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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 2738, 2024 Mar 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38548739


The functionality of atomic quantum emitters is intrinsically linked to their host lattice coordination. Structural distortions that spontaneously break the lattice symmetry strongly impact their optical emission properties and spin-photon interface. Here we report on the direct imaging of charge state-dependent symmetry breaking of two prototypical atomic quantum emitters in mono- and bilayer MoS2 by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM). By changing the built-in substrate chemical potential, different charge states of sulfur vacancies (VacS) and substitutional rhenium dopants (ReMo) can be stabilized. Vac S - 1 as well as Re Mo 0 and Re Mo - 1 exhibit local lattice distortions and symmetry-broken defect orbitals attributed to a Jahn-Teller effect (JTE) and pseudo-JTE, respectively. By mapping the electronic and geometric structure of single point defects, we disentangle the effects of spatial averaging, charge multistability, configurational dynamics, and external perturbations that often mask the presence of local symmetry breaking.

ACS Photonics ; 10(11): 3888-3895, 2023 Nov 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38027247


The fundamental understanding of quantum dynamics in advanced materials requires precise characterization at the limit of spatiotemporal resolution. Ultrafast scanning tunneling microscopy is a powerful tool combining the benefits of picosecond time resolution provided by single-cycle terahertz (THz) pulses and atomic spatial resolution of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). For the selective excitation of localized electronic states, the transient field profile must be tailored to the energetic structure of the system. Here, we present an advanced THz-STM setup combining multi-MHz repetition rates, strong THz near fields, and continuous carrier-envelope phase (CEP) control of the transient waveform. In particular, we employ frustrated total internal reflection as an efficient and cost-effective method for precise CEP control of single-cycle THz pulses with >60% field transmissivity, high pointing stability, and continuous phase shifting of up to 0.75 π in the far and near field. Efficient THz generation and dispersion management enable peak THz voltages at the tip-sample junction exceeding 20 V at 1 MHz and 1 V at 41 MHz. The system comprises two distinct THz generation arms, which facilitate individual pulse shaping and amplitude modulation. This unique feature enables the flexible implementation of various THz pump-probe schemes, thereby facilitating the study of electronic and excitonic excited-state propagation in nanostructures and low-dimensional materials systems. Scalability of the repetition rate up to 41 MHz, combined with a state-of-the-art low-temperature STM, paves the way toward the investigation of dynamical processes in atomic quantum systems at their native length and time scales.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 3875, 2023 Jul 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37414750


Molecular polaritons are hybrid light-matter states that emerge when a molecular transition strongly interacts with photons in a resonator. At optical frequencies, this interaction unlocks a way to explore and control new chemical phenomena at the nanoscale. Achieving such control at ultrafast timescales, however, is an outstanding challenge, as it requires a deep understanding of the dynamics of the collectively coupled molecular excitation and the light modes. Here, we investigate the dynamics of collective polariton states, realized by coupling molecular photoswitches to optically anisotropic plasmonic nanoantennas. Pump-probe experiments reveal an ultrafast collapse of polaritons to pure molecular transition triggered by femtosecond-pulse excitation at room temperature. Through a synergistic combination of experiments and quantum mechanical modelling, we show that the response of the system is governed by intramolecular dynamics, occurring one order of magnitude faster with respect to the uncoupled excited molecule relaxation to the ground state.

Photons , Records , Anisotropy , Heart Rate
ACS Photonics ; 9(8): 2683-2690, 2022 Aug 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35996365


Inorganic van der Waals bonded semiconductors such as transition metal dichalcogenides are the subject of intense research due to their electronic and optical properties which are promising for next-generation optoelectronic devices. In this context, understanding the carrier dynamics, as well as charge and energy transfer at the interface between metallic contacts and semiconductors, is crucial and yet quite unexplored. Here, we present an experimental study to measure the effect of mutual interaction between thermionically injected and directly excited carriers on the exciton formation dynamics in bulk WS2. By employing a pump-push-probe scheme, where a pump pulse induces thermionic injection of electrons from a gold substrate into the conduction band of the semiconductor, and another delayed push pulse that excites direct transitions in the WS2, we can isolate the two processes experimentally and thus correlate the mutual interaction with its effect on the ultrafast dynamics in WS2. The fast decay time constants extracted from the experiments show a decrease with an increasing ratio between the injected and directly excited charge carriers, thus disclosing the impact of thermionic electron injection on the exciton formation dynamics. Our findings might offer a new vibrant direction for the integration of photonics and electronics, especially in active and photodetection devices, and, more in general, in upcoming all-optical nanotechnologies.