-parametric correlations (Spearman's Rho) and group comparisons (Mann-Whitney) were calculated for statistical analysis. Results: Examination results under simulated treatment conditions were significantly worse (p<0.05) than in the cohort that took their state exam in patients, with exception of the endodontic partial exam. The overall scores in restorative dentistry and periodontology of both groups, which include a structured theoretical examination, did not differ. The majority of the candidates rated their performance worse than the examiners, and there was no correlation between self- and third-party assessment. Conclusion: In the comparison of two years, a simulated practical examination without patients in restorative dentistry, endodontics and periodontology resulted in matchable results compared with an examination on patients. Equal conditions for the candidates resulting in better comparability and avoidance of ethical dilemmas of patient treatment under examination conditions could also be arguments towards a state examination under phantom conditions in the future.

COVID-19/epidemiology , Education, Dental/organization & administration , Education, Distance/organization & administration , Educational Measurement/statistics & numerical data , Dentists/education , Education, Dental/standards , Education, Distance/standards , Educational Measurement/standards , Endodontics/education , Humans , Models, Anatomic , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2 , Self-Assessment , Students, Dental
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 22(3): e794,
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144531


El lupus eritematoso sistémico provoca manifestaciones bucomaxilofaciales. Debido a su variabilidad, se torna complejo para el odontólogo evaluar a los pacientes que lo padecen, además de la escasa evidencia científica en cuanto al manejo en la cavidad bucal, que hacen difícil su identificación y diagnóstico. El propósito de la presente investigación es caracterizar la evolución histórica del estudio de las lesiones bucomaxilofaciales del lupus eritematoso sistémico, mediante una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica y el empleo de descriptores en inglés y español. Esta enfermedad tiene consecuencias en la cavidad bucal, pero las lesiones pueden presentarse asintomáticas, por lo que el diagnóstico depende de identificar las lesiones. El estudio de las manifestaciones bucomaxilofaciales en esta enfermedad ha venido evolucionando lentamente con el transcurso del tiempo, pero aún no es suficiente, a pesar de los adelantos de la ciencia y la técnica(AU)

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in its development causes bucomaxilofacial manifestations. Given its variability, it becomes complex for the dentist when evaluating patients who suffer from it, due to the poor synthesis of evidence, based on its management in the oral cavity, from its identification and diagnosis. This led to the realization of this research, with the purpose of characterizing the historical evolution of the study process on bucomaxilofacial lesions, through an exhaustive literature review using different descriptors in English and Spanish. As a result, it was observed that this disease has consequences in the oral cavity, the lesions may appear asymptomatic and their presence is decisive for the diagnosis. Concluding that the study of bucomaxilofacial manifestations in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus has been evolving over time, but it is still not enough, and even more so with the advances in science and technology(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/complications , Mouth/injuries , Mouth Diseases/prevention & control , Dentists/education
Multimedia | Multimedia Resources | ID: multimedia-7528


O papel do cirurgião-dentista no tratamento da Epidermólise Bolhosa é de extrema importância. Estes pacientes, na sua maioria, fazem ingestão de uma dieta hipercalórica, resultando em altas taxas de cárie, além de alterações orais que requerem certos cuidados durante o atendimento odontológico.

Epidermolysis Bullosa/complications , Epidermolysis Bullosa/diagnosis , Dentists/organization & administration , Dentists/education , Patient Care Management , Epidermolysis Bullosa/prevention & control , Dentists/standards
J Infect Dev Ctries ; 14(10): 1210-1216, 2020 10 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33175719


INTRODUCTION: The primary aim of the study was to determine the knowledge of dental practitioners regarding HBV serological markers. Second objective was to determine prevalence of occupational exposures to HBV amongst dentists. METHODOLOGY: A questionnaire was constructed pertaining to various aspects of HBV serology; validated by an expert panel; and piloted at 49 dentists. A Cronbach-alpha value of 0.7 was attained and thus extensive survey was conducted among dentists in routine practise treating hepatitis B patients at dental teaching hospitals in Peshawar, KP. The data was analysed using SPSS v.22. RESULTS: A response rate of 58% (a total of 290 respondents) was attained. All respondents were vaccinated against HBV. Over 50% reported not to follow Standard precautions for every patient. Overall, 20.3% experienced HBV exposure, eight were administered PEP. Fifty-four percent of FYs; 74.5% PGTs and 71.6% of faculty dentists correctly answered: HBsAg to be the 'serological hallmark of HBV infection'; this was the most correctly answered question. Sixty-four percent dentists failed to identify the infectious carrier phase. Over 50% of dentists in each category failed to correctly answer 5/8 of the HBV serology. CONCLUSIONS: Over 20% reported HBV occupational exposure but zero transmissions. Majority of dentists did not have correct information on HBV serological profile which may jeopardise cross-infection control. Further education on HBV serological markers and its clinical relevance to dentistry along with stringent adherence to Standard precautions is recommended.

Dentists/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Hepatitis B/blood , Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional/statistics & numerical data , Occupational Exposure/prevention & control , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dentists/education , Hepatitis B/prevention & control , Hepatitis B/psychology , Hepatitis B/transmission , Hepatitis B Surface Antigens/blood , Humans , Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional/prevention & control , Pakistan , Prevalence , Qualitative Research , Serologic Tests/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires