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Nat Nanotechnol ; 18(5): 464-470, 2023 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36941360


Layer transfer techniques have been extensively explored for semiconductor device fabrication as a path to reduce costs and to form heterogeneously integrated devices. These techniques entail isolating epitaxial layers from an expensive donor wafer to form freestanding membranes. However, current layer transfer processes are still low-throughput and too expensive to be commercially suitable. Here we report a high-throughput layer transfer technique that can produce multiple compound semiconductor membranes from a single wafer. We directly grow two-dimensional (2D) materials on III-N and III-V substrates using epitaxy tools, which enables a scheme comprised of multiple alternating layers of 2D materials and epilayers that can be formed by a single growth run. Each epilayer in the multistack structure is then harvested by layer-by-layer mechanical exfoliation, producing multiple freestanding membranes from a single wafer without involving time-consuming processes such as sacrificial layer etching or wafer polishing. Moreover, atomic-precision exfoliation at the 2D interface allows for the recycling of the wafers for subsequent membrane production, with the potential for greatly reducing the manufacturing cost.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 17(10): 1054-1059, 2022 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36138198


Heterogeneous integration of single-crystal materials offers great opportunities for advanced device platforms and functional systems1. Although substantial efforts have been made to co-integrate active device layers by heteroepitaxy, the mismatch in lattice polarity and lattice constants has been limiting the quality of the grown materials2. Layer transfer methods as an alternative approach, on the other hand, suffer from the limited availability of transferrable materials and transfer-process-related obstacles3. Here, we introduce graphene nanopatterns as an advanced heterointegration platform that allows the creation of a broad spectrum of freestanding single-crystalline membranes with substantially reduced defects, ranging from non-polar materials to polar materials and from low-bandgap to high-bandgap semiconductors. Additionally, we unveil unique mechanisms to substantially reduce crystallographic defects such as misfit dislocations, threading dislocations and antiphase boundaries in lattice- and polarity-mismatched heteroepitaxial systems, owing to the flexibility and chemical inertness of graphene nanopatterns. More importantly, we develop a comprehensive mechanics theory to precisely guide cracks through the graphene layer, and demonstrate the successful exfoliation of any epitaxial overlayers grown on the graphene nanopatterns. Thus, this approach has the potential to revolutionize the heterogeneous integration of dissimilar materials by widening the choice of materials and offering flexibility in designing heterointegrated systems.