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Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 76(2): 2032-2034, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38566669


The inflammatory process involving the maxillary sinus is often exacerbated by a functional obstruction due to laterally displaced uncinate process which obstructs the infundibulum and the natural ostium. Physiologically the drainage pathway may be adequate but during periods of inflammation resulting in nasal oedema, the ostium/infundibulum interface is inadequate, preventing adequate ventilation and drainage of the maxillary sinus. Incomplete removal of the uncinate process without including the natural ostium may result in failure and recurrence. This method of Middle meatal antrostomy that does not include the natural ostium of the maxillary sinus, leads to the missed ostium sequence and continued sinus disease. Here a case of missed maxillary sinus syndrome and its management is presented. A 28-year-old man with complaints of post nasal drip and Left facial pain for 4 months. 3 years prior the patient underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), following surgery patient had recurrent episode of sinusitis. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy revealed presence of mucopurulent discharge in left middle meatus, CT scan Paranasal sinus was suggestive of opacity in left maxillary sinuses and in left middle meatus with wide maxillary antrostomy. Revision FESS surgery was performed, where two ostia were present was converted into single wide middle meatal antrostomy using a back bitting forceps and microdebrider to avoid maxillary sinus mucus recirculation phenomenon. On follow up 1 year later, patient had no symptoms of repeated sinusitis. Missed maxillary sinus ostium syndrome has to be recognized and timely addressed by joining the natural and surgically created ostia as single wide middle meatal antrostomy window. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12070-023-04385-x.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 76(1): 485-489, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38440486


Anatomical variations in the maxillary sinus pneumatisation are limited unlike the ethmoids. We present rare variations of the maxillary sinus along its floor other than septations and includes wide pneumatisation of alveolar and palatal recess with cell formation. An intra-maxillary cell that opens into the maxillary infundibulum well within the sinus is described here and our senior author has coined the new term-alveolar recess cell. Its involvement in the sinus pathologies and additional surgical approaches for the disease clearance is discussed here.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 75(Suppl 1): 528-531, 2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37200899


Endoscopic Ear surgery is evolving day by day and there is need for constant improvement in terms of instrumentation with efficient, quicker, with clear bloodless surgical field and good postoperative outcome and results. The application of Dr Ahila's Endoscopic Ear Surgery Chisel and Mallet are presented. This innovation will provide limited and adequate bone removal in a faster way than drill in endoscopic mastoidectomy and stapedotomy surgeries. Surgical instruments represent a major financial asset to the health care facilities. The use of Dr Ahila's Endoscopic Ear Surgery straight 1 mm or 2 mm Chisel and Mallet is presented. Dr Ahila's Endoscopic Ear Surgery Chisel and Mallet, this innovation will provide faster bone removal than drill or curette without bone dust formation, fogging, irrigation in Endoscopic mastoidectomy and stapedotomy. This instrument is essential to avoid costly replacement, surgeon satisfaction, reduce cost and delays in the operating room and in safe and trained hands enhance patient safety. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12070-023-03629-0.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 75(Suppl 1): 781-784, 2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36571093


Introduction: Endoscopic Denker's approach involves complete exposure of the anterior, inferior and lateral walls of the maxillary sinus providing access to both infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossa. Open approaches to maxillary sinus may lead to a high chance of cranial nerve dysfunction, trismus and wound healing issues. Surgical methods differ based on pathology, exposure, visualization and extent of clearance of the pathology. Method: The technique and surgical steps of Endoscopic Reverse Denker's approach are presented. Results: Critical steps include inferior turbinectomy, uncinectomy, followed by mega middle meatal antrostomy. For exposure drilling is started from the anterior margin of middle meatal antrostomy up to the pyriform aperture anteriorly till the anterior wall of the maxilla is visualized and the nasolacrimal duct can be visualized and transected. This method preserves the pyriform aperture and anterior wall similar to inside-out mastoidectomy tracing the pathology with less bone removal, faster and less morbidity. Conclusion: Endoscopic Reverse Denker's is a 2-handed or 4-handed endoscopic technique for proper exposure, visualization and clearance of the maxillary pathology of the anterolateral and anterior wall. Olfaction is preserved and crusting is less as there is less bone removal with no atrophic nasal changes. It preserves the pyriform aperture thereby preventing alar collapse.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 74(Suppl 2): 870-874, 2022 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36452601


65 year old female presented with complaints of Right sided nasal obstruction of 1 year duration, intermittent nasal discharge for the past 6 months, without much significant improvement in medical management. Computerized tomography of paranasal sinuses revealed presence of supra maxillary cell (SMC) which was infected, along with sphenoid sinus (Heterodense lesion-suggestive of probable Fungal sinusitis). Patient underwent Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery with Septoplasty under local anesthesia. Among the paranasal sinuses, the ethmoid sinus has the largest number of anatomical variations. Important structures near the ethmoid sinus are usually in danger during the endoscopic sinus surgery due to its extreme anatomical variations. Posterior ethmoid cells can also expand towards and into the Maxillary sinus, which drains into the superior nasal meatus, referred to as the Ethmo maxillary sinus. This clinical report highlights about similar  anatomical variation in the paranasal sinuses. We report a case of similar type of cell, only difference is it drains into middle meatus, situated mostly over the maxillary sinus alone along its entire width and the senior author has coined a term for it as supra maxillary cell (SMC).

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 74(4): 602-607, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36514428


In the present era, Hemostasis in Endoscopic nasal and sinus surgeries are challenging even with appropriate use of instrumentation and surgical skills. This can be addressed with appropriate local anaesthesia and nerve blocks. Expertise in performing surgery under local anaesthesia can be acquired over years of surgical training. The objective  of this article is to define complete nerve blocks which can be used in endoscopic nasal surgeries.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 74(Suppl 3): 4734-4737, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36742787


To study the Computerized Tomography (CT) Paranasal Sinus findings in patients with acute bacterial sinusitis and the clinical symptom associated with it. 120 patients were examined over 2 years with coronal CT images of paranasal sinus with clinical symptoms of acute sinusitis of 2 weeks duration from the onset. Patients with symptoms of more than 2 weeks and patients with chronic sinusitis, immunocompromised status were excluded. Air mixed with fluid is seen like a Fizz of cola drink within the maxillary, frontal or sphenoid sinus, mucosal thickening of more than 5 mm, fluid level and presence of opacifications were used as evidence of acute sinusitis. 28 patients (23.3%) had Fizz sign (Air mixed with fluid seen as bubbles) coronal CT images of the paranasal sinus. The study demonstrated great variation in the CT paranasal findings amongst patients with suspected acute sinusitis. More than one sinus subsite was affected amongst patients in whom acute sinusitis was confirmed by CT Paranasal sinus imaging. We hereby highlight a new sign of air mixed with fluid which the senior author had named as Fizz Sign because of its resemblance to the fizz of dark cola drink.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 73(3): 290-295, 2021 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34471616


Cribriform plate is the commonest site of Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, its fragility and juxtaposition of arachnoid's investment to the bone, where the olfactory nerve pierces the skull, is a vulnerable site for CSF leak. Endoscopic transnasal approach has been the main stay for CSF leak repair over the past 2 decades. The technique and surgical steps of Endoscopic Surgical Repair of Cribriform CSF Leak using Free Septal Mucosal Graft without Postoperative Nasal packs are presented. Transnasal endoscopic CSF leak repair under General anesthesia with free mucosal graft, the critical steps include visualize the site of leak, lateralisation of middle turbinate, defect site cauterised with bipolar cautery. Free mucosal from contralateral side of the septum was placed as overlay technique. Graft stabilised with surgicel after ensuring adequate contact between the graft and the defect site. If the defect site is large then fat harvested from thigh is used as bath plug the defect, then free mucosal graft is kept supported by surgicel. Finally the middle turbinate was medialized and sutured with 3 0' Vicryl with nasal septum to support the graft and also to stabilize the middle turbinate as a quilting stich. No fibrin glue was used in our case series. No nasal packing was done. Patients discharged on 2nd or 3rd postoperative day. This technique provides consistent good results reduced operating time of 40 min, no post-operative morbidity, early mobilisation, with 100% success rate and with added advantage of no nasal packing, patient can easily breathing through the nose postoperatively & no recurrence on long follow up.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 73(2): 267-270, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34150604


Ropivacaine is a long-acting amide local anaesthetic agent which has a significant vasoconstrictive property, long duration of action, least central nervous system and cardiac complications due to the pure (S)-enantiomer property by reversible inhibition of sodium ion influx in nerve fibres. By using additives the duration of analgesia may be prolonged. Ropivacaine has been used routinely in our otorhinolaryngology procedures since 2010 (10 years). The present article details the clinical applications of ropivacaine and its current place as a local anaesthetic in otorhinolaryngology practice.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 72(4): 488-491, 2020 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33088779


Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is evolving day by day, there is a constant need for improvisation in terms of instrumentation with clear bloodless surgical field and good postoperative results. The applications of Dr. Ahila's Conchal Crusher for managing Concha bullosa in Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery  (FESS) Surgery are presented. The creation/innovation of Dr. Ahila's conchal crusher will prevent raw mucosal surface area, bleeding and scope fogging with blood during FESS surgery after traditional conchoplasty. This new instrument makes it easy to reduce concha bullosa during nose and sinus surgery creating a bloodless field, no risk of destabilization or fracture of middle turbinate hence no postoperative synechiae  which may otherwise lead to iatrogenic frontal sinusitis. Surgical instruments  represent a major financial asset to the healthcare facility. Single instrumentation is essential to avoid costly replacements, surgeon satisfaction, reduce costs and delays in the Operating room and enhance patient safety. Dr. Ahila's conchal crusher may facilitate the performance of concha bullosa surgery and advance the art of Endoscopic Sinus surgery to a better level.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 60(2): 171-3, 2008 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23120531


We report a case of 45-yr-old HIV positive male who presented with herpes zoster oticus at the time of diagnosis of his HIV status. The patient had vertigo, painful vesicular eruptions on the right ear and unilateral sensorineural hearing loss. The etiology, diagnosis and treatment of herpes zoster are discussed in detail in this report. We report this case to raise awareness among the general practitioners to investigate for HIV when they diagnose cases of herpes zoster.