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Sci Total Environ ; 948: 174842, 2024 Oct 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39029758


While drought impacts are widespread across the globe, climate change projections indicate more frequent and severe droughts. This underscores the pressing need to increase resistance and resilience to drought. The strategic application of Preventive Drought Management Measures (PDMMs) is a suitable avenue to reduce the likelihood of drought and ameliorate associated damages. In this study, we use an optimisation approach with a multicriteria decision-making method to allocate PDMMs for reducing the severity of agricultural and hydrological droughts. The results indicate that implementing PDMMs can reduce the severity of agricultural and hydrological droughts, and the obtained management scenarios (solutions) highlight the utility of multi-objective optimisation for PDMMs planning. However, examined management scenarios also illustrate the trade-off between managing agricultural and hydrological droughts. PDMMs can alleviate the severity of agricultural droughts while producing opposite effects for hydrological droughts (or vice versa). Furthermore, the impact of PDMMs displays temporal and spatial variabilities. For instance, PDMMs implementation within a specific subbasin may mitigate the severity of one type of drought in a given month yet exacerbate drought conditions in preceding or subsequent months. In the case of hydrological droughts, the PDMMs may intensify streamflow deficits in the intervened subbasins while alleviating the hydrological drought severity downstream (or vice versa). These complexities emphasise a customised implementation of PDMMs, considering the basin characteristics (e.g., rainfall distribution over the year, soil properties, land use, and topography) and the quantification of PDMMs' effect on the severity of each type of drought.

Water Sci Technol ; 89(7): 1757-1770, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38619901


The water reuse facilities of industrial parks face the challenge of managing a growing variety of wastewater sources as their inlet water. Typically, this clustering outcome is designed by engineers with extensive expertise. This paper presents an innovative application of unsupervised learning methods to classify inlet water in Chinese water reuse stations, aiming to reduce reliance on engineer experience. The concept of 'water quality distance' was incorporated into three unsupervised learning clustering algorithms (K-means, DBSCAN, and AGNES), which were validated through six case studies. Of the six cases, three were employed to illustrate the feasibility of the unsupervised learning clustering algorithm. The results indicated that the clustering algorithm exhibited greater stability and excellence compared to both artificial clustering and ChatGPT-based clustering. The remaining three cases were utilized to showcase the reliability of the three clustering algorithms. The findings revealed that the AGNES algorithm demonstrated superior potential application ability. The average purity in six cases of K-means, DBSCAN, and AGNES were 0.947, 0.852, and 0.955, respectively.

Bays , Unsupervised Machine Learning , Reproducibility of Results , Algorithms , Cluster Analysis
Sci Total Environ ; 905: 167181, 2023 Dec 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37758134


Freshwater availability in coastal areas depends on the withdrawal from tidal rivers. It is severely threatened by saltwater intrusion, especially in the dry season. Freshwater availability is associated closely with natural factors and human activities. Limited research has investigated how freshwater availability is influenced by saltwater intrusion, streamflow, projects, etc., and how the water supply security downstream is affected by the abovementioned factors. To fill these gaps, this paper presents a new framework, i.e., water supply regulation by avoiding saltwater withdrawal (RASW). The framework is based on data on streamflow, tide, wind, the salinity of withdrawal stations, capacities of withdrawal projects and reservoirs, and water demand, which holistically develops relationships among saltwater intrusion, upstream streamflow, and water supply. The RASW contains three phases, i.e., estuary salinity-exceedance simulation, upstream streamflow distribution design, and local water supply security analysis. The proposed intellectual framework and methodology have been tested on the water supply for Zhuhai-Macao of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area, South China. Results demonstrated that the meta-Gaussian copula efficiently simulated the six-dimensional monthly streamflow distribution and was appropriate for streamflow distribution scenario design. Water supply security benefited greatly from the joint river-reservoir regulation mode. Nevertheless, the water supply security was threatened in the extreme scenarios when the extremely low streamflow distribution happened in the late period or lasted for an extended period. The proposed framework facilitates integrated decision-making for water supply security in coastal areas. Utilizing the streamflow distribution as a management tool and controlling them to avoid extremely low streamflow and adjust their occurrence time can alleviate water supply pressure. Moreover, the capacities of local regulating facilities should be designed with full consideration.

J Environ Manage ; 303: 114157, 2022 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34839172


The proliferation of Citizen Science initiatives has increased the expectations of practitioners who need data for design, analysis, management and research in environmental applications. Many Citizen Science experiences have reported tangible societal benefits related to improved governance of natural resources due to the involvement of citizens and communities. However, from the perspective of data generation, most of the literature on Citizen Science tends to regard it as a potentially cost-effective source of data, with major concerns about the quality of data. The Ground Truth 2.0 project brought the opportunity to examine the scope of this potential by analysing the value of citizen-generated data. We propose a methodology to account for the value of citizen observations as a function of their complementarity to existing environmental observations and the evolution of their costs in time. The application of the proposed methodology in the chosen case studies that were all established using a co-design approach shows that the cost of obtaining Citizen Science data is not as low as frequently stated in literature. This is because the costs associated with co-design events for creating a Citizen Science community, as well as the functional and technical design of the tools, are much higher than the costs of rolling out the actual observation campaigns. In none of the considered cases did an increment in the number of preparatory events translate into an immediate increase in the collected observations. Nevertheless, Citizen Science appears to have the greatest value in places where in-situ environmental monitoring is not implemented.

Citizen Science , Environmental Monitoring
Rev. argent. neurocir ; 20(1): 13-17, ene.-mar. 2006. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-634713


Objetivo. Cuantificar las diferencias entre las circunvoluciones principalmente afectadas en los abordajes al lóbulo temporal dada la frecuencia de utilización de los mismos en la cirugía para la epilepsia. Método. Se estudiaron 11 cerebros de cadáveres humanos midiéndose alto, ancho y longitud de las primeras tres circunvoluciones temporales. Así también se cuantificaron las longitudes de líneas convencionales para las resecciones temporales, se analizaron las variables y se registraron los valores derivados de las mismas, volcándose al análisis estadístico habitual (test t Student, intervalo de confianza del 95% (α= 0,05). Resultados. No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas a grandes rasgos entre hemisferios, pero el ancho de la circunvolución Tı izquierda es superior a la del lado derecho y la longitud témpororrolándica izquierda es superior a la derecha. Conclusión. Las indicaciones habituales en las diferentes técnicas no diferencian entre los hemisferios para definir las lobectomías, atribuyendo las secuelas observadas a la disposición vascular; sin embargo, está claro que las diferencias evidenciadas obligan a reevaluar las indicaciones con base en las diferencias morfológicas del neocórtex temporal.

Objective: to compare the sizes of the temporal lobe gyrus, between both hemispheres, involved in epilepsy surgery. Method: we studied 11 cadaveric human brains measuring, in both hemispheres, hight, width and length of the first 3 temporal gyrus and the usual surgical lines used to limit temporal lobectomies. The statistical analysis was made with the Student test (CI 95% - alpha 0.05). Results: we did not observe significative differences between the measures obtained from the temporal gyrus and the surgical lines in both hemispheres. Conclusion: the differences in the measurements of the temporal gyrus and the surgical lines between both hemispheres were not significative.

General Surgery , Temporal Lobe , Epilepsy
Open educational resource in Portuguese | CVSP - Brazil | ID: una-6133


A escolha do tema para este trabalho foi feita devido a observação do aumento das gestações indesejáveis nas mulheres em idade fértil, esse é um tema que atinge muito de perto à população adstrita à EBS 16 do PSF Paulo Correia da Silva, município Patos de Minas. Este projeto permite uma maior abordagem pela equipe nos principais determinantes deste agravo, e previne a incidência de futuras gestações indesejáveis, orientando melhor as mulheres na idade fértil nas suas tomadas de decisões, restaurando os valores de uma família planejada e estruturada. Sendo assim, a aplicação de um projeto de intervenção voltado para as gestantes da área de abrangência da EBS poderá beneficiar a mãe e o filho tendo a finalidade de diminuir a gravidez indesejada, orientar para um planejamento familiar adequado, e aumentar a preparação da equipe para enfrentar com mais profissionalismo a prevenção deste agravo na comunidade. O planejamento familiar (PF) é um método de prevenção e de intervenção na saúde da família, portanto deve considerar a unidade familiar e não apenas a mulher. Atualmente, a assistência ao planejamento familiar no país é oferecida predominantemente pelas equipes do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF), com implantação iniciada em 1994. Na perspectiva de que os serviços de PF ainda precisam ampliar o diálogo e a participação de seus usuários, como pessoas capazes de interagir e agir na realização de suas próprias escolhas. A capacidade de refletir, simbolizar, criar e comunicar situa a mulher em posição de tomar decisões, julgar possibilidades e selecionar eventos significativos ao seu bem-estar e ao do outro. Portanto, planeja-se construir um projeto de intervenção de educação em saúde sobre planejamento familiar, com a finalidade de possibilitar empoderamento para as mulheres. A atribuição do médico na Atenção Primária à Saúde influencia a consciência das pessoas e da comunidade, contribuindo para a melhoria contínua da qualidade de vida, identificação dos fatores de risco ao indivíduo, família ou comunidade. Algumas estratégias seriam palestras, atividades de intervenção comunitária, visitas domiciliares, para o regate dos valores morais da família e da sociedade

Pregnancy , Family Development Planning , Health Education , Primary Health Care , Family Health