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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e74786, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1526025


Objetivo: analisar os efeitos simbólicos dos uniformes utilizados pelas alunas da Escola de Enfermeiras Rachel Haddock Lobo. Método: estudo histórico-social, com corpus documental constituído de fontes orais, escritas e fotográficas que retratam os uniformes, no período de 1948 a 1951, que corresponde a inauguração da escola até a formação da primeira turma. A análise dos dados fundamentou-se nos conceitos de Pierre Bourdieu. Resultados: as alunas utilizaram três tipos de uniformes: hospitalar, saúde pública e de enfermeira. Durante a formação, rituais como a recepção da touca e a diplomação institucionalizaram e solenizaram o uso do uniforme. As professoras utilizavam uniformes de sua escola de formação. Conclusão: os uniformes foram utilizados como estratégia desenvolvida pelas enfermeiras da Escola para o fortalecimento da imagem da enfermeira de alto padrão na sociedade(AU)

Objective: to analyze the symbolic effects of the uniforms worn by students at the Rachel Haddock Lobo Nursing School. Method: historical-social study, with a documentary corpus consisting of oral, written and photographic sources that portray uniforms, from 1948 to 1951, which corresponds to the inauguration of the school until the formation of the first class. Data analysis was based on Pierre Bourdieu's concepts. Results: the students wore three types of uniforms: hospital, public health and nurse. During training, rituals such as receiving the cap and receiving diplomas institutionalized and solemnized the use of the uniform. The professors wore uniforms from their training school. Conclusion: uniforms were used as a strategy developed by the School's nurses to strengthen the image of high-standard nurses in society(AU)

Objetivo: analizar los efectos simbólicos de los uniformes usados por las alumnas de la Escuela de Enfermería Rachel Haddock Lobo. Método: estudio histórico-social, con un corpus documental compuesto por fuentes orales, escritas y fotográficas que retratan uniformes, desde 1948 a 1951, que corresponde desde la inauguración del colegio hasta la formación del primer grupo. El análisis de los datos se basó en los conceptos de Pierre Bourdieu. Resultados: las alumnas usaron tres tipos de uniforme: hospitalario, de salud pública y de enfermera. Durante la formación, rituales como recibir la cofia y el diploma institucionalizaron y solemnizaron el uso del uniforme. Las profesoras usaban uniformes de su escuela de formación. Conclusión: los uniformes fueron utilizados como una estrategia desarrollada por las enfermeras de la Escuela para fortalecer la imagen de la enfermería de alto estándar en la sociedad(AU)

History, 20th Century , Schools, Nursing/history , Clothing/history , Education, Nursing/history , Qualitative Research
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e72713, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1525406


Objetivo: analisar a inserção do homem, por meio do registro profissional, na enfermagem piauiense. Método: estudo de natureza sócio-histórica fundamentado por pressupostos de Aróstegui, conduzido a partir do número de inscrições no Conselho Regional de Enfermagem do Piauí do período de 1975 a 2021. Os dados foram organizados por ordem cronológica e de acordo com o gênero do inscrito, com análise pautada nos conceitos de Edward Palmer Thompson. Resultados: apesar da primeira inscrição masculina ocorrer apenas em 1979, percebe-se que, desde então, ocorreu um aumento progressivo de homens na enfermagem. Tal progressão é justificada pela reforma universitária, que deu origem a Universidade Federal do Piauí; além da criação do Sistema COFEN/COREN. Considerações finais: a inserção do homem na enfermagem piauiense ocorreu de forma lenta e desigual, quando comparada ao sexo feminino. Fatores sócio-políticos, econômicos e sociais foram essenciais para justificar o crescimento(AU)

Objective: analyze the insertion of men, through professional registration, in nursing in Piauí, Brazil. Method: socio-historical study based on Aróstegui's assumptions, conducted from the number of registrations in the Regional Council of Nursing of Piauí from 1975 to 2021. The data were organized in chronological order and according to the gender of the participant, with analysis based on the concepts of Edward Palmer Thompson. Results: despite the fact that the first male enrollment occurred only in 1979, it is clear that, since then, there has been a progressive increase in the number of men in nursing. Such progression is justified by the university reform, which gave rise to the Federal University of Piauí; in addition to the creation of the COFEN/COREN System. Final considerations: the insertion of men in nursing in Piauí occurred slowly and unevenly, when compared to women. Socio-political, economic and social factors were essential to justify the growth(AU)

Objetivo: analizar la inserción de los hombres, a través del registro profesional, en la enfermería en Piauí, Brasil. Método: estudio de naturaleza sociohistórica basado en los supuestos de Aróstegui, realizado a partir del número de registros en el Consejo Regional de Enfermería de Piauí de 1975 a 2021. Los datos fueron organizados en orden cronológico y según el género del participante, con análisis basado en los conceptos de Edward Palmer Thompson. Resultados: a pesar de que la primera incorporación masculina se produjo recién en 1979, es evidente que, desde entonces, se ha producido un aumento progresivo del número de hombres en enfermería. Tal progresión está justificada por la reforma universitaria, que dio origen a la Universidad Federal de Piauí; además de la creación del Sistema COFEN/COREN. Consideraciones finales: la inserción de los hombres en la enfermería de Piauí ocurrió de manera lenta y desigual, en comparación con la de las mujeres. Los factores sociopolíticos, económicos y sociales fueron esenciales para justificar el crecimiento(AU)

Humans , Male , Education, Nursing/history , History of Nursing , Men/education , Nurses, Male/history , Universities
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e73976, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1527020


Objetivo: descrever o primeiro concurso de vestibular unificado em relação as carreiras biomédicas; analisar os desdobramentos do primeiro concurso de vestibular unificado para a identidade profissional da enfermagem. Método: estudo histórico-social, descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou como fontes 22 publicações sobre o vestibular de 1971 do Jornal dos Sports. Dados foram coletados de julho a setembro de 2021 e analisados pelo referencial de identidade profissional. Resultados: o vestibular unificado permitiu a entrada de 47 homens, pela primeira vez, e 33 mulheres. Majoritariamente não-classificados para medicina, a opção destes candidatos em matricular-se na opção secundária foi uma estratégia de vinculação a uma instituição federal o que atrasou o preenchimento das vagas ociosas e suscitou 11 chamadas reclassificatórias. Conclusão: o vestibular unificado dificultou o acesso ao curso de enfermagem por candidatos convictos da escolha profissional. Admitir candidatos cuja primeira escolha era medicina propiciou a evasão do curso(AU)

Objective: to describe the first unified entrance exam in relation to biomedical careers; analyze the consequences of the first unified entrance exam for nursing professional identity. Method: historical-social, descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, which used as sources 22 publications about the 1971 entrance exam from Jornal dos Sports. Data were collected from July to September/2021 and analyzed using the professional identity framework. Results: The unified entrance exam allowed 47 men to enter, for the first time, and 33 women. Mostly unclassified for medicine, these candidates' choice to enroll in the secondary option was a strategy to link them to a federal institution, which delayed the filling of unfilled vacancies and led to 11 calls for reclassification. Conclusion: the unified entrance exam made it difficult for candidates convinced of their professional choice to access the nursing course. Admitting candidates whose first choice was medicine led to dropouts(AU)

Objetivo: describir el primer examen unificado de ingreso con relación a las carreras biomédicas; analizar las consecuencias del primer examen unificado de ingreso a la universidad respecto a la identidad profesional de enfermería. Método: estudio histórico-social, descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo, que utilizó como fuentes 22 publicaciones sobre el examen de ingreso de 1971 del Jornal dos Sports. Los datos se recopilaron de julio a septiembre de 2021 y se analizaron utilizando el marco de identidad profesional. Resultados: el examen de ingreso unificado permitió el acceso de 47 hombres, por primera vez, y 33 mujeres. En su mayoría no clasificados para medicina, la elección de estos candidatos de inscribirse en la segunda opción fue una estrategia para vincularse a una institución federal, lo que retrasó la ocupación de vacantes ociosas y generó 11 convocatorias de reclasificación. Conclusión: el examen de ingreso unificado dificultó el acceso a la carrera de enfermería a candidatos convictos de su elección profesional. La admisión de candidatos cuya primera opción era medicina condujo a la deserción del curso(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , History, 20th Century , Social Identification , Students, Nursing/history , Career Choice , Education, Nursing/history , Qualitative Research
Cult. cuid ; 27(66): 82-97, Juli 25, 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | IBECS | ID: ibc-224023


Introduction: The article presents the professional biography of a great leader in Braziliannursing, narrated from photographs and documents from the period. Objective: to describe thebiography of nurse Edith de Magalhães Fraenkel and analyze the content of her photographic iconography, covering the period from 1942 to 1955. Methodology: This is a qualitative, historicalsocial and biographical research, guided by the methodology of analysis and interpretation of photographic sources, by Boris Kossoy. Results: Edith de Magalhães Fraenkel was a leading figure inBrazilian and São Paulo nursing. She had a notable performance in care, teaching and managementof nursing schools and fought tirelessly to promote the development of the profession in Brazil andSouth America. The organization and curricular innovations implemented in the nursing courseduring her administration as the first director of the School of Nursing of the University of SãoPaulo are remarkable. She promoted the enrollment of men and women, white and black, fromdifferent social classes and of Brazilian and foreign nationality. Conclusion: Through Edith's direction, the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo became a pioneer in promoting a cultureof gender equality and valuing sociocultural diversity among students.(AU)

Introducción: El artículo presenta la biografía profesional de un gran líder de la enfermería brasileña, narrada a partir de fotografías y documentos de la época. Objetivo: describir la biografía de la enfermera Edith de Magalhães Fraenkel y analizar el contenido de su iconografía fotográfica, de 1942 a 1955. Metodología: Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, histórico-social y biográfica, guiada por la metodología de análisis e interpretación de fuentes fotográficas de Boris Kossoy.Resultados: Edith de Magalhães Fraenkel fue una figura destacada de la enfermería brasileña y paulista. Tuvo un desempeño notable en la atención, docencia y gestión de escuela de enfermería yluchó incansablemente por promover el desarrollo de la profesión en Sudamérica. Son notables lasinnovaciones curriculares implementadas en el curso de enfermería durante su mandato como primera directora de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de São Paulo. Ella promovió la matrícula de hombres y mujeres, blancos y negros, de diferentes clases sociales y de nacionalidad brasileña y extranjera. Conclusión: A través de la dirección de Edith, la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de São Paulo se convirtió en pionera en promover una cultura de igualdad de género yvalorar la diversidad sociocultural entre los estudiantes.(AU)

Introdução: O artigo apresenta a biografia profissional de uma grande líder da enfermagem brasileira, narrada a partir de fotografias e documentos de época. Objetivo: descrever a biografia da enfermeira Edith de Magalhães Fraenkel e analisar o conteúdo de sua iconografia fotográfica,referente ao período de 1942 a 1955. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, histórico-social e biográfica, guiada pela metodologia de análise e interpretação das fontes fotográficas, de Boris Kossoy. Resultados: Edith de Magalhães Fraenkel foi uma figura de revelo daenfermagem brasileira e paulista. Ela teve notória atuação na assistência, ensino e gestão de escolade enfermagem e lutou, incansavelmente, pela promoção do desenvolvimento da profissão, no Brasil e América do Sul. É notável a organização e as inovações curriculares implantadas no curso deEnfermagem, durante sua gestão como primeira diretora da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo. Ela promoveu a matrícula de homens e mulheres, brancos e negros, de classessociais diversas e de nacionalidade brasileira e estrangeira. Conclusão: Através da direção de Editha Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo se tornou pioneira na promoção da culturada igualdade de gênero e de valorização da diversidade sociocultural entre o alunado.(AU)

Humans , Female , Schools, Nursing/history , Education, Nursing/history , Nursing Assistants/history , Organization and Administration , History of Nursing , Nurses , Nursing , Qualitative Research , Interpersonal Relations , Students, Nursing
Nurs Inq ; 30(3): e12540, 2023 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36380381


This historical study aims to explain how the transition from student nurse service to fully qualified "graduate nurse" service in the United States in the 20th century affected assumptions about fundamental patient care in hospital wards and provide historical context for current apprenticeship programs. Through analysis of documents from 1920 when student nurse service, a nurse apprentice model, was the norm to 1960 when the nurse apprentice model was waning in favor of registered nurse service, this study found that the replacement of student nurses with registered nurses led to weakened standardization of fundamental bedside care and the introduction of large numbers of unlicensed nursing assistants. While student nurses could perform all the functions of fully qualified graduate nurses, nursing assistants could not, resulting in a separation of fundamental nursing care from the professional nurse role and changes in assumptions and attitudes toward fundamental care. These changes had a negative effect on fundamental nursing care. New apprenticeship programs provide opportunities for improvement.

Education, Nursing , Nurse's Role , Humans , United States , Education, Nursing/history , History, 20th Century
Nurs Inq ; 29(4): e12490, 2022 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35362190


The professionalization of modern nursing education from 1850 and forward is closely linked to values and virtues underpinned by Christian ideals, sex-based stereotypes and class. Development in the late 19th century of modern hospital medicine, combined with a scientific understanding of antisepsis and asepsis, hygiene, contagion prevention and germ theory, were highly influential insights to the dominant position of modern medicine in health care. This development constituted a key premise for what nurses, by virtue of being women, and combined with their education, could offer in terms of medical assistance. It enabled them to challenge the prevailing sex-based stereotypes- and class-based hierarchies, allowing modern nursing to retain aspects of both traditional Christian and womanly values, while at the same time adhering to the medical science paradigm. In this paper, we argue that modern nursing education developed in a context characterized by traditional female and religious values, while at the same time being increasingly dominated by the influence of scientific and medical progress. This conflict between traditional and modern values caused dilemmas and tensions as the nursing profession developed. We argue further that similar dilemmas and tensions continue to pervade contemporary nursing and nursing education.

Education, Nursing , Female , Humans , History, 20th Century , Male , Education, Nursing/history , Norway
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-211436


O objetivo da discussão proposta à mesa será apresentar o paralelo entre a formação técnica de nível médio em Enfermagem no Brasil e os tempos: político, normativo-legal e a produção científica. Justifica-se devido à carência de investigações sobre a temática e a necessidade de aprofundar as reflexões que permeiam essa formação de impacto quanti-qualitativo na saúde da população. Origina-se de estudos exploratórios prévios, dos quais emergiram três unidades: o panorama sócio-político, o movimento normativo-legal sobre a formação técnica em Enfermagem e a produção científica na área. Constatou-se múltiplas possibilidades de reflexões com implicações positivas para esse nível formativo (AU)

Humans , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , History of Nursing , Education, Professional/history , Allied Health Personnel/history , Education, Nursing/history , Video Recording , Brazil
Article in Portuguese | IBECS | ID: ibc-211438


O objetivo da discussão proposta à mesa será apresentar o paralelo entre a formação técnica de nível médio em Enfermagem no Brasil e os tempos: político, normativo-legal e a produção científica. Justifica-se devido à carência de investigações sobre a temática e a necessidade de aprofundar as reflexões que permeiam essa formação de impacto quanti-qualitativo na saúde da população. Origina-se de estudos exploratórios prévios, dos quais emergiram três unidades: o panorama sócio-político, o movimento normativo-legal sobre a formação técnica em Enfermagem e a produção científica na área. Constatou-se múltiplas possibilidades de reflexões com implicações positivas para esse nível formativo (AU)

Humans , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Knowledge , Education, Nursing/history , Education, Professional/history , Scientific and Technical Publications , Nursing Assistants/education , Nursing Assistants/history , Video Recording , Brazil
Article in Portuguese | IBECS | ID: ibc-211439


The purpose of the discussion proposed at the table will be to present the parallel between the technical training of secondary level in Nursing in Brazil and the times: political, normative-legal and scientific production. It is justified due to the lack of investigations on the subject and the need to deepen the reflections that permeate this formation of quanti-qualitative impact on the health of the population. It originates from previous exploratory studies, from which three units emerged: the socio-political panorama, the normative-legal movement on technical training in Nursing and scientific production in the area. Multiple possibilities for reflection were found with positive implications for this training level (AU)

O objetivo da discussão proposta à mesa será apresentar o paralelo entre a formação técnica de nível médio em Enfermagem no Brasil e os tempos: político, normativo-legal e a produção científica. Justifica-se devido à carência de investigações sobre a temática e a necessidade de aprofundar as reflexões que permeiam essa formação de impacto quanti-qualitativo na saúde da população. Origina-se de estudos exploratórios prévios, dos quais emergiram três unidades: o panorama sócio-político, o movimento normativo-legal sobre a formação técnica em Enfermagem e a produção científica na área. Constatou-se múltiplas possibilidades de reflexões com implicações positivas para esse nível formativo (AU)

Humans , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Education, Nursing/history , Scientific and Technical Publications , Nursing Assistants/education , Nursing Assistants/history , Allied Health Personnel/history , Allied Health Personnel/legislation & jurisprudence , Brazil
Article in Portuguese | IBECS | ID: ibc-211458


O século XX possui marcas importantes para se pensar as transformações que diversos extratos sociais sofreram, no Brasil, em especial as mulheres. Tais como os processos de urbanização, imigração e industrialização do país, e sua consequente absorção do trabalho feminino, como também a necessidade de incorporação das mulheres nos quadros militares de apoio durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a feminização do magistério e o enfrentamento a Estados repressores como os instalados no Estado Novo e na Ditadura Militar [Fragmento de texto] (AU)

Humans , History, 20th Century , Education, Nursing/history , History of Nursing , Women, Working , Video Recording , Brazil
Article in Portuguese | IBECS | ID: ibc-211968


Las políticas de formación técnica en enfermería se caracterizan por el cuño asistencialista, destinado a las capas populares y la división entre trabajo manual e intelectual; además del carácter económico en la contratación de técnicos y auxiliares en detrimento de los profesionales de nivel superior. La finalidad del artículo es discutir la historia de las políticas de formación profesional de nivel medio en Enfermería, en Brasil, en un abordaje histórico-crítico. Este ensayo utiliza fuentes bibliográficas de libros y artículos científicos consultados en las bases de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y Scielo sobre el tema. Con relación a los resultados hubo avances en el debate sobre la educación profesional en enfermería brasileña, con énfasis en la garantía de la calidad de la formación, que debe ser crítica y proporcionar la reflexión sobre las prácticas en salud en el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) y mejora de la calidad de la formación docente. Por lo tanto, de acuerdo con los aspectos históricos de la educación profesional en enfermería brasileña, que durante mucho tiempo fue pautada en la dimensión asistencialista y curativa, los procesos educativos deben orientarse más allá de la inserción en el mercado de trabajo y garantizar la educación para los trabajadores del área de salud (AU)

Nursing technical training policies are characterized by the welfare nature of the working classes and the division between manual and intellectual work; in addition to the economic character in hiring technicians and auxiliaries to the detriment of higher education professionals. The purpose of the article is to discuss the history of professional training policies of middle level in Nursing, in Brazil, in a historical-critical approach. This essay uses bibliographic sources of books and scientific articles consulted in the bases of the Virtual Library on Health and Scielo on the subject. Regarding the results, there were advances in the debate on professional education in Brazilian nursing, with emphasis on quality assurance of training, which should be critical and provide reflection on health practices in the Unified Health System (SUS) and improving the quality of teacher training. Therefore, according to the historical aspects of professional education in Brazilian nursing, which for a long education-al process should be guided beyond the insertion in the labor market and ensure education for health workers (AU)

As políticas de formação técnica em enfermagem caracterizam-se pelo cunho assistencialista, destinado às camadas populares e a divisão entre trabalho manual e intelectual; além do caráter econômico na contratação de técnicos e auxiliares em detrimento dos profissionais de nível superior. A finalidade do artigo é discutir a história das políticas de formação profissional de nível médio em Enfermagem, no Brasil, em uma abordagem histórico-crítica. Esse ensaio utiliza de fontes bibliográficas de livros e artigos científicos consultados nas bases da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e Scielo sobre o tema. Com relação aos resultados houve avanços no debate sobre a educação profissional em enfermagem brasileira, com ênfase na garantia da qualidade da formação, que deve ser crítica e proporcionar a reflexão sobre as práticas em saúde no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e melhoria da qualidade da formação docente. Portanto, de acordo com os aspectos históricos da educação profissional em enfermagem brasileira, que durante muito tempo foi pautada na dimensão assistencialista e curativa, os processos educativos devem se pautar para além da inserção no mercado de trabalho e garantir a educação para os trabalhadores da área de saúde (AU)

Humans , Allied Health Personnel/history , Education, Nursing/history , Education, Professional/history , Policy , Brazil
AANA J ; 89(4): 14-19, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34374338


In 1934, Gertrude Fife, President of the National Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NANA) sought to elevate the standards of anesthesia practice and standardize the education of nurse anesthetists. NANA members located schools, developed education standards and a school approval process, that eventually led to creation of the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA) in 1975. Examination of historical documents demonstrated that COA developed into a well-known accreditation agency recognized by both governmental and non-governmental organizations, enhancing the standards of anesthesia education and promoting high-quality educational programs. Note: See the April 2020 issue of AANA Journal for Part One of this article.

Accreditation/history , Accreditation/standards , Anesthesiology/education , Anesthesiology/standards , Education, Nursing/standards , Nurse Anesthetists/education , Nurse Anesthetists/history , Nurse Anesthetists/standards , Accreditation/statistics & numerical data , Adult , Anesthesiology/history , Education, Nursing/history , Female , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Societies, Nursing/history , Surveys and Questionnaires , United States
Am J Nurs ; 121(4): 69-70, 2021 04 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33755635


Editor's note: From its first issue in 1900 through to the present day, AJN has unparalleled archives detailing nurses' work and lives over more than a century. These articles not only chronicle nursing's growth as a profession within the context of the events of the day, but they also reveal prevailing societal attitudes about women, health care, and human rights. Today's nursing school curricula rarely include nursing's history, but it's a history worth knowing. To this end, From the AJN Archives highlights articles selected to fit today's topics and times. This month's article is by public health expert Dorothy Deming, whose many roles over her long career included director of the Visiting Nurse Association in Holyoke, Massachusetts; editor of Public Health Nursing; and author of the Penny Marsh: Public Health Nurse series for young adult readers. In her October 1957 AJN article, Deming recalls her experiences as a nursing student in New York City during the 1918 influenza pandemic. She and a classmate managed a 32-bed women's influenza unit through 12-hour night shifts, a "baptism of fire for a young nurse," she writes. Deming describes shifts that sound eerily familiar given today's COVID-19 pandemic: overcrowded units, staff shortages, patients whose condition could change "in split seconds," and the emotional impact of working under these conditions. For more on COVID-19 in this issue, see "Standardizing the Accommodations Process for Health Care Workers During COVID-19."-Betsy Todd, MPH, RN.

Education, Nursing/history , Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1919/history , Influenza, Human/history , History, 20th Century , Humans , Influenza A Virus, H1N1 Subtype , Influenza, Human/epidemiology , Influenza, Human/therapy , New York City , Workload
Int Nurs Rev ; 68(2): 159-162, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33616225


BACKGROUND: The aim of this communication is to pay tribute to a nursing pioneer of our time, Professor Serara Kupe-Mogwe, for her outstanding contribution to development of the nursing profession in Botswana. I pay this tribute in response to the World Health Organization's declaration of 2020 as the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. METHODS: Data supporting this manuscript were obtained through Internet searches, local newspapers, and interviews with those who knew her. RESULTS: Kupe-Mogwe's contributions to nursing in Botswana are presented. CONCLUSION: The legacy she has left is celebrated and should be remembered. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING AND/OR HEALTH POLICY: The findings have implications for nursing education, nursing leadership, and acknowledgment of women and their contribution.

Education, Nursing/history , Leadership , Botswana , Female , Health Policy , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Humans
Rech Soins Infirm ; (143): 7-18, 2021 Jan 13.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33485286


Introduction : A discussion paper based on a teaching experience, and presenting a reflective viewpoint developed as part of the university nursing course Theory in Nursing.Context : A critical look at the historiography and reference works used in nursing courses.Objectives : To shed new light on the foundations of the nursing discipline by seeking to better integrate the participation of religious communities in the development of nursing knowledge.Method : Analysis of articles from Recherche en soins infirmiers and a reflective approach influenced by an interdisciplinary perspective linking nursing science, history, and the contribution of Pierre Bourdieu’s work.Results : Observation of the complete absence of contributions to nursing knowledge before Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) and of a century-long silence after her.Discussion : Analysis of the observed reflex to disavow the legacy of nursing sisters in Quebec through the analysis of three aspects : the Nightingalian episteme, the historiographical positioning of nurses and historians, and the construction of knowledge based on the experience of the Sisters of Providence at the Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu.Conclusion : By ignoring the Franco-Catholic origin of the scientific field of nursing, this disciplinary knowledge deprives itself of a powerful nursing model.

Education, Nursing , Curriculum , Education, Nursing/history , Education, Nursing/organization & administration , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Humans , Quebec
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 25(5): e20200356, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | BDENF - Nursing, LILACS | ID: biblio-1286375


RESUMO Objetivo analisar as versões e interpretações do Jornalismo sobre a militância profissional de enfermeiras no campo da formação em Enfermagem. Método estudo histórico, documental, de abordagem qualitativa, embasado na teoria da História Social e com tipificação argumentativa compreensivista. Os dados foram coletados entre setembro e outubro de 2017, em Salvador, Bahia, por meio do levantamento das notícias publicadas no jornal A Tarde, no período de 01/01/1970 a 31/12/1989. Foram identificadas 1.666 reportagens que versavam sobre as enfermeiras e, destas, foram utilizadas 16 reportagens, as quais abordavam a militância profissional no campo da formação em Enfermagem. A análise e a interpretação do material seguiram a proposta da Análise de Conteúdo, na modalidade Temática. Resultados os achados apontam para a militância profissional das enfermeiras em prol da formação universitária; para a formação técnica, compreendendo o pessoal técnico e auxiliar e para a qualificação profissional, abordando a formação complementar para além do ensino curricular da graduação. Conclusão e implicações para a prática as publicações evidenciaram o engajamento das enfermeiras contra o ensino universitário descontextualizado e com metodologias ultrapassadas, a luta pela qualificação dos trabalhadores de nível médio e a atuação militante das instituições representativas, que se utilizaram da mídia para comunicar a necessidade de mobilização da categoria em prol do desenvolvimento profissional.

RESUMEN Objetivo analizar las versiones e interpretaciones del periodismo sobre la militancia profesional del enfermero en el campo de la formación en Enfermería. Método estudio histórico, documental, con enfoque cualitativo, basado en la teoría de la Historia Social y con una tipificación argumentativa integral. Los datos fueron recolectados entre septiembre y octubre de 2017, en Salvador, Bahía, a través de una encuesta de noticias publicadas en Jornal A Tarde, del 01/01/1970 al 31/12/1989. Se identificaron 1.666 informes relacionados con enfermeras y, de estos, se utilizaron 16 informes que abordan la militancia profesional en el campo de la formación en Enfermería. El análisis e interpretación del material siguió la propuesta de Análisis de Contenido, en la modalidad Temática. Resultados los hallazgos apuntan a la militancia profesional de las enfermeras a favor de la formación universitaria; para la formación técnica, incluido el personal técnico y auxiliar, y para la cualificación profesional, abordando la formación complementaria más allá del plan de estudios de pregrado. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica las publicaciones evidenciaron el compromiso de las enfermeras frente a la educación universitaria descontextualizada y metodologías obsoletas, la lucha por la calificación de los trabajadores de nivel secundario y la acción militante de las instituciones representativas, que utilizaron los medios de comunicación para comunicar la necesidad de movilización de la categoría a favor del desarrollo profesional.

ABSTRACT Objective to analyze the versions and interpretations of journalism on the professional militancy of nurses in the field of nursing education. Method a historical and documental study, of qualitative approach, based on the Social History theory and with comprehensive argumentative typification. The data was collected between September and October 2017, in Salvador, Bahia, through a survey of the news published in the newspaper A Tarde, in the period from 01/01/1970 to 31/12/1989. A total of 1,666 reports were identified that dealt with nurses and, of these, 16 reports were used, which dealt with professional militancy in the field of Nursing education. The analysis and interpretation of the material followed the proposal of Content Analysis, in the Thematic modality. Results the findings point to the nurses' professional militancy in favor of university education; to technical education, including technical and auxiliary staff; and to professional qualification, addressing complementary education beyond the undergraduate curriculum. Conclusion and implications for practice the publications showed the engagement of nurses against decontextualized university teaching and outdated methodologies, the fight for the qualification of middle-level workers and the militant action of the representative institutions, which used the media to communicate the need for mobilization of the category in favor of professional development.

Humans , Female , Journalism/history , Education, Nursing/history , Political Activism , Nurses , Qualitative Research
Invest Educ Enferm ; 38(3)2020 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33306893


The development of care research and its teaching in the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia cannot be understood outside the context in which it emerges and from the trajectory of its leading players. This is how this article will present a synthesis of the future of research, with its principal milestones and events in institutional history, in dialogue with the trajectories of four teaching nurses, protagonists of key moments in said history and living testimony of 70 years of institutional life. This panorama seeks to constitute a referent for strategic reflection, which inspires new generations to meet the research challenges and teach care research.

Education, Nursing/history , Nursing Care , Nursing Research/history , Schools, Nursing/history , Colombia , Education, Nursing/methods , Education, Nursing/organization & administration , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Nursing Care/methods , Nursing Care/trends , Nursing Research/methods , Nursing Research/organization & administration , Research Support as Topic , Schools, Nursing/organization & administration
Invest Educ Enferm ; 38(3)2020 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33306894


The article presents the trajectory of the study plans that have guided the formation of nursing professionals at Universidad de Antioquia in Medellín (Colombia). It presents the principal milestones or events that at a given moment determined significant ruptures in the formation processes and which show how this Faculty of Nursing, in its 70 years of existence, has always articulated the health needs of the context with the formulation of its study plans, with the sole purpose of forming critical and innovative nursing professionals capable of responding assertively to care needs, according with the principal challenges or trends that condition the health environment.

Curriculum/trends , Education, Nursing/history , Nursing Care/trends , Schools, Nursing/history , Clinical Competence , Colombia , Education, Nursing/methods , Education, Nursing/organization & administration , Faculty, Nursing/history , Faculty, Nursing/organization & administration , Global Health , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Humans , Nursing Care/methods , Schools, Nursing/organization & administration