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Nano Lett ; 23(24): 11555-11561, 2023 Dec 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38038228


Extensive research has focused on Mie modes in dielectric nanoresonators, enabling the creation of thin optical devices surpassing their bulk counterparts. This study investigates the interactions between two fundamental Mie modes, electric and magnetic dipoles, and the epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) mode. Analytical, simulation, and experimental analyses reveal that the presence of the ENZ substrate significantly modifies these modes despite a large size mismatch. Electric and magnetic dipole modes, both with ∼12 THz line widths, exhibit 21 and 26 THz anticrossings, respectively, when coupled to the ENZ mode, indicating strong coupling. We also demonstrate that this strongly coupled system yields notably large subpicosecond nonlinear responses. Our results establish a solid foundation for designing functional, nonlinear, dynamic dielectric metasurfaces with ENZ materials.

Opt Express ; 31(11): 18072-18074, 2023 May 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37381525


Temporal modulation of material parameters provides a new degree of freedom for metamaterials, metasurfaces and wave-matter interactions as a whole. In time-varying media the electromagnetic energy may not be conserved, and the time reversal symmetry may be broken, which may lead to novel physical effects with potential applications. Currently, theoretical and experimental aspects of this field are rapidly advancing, expanding our understanding of wave propagation in such complex spatiotemporal platforms. This field promises novel possibilities and directions in research, innovation and exploration.

ACS Photonics ; 10(1): 162-169, 2023 Jan 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36691428


Epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) polaritons in a thin transparent conducting-oxide film exhibit a significant electric field enhancement and localization within the film at frequencies close to their plasma frequency, but do not propagate. Meanwhile, plasmon polariton modes in thin metallic films can propagate for several microns, but are more loosely confined in the metal. Here, we propose a strongly coupled bilayered structure of a thin gold film on a thin indium tin oxide (ITO) film that supports hybrid polariton modes. We experimentally characterize the dispersion of these modes and show that they have propagation lengths of 4-8 µm while retaining mode confinement greater than that of the polariton in gold films by nearly an order of magnitude. We study the tunability of this coupling strength by varying the thickness of the ITO film and show that ultrastrong coupling is possible at certain thicknesses. The unusual linear and nonlinear optical properties of ITO at ENZ frequencies make these bifilms useful for the active tuning of strong coupling, ultrafast switching, and enhanced nonlinear interactions at near-infrared frequencies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(20): 203902, 2022 May 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35657860


The utility of all parametric nonlinear optical processes is hampered by phase-matching requirements. Quasi-phase-matching, birefringent phase matching, and higher-order-mode phase matching have all been developed to address this constraint, but the methods demonstrated to date suffer from the inconvenience of only being phase matched for a single, specific arrangement of beams, typically copropagating, resulting in cumbersome experimental configurations and large footprints for integrated devices. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that these phase-matching requirements may be satisfied in a parametric nonlinear optical process for multiple, if not all, configurations of input and output beams when using low-index media. Our measurement constitutes the first experimental observation of direction-independent phase matching for a medium sufficiently long for phase matching to be relevant. We demonstrate four-wave mixing from spectrally distinct co- and counterpropagating pump and probe beams, the backward generation of a nonlinear signal, and excitation by an out-of-plane probe beam. These results explicitly show that the unique properties of low-index media relax traditional phase-matching constraints, which can be exploited to facilitate nonlinear interactions and miniaturize nonlinear devices, thus adding to the established exceptional properties of low-index materials.

Nano Lett ; 21(14): 5907-5913, 2021 07 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34251831


A time-dependent change in the refractive index of a material leads to a change in the frequency of an optical beam passing through that medium. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that this effect-known as adiabatic frequency conversion (AFC)-can be significantly enhanced by a nonlinear epsilon-near-zero-based (ENZ-based) plasmonic metasurface. Specifically, by using a 63-nm-thick metasurface, we demonstrate a large, tunable, and broadband frequency shift of up to ∼11.2 THz with a pump intensity of 4 GW/cm2. Our results represent a decrease of ∼10 times in device thickness and 120 times in pump peak intensity compared with the cases of bare, thicker ENZ materials for the similar amount of frequency shift. Our findings might potentially provide insights for designing efficient time-varying metasurfaces for the manipulation of ultrafast pulses.

Opt Lett ; 46(14): 3444-3447, 2021 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34264234


We experimentally investigate the tunable Doppler shift in an 80 nm thick indium-tin-oxide (ITO) film at its epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) region. Under strong and pulsed excitation, ITO exhibits a time-varying change in the refractive index. A maximum frequency redshift of 1.8 THz is observed in the reflected light when the pump light has a peak intensity of ∼140GW/cm2 and a pulse duration of ∼580fs, at an incident angle of 40°. The frequency shift increases with the increase in pump intensity and saturates at the intensity of ∼140GW/cm2. When the pump pulse duration increases from ∼580fs to ∼1380fs, the maximum attainable frequency shift decreases from 1.8 THz to 0.7 THz. In addition, the pump energy required to saturate the frequency shift decreases with the increase in pump pulse duration for ∼x<1ps and remains unchanged for ∼x>1ps durations. Tunability exists among the pump pulse energy, duration, and incident angle for the Doppler shift of the ITO-ENZ material, which can be employed to design efficient frequency shifters for telecom applications.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 974, 2021 Feb 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33579934


Plasmonic nanostructures hold promise for the realization of ultra-thin sub-wavelength devices, reducing power operating thresholds and enabling nonlinear optical functionality in metasurfaces. However, this promise is substantially undercut by absorption introduced by resistive losses, causing the metasurface community to turn away from plasmonics in favour of alternative material platforms (e.g., dielectrics) that provide weaker field enhancement, but more tolerable losses. Here, we report a plasmonic metasurface with a quality-factor (Q-factor) of 2340 in the telecommunication C band by exploiting surface lattice resonances (SLRs), exceeding the record by an order of magnitude. Additionally, we show that SLRs retain many of the same benefits as localized plasmonic resonances, such as field enhancement and strong confinement of light along the metal surface. Our results demonstrate that SLRs provide an exciting and unexplored method to tailor incident light fields, and could pave the way to flexible wavelength-scale devices for any optical resonating application.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 2180, 2020 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32358528


Space-time duality in paraxial optical wave propagation implies the existence of intriguing effects when light interacts with a material exhibiting two refractive indexes separated by a boundary in time. The direct consequence of such time-refraction effect is a change in the frequency of light while leaving the wavevector unchanged. Here, we experimentally show that the effect of time refraction is significantly enhanced in an epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) medium as a consequence of the optically induced unity-order refractive index change in a sub-picosecond time scale. Specifically, we demonstrate broadband and controllable shift (up to 14.9 THz) in the frequency of a light beam using a time-varying subwavelength-thick indium tin oxide (ITO) film in its ENZ spectral range. Our findings hint at the possibility of designing (3 + 1)D metamaterials by incorporating time-varying bulk ENZ materials, and they present a unique playground to investigate various novel effects in the time domain.

Science ; 352(6287): 795-7, 2016 May 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27127238


Nonlinear optical phenomena are crucial for a broad range of applications, such as microscopy, all-optical data processing, and quantum information. However, materials usually exhibit a weak optical nonlinearity even under intense coherent illumination. We report that indium tin oxide can acquire an ultrafast and large intensity-dependent refractive index in the region of the spectrum where the real part of its permittivity vanishes. We observe a change in the real part of the refractive index of 0.72 ± 0.025, corresponding to 170% of the linear refractive index. This change in refractive index is reversible with a recovery time of about 360 femtoseconds. Our results offer the possibility of designing material structures with large ultrafast nonlinearity for applications in nanophotonics.