En la pandemia por COVID-19 se exploraron estrategias de atención para garantizar el seguimiento de niños con asma grave. Estudio prospectivo, observacional, comparativo. Se incluyeron pacientes del programa de asma grave de un hospital pediátrico de tercer nivel (n 74). Se evaluó el grado de control, exacerbaciones y hospitalizaciones durante un período presencial (PP), marzo 2019-2020, y uno virtual (PV), abril 2020-2021. En el PP, se incluyeron 74 pacientes vs. 68 (92 %) del PV. En el PP, el 68 % (46) de los pacientes presentaron exacerbaciones vs. el 46 % (31) de los pacientes en el PV (p 0,003). En el PP, se registraron 135 exacerbaciones totales vs. 79 en el PV (p 0,001); hubo una reducción del 41 %. En el PP, el 47 % (32) de los pacientes tuvieron exacerbaciones graves vs. el 32 % (22) de los pacientes en el PV (p 0,048). Hubo 91 exacerbaciones graves en el PP vs. 49 en el PV (p 0,029), reducción del 46 %. No hubo diferencias en las hospitalizaciones (PP 10, PV 6; p 0,9). La telemedicina fue efectiva para el seguimiento de pacientes con asma grave
During the COVID-19 pandemic, health care strategies were explored to ensure the follow-up of children with severe asthma. This was a prospective, observational, and comparative study. Patients in the severe asthma program of a tertiary care children's hospital were included (n: 74). The extent of control, exacerbations, and hospitalizations during an in-person period (IPP) (March 20192020) and an online period (OP) (April 20202021) was assessed. A total of 74 patients were enrolled in the IPP compared to 68 (92%) in the OP. During the IPP, 68% (46) of patients had exacerbations versus 46% (31) during the OP (p = 0.003). During the IPP, 135 total exacerbations were recorded compared to 79 during the OP (p = 0.001); this accounted for a 41% reduction. During the IPP, 47% (32) of patients had severe exacerbations versus 32% (22) during the OP (p = 0.048). A total of 91 severe exacerbations were recorded during the IPP compared to 49 during the OP (p = 0.029); the reduction was 46%. No differences were observed in terms of hospitalization (IPP: 10, OP: 6; p = 0,9). Telemedicine was effective for the follow-up of patients with severe asthma.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Asthma/diagnosis , Asthma/therapy , Asthma/epidemiology , COVID-19 , Prospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Pandemics , HospitalizationABSTRACT
Introdução: A asma é uma das doenças crônicas mais frequentes na população brasileira. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as etiologias, o perfil sociodemográfico e os fatores de risco para óbito entre pacientes com asma internados por síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SRAG) no Brasil entre 2020 e 2022. Métodos: A partir do banco de dados SIVEP-Gripe, incluímos todos os pacientes com idade maior que 5 anos registrados no banco de 01/01/2020 até 21/07/2022, hospitalizados por SRAG, com antecedente de asma e com desfechos conhecidos. Como exposições, foram estudadas a idade, sexo, região de moradia, etnia e agentes etiológicos virais isolados. Os desfechos foram internação em unidade de terapia intensiva, necessidade de ventilação mecânica e óbito. Para calcular a razão de chances entre exposição e desfechos, utilizamos modelos lineares generalizados mistos multinível. Resultados: Foram incluídas na análise 83.452 internações, sendo 14.062 crianças e adolescentes, e 69.390 adultos. A mortalidade aumentou com a idade, indo de 0,6% entre 5-10 anos para 33% nos maiores que 60 anos. Na população pediátrica, morar na região Norte e Nordeste e ter entre 10-20 anos foram associados a maior mortalidade (OR 2,14 IC95% 1,41- 3,24 e OR 3,73 IC95% 2,65-5,26 respectivamente). Quanto aos agentes etiológicos, apenas o SARS-CoV-2 conferiu maior risco de óbito (OR 5,18 IC95% 3,62-7,42). Entre adultos, sexo feminino e etnias não brancas foram protetoras (OR 0,87 IC95% 0,83-0,9 e OR 0,90; IC95% 0,85-0,94 respectivamente) para óbito. Faixas etárias mais avançadas, morar nas regiões Norte e Nordeste e o diagnóstico de COVID-19 foram associados a maior mortalidade. Conclusões: Há importantes vulnerabilidades sociodemográficas nos desfechos das internações de pacientes com asma por SRAG, com maior mortalidade nas regiões Norte-Nordeste, entre adolescentes na faixa etária pediátrica e entre idosos nos adultos. Além disso, destaca-se o protagonismo da COVID-19 entre as infecções associadas a maior mortalidade.
Introduction: Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases affecting the Brazilian population. We aimed to determine the etiology, sociodemographic profile, and risk factors for death in patients with asthma hospitalized for severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) in Brazil from 2020 to 2022. Methods: We included all patients over 5 years of age registered in the Influenza Epidemiological Surveillance Information System (SIVEP Gripe) database of the Brazilian Ministry of Health from January 1, 2020 to July 21, 2022 hospitalized for SARI. Patients had to have a history of asthma and known outcomes. As exposures, age, sex, region of residence, ethnicity, and viral etiological agent were evaluated. The outcomes measured were admission to an intensive care unit, need for mechanical ventilation, and death. We used multilevel generalized linear mixed models to calculate the odds ratio between exposure and outcomes. Results: A total of 83,452 hospitalizations were included, of which 14,062 were children and adolescents and 69,390 were adults. Mortality increased with age, ranging from 0.6% in those aged 5-10 years to 33% in those over 60 years. In the pediatric population, living in the north and northeast regions (OR 2.14, 95%CI 1.41-3.24) and having between 10-20 years (OR 3.73, 95%CI 2.65-5.26) were associated with higher mortality. As for etiologic agents, only SARS-CoV-2 was associated with a higher risk of death (OR 5.18, 95%CI 3.62-7.42). Among adults, female sex (OR 0.87, 95%CI 0.83-0.9) and non-White ethnicities (OR 0.90, 95%CI 0.85-0.94) were protective factors against death. Older age groups, living in the north and northeast regions, and a diagnosis of COVID-19 were associated with higher mortality. Conclusions: There are important sociodemographic vulnerabilities in the outcomes of patients with asthma hospitalized for SARI, with higher mortality rates in the north and northeast regions, among adolescents in the pediatric age group, and among older adults. Furthermore, COVID-19 was one of the main infections associated with higher mortality.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , BrazilABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: A asma brônquica é uma doença crônica inflamatória de alta frequência mundialmente, e em especial no Brasil, onde ocorreram mais de 100.000 internações por ano, segundo dados do DATASUS. Identificar pacientes em admissão hospitalar que poderão necessitar de leito em UTI ou uso de ventilação mecânica por conta de crises asmáticas é um desafio ao profissional de saúde, portanto, faz-se importante analisar variáveis clínicas que possam predispor agravos e avaliar pacientes mais vulneráveis, para que as condutas realizadas sejam efetivas e rápidas. OBJETIVO: Analisar o perfil clínico e epidemiológico de pacientes internados em um hospital do sul do Brasil e avaliar os preditores relacionados ao maior tempo de internação. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico observacional, do tipo transversal, que utilizou como fonte de informação dados secundários, os quais foram obtidos através de prontuários de pacientes internados em um hospital do sul do Brasil. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 261 prontuários. Verificou-se que a população menor de 40 anos de idade teve maior prevalência, representando 57% das internações. Além disso, em relação a gênero e etnia, mulheres e caucasianos foram as populações com maiores taxas de hospitalização, sendo 63% e 87% das admissões hospitalares, respectivamente.A necessidade de internação em UTI foi encontrada em 1,1% dos casos (3 pacientes), cerca de 6,9% tiveram internações prolongadas (maiores de 3 dias), e 0,8% vieram à óbito (2 pacientes). Identificou-se que a baixa saturação de oxigênio e a alta frequência cardíaca tiveram relação significativa com internação prolongada. CONCLUSÃO: É importante analisar sinais vitais no momento das admissões hospitalares e o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes para que as populações mais prevalentes e os fatores preditivos de desfechos mais graves possam ser acompanhados e a conduta a ser tomada seja adequada e efetiva.
INTRODUCTION: Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease with a high worldwide frequency, especially in Brazil, where more than 100,000 asthma-related hospitalizations occur annually according to DATASUS data. Identifying patients upon hospital admission who may require an ICU bed or mechanical ventilation due to an asthma attack is a challenge for healthcare professionals. It is important to analyze clinical variables that may predispose to deterioration and evaluate more vulnerable patients to ensure that effective interventions are instituted promptly. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients admitted due to asthma in a hospital in southern Brazil and evaluate predictors of longer hospital stay. METHODS: Observational epidemiological study with a cross-sectional design.The source of information were secondary data obtained from medical records of patients admitted to a hospital in southern Brazil. RESULTS: Overall, 261 medical records were analyzed.Patients were predominantly under the age of 40, representing 57% of hospitalizations. In terms of gender and ethnicity, most patients were female (63%) and white (87%).Three patients (1.1%) required ICU admission, approximately 6.9% had prolonged hospitalizations (>3 days), and 2 (0.8%) died. Low oxygen saturation and elevated heart rate correlated significantly with prolonged hospitalization. CONCLUSION: Vital signs at the time of hospital admission and the epidemiological profile of patients should be analyzed, so that the most prevalent populations and predictors of severe outcomes can be monitored, and appropriate and effective measures can be taken.
Se presenta el caso de un trabajador de 31 años que desempeña tareas en un molino de granos desde hace 12 años y que ha desarrollado asma ocupacional. El objetivo del artículo es presentar los fundamentos utilizados para sostener el origen profesional del asma adquirido. Se describen las tareas laborales que desarrolla, materiales y medios de trabajo que utiliza. Se analiza en particular la exposición laboral a polvo orgánico y su vinculación temporal con la sintomatología respiratoria. Esta información permite comprender la importancia de las condiciones en las que realiza el trabajo y la exposición a un factor de riesgo, el polvo orgánico, para el desarrollo de la patología respiratoria laboral. Se realizaron mediciones de volumen máximo espiratorio pulmonar, con técnica de pico flujo, durante la jornada laboral y fuera de ésta. Se observaron variaciones del flujo espiratorio mayores a 20%, tanto durante la jornada laboral como fuera de ella, con similar patrón sintomático, según relata el trabajador. Se concluyó que existe evidencia del nexo causal entre el asma y el trabajo, por lo que se plantea el diagnóstico de asma ocupacional. Se destaca la importancia de evaluar los riesgos laborales en cada actividad para implementar planes de vigilancia de la salud, tanto del operario como del ambiente de trabajo, para prevenir la aparición como la evolución de esta u otras patologías que en muchos casos generan incapacidad para la tarea y deterioro de la calidad de vida de los trabajadores.
We present the case of a 31-year-old worker who has been working in a grain mill for 12 years and has developed work-related asthma. The objective of this article is to present the foundations used to support the occupational origin of the acquired asthma. The study describe the work tasks performed, the materials used, and the working methods. The work-related exposure to organic dust and its temporal relationship with respiratory symptoms is particularly analyzed. This information allows us to understand the importance of working conditions and exposure to organic dust, a risk factor, for the development of this work-related respiratory pathology. Measurements of maximum expiratory lung volume were made using the peak flow technique during and outside of the workday. Expiratory flow variations greater than 20% were observed, both during and outside of the workday, which followed a similar symptomatic pattern as reported by the worker. The study concluded that there is evidence of a causal link between asthma and work, thus suggesting the diagnosis of work-related asthma. The importance of assessing occupational risks in each activity to implement health surveillance plans for both workers and the work environment is highlighted, aiming to prevent the onset and progression of this and other pathologies that often result in work incapacity and deterioration of workers' quality of life.
Apresentamos o caso de um paciente de 31 anos de idade que trabalha em um moinho de grãos há 12 anos e desenvolveu asma ocupacional. O objetivo do artigo é apresentar a justificativa da origem ocupacional da asma adquirida. Descrevemos as tarefas realizadas, os materiais e os meios de trabalho utilizados. Analisamos especialmente a exposição ocupacional à poeira orgânica e sua conexão temporal com a sintomatologia respiratória. Essas informações nos permitem entender a importância das condições em que o trabalho é realizado e a exposição a um fator de risco, a poeira orgânica, para o desenvolvimento da patologia respiratória ocupacional. As medições do volume pulmonar expiratório máximo foram realizadas com a técnica de pico de fluxo durante e fora da jornada de trabalho. Observamos variações no fluxo expiratório superiores a 20%, tanto durante quanto fora do horário de trabalho, com um padrão sintomático semelhante ao relatado pelo trabalhador. Concluímos que há evidências de um nexo causal entre asma e trabalho e, portanto, propomos o diagnóstico de asma ocupacional. Destacamos a importância de avaliar os riscos ocupacionais em cada atividade para implementar planos de vigilância da saúde tanto do trabalhador quanto do ambiente de trabalho, a fim de evitar o surgimento e a evolução dessa ou de outras patologias que, em muitos casos, geram incapacidade para a tarefa e deterioração da qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores.
Dust , Asthma, Occupational , Occupational Exposure/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To investigate the diagnostic efficacy of serum IL-33 single indicator and combined indicators for asthma in children. Methods 132 children were initially diagnosed with asthma during acute exacerbation and 100 healthy children were included. Serum IL-33 concentration differences were compared between asthmatic and normal children. Correlations between IL-33 with pulmonary function parameters, FeNO, peripheral blood EOS counts and serum total IgE were analyzed in asthmatic children. ROC curves were used to assess IL-33 diagnostic efficacy and its combined indicators. To prevent overfitting of the predictive model, the hold-out cross-validation method was used. Results (1) Serum IL-33 concentrations were significantly higher in children with asthma than in normal children (p < 0.001). (2) IL-33 concentration was negatively correlated with FVC z-score, FEV1 z-score and FEF75% z-score in asthmatic children (p < 0.05). (3) The area under the ROC curve of IL-33 was 0.821, which was higher than those of FeNO, FVC z-score, and FEV1 z-score. (4) Cross-validation of the combined indicators showed that IL-33 significantly improved asthma diagnostic efficacy. The combination of IL-33, FEF75% z-score, and FeNO showed the highest diagnostic efficacy, with the AUC, sensitivity, and specificity of the combined indicator being 0.954, 90.1%, and 89. 0%, respectively, and good extrapolation of the predictive model. Conclusion Serum IL-33 is higher in children with asthma and increases with the severity of pulmonary ventilation obstruction. A single indicator of serum IL-33 demonstrates moderate diagnostic accuracy, and its combination with FEF75% z-score and FeNO significantly improves the diagnostic accuracy in childhood asthma.
As doenças respiratórias são consideradas doenças graves e potencialmente deletérias. Dentre elas, a asma e a bronquite crônica caracterizam-se como disfunções respiratórias que ameaçam constantemente o bem-estar dos gatos. Os pacientes apresentam mudanças na estrutura respiratória, reversíveis ou não, devido ao extenso quadro inflamatório, que obstrui o fluxo de ar, permite o acúmulo de muco e reduz o lúmen das vias aéreas. Os gatos acometidos apresentam tosses, respiração ruidosa, dispneia, e, em muitos casos, assumem posição ortopneica. O diagnóstico pode ser obtido através de exames de rotina, uso de radiografias torácicas, coleta e análise de fluidos broncoalveolares, e testes alergênicos. O manejo terapêutico baseia-se, combinado ou não, no uso de drogas como broncodilatadores, antiinflamatórios esteroidais, mucolíticos, antibióticos, agentes inalatórios e mudanças ambientais com objetivo de redução da exposição aos possíveis agentes alergênicos responsáveis pela incitação do quadro respiratório.
Respiratory diseases are considered serious and potentially harmful diseases. Among them, asthma and chronic bronchitis are characterized as respiratory disorders that constantly threaten the well-being of cats. The patients present changes in the respiratory structure, reversible or not, due to the extensive inflammatory condition, which obstructs the air flow, allows the accumulation of mucus and reduces the lumen of the airways. Affected cats have coughs, wheezing, dyspnoea, and in many cases assume an orthopneic position. The diagnosis can be obtained through routine exams, use of chest x-rays, collection and analysis of bronchoalveolar fluids, and allergen testing. Therapeutic management is based, combined or not, on the use of drugs such as bronchodilators, steroidal anti-inflammatory, mucolytics, antibiotics, inhalational agents and environmental changes in order to reduce exposure to possible allergenic agents responsible for the incitation of the respiratory condition.
Las enfermedades respiratorias son consideradas enfermedades graves y potencialmente dañinas. Entre ellos, el asma y la bronquitis crónica se caracterizan por ser trastornos respiratorios que amenazan constantemente el bienestar de los gatos. Los pacientes presentan cambios en la estructura respiratoria, reversibles o no debido al cuadro inflamatorio extenso, que obstruye el flujo de aire, permite la acumulación de moco y reduce la luz de las vías respiratorias. Los gatos afectados presentan tos, respiración ruidosa, disnea y, en muchos casos, adoptan una posición ortopneica. El diagnóstico se puede obtener mediante exámenes de rutina, uso de radiografías de tórax, recolección y análisis de líquidos broncoalveolares, y pruebas de alérgenos. El manejo terapéutico se basa, combinado o no, en el uso de fármacos como broncodilatadores, antiinflamatorios esteroides, mucolíticos, antibióticos, agentes inhalatorios y cambios ambientales con el objetivo de reducir la exposición a posibles agentes alergénicos responsables de incitar la afección respiratoria.
Animals , Cats , Asthma/pathology , Bronchitis/pathology , Bronchodilator Agents/therapeutic use , Airway Obstruction/veterinary , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives: to estimate the role of maternal overweight and obesity before pregnancy as predictors of childhood asthma in a population of Peruvian children under five years. Methods: we carried out a retrospective cohort study of children aged five years or less and their mothers from the Regional Hospital of Ayacucho and the María Auxiliadora Hospital in Lima, Peru. We included children who were born between 2013 and 2014 and follow them up until 2018 and 2019, respectively. The diagnosis of overweight and obesity of the mother before pregnancy and asthma in the child were registered in their clinical histories. Crude (cRR) and adjusted relative risks (aRR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI95%) were obtained using a generalized lineal model of the Poisson family with link log and robust variances. Results: we evaluated 431 medical records and found that 20.9% of the children had asthma, 26.7% of the mothers were overweight, and 20.2% were obese before pregnancy. In the adjusted regression model, overweight (aRR=2.94; CI95%= 1.54-5.60) and maternal obesity (aRR=5.10; CI95%= 2.73-9.51) were predictors of an increased risk of childhood asthma. Conclusions: maternal overweight and maternal obesity increased the risk of her children developing asthma threeand five-fold, respectively.
Resumen Objetivos: estimar el papel del sobrepeso y la obesidad materna antes del embarazo como predictores de asma infantil en una población de niños peruanos menores de cinco años. Métodos: realizamos un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo de niños de cinco años o menos y sus madres del Hospital Regional de Ayacucho y del Hospital María Auxiliadora de Lima, Perú. Se incluyeron niños nacidos entre 2013 y 2014 y se les dio seguimiento hasta 2018 y 2019, respectivamente. El diagnóstico de sobrepeso y obesidad de la madre antes del embarazo y asma en el niño fueron registrados en sus historias clínicas. Los riesgos relativos crudos (cRR) y ajustados (RRa) y los intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95%) se obtuvieron mediante un modelo lineal generalizado de la familia de Poisson con log de enlace y varianzas robustas. Resultados: se evaluaron 431 historias clínicas y se encontró que el 20,9% de los niños tenían asma, el 26,7% de las madres tenían sobrepeso y el 20,2% eran obesas antes del embarazo. En el modelo de regresión ajustada, el sobrepeso (aRR=2,94; IC95%= 1,54-5,60) y obesidad materna (RRa=5,10; IC95%= 2,73-9,51) fueron predictores de un mayor riesgo de asma infantil. Conclusiones: el sobrepeso materno y la obesidad materna aumentaron tres y cinco veces el riesgo de que sus hijos desarrollaran asma, respectivamente.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Asthma , Risk Factors , Overweight , Obesity, Maternal , Peru , Cohort StudiesABSTRACT
Resumo Objectives: to describe the scientific production of qualitative studies in childhood asthma. Methods: bibliometric analysis. Articles were from Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane, and PubMed (1996-2018), using the search terms asthma, children, qualitative research, qualitative study, qualitative analysis, ethnographic, phenomenology and narrative. Results: 258 articles were retrieved from 143 journals, representing 1.2% of scientific articles on childhood asthma. The growth rate was high. Authorship included 969 authors (85.3% occasional) from 279 institutions. 94.2% were co-authored and 3.5% were international collaborations. The greatest number of articles were from the United States (45.3%), United Kingdom (17.4%) and Canada (7.4%). The categories with the highest number of articles were Nursing & Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (18.2%), Respiratory System (10.1%) and Allergy (7.7%). 99.7% of the articles were in English. Conclusion: these results show a lack of consolidation of the literature based on qualitative studies on childhood asthma with a high percentage of occasional authors and limited international collaboration, indicating a need to strengthen this approach.
Resumen Objetivos: describir la producción científica de los estudios cualitativos sobre el asma infantil. Métodos: análisis bibliométrico. Los artículos procedían de Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane y PubMed (1996-2018), utilizando los términos de búsqueda asthma, children, qualitative research, qualitative study, qualitative analysis, ethnographic, phenomenology y narrative. Resultados: se recuperaron 258 artículos de 143 revistas, lo que representa el 1,2% de los artículos científicos sobre asma infantil. La tasa de crecimiento fue elevada. La autoría incluyó 969 autores (85,3% ocasionales) de 279 instituciones. El 94,2% fueron coautores y el 3,5% colaboraciones internacionales. El mayor número de artículos procedió de Estados Unidos (45,3%), Reino Unido (17,4%) y Canadá (7,4%). Las categorías con mayor número de artículos fueron Enfermería y Salud Pública, Ambiental y Ocupacional (18,2%), Aparato Respiratorio (10,1%) y Alergia (7,7%). El 99,7% de los artículos estaban en inglés. Conclusión: estos resultados muestran una falta de consolidación de la literatura basada en estudios cualitativos sobre el asma infantil, con un alto porcentaje de autores ocasionales y una limitada colaboración internacional, lo que indica la necesidad de reforzar este enfoque.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Asthma , Bibliometrics , Qualitative Research , Scientific Publication IndicatorsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To explore the relationship between Growth Hormone Insulin-like Growth Factors (GH-IGFs) and growth retardation in children with bronchial asthma. Methods 112 children with bronchial asthma and 50 healthy children were studied. Serum GH, IGF-1, and Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP3) were assessed by ELISA. GH-IGFs-related parameters were compared, and the correlation between the parameters and bronchial asthma severity was analyzed. The bronchial asthma group was divided into the growth retardation group and non-growth retardation group to analyze the diagnostic value of GH-IGFs in growth retardation and the relationship between GH-IGFs and growth retardation. Results GH, IGF-1, and IGFBP3 in the bronchial asthma group were lower. GH, IGF-1, and IGFBP3 levels were decreased with the severity of bronchial asthma. GH, IGF-1, and IGFBP3 in the growth retardation group were lower than those in the non-growth retardation group. The AUC of GH-IGFs combined detection was higher than that of GH and IGFBP3 alone detection. GH < 9.27 μg/L and IGF-1 < 179.53 mmoL/L were risk factors for growth retardation in patients with bronchial asthma. Conclusion GH-IGFs-related parameters have diagnostic value for growth retardation in children, and decreased levels of GH and IGF-1 are risk factors for growth retardation in children.
Abstract Objectives The aim of this study was to explore the differences in the pattern of allergen sensitization in CR individuals without or with asthma, according to asthma severity. Methods A total of 1066 adults were evaluated. Asthma and chronic⁄allergic rhinits were identified by specialists, questionnaries and skin-prick test. The phenotypic characterization was avaliable from skin-prick test to an aeroallergen extended panel, total IgE and pulmonary function. Using questionnaires and clinical evaluation, participants were classified into the groups: chronic rhinitis alone (CRA) and chronic rhinitis + asthma, the latter subdivided into CR + mild asthma (CRMA) and CR + moderate to severe asthma (CRMSA). Aerollergen sensitization was defined by a positive prick test to one or more allergens associated with nasal symptoms and/or asthma. The association between CR and asthma was evaluated by multivariable logistic regression. The evidence of effect modification of pattern of sensitization in CR on the association with asthma severity and outcomes was examined by introducing interactions terms in the logistic regression models adjusting for confounders. Results Frequency of sensitization to aeroallergens was higher in association with asthma in comparison to CRA (CRMA 70.4%; CRMSA 65.0%; CRA 47.0%; p= 0.000). Similarly, the presence of asthma was associated to aeroallergen multiple sensitization (51.5%) (OR = 2.10, 95% CI 1.27-3.50). Additionally, the sensitization to mites, cockroaches, animal epithelium, grasses, and molds, were higher in asthma (56.8%, 24.3%, 12%, 7.13% and 10.3%, respectively). Sensitization to Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium herbarum and dog epithelium was exclusive in asthma groups. A concomitant asthma diagnosis was directly associated with a positive allergen sensitization at least one allergen (62.7%, OR = 2.45, 95% CI 1.80-3.34) and polissensitization (51.5%, OR = 2.10, 95% CI 1.27-3.50). Conclusion Asthma is associated with multiple allergen sensitization among patients with CR. Some unique profiles of aeroallergen sensitization were observed in patients with CR and asthma. Nevertheless, no difference was found in the sensitization in relation to asthma severity, which suggest atopy is not the main underlying mechanism for asthma severity among patients with CR. Level of evidence: Level 3.
Abstract This article aims to evaluate the association between birth weight and asthma in adulthood, estimated by employing structural equation modeling. Cohort study with 1,958 participants aged 23-25 years from Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Standardized questionnaires were applied and pulmonary function evaluated, including bronchial reactivity with methacholine. A theoretical model was proposed to explore the effects of birth weight and asthma in adulthood. Asthma, socioeconomic status at birth (Birth SES), and current socioeconomic status (Adult SES) were obtained by constructs. Maternal age, sex, skin color, body mass index (BMI), smoking, parental asthma history, history of respiratory infection before five years old, history of hospitalization for lung disease before two years old, and atopy were the studied variables. 14.1% of participants were diagnosed with asthma. Birth weight was associated with asthma (Standardized Coefficient - SCtotal=-0.110; p=0.030), and an indirect effect was also observed (SCindirect=-0.220; p=0.037), mediated by hospitalization before two years and respiratory infection before five years. Lower birth weight showed an increased risk of asthma in adulthood and the SES Birth and Adult SES variables underlie this association.
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar associação entre peso ao nascer e asma na vida adulta pela análise de equações estruturais. Estudo de coorte com 1.958 participantes de 23-25 anos, residentes em Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram aplicados questionários padronizados e avaliado a função pulmonar, incluindo hiper-reatividade brônquica com metacolina. O modelo teórico foi proposto para explorar os efeitos do peso ao nascer e asma na vida adulta. Asma, status socioeconômico ao nascimento (SES Nascimento) e status socioeconômico adulto (SES adulto) foram obtidos por um construto. Variáveis estudadas: idade materna, idade, sexo, cor da pele, índice de massa corporal (IMC), tabagismo, história de asma dos pais, história de infecção respiratória antes dos cinco anos, história de internação por doença pulmonar antes dos dois anos e atopia. 14,1% dos participantes foram diagnosticados com asma. Peso ao nascer foi associado com asma (Coeficiente Padronizado - CPtotal=-0,110; p=0,030), e foi observado efeito indireto (CPindireto=-0,220; p=0,037), mediado por internação antes dos dois anos e infecção respiratória antes dos 5 anos. Menor peso ao nascer aumentou o risco para asma na vida adulta e as variáveis SES Nascimento e SES adulto foram subjacentes a esta associação.
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the number of hospitalizations, the length of hospital stay, and mortality due to asthma, as well as the costs to the Unified Health Care System in Brazil between 2008 and 2021. Methods: This was a cross-sectional epidemiological study using data from the Information Technology Department of the Brazilian Unified Health Care System. Proportional hospitalization and death rates were estimated per 100,000 population by age, microregion, and year. Results: The number of hospitalizations and deaths due to asthma decreased from 2008 to 2021 (205,392 vs. 55,009 and 822 vs. 327, respectively). In addition, a between-sex difference was observed in asthma-related hospitalizations in 2008, and more men were hospitalized in 2021 (51.8%). Asthma mortality rates were similar for both sexes (50.0% each) in 2008, and a slight increase was observed in women's deaths in 2021 (52.9%). Even so, approximately one death/day and more than 55,000 hospitalizations were observed yearly, with a mean length of hospital stay of three days. Additionally, the Southeast region allocated more financial resources to asthma-related hospitalizations. Conclusions: Our results showed that the number of deaths and hospitalizations due to asthma substantially declined during the study period.
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess differences in the sputum microbiota of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) patients with either COPD or asthma, specifically focusing on a patient population in Turkey. Methods: This retrospective study included hospitalized patients > 18 years of age with a diagnosis of pneumonia between January of 2021 and January of 2023. Participants were recruited from two hospitals, and three patient groups were considered: CAP patients with asthma, CAP patients with COPD, and CAP patients without COPD or asthma. Results: A total of 246 patients with CAP were included in the study, 184 (74.8%) and 62 (25.2%) being males and females, with a mean age of 66 ± 14 years. Among the participants, 52.9% had COPD, 14.2% had asthma, and 32.9% had CAP but no COPD or asthma. Upon analysis of sputum cultures, positive sputum culture growth was observed in 52.9% of patients. The most commonly isolated microorganisms were Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n = 40), Acinetobacter baumannii (n = 20), Klebsiella pneumoniae (n = 16), and Moraxella catarrhalis (n = 8). CAP patients with COPD were more likely to have a positive sputum culture (p = 0.038), a history of antibiotic use within the past three months (p = 0.03), utilization of long-term home oxygen therapy (p < 0.001), and use of noninvasive ventilation (p = 0.001) when compared with the other patient groups. Additionally, CAP patients with COPD had a higher CURB-65 score when compared with CAP patients with asthma (p = 0.004). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that CAP patients with COPD tend to have more severe presentations, while CAP patients with asthma show varied microbial profiles, underscoring the need for patient-specific management strategies in CAP.
Abstract Background: Asthma is a common cause of admission to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). We described and analyzed the therapies applied to children admitted to a tertiary PICU because of asthma. Later, we evaluated high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) use in these patients and compared their evolution and complications with those who received non-invasive ventilation. Methods: We conducted a prospective observational study (October 2017-October 2019). Collected data: epidemiological, clinical, respiratory support therapy needed, complementary tests, and PICU and hospital stay. Patients were divided into three groups: (1) only HFNC; (2) HFNC and non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV); and (3) only NIMV. Results: Seventy-six patients were included (39 female). The median age was 2 years and 1 month. The median pulmonary score was 5. The median PICU stay was 3 days, and the hospital stay was 6 days. Children with HNFC only (56/76) had fewer PICU days (p = 0.025) and did not require NIMV (6/76). Children with HFNC had a higher oxygen saturation/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio ratio (p = 0.025) and lower PCO2 (p = 0.032). In the group receiving both therapies (14/76), NIMV was used first in all cases. No epidemiologic or clinical differences were found among groups. Conclusion: HFNC was a safe approach that did not increase the number of PICU or hospital days. On admission, normal initial blood gases and the absence of high oxygen requirements were useful in selecting responders to HFNC. Further randomized and multicenter clinical trials are needed to verify these data.
Resumen Introducción: El asma es una causa frecuente de ingreso en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos (UCIP). En este, cuadro el uso de cánula nasal de alto flujo (CNAF) se ha visto extendido. En este trabajo se describe el tratamiento global en la UCIP ante el ingreso por asma en un hospital monográfico pediátrico y se evalúa la respuesta al uso de la CNAF, comparando la evolución de los pacientes con aquellos que recibieron ventilación no invasiva (VNI). Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional prospectivo (de octubre del 2017 a octubre del 2019). Se describieron epidemiología, clínica, tratamiento y soporte respiratorio. Para la comparación se crearon tres grupos de pacientes: 1) solo CNAF; 2) CNAF y VNI; y 3) solo VNI. Resultados: Se incluyeron 76 pacientes. La mediana de edad fue de dos años y un mes; la mediana de índice pulmonar fue 5. La mediana de ingreso en UCIP fue de tres días y de ingreso hospitalario, seis días. Los niños con solo CNAF (56/76) mostraron menos días de UCIP (p = 0.025) y no requirieron VNI (6/76). También mostraron mayor SatO2/FiO2 (saturación de oxígeno/fracción de oxígeno inspirado) (p = 0.025) y menor nivel de PCO2 (presión parcial de CO2) (p = 0.032). La VNI se utilizó primero siempre en el grupo que recibió ambas modalidades (14/76). No se encontraron diferencias epidemiológicas o clínicas entre grupos. Conclusiones: En nuestra serie, el uso de CNAF no aumentó los días de ingreso en la UCIP ni de hospital. Tampoco requirió cambio a VNI. Al ingreso, una gasometría normal y bajo requerimiento de oxígeno permitieron seleccionar a los pacientes respondedores. Se necesitan más ensayos multicéntricos clínicos aleatorizados para verificar estos datos.
Introducción: El asma es una patología respiratoria caracterizada por inflamación cró-nica y reversible de las vías aéreas. Esta se asocia con factores de riesgo modificables y no modificables que influyen sobre su control y exacerbaciones. En países como Puer-to Rico y Cuba, la prevalencia del asma es significativamente mayor a la global (22,8%, 23% y 6,6%, respectivamente).
Introduction: Asthma is a respiratory pathology characterized by chronic and reversible airway inflammation. It is associated with modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors that influence its control and exacerbations. In countries such as Puerto Rico (22.8 %) and Cuba (23 %), the prevalence of asthma is significantly higher than the global prevalence (6.6 %).
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Asthma/prevention & control , Therapeutics , Comorbidity , Risk Factors , Dominican Republic , Absenteeism , Symptom Flare UpABSTRACT
Introducción: Las enfermedades alérgicas son muy comunes en la población pediátrica. Entre las causas frecuentes se encuentran los aeroalérgenos del ambiente, y la identificación de estos es de gran ayuda tanto para el diagnóstico como para el tratamiento. Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de aeroalérgenos, por medio de la determinación de Inmunoglobulina E (IgE) específica a alérgenos comunes por la prueba de sensibilidad cutánea en pacientes pediátricos con síntomas de asma y rinitis alérgica. Materiales y Métodos: Diseño observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, transversal, población de pacientes de 4 a 17 años con síntomas compatibles con asma y rinitis alérgica que acudieron a un centro asistencial pediátrico en el periodo de estudio. Se realizó por medio de las Pruebas de punción cutánea (PCP). Resultados: La edad media de los pacientes fue de 8 años, 57% pacientes de sexo masculino y 43% de sexo femenino. El 53% de los pacientes presenta rinitis y asma, 45% solo rinitis y el 2% solo asma. El 79% de los pacientes presentó reacción positiva de sensibilización alérgica por medio de la PCP. Teniendo en cuenta la sensibilización por tipo de aeroalérgenos se tuvo que el 64% de los pacientes tuvo reacción positiva a ácaros, 19% a animales 18% a cucarachas, 8% a pólenes y 6% a hongos. Conclusión: La gran mayoría de pacientes con asma padecía rinitis alérgica concomitante y los ácaros del polvo fueron los aeroalérgenos más frecuentemente determinados en las pruebas cutáneas de alergia en niños con asma y rinitis de nuestra población.
Introduction: Allergic diseases are very common in the pediatric population. Among the frequent causes are aeroallergens from the environment and the identification of these is a great help for diagnosis and treatment. Objectives: To determine the frequency of aeroallergens, through the determination of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) specific to common allergens by the skin sensitivity test in pediatric patients with symptoms of asthma and allergic rhinitis. Materials and Methods: Observational, descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional design, population of patients from 4 to 17 years old with symptoms compatible with asthma and allergic rhinitis who attended a pediatric care center during the study period. It was carried out by means of Skin Puncture Tests (PCP). Results: The mean age of the patients was 8 years, 57% male patients and 43% female. 53% of the patients presented Rhinitis and Asthma, 45% only Rhinitis and 2% only Asthma. 79% of the patients presented a positive allergic sensitization reaction through PCP. Taking into account the sensitization by type of aeroallergens, 64% of the patients had a positive reaction to mites, 19 % to animals 18% to cockroaches, 8% to pollens and 6% to fungi. Conclusion: The vast majority of patients with asthma suffered from concomitant allergic rhinitis and dust mites were the most frequently determined aeroallergens in allergic skin tests in children with asthma and rhinitis in our population.