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An. psicol ; 40(2): 300-309, May-Sep, 2024. ilus
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-232724


En el presente artículo analizamos y discutimos la dimension emocional que las personas LGBT asocian al ejercicio de la maternidad/paternidad. Basadas en las teorías feministas y las contribuciones de la subalternidad y la interseccionalidad, aplicamos el método biográfico, en un proceso de investigación dialógico-recursivo. Las personas participantes fueron 21 personas LGBT e informantes clave, pertenecientes a la academia, la psicoterapia, la política, y el activismo de la diversidad, de Chile (16), Mexico (4), y Colombia (1); entre 21 y 57 años, con una media de edad de 37.19 y una desviación estándar de 10.03. Encontramos emociones relacionadas al mandato social de “ser una buena madre/un buen padre”; emociones resultantes de la situación de desprotección social y legal; y emociones devenidas de la experiencia de parentalidad. Concluimos que las dinámicas de represión/resistencia atraviesan los cuerpos y las emociones son un aspecto fundamental de esta encarnación; dado ello, el desarrollo de investigaciones enfocadas en emociones puede abrir caminos para alcanzar sociedades más justas a través del cultivo de la sentimentalidad como elemento base de las relaciones que nos mantienen como miembros dignos de la sociedad y considerando el efecto performativo de las demandas emocionales.(AU)

In this article, we analyze and discuss the emotional dimension that LGBT people associate with the exercise of motherhood/fatherhood. Based on feminist theory and subalternity and intersectionality theory con-tributions, we applied the biographical method to a dialogical-recursive in-vestigative process. Participants were 21 LGBT people and key informants, belonging to academia, psychotherapy, politics, and diversity activism, over 18 years old, from Chile (16), Mexico (4), and Colombia (1); the partici-pantswere people between 21 and 57 years of age, with a mean age of 37.19 and a standard deviation of 10.03. We found emotions related to the social mandate to "be a good mother/father"; emotions resulting from so-cial situations such as discrimination and legal lack of protection, and emo-tions derived from the parenting experience. We conclude that repres-sion/resistance dynamics go through the bodies, and emotions are funda-mental to this incarnation. Given this, the development of research fo-cused on emotion can open ways to achieve more just societies through cultivated sentimentality, societies aware of the type of bonds that keep us as worthy members of a society and the performative effect of our emo-tional demands.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Emotions , Parenting , Paternity , Sexual and Gender Minorities
Horiz. enferm ; 34(1): 35-49, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427983


OBJETIVO: Determinar el efecto mediador de la motivación a buscar venganza en la relación de la ansiedad y la evitación en el apego con la calidad de vida. METODOLOGÍA: estudio transversal correlacional. La muestra estuvo constituida por 558 personas de 18 a 65 años de la ciudad de Antofagasta, Chile. Fueron utilizados los instrumentos: Cuestionario WHOQoL-Bref; Experiencia en Relaciones Cercanas; y Motivación a buscar venganza. Se realizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que consideró efectos directos, indirectos y totales. RESULTADOS: Del total de participantes, 289 (51,8%) fueron hombres. Las edades fluctuaron entre 18 y 65 años (M=39,7; ±13,42). Se encontraron efectos significativos en la relación entre la ansiedad y evitación en el apego en los dominios físico, psicológico y social-relacional de la calidad de vida. La motivación a buscar venganza tiene efecto de mediación total en la relación entre evitación en el apego y el dominio físico, y efecto de mediación parcial de la evitación en el apego sobre el dominio psicológico de la calidad de vida. CONCLUSIÓN: ansiedad y evitación en el apego disminuyen la calidad de vida y la motivación a buscar venganza media parcial o totalmente la relación entre la evitación en el apego sobre los dominios físico y psicológico de la calidad de vida.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the mediating effect of revenge-seeking motivation on the relationship between anxiety and avoidance in attachment and quality of life. METHODOLOGY: cross-sectional correlational study. The sample consisted of 558 people aged 18 to 65 years from the city of Antofagasta, Chile. The following instruments were used: WHOQoL-Bref Questionnaire; Experience in Close Relationships; and Motivation to seek revenge. Structural equation modeling was performed considering direct, indirect and total effects. RESULTS: Of the total number of participants, 289 (51.8%) were male. Ages ranged from 18 to 65 years (M=39.7; ±13.42). Significant effects were found in the relationship between anxiety and avoidance on attachment in the physical, psychological, and social-relational domains of quality of life. Revenge-seeking motivation has full mediation effect on the relationship between attachment avoidance and the physical domain, and partial mediation effect of attachment avoidance on the psychological domain of quality of life. CONCLUSION: Anxiety and attachment avoidance decrease quality of life, and revenge-seeking motivation partially or fully mediates the relationship between attachment avoidance and the physical and psychological domains of quality of life.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Anxiety/psychology , Quality of Life/psychology , Mental Health , Psychotherapy , Chile , Psychological Well-Being , Men/psychology
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34070038


Research on LGBTIQ+ families has focused on the effects of being in a diverse family on the development of children. We seek to show the experience of parenthood from the perspective of LGBTIQ+ people, considering its particularities and the role that health care services play as a potential support network. We used the biographical method through open-ended interviews, participants were LGBT people, and key informants from Chile, Colombia, and Mexico were selected based on a sociostructural sampling. We found that internalized stigma impacts LGBTIQ+ parenting in five ways: the impossibility of thinking of oneself as a parent, fear of violating children's rights, fear of passing on the stigma, fear of introducing their LGBTIQ+ partner, and the greater discrimination that trans and intersex people suffer. We identified gaps in health care perceptions: the need to guarantee universal access to health care, the need to include a gender perspective and inclusive treatment by health personnel, mental health programs with a community approach, access to assisted fertilization programs, and the generation of collaborative alliances between health services, civil society organizations, and the LGBTIQ+ community. We conclude that the health system is a crucial space from which to enable guarantees for the exercise of rights and overcome internalized stigma.

Parenting , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Child , Chile , Colombia , Delivery of Health Care , Humans , Mexico , Qualitative Research , Social Stigma
Quad. psicol. (Bellaterra, Internet) ; 23(1): e1671-e1671, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-217269


El objetivo del presente artículo es identificar los recursos con los que las personas de la diver-sidad sexo-afectiva (PDSA) enfrentan el ejercicio de la maternidad/paternidad en Chile. Utili-zamos el método biográfico desde un abordaje interseccional, en un proceso dialógico-recursivo, realizamos entrevistas a diversos informantes clave y PDSA. Encontramos que las PDSA aplican tácticas de resistencia respecto al ejercicio de la maternidad/paternidad, que se articulan recursivamente en el ámbito estructural/institucional, social y personal. En el prime-ro encontramos: modificaciones legislativas, red de apoyo formal y acceso al poder político ins-titucional. En el segundo, hallamos: cambios sociales, recursos formativos e informativos y re-des de apoyo social. En el tercero se encuentran: capital cultural y económico, camuflaje y ca-racterísticas personales. Concluimos que, para dar cumplimiento a los compromisos adquiridos por Chile en el respeto a los derechos humanos, es urgente promover políticas públicas que eliminen las discriminaciones que sufren las PDSA al maternar/paternar.(AU)

The objective of this article is to identify the resources LGBT people use to perform materni-ty/paternity. We applied the biographical method from an intersectional approach through a dialogical-recursive process. Key informants and LGBT people were interviewed. We found that, in Chile, LGBT people apply resistance tactics that are recursively articulated in the structural/institutional, social, and personal spheres. In the first sphere, we found: legislative changes, a formal support network and access to institutional political power. In the second sphere, we found: social changes, educational resources and information, as well as social support networks. In the third sphere, we found: cultural and economic capital, camouflage, and personal characteristics. We conclude that to fulfill international legal commitments re-lated to human rights signed by Chile, it is urgent to promote public policies that eliminate the discriminations LGBT people suffer to become mother/father.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Gender Diversity , Sex , Parenting , Human Rights , Social Support , Sexism , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Marriage , Psychology, Social , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 36(1): e2788, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1280238


Introducción: La espiritualidad es un fenómeno complejo, que en su concepción y experimentación está determinada por múltiples factores, lo cual complejiza el ejercicio de su evaluación en diferentes contextos. Objetivo: Analizar la estructura factorial de la versión en español de la Escala de Perspectiva Espiritual de Reed (1987) en una muestra chilena de adultos. Métodos: Investigación cuantitativa, evaluación psicométrica de un instrumento. El estudio se realizó durante el año 2016 en la ciudad de Antofagasta, Chile. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio, se utilizó el método de Máxima Verosimilitud Robusto. La muestra estuvo constituida por 174 adultos, cuyo promedio de edad fue de 23,3 años (DS = 5,003). Resultados: Se revela una estructura de dos factores: creencias y prácticas espirituales. Al liberar los errores de medición, los índices de bondad de ajuste dan cuenta de un ajuste excelente del modelo. Conclusiones: La escala de perspectiva espiritual de Reed (versión en español) entrega puntuaciones válidas al medir el nivel de espiritualidad en adultos, evaluando dos factores de la espiritualidad(AU)

Introduction: Spirituality is a complex phenomenon, which is, in its conception and experimentation, determined by multiple factors, which complicates the exercise of its evaluation in different settings. Objective: To analyze the factor structure of the Spanish version of the Spiritual Perspective Scale (Reed 1987) in a Chilean sample of adults. Methods: Quantitative research, psychometric evaluation of an instrument. The study was conducted during 2016 in the city of Antofagasta, Chile. Confirmatory factor analysis was used, together with the robust maximum likelihood method. The sample consisted of 174 adults, whose average age was 23.3 years (SD=5.003). Results: A structure of two factors is revealed: spiritual beliefs and practices. On releasing the measurement errors, the indices of goodness of fit show an excellent fit of the model. Conclusions: The Spanish version of Read's Spiritual Perspective Scale delivers valid scores upon measuring the level of spirituality in adults, evaluating two spirituality factors(AU)

Humans , Models, Nursing , Spirituality , Factor Analysis, Statistical