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Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e230284, 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558199


Há um imperativo de se pensar uma formação graduada em Terapia Ocupacional atenta às necessidades juvenis. Nesse sentido, hipotetizamos que as Escrevivências de Conceição Evaristo poderiam mediar a aprendizagem crítica sobre as juventudes. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem estético, ético e político de estudantes de Terapia Ocupacional por meio de um projeto de ensino pautado nas Escrevivências. Trata-se de uma pesquisa educacional que se utilizou de informações pedagógicas de uma disciplina ministrada remotamente. Estudantes estabeleceram contato com jovens diversos para pensar aspectos coletivos dentro de narrativas singulares de vida. Os achados provêm da análise do diário de campo da monitora, da transcrição das monitorias virtuais, do trabalho final e de um grupo focal. Identificamos processos cognitivos relevantes ligados à alteridade. Quanto à aprendizagem estética, crítico-social e ético-política, debatemos as limitações.(AU)

It is imperative to think about graduate training in occupational therapy that is mindful of the needs of young people. In this regard, we hypothesized that the writings of Conceição Evaristo can help mediate critical learning about youth. The aim of this study was to investigate the aesthetic, ethical and political teaching and learning process of occupational therapy students based on a teaching project grounded in these writings. We conducted an educational study using pedagogical information from a remotely taught subject. Students established contact with various young people to think about collective aspects within singular life narratives. The findings resulted from the analysis of the field diary of the subject monitor, transcriptions of online tutoring, the students' end of course project and a focus group. We identified relevant cognitive processes linked to otherness. We also discuss the limitations of aesthetic, critical-social and ethical-political learning.(AU)

Existe el imperativo de pensar en una formación graduada en Terapia Ocupacional que esté atenta a las necesidades juveniles. En ese sentido, lanzamos la hipótesis de que las Escrevivências de Conceição Evaristo podrían mediar el aprendizaje crítico sobre las juventudes. El objetivo de este artículo es investigar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje estético, ético y político de estudiantes de terapia ocupacional a partir de un proyecto de enseñanza con base en las Escrevivências. Se trata de una investigación educativa que utilizó informaciones pedagógicas de una asignatura dictada remotamente. Los estudiantes establecieron contactos con jóvenes diversos para pensar aspectos colectivos dentro de narrativas singulares de vida. Los hallazgos provienen del análisis del diario de campo de la monitora, de la transcripción de los monitoreos virtuales, del trabajo final y de un grupo focal. Identificamos procesos cognitivos relevantes vinculados a la alteridad. Con relación al aprendizaje estético, crítico-social y ético-político, discutimos las limitaciones.(AU)

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 31: e3274, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1439758


Resumo Atualmente, identificam-se importantes lacunas nas pesquisas em terapia ocupacional que enfoquem as diversas concepções e objetivos da educação infantil brasileira. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi apresentar o processo de validação de oficinas formativas voltadas para trabalhadoras da educação infantil, por meio do consenso de especialistas. Sete oficinas elaboradas participativamente deram origem ao quadro formativo e tais informações foram apresentadas detalhadamente aos especialistas em duas rodadas, conforme a técnica Delphi. Foram convidados 29 doutores experts em educação infantil, sendo que seis deles aceitaram participar, com formação em filosofia e letras, pedagogia e terapia ocupacional. Foi feita análise descritiva das respostas, a partir da média dos resultados encontrados. As oficinas alcançaram a 95%-100% de concordância. Foram sugeridos alguns enriquecimentos temáticos, como: o cotidiano escolar e pré-escolar; neoliberalismo e educação infantil; infâncias e suas múltiplas determinações; o espontaneísmo do brincar na educação infantil; cultura infantil e currículo. Os especialistas também sugeriram dinâmicas e bibliografias para as oficinas. O consenso denota consistência teórico-metodológica multidisciplinar, o que aumenta a complexidade da abordagem e as chances de generalização para além dos interesses locais da instituição que sediou esta experiência. O quadro contém temas-chave, focados nas problemáticas atuais da educação infantil, o que o torna passível de utilização por terapeutas ocupacionais em outros contextos.

Abstract Currently, important gaps are identified in occupational therapy research that focus on the different concepts and objectives of Brazilian early childhood education. The objective of this research was to present the validation process of training workshops aimed at workers in early childhood education, through the consensus of specialists. Seven participatively elaborated workshops gave rise to the training framework and such information was presented in detail to the specialists in two rounds, according to the Delphi technique. Twenty-nine doctoral experts in early childhood education were invited, six of whom agreed to participate, with degrees in philosophy and literature, pedagogy and occupational therapy. A descriptive analysis of the responses was performed, based on the average of the results found. The workshops reached 95%-100% agreement. Some thematic enrichments were suggested, such as: school and preschool routine; neoliberalism and early childhood education; childhoods and their multiple determinations; the spontaneity of playing in early childhood education; children's culture and curriculum. The specialists also suggested dynamics and bibliographies for the workshops. Consensus denotes multidisciplinary theoretical-methodological consistency, which increases the complexity of the approach and the chances of generalization beyond the local interests of the institution that hosted this experience. The chart contains key themes, focused on current issues in early childhood education, which makes it possible for occupational therapists to use it in other contexts.

Licere (Online) ; 25(3): 221-240, set. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416923


Introdução: Amplo debate multidisciplinar vem problematizando teorias clássicas sobre o lazer, sobretudo a oposição criada entre lazer e trabalho. Objetivo: analisar o modo como o lazer tem sido teorizado em TO e, a partir do diálogo multidisciplinar, propor avanços apoiados na perspectiva da cotidianidade. Resultados e discussão: O lazer como tempo livre automotivado se destaca na TO, denotando estagnação intelectual. Partimos da produção de Christiane Gomes que define o lazer pelo prisma da cultura. Utilizamos também Raymond Williams para redefinir vivência cultural pelo materialismo histórico, e para relacionar cotidianidade e lazer. Conclusão: mais que uma classe de ocupações, pela cotidianidade o lazer é visto a partir de uma totalidade social, entrecruzando as dimensões do tempo, territorialidade e ludicidade.

Introduction: A broad multidisciplinary debate has questioned classic theories about leisure, especially the opposition between leisure and work. Objective: to analyse how leisure has been theorized in OT; and to propose theorist advances based on the perspective of everyday life based on a multidisciplinary dialogue. Results and discussion: Leisure as a self-motivated or free time stands out in OT, denoting intellectual stagnation. We start from the production of Christiane Gomes who defines leisure through the prism of culture. We also based on Raymond Williams and others to redefine cultural experience through historical materialism, and to relate everyday life and leisure. Conclusion: more than a class of occupations, leisure is in everyday life as a social totality, crossing the dimensions of time, territory, and playfulness.

Work-Life Balance
Revisbrato ; 6(2): 957-972, Maio 20, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444453


Introdução: A Terapia Ocupacional tem relevante contribuição técnico-profissional voltada para a educação, com destaque para a Educação Especial. Doravante, advogo pela ampliação do escopo de práticas/saberes da profissão em função dos problemas contemporâneos da escola pública, o que exige olhar crítico sobre os currículos dos cursos de graduação. Objetivo: descrever o processo de pesquisa para elaboração de um componente curricular de um curso de Terapia Ocupacional da Região Sul do Brasil, a partir do contato de estudantes com a realidade de duas escolas públicas do município. Método: o paradigma desta pesquisa é o do pesquisador reflexivo, no qual tomo o currículo como objeto de estudo. Guiados pelos princípios da pesquisa participante, os dados empíricos foram levantados por estudantes, por meio da observação direta de intervenções terapêutico-ocupacionais, em duas escolas públicas municipais, uma de Educação Infantil outra de Ensino Fundamental. As idas aos campos aconteceram semanalmente, ao longo de três meses, totalizando 54 horas de imersão. Os achados foram registrados em diários de campo e, posteriormente, analisados com base em estudos socioculturais sobre infância, juventude e escola. Resultados: foram constatadas problemáticas educacionais, relativas ao cuidar adultocêntrico e civilizatório, ao brincar desenvolvimentista e à exclusão no interior das escolas. Conclusão: proponho a inclusão curricular de teorias que relacionem atividade humana e Educação; teorias do brincar com foco na cultura infantil e na experiência; macro e microanálises disposicionalistas aplicadas à vida escolar; e precarização do trabalho docente, cidadania e educação emancipatória.(AU) Palavras-chave: Terapia Ocupacional. Educação. Ensino. Currículo. Escola Pública

Introduction: Occupational Therapy has a relevant academic and technical-professional contribution focused on education, with emphasis on Special Education. From this, I advocate the expansion of its scope of practices/knowledge considering contemporary problems in public schools, which requires a critical look at curriculum. Objective: to describe the research process and elaboration of a curricular component of an Occupational Therapy course in the southern region of Brazil based on the contact of students with the reality of public schools. Method: the paradigm of this research is the reflective researcher, so I take curriculum as an object of study. Guided by the principles of participatory research, empirical data were collected by students through direct observation of occupational-therapeutic interventions in two municipal public schools, one for kindergarten and the other for elementary school. The trips to the fields took place weekly, over three months, totaling 54 hours of immersion. The findings were recorded in field diaries and later analyzed based on sociocultural studies on childhood, youth, and school. Results: it was found educational issues related to adult-centric and civilizing care, the play and exclusion within schools. Conclusions: I suggest the curricular relevance of theories associating human activity and Education; theories of play focusing on children's culture and experience; dispositional macro and microanalyses applied to school life; precariousness of teaching work, citizenship, and emancipatory education.(AU) Keywords: Occupational therapy. Education. Teaching. Curriculum. Public Education

Introducción: La Terapia Ocupacional tiene un aporte técnico-profesional relevante enfocado a la educación, con énfasis en la Educación Especial. Abogo por la ampliación de las prácticas/saberes de la profesión debido a los problemas contemporáneos de la escuela pública, lo que exige una mirada crítica a los currículos de las carreras de grado. Objetivo: describir el proceso de investigación/elaboración de un componente curricular de un curso de Terapia Ocupacional de la región sur de Brasil desde el contacto de los alumnos con la realidad de dos escuelas públicas del municipio. Metodo: el paradigma de esta investigación es el del investigador reflexivo, en el que tomo como objeto de estudio el currículo. Guiados por los principios de la investigación participativa, los datos empíricos fueron recolectados por los estudiantes a través de la observación directa de las intervenciones ocupacional-terapéuticas en dos escuelas públicas municipales, un jardín de infantes y escuela primaria. Los viajes a los campos se realizaron semanalmente, durante tres meses, totalizando 54 horas de inmersión. Los hallazgos fueron registrados en diarios de campo y posteriormente analizados a partir de estudios socioculturales sobre infancia, juventud y escuela. Resultados: Se encontraron problemas educativos relacionados con el cuidado civilizador y centrado en el adulto, el juego y la exclusión dentro de las escuelas. Conclusiones: Sugiero la inclusión curricular de teorías que relacionan actividad humana a la Educación; teorías culturales del juego y experiencia; macro y microanálisis disposicionales aplicados a la vida escolar; precariedad del trabajo docente, ciudadanía y educación emancipatoria.(AU) Palabras clave: Terapia Ocupacional. Educación. Enseñanza. Curriculum. Escuela pública

Occupational Therapy
Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 30: e3278, 2022. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1394179


Resumo Este relato é um aprofundamento teórico a partir das práticas de estágio remoto de terapia ocupacional junto ao Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS) de um território do município de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As práticas estão referenciadas pelas terapias ocupacionais do sul e pelas perspectivas feministas decoloniais. Durante o estágio, foram realizados acompanhamentos singulares, um grupo virtual com usuárias do CRAS e um grupo formativo voltado para trabalhadoras dessa instituição. Por meio das intervenções, tivemos acesso às histórias de vida marcadas por opressões de gênero. Com o auxílio de Patrícia Hill Collins, entendemos como as imagens de controle operavam nas atividades cotidianas das mulheres, sobretudo atividades relacionadas ao cuidado. As intervenções encontraram suporte no paradigma ameríndio da tradução, sublinhando o equívoco como fundamento do cuidado em terapia ocupacional. Propusemos as Atividades de Tradução Cultural como método de intervenção terapêutico-ocupacional, que prevê e se utiliza da diferença cultural em prol de novas formas de experimentação, conscientização, coletivização e incitamento ao enfrentamento das opressões.

Abstract This experience report is a theoretical deepening of the practices of remote internship in Occupational Therapy (OT) at the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) of territory in the municipality of Pelotas, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The practices are based on the Occupational Therapy of the South and decolonial feminist perspectives. During the internship, individual interventions, a virtual group with women users of the CRAS, and a training group focused on workers from the same institution were carried out. Through these interventions, we had access to life stories marked by gender oppression. Supported by Patricia Hill Collins's theory, we understood how the images of control impacted those women's daily activities, especially those related to care. The interventions found support in the Amerindian paradigm of translation, underlining misunderstanding as the foundation of care in OT. We proposed Cultural Translation Activities as a method of occupational-therapeutic intervention that foresees and uses the cultural difference in favor of new forms of experimentation, awareness, collectivization, and incitement to face oppression.

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ; 62(10): 18, 2021 08 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34406330


Purpose: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is associated with altered gene and protein expression in the retina. We characterize the aqueous humor (AH) proteome in AMD to gain insight into the pathogenesis of the disease and identify potential biomarkers. Methods: AH was collected from age and gender matched neovascular AMD (nvAMD; n = 10) patients and controls (n = 10). AH was pooled to create two samples (nvAMD and control), followed by intensity-based label-free quantification (MS1). Functional and bioinformatic analysis were then performed. A validation set (20 controls, 15 atrophic AMD and 15 nvAMD) was tested via multiplex ELISA for nine differentially expressed proteins according to the MS1 findings. Results: MS1 identified 674 proteins in the AH. 239 proteins were upregulated in nvAMD (nvAMD/control > 2, peptide tags (PT) > 2), and 86 proteins were downregulated (nvAMD/control < 0.5, PT > 2). Functional analysis of proteins upregulated in AMD demonstrated enrichment for platelet degranulation (enrichment score (ES):28.1), negative regulation of endopeptidase activity (ES:18.8), cellular protein metabolic process (ES:11.8), epidermal growth factor-like domain (ES:10.3), sushi/SCR/CCP (ES:10.1), and complement/coagulation cascades (ES:9.2). AMD protein clusters were upregulated for 3/6 (χ2 < 0.05 compared to randomization). Validation via ELISA confirmed MS1 in 2/9 proteins (Clusterin and Serpin A4, P < 0.05), while 3/9 showed differential expression between aAMD and nvAMD (Clusterin, Serpin A4, and TF P < 0.05). Receiver operating characteristic curve calculation identified the area under the curve of 0.82 for clusterin as a biomarker for distinction of AMD. Conclusions: AH proteomics in AMD patients identified several proteins and functional clusters with altered expression. Further research should confirm if these proteins may serve as biomarkers or therapeutic target for the disease.

Aqueous Humor/metabolism , Eye Proteins/metabolism , Proteome/metabolism , Wet Macular Degeneration/metabolism , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Biomarkers/metabolism , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Female , Humans , Male , ROC Curve , Visual Acuity
DNA Res ; 28(5)2021 Sep 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34240112


Small open reading frames (small ORFs/sORFs/smORFs) are potentially coding sequences smaller than 100 codons that have historically been considered junk DNA by gene prediction software and in annotation screening; however, the advent of next-generation sequencing has contributed to the deeper investigation of junk DNA regions and their transcription products, resulting in the emergence of smORFs as a new focus of interest in systems biology. Several smORF peptides were recently reported in non-canonical mRNAs as new players in numerous biological contexts; however, their relevance is still overlooked in coding potential analysis. Hence, this review proposes a smORF classification based on transcriptional features, discussing the most promising approaches to investigate smORFs based on their different characteristics. First, smORFs were divided into non-expressed (intergenic) and expressed (genic) smORFs. Second, genic smORFs were classified as smORFs located in non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) or canonical mRNAs. Finally, smORFs in ncRNAs were further subdivided into sequences located in small or long RNAs, whereas smORFs located in canonical mRNAs were subdivided into several specific classes depending on their localization along the gene. We hope that this review provides new insights into large-scale annotations and reinforces the role of smORFs as essential components of a hidden coding DNA world.

Peptides , RNA, Untranslated , High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing , Open Reading Frames , Peptides/genetics , RNA, Messenger/genetics , RNA, Untranslated/genetics
New Phytol ; 231(5): 1956-1967, 2021 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34080200


Iron (Fe) is an essential element, its transport is regulated by the cell redox balance. In seeds, Fe enters the embryo as Fe2+ and is stored in vacuoles as Fe3+ . Through its ferric reduction activity, ascorbate plays a major role in Fe redox state and therefore Fe transport within the seed. We searched for ascorbate membrane transporters responsible for controlling Fe reduction by screening the yeast ferric reductase-deficient fre1 strain and isolated AtDTX25, a member of the Multidrug And Toxic compound Extrusion (MATE) family. AtDTX25 was shown to mediate ascorbate efflux when expressed in yeast and Xenopus oocytes, in a pH-dependent manner. In planta, AtDTX25 is highly expressed during germination and encodes a vacuolar membrane protein. Isolated vacuoles from AtDTX25-1 knockout mutant contained less ascorbate and more Fe than wild-type (WT), and mutant seedlings were highly sensitive to Fe deficiency. Iron imaging further showed that the remobilisation of Fe from vacuoles was highly impaired in mutant seedlings. Taken together, our results established AtDTX25 as a vacuolar ascorbate transporter, required during germination to promote the reduction of the pool of stored Fe3+ and its remobilisation to feed the developing seedling.

Arabidopsis Proteins , Arabidopsis , Cation Transport Proteins , Arabidopsis/genetics , Arabidopsis/metabolism , Arabidopsis Proteins/genetics , Arabidopsis Proteins/metabolism , Iron/metabolism , Vacuoles/metabolism
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(20)2021 05 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33972420


Venom is a key adaptive innovation in snakes, and how nonvenom genes were co-opted to become part of the toxin arsenal is a significant evolutionary question. While this process has been investigated through the phylogenetic reconstruction of toxin sequences, evidence provided by the genomic context of toxin genes remains less explored. To investigate the process of toxin recruitment, we sequenced the genome of Bothrops jararaca, a clinically relevant pitviper. In addition to producing a road map with canonical structures of genes encoding 12 toxin families, we inferred most of the ancestral genes for their loci. We found evidence that 1) snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) and phospholipases A2 (PLA2) have expanded in genomic proximity to their nonvenomous ancestors; 2) serine proteinases arose by co-opting a local gene that also gave rise to lizard gilatoxins and then expanded; 3) the bradykinin-potentiating peptides originated from a C-type natriuretic peptide gene backbone; and 4) VEGF-F was co-opted from a PGF-like gene and not from VEGF-A. We evaluated two scenarios for the original recruitment of nontoxin genes for snake venom: 1) in locus ancestral gene duplication and 2) in locus ancestral gene direct co-option. The first explains the origins of two important toxins (SVMP and PLA2), while the second explains the emergence of a greater number of venom components. Overall, our results support the idea of a locally assembled venom arsenal in which the most clinically relevant toxin families expanded through posterior gene duplications, regardless of whether they originated by duplication or gene co-option.

Bothrops/genetics , Crotalid Venoms/genetics , Evolution, Molecular , Genome/genetics , Snake Venoms/genetics , Amino Acid Sequence , Animals , Base Sequence , Bothrops/classification , Crotalid Venoms/classification , Female , Gene Expression Profiling/methods , Phylogeny , Proteome/metabolism , Proteomics/methods , RNA-Seq/methods , Sequence Analysis, DNA/methods , Snake Venoms/classification
Eur J Ophthalmol ; 31(3): 1094-1100, 2021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32363931


PURPOSE: Visual outcome in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration is variable. We aimed to evaluate for association between socioeconomic status visual acuity in neovascular age-related macular degeneration. METHODS: A retrospective single-center study of a consecutive group of neovascular age-related macular degeneration patients was performed. Socioeconomic status was determined for each patient based on the 2008 Israeli census. Medical information was extracted from medical records and included visual acuity and optical coherence tomography parameters. Associations between socioeconomic status and clinical outcomes were analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 233 patients were included in the analysis. A correlation was found between low baseline visual acuity of the first eye diagnosed with neovascular age-related macular degeneration and low socioeconomic status (r = -0.13, p = 0.049; n = 233). The difference between the visual acuity of the lowest and the highest socioeconomic status categories at baseline was approximately 3 ETDRS lines (p = 0.048). Socioeconomic status and baseline visual acuity of the second eye of the same individual with neovascular age-related macular degeneration were not correlated (r = -0.05, p = 0.95). Socioeconomic status was not associated with the number of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injections of the first or second eye, or the visual acuity outcome of the first or second eye after 1 year of therapy (p = 0.421, p = 0.9, respectively). Central subfield thickness of the first eye at presentation as measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography was associated with socioeconomic status (r = -0.31 p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Individuals of lower socioeconomic status presented at more advanced stage of the disease when developing neovascular age-related macular degeneration in the first eye but not in the second eye. The research underscores the importance of improving referral patterns and awareness for the lowest socioeconomic status classes.

Macular Degeneration , Wet Macular Degeneration , Angiogenesis Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Humans , Intravitreal Injections , Macular Degeneration/drug therapy , Retrospective Studies , Social Class , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Treatment Outcome , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A , Wet Macular Degeneration/diagnosis , Wet Macular Degeneration/drug therapy
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, v. 118, n. 20, e2015159118, abr. 2021
Article in English | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IBPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: bud-3732


Venom is a key adaptive innovation in snakes, and how nonvenom genes were co-opted to become part of the toxin arsenal is a significant evolutionary question. While this process has been investigated through the phylogenetic reconstruction of toxin sequences, evidence provided by the genomic context of toxin genes remains less explored. To investigate the process of toxin recruitment, we sequenced the genome of Bothrops jararaca, a clinically relevant pitviper. In addition to producing a road map with canonical structures of genes encoding 12 toxin families, we inferred most of the ancestral genes for their loci. We found evidence that 1) snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) and phospholipases A2 (PLA2) have expanded in genomic proximity to their nonvenomous ancestors; 2) serine proteinases arose by co-opting a local gene that also gave rise to lizard gilatoxins and then expanded; 3) the bradykinin-potentiating peptides originated from a C-type natriuretic peptide gene backbone; and 4) VEGF-F was co-opted from a PGF-like gene and not from VEGF-A. We evaluated two scenarios for the original recruitment of nontoxin genes for snake venom: 1) in locus ancestral gene duplication and 2) in locus ancestral gene direct co-option. The first explains the origins of two important toxins (SVMP and PLA2), while the second explains the emergence of a greater number of venom components. Overall, our results support the idea of a locally assembled venom arsenal in which the most clinically relevant toxin families expanded through posterior gene duplications, regardless of whether they originated by duplication or gene co-option

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 28(4): 1251-1267, Oct.-Dec. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1153638


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar, por meio de uma etnografia, a potência política do lazer noturno paulistano destinado aos consumidores de sexualidade e gênero dissidentes. Tomou-se o cotidiano como chave analítica, ensejando diálogos oportunos entre a terapia ocupacional e ciências sociais/humanas acerca das atividades em sua totalidade. Para tanto, buscou-se investigar os significados particulares que o termo resistência ganha neste contexto e, em segundo momento, abordar a dimensão político-corporal de algumas práticas de natureza afetiva-sexual no interior de algumas festas. A cena pop LGBT investigada era composta por cinco festas, três delas na região da Rua Augusta e duas no bairro da Barra funda. Tais lugares eram marcadamente juvenis, frequentados por homossexuais masculinos, vinculados ao estilo pop. Foram usadas entrevistas com DJs e produtores de festas e outras pessoas "da noite", em complemento aos dados etnográficos. A análise se deu por meio de operações conceituais respaldadas nos Estudos Culturais, Nancy Fraser, em Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben. O termo "resistência" ganha significados contingenciais relacionados à disputa de representações de gênero nos palcos midiáticos. A visibilidade dos corpos de sexualidade dissidente transcende o domínio simbólico da estima social e reforça a noção de gênero como fenômeno público político. Além disso, práticas heterotópicas de natureza afetivo-sexual no darkroom podem revelar a potência política pela suspensão de dispositivos produtores de hierarquias sociossexuais.

Abstract This study aimed to explore the political power of nighttime leisure in São Paulo created for consumers of dissident sexuality and gender, through an ethnography. Daily life was taken as an analytical key, providing timely dialogues between Occupational Therapy and social/human sciences about the activities in their entirety. Therefore, it was sought to investigate meanings that term resistance gains in this context and, secondly, to approach the political-body dimension, addressing affective-sexual practices within some parties. The LGBT pop scene investigated was composed of five parties, three of them in the Augusta region and two in Barra Funda. All places were markedly juvenile, frequented by male homosexuals, linked to the pop style. We used interviews with DJs and party producers and other "night people", in addition to the ethnographic data. The data analysis based on Cultural Studies, Michel Foucault, and Giorgio Agamben. The term "resistance" gains contingency meanings related to the dispute of gender representations on the media stages. The visibility of the bodies of dissenting sexuality transcends the symbolic domain of social esteem and reinforces the notion of gender as a public political phenomenon. In addition, heterotopic practices of an affective-sexual nature in the darkroom may reveal the political power by the suspension of devices producing sociosexual hierarchies.

J Exp Bot ; 71(12): 3664-3677, 2020 06 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32133499


The F-bZIP transcription factors bZIP19 and bZIP23 are the central regulators of the zinc deficiency response in Arabidopsis, and phylogenetic analysis of F-bZIP homologs across land plants indicates that the regulatory mechanism of the zinc deficiency response may be conserved. Here, we identified the rice F-bZIP homologs and investigated their function. OsbZIP48 and OsbZIP50, but not OsbZIP49, complement the zinc deficiency-hypersensitive Arabidopsis bzip19bzip23 double mutant. Ectopic expression of OsbZIP50 in Arabidopsis significantly increases plant zinc accumulation under control zinc supply, suggesting an altered Zn sensing in OsbZIP50. In addition, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of F-bZIP homologs from representative monocot species that supports the branching of plant F-bZIPs into Group 1 and Group 2. Our results suggest that regulation of the zinc deficiency response in rice is conserved, with OsbZIP48 being a functional homolog of AtbZIP19 and AtbZIP23. A better understanding of the mechanisms behind the Zn deficiency response in rice and other important crops will contribute to develop plant-based strategies to address the problems of Zn deficiency in soils, crops, and cereal-based human diets.

Basic-Leucine Zipper Transcription Factors , Oryza , Basic-Leucine Zipper Transcription Factors/metabolism , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Oryza/genetics , Oryza/metabolism , Phylogeny , Plant Proteins/genetics , Plant Proteins/metabolism , Zinc/metabolism
Retina ; 40(6): 1153-1159, 2020 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31241497


PURPOSE: To identify factors associated with persistent subretinal fluid (SRF) after small-gauge pars plana vitrectomy for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. METHODS: This retrospective study included patients from 2 tertiary centers who underwent pars plana vitrectomy for repair of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment between 2013 and 2016. Preoperative and intraoperative parameters were examined for association with development of SRF. RESULTS: Overall, 153 eyes of 153 patients, mean age of 55.2 ± 17.9 years were included. Persistent SRF occurred in 15.0% (n = 23) and was associated with high myopia (65.22 vs. 26.15%, P < 0.001), macula-involving retinal detachment (91.30 vs. 66.15%, P = 0.02), phakic lens status (86.96 vs. 66.15%, P = 0.04), and younger age (47.8 ± 18.7 vs. 56.5 ± 17.5, P = 0.04) while drainage retinotomy was protective (13.04 vs. 34.11%, P = 0.04). In multivariate analysis, high myopia (P = 0.009) and macula-involving retinal detachment (P = 0.004) were associated with SRF, while drainage retinotomy was protective (P = 0.03). Persistent SRF was associated with outer retinal band irregularity (30.4 vs. 9.3%, P = 0.005). There were no significant differences in terms of change in best-corrected visual acuity from presentation (P = 0.70), or final best-corrected visual acuity (P = 0.54). CONCLUSION: Eyes with preoperative high myopia and macular involvement, and those in which a drainage retinotomy was not performed, were more likely to develop persistent SRF.

Macula Lutea/pathology , Retinal Detachment/surgery , Subretinal Fluid/diagnostic imaging , Visual Acuity , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Retinal Detachment/diagnosis , Retrospective Studies , Tomography, Optical Coherence/methods , Vitrectomy , Young Adult
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 24: e190122, 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090686


Trata-se de relato sobre uma experimentação autoetnográfica usada como recurso pedagógico no curso de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), RS, Brasil. Essa estratégia foi orientada pelo pensamento pós-colonial de Mary Louise Pratt, visando ao estudo crítico do cotidiano, em contraponto aos modelos teórico-metodológicos funcionalistas anglo-saxões em Terapia Ocupacional. O exercício autoetnográfico aconteceu mediante observação e registro de atividades cotidianas em dois contextos, priorizando a narrativa autobiográfica, ao longo de três semanas. As impressões colhidas em campo serviram de base para a aprendizagem ativa e contextualizada de referências teóricas, operando como vetor de decolonização à medida que questionávamos a autoridade dos discursos anglo-saxões em Terapia Ocupacional.(AU)

This paper is a report of an autoethnographic experiment used as a pedagogical resource in the Occupational Therapy course of Universidade Federal de Pelotas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This strategy was guided by Mary Louise Pratt's post-colonial thought aiming at critically studying daily routine, as opposed to the functionalist-inspired Anglo-Saxon theoretical and methodological models in Occupational Therapy. The autoethnographic exercise was conducted by observing and recording daily activities in two contexts, prioritizing the autobiographical narrative for three weeks. The impressions gathered in the field based the active and contextualized learning of theoretical references, working as a decolonization vector as we questioned the power of the Anglo-Saxon discourses in Occupational Therapy.(AU)

Se trata de relato sobre un experimento autoetonográfico, usado como recurso pedagógico en el curso de Terapia Ocupacional de la Universidad Federal de Pelotas/Estado de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Esta estrategia fue orientada por el pensamiento postcolonial de Mary Louise Pratt, con el objetivo del estudio crítico del cotidiano, en contrapunto a los modelos teórico-metodológicos funcionalistas anglosajones en Terapia Ocupacional. El ejercicio autoetnográfico se realizó mediante la observación y registro de actividades cotidianas en dos contextos, priorizando la narrativa autobiográfica durante tres semanas. Las impresiones recogidas en el campo sirvieron de base para el aprendizaje activo y contextualizado de referencias teóricas, operando como vector de decolonización a medida que cuestionábamos la autoridad de los discursos anglosajones en Terapia Ocupacional.(AU)

Humans , Occupational Therapy/education , Universities , Anthropology, Cultural/methods , Narration
Turk J Ophthalmol ; 49(1): 44-46, 2019 02 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30829025


Endophthalmitis after a penetrating trauma occurs in 3% to 30% of cases. Prompt recognition and treatment are paramount to avoid irreversible visual loss. We present a case of severe panuveitis following ocular trauma with a tree branch that did not cause any evident ocular wound and discuss the difficulties in achieving a diagnosis that can allow proper treatment. A healthy 21-year-old man presented with acute anterior uveitis. He was managed elsewhere with oral acyclovir and topical steroids for presumed herpetic uveitis. He subsequently developed severe panuveitis with profound decrease in vision. Diagnostic vitrectomy was performed and vitreous samples were positive for Staphylococcus epidermidis. Systemic and intravitreal antibiotic therapy was initiated and after 5 days, the patient recovered with a remarkable improvement in visual acuity to 6/12. Post-traumatic endophthalmitis can result from an imperceptible trauma with no obvious compromise of the globe.

Endophthalmitis/etiology , Eye Infections, Bacterial/etiology , Eye Injuries/complications , Staphylococcal Infections/etiology , Staphylococcus epidermidis/isolation & purification , Diagnosis, Differential , Humans , Male , Panuveitis/diagnosis , Young Adult
Rev. bras. promoç. saúde (Impr.) ; 32: 1-11, 28/03/2019.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1097655


Objetivo: Apresentar o processo de implementação de um painel de indicadores de segurança do paciente (PISP) para benchmarking em uma rede de hospitais universitários federais (HUF) brasileiros administrados por uma empresa pública. Síntese dos dados: Descrição de experiência de criação de ferramenta eletrônica, responsável pela temática segurança do paciente, ocorrida entre janeiro de 2016 e dezembro de 2018. A construção do PISP seguiu as seguintes etapas: definição de 62 indicadores de saúde; apresentação, qualificação e uniformização dos dados a serem coletados; cadastro dos responsáveis dos HUF na plataforma web; e alimentação do sistema, com a inserção dos dados pelos 39 HUF. A implantação do PISP priorizou 23 indicadores utilizados por instituições acreditadoras e recomendados por documentos nacionais, distribuídos entre indicadores de processo (13%) e de resultado (87%). Os resultados foram o envolvimento dos 39 HUF, a troca de experiências, o compartilhamento de informações e a institucionalização do Programa Gestão à Vista, que oportuniza o monitoramento contínuo desses indicadores na instituição para o aprimoramento da qualidade dos serviços de saúde. A experiência trouxe imenso aprendizado, proporcionando aos envolvidos desenvolver habilidades durante o processo. Destacam-se como dificuldade o processo de implantação de uma cultura de avaliação contínua e como facilidade a disponibilidade dos atores envolvidos na adesão dessa proposta. Conclusão: O painel de indicadores de segurança do paciente apresenta-se como recurso inovador no monitoramento de processos e resultados da implantação dos Núcleos de Segurança do Paciente, trazendo uma característica importante de sistemas de gestão da qualidade: transparência na gestão e divulgação de resultados.

Objective: To present the process of implementing a patient safety indicators panel (PISP) for benchmarking in a network of Brazilian federal university hospitals (HUF) managed by a public company. Synthesis of data: Description of the experience of creating an electronic tool, responsible for thematic patient safety, which took place between January 2016 and December 2018. The construction of the PISP followed the following steps: definition of 62 health indicators; presentation, qualification, and standardization of the data to be collected; registration of HUF managers on the web platform; and feeding the system, with data input by the 39 HUF. The implementation of the PISP prioritized 23 indicators used by accrediting institutions and recommended by national documents, distributed among process (13%) and result (87%) indicators. The results were the involvement of the 39 HUFs, the exchange of experiences, the sharing of information, and the institutionalization of the Management in Sight Program, which provides opportunities for the continuous monitoring of these indicators in the institution to improve the quality of health services. The experience brought immense learning, allowing those involved to develop skills during the process. The process of implementing a culture of continuous evaluation stands out as difficulty and the availability of the actors involved in adhering to this proposal as ease. Conclusion: The panel of patient safety indicators presents itself as an innovative resource in monitoring the processes and results of the implementation of the Patient Safety Centers, bringing an important characteristic of quality management systems: transparency in the management and dissemination of results.

Objetivo: Presentar el proceso de implementación de un panel de indicadores de seguridad del enfermo (PISE) para benchmarking en una red de hospitales universitarios federales (HUF) brasileños administrados por una empresa pública. Síntesis de los datos: Descripción de la experiencia de creación de la herramienta electrónica responsable por la temática seguridad del enfermo que se dio entre enero de 2016 y diciembre de 2018. La construcción del PISE siguió las etapas a continuación: definición de 62 indicadores de salud; presentación, cualificación y uniformización de los datos a recoger; registro de los responsables de los HUF en la plataforma web; y alimentación del sistema con la inserción de los datos de los 39 HUF. La implantación del PISE ha priorizado 23 indicadores utilizados por las instituciones acreditadoras y recomendadas por documentos nacionales distribuidos entre los indicadores de proceso (13%) y de resultado (87%). Los resultados fueron el envolvimiento de los 39 HUF, el cambio de experiencias, el compartir de informaciones y la institucionalización del Programa Gestión a la Vista que ofrece la oportunidad del monitoreo continuo de los indicadores en la institución para el enriquecimiento de la calidad de los servicios de salud. La experiencia trajo mucho aprendizaje promocionando a los involucrados el desarrollo de habilidades durante el proceso. Se destaca como dificultad el proceso de implantación de una cultura de evaluación continua y como facilidad la disponibilidad de los actores involucrados en la adhesión a esa propuesta. Conclusión: El panel de indicadores de seguridad se presenta como recurso innovador para el monitoreo de procesos y resultados de la implantación de los Núcleos de Seguridad del Enfermo con una característica importante de los sistemas de gestión de la calidad: la transparencia de la gestión y la divulgación de los resultados.

Quality Indicators, Health Care , Total Quality Management , Hospital Care , Patient Safety , Health Services
BMC Plant Biol ; 18(1): 349, 2018 Dec 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30541427


BACKGROUND: SUMOylation is an essential eukaryotic post-translation modification that, in plants, regulates numerous cellular processes, ranging from seed development to stress response. Using rice as a model crop plant, we searched for potential regulatory points that may influence the activity of the rice SUMOylation machinery genes. RESULTS: We analyzed the presence of putative cis-acting regulatory elements (CREs) within the promoter regions of the rice SUMOylation machinery genes and found CREs related to different cellular processes, including hormone signaling. We confirmed that the transcript levels of genes involved in target-SUMOylation, containing ABA- and GA-related CREs, are responsive to treatments with these hormones. Transcriptional analysis in Nipponbare (spp. japonica) and LC-93-4 (spp. indica), showed that the transcript levels of all studied genes are maintained in the two subspecies, under normal growth. OsSUMO3 is an exceptional case since it is expressed at low levels or is not detectable at all in LC-93-4 roots and shoots, respectively. We revealed post-transcriptional regulation by alternative splicing (AS) for all genes studied, except for SUMO coding genes, OsSIZ2, OsOTS3, and OsELS2. Some AS forms have the potential to alter protein domains and catalytic centers. We also performed the molecular and phenotypic characterization of T-DNA insertion lines of some of the genes under study. Knockouts of OsFUG1 and OsELS1 showed increased SUMOylation levels and non-overlapping phenotypes. The fug1 line showed a dwarf phenotype, and significant defects in fertility, seed weight, and panicle architecture, while the els1 line showed early flowering and decreased plant height. We suggest that OsELS1 is an ortholog of AtEsd4, which was also supported by our phylogenetic analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the rice SUMOylation machinery and discuss possible effects of the regulation of these genes at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional level. We also contribute to the characterization of two rice SUMO proteases, OsELS1 and OsFUG1.

Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Oryza/metabolism , Sumoylation , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant/genetics , Genes, Plant/genetics , Oryza/enzymology , Oryza/genetics , Peptide Hydrolases/metabolism , Phylogeny , Plant Proteins/genetics , SUMO-1 Protein/genetics , Sumoylation/genetics
Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 26(4): 747-758, Oct.-Dec. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-984114


Resumo Pensar nos territórios sonoros da cena musical parece ser uma perspectiva interessante para a terapia ocupacional, no que se refere ao "fazer gênero" entre jovens homossexuais metropolitanos. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o exercício teórico-metodológico através do qual as cenas musicais surgiram como perspectiva analítica do lazer noturno metropolitano marcado pelas homossexualidades masculinas. Em um segundo momento, espera-se apontar contribuições dos estudos de gênero para o campo da terapia ocupacional, com base nos achados empíricos. A imersão etnográfica se deu desde janeiro de 2016 a julho de 2017, nas regiões da "Augusta" e "Barra Funda", ambas na cidade de São Paulo-SP. A caminhada como técnica oriunda da antropologia urbana serviu como um "flerte inicial" com o campo de pesquisa em fase de definição, através do qual foram traçadas as primeiras linhas classificatórias advindas do confronto de conceitos pré-existentes e os dados empíricos. Conclui-se que a cena musical colocou-se como rentável recorte do lazer noturno em interface com as questões de gênero, ajudando inclusive a repensar fundamentos epistemológicos da atividade em terapia ocupacional.

Abstract The music scene as sound territories seems interesting perspective for Occupational Therapy in regard to "making gender" among young metropolitan homosexuals. The aim of this work is to present the theoretical-methodological exercise of delimitation of the investigative object of a doctoral research, through which the musical scenes emerged as an analytical perspective of the nocturnal metropolitan leisure marked by masculine homosexuality. In a second moment it is hoped to point out contributions of the Gender Studies for the field of Occupational Therapy based in empirical dates. The immersion in the field happened since January until July 2017 at "Augusta" and "Barra Funda" region. "Walking" was used as a technique from Urban Anthropology. It works as initial contact with the research field in which the time is distinct from ordinary walking. At this moment the preliminary classificatory lines arising from the confrontation of preexisting theoretical contents and the empirical data. As conclusion, the musical scene has worked a profitable cut of nighttime leisure in interface with gender issues, even helping to think epistemological fundamentals of the activity in Occupational Therapy.