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Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(2): e058, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1180908


Resumo: Introdução: A educação médica no Brasil vem enfrentando um importante processo de expansão. Essa realidade foi fortemente influenciada por programas e políticas educacionais implementados principalmente nas últimas décadas. Objetivo: O estudo teve como objetivo traçar um panorama da formação e da avaliação dos cursos de graduação em Medicina no contexto nacional. Método: Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental e descritiva, de abordagem quantitativa. O levantamento de dados ocorreu por meio de dados provenientes da Sistemática de Avaliação Nacional da Educação Superior do Ministério da Educação disponibilizado pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira, órgão que coordena e gerencia dados relativos aos processos de regulação, avaliação e supervisão da educação superior no sistema federal de educação. Foram analisados 20 anos de oferta de cursos de Medicina no Brasil (2000-2019). Resultados: No período em estudo, o número de escolas médicas apresentou um crescimento de 214,9%. No total, analisaram-se 337 cursos de graduação em Medicina em atividade vinculados a instituições de ensino superior públicas (35%) e privadas (65%), perfazendo 34.585 vagas anuais ofertadas. Os cursos estão distribuídos nas 27 unidades federativas brasileiras, com maior e menor concentração de vagas e escolas médicas nas Regiões Sudeste e Norte, respectivamente. A média nacional do número de vagas/ano foi de 1.280,9 vagas/ano e da razão vagas/habitantes foi de 16,5 vagas/100 mil habitantes. A maioria dos cursos obteve conceito três nos indicadores de qualidade propostos pelo Ministério da Educação. Conclusão: O ensino da Medicina no Brasil vem passando por importante processo de expansão, e este é fundamentalmente privado e mal distribuído pelo país, e apresenta indicadores de qualidade mínimos para manutenção do seu funcionamento.

Abstract: Introduction: Medical education in Brazil is facing an important expansion process. This reality has been strongly influenced by educational programs and policies implemented mainly in the last few decades. Objective: The study aimed to provide an overview of the formation and evaluation of undergraduate medical courses in the national context. Method: A documentary and descriptive study was conducted, with a quantitative approach. Data was collected from the National Higher Education Assessment System of the Ministry of Education, made available by the Anísio Teixeira National Institute of Educational Studies and Research, the body that coordinates and manages data related to the regulation, evaluation and supervision processes of higher education in the federal education system. Twenty years of medical courses offered in Brazil (2000-2019) were analyzed. Results: In the period under study, the number of Medical Schools grew by 214.9%. In total, 337 active undergraduate medicine courses linked to public (35%) and private (65%) higher education institutions were analyzed, totaling 34,585 annual vacancies offered. The courses are distributed in the 27 Brazilian federative units, with a higher and lower concentration of places and Medical Schools in the Southeast and North regions, respectively. The national average number of vacancies/year was 1280.9 vacancies/year and the vacancy/inhabitants ratio was 16.5 vacancies/100 thousand inhabitants. Most of the courses obtained a grade three in the quality indicators proposed by the Ministry of Education. Conclusion: It was concluded that: i) the teaching of Medicine in Brazil has been going through an important expansion process, ii) that it is fundamentally private, iii) poorly distributed throughout the country, and iv) it presents minimum quality indicators for maintaining its operation.

Humans , Schools, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/trends , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/statistics & numerical data , Schools, Medical/trends , Brazil , Residence Characteristics , Educational Measurement , Library Schools/supply & distribution
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(3): e139, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279856


Resumo: Introdução: O mundo tem milhões de infectados pelo SARS-CoV-2, e o desfio permanece em 2021, com a vacinação e o aparecimento das novas cepas. Este é um texto sobre reflexões de como a pandemia está mobilizando as escolas médicas e se as mudanças induzidas pela emergência sanitária nos paradigmas pedagógicos serão revertidas em mudanças culturais. Desenvolvimento: A experiência de confinamento tem sido emocionalmente rica, entremeada por desafios, mergulhos pedagógicos reflexivos e muito trabalho. Analisamos o confronto entre a pandemia e as escolas médicas, com ênfase nos questionamentos a respeito das adaptações e se serão revertidas em mudanças culturais. O desenvolvimento docente não tem sido priorizado nas instituições de educação médica, e a troca do presencial para o remoto não garante mudanças. Conclusão: O docente tem papel nuclear na formação de médicos com competência, ética e humanidade. É necessário avançar, para além do brilho da hiperconectividade, com a instalação de um fórum permanente sobre desenvolvimento docente.

Abstract: Introduction: Millions of people around the world are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the ongoing challenge in 2021 involves vaccination and the emergence of new strains. This text presents reflections on how the pandemic has mobilized medical schools, and whether the changes induced by the health emergency in our pedagogical paradigms will reverberate in cultural changes. Development: Self-isolation has proved to be an emotionally rich experience, pervaded by challenges, contemplative explorations in teaching, and a lot of work. We investigated how medical schools have tackled the pandemic, focusing on issues of the adaptations made and whether they will unfold into cultural changes. Teacher development has not been prioritized at medical schools, and the shift from the classroom to remote learning does not guarantee changes. Conclusion: The teacher plays a central role in the training of competent, ethical and humane physicians. It is necessary to move beyond the gloss of hyperconnectivity and install a permanent forum on teacher development.

Humans , Schools, Medical/trends , Education, Distance , Education, Medical/trends , Faculty, Medical/trends , COVID-19
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 40(3): 132-139, sept. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1129139


Introducción: en 2014, tras más de 10 años de comenzada la Carrera de Medicina en el Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (IUHIBA), en la comunidad educativa se comenzó a plantear la necesidad de realizar un cambio curricular con el objetivo de lograr la enseñanza de habilidades complejas en forma integrada para generar un aprendizaje significativo y un mayor desarrollo de competencias. El cambio curricular comenzó a implementarse en 2018. Propósitos: describir la experiencia de diseño de las actividades de enseñanza en un currículo integrado. Desarrollo: para el diseño de las actividades de cada módulo (de un cuatrimestre de duración) se conformaron grupos planificadores multidisciplinarios. El objetivo principal de la planificación fue que los estudiantes comenzaran a desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para poder llevar adelante las actividades profesionales (EPAs: Entrustable Professional Activities) al final de la carrera. Los escenarios donde transcurren las actividades del Ciclo Inicial son las sesiones de aprendizaje basado en problemas, los laboratorios para el desarrollo de habilidades, las charlas plenarias y la atención primaria orientada a la comunidad. Fueron definidas EPAs para desarrollarse en el Ciclo Inicial, que guiaron la planificación en diálogo con los contenidos seleccionados para el cuatrimestre. Para poder realizar un diseño integrado se estableció la relación de cada actividad con las de los módulos precedentes, retomando y complejizando los contenidos para que el diseño fuera espiralado. Conclusiones: el mayor desafío de esta experiencia radicó en que debimos sumergirnos en un nuevo paradigma. El principal logro como grupo planificador fue hacer propia esta nueva forma de enseñanza: basada en el alumno, en problemas, integrada, espiralada. Evaluaremos los resultados tras su implementación y rediseñaremos las actividades, de ser necesario. (AU)

Introduction: in 2014, after 10 years of the establishment of the School of Medicine at the Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (IUHIBA), the educational community identified the need to make a curricular change to teach complex skills in an integrated way to generate meaningful learning and further development of skills. The new curriculum was implemented in 2018. Purposes: to describe our experience in designing teaching activities for an integrated curriculum. Development: multidisciplinary planning groups were formed to design the activities of each four-month module. The main objective was for students to develop the skills necessary to carry out professional activities (EPAs: Entrustable Professional Activities) by the time of graduation. The "Initial Cycle" activities took place in four scenarios: (i) problem-based learning; (ii) skills lab (iii) forum discussions; and (iv) communityoriented education. The EPAs that would be acquired in the Initial Cycle were selected. Those EPAs, together with the contents selected for the semester guided the planning groups. To ensure an integrated design, the relationships of each module with the preceding one were established. We adopted a spiral design where we returned to the same topics at a deeper level and with more complexity. Conclusions: the greatest challenge was that this experience involved a paradigm change. Our main achievement was to adopt a new form of teaching that was student and problem based, within an integrated and spiral curriculum. We plan to evaluate the results after implementation and redesign the activities, if necessary. (AU)

Humans , Teaching/education , Problem-Based Learning/methods , Argentina , Primary Health Care , Schools, Medical/trends , Students, Medical , Teaching/trends , Universities/trends , Planning Techniques , Clinical Competence , Problem-Based Learning/trends , Curriculum/trends , Professional Training
Medisur ; 17(5): 742-747, sept.-oct. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091231


RESUMEN La educación superior no cesa de estar en proceso de cambio en el contexto nacional e internacional, determinado por las necesidades de modernización estructural y curricular, así como por la necesidad de respuesta a los requerimientos de la sociedad. La masividad es una fortaleza que se fundamenta en la accesibilidad a la universidad y guarda relación con la equidad e igualdad de derechos para todos en el proceso formativo del profesional de la salud, pero, por otro lado, constituye un reto para el sistema que puede afectar directamente la calidad en el proceso de la docencia médica. En este trabajo se pretende abordar algunas pautas y puntos de vista acerca de la interacción entre la docencia médica en ambientes de masividad y su reto de acrecentar la calidad.

ABSTRACT Higher education continues to be in the process of change in the national and international context, determined by the needs of structural and curricular modernization, as well as by the need to respond to social requirements. Massiveness is a strength based on accessibility to the university and is related to equity and equality of rights for all in the training process of the health professional, but, on the other hand, it constitutes a challenge for the system which can directly affect quality in the process of medical teaching. This paper aims to address some guidelines and points of view about the interaction between medical teaching in mass environments and its challenge to increase quality.

Humans , Schools, Medical/trends , Total Quality Management , Universities , Education, Medical
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 23(supl.1): e170920, 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002350


ABSTRACT The new National Curriculum Guidelines aim at restructuring and adapting medical curricula. The objective is to conduct a critical-reflective analysis of the restructure of a medical course's curricular matrix. This action research was conducted at a Brazilian federal university. The material was analyzed using the discourse analysis method. Among the results, the proposal of a curriculum that values life and transfers the biomedical paradigm to incorporate other dimensions in healthcare is highlighted. The need to strengthen a curricular matrix based on social demands and preferably focused on primary care is indicated. The establishment of longitudinal and transversal relationships among the competency areas of the 2014 National Curricular Guidelines and the curricular components is proposed. The intention is to foster the understanding of determinants and relationships between diseases and the communities' ways of living.

RESUMO As novas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) visam à reestruturação e adequação dos currículos médicos. Objetiva-se realizar uma análise crítico-reflexiva da reestruturação da matriz curricular para um curso de Medicina. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação realizada em uma universidade federal brasileira. Para a análise do material, procedeu-se com Análise de Discurso. Como resultados, destacou-se uma proposição curricular que valorize a vida, capaz de transpor o paradigma biomédico para incorporar outras dimensões no cuidado em Saúde. Apontou-se para o fortalecimento de uma matriz curricular retroalimentada pelas demandas sociais, tendo a Atenção Primária como cenário preferencial para a formação. Propõe-se o estabelecimento de relações de longitudinalidade e transversalidade entre as áreas de competência das DCN de 2014 e os componentes curriculares ofertados. Intenciona-se fomentar a compreensão dos determinantes e relações das doenças com os modos de vida das comunidades.

RESUMEN Las nuevas Directrices Curriculares Nacionales (DCN) apuntan a la reestructuración y adecuación de los currículos médicos. Objetivo: Realizar un análisis crítico-reflexivo de la reestructuración de la matriz curricular para un curso de Medicina. Se trata de una investigación-acción participativa realizada en una universidad federal brasileña. Para el análisis del material se procedió con un Análisis de Discurso. Como resultado, se destacó una proposición curricular que valorice la vida, capaz de transponer el paradigma biomédico incorporando otras dimensiones al cuidado de la salud. El objetivo fue el fortalecimiento de una matriz curricular retroalimentada por las demandas sociales, con la atención primaria como escenario preferencial para la formación. Se propone establecer relaciones longitudinales y transversales entre las áreas de competencia de las DCN de 2014 y los componentes curriculares ofertados. Se intenta fomentar la comprensión de los factores determinantes y las relaciones de las enfermedades con la forma de vida de las comunidades.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Schools, Medical/trends , Curriculum/standards , Education, Medical/trends , Brazil , Public Health , Health Education , Health Management , Integrality in Health
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 23(supl.1): e170794, 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002351


ABSTRACT The Brazilian National Health System (SUS) is a public universal system and adopts primary healthcare as the main coordinator of care. SUS requires that Brazilian universities offer a new professional education model. This article aims at discussing the medical education provided in an institution in a city in the Brazilian state of Bahia, taking primary healthcare and the National Curricular Guidelines as guidance for the Medicine courses. The experience with teaching, service and community integration practices (Piesc) brings together students, teachers, health professionals and SUS users, integrating different perspectto the health-disease-care process under the Family Health Strategy context. Piesc includes Collective Health and General Family and Community Medicine knowledge, covering different territories and social agents in the process of care, helping to change medical education for SUS.

RESUMO O Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), enquanto sistema público e universal que adota a Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) como coordenadora do cuidado, demanda das universidades brasileiras um novo modelo de formação profissional. Este artigo busca discutir a formação médica em uma instituição do interior da Bahia, tomando como base orientadora a APS e as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os cursos de Medicina. A experiência das Práticas de Integração Ensino, Serviço e Comunidade (Piesc) reúne estudantes, professores, profissionais de saúde e usuários do SUS, integrando os diferentes olhares sobre o processo saúde-doença-cuidado, no contexto da Saúde da Família. As Piesc integram conhecimentos de Saúde Coletiva e Medicina Geral de Família e Comunidade, abrangendo diversos territórios e sujeitos sociais, no processo de cuidado, colaborando na mudança da formação médica para o SUS.

RESUMEN El Sistema Brasileño de Salud (SUS), como sistema público y universal, adopta la Atención Primaria de la Salud (APS), como coordinadora del cuidado, demanda de las universidades brasileñas un nuevo modelo de formación profesional. El objetivo de este artículo es discutir la formación médica en una institución del interior del Estado de Bahia, tomando como base orientadora la APS y las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales para los cursos de Medicina. La experiencia de las prácticas de integración enseñanza, servicio y comunidad (Piesc) reúne a estudiantes, profesores, profesionales de la salud y usuarios del SUS, integrando las diferentes miradas sobre el proceso salud-enfermedad-cuidado en el contexto de la Salud de la Familia. Las Piesc incluyen conocimientos de Salud Colectiva y Medicina General de Familia y Comunidad, comprendiendo diversos territorios y sujetos sociales en el proceso de cuidado, colaborando con el cambio de la formación médica para el SUS.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Schools, Medical/trends , Curriculum/standards , Education, Medical/trends , Unified Health System , Teaching Care Integration Services , Brazil , Health-Disease Process , Family Health , Community Integration
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 23(supl.1): e170896, 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002354


Abstract The 2014 National Curriculum Guidelines (DCN) for the medicine course provide for an education that focuses on primary care. The School of Medicine of Universidade Federal de Goiás, adapting itself to the new DCN, has developed a new Pedagogical Course Project (PCP). The objective of this study was to examine, through documentary analysis, the new PCP in the perspective of the 2014 DCN, based on the document "Guidelines for Primary Care Teaching in Undergraduate Medicine Courses". Although the PCP covers most of the aspects related to primary care teaching, there is no reference to the teaching of the person-centered clinical method, popular health education, respect for patient autonomy, and shared decision-making. We hope, therefore, to subsidize changes in the current PCP and to stimulate other universities to approach these issues.

Resumo As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) do curso de Medicina de 2014 preveem uma formação com maior foco na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). A Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Goiás, adaptando-se às novas DCN, elaborou um novo projeto pedagógico de curso (PPC). O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar e comparar, por meio de análise documental, o novo PPC nas perspectivas das DCN de 2014, tendo por base o documento "Diretrizes para o Ensino na Atenção Primária à Saúde na Graduação em Medicina". Embora o PPC contemple a maioria dos aspectos relacionados ao ensino da APS, observou-se a ausência de determinações para o ensino do método clínico centrado na pessoa, na educação popular, no respeito à autonomia do paciente e na tomada de decisão compartilhada. Espera-se, assim, subsidiar mudanças no PPC atual e estimular outras universidades a abordar esses temas.

RESUMEN Las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales (DCN) de 2014 prevén una formación con mayor foco en la Atención Primaria de la Salud (APS). La Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Federal de Goiás, adaptándose a las nuevas DCN elaboró ​​un nuevo Proyecto Pedagógico de Curso (PPC). El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y comparar, por medio de análisis documental, el nuevo PPC en las perspectivas de las DCN de 2014, teniendo como base el documento "Directrices para la Enseñanza en la Atención Primaria de la Salud en la Graduación en Medicina". Se observó la ausencia de determinaciones para la enseñanza del método clínico centrado en la persona, en la educación popular, en el respeto a la autonomía del paciente y en la toma de decisión compartida. Se espera, así, subsidiar cambios en el PPC actual e incentivar a otras universidades.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Schools, Medical/trends , Teaching , Curriculum/standards , Brazil , Family Health , Health Management
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 23(supl.1): e170743, 2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-984564


Abstract The objective of this article is to analyze the National Curricular Guidelines of medical courses based on Foucauldian discourse analysis. This analysis goes even deeper under the scope of health promotion presented by the National Health Promotion Policy (PNPS), since it is closely related to a comprehensive care proposal. The new National Curricular Guidelines are in accordance with PNPS, since it aims at a general, human, critical, reflective and ethical education that is able to prepare medical students to work with social responsibility and commitment to advocate for citizenship and human dignity in different levels of care in the health-disease process. On the other hand, the analysis reveals that, although there is an attempt to place graduates as active subjects in their educational process, there is no sign of inclusion of these social agents in the creation of their educational practices.(AU)

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é realizar uma análise foucaultiana das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) do curso de Medicina. Aprofunda-se essa análise no âmbito da promoção da saúde presente na Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde (PNPS), por esta estar estreitamente relacionada à proposta de integralidade. As novas DCN estão em uníssono com o que se preconiza na PNPS, uma vez que se almeja uma formação geral, humanista, crítica, reflexiva, ética e capaz de atuar com responsabilidade social e compromisso com a defesa da cidadania e dignidade humana nos diferentes níveis da atenção do processo saúde-doença. Por outro lado, a análise revela que, embora exista a tentativa de situar o graduando como sujeito ativo no seu processo formativo, não há indicação de inclusão desse ator social na formulação de suas práticas formativas.(AU)

Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un análisis foucaultiano de las DCN para el curso de medicina. Se profundiza este análisis en el ámbito de la promoción de la salud presente en la Política Nacional de Promoción de la Salud (PNPS), por estar estrechamente relacionada a la propuesta de integralidad. Las DCN están en consenso con lo que se preconiza en la PNPS, una vez que se anhela una formación general, humanista, crítica, reflexiva y ética, capaz de actuar con responsabilidad social y compromiso con la defensa de la ciudadanía y la dignidad humana en los diferentes niveles de la atención. Por otro lado, el análisis revela que, aunque existe el intento de situar al graduado como sujeto activo en su proceso formativo, no hay indicación de inclusión de ese actor social en la formulación de sus prácticas formativas.(AU)

Humans , Schools, Medical/trends , Curriculum/standards , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/trends , Health Policy , Students, Medical , Universities , Health Promotion
Adv Physiol Educ ; 42(4): 693-696, 2018 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30431321


In the field of medical education, it is possible to consider that the acquisition of professional competences can gain new contours when considering the use of active methodologies. It is important to analyze the perception of the students about the use of them in medical courses, as well as to reflect on their challenges and potentials. In the present study, a semistructured questionnaire of student perception was applied immediately after the execution of different types of active methodologies in the discipline of physiology in two medical courses. The results suggest a highly positive evaluation of the use of active methodologies by the student body of the two institutions. The students evaluated positively the application of the method (94.6%) and the perception about the learning (84.1%). On the other hand, when questioned about the substitution of the traditional expository method by the active methodologies, there was a tendency to the centrality of the answers, with 84.0% of the responses concentrated at positions 2, 3, and 4 on a scale of 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum) on the Likert scale. There were no statistically significant differences when comparing variables of age, sex, and previous graduation. Although there was no consensus regarding the full replacement of traditional for active methodologies, one can conclude that the students' perception about the introduction of said methodologies in the teaching of physiology in medical courses is positive, regardless of the subgroups evaluated. These results encourage the insertion of these and other methodologies into medical courses.

Education, Medical/methods , Perception , Physiology/education , Schools, Medical , Students, Medical/psychology , Adolescent , Adult , Brazil/epidemiology , Education, Medical/trends , Female , Humans , Male , Perception/physiology , Schools, Medical/trends , Young Adult
Educ. med. super ; 32(1): 1-2, ene.-mar. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-975051


El Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) cubano ha tenido la capacidad de transformarse, según el momento histórico, sin descuidar los preceptos que le dieron origen, así como los principios que lo sustentan. Todo ello ha permitido garantizar la universalidad y accesibilidad de los servicios que se prestan a la población, con calidad, equidad y solidaridad humana. En estos 60 años ha asegurado la formación de sus recursos humanos propios con elevados estándares de competencia y desempeño, lo que unido a los resultados en sus indicadores de salud, sitúan al país en una posición de vanguardia internacional en temas sanitarios...

The Cuban National Health System (SNS) has had the capacity to transform, according to the historical moment, without neglecting the precepts that gave rise to it, as well as the principles that sustain it. All this has ensured the universality and accessibility of the services provided to the population, with quality, equity and human solidarity. In these 60 years it has ensured the formation of its own human resources with high standards of competence and performance, which together with the results in its health indicators, place the country in an international vanguard position in health issues....

Humans , Schools, Medical/trends , Teaching Care Integration Services/trends , National Health Systems , Cuba
Article in Portuguese | Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-945586


As mudanças nas formas de ensinar e aprender com ênfase no papel ativo dos estudantes têm sido observadas no Ensino Superior em geral e, em particular, no Ensino Médico. Apesar de haver um número considerável de trabalhos em torno dessa temática, constata-se uma carência relativa a estudos que valorizem a percepção dos estudantes como os agentes ativos de sua própria formação. Logo, com a finalidade de conhecer e analisar a qualidade das experiências vivenciadas, foi realizado um grupo focal com 6 estudantes concluintes do curso de Medicina de uma Faculdade Privada em Minas Gerais - Brasil no qual foram trabalhadas as suas percepções sobre as mudanças a nível do currículo, do curso e dos métodos pedagógicos dos professores, nomeadamente as alterações ocorridas nas vivências acadêmicas e adaptação. Importante destacar que os estudantes da pesquisa tiveram meios de comparação pela convivência com os colegas do curriculo antigo durante toda a formação. Os resultados mostraram que os estudantes foram capazes de identificar as alterações ocorridas no currículo e nos métodos pedagógicos; que os métodos ativos favoreceram qualitativamente as vivências acadêmicas por estreitar e melhorar as relações interpessoais com colegas de turma e de outras áreas, no trabalho interprofissional, além prepara-los melhor para a relação com o paciente. Quanto às atitudes e comportamentos adaptativos, relataram imaturidade, ansiedade e medo inerentes às novidades implementadas e aos cenários reais de prática no início do curso, demonstrando que os mesmos necessitam de apoios vários no processo de transição e adaptação.

Modifications in the teaching and learning methods, focusing an active role of the students, have been experienced in Higher Education, in general, and especially, in Medical Education. Although there is a reasonable number of studies around this issue, it is recognised a lack of studies that highlight the attitude of students as active agents of their own education. Therefore, aiming to understand and analyse the quality of the experiences, it was carried out a focus group with six senior students of Medicine of a Private University in Minas Gerais – Brazil. Herewith, were worked up students’ perceptions about the modifications in the syllabus, the course and in the teaching methods of the professors, namely the changes occurred in the academic experience and adjustment. Also, important to point out is that the students taking part in the research have had comparison means by getting together with peers from former syllabus during their instruction. Results show that the students were able to identify the changes carried out in the syllabus and in the teaching methods; that the active methods have boosted qualitatively the academic experiences and straitened and enhanced the interpersonal relationships with their peers and from other fields, at interprofessional work, besides preparing them better in their relationship with the patient. Regarding attitudes and adjustment behaviours, they have described immaturity, anxiety and fear resulting from the new things implemented and the real practice sceneries of the instruction proving that they need different support during the adjustment and transition process.

Curriculum/trends , Universities , Students, Medical , Schools, Medical/trends , Schools/trends , Brazil , National Health Programs
Rev. méd. Chile ; 145(12): 1569-1578, dic. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-902482


In the last 150 years, scientific research has produced extraordinary discoveries in Medicine and there is no doubt that research will continue contributing substantially in the future but there is no the same conviction regarding how to provision such capacities in medical graduates. In Chile, the Faculties of Medicine created several doctorate programs in Medical Sciences (Ph.D.) to strengthen medical research. However, the low number of physicians who apply to these programs is a caveat. These programs provide the advanced third-cycle competencies expected by students aspiring for an excellence research certification and their incorporation into academia. Universities stand out in their capacity to adapt themselves to educational needs, developing programs designed to fill specific gaps. Ph.D. programs intercalated to the medical career show that this is the correct approach. The development of specific doctorate programs for the small number of physicians interested in research and for medical students with a strong interest in research could be an innovative solution to motivate and encourage them to develop a career in clinical investigation. Using this approach, Medical Schools and Doctorate in Medical Sciences programs would jointly stimulate the training of medical scientists.

Humans , Schools, Medical/standards , Universities/standards , Certification/standards , Biomedical Research/standards , Education, Medical, Graduate/standards , Physicians/trends , Research Personnel/trends , Schools, Medical/trends , Students, Medical , Time Factors , Universities/trends , Career Choice , Certification/trends , Chile , Curriculum/standards , Curriculum/trends , Biomedical Research/trends , Education, Medical, Graduate/trends
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 39(1): 1-6, Jan.-Mar.2017. graf
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15501


The Human Anatomy is the study of human body structure and it has been related to the use of cadavers through the history. The aim of this research was to investigate the use of human cadavers in practical classes of human anatomy in Brazilian medical schools, and it was also made the identification of alternative methodologies and new technologies applied to the teaching of Anatomy. The research was conducted at the Faculdade Integral Diferencial from January to December of 2015. The population studied was composed by professors responsible for the Human Anatomy sector of the Brazilian medical faculties. It was addressed all the 242 medical colleges of the Brazil. It was obtained 81 answers. 96% of respondents reported make use of human corpses in its practical lessons of anatomy. It can be observed that 42% of the surveyed medical schools make use of only formaldehyde. 81% of faculties reported to face some difficulties to acquire human cadavers. 84% of medical schools make use of artificial models. 46% of faculties make use of diagnostic images. It can be concluded that human bodies, artificial models and new technologies are widely used in practical classes of anatomy in Brazil, since there is a difficulty to obtain cadavers.(AU)

A anatomia humana é o estudo da estrutura do corpo humano e tem sido relacionada com a utilização de cadáveres durante a história. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar o uso de cadáveres humanos em aulas práticas de anatomia humana em escolas médicas brasileiras e foram identificadas metodologias alternativas e novas tecnologias aplicadas ao ensino de anatomia. A pesquisa foi conduzida na Faculdade Integral Diferencial, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2015. A população estudada foi composta pelos professores responsáveis pelo setor de anatomia humana das faculdades médicas brasileiras. Foram abordadas todas as 242 faculdades de medicina do Brasil. Obtiveram-se 81 respostas. 96% dos entrevistados relataram fazer uso de cadáveres humanos em suas aulas práticas de anatomia. Observou-se que 42% das escolas médicas pesquisadas fazem uso apenas de formaldeído; 81% das faculdades relataram enfrentar dificuldades na obtenção de cadáveres humanos; 84% das escolas médicas fazem uso de modelos artificiais, 46% das faculdades fazem uso de imagens diagnósticas. Pode-se concluir que os cadáveres humanos, modelos artificiais e novas tecnologias são amplamente utilizados nas aulas práticas de anatomia no Brasil, uma vez que existe dificuldade para obter cadáveres humanos.(AU)

Humans , Schools, Medical/trends , Dissection , Anatomy/education , Cadaver
Rev Med Chil ; 145(12): 1569-1578, 2017 Dec.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29652954


In the last 150 years, scientific research has produced extraordinary discoveries in Medicine and there is no doubt that research will continue contributing substantially in the future but there is no the same conviction regarding how to provision such capacities in medical graduates. In Chile, the Faculties of Medicine created several doctorate programs in Medical Sciences (Ph.D.) to strengthen medical research. However, the low number of physicians who apply to these programs is a caveat. These programs provide the advanced third-cycle competencies expected by students aspiring for an excellence research certification and their incorporation into academia. Universities stand out in their capacity to adapt themselves to educational needs, developing programs designed to fill specific gaps. Ph.D. programs intercalated to the medical career show that this is the correct approach. The development of specific doctorate programs for the small number of physicians interested in research and for medical students with a strong interest in research could be an innovative solution to motivate and encourage them to develop a career in clinical investigation. Using this approach, Medical Schools and Doctorate in Medical Sciences programs would jointly stimulate the training of medical scientists.

Biomedical Research/standards , Certification/standards , Education, Medical, Graduate/standards , Schools, Medical/standards , Universities/standards , Biomedical Research/trends , Career Choice , Certification/trends , Chile , Curriculum/standards , Curriculum/trends , Education, Medical, Graduate/trends , Humans , Physicians/trends , Research Personnel/trends , Schools, Medical/trends , Students, Medical , Time Factors , Universities/trends
Hum Resour Health ; 13: 96, 2015 Dec 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26678415


BACKGROUND: Like other countries, Brazil is struggling with issues related to public policies designed to influence the distribution, establishment, supply and education of doctors. While the number of undergraduate medical schools and places available on medical schools has risen, the increase in the number of doctors in Brazil in recent decades has not benefitted the population homogeneously. The government has expanded the medical schools at the country's federal universities, while providing incentives for the creation of new undergraduate courses at private establishments. This article examines the trends and challenges of the privatization of medical education in Brazil. METHODS: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study based on secondary data from official government databases on medical schools and courses and institutions offering such courses in Brazil. It takes into account the year when the medical schools received authorization to initiatte the activities, where they are situated, whether they are run by a public or private entity, how many places they offer, how many students they have enrolled, and their performance according to Ministry of Education evaluations. RESULTS: Brazil had 241 medical schools in 2014, offering a total of 20,340 places. The private higher education institutions are responsible for most of the enrolment of medical students nationally (54 %), especially in the southeast. However, enrolment in public institutions predominate more in the capitals than in other cities. Overal, the public medical schools performed better than the private schools in the last two National Exam of Students' (ENADE). CONCLUSION: The privatization of the teaching of medicine at undergraduate level in Brazil represents a great challenge: how to expand the number of places while assuring quality and democratic access to this form of education. Upon seeking to understand the configuration and trends in medical education in Brazil, it is hoped that this analysis may contribute to a broader research agenda in the future.

Education, Medical/economics , Privatization , Schools, Medical/economics , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Medical/standards , Education, Medical/trends , Humans , Schools, Medical/standards , Schools, Medical/trends
Rev Med Chil ; 142(8): 1056-60, 2014 Aug.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25424678


This paper reports the reflections of a group of members of the University of Chile Faculty of Medicine, about the changes in teaching methods that medical schools should incorporate. In a complex scenario, not only new and better knowledge should be transmitted to students but also values, principles, critical reasoning and leadership, among others. In the first part, a proposal to understand this educational development in the context of complex universities, incorporating pedagogical skills and reviewing institutional leadership, is carried out. In the second part, the training of teaching physicians, as part of the changes, is extensively discussed. Physicians hired as academics in the University should have the opportunity to work mainly as teachers and be relieved of research obligations. For them, teaching should become a legitimate area of academic development.

Education, Medical/trends , Faculty, Medical , Schools, Medical , Chile , Education, Medical/organization & administration , Humans , Schools, Medical/organization & administration , Schools, Medical/trends
Interface comun. saúde educ ; 17(47): 947-957, out.-dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-699105


Descreve-se a proposta pedagógica de disciplinas nos cursos de Medicina e Odontologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, tendo o trabalho de campo: como dispositivo de articulação entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão; e, como pressuposto geral, o processo de ensino-aprendizagem baseado em: metodologias ativas, a relação dinâmica entre teoria e prática, e a proposição, ao estudante, de interação com o mundo do trabalho e reflexão sobre a realidade vivenciada. Espera-se contribuir para o debate na área de formação em saúde, em especial no campo da Saúde Coletiva, com base na reformulação determinada pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais aprovadas em 2001/2002. E, também, para a superação das formas tradicionais de atuar por outras que possibilitem conhecimento entre os pares e capacitação para o enfrentamento de alterações previsíveis ou imprevisíveis no cotidiano das escolas de formação em saúde.

This study describes the pedagogical proposals of disciplines within the medicine and dentistry courses at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) Fieldwork has been backed as a means for linking teaching, research and extension, under the general assumption of a learning-teaching process based on active methodologies, a dynamic relationship between theory and practice, and proposals enabling students to interact with the world of work and reflect on the realities experienced. We hope to contribute towards the debate on healthcare training, especially with regard to the field of public health, consequent to the curriculum reformulation determined by the National Curriculum Guidelines (approved in 2001/2002). We also hope to contribute towards transforming traditional methods into other ways of acting that enable knowledge among peers and capacitation to cope with foreseeable or unforeseeable changes to the routine of healthcare training schools.

El artículo describe la propuesta pedagógica de asignaturas en los cursos de Medicina y Odontología en la Universidad Federal Fluminense, Río de Janeiro, Brasil, considerando el Trabajo de campocomo dispositivo de articulación entre enseñanza, investigación y extensión y como base general del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje basado en metodologías activas, la relación dinámica entre teoría y práctica y la propuesta al estudiante de la interacción con el mundo del trabajo y la reflexión sobre la realidad vivida. Se espera contribuir con el debate en el área de Formación en Salud, en especial en el campo de Salud Colectiva, a partir de la reformulación determinada por las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales aprobadas en 2001/2002. También se espera contribuir para superar las formas tradicionales de actuación, proporcionando otras que posibiliten el conocimiento entre los pares y la capacitación para el enfrentamiento de situaciones previsibles e imprevisibles en el cotidiano de las escuelas de formación en salud.

Comprehensive Health Care , Curriculum/trends , Schools, Medical/trends , Schools, Dental/trends , Unified Health System , Universities